Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1937, p. 4

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gti the georgetown herald wednesday evening trfy 9th 1937 improvement x loan v will traasforai your hoste r fart whether you live in town or on the farm the home im provement plan can serve you jtz paves the way to modertuxauoo provldei ready money to install im provements that make the home more comfortable and the farm more productive and easier to work the list af the right shows some of the improvements that qualify get id touch with your local gommtttt or wttn any re putable contractor or ma- ttrtalf supply firm then with an estimate of the cost of the improvement vou con trsntjatr arrange a loan with your hank or you can call on your banker first for guidance nahoipl eniploymttnt commission uoc apvirok cow cvairmajv w v grant rheae sw sary j k smith ftow u garage fnulg cuutag add ttrw room kruarv gutn down ipugts mod n scnf sad reluudi flour tile uthroodi iisoimmi tu kluhci sad other foots repair brtdrwotk and oalari ailvtsery cassssltlee aleira hid terante out kytsjaj h vw ckilrassn i uatkus secretary remove eotmiuascd rnuttor woodwork ukit and screeo weaihertmp doora laudsie isaer ace of roof provide aw wall psnellmg provide special hoea clot 0cl wiring and add 6w outlets new electric lighting future coareal ratho wis nwlimiffig mil innf replace old ref rigerskm- wdt bwllrm decmc reiriasi or new btidtta bath tut new lavatories uak new timing sytfttsa or convert coalbtiratag boder to ou or gs- fta it mjr a imi cm imtj fwwa georgetown lumber co lid will jie pleased to give you full particular regarding the home improvement plan phone 250 georgetown have you the home improvement is a grand -vopporium- ty to modernize the plumbing in your home new plumbing means new comfort and convenience we will gladly furnish estimates us the basis of your nego tiations with yourbank g r muckart plumbing tinsmithing heating and electric wiring hione 319w georgetown georgetown public school inspectors report allowing u utr fuhllc ilcbool in kpeetotf itert ha unrwntrm to uie public school hoard the chairman ind ssemhnn til- hchoo board georgetown out ladle and owtdmrn a faciei oraclal report on uie mmi diuotaft of your imblk etchool may ti purc be just one more contribution to th many dlmertatiofis on uw subyel of location which ui such profusion likv mctnitly omim under your ob scrvatlon aiwl uudy or which iav cotav to you ui public addrau or over um air na crrulii it u uil tvevrf briforo liavtf wj uuuty juul divert opln umu tutd juaewvu pri tlw tubjpet of rluctkwi bii jttvta to tltc publlr b6no of uum ctudkid kiwi calcuulrd lb iupir carelul cofuidrrauoti aud other urawumf bow at a vrtlo and idervlnc only lit oonli tiatw wtm would rmeay tttv utb till 1m portklit mbkct uw ouhikhl which ii rbjhuy dto- to thom fcho admlnuur our fvs tetmi of vdiicalkm it k of prlm itn pi lil to uudv the cotkdlubnwii dr which the educational protfrbtniof u arrlpd out ul the- provbuou uut it mad for um moat honuli wl effctive fhlfutneut of that iirotfram perhai the moat aerlou cuuidern tlon u now selufc glvn by leaders in tha tdueatlobal world boui jkwcrii umul and iirmeaalonat u ute uc ualty of nttlng the curriculum to uic chljd rather than tin chlld u w curriculum with tba dlvermlty of glfu and talent that obtains amoim children ihu would em an almost iwrri taak and to uivoly variety of curriculum which would hardly be practicable rteeplnic b few fundamenul princl pie in view uft task is not ao dim cult after all ho idmple formula could be adopted than the anpient jitfinjeidle mens aana la aano oarpore ti hovnd mind in a aound body jvnruimiuc this tdaal the sound body eottvas orat aceotdmidy you will first apply to your school administration that particular footrule that will measure the atfepa taken lo aafe- tuajtl the health of the children en truatad to your care u you liave not taken this preliminary atep you liave falud at uie buinln you aire well served in thla record by a parttime service of a very cap able nunc and out interests of uie children are well amfeguarded there comes then the above men tloned obucauon to fit the curriculum to the child in many previous re port i hkve aaked for serious oon- akinmuon of mtarwi calculated to more nearly apprcnrtmate this ttmi mintptii reciulremcxita of our elemen tary school curriculum do hot make a complete attkwer to the varied de ads of the widely differing na tural fwjwuu of cither boys or tirls the board which is fully sen alhle of iu opportunities will taodeav or to offer as full a proeramme as possible of the inatrumonts of inslruc l the traditional three rs are not at au likely to oe neglected and the ieateat of these by all taeans is iteadms in all that impllea as a med lma of teaching the use of the uotli er toncue kvery- lesson a losson in enliih la motto which ixhawe al ways tmmssad upon the teachers and t think they are realising more and more its value as a fukle in all their work with the provision of theae fundamental subjects uie board is permitted no option under our retaliations th the optional sub jects in no way less important than the compulsory subjects the board does have discretion- uusic house hold science uanual training agri culture and horticulture are in this category in all the urban schools the subject of uusic has now rightful place and the moet gratify ing results are now being obtained throughout the county until we are at the very torerront in this respect throughout the whole province much cannot be said for the other optional subjects in the subject of uusic you are well to the front in the training glv en and your school stands high in uu county in these other special sub jects nothing has been attempted in this- connection i have sought to impress you with the value ol making provision through uanual training and household science for the train ing of the pupils in those practical manual and household activities which they will inevitably need for a complete life in whatever sphere their lot may be cast at small cost these services might be made available particularly if you were willing to cooperate with other urban schools in the oounty as i have previously suggested another factor in the education problem from the point of view of uie pupil is the possibility of his receiv ing during his elementary school days some guidance as to the place he la beat fitted to fill in his later years it may be thought that the elementary school aj is too young to make any measure of vocaunal guid ance possible such however i feel is not the case if teachers will give reasonable thouglit to this matter take special pains to study the apu tudas and win the confidence ol their pupils they may do much through personal talks with them to discover ambitions and ideals wheh they may be able to direct into proc ucsd channels systematic effort of uua kind would have a rch reward i am sure i have always felt u for such purpose there should be the fullest possible cooperation and sympathy between parents and teach ers buoh joint counsel ss would re sult gram such mtrcourse as this would be invaluable parents would do well to recognise the help that a sympathetic teacher might render a special summer course in vocational outdance is avalalble to leachera such a course might easily prove to be the most useful training possible referring again to the subject of english i may say that in a recent address before the oia his exoer lancy lord tweedsmulr exnresed the opinion that the leaching of english was the supreme business of all teac hers a statenvro which fortlnca th purpose i have had tor years in ad vising with my teachers i have to urge you once more to see that a liberal appropriation u made yearly for ti provision of uurful upple- mentary reading for all grades of pupils if the boys and girls can be graduated from our schools with a love for reading and with some ability to choose the beat in literature uwlr future education and culture may be reasonably assured ttiere should be the closest ooonerauon between the school and the public librarian tiie principal of the scliool might well be made sub librarian and a suitable selection of books be transferred to the school for limited periods tlui should be profitable not only flnancl ally but educationally again i should like to refer to uie sss of pupils who 4n every large school are mora or leas of a prob lem to teachers because utey are un able to keep pace wlui outerp with whom they ought to be classifi on the score of age these aho often on that veryi aooount present problsens in management it may be said that the fault in such cases is not always or sdtogther with the pupils tiie douree of study bi not quite suitable for theae pupus they are not book- minded hut have natural abilities of different kinds which should be culti vated and developed ur they axe ex trtmely backward and slow mrd into special tlmke pupils xlumild be cljj and even if utero trltrd dlrcreooe in age biauuetion call be hi orkmiland jr luch a clmxk lhl rrl lnumj can be made and in due tlm knuiiy of lltu pupil ould be icuinunl to uu rruur bntilr i uiv previously pointed out ttt you that the chlabluluncnt of tmrh u claxi afur a turvy of uie clmtol umild bt rr iirontablr in uvlng uu linw of irgubir grudv truclvcn and in uittiilliitf rrurdituuii of ui tnort brhluou puplh in ilu conduct of your public ucluwil you nrr- fortuiutu in rvlulii inn u jutlf which h llkoruuihly cat ubu mid crfrctut in tllelr work boui in hutr itihwi i und tiuuutitrtliit roui llu prlivclul dok n tit m apiwurt lo ih oordlul co ohrutuui atui tvidvin of itrotpvu jifc not lucking in any of ilu lnidr tm rnionw l for th nuicl pfirt rtdy und inlrlluietiu utwi hwlrcuu kcim rally tin- results of cur lul uuibmu i hue coounuvd u diuru willi tilt- uticlrb the rlhi- unjhirtunci of icuring froai llivlr puiub uw tu t ornii u spch mwi of incourugffut tlmr currrt uihlkliu which u umonly fouodutlon of sbcti ipe4lt llublu at c4urtiy are lu cuicuud und gj t a rally the cotwluet riiid ixurlu of uuiitu u commendable oiu would like to think tluu tlu de- itlniiiimtit of cliarutlyr and ivkanult ty wioi ubviermort la tlto minds o it dclur t und fn your ktarf thlu u by no muui ovirlookod tw etirollineiil of uie nchoo ui uir hukwlrml und light p dticnumf of two this year file equipment of urn scltoot u well looked after and i haw po lurukor sugieauofut to make at th knoment- the uuttillation o uu new motor lias effected a iharkm improvement in uu heating system your very cap able caretaker explained to me uie advantages of this safety device it is expected thai a now course of study now in uie liands of a cora mltusi appointed by the department will be ready for tentative adoption at uie opening of the pall term it graufylng lo learn uial tills oourue will give greater attention to eng lish uirougliout ui grades and less to number work in the junior grades greater attention will be given to lielui teaching and also to the prac ucal subjects to which i liave re f err ed above the class divisions will no longer be designated as forms but will be known as grades and al- tluuigh there will be eight grades it is not intended tliat uie elementary school course will be lengthened eight years it will sull be possible think of the poor bargain h was for uie average pupil to cover r4he msflffitglbr uie sake of only one meal work of uiote eight grades in leveh js name would not have become a yean byword of impulsive action there fuluifully yours bre tlmeg of 5 whtn j u denyes make quick decisions but our great life choices should be made only after taking adequate ume for thought such vital matters as marriage vo cation and religion should not be de elded in haste lut we repent leisure the body should not be al lowed lo rule uie mind snap judg- ffjjjaentii inay eometlmes be riglit but when they are wrong they may solve your problems with the home improvement plan with uie tatement uuu improvement of home conditions lie the solution of many problems nov confronting canadian v omen the national council of women of can ads has endorsed uie dominion gov tmmtnt home improvement plan the decision to endorse this nation- wlde- eooperauvc effort for improunp homes and giving employment wai reached after careful consideration we are not only willing but anxl ou5 to atlst our oovernment to bring to uie attention of uie public any project which will provide better homes urs george o spencer president of uie council wrote to uie national employment commission which inoiuors uie home improve ment plan a women and home workers we must accept our full share of uie rcponjbully of uie success of uils venture urs spencer stated that one of the forces whuli brought uie national council of women into being was an irreprejble protect agalnt in difference lo conditions of less for lunate men and a omen umehouse received too late for lsue may 13 garden ing and seeding are uie or der or the day in this vicinity iwns and yards ore cluuiglng in appearance and becoming more beautiful each week now coronation sen ices were held last sunday in th- churches or well mothers day the uay raeeung pf uie womans insulute was held at uie home of lint s kirknairlck on thursday last with sirs j ucoowan 1st vlcepreii dent in the chair in the absence of the president the roll call was re sponded to by each member telling why i belong to uie w i after the business a reading was given my sirs a benton and the election o ofnecn look place as follows president mrs j smethurst 1st vicepresident mrs s kirk patrick 2nd vicepresident urs p brawn secretary treasurer urs a benton directors representatives and other committee officers were appointed and the meeting cloud with a social hour together the womans asaociauon of uie united church hld a coronation slipper at uie home of urs s kirk patrick on friday evening when very happy ume was enjoyed coro nation decorations and prises for croklnole made uie evening quite patrlouc and uie excellent supper was a credit lo uie ladles who can always be depended upon tor sub stantial and dainty service uany visitors have been noticed in uie village recenuy and particularly for mothers day ur oeraid sanders vislung ken stephenson and ken and bill new ton cycled to owen sound and lions head for couple of days holiday mrs uasson of toronto is vlslung mrs mummery at uielr cottage for a fear weeks daylight saving lias been adopted by nearly all the families in uie village and the public scliool is now called si nine o clock daylight ssvlng time we are glad to congratulate muslel stephenson far another success at the iieel foaival winking uie bronae medal for receiving s5 in open elocution contest under is the a iris lookout club held uwlr monthly meeting at the liome of mrs wm mitchell on saturday af umoon when an interesung program was given which included a solo by miss wllla irice plan were made for future activities soon lo be carried out mrv wm lyuiu of alma vbdled al uie liome of ilev mr stephenson re cenuy we were glad to see mr r uarshall and family in uie village during uie atvk and hoie uiey will stay longer next ume they open uie doors or uielr llmehoue home the ml ion band of the united church met at uie liome of shirley wright on tueulay evening an in lercsllng feature of the program af ur uu aeroplane advuiluro of joan and kuy was the preunlatlon of a life membership certificate and beau uful mulon hand pin to uie preid dent mlui owen hill pour lovely dolls are being dresked for the mis sionary bale to be shipped from our presbyterlal in june keep the dates june ijui and 14ui tor united church anniversary ilev ulflon morrow u ph d will be uie speaker on hunday clartlen irty monday night the weabiteu of eui ooijtwcn 1xi hvery tnn uial ttrlvrth for uw mmurry u trmpr ute lp all thinly ti corinuiua 0 lkullon pssagr orhmij i3 xi we baiter life for kkllstl tjli x por wrullh or jiomrr for pleai un or renown i tlnu kuu lllw our rntlwr bl lug mlu 1 hni wukii with fruit u- 4 team uur fudtyl cmun ki hi a hivued kmmuy rr n no lu iieofilt urt exacuy silk kvth iwujji rruinbllmi tuih otht r in uplirurance may uilftr grrutly in di muiuui luul otlfv jacob aiu kuiu k re twill wlui were fcqu ul ly in cpnllirt uml ouiy in later lilt tiki they liturn lo hv- in prre- gvllier itieh uatj dhfired jucob was a iuuiii inuu living jn tenth while kuiu woj u cihullfltf tiunter i mtfn of thn field tu wake matter woiw their tuirruu piayxl favoriut isaac loved kau paruy from vir interdt uml kewkuht lart wepl oul more trebly to jacob alttr went rrom bad to worw until eitutu ally jacob hod to iruvi honu such u itlutiaii of a tutncuky van defesi not victory how muny conhlciknt teinr be hamioiibtej in uni und llu uamu famllyt pin1 mi all it b eauir tu recognise ifie fact uist god lias- made tacli one of uf to be d lifer ent from others we are not un osrmnix prrm- balunafad hriterrwed loo late for iuaw my on hativdrsy evening umt iwmr of mr ami un ftobrrt a ucknery of llliilhfad a at die fccrne of u very htfppl orra un when thirty five their relative gauierrd to tebi utelr jliver we4idinu after kiwikdliitf j few imiur of euchre and mtuic all jt hi n lu u lublr- laden wlui good thkngh u rut u beautiful bride cake ill tlw rrnlrn ilie wallers being sir arnold mcbii ry lulith ltnell alms xjelnery unci jeall kvanb ur aiwl mr ufjm ry rcekved mflhy lrull fill ulfli mr win kbil uml mr j jj mrliwry wui th priw ii iciire on untidiiy i iiilng u number of friend fiom arton und ceorurtnwii irj r 1 mr und mr hobt- a vji ry of ilulllnuf u4j by gutlwrinu to c ubrti their ilver teddtnit amil iruurv mr litrt diavwbnii uuie i lihort luldreji unit mri u albin pri y klid mr uiul mr meuver utii t beiniuful kilvrr duh rtie evening auu iierit in tihre urt lurt utivlda mwl mr ariuikl ielj ry weity llu prhtjr wtniien anent reconciliation and good will can only come however when each member of the family keeks oods will and when all sliare uielr purposes together in tht- way unity may be attained crtus deeklstta m m too frequently we act upon uie lm pulse of uie moment- a momentary detjre or an uprmh of anger leadi us to do uilngs we sliould never think of doing uv our sober senses it is a a lie rule to pause before mak ing important decisions in order u have ume for second uioughls which are usually wiser one moarllst re commends the practice of looking ahead and trying to see tiow an ac tion will appear uie moment after had esau in hu hunger paused wrong forever rjriviag a bargain si u jacob does not show up well this incident he was selfish overreaching untrue to the wishes of his father disregarding the welfare of his brother amlcndsngering the hap piness of his mother selfishness l an ugly thing and 11 may easily des troy a home if esau acted in u unrestrained way through physical uppeute jacobs low deed was pre meditated in a ood calculating fas hion he used his brothers weakness for his own advantage it is uie pro- m mouve that accentuates social problems slums would never be lowed to fester in uie centres of cities if there were not gain lo be made the hold of alcohol upon uie human race would be manageable if the pro fit mouve did not lead to ingenious advertising to teach uie drink habit to the young rherc is a gambling instinct in many people but this fanned into a flame by lotteries mechanical devices fur bet i in k and oemator gaming houses in faot duslrtal strife nos element- ir il uie jacob euiu bargain when capital and labor strive lo overreach each other tuveuge 41 what a different man esau different umesl out on the cliac he aa a jolly hunter coming in nun gry he was impatient willing to iucri flee anyuilng for a meal but a hen he found that lie had been tricked hatred fulad his heart and he was ready for murder his anger burned the more fiercely beeauc it was against his own brouier he became as cool and calculating in plotting revenge as jacob had been in setting trap to obtain the birthright how may we banish vindicuvenes from our heartst the bible answer is quite clear we must surrender hate to keep spite tn our hearts poison- us to forgive releases powers that are redempuve it is gods right to pun uh not ours to return good for evil lo go uie ieoand mile to turn uie other cheek restores right rela uoiwhils whereas the hasty word or the angry blow may ever a friend ihlp forever chrit devoted one whole beatitude to uie subject and said blessed arc the peacemakers for they shall be called uie children of god compared with uial high altitude the momentary satisfaction of spite li trivial there are few trtumplis so empty as that of retting even in a spirit of paying back wlui good lnterea we oon become as hamed of i and too often our long bought revenge closes uie door to re conciliation cuaaeaes u 45 in ume a dispute between two people involves others they are in evltably drawn in and forced lo take sides nebekahs preference for jacob led her to send turn away for safety he liad gained his birthright but he had lost lib home tlir sctiemliig mouicr thought it would only be far a few days but uie exile lasted for many years and reconciliation only came at uil when jacob made a gesture of good will the quarrel between jacob and rsau led to con fllct between the peoples of lrael and kden which lasted for centuries the great war caued enmlues which 11 may lake centuries lo heal the over running of ethiopia has caused ho tllltles uial may make international partnerships impossible for several different countries as individuals and a cluxens we need lo leani uial causes produce effect- and that sc lions have conaequeiice the long view is necessary the iirrsent is only moment and uiere are long years to come instead of raising barriers we may be building btidgci from man lo man qarsuaas far dueantuw family feuds are worst why a how do 1 make my decisions will uie service ideal ever replace uir prom motive t i uie desire for revenge un hull cation of selflshurv who was mott at fault jacob rau or ilrhekuh clatung icven the owner or the big car could not resist uie lemitlallan to jolly uie dri per or the small car heavens man lie said what is 11 about your car uiat makes such a dreadful rattling sound that oh uisfn uie frooo jing ling around in my iiockrt said uie unall car driver picobac tccccc 01 a mid cool new advertisements concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given free of charge if you require anything uils line phone 311 or write box us s walker oeorge su georgetown to the public i am prepared to install septic tanks ceeapools drains etc also re pair and tar your rool at a reason able price cars waslied pollslied and slmonlsed prompt service and work guaranteed jam uudle yonge bu georgetown ii reward ta w moulted ookn salv far ui mt nlka tuky riu la oomjjs ok caix- ouses u t uuomuvi bn hten 4k wood for sale choice hardwood maple and beech mixed soft wood uost reasonable prices apply jack tost phone mlw georgetown u 300 for 200 specuj offer three 100 boxes lloyds stou ach savers for uml formula used in this prescription prescribed by suocessful physicians wllh excellent results for over 40 years positively ouaiianteed to re lieve all forms of gtomacu dlsxnessdysiiepsia lndigwtlon sour stomach nausea vomiting morning levwwcc car train or aes sickness and every kind of 8tou- acn upflet sold and recommend ed with a money back guarantee hy uscooauacks druo store trucking cartage au kinds of hauling done thwough ly and reasonably f c whltmee phone ml georgetown tf wood for sale choice luech uul uapl mt tsjdo initu oonl ulxul iuus vlia p cortl ulvcd wood 13j6 per conl j nuurovokd hua us ur mil c coorl ol revision take notice that a court of itevl sinn will be held in uie uunlcipal ofsce georgetown at 8 pjn on uie stta day of uay 137 to hear appeals entered against uie assessment roll of 1037 it p b harrison clerk notice lo dog owners there are still a number who liave not yet secured tags for uielr dogs it is necessary thai same be ecured at once alo take notice that all dogs runn ing at large in georgetown after uay luh will be destroyed or uielr owners fined the council lias irulrucled me strictly enforce uil law w o uarshalu chief of iillce teiuwrn for coal and coke sealed tenders addressed to uie undersigned and endorsed tenders for coal will be received until ix eiaek uaaa dayugaj aaviag ywes- day jane i 1331 for the supply ol coal and coke for uie dominion buildings uirughout uie province of ontario pornv of tender with ceclflcatlans and conditions attached can be ob tained from uie purchasuig agent department of public works ottawa and the supervising arciiitect 3d adelaide st east toronto ont tenders should be made on the farnu supplied by uie department j and n uccordonce aith departmental specincations and conditions attach ed uiereto in uie case of tcndlrers quoting for one or more place- or buildings and wlien uie total ol uielr offtr exceeds uie urn of 15 000 00 uiey mu at lech lo their tender a certified cltequc un u chartered bank in can ads made payable to uie order ol tiie honourable the minister of pub lic works equal lo 10 per cent or the amount of uie tender or dearer i bonds of uie dominion of canada orj of uu canadian national railway company and its constituent com lianles unconditionally guaranteed as to iirinclpal and interest by the do minion of canada or uie aforemen tionod bondv and a certified cheque if roqulred lo make up an odd amount the deportinent also reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer a security deposit in th form of a certified clieque or bond as above equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid to guarantee the proper fulfilment of uie contract by order j u soalkftvixjjc secretary department or labile work ottawa uay 10 1bs7 st martin senour for beauty and full protection choose the guaranteed paint you paint for beauty and protection and martin scnour 100 pure psint guarantees you hotli guarantees in writing on every can that no cheap and useless adulter ants ere used in its manufacture that s why you get longer lasting protection firmer colors and a better and more economical job hcuolos meaw glass ksal the new unitary wsthshlc bnuh tor interior wsllt and woodwork an eaiy product lo uie doe with medium gloit ohtainiht in wide range of beautiful nstiel shade it pays to use martinsenour kxk pure mint vanishes s dumbs richardsons hardware hone is oeofccetown -f- your eyes w wifi- it- tired drewey pealbsg are ayatatsam at kye straka w aaiissln fat a tharswgh eye tfysaslastita 15 yaara sap a aw ea oav 1m asw law aetea wm fsrst tasauiy glaaace la jau as rmstasut aa aay af la large city hasiaea ottatwh o t walker ro oramtrcist msight srccuust ihufla k la ml kobays diujo stokk uwlnm ika null i vymi mmy rwmlt o t wtmur kl mr la bnnfua titelap roofing the parmaneaoe and law up keep coat of this metal roofing makes it one of th moat eco nomical on tha market tile- lap galvanised roofing gives greatest covering capacity tha and up u ao tight it la almost invisible positively nr driving alsat rain or enow sand roof and rafter maaaure- uanu for free eatimataa jaueswav poult ribroll roofing this durable rooang has astra rigidity that makes it narticularty good for roofing ovarabght rrabsa- work tha secret of its atrangth isc laartaseuvcuiiyjciwiacjtssanortt the moat copied roofing of ita kind oa tha market ba aura you gat tha genuine aoopomical hibroll roofing ask your banker for details shout reroofing ots tha gpvernment- backed ltoma improvemant plan ui that vft wuasllawtu 111 mlw tv western canada 1 excursions wm am halliag lay kstaw coing daily may 2131 hmuslv rtxurrs oooo w aoqjtaikaq fcaa wttrkmum i nly 1c mrflt touu9t slksmho cabs a tra bmaiawulr itfcamaju stahdafid bisptnq caaflltu4pr cost or accosmaomvtan w agjumha cjuui aamtsomai eckscasl rtjjiitaatlhtrtartkaif araiumafccsutmvaaaaams tsjfafi jljfmfrtmi rti injiffrftrmifiiik jktim sajsw a sk po ha m f canadian national millinery a htrkc sltowirir of tlir vrry latest styles in ladies and miajs spring hats also v lis i lowers and 7 rim tilings of all kinds a choice tucuon al right fice misses claridge herald block utttain gtwrcetown s c i i

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