Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1937, p. 2

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paae 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 19th 1937 holiday apparel i let silvers outfit you unartly and economically for the hobday week- end jjelow you will find only a few of the special oifered for the holiday lmw printed sdk new smart styls printed silk blouiel jlint arrived i voti will udtmr tin in l0f youll many ladle chiffon oreue love cvtry k of tin styles oicbc dressjm withiaillc slips to nuitcli sp 495 womeni crepe dresses in pant i aliudcs and printed cps sy up to 46 sprcuil 295 rayon tajfeta slips lac trimmed in white anti tea rose reg- 98c value at 5j 1 r- low while shoes ties sandali and oxfords just arrived at 198 up latw white coats styles sport backs gers special vtvy smart and swag- 995 lktfiea spring coats here is a coat sale that is a lenockout we are determined not to carry over any garments and are go ing to clear our present stock at prices that will astound you we have a good selection and can fit youv 795 and up law night gown new arri vals in printed batiste also pyjamas at gg ladies white hats we tiavr 1j vjisi assortment of ladies while hats of nrwcst atyus in 0 it and silk priced vil j jj9 ttjl ladies polo shirt and terry cloth pullover with zippers 98c men scampers in aoltd hrown and two toncw wra 6 to lojjr 159 w men ore shru canadas out- ilindinjr brands arrow tooke r kll arid b v d new spring arrival 100 150 an4 200 4 mens sprirtg coats our remain ing stock of topcoats must be leircd some are going at half original price 795 up mens suits made to your indivi dual measure hundreds of new spring woollens from la saqe tailors w r johnston and manly clothes 1950 up boys golf sox with elastic tops sizes up to 10 25c boys scampers sizes up to 0z special jj00 boys tennis shoe 5 sizes up to 79c shop with confidence at silvers dept store georgetown where your dollar goes further orojlia town council council tort in liwcul seukm at b tm txi tttursfday slay imli uem hm imnt mayor olbkoii ltee dalu counrtljom cleave oripp lutl 001cki fmjt and ijranx kre ctiirf aknd council to rrtlr tlw huufc nd udder a ltter was naorlrrij from liquor otnu4 lioarti rcloiii dwqu ice too bo wi so of the muiljoriiy rr lkl by ur tx ikuieli bl oorce- uwn for um yt mdins starch 31 1w7 oonomuiiictiuoiak wore read fracn mous club jltoy dmjt alex tluw wrt quel jail ttw ttuuier of the rvtlcnftuon a j l kelly ltrllrf cunmlmoonrr v divcusmxl ft c04uvi tiwnjwnd its uitrwrulk- uv the servlm mr kelly inidrlnrd to th community and tk cithx la uk htm to txiorr vrc-i- ikuiajbtrat- ur ituy orauh county mnclnm w luud uvfmk m1 in oou view uovrj by thurr fotuvd hy cle ilkht tfliwo of j d kelly m ltllf be tuwii cunrtro uuhd by olmtve kecuotltxl by ooouvn tht j d kui be r-t- iwanted jrrlkf ooiamlialoner for uk town of ommtitauirwi cmrrled uovd by cleave aeoopued by cripikt uw ute trfmuirer y the touowlns ynnnu jik tuo tk- ivtto ltd krwln ttu it0 y wutl u ubs lutbrr pferml co wrrlh 1030 n ii brown patient la homl 20 urill at co rubber boot for pinum ibm f c wbilmt feu isis ueu tfelephm co ft j n oneill ac ban 41 cuikdiu brms co vw 1sjb3 hydro lctric fcvc ttwmoapiaia bkuinuu 31x30 c ok ifvpyihim lnkurmnoe 14j5 y kcvey jtmarmnaa 11u3 j sdtulu tti kl13 p d lurriaon poue etc um r ii thomiwm a co i3 w o usnhmll poue etc xs6 geo atluiis pljuttwin ibjoo fc c thouptoa court iertoe wu ward court trvk a livbiaxiotae u c5 il u ttmrinami a co 100 entlneertnc ac tsaotnu auord dverulac for uoders 1 the canadian ertoeer whw- ucit rjchaidaons hardware 1 council adjou centennial cejehsmtioo ummmcmm mm um budget groceteria main street phone 366 georgetown we deliver special classic cleanser 2 tins 9- special xray super wax lib tta special 21c viking toilet tissue 6 rolls 25c extra special dessert pears 9c peas 14c jewel shortening 14c lb new de luxe creamy sodas 2 lbs 25c choice prunes 3 lbs 25c i watch our windows for other specials d mbmimwamma m aumhi w trt iftas october eggs from late may chicks cockerels 4vi to 5 lbs at thanksgiving or g lbs and over for the christmas trade rapid growth and rarly m iturll art t n nuirr iratkwtum in lau slay and june ciickiuin hi ruriu r i tuck if jtui luiiiwn to buy i a lotowlna strain of chlck jj lau muy or juim tu tkuit luive rmr to au uu the high tuner tudxi i uvr hut q itrl iiuuiiil lock iwf you i chanob to make um ril njtmij braya uay halchrxl xlru i t iluh if rl rrurrd ulll tve you hlghprloed b5 to 1i u ochum r nmrmbit uiki ucotmber nd kap rtsht on laylnu uiroimli uu- cttld i ulntrr nvuiuu tlie liac u countrywide reputation lor uotultrlul liublll ami t xtra rujiki urowui wbaa well handled the u uull nunnmrc u laj ui b rmuiuu old vr younfeftrj and ofltn reach o luoducu ui brw lhr nn t uuuiuu ukl wo can back up uvoe matrnirnl uith uctual rvldtuct from rry lro- 1 vlaoe in eucem cana its the me willi cockrrtlt iu uui pullrc lira xixi profit w whan well fed umiall luiu a inind a month and wunelinvs tatw- vou can nnlsh uai hatrlmil xtra 1rotu ouckrni at uie 1104m lar 4h to s lb welahta by tluiiik- 1 ivh or ituld uwm u make gib youdsbn or betuw for uu olirloin l lm l flu re nuuuy hi clikknia wnm you if srowlh like uiat nul u h nr aiiitli eilnor in uuiw that our cuitonwr are betting 1 our prices are dosvn to rork iwttuim iknx buy until vui see our endoiurai price 1l i w ijh uiijuj xtru lnuit dayold chicks dayold pullet and ilarud puull for immeduu d uvcry oiul oockerelfl if ordered in advance cimice a 7 breeds tiuutlard oracs stock la the uune 7 breed- at 4411 luwr prim writ or plajiie uday lor rp infortoauon krfojvv bray united john street north hamilton ontario ttk george brown arenl norval ontario born dfwiiurst in ooarsetown on tliurulay uay uth 1037 to ur and urn prank dewhurtl a daush- tcr jltetiey ann noninson on sauuday uay luh 1037 at uount uamlllon hospital to ur and uxx allan roolnsoo irormerly louvalne wood a dauglt ter ikclyn dlanej duld cocks at 3403 ludaeview ave la alurelr- calljomla uay 2nd 1s37 utu 1 itev henry cocks daughter af xlavul shearer late of villa nova ontario at the ace of 90 years ur cocks long- deceased a a- at one time pastor at victoria villa nova and georgetown out dwykrin detroit on tuesday uay uth kllei dwyer alster of the late william j rian interawau was mode in holy sepulchre osoetery detroit en saturday uy isih nicholson at uarlette uwhlgan on pnday uay 14th ift37 john nlcholxut husband of uahdna block browrucs plant maple on the morning of the day of the kliib coronation st georges junl or auxiliary brownies attended the ervlcc in the church in u the hector invited the congregation to attend he nrownles tree- planting ceremony after the service ttureupon at uie nonfliktum of the ervioc in the church the pack under uie leadership of the urown owl uhk woo thompson formed up round uie site on the church grounds lui uie congregation gathered in the background after the first four crcxe ol uie first pealm had been rvad bj uie rector beth short pask trader addrmed rector and cfaurch- vordens asking them to accept the tree to be known as the kings maiue and to plant it for the urowiuea ur uchauy replied fcr the cliurch corporauon aocepung the tree and luhung it would flourish he and his brother churchwarden ur uraer thompson hen proceed ed to plant the tree each brownie in turn uuulng utereln hy throwing small shovelful of earth into the hole the maple leaf was uen aung and uu brief service with kyrie lords itayrr pruyer for the tree and the ditldren and uie hlewilng luoceeded ftlth clotdng with god have uie king wctu the annual mwtlng of the w t u was held thursday afternoon uay 13th at the home of mrs c preure ariate st un a jtt van- natter presiding the devotional period was conduct ed hy mrs w deans theuhjtot ot study being the reward bf service based upon the parable of the un employed matt- 30 1 is a short memorial cervloe was held for our hue corresponding secretary mrs j e wlnoeld whom call to higher service has left our organlsa- uod in fdwittw wish church ad community mourning the loss of one wlw held a high place in the of all tor faithful efflcient aervloe uiss alva cripps acoompanled by her sister uiss theutva brought comforting message in song by her sympathetic raidertng of clods to- uowow which was followed by tha united singing of safe in the anas of jesus the presentation with dknmkwi of the yearly reports from the different departments was followed by the elerthnn of ofbcers for the ensuing year as follows preideruvurs a il vi vicepresident mrs c b dayloot recokling secretary mrs c buck oottcsonding secretary mrs it- ii wright treasurer mrs w q marshall utjl secretarymrs a- beeve supertntendecus of departments evangelistic mrs w deans frees mrs- c b deyrool uedal contests lira w o uar- uul travelers aidurx a b pan- temperance in sunday school urs u- bird fifntlfw temperanob in day schools to be flued later collector of coupons lor travellers aid work urs w rlyde mkval fy and mothers meetings mrs c bui announcement was made of the county convention to be held mluon june 10th the pre- vacation meeting of the local onion will he held june 11th at she home of the president urs van- natter ann at when we expect to weloome uiss sybil bennett as our guest sneakw ckaduatcs nttkkks vovsttkkn urtaorul hall at uie ontario agrt cuuunt colleee guelph was nued tuit prtday nhlhl fur uraduauon ex ercli uv ouelui general hospital fvhirteeu nun recoived diplomas and i1il ikfid uure addressed by hon dr j a ttulkner minister of health mayor d i- kennedy and dr w it ivjwler cwalrmon oj uw hospital llaard tin lilomo- re jirrented bj mrv idmuiul harvey prim wire aaardm as follows graduation clui hlaheftt standing ariel m snxlui erin iiroqciency janot a armuronj ouelph obste- tricen lelyn i lunau llomhy oper- ullnic nxun technique laura a held milton surgical nursing helen j cuujilngtuun elora inurmediate chvr- 1racllral nursing and hica ula m mlllnr walkrlon junior class irururol nursing and ethics maruanu doughty ouelph charting ikuwlda krtui urampton grnduale xre carolyn margaret anderjui iort klgln plortmob maria lush itocfcwood xsobel m ray hamilton janet a armrtrong guelph kmma u hamilton luok- now kvelyu i lunau ilomty ariel m smlui krln ofc kta urampton uary r upoardw wis man a held milton ikfart j cun ningluun klora wva a i wood mor- val beatrice m alpmudh dohblng- liin charlotte u thawwon thorn- dale mooday may 24th at ceororrown basuc unlksvk adkticxs umuktown mrt band ulunksirr frstouc lxas as in rue aajatosuas tte ijeotmd big atilaotkmi bf contr umtu cciitrwmul yir will be held hi ihr lajrk lrf tkrxt uixkdmy sutauvr umt huhklom of goontvlnorii ihlt hand tlktf piocraka will hri wlul a midnight trouc in uat- armorw oum katwveux at 13 d6 awl wheii a mm1 irdiraua witt supply uie tnutlc aviittioti furmatiuf btu nying by um- murray arrotuuuca ourjl turtiu asml imrmcliuu- jumikiug will take phoe at uu iturfc kl 2 ihi luo imll parachutriii will bf diomwd uf which ur luckv and you 111 itavr a ctuuw tu tatota one tha vtlf hv oe many wrjty stinwuottm uicw- kxu lut of mck ktul ticul evnihv bkcudug tunaurtir tooturcycle and bicycle rac ttw parachute jump v be made by j twryl ucoovtni of ttonto u title holding ircliuuml speakln of m jutop urgoveni made b to ronto a week ago the trlegvanv had ute tottowing we havent much id what price larchhte jumper plaf on glory but we do knew uiat loronco eitlamj lafce a very lo price on a para- rhutlsfx neck by that v trtrr uy uie toronto chiaens some 3i00 lftem who n at barker ttrld last uunday lp wktcti tejry udonvem make m vucnutr jump brfore um leap several youths paid the hat and when it was all over between twenty and twentylive dollars had been oolleeted hardly worth wlule risking your life for umt or is ht and we may toll you now that tefry ucoovera really was ritkinc his neck whtn he jumped last bun- day he had purchased a new chute but to- fee it here in time for sun day jump it had to be shipped without being 4wt dropped uau is dropped once with a tyuwg welglung a instead of a mans body just to see if a works terry knew it had never been test ed but rather than disappoint um large crowd which had gathered hi went up and jumped anyway hor tunately it reauy had been packed properly and the landing was made all in one piece maybe those him dreds who dropped one cent pieces into the passing hat felt they were cheated probably theyd have figur ed they got their money worth u the vhute had failed to open at any rate there are no more jumps scheduled for toronto at the moment although laooovern will make another at georgetown on the 34th of may dont miss the big day at george town next monday balunafad rev and mrs a foreman spent the holiday with trietwls in ixai ton t mrs gear sinclair and family of milton vultrd wuh friends here coronation day friends of miss ruth longstreet will be glad to know she is progress- read by uie rector beth short pack congrs tut uons to ur and mrs robl sfcenery who celebrated their silver wedding on saturday uay bth the may meeting of the wjs vs held at ute home of mrs it ue- enery tuesday afternoon the roll call was answered with hints on the care of perenlal beds several items of business were d after which alma mckrtery sang a solo ft planned to have an open meeting in june at the home of urs o ttuuaap- son lunch was served at the close of the meeting rev n waddrll has returned to spend the summer with ids daughter mrs b vnnatler vc welcuere him back again mr g gowland has sold his pro perty on the town line to mr j kroyd of brampton ashgrove these spring days suv busy days but in spite of the fact the womens rstescntatton to iix and aws t b h11x by qchjdykics irntatfouk djvlsion cjfjk on retlremant from the position of cnjl agent at georgetown ontario after fortyfive years of service ur and mrs hu1 were surprised at their home last thursday evening by the local staff of the cjjjl and customs department aronmpanhwl by their wives to make presentations to ur and urs hill on behalf of agents and operaaors ol atratford division ur iu1 received a beautiful glad stone fiued travelling bag to urs hill a sheaf of american beauty rota the addresses were read by ur c k parker to which ur and mrs hill fittingly repued the presentation to ur hill made by rlgtn hahn to urs hill by urs k iltgih speeches were made by miss erie squires e w cole j t kaiser fred anguish and klgln hahn who conveyed to ur and mrs hill best wishes for the future light refreshments wen jtved by uie hostess and an enjoy able evening was spent by all sunday uukt in coulxkion moanino steplien brlnsol and his wife and daughter mary of brampton severely bruised and lacerated ahen the oar in which they were riding was in oonislon with a car driven by clarence wilson of guelph on no 7 hlghsvay two miles east of george town early sunday morning wilson his brother honry miss jean mcdonald and her brother george all of guelpls esoaped wtth minor cuts and bruises when thelr car driven by uie impact rolled over uiree times occupants of bothi cars were treated by dr c v williams at georgetown and later removed to their homea wue did you notice the wonder ful coat uie woman hsd on who was sitting in front of us in church this morning t husband no im efrald i was doming wife it does a lot of good to take you to church doesnt ut at their annual mtlng held on tuesday uay 11th at the home of urs jas barnes with urs heeler bird presiding there important business tteeas to bring be fore the members and have settled a generous donation was voted to be sent at once to the red cross fund for the flood sufferers also arrange ments for future t isabel wriggtesworth and reta fisher were rlrlegsles to the girls vjonser- enoe at guelph the first part of uay and each one gave a part of the klons stressing the jovial side of their much enjoyed trip these reports were indeed ijqterestlng the work covered during the past year was re ported by the officers and oonvenors of the dwtrtitcommlttee at this time then uie election of officers fol lowed wtth urs walter brownridge acting chalriady the new officers are as follows presldmt mrs walter brownridge 1st vlceprwsident sirs a nurse 2nd vicepresident mrs cbas wt krlmluw meat specials lor ibis weekend at kiniss iju1u inj creaery butterv25 lb cfioice roast of veal 18c v meal pot rout rl lr inurr u1 16t freak pork shouuera- lsc pionifc hams 1qcm- f j bailing beef hamturg steak 2 25c 12c 15c isausage hurra maimg sikfial uiu fw irfclrd cottage rolls 21 cottage roll 25c lb 2 hnk cml ob lb wll pork chops 23c lb swt rhcklrd pork shoulder 15c lb bacon 1 27c lb rttecial italt t shortening 2 29c fresh lake trout each week uujciouh cuban pineapples 30 size 24 size 18 size 2 for 29c 2 for 35c 2 for 45c- talimani htlmkinr oranges 25c 45c 59c doz vkkmtuom vwn asparagus 3 bunckea 25c oouon hire bananas 3lb23c cijjvt uunu jelly powders 7 pks 25c duffs loaf cheese 25c lb j nippy old cheese 25c lb new cheese 20c lb phone 27 wm kino prompt delivery coronation day in georgetown daeeratuaa calere tkrwagaw febsal- ums aad itnuiahil beeuaim f twwa iervteea maned wy heavy austin secretary treasurer urs prank ruddell directors urs clayton wllsonr mrs prod wrigglecworth mrs geo wlngfield mrs it hepburn program committee urs u held miss l wriggleswotth urs il bird sua reta pisher mrs thomas gu- ftl plover committee urs nt c wrigglecworth mrs n stark mrs w bird dhcrtct dheotorurs a j itud- di ptrtfir mrs k wilson auditors urs p wiigglasworui urs clayton wilson current events urs j ueuboddy urs c b dick pianist uiss l wricglesworth aitlfunt hiss t- wrigglesworth delegates to the district annual- mrs walter brownridge urs prank iluddeu and mrs a j ituddell the young people ikeld a meeting on sunday evening specially empha islng uie coronation and our flag a lovely worship service wlut a duet also then later on uie iwotfram readings on these subjects wee giv en mrs j bellboddy uiss kkltth wrtg- glesworui uis walter brownridge and urs k wilson eastern sectional ueeung at palermo unked church may lath behael cfcaur loud spcaltjclgs broadcast kikcts adoksa georgetown was at her best on wednesday last and uie coronation day cervices had barely got undbr way at the public school grounds when the heavy arin fall necessitated calling the proceedings off the georgetown and acton branch of the canadian legion and womans auxiliary headed by georgetown cltlsens band high school pupils and cadets headed by georgetown pipe band paraded to the school grounds and hook their respective places in front and at each sides of the gaily decorated platform the silver cross uothers occupied reserved seats in front of the plat form the address of king george vi to his peoples was broadcast trom the platform by loud speakers his mes sage was very dtatlrwt and much en- joyed by the large gathering in the absence of itev p c over- end through illness the opening prayer was made by rev ur step henson of llmehous the hymn o god our help in ages past was announced by rev k g baxter and all joined in the singing responsive reading was led by rev d d davidson ua who also read the scripture lesson which was fol lowed by prayer by rev ur batter ltcil james bauanune dao caalrman of the committee in charge then introduced mayor gib bons of georgetown and reeve george currie of the township of esqueslng both of whom made brief and appropriaie addresses then the rain started and the splen did program which was to have fol lowed consisting of choruses hy public school children coronation address by rev woo thompson and tableau by the children had to be called off coronation medals were presented by ilie lions club to the public school children and pupils of the high school tlte singing of uie national an them accompanied by the band brought the service to a close uuch ume had been spent by teachers and pupils of the public school in uie preparation of choruses and the tableau for this event and it seems too bad that all this ume and labor should be lost would it not be possible to arrange a date when they could be presented th uie audi inriutn of the school up w jjy club the redwings cycle club accom panied by a few of uie winged wheelers rode to actxm last sunday joe wilcox took a picture of most of the girts walking up suvercreek lull later uiere was a collision near ae- bax involving audrey grieve betty snyder and grace porster the cyc lists rode to the park and around the racetrack and later around uie vil lage on returning home uulye davidson hsd an acoiuent when she fell off iter bicycle in front of uu ritchie agar garage the girls will meet at uie park wlui their bicycles un thursday night at 7 o clock later going to the tkottte of qiaos pprster glen wux1awls mr and urs wm allen ur and mrs w j hu1 uiss uarfcm schenk and mr elmer hill motored to lon don on tuesday of last week to spend the coronation holiday with mr and mrs densmore of london and ur and mrs jay uarsden of woodstock vr and urs wumor uoore and little daughter blanche of brampton were uie guets of mr and mrs w j i iu1 on sunday mr and urs douglas copeland of brampton spent uie week end with mr and urs ii b graham ur and unl george beaumont and party of toronto were the guets of mr llndiey beaumont on sunday urs wm sloan and mrs b mc clure of glen williams and mr and mrs ii p maoouuvray of toronto motored to oaledon on sunday to visit uie lr brotlier and uncle mr w j brown wtio is very arriously ill why twy sauled a speaker wtio luul been asked to make his afterdinner remarks brief as tiosslblr rose and said t have been ated to propose th toast of our uuest and i have been told that uw less salll uie better plants for sale as uad af bex aa4 wtseug rtaala craaiawas kte window boxes and hanging baa sets oiled at reasonable rales mrs gamble grsy theatre friday may 21 more than a secretary a gay fcury ef seawly aad the beec ee starring arthar aa c serge bvewt comedy mr smarty cartoon fox news sutmuy may 22 kelly the second featare leagu eeaaedy stsrrlag palsy kelly aj charlie chase colored novelty romance of robert bums shorts screen snapshots sports cartoon chapter 5 roaring west saturday matinee hsuaee at s aas monday may 24 xittle lord fauntleroy mipslllwl tiillrtilawmaf far the whale family atarveag ynjair marthelsaaew band peter van speeden cartoon picador porky tuesday and wednesday may 25 and 26 love on the run eeswedy reatsac starviag dark flafcle jeaa crawferd aad fraacbet teae comedy just another murder cartoon pups xmas band gab galloway watch our window t voa wsazly ice cuw avaculs anb oomracmomaax cherry blossom sandac 1 3c 2 ter 25c longs confectionery ss pure food storl 3 tins lynn valley dessert pears light aynip 17c 3 large tins st charles evaporated milk 3 pkgs sugarcrisp corn flakes 3 tens l1bbvs cooked spaghetti 2 large tins emfo tomato juice 10 oi tin clarks fancy quality tomato juice i lb plcg rex brand pure cocoa 5 lb bag lingstone soy dour sunaoy soy bean breakfast food ready coolced 25c 23c 25c 19c 5c 15c 49c 23c 2 picas homes dessert pudding powder 19c cu ckumiiake bagt katuoitk ihiffco iuci lc 7 ol tin biiaiuk21 tjonele33 cmcken j ouase at aandculns 11uuc oopfkk p1uhuiy oiiound 33c ul ihco woitlds itlend tea isllvrr lbfj 3tc sweet hcioi cortaqf uoij iby iu- pltcl lb 17o ciioicl luakpaiit uacon iby uie luece lb xc pkaukatkd uacic i1acon iby uw llliwe lb pflekil lloxxxina iby uu licl lb uhe vlfcttut m lltmf sfa uabc1 ud tlimly hwl choice fsesh kuit and vkaktables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repair to all make n georgetown phone 11 lane block advertise in the herald ii pays

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