the georgetown herajd wednsjjy lv iiiiir may 26th 193 1 smmn few hah otter yorftuiiirn fcuw fail waal afay loui aiui nine- ulsa ona yorkshire w itiiuml slay 14th wuh 10 pi malcolm 1 alcnabb lot t con kjlfrntiu iimnm m r oeuqtetowil it pe 3 pring st c stlit girt fwce 2 ft 15c wa cocoa k 2sc raspbetry kkxl strawberry jam 29c touc iutsd pears v ih 2 f 25c pot roasts 14 clb hamburg steak lb t wmi ott nctua poftk hocks 1q lb breakfast bacon 7c lb kvtnll pork shoulders 17c a stewing veal 2 b- fr 25c 25c veal chops fresh eggs a lare 22c do 5jfe5j 20c aut heinz xomato ketchup cahuuhhwe luxe bottle 2 f 35c 14db 4 bv pjcee 55 home gkown asparagus 2 15c golden ure b 3 21c ukx1cam tomatoes 2 25c we sell for cash phone g tf wtf tsfssi w 28w v- f duvjv deliver a j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown uiuh vn lowest priced ft ll 1he ca humhhhiibwlttlmmabiihilhiiltllmh limehouse united church anniversary june 13 rev e m morrow ma ph d 11 jo aan aiul s 1 tjji t june 14 garden party kalimi clojuion jwnnto curtnnnkt acton oltfhestha anu 5ilr quaittvt cllawrxutu cui fl h ijwi soloist and otlwr alkulxsion 2ie ix uk and brinf ioik ffuends wagon rims and tires rr mtt j- rims sd tikis k- fcovt i rear on voir llll uk ii noon wlllels- tfck jk ukr mba mvpm far iui rsrta awl sll ona ax ur kjtnou cmoibii and i1ru x hwl fnh mm ami rvasir balis horseshoeing blacksmithing wagon works 2 j n oneill son ruosk ivf miv street gkokokvown local news you ean lake vtn art how re -bill- grmju in hjllon at the park june 1ti torincwi hrenwn convention at otoniutn lulv woi s1u au lu ahd 2nd 1 ufcuuun oortviiillom daughters of the churci ukv jtuw 5rd orrori tltraurf dick uoala will a wiualkm at ttw 1h jiuw nui t1m tttuw totumliily meeting of tlvr wown inuututr will b hid at ui tkunw- of unt twj mchaliy on wtnaay iuiwr 3rut at 3 o clock titer winner in liter feat lucky number tlxw mv lt- ptk1 arm- vtituui 2nd kwlyu tftuwrmmi ird bob uclmey 4ui hill urnrttt jmlu w ou1 if ou wjui i lb wr wmaruilrtg utlmtf tand wudirllli to uw swlnvt- cq4ivlol june sm orvt ury twlr h11 kt ur ytobb druf store it dot w4lw u11 ltmitf 4n ukv krl aiidr at um park jium tlth ttw art of tnljraclcat you 11 jw uwa worked rtla tmtorv iouy y- tvotu iaii4d frofu thu to thai stuntm convntkirt aieor thea tre julw 5m itt o clock only a iiuairiav it akinjveriavy ervic and dirt- nial of th sunday bdwol of u tatktlu church chettmkans sunday juiw ol otwt jafmaker rot oil- y alcxlaslar unlverxlty special aamic by lh oholr h tb ottclat oijealn at the local koilllnvs inr the waon of 19st wul be 00 thursday trhowt supper siecaad at s xtn thrvlu b a uiatcd formoaw follomd by brldtjs all kaeoabrn are rvqueaud to be iwrrct- l 11 s slim ucclurv canry them out at uu park june itth lmirom4u ars balac aixuuul our pott qcflo by lh laying of additional oetaenl pavlnit in from and uk beautlfylnit of the irouno f toanllnir tr utd uirub- th ladiat bowunc club held uwftir owning tame on tuesday whw about twty t3otxbra wr prvaemt urs hobt lqntrln uwl ula lyla kw rvrdy made uw hlfhcu aoora- sujv- pr wi served on the lawn tha lsdus ul weloome new ttcrubera preparations are und y for one of uve blctt oonvttiiona held by the provincial ptrmaen at ocormown on july m 31 au 1 3 chief allan honey and the koi of in local brliade a busy ranainc details for the entertain- aaenl of the vfctlunc nrenten betaroen bu tonkm while they are in personals air a cmertmi uf otlna j- a vlutor in umn ncr utei ittuiukv rrk end urv noinwti oullliup of ltru mten i tlte- wrrk rtml ailii mr u oault depuly chief outk ciiihrle m i oronto wj amoiu our v l llur t town but uoiwlay ur and alra jul oarvlde of pvlrr- boro apaitt tiie week mwl willi ux and iwrt oolnmli l- air awl lira oonlon llhliur ami mm of toronuj jmitt utc wvtk nul w til oeotketo tl f rirruu hheruf w j u lutnikjilrf of aluton wu a vlvllor in loan on tim day and cadd on uur mlitor ur lludi u bmyui of uelfait lv land is vbiuivr with air and un ooidler uir amu l a brouurr ol atra cloodw un h uoculkklgh ximxil tlte ibol uuy in obelltti attnivduut uktt ukau teeddliitf baleoratloii of iter muljiu jur aikd ur lloltnai un qrorvtr uolloti af lajl juil wlui hc unci ur w u mmrtlll over lite week elld ui uuo wkttl relalivm 111 ualltnafad- ui wot a tevereii haj taccepu t a lkoaluon with the limiley uelr co tmi and kfl but week for cleve land 0110 where- he will comtiwic work at uielr uant in tltat city m slti 111 au ii voiing j fattrtjt llaoj haxqukt oi in u teiunk ala 3lu a iwiujil at ttald bj th- youinr j ison of iir unit i churoi a a ittuiil clu in hm lr wlnuri acttvl it lib lublr krlx umuulllly dc i ul lit c kiliuumi colours and a ii in r j tliaii u u iuiijki lrullv 1 uiwr w vtutf mllhuuud acuxl u ciiair tllmii uuluitliut ttet taiiuullar ml lul uclmrmiu brouht tiltll lioni ulc llallon 1 icxe ultlu j un liiw- t jmukrr for lite eveiuntf u lite iua uikl 11 oalbuclterr of m lulin uiim church oakvllle vho ullutruud iil talk alui lantern dul llu jwoahl uu uoueeri hotim uuil in nortlirm onlano uiul uhu lilrtun of uie y p camp ut ititpcul uemcji lakr lotc hjterrv uikllut mtt ul ute uioralu twvre ml itftlh ltuu air wl sikirtlu air ileaart aiaclateti ocau milo tutd ul iwlli iktmuht tuuo ulo atvuttllkuil u ul llnul qlhetl ajlj mariow ouriitl a nudim uas in11 by ijl uadtleute kralit tlr- ol uloiiil wti tiwh l k1 kviljn btocllord kiui air ar inalul auckhthter r paul wu1 officiate operate at the puk june ittn caeaawvauwe linr a mmuni of the oeortelovn con- xervatlve ahocutton will be held on friday may mth at rua cuu ui the pipe band llau above oeort town pharuaacy oooers will be olect xl all ladies and xaen inurectad are untenuy reoueued to be present it vw itwriaim ba meglkum uaek on saturday next uay tnh ur oeoree alcou will open up a oholoe freah stoek of tobaoooa dtauat clears confectionery lot and soft drtaka in the ucaibbon block uain st lie will aio serve uht lunchm at all hours your patronage will be apnrcialel the offer of smith a stone ud to pay one third the cou of laylnt a hard wrfaoe road on vietoraa st from the railway tracks to their fac tory precalsea la a most tarous of fer and should be appreciated by qeortetnvii ratepayers the council are seriously omuiderln the otter and it is quite possible the roadway nay be bulh there u a lot of trafe over ihu aecuoa and it is in very bad condition the total cost would be in the beishborbood of palermo sectional meeting the eastern sectional ueetlns of the woman society was held at palermo united church on tuesday uay lath witu a xplendid auendance the kmtrrorig aecskn opened with a call to woixhlp twnjatlonal anthetu and praser a few necasaary buslneas items were discussed followinc t he readinc of the minutes of last yearl meetlns by our secretary buss u sharp or uelvule united church our dalftatlan was heartily welcom to by urs janet qubrt honorare nreaident of palermo auxiliary and graciously replied to by urs a o v poreman of llalllnafad who made us feel that the success of the day de pended on eaoh ona thut creatine an atmosphere of real helpfulness which was an id start for the day the wesley auxiliary lead in the first worship service reports were then order ftrsj our auxluarlm and associate society then ulssion circles and cojt and lastly our ulssion hands and baby bands there was rvej inspiration and many helpful uttetlons from each report show ins also advancement and food work lalthiully done durtn the morning seion we had a solo from uaster norman wood and a duet by nor man and lleler condor palermo uls slon band members those nqmbers were fullr enjoyed and beailtlfully given the quiet halt hour was 1m preesively taken by uus r uckay and mrs freure of the oeorteiown auxillan a hearty luncheon wa erved bv the palermo ladles in the afternoon the uelvule aunt llarj lead in the opanlns worship sen lee this belne followed by the report of the conference branch meeting b urs k p lunau of oak vllle thl report was complete in even detail and exailleraly nlven the roll call was taken which show d a ffood reiiresentatlon from ea h oeiky in our division a iileasirlg ou eliutled ivory lalaortl was iiiat by urs oarftlner of acton then our main address was civen by our special speaker mlsa evelyn ultchell toronto iraveluna secretary of the wui- in her address she stressed our main punoe- lu uus great work a as 1o build the kingdom of ood on srth br inning firt with our own luartv uirn shartng with others we were ljld up by ihut powerful in luratlonal talk xewi condor of ialenno ulssion band favored us with a lovely solo at this time re ports uuit showed much careful thought and energetic work were given by our preabyterial secretaries an open forum with questions re ceived from many of thou attendlnc was capably handled by uus ullohell uuch helpful information was glean ed in this way the courtesy committee was report ed by urs bert uowat of acton thanking ona and all for making our meeting a success in giving their beat in song reports aktraee anterlamlnv us so hospitably and all else that added u our need and enjoyment urs iafelahart our prahbytetiaj preskkwit brought us a ailing olos- j tngi aumag on loyally and service ura h a hddu of bronte closed our 1 anealuut with prayer jlnlciat ivktitruta anu jimok rxjosxas icajld annual em no the annual meeting of norval junior instuute and junior parmen was held at the itome of ur nhd mrs thos olffen un agnew county presidetu ol the womeni institute gave a uiik to the girls on uie importance pf the position and the carrying out of in atitule work in the community is abel wrlggleaworth and beta plsliet aye reports of the guis confetvnce at auelph ur oralism brampton peel agri cultural represeutatlve addressed the boys on dlwanea of chicks and at the joint meeting he spoke on cliana it agricult tre jn pislier gave uwe current events taking coronation as the topic otocers fojr uie foltoalng year wen eletied junior institute lion president piorence glhcn preudeniksdhleen llll vlcepreidentbernice lixma secretary rta pislier treasureiuarle blackall filstricl directonlsabel wriggles worth branch directorsgdna llarroi jean lundy charlotte wilson pianist isabel wrtggksworth and alexlna sinclair auditors alexins sinclair janet henderson press reporters reta fljier nice ltyons junior parmers president claude uclaughun vicepresident craig reld becdetary treasurer llsrold clure program oommlttee george derson jack lawson lonu lundy lunch committee bill reld and john ucnsbb clttm aauukum liu chanai parax on fihtkui turn alui mulf zone 13 ooiuhuuin lfri will ibold uicu annual church jurudc at oeorgebown j j jo lieaoeo by tlic uvne oots iul imic bana lu reservoir park a i mrvaul vu1 oe luartxl atute cetter- upli rv jctii uill ambuao gt a i iir cupt tudiuj lamb chuualo uf chvoie sueel hospital tururno vl1 iiredch tiie public arc cortlialli lniud to attend t steau iktuse on ontario street ejeclrto lljiiil loan water and about three ucre ot und posmaslon june 1st rent reasonable apply to john w armstrong or jolui t armstrong oeorgelown plkone lsgw it wood for sale choice hardwood uapu and beech mixed soft wood ssost reasonmble prices apply jack tost phona ilw georgetown u trucking carufe thorough all kinds of hauling d ly and reasonably v piiona mi georgetown whllaaa u tenders wanted tetukrs will be received by the aukniiter nnia win o llur national anth m brought llus uocwtary ol uw gaorgeaown high vnul lo sclkool board for to ton of buck vulteat or pea ajiiliracile ooaj or 4v loll ot isc cuke all tenders to be by j4oa lu- walter t kvahs ctary secret -f- ber jic hen church news rerisware teit ixieaaed a the lard wka dauy uaawth us with beaebu even the gj af r sarvatlaw ps- o ul st geargxii ckareh rev woo ttiomjinoik iteclur ptrst sunday after truilti ilol com munlon s am sun day school 10 ajn ustlns 11 am evenorm 7 yxti tt albany cbareli glrw uuluass sunday school a pjn efruxmu 3 nueo- ta caarch rev e g baxter ulnlter 100 ajn sunday school t pan evening services subject the source ol joy uanday u byju tliurs day pjn uklweek serlre a el come to all ualuj cbhreh rev p c overend ba ulnlter sunday uay 30th 10 am sunday school and bible classes 11 eon and 7 pjn the annual spring time services will be observed the church will be made beautiful mith blossoms and birds and members of the juni or choir wul assist in the music at the morning service the sacrament of baptism will be administered aleelittg af areas sharehauera the annual general tneetuig of u jianlioldipf of georgetown arena umitud called fur may 13tli 17 was lomioned a luruurr mung will be mid ul uie areiu on may 31st itt7 at a iua oja1 ail jiareholuars arc requauted to be present as tome erj lmijorluil uuantt l being brougla up lor cllcuoon s v king iecrlnr treunr 3t uaiwe al haluaviuv park a eland ailt be held at iluttonvlue ihirk uiuiet live ausjucei of norval jiuuon on almuloy june 7th uuuo uill in jimilkxl by whil tiiiplngs urcliroru vlui dancing from u till i laiulanl unu adintan genl 10c twin ic evcrjbody velcome a loud uaii assured slttgiml kcibskys impair our healtti rumacaik two way actum 4uicku deaikses and invlgor- aua uie kidneys llc rumacspa ilolihi drug more and uoccurniacks urug store new advertisements paaerksugutg and paiauag paihnrlloiiblng and iiolnting neatly and lutaniitly done kstlmstos cheer- lulli ghen rates rmljonable jolm parmer main st piionc 329 3tp xllvs lamb practical maternity nurse terms moderate phone m r g georgetown r r x itp u natlee wc arc wrecking 38 master bulclc 21 x c00 urw j7 chevrolet 37 ford tires and turt far jdc clicap we ock all si- of lued tires and lube cars aiuited for atccklng acton cjaruir piionc 25 2t r ka brick houc main st north cor ner tuwliu sl six rooms with fur uacc bath and three- ire electric service poveslon june 1st apply j w kennedy phone 163 tf shed far iale tvndrrs will be receled by the uiiderslgived lor die ihirciis- of a iied 31 it g lns hi 1c6 ft uie iiro- m rii of boston church ttie aid juxi has a hood roof which can be removed in sections the purcliaser lo take wlutt omounx he requlros the htchct or on tender not neoessari ij accepted- robl dredge chair man phone im r is milton r r 3 j g gillies treasurer plume is r 11 georgetown r r 5 milton it tenders for coal tlte public school board will re rehc lenders for 85 tons of dominion 4 lump coal olo for 85 tons of dominion lump coal cool to be delivered at uie school during the first taxi meets of july the board utll choose either one of the above grades but no tender will necessarily be accepted tenders to be ent to the undersigned not later than june sui 3t p b harrison secretary bedding plants tomato plants and- all flowering phials also window boseci dnd hang ing baskets ailed cut mowers al ways on hatkl and norei designs made on slwut notice john far ur florist phone aa uain st georgetown 3tp notice to creditors in the haalw af the icstate af kusa a lagam lata af iw twem af caargtuww ba the lj af hal notice is irjrjlttny arvkn that au persons having any claims or de mands against the late klij logan wlm died on or about the ninth day of february ityr at that town of georgetown in the county of nation and province of ontario are required to send by post peapald or to deliver to the undersigned sou- cjlpr herein for edward ucwhiraer uie administrator of uve estate of kllta a logan widow deceased their luunes and addresses and full parti culars in writing of uteir claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the aecuriues if any held by them and take notice that after the tweniyibcth day of june lair the said edward ucwhlrter will porceea to distribute the assets of live said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have liad notice and that the said iqdwaro mowhlrter will not be liable for the iald assets or any part thereof any person of whose olsim he shall not uien have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this twentysixth day of uay a d 1837 loroy dale kjc solicitor for the said edward 3t whlrter summer specials values thai mean more power to your dollar underwear luthrs brociujt sntm slips colorn ira troiu wlute ut 115 suede taffeta slips j 69e ldica satin slipi lea lose and white 98c harvey woods porous vests und panties 49c ladles und misses pull6ver 98c and 120 a full range of quulcees 50c to 100 blazers ladies and misses blittrrn colors red b copen rose navy whili 290 simplicity patterns 15c 20c 2so anu for langleys ckuen nd dver mcbean co getcvn closed on thursdays at 1 2 jo phone 64 we deliver geor notice to creditors ih lac suiter af the estate af fwan- ces e scott lau af uae vuttage af glen uuuava ba the cetsauy u llaltsm kaarrlea wasaaia si nf notice l3 hereby qivkn that all persons having any claims or de mand- against uve late frances e scott who died on or about the third day of december ibm at the village of glen wllllams m uie county of italian and province of onlario are required to und by post prepaid or to deliver- to uie uxulerlgned aolki tor for william scott uve adminis trator of the estate of frances k scott married woman deceased their names and addresses and full parti culars in wlrtlng of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature ol the securities if any held by uiem and take notice that after the twenty sixut day of june 157 uve said william scpu will proceed to distribute the assets of the said tie- ceased among the persons enutler uierelo having regard only to the claim- of which he shall then have liad notice and that uve said wil liam scou win not be liable for the said asset or any part thereof to ant person of whose claim ha shall not then have received notice datkd at georgetown ontario uus twentysixth day of uay 1w7 leroy dale kjc solicitor for the said william scott 3t centennial years biggest laugh donkey baseball coming to georgetown park thursday evening june 17th georgetowns fint flooduaht baseball sponsored by georgetowns lion club mmms save with safety at your rexall store outer kkuscukn ts sptcial for this wooar intvkx movie caktkka msk yttt ml mus uus casiimesc bouquet soat- 3 calm ilr fitch shaving ckkam dkcostalncd tvulujcit ipkxc wrm oicumi iilaltii sal a uooess u ihrs rowott furr i hrtii caivsuxtl cltfms minulix me ma tu vacuum otttjes shumiuc n it nfe sal us face e1x1e m is1u is sunkkai co icstn mvy sa me vw mm slwmirs ksm u mbubt si w itvm buhl ilasol iv m robbs drug store prestons fish chips uu weeks specul smoked fillets 14c k- phone 2s3 we deliver baby chicks barred rocks kw lumpshire beds s c while leholms from eggs 34 ounces to uve do cn and over 61i cenu jeach llatdi off each saturday aftet- jvoon adolph sandusky qs sl atu lai lire w kjl na 3 pkau ulrll itatajgyron what salu ike serlatavres and whosoever wa not found written in uie book of life wax cast lno uve lake of are bev 30 v is dominion specials values are effective up udtu saturday avebt uay 29wa rounsols jam 23 raspbekry sr strawberry ivcu right choice qtiahtv tomatoes o sale or libbys foods peas fjtl tomato soup si je3 spaghetti 3 25 tomato juice catchup i lb ik ilr beans i lli lrri jr i 1 mustard i m sauerkraut i lar iii 4 i 00 uauy foods 2 i it 1 111 i ii 12 dill picklfs 19 rice ir t butter 5 s 25 bacon 25 brodms 25 cocoa 2 25 jelly powder slimir 14 extua special pl5h new potatots 7 u its wax blams i iw ur okandeh u sv gbapetslit i l bwt siul juicy choi lbi-bt- alw nu majrvekv wsonk w dominion wi