Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 21, 1937, p. 1

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vv r the georgetown herald serattietli yew of phliraoi the georgetown herom wedpeclmy erain april 21ml 1937 1j90 per aaorb in atrnac ssjootoulsa the georgetown herald j x 1ioou tukltr unj rmfdhar ueoibrt- ul uw canadian weekly neamkaltri ajodation cxr rune tsie ajtectw 5j- smv ism imandald tuoel iuimiiw tta aju lumoitf ahd fall 1030 ajn jucflftf and luudl 3 pjb knw roe toronto lojtf on hucnim uusidaya only 731 bjoa la wai iviwium and bll mo aaur xm pajuemier andatall ejso piumnr uuriw 13 dally pafcbrhftertekornl ttujidayj 1136 ua uall and tuuer to hn ciuc u audi uthaa car tun- tun- tun martin senour ouaranteep kkcctcvk siqrt trtfc i leave georgetown dailv waal sji aj- 1l3 ajn lis pa t us jutt i5 nja j djb- loso pw jjjo aja- dally aioeoc saturday tl saturday owtv tal dally except unday tal saturday sundays and holidays only eastzrm standard tlaur itinerant nlaonad to united a715 aja u aja 1jm tat bj- 7ja pjftt os sua it cull mill yar ueal aaaaa jongs oonrccvtonioay dlarectory laatov dale kjc barradar aa4 saawhar georgetown ontario ofnee oratory theatra rid u1u 8l kennetu if langdon baniatar salieitar notary fatate furu laortcaie uonay to 1mb orceo alaln street soutli phone u oaorcatoara w c rant uiaur eta officei uu1 8tnet georsetoan erin phone 231 pcx box im kaney ceavdon lawrence cook auiuuv eta us bay sl tmali liiimjli oaa el prasor raney kjo u bdward cook oordon graydon 333 uaun su north rraaplon telephone tu uarald it lawrence lduaw building jbnunptoo telephone u3 p b watson nos illvs office ijours d to o except thursday afternoons j e jackson lvds guecauor to the late dr gallop open evenings pai hew ct a m nielsen utk vaar at praeuw ciwowctor xray drujjilets tlteiapaat frank fetch licensed avcrtataaat ar uka oasallaa of fwl aaj luimla proaapi aarviot qialunlvam m r m oaorcatoon tin post ocaoa owltrnhaiw for beauty and full protectionckoos the guaranteed paint you pa in i for beauty tvj protection and martinsenour loo pure paint guarantees you both guarantees in writing on every ran that no cheap and useless adulter ants are used in its manufacture thats why you get longer laxtmg protection firtaer colors and a better and more economical job meuclos hijtii n gkw riwil tt tw unitary wikihle tnitib cor iiurtor will umj muulvork am y gkroduct o ovtt ivc wrtk ttteoium kloii 01itauilj4f in wkw ihlgr ol benautiaj mitel vlaai it fays to use martin5en0ur mtmrmrvmibheiibums ttichardsonsjardwarc tvisa uv i nt vtri w4 fimt irvr fti rrinul wlnn i tetn likl ijr- in tlw farlli ltu1 i lut lovcxl mi t it iiu iicti u n r lv iw- rrfctimbu have ttmi to hw aj tu- ic uutt muuknii lu toy v tlli an j i vmj aiwuk timwul at nalurv nrf hvnilullii la iu iliintf ttmt w oll lilr i uitilch i i jtrtic- lias lci hi atrav b 1 ill imu ri vjikl uttlrr yn hrul uhahu hut hlflrl lns tltvfp wwu krrtl ruie of lltlld aiul u iijli oaia al uawiilu wiui oh ouaulu uat iier u anolher ia mturiituiv ui w i n kood otnl flivi kut tnttn ai iwr tlry duiic tlw r lit out amj rliujuivk at i tio nor er- o ttiurh what fr htavtlir ouwkui otvl wimtvrcth which u brai l only ktvow liat i itavr wfiv l our 4iani p anc ft a i western canada 1 excursions going daily may 2131 fattlituv tacstatrs mmm in rxucub3taiaaj toowst lxsmmo ca3 a i iliililj 1wimtrii meramiadatjachacam3utmm9i -ivihci-a- canadian national local eouncwl ot woie3 trvf nrcular smuaa ol uwr loeml oouiwil oj wowtti was lield at uw itatae of un a il plkr cm vykuy alurnaon ajirll icth mrlij urs c llayv uw irtial in the chair au the routine buiiiwj vxs con cluded i4rv ii u hutt nave a rrlmulve and inurtiuiive account ol lhejakue of nations dccribtaf its manner of functlonlii lu alau fcoe of lis acccirtphihttjenu mtw of the reasons for its ahmlrent failure at live prnt time and tlie outlookx for future ufuli a cui of ta wx xerved by ur rvller and urs w p smith used cars trucks on sale now bakv tckiis 103c nasi sedan 133 pood coac1l 103i ford coach with radio lmt dodoe 8edah chevrolet sedan mx 8tudebaker coach only 3600 bdka u hudson coupe rumble leat la cnrvsler sedan cj ml dodoe truck ton la dodoe truck ton w pord truck ton 1m1 pord truck llfht delivery 131 studehaker truck 1 ton stake body 1b34 pord panel truck 1u1 chevrolet truck 3 tod- stake body we kav a aaare aaedl ears aaj tnaelta l riiim reaaa see vs jjepouc voc blv br motors w iqlliilli btauer pair fca i 11 caeam si 17 caraa sl guelph cm pmonk txc monuments pollock ml ingham quecacsora to gntar worth gkat oaal dtt4wa taiaial ritaaht iiuxtct our work to oraanwood cbwmiary tin- ivruuier was bring tried for stealing- r jalg atul a coiuflentious wluvmjk to ham the aceud wu said lu liae rannded wi being ex amlned the tlneu was aiked to rieat uht eyi wunk ojl hut- axi cuied- wun5siie iul or he took the pig judge uid uu- wiuuvu say h look the pig or i took uw- pigf wuaroli jxuir honor he aid ive took it your honor natae was not riven aaeauoaed carrolts powckfd custard 23c dated coffee 36c mustard 15c dal mala corn niblets 2 ata 25c lalmra fttrf liny iaaa ob sntawtwy jmv1 with hcwo maa ia 27 rice krispies a iic cau maple syrup 14a u 2 aoftt jbbbbh ficmw fat pancakes t6c gua gttaeji g candy gla- nue 17c domestic i 1 14c allbran itlflc apricots 25c sliced bread 14oalajoc luak vaeeaaia ou ealali cheese wj16c cweese ritz 10c stove polish t15c oufulihw floor wax 1avfa 53c sl gala castile soap 5 eau 12c shoe polish 10c carrolls figs 6c ssx2 free delivery phmc 357 ajunruv to liaakt coaukvatnun t- u trry kjrw4u f wtr lrru4 tacrtbtl is au uv wrw the cuiatlun iliimmlnuting ooi- mlkiii imw lu- afrtiurfd arrmiacv- knetiu itli t luiluli itiuaulcaaiiue cormiral loii ui rnxkr uwluble lor rv- 1 ralujntvllutl ill cmimiu al mrucrvau of uatiortaun- in txinivrctkni tthut crukauon on u u uf 11 ieaykjlg la v ouc on hr- lull of canaih uk kill prtl clmur liv thu imflal r-miir- ivonutge unkarmw vhlch uih lurcrde it as uwmv afe ul liu iwitiilo h illi mnity folioiruc th cpoiuitloii vnir wetmlniur ahbr 1 mr vifurl iii bring rnov for oaij4tt trrt or live orrrmotim bolti ivlor to aiwi afltr tlu cowma lion lurlf ui tlil llmiptr in thb oumry viu jkr4hjumhl aj c1om u mu4bl io hfcik in loivdoii tin- uatuuiml iwtjpcof uw cuc ft u ex- iwtcukls tll or ohivtmf beitkeerr four and nv oclock ni ui rnomlng aiwl will rvmalli ormi tlirougluhit the day vfiienl tuiu c for uwr ringing of the carillon on wrtutnejit hu ot taa follovakng wtiich cbc will wtu1l ul loiuktti for the tomroen aetit of uwe rolorful anu drmumr creamhim fehleh auj be dnterioed tiy aruiauncen tutlood al xirategie iwxinls along mvr route of rurocruioti itom uurlcitigltam palcc tq uie ab bey and liven back to uie palace won ute preclncu of die iuce it elf a commmuior hi dfeuribe the departure of the itoyal cortege which as tt wliuli its way along the circui tous route through live heart of lon don will be kepi hi touch with by other ctbaervera al at leaxt nve addi tional point of vantage ttve actual words of tlvs ooronation lucli u expected to lau for about iwoandatvak ivoura will be picked up b uaierotahones placed at various points uuxhighout uve abbey and a deserlptlon there will be given of the brilliant aiieublage of dignitaries as well as brief interprelauons of the order of service luteners al that tuue alio will hear the new organ reeenuy uioalled in the abbey ewlvswing uvee proceedings observ ers in the outer court will describe live formation of the two tail pror ceuioo as it prepares to fclart on ua iourney by a different route back to bucklnghau palace the dtacripuon of the pageant will be continuous throughout and wiu hut until their uajeules appear on the balcony of tlve palace to receive live clveers ol their loyal uthiects the special empire ilomage pro gram in which the dominions and uvme of uve colonies will participate will commence following a brief pbuac canadas part in this broad cast which will be heard throughout the world will be a prominent one it will be at the conclusion of the homage program that lux uajety will make his first empire radio ad ureas definite times at which uve various nlvasei of uve overseas broadcasts will be tveard are still subject in modifi cation depending rnllrel upon the ofncial arrangements being made in london the cdc however which also will feed the broadcasts to the uutual broadrasung system in the united slater will join the bbc at about 15 ia approximately three quarters of an ivour before the be ginning of the ceretnoniev through out the rctu of the day uve cbc will present sitecial programs from its own studios to uve national network in canada awtal ueettxg gumfeix wivkion the annual meeting of the george town branch of the clrenfell labra dor uisston was held at the home of ur w e nodarll on priday after noon april 2nd after devotional exercises and the reivorts were iveard the following e elected ai the committee for 1m7 alts brown urs wm john ston ulss ttary lawson urs huu and urs qretg with urs j b uac- krnxie as secretary treasurer it aas decided to have a shower of clothing tvoiufeftl supplies and pre- mvd trull in september h vas also decided lo aftulate with uve local council of women and urs creig and uisi u lawson were amvotntcd as renrcaenla lives mtst suit llotot off ttve nest time you drive up to uve gasoline pump and ask lor pve ivlease and leave your motor idling dont ret iveesed when uve attendant msks you to shut off uve motor for operators of ga tanks are now nrohibiteu by lav to deliver fuel lo the isnfe of any motor vehicle while the engiive is running it was reveal ed last week as the new regulations governing uve handling of inflamm able ietrolcurn products were issued by w j scott provincial fire mar- juvl the regulaliortiarc ultero ed uponv uve unes of those in force in other rtaintries i done ftastus iiere uat quarter borroaed frum yo last year iambo vo done kept dat quarter o long ah dont know as u am wuth ma a hue to change ma pinion of yo jes fo two bits biotdnk ackosh canaxka wlix si4mal cw4wnn ot ini ilrlalillybuniliig beacoiu uve uwg ut ulmj urcadui of canada wtll ui age old leivle klciial the crotagauuf of a tclug ui uy ijth iritis unique fraluiw in conivectioa wiui uve corotuvlioii uf ills luajeuy king ocorge vi will be tvatvdled by tlie uoy scouts of canada vxccoediivg lo vutvouivcvment today by hir edward ifcrtally tlk ku ljajl ihraai- atnl ut umt cvahan ttwral coun cil of uh buy booul asaoctauaa calliug ui doout leaders to ul live uiiuauva iu uraaniiuig cckbrw- lwvivj ui the occaswmi of ue coruna- uuu ul itu uaimiy who is tjcout nmiy uf jtanui uaiiadiaxi hoy tkniu ut tulkard recalled uva tnoss succfas ml cdtu ucoat beacon hhaln ivui markuia tile hdver l jubilee uu- laleklilg orge v it was the ilrvi time tlvat all organised beacon cetvorbivon uii such a atlenjpicj lp canada apienuiti siicces uu to the faalerau tagei ut uur event by boy scouu jiui uve great cootwaivorl given llum by uve general public as puulic nteurauoru win likely brf velt iargear to rniinvrlwlhvn bcouis win again have opportunity to ukow on a large scale tltat their orgatuauou u one of hahvsim- portant public iervice ro tal urauuiig vroduces young cuiseiu ol public snirit prise urtalls of the boy scout particina- uon in uve canadiantooronauort eeie- urauous jiave not yet been oomplet- 11 is uisderslood howev that uve celebration will follow along ua shiftv to those which proved so suc cessful in uve occasion of uve silver juhuee of lus late uajesty king jeorge v it is proposed thai where civic coumlugaj have already beeki appointed for local cetebralvons sooui leaders slvould approach them and oiier uieur close cotperation in lo- cautiea where on celebrations have been planned scouts will in ail pro- ulty take the initlauve and seek uve aid ol civic authorities or heads of ouvtr organisation in r- uppropnate celehrauorvs x arranging the coasttoooast b ores scout leaders will again select coastal hcarllanrrr mountains and hilltops lor sites and the aaes- of loyalty will be carnal from the east to the watt and from the internal vonil boundary to live arctic circle and older uod enter- vsant a good lawn laaltars uow yo vitt lyj just as soon a use toil is dry and firm enough lo wsuk upon all the snow has disappeared b the lime to eoruaervee operations tor ronrg a good lawn rhe first uung to do is u remove all uve dead grass by giv ing uve lawn a thorough raking and aurauon should be directed to ax ing up uve bare patfhes by sowing iresh seed ttve seed should be broadcast eveniy oo use bare palrhrn after they have been raked lo line depth ol two inches the seed should then be covered lightly with a sprinkltng ol sifted sou and pack ed down firmly the patches uvouldj be kept moist but not flooded for at least two weeks through use ap plication of a fine spray fertiliser is necessary for the lawn and should be applied just as soon as uve raking and seeding have haen done and as soon as use fertiliser has been applied tt should be well water ed in care being taken to use a one spray so that use seed is not tusturb- ed in uve newly seeded areas when live time for cutting arrives which is soonas the grass is long enough lo allow use mower to func tion property regularity in the pro cess should be observed and it is a mistake to allow uve grass to grow over two inches at any time itehable grass mixtures may be ob tained from seedsmen but for those people who wish to mix their own l c young of the doaiinion experi mental parwt at predertcton who as a canadian authority on grasses has lectured on home lawns in the unit ed s recommends for the aver age lawn a mixture of four parts kentucky blue grass and one part of bed top at uve rata of three to tour pounds per 1000 square feet of lawn if it is desired to melude white clover oneeighth part should be ed to the mixture where use above mixture does not give satis factory results owing to local condl tins ichode island bent grass shpold used al uve rate of two to three pounds per 1ju0 square feet for shady areas onethird uve quantity of houghstalked ueadow grass should added failure to grew grass tn ahady places is due more often to conditions of low fertility and lack of moisture than to use shade itself th troubi with getting in on the aroundoor vis that tt so often has a tra door into the cellar frienddid you get any replies to your advertisement that a lonely maiden sought light and warmth tn her life spinster yes two from an electric co and one from uve gas com pany home improvement plan will boost employment h if larwui dtttncf represngdtrwe adajreaaetj meetmc ir georgetown jlaxst tkiraowy a meetuaj in like interval of llowar imprmecaent hh was betd al the tlotel aucotbbon last tharaday affr w h long eivalrman of the meeting cmutd on mayor oik ih introduced ur il f irwin dis trict organiaer who apoke to the gathering of rontracvks merchants and intereaued itlarns by means of the kiomw lmproeer meat puri ur krwtn contractor now can go out and much ad work around hoaeav which aauchiveeded work around homes which have been sadly baadected m use last bva year and with aurahce that payment wlu be readdy forlhobmlng to the people it is boon in thtoa lmproeaents now can be undertaken without any gree of fhmnckal usconvesslaca any homaoarnar can bo ta gljtaw from any chartered bank at a diaoouat rate of u5 per mt this ta aquivalent a ahlnteraat rate of ajtj per twl uve lawest rate of ui- terwd at which money fever has been available for such a worthy purpose the owner will have three years u necessary tri which to repay the loan owners may also borrow up to cxjmo with five years allowed for re payment owners of more than one hbhmig or srith more than one section or owners of suaamer cottage may borrow to the mtteni of kljbao for each together with ah additional bat amount of gljmo to obtain such loans from banks no collateral is required instead only two isaportant quauuea are need edcharacter and ability to repay any banker who insists upon wadorse- nt of the note by amyone eacept- possibly the borrowers wife that banker tatlliy disqtaalinas himseu as a a agent under the il f irwin restrict organba of use taaproveaaent ptau who meeting of all interested in this plan georgetown last thursday van- loc mr train stressed the tact that lb plan bt not r to exwxmirage peopn to go koto debt f ahn he appnakd to tlve oontrae- tors praaent please dont sspact banks to loan money to people whom you wouldnt give csodit yourself t govejravasent baa iafcm so that gsojirinjm will be available by way of loans at banks t of ha win wishing to un dertake tamprovtmertt progxaaas to make it unwe tor banks to hv silt upon collateral use federal gov ernment has agreed to gwarantae u per cent of live total amount borrow- through the dominion incident ally m use onited stales where tftajmauka was loaned under a tlmlhir plan losses awaounlbd to onlyl ias per ofcnx at the outside it is tirllmafttl tkj grw 1 1 n mat nf ea lose more than half a million dollars oo tie other hand the exphsditure ol uajstoam la home improvement work probably will induce ctmdalion of runds aaaawatiw u tomaaws the uome improvement plan was arranged priaaariry to wipe out vjneaa- ploywmnt the measure of success which it meets tn georgetown depends directly upon no on person or group irhteari cotoperation of will be tsacessary popular ity of the system is bsdicated by the fact that already a number of loans have been made in georgetown the following were appointed on georgetown uome improvement answering oeuioos asked ilouse of commons by mr uclniosb mjf for north baxtlelord who has for a nuwiher of years tak en an interest in the ajwmlwwi of hv- mg a disunctrve canadian oag tha ljbkaht moo uackrri goavy thai it fcs propmwd to display hon chairman mayor joseph olh ons prssident w v qrant vlcepresidenule boy dale secretary l saslth commllteej unnveipal councujos halt weekly paper- u moore banksa w j r amilh service clubs w il long womens organtfationsto be ap- sm piumhinr1l thomposn esectrical geo uuckart decorating geo ford e ishidd municipality of kstymglng beer george currie a beaumont k c undiay w a itohlrtson represenxauve of the legion to be appointed later the chalrmaa of tmcit comtnulee tradas labor oouncil contractorw il kentnar a camaxuan flag granted by rwyal or m uu with tha royal crown on the staff w aableaa at the mraaorty on may ix f he said has not nlaed thubsttlve natiovsal bag the red ensign vsth use areas of fnada m the ay ts used on vessels of tha rfcayjutia aatreantoe aaarbae tha blue tetsvgn is used on vessels btkwvg tag to the doaamlon of canada by oouncil of use mth of jan uary ifem authority was grven for tha bymg of use rod ensign with tha arms of canada tn the fly on awlt- able occations from all llldtraga owned or occupied by uve rw govertsaaetst and lituated outside of this flag was flown from the high commtovooera ottea to london and the canadian leeuona austraha new xealapd south af rica and the irish free state all seucovernhsg cosamanlaiea within the brithh cowuaonweamh com have recognised distinctive from the information available at prasent tn the department of exter nal affairs ho spe national flag has been laid down for india am a iter of admlrhlratve practice the flag authorised for us viceroy is us ed as use distinctive flag of india this flag is use union joolt with hs the centre a badge containing use star of india and use jroyal crown in jjatjm india tr use of tha red and bbse xsin ailh appropri ate badge all colonies have disunctlve had which are apphed to use union jack in add u inn they asake use of the tad and blue ensign with appropriate badge with these facts lo concisely statad uace should be no dittculty in dw- csding that canada should have a distinctive nalionml wnhww that could he used on special s as the onroruuton l tjncle josh to his visiting nep hew first lime youve ever aiiked ow is uf well you do a a dem ight better than most city fellows do nephew t blushing with pleasurei it seems to oome ixatural somehow ive had a good deal of experience with a fountain pen if a mans got uve money he might well ik his wile have what she wants first as last the difference between success and failure is that uve former lives on last tvuis irtrome and uve latter on next months potatoes b- 33 cabasse 2lbsi9e bananas 25eioz f vebaw hie tarf ua lettuce 2 13c nit targe arm wad caiirols 2 lie new fvasli aasttbia oranges navaa- mt has my bwam large walat if fuwts pbchhcti on a statlkk we have tqwvhlmes wondered what all the sitdown strikers would do if farmers generally took it into their having power to add to his committee heads to ul down and cease produc- as he sees fit lion for about one year after all ts said and done no doss of producer has more just cause for a sink than the tiller of the soo the man who keens the bread baste cf the nation filled and suppuss use nrcessary buoer to go with use broad uf raises his crop nol whether he is going to receive uve cost of production when he lak es a to market he gats just as little as uve purchaser uunks he can get away with and if uve price ts below what he should hare to afford hhm a living profit he can take it back home or took for another ptnrchasor in use face of this wiif does be declare a sitdown striker never he plants more corn raises more hogs and other produce than he did tasa year with use hope that he via be able this year to aaake op for some of the losses he had but year and thus froaa year to year he toils croat- dawn till twilight m an honest f- tort to amass sunvient to 1a tumself and wife when their woikwkf days are over and if possible thm his children a fair edssoatloas who ever heard of a general farm strata wouldnt we all su up and take no tice if such an eventually did occur bui why should not farmers i tiara when they are exploited to a greater extent than any other class of work er there are too many people today living off use profits created by tha farmer without grring adequate re turns however fa lasers hold use whiphand if they would organise and then stick togethrr use same as do live met in other business organl- sauons and demand a fair price lor their products hstiead of allowing a lot of speculators lo fixe prices for thews the farmer feeds them all f he ever attempts a sitdown strike a would be just too bad cor uve most of us jjewiz grapefruit celery pineapple cucuaaben on sale carrou3 umiteb templed by the increased prior of horsrriktr a thief has cut the tails many horsea in the district tur- rounding webb sask ills motte to be lloadv i win tails you 5e n woman osmg rouge reminds one of a fellow using mtoxicaung uouor 1 the longer they use u the more they the ftiaherasaa who is too laay to pull up hi line ocoassionally to see bis hook is properly ballad wiu sat salt pock for his supper w h

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