Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 21, 1937, p. 4

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iv4 the georgetown herald wedrfraday evening april 21st 1937 tea for every taste salam your eyes j tw iw hi ii at iil i mf gtnda n t i a a uintah ay ibtil u paar oar wiwwvillnlwjtr buu i ja tmnaaaaawwaa u k ibrwn uaa caaaalt o t walker ro ottomxtklst tkskuit srccuuust iiiiln nw b at aoan daukl sttms c u in jl wailj aerll m am may 1- cent a moje round trip bargain fares wuua hkl aidta mr cur ar fi georgetown uno adjacent oi syationi to othawa bowmanvlue part 4 lloiw octaum tmtiao jet bdu- vuaj hatum klntatan qanaiuxiut bxaclmlle prasbo alorrubur oonmau urbrtdt lindsay xutfaoro cuapbrlltord mnaukm pvna- taa oaulncaoul alaatatd barrir orllua uldltnd oravmhartt sraea- artctt huatavtlw callandr north bay parr sound sudbury all tavm la maw ontario en un at taaifekanuv and nomhttn ontario rly mtpatttac cantrat my ypii laflae naklna taihou 81aux xyiaw owaldtaa mlko bcanbaarr port arthur sfj uv f itl tataballa au braaul-chalhanrena- r j j vaalw y ciimlarc durham kw par- tax oodarleh cktrlph luntutnn llankr lurruton mtmu ktncar- dtaa kltabaatr lnndan uitaaw uluhu niatara palls oaan sound pakwy pabaartian parts part klein st cumrinas at mary samla stratford strathra walktrton wtartan wlnthata tfcfcu aa kaai la tats axuaa fmldjky artul m a tin i pront ataryli stratford and cuorttumro train so from stratiord train ft far paras ratura l train inlorautfcxi ttakau consult naaratt atanl sm handbills lor couuitet ini at j-ii-iu- tjmo canadian national millinery a urge allowing of tke very latest styles in ladies and muse spring hats also veil flowers and trim mings of all kinds a choice selection at right price misses claridge herald block upstair georgetown snapshot cu1li i be a photo historian tw eteey af aw uaa u being 1411 fr tka next aa hy tiuuur aiiijciatiti wk tk uul ajaa lwl ei jhtoy ith dtd li vr ccw u yon ikfct u tkwmr of wtar citim ytt m butnj with ik umai j mfcuklimt vjiubl d tmly iik1 uit moh nt tw uhm u wbkh yiallvr klcukl kwmtaimr mwtul ual aumr protuhal lafctocrftitbrsura fcr lauuc jait itet rr ar vamt tior of ivicto- litl kular la accuattbutlavk ttftk to tk prtitt ftd fcprd ivf ivholajrtmtaky iur ttuiuibu u ujt u bow wurfa mot about tk 4y w tlvd and actml thma w kftbw of tk wj our crefticrmadra ikani did- tkrtvuik tbe mullani of lvkotarakb ol ut aftd fttslua now klmc tmkb oar detcutuau tll po vtaua vuleaco ot tko tklbxb did how dr4d kow lit mml on la city d count nr coatrmmt tk adble thy will kav owr tku cvaarmtloa which h to nly upon tk dc rlturoaa of writ ra and tko work oc artist a fur its vtadaratsjullax of u trior to thr traduction of takotoctmivky acarrfly hot than two cuera liana au ilowovttr ftcrurmte tktt wurk of writ ra and artuta may ms tt cawaol ual tka roalily aed truthful ncaa of vkotoirbkx wa amatour ivkotocrapherm now mlllloaa atroac la ivry country r also uaktnc a trrmidoua ctmtrihu- tloa to this kkotoktapktc rarord of our titan w of u hovovnr aro dojnc it by dcalq iloat or u tak nlcturaa for tko trat imumrnl of oarsalvas a mil in and fill nda with not ao niuch tkourht ihilr vajus uul intoreat to our rktldn nn rklldran ton rw of ua tak ivalna to nraarv tka nlrtura w lake woll what do you sy to tka idon of bacoulnx a akotagraitklc klito- rian for tka banest of yotar own noatarily thla yon can do jfacttr ly an on a auall acala it alraply aaau nutklnc a collacltoa of nlc- uru taken ky youraalf kaat rapra- aantlns tka ufa cuatomm draaa and aihlvitlaa of tka nraaaal day and nlaclne tktaa la a apclal album to kp and band down ai a family poa- aslon soma of thaaa nlcturaa will aeem comuonplac bow bat aa in taroatlnx and valuably forty or flfty yanara brnce aa those of tka lay alaittloa aro to ua snltml aubrcta which in your judjtntrat are tuoat lynlcal of tka cumnt acctt cortalnly you ahould not ncclert to tnctud your own howa llf atrtt acnea and otkar vlawa about your cbaoilnk cjty tka komea of thn rick and tbt bomaa of tbo pnor llfo in lk country and prrwnt typa of automoklloa alr- paanaa railroad tralaa and otbar tklnxa in iiibral ua which today pall wiodam ufa and tomorrow will bo obsolete ou ahould not fall to include off kuard aaapabota ot people dolnx thlura illustrative of common llf what the artuta rail frt picture make your camora your companion eapeclally in travellnx aa4 ke ready fortkvao fnrrjiamplev a ahotout of your car window of a arena on tko platform of a railroad station may aeem ordinary rnouib today but it it a saanple of roiumoa hf yearn hence thla picture will be a curiosity the modern scene la constantly rhanalni- there la no other medium tkan pkotorpk wklrk can ahow so trwly artr a lapse of years what these ckantea have bean in john van qulldar kept in bed by backache now tkanwa to kruachfcn not n tnsce of pun ttib kmania life wms made a knu ry by lh pelru of back civ tiuu rwr telhvr ho ivad lataard the value of krxuclven hlnul exivavrd iwr to try it bhe aid aiul lvrir br jrretrful letlra- u yeers i kilvt heri iuftrrimi with pelna u the beck at tltnrs x had to stay in brj for da could not valk or even wuiul uy fatlvrr was uiln knuclven tlslu for the sesne thln lie too umhi ut surfer bedty ajad kruschen rellewd hlmk f advised me to try it i did so qui did not tl a pmli for three years 1 then neclecied my daily doc tor about aut monuut aod two mod- ihs ao the peln relumed i tried another remedy it islavd 10 i main surted kruschet no i livf ivot a 1 trace of pain thanks to kruacben atrsl 11 ft l salns in the back are usually diw to immurltles in the blood w usjo producu which the inumalw orgsiii are falllnc td cmpel frotn tlte nyitcoa tne nuaemua bait in kruschen sj tlt in sumulstloc uwor ointmns ui healthy normal atuvtty and o hell them to keep the aystem frrr irorn harmful waste matter aktthmcttc to oatt ixs attention thiaello will not be iuiied as mttnuvepobucchooa wartbuf with the fall term while more dm- phasls will be placed on the heeiut of school children under a rev bed curriculum which has been adopted hy the department on the recom- mendatlctu of a oottuolttee especially appointed to study ontario public schools inspector j iv smith ol south perth stated last week on his return from th ontaslo educational association convention inroronto public school trades wllk no lonr beknown aa junior vint and-senl- or hrd and ao on hut will be known aa grade 1 qrade 1 orade 3 and o on thus the senior fourth trade or entrance class will be known as grade l a manual outlining the chantea for each trade will be in the hands ai every teacher before next fall twexher what lesson do we leam from the busy beef bnaari boy not to tt slunar new advertisements concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds rfsmrn rlvn rree of chart u 3ru reciulre anythlnt in this una phone ml or write bait k s walker oeorte fit geontetown wood for sale choice hardwood maple and beech mixed soft wood uou reasonable prices apply jack tost phone ulw oeortatown if to the public i am prepared tq install tepuc tanks cesspools drains etc also re pair and tar your roof at a reason able price gars washed polished and ilwvonlaed prompt aervice and week iruarantaed jamaa uudi yoniea st oeortetown u tenders for gravel sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the understtned until 13 oclock noon april ttrd lftvt tor the crushlns and deuvertnc of travel in ksquesiruj towp- shln gravel shall pass three quarter inch tint screen and contain not more than twenty ave per cent screenlnts or sand trucks to be three yard capacity lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted par further information apply to road superintendent l u beknett clerk it oeortetown onl wood for sale cbaloe batch and uapla at wj ilnsla card vtlxad ralls tut par card utud wood tus mr cord s bunbfoul paaamsarsu 25 reward sau ay hrr af ixorivs ttty- wolatcd cosn salvk tt amy araautlaa tar oottns ok call- ojjsjts h ill luiuhn aal nyim aala aatk fttat gtlfitlia par kaw ataacaraaaak dra iara asa trwitg ctrlage all kinds of haullnv don ihorouth- fy and reasonably p o whltmee phon ml oorttown- tt radio repairing u vaara erartaaa we specialize on this work j sanford son poonk qkouuctown mar baby chicks barred rocks new hamp shire reds a c white lef- horns from stock brad for hih production and conformity to saandard all acts set from m to ounces per doaen chicks uarch loth and itlh te aaek cvstoal hatceino fte patjat kgo set aettint thursdays aaelpk sattiasky cum ttulw uu w jl na j paaaa w r ii uuuavron wkat sauk tka sariatanal tna lorda not wuun that any should partih aut that all ahould eaaat to raaatuama 1 patar 3 your furnace is the heart of home comfort avrornout lirnac oatceda rjonstant amtetvon trouble auwl expera yrthe houatr is never cotrjoctah clarks hecla furaace- whsh hy cast kvef j ron n f petya for ktacir in a few yrars it aves fcchect heatina aatisfactkon on 15 less fuel because its ifwstentcd ftrepot hats rf are fines the radietirux aurfaptc of ordinary lirepots instcaml of aulowruoc dwat of the heat to ateyrn tbc ttxit the steel nlibed hcela futepot quscuy absorbs awl raduitcs it to rooms as deaa kunudi ned wmrrn ail the hedav firepot is tke orjlly ftrepot pinrantced 20 yrs it your jumace ts vxattiuc boo much to operate without proper results it wdtpay you to instmu a hecla or if you re building instruct your contra- tor to nsull hecla saving 1 ton of fuel in 7 will pay mteresvoh m wood ariasicjurm and a hcda can be easily converted into au cottmnjhtf whenever desired investtcate nowjlw tftaeeew ari lawfewseea tm fer aane wkadcrtvurmlan you ca mtkper ej low tet any bank uikw the govqtpc home impiovetnmt ptan w um the ucele tama p pua look 1i6 the ylwneretoiumioe now kleve the wotk done btfbra sttw llueclcasna ttnd noy a eulruncy fjoe frni wday the only fiupr ua cenede ruawn rd ltwitjnt buuut out sl ribs spve it s tuaee the vediataihtz ur- fmtc bavee 13 bt iwi ordinary jointa rl lotiatn from contrae- turn and eape ilcla radsmlor tunl wt fused uxt ae long as the iw nbee no ta w dskat ceta rcpr air help feet colds wvats ife ace evm twas tuv etc uecla aitfienfctihntiidi tprf haeurce correct hunt d tf tret lost wthou attention juiif e 4a j wet ew t hty g hxle ay or w l tru g re muckart clares phone 3lw georgetown hecla furnace saves 1 ton in 7 o iii cutfc tcstcd atcctpcs ttkekarh ke the meow canadian forced rhubarb is now available on the market and may be used in various wmys in the hold apart from rhubarb stewed or baked rhubarb fives the diuinctiira touch to tapioca puddings tarts sher bet selatlne and ohortcakes the juke makes a delicious coolint drink alio the juice combined- with uigar and the umy beaten white tgs uake an entlclnc creamy sauce and some people declare that one of the finest comblnatiotu ever last ed is rhubarb and strawberries cook ed tocether tthnrkarh sanee the easiest way to prepare rhubarb in sauce one method cotulas of it is almott imposasible to uiink of the ancient hood in the euphrates w and tistis valleys wiuwiut ha v ins in lira making a thick xyrup of sutarljninti the recent flood in the alleys 1 l ia tttt if ti ulrftulnnl mrr a nu da cuttlnt the rhubarb into pieces about hauanlnch lont dropplnt the nieces into the yrun and cooklnt until tender this takes only a few minutes another method is two parts of the fruit to one part of sugar and cooking them until the liquid ouaes out and forms a syrup staked atkaiarb baked rhubarb may be made wbea the oven is cooklnt some other food flutter a covered baking tllsh spread n layer of rhubarb over the bottom sprinkle a layer of sugar then add another layer of rhubarb and so on until the dish is ruled sprinkle sugar over the ton then add small pieces of butter and the grated rind of a lemon cover the dish and bake slowly until the fruit is tender long slow baking gives rhubarb a rich red colour asle and rkakarb jelly cut canadiangtoam apples into quarters to every pound ot apples add tine cup of rhubarb juice trim mer until the staples are soft strain through a jelly bag without pressure to each pint of juice add one pound of sugar boil slowly removing all scum until the juice will jeu pour into tumblers and seal with parattn picobac townsmip ol esqiksiog santtaky nottcc notice is hereby gltrn that all resi dents of the township of csques- ing are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water closets and other buildings and premisat and remove all dirt fulh manure or other substances which may endanger the public health and to have same completed hy the lth of slay next on which day the sanitary inspector wilt com mence a general inspection all residents are earnestly request ed to keep their premlies constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary con dition note no pig stye u to be erected within co fl of any dwelling house road street or lane j sanford sanitary inspector esquelng april list lat the public health municiraltty op gtougsatown ciusens are stiaaaaiil t oeaaaty with the pnkue ueamk ah notice is hereby given that ail resi dents of georgetown are required torthvlth to clean their cellars drains yard pig styes water closets outbuildings and other premise and remove therefrom all din manure and oliver substances which may en danger the public health and to have same completed by the lth day of slay next on which day the sanitan inspector will commence a general in spection and further take nolle that the section of the public health act protalbltlat the keeping of hags belweeu the lth day of slay and llh day of november except in pens at least to feel from any dwelling and 0 feet from any street or lane with floors kept clean from all stand- lng water and regularly cleatnsed willi be strictly enforced all clllsens are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and tluiroughly disinfected joskpti aiauons uayor of the municipality of georgetown lapru lut 1mt tit obfek of noajl internal un vnifnrna s sekaal lnmm aawil kstk lsrr ooldek text by faith noah being wmmed of god of things not seen as yt moved with fear pre pared an ark to the saving of his house hebrews 11 t ussson passage genesis d 30- 8 a n through gloom and shadow look we on beyond the years the soul would liavc no rainbow had the uye no tears- of live mississippi and olilo such great iwriodlc disasters are historic facts and the soil deposits in the euphrates valley carry geological evidence of a great inundation ac counts of which apjiear in the litera ture of uuui tribcu the reason given for lhe flood in noahs day was the wickedness of live people but na tural causes are given to account for the overflow of the rivers in the cen tral part of our continent the cut ting down of forests dams not suffl ciently strong and levees not sufflcl entty high slums in live low ijlng sections of cltl and a imuonged period of rain gave the combination of circumstances leading to loss at property and life several of thesx natural causes have mingled tth them social selfishness which maj be termed sin one radio ivreacher aw in the recent flood an illustration of the necessity tor both the social and individual aspects ot the gospel the first dul was to rescue those in dan ger but taking care alo not to g under oneself if one is sucked un der hi the current he will not liven be able to save others in danger seu and fanuly it is significant in the genesis ac count of the flood that noah made no effort to have any other in addl- tion to himself and his wife his three sons and their wives yearw of work went into the preparation ol the ark to save eight people all be longing to one family as far as our record goes noah felt no pangs as he aw children wrested from their jvar- enls or wives from their husbands evident he was much more con cerned with the preservation of speel mens of clean and unclean beaxls than the protection of human beings how different is the outlook in our day the resources of a continent were put at the dispoal of the flood sufferers uedleal supplies were rush ed in specialists in certain diseases went hundred of miles to help a theological college on high land sent its students home and used all its beautiful buildings to shelter the suf ferers ulluons ot dollars will be spent to make impossible a recur rence of the disaster during the de pression it has been accepted as axio matic that the rich should he taxed to prevent the unemployed from starving granted that we are a long way from perfect human brother hood but we have reason to feel that there has been a real advance in ideals of social rtcponslbluty since the days of noah graaa pastswes tbe character of noah and the story ot the qood have recently been pcapulartaed in the negro play green pastures which has now been filmed why has this incident had such dramatic appeal li is of course a life and death ftory gtv lng a vivid picture of primitive con ditions but the real reason lies deep er it is in the social le inher ent in the storj the failure to be warned in time live dependence many animals upon man the thought of uve human race having the otpox- tunili to make a fresh start no lon ger luuvdicapped by injurious heredi ty mans reourrclulness in danger yet final dependence uivon uve will of god are all aoven together in uve narrative m such a wa as to prompt rewarding reflections the atalnbew tltere are two parts ol uve qood narrative tlial appeal especially to nature lovers one is the touch about the dove being let to but re turning to the ark becauv it could find no place to alight the other is uve appearance of uve ratnbo and the associations in cxixrirnre that caused ii to be regarded n a mbol of gods covenant wujt man of course we know alvat produces a rainbow each droit of water acl as plrsm and when the un hluec through a shower against a dark cloud the light is broken up and uutead of a total white the separate colors in live spectrum appear it is parable of life it is against a black cloud of sorrow that the brtfhlness of faith appears in he brew uitivklng it was after a univer sal flood that the promise was given while the earui remaiimlh seed time and luvvet and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease klaude royden lias written the beauty of uve rainbow has no uulitarian end 11 u so beautiful neveruveles startling hi its perfect arch and glorious color that by a sure instinct these iplrtt la forefathers ot ours took it to be a sign of uve presence god in a world of trouble the lfraama fnrgettem force failed as n means of moral ihiriflcatlan conditions were soon as bad as before uve flood history repeats itself less than twenty years ago we were fighting a war to end war and now we are preparing for a yet greater war speaking in a welsh chapel in london during the war sir lloyd george compared uie international catastrophe wluv uve deluge there l not a country in uve world where the dove ot peace can rest after the niblical deluge there ass a very significant promise uial never again could such a thing liappen that is the symbol for to- cay ii was a covenant between god and man todaj we want the cove nant renewed not between god and man only but between man and man and nation and nauon tltere will be an end of this deluge but the waters have not yet gone down what will happen afterwards the new world must be different from uve old yet uie dove of peace is ivard press ed to find a resung place in our war uvreatened world uefore uie great war has been paid for live nations are this year spending wme thirteen billions of dollars in prcva ration for a greater war qn far duewcajan 1 wlvat is uie effect of a flood upon faith 2 what does civilization oae to the fact that uie river nile tegular overflows its banks 3 a humane society is urging uvaf horses no longer be used in war fare wlvat about soldiers 4 has a rainbow any modern reli gious significance 5 has god made any covenants with us jise 9 mxfct as date of king geobges rirtiidw the blrthda ot george vi will be celebrated in canada as in hritaln on june s the governorgeneral in council lias decided word to that effect was communicated to the lieu tenant governors of uve provinces last week while his mojestj was bom dec hlh uve example or his grandfather edward vii is being fallowed hv cel ebrating uie monarchs birthday in live summer season even where it oc curs in winter so that lhe public ma better enjo uve holiday the birthday of the last two mon archs oeorge v and edward viii were celebrated on their natal days june 3 and june 33 respecuvel w thrk real w household friends f oalwoys 9etttjy to serve you soys mrs eutketi thousands of women throughout canada know that these three fsmous products jusr cannot be couallcd for quality flavor and ecpnomy to for better cook me results never accept substitutes ir groip ivsttrance benefits emrlovets announcement has been mad bv mr w f sleaart ic incident and general marvauvr of dominion stores limited of utc libtrallzation of the group insurance programme ooverwk the staff of uu firm m toronto anl montreal bv hlch tu emnlovee contribution is conmderabh reduced the plan is oiwrawsj m a junt con trtbutlon basis and i undrwtuuit b the metropolitan life in arunev com ian dtmntn to ttu emivee tncludr group litf iiv iran ci denr and health covens and cvl dental death utd disniemtx mvent iivsuratvce comment titk upon this progrtmme mr itiart u l tlia it had nnmn r buttl lal to tlu firms emploet it ft banish s grey hair avjc u- tatls bj uai2 vvaat cw lalat la us lall akun mvifi thv ur fe i w natorit laiiiy uatcmy it is ea i r catch lilt- i to ki up tlian to wj l0t mucormack drue store raw in spring u almost here you will need the auulance of good printing in carrying on your buuneu this spring we are hern to aerve you with every description of job printing our prices are reasonable prompt service phone no 8 thje home of better printing the georgetown herald georgetown t

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