Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1937, p. 4

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v k7t the geoisetown herald wednesday evening jjinr2nd 1937 p4 isvtltcious your eyes we built lor muoi plains that were by petty bill we tried to liold um wth im- bright ax any april moriilng we did ma fight ww thougtit uaw often uut all we had been told highways went into but we forgot to that we walcltcd our vision fading across a wo id utal knight liave bmi u uwlr when toei forget to liwn tr- f colcolha a wounded idll shell pure heart uat ury my bulk agahi wlui strong ind last uka codrage grief mumx psmed um 1cmljrecutmt day oh when it nbki vdien bailie drums are dying along greet ridge uit well the hiring as w awpt uw far brail may never yogurt dear god wvve had our rtiamenlog ium wrboilmes- cxrrepondence old tepvu txnihg nrwouexrla forner athlete almost a cripple now rtftjbt as rw after taking kruadben ttd this irtar rrum an athlete telling how lie uualnrd relief from rheumauc pains my kjtees wre so uilt with a kind of rlieumaloid trouble that x could only rise rod a dialr wlui pain and dinioully this liad he growtng vurse and worse for about two years it wax all uve more kmlliiuf wcalis- ill fany young days i had playl for two couiiile at obtbmll and iweld my college reobtxl for tlte loo and 330 ymrtbu naturally i tried all- aortji of frabroratioji but willi abmhlulrly no prrorpllulr vttecl ttlen x drcid- xl to bry kruclert plaits fcnd to cut a louse btofy slori i am now as right as rain tlw 11t 11m pains and ktlfilkobs of rlteuma- tlyn ftrr flwjbrnt do u ueflosllt i iirlpacfcl lit llw mubctrs and joints r lvrlp la slnuule uw ex cretory organ- to wwluty jegubur ac tivity and ablrit uhetnf to iito- m ih- system rut uua exces acid from ihe system here atlll tfceye mureatlnk fetter received jamw itauantiiae djeld titelaf ftoofing lwllliilulju j 1 1hllll at iy i l hik liai rnufjbs rpmhjr immiiu klbaoix roofing irtlrlny jamcsv ay roulttv eouncnt easfcrasierfrvoditds expert watch repairs by j h- jordan agent for singer sewing machines repairs to ah make georgetown phone ii lane block 5ke kittgituigltuxnj- safe direct- economical leave ceokccinkwn guiuiud tlbf i tkkvamur us pn x sj5 am u pjm tu iul iii5 u y us px 1ijs u u iul li5 ph 113 na ua jb x xss j ai dftilr cxetpt soswlaj and holidays cxi twoucfa u lflodob 4j t1ifaiii fa iwwva soil and hal tnuram uunm nir raass bctweas gw and tobowto tus dmsorr taaa uqmdoh uontueju 115 tlckru and inlmaauaa at w hlong phone 89 millinery a large trfowine of the very latest styles in i jmucs and muses sprjajg hats also veils flowers and trim mings of all kinds a ckoke srirriiort at riftft pvkes misses clari uack upstasrs or use other i tot tdo villi the saleol tkaft narttntair prodact a the puiv- ae kawa rf ua fttavtieatmaats attfabuuml o wiasloaaawi h v faae f y nmwusiwi haw wari of it to tror ubt bw asfawll oaf it is uktilatw sufra a meant tow f the cbwbm rtatai rjealer itfinrni onr ease of that khtal whleh while u iimiil tte ri i plata trloc i at wail not uwabfal ta nsaruc wim fater aiaar fti- uailjarlu the opera ufcr wha mlnd rftrililjr they flirnl hi raetw that uwy iiprmr wiah uafesr p caia aawl tiai4ias aa ytmy w bihiriatta is the aju- hw mkml akad if he had not aalaraad a etrtas hat had ataly aaid- mar kaataat aay lhtti i aiwi th rtafcitaiiit w tnaft thtt aambwac unar imw i bwr -rni- thml asarttaeui wrn4 on ta thmc in his hie thereto tobadoal of any ktod nevr his throat i sere lie ooold have ertdortad aatyj brand of inbarro for this iswm ra hecausr he did hot oae uv basalt adverustoc it aaay he call- rd but a better word would have i been wuueadiac oorham otron- icfe concrete work i am pnfiarad to do rmirnhi ti ol au uada iwfaulm hw iw ot hoe rfaavaxli r vrtto boxus jl wabwr oara a n wood for sale cfaoin faamood ilabl aad nnia pruaa analr jadl twt fhaaa mm oawta if dukt n 1 aoiuwaffi isitts a anouker fay gol ctialrmani of ue centennial oommltlrr uo4 mo ucrendolt uouywood california may adth ls3t dear colonel nalunllne a recent globe and mail carried a writeup of the oeorfeetown ccauieo nial the writer was bom in ceor- lown la lav and huhch ol the around cowered by rrl wluiams article familiar to me and x personally knew moat or the oldtfanerx nruioned i left there when is years old but returned freouenuy indeed on one owwainr went there a tinkle man and returned a married one but of late years have not been the old town x oould tell you a lot about u people and days subtaouent to lafis to amttllon any ol lhejm would lake op your time and x forbear aly father was minister of the con ipreaatlonal church for 19 yamrs be- tinnin his miniitry in or about 1sv- 4ks5 and the butldins now used todettund as the public uhrary was built by the 4 durinc hk tnaawbency as thent are very few of say otmjenporarle left our family name will mean the younger aeneratlods my thoimht in wrulnjc you eonertvtulate yourxev and the com mittee on your loyalty of duaerisfaip and energy in planning the ewlebra- uon ol the centennial ol my old home town it is a- fine thine bather the historical and other facts about ones town and xurroundinss and put theaa on syittwwslic record lnereuinc that x cannot be with you duriax ury put of the proceed ings and wishing you suooessful and happy flhertacs yours very truly w xl dnsworut tested recipes icft cttxcjui a uauxtii food no looter uwwld ice cream be re garded as a special treat for holidays and hot- days but rather as a part of the regular diet being served as a dessert at all seasons of the year uke all dairy products ice cream if nirfrhiiww food easily cugotled palatable and containing all the ele ments esierthal to body building and good health fat protein oarboby drates and vltantlns when made from fresh clean- fuvoured cream it has a delicacy of tatte which makes it an ideal food for young tnd old the following re cipes are reoomuended by the afilk utilisation service dairy and cold storage xlranch nomlsann nepart- went of agriculture vaadb lea creasa ma 1 osing freeaerl i cupmllk 4 cup sugar ihnch of salt 1 cs x pint cream 41cu per cent fatl 1 ishlerponn vanilla heat cup milk mix sugar flour and aslt with remaining l cup milk and add to hot milk cook over hot water about 10 aainotes pour over j return to heat and cook x mtf strain and cool add td cream iv ttiis mfcea one quart of ice cream noteplour may he omitted and 3 eggs used instead of 1 egg is ctinu milk and 14 cups cream may he used 1 1 cup milk- and 1 pint viw w lea oream ka s refrigerator l i teaspoon granulated gelatine 1 tablespoon cold water 1 cop muk s cup sugar 1 tihimtvm nour pinch of salt 1 c is cups whipping cream soak gelatine in cold water ileal v cup ailk mix sugar flour and salt with remaining cup milk and add to hot saint cook about 10 minutes j pour over beaten egg return to heat and cook 3 minutes add soaked gela- chill ud in cream which has been whipped pour into relrigerator trays and freeae hole the egg white may be beaten sepaartely and folded in with the cup maple syrup s cup doll synrp and cream to softhall stage cixt degrees p deal i min ute serve on ice cream either plain or with kt cup chopped nut meats strawaarry l i plat 1 teaspoon vanilla 13 cup sugar cup crmhed strawberries cup uar crush the fruit and sprinkle with the cup sugar mix remaining ingre dient and freear add crushed fruit when mixture is nearly frosen any fruit may be used in the same way the amount of sugar being varied aooarding to the sweetness of lite fruit before adding sugar to seedy fruits such as raspberries crush uuough a sine to remove the seeds- nbtlce to creditors tkr tmkller w the euiaie w lrvan- ca u scott late f the vmtaee af cwi wlttuawt h the cwaaly oahmt maurrleg wia a nodok is llkftkuv oivku that all persons- isavaug any c4aims or ir- nuuid againtt tlie late prancat k- seott who died on or about like third day of deetwber imc at the village of qn wullams hi uve county of italtoli and province of orturia are required to stend by tkt prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned kolicl tor for william vfeotx the adminis trator of the extaie of pralkoes k- scott married wotaan deceased their names and sddreses and full parti culars in wirting of uveir claims and statement of tlvelr accounts and the nature of the securities if any tkeld by them amd takk notice that after uve twertiyehcth day of june 1s7 uu said wlulau scott will proceed to custrlbute the assets of the said de ceased among the persons entitier therato isaving regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and that the said wil liam scott will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person not then have received notice datki at ge ontario uil twentyaissh day of may xsxt idbhov tsaxjc icc uolicitor for the aald william oeott- 3t notice to creditors notick is ixextsaiv oivkm that all penons liaving any claims or de mands waainsl uae late kqism at lugaul wto died on or about the ninth day of frvbruary lttyr at tw town of gciorgrtown in the county of halton aiatl lrxviikct of ontario are required to send by poi prepeid or to oviivr to ta ubderaicned abh- cilor herein for aaard ucvut uw admlnlsiator j ttie easai oi kuxa a xdogan widow deeeui their ikainek and addmmh aihl lull pmrtl ulars in wriuttg of unir rbaieas and stateineiils of uielr accuunu and the isaiur ut thr swcuritirca f any held by ukfem v ano takck noottck that atter the twentyjaxlii day of june laof lhr mid sklwavrd mowhlrt will porceet to diaributcf ytr svfcxatt of the- k daocused among tlatx penjontf ntitled ubcreto liaving regard only to uv claims of winch he shall uen have imtd kkotior and ui uie aald kdi mowlilrtrr viu not be liable for th swld assetcor any pari thereof any persou of whose claim he shall tot liken have receiiced noticv iiatku at torttnwn onsario tills twenlyaixui day of may a iso xwfaov oalk icc sollcltor for the said euward mf- 3t wloxter norwood k1rkland gold mines limited llnjal muucmxrin this vovkt mohwooo kuuujlmo b bounty ann tin cttn4ats iimiil r of iclufenwr b wra w hate tht two vtdnj l tar thr aogiltomiaa and it lit t lb ronatanvx tvotay tht kfaould aasurr itn and iqmtnr dtrvction by a boai tahicti tdq lu oturi- ton hritb uk vmm l imiinntj now in rmocmbtmin ur lmltal kikkijixd ijuuqki1 tjfo usilucr undrr thr rm olndtoil cj ur t l ukdhui iaw by o tlalr- unc ii h rvovtrmid inqumtly rrard thr lavmtor uut hakv iput thrir 4temy uuo t- kabinc mtrrprim dortnc th early nktwnt period hkuit 140w u uwf otmortuiie uaw to buy nohwodu ktuuclamp illuuuci tracking carlsae au kinds ot hauunc dona thoniach- ly and nasaoably v c wiltamia itume ml oorxatom u wood for sale choice batch and ataela at ism ilmlc cord ulud halls tu per cord ilbead wood axas per cord x fckaniuroaur rtaa ksw xnj amml amt maudctriaw prraldrha and aaanaclna dtrrctot kmvixv cttosj w and aasr iwikiw ibwttob ulra kuchrorr onl vwhnural cutllda m- mtlssxlmam j y r at vluncotam alaliulactum kttchrcwr oral sohfiur tbrunlo okt- trrasairrr uoulnnatt kuchrnrr onl at scidaaimck twki arooo urcvtnaa j at achnrlcw ltd biman ivckm klubnc onl ho ophralor klrttbnd lake onl k mxjer m atarratjxltujr orn uahta alr joe k sucraaa jb oon lad tejmnto onl trav ar a lali hehl imtl i n and anl k m th kutatulvd laltlok lakic wsntttt thai w haw had anaarl kikseaer setarilles carp lkt waltut t pliojkb 46167duejcer buj kkdwner ptatjoe 183 evans gcocceiown kindly forward me lurther a norwood cold mines lid without om gallon s04-w- skwnclr cwrst kjjl bi srihi t- sutdewer u4 pifiau enter my oixler for shares of normooii kirkiand cold llloes xjailed kncltwj fa t on aceounu will kvttut balance on receipt of cooitrmation th iwgswy hlag mlha aaywavvtl mr hbt ta aay ike araefa i a lato the t mi the ajirr mriag da net thwrt you gummttt 100 mi ww fi mabtj m lad twatenhn onlq qaaiifk iwiat ua pbotelt ysnr hsatrl it pays to use s quality paint and quality imgmmrmj in writing when you buy martinsenour ioo puxe paint no uxelrss adulterants are used in the preara- oon of this sterling proajuct the pure white lead and xinc oxide base gives you protection that lasts cover age that saves you moiwy beauty that does not fade uulttojsc enamel smooth sowing quick dryiag lugk gloss mimrl good tor inude and oatsmie 26 glorious colors plus the revolaklsoaary crystal clear tank it pays to use martinsenour kvtt nte hunt wmses x ehmbs r richardsoiis hardware ceoboctown plants for sale window box and hanging bas kets oiled t 11 sons his rales mrs gamble wlii u s mr tit hi lj l gpkeda3 what you need in june chicks speedy growth speedy maturi ty sise and pep to ed right along from uie start slae and pep to speed into full ueveloiunent mid res vroductlan wlule iirtcet are still high next pall yea apeed the thing aid ultav chicks tiavr il strang vigorous dio chicks backed by urnerallaiu ol rtatd culling for vigor conjaiuttian btowuilnetua iaroltucut caiacll w rradartua at 5 maatha kcw montreal kast qitthrc bought uray clucks last year lie writes that tie is thankful uutt lu- did at t montlis and 10 days my pullets were laying 30 at 5 mniiuiv 40 at c moiathx i0- walter j kelioaay bouahl 330 ilray chiclu uiis season at 6 weeks he had lost just onl aul at uut ae lie riles mr i weighed i just as i caught uvrnx the lightest welclied 1 lb 6 as uie iweavkeu 1 lb ox i liait found your chicks iiralu ixrona and fast growing lleaiuu avtrong fast groaiiig karly consistent layers thats what dray cliicfcs luve proved wiui outrrs and will trove will you if you give diem uve elmnce and now at irlces tshlcli i dont eijiect to be able to rriieat lit ttw next 10 years lu act if eggs advance i cannot fnuxraniee they will luild even to use end of ute present season better book your order right now bjtavs hnu ol- sxvason puctes standard kstraprofit grade grad day ou chirks per 109 par ms new llampurires white lrglkonuv ithode island reds csf flbo uarred ilorks white itacks wlule wyandotte while mlnorcas urown lgltoms hybrid 7 45 s45 lllack glanlb and white glaiiu k45 1045 itayaul v pwuetii all lieavy breeds exce4 ulants 100 110 while uefihoms 13a0 its while mlnorcas urown legivonv 1sj10 ism started ms rwueta 3 to 5 weeks old vrry reasonable phone or write for dally special ust or drop in see uie chicks and talk it over fred w bray limited jow stoftfct noah hamatiwi orsurio -ok- george brown acent noirval oofario josepfts readiness j for service gokjokn hol 3edl thoa a man dxbertat in bis business he shall stand before kings p 2 ijcassom passage genesis 41 33- 44 rf uti he ivot thy service ilord but train aae for thy wdl ipoc even x ba beldr so broad some duties may fulfill and i will ask lor no reward except to srve thee stlu- ctnirug xweav si it is usually to find the right mafittor a responsible posilo the pretident of an oil coaapany said that it naydred six weeks to investr- gate the qualifiestona for a a aervice si at ion- when a presi dent of a university was asked now ho could make xo many speeches at lntittrtk be kplied that were not his problem marine ap- pomtmetus ta the stall was his chief perplexity one deflcieney may aea- uve the valwe of saveral good awao- par exeesative amktons aaen it have tan foresight a sense of iakstice aor and manite tact there may ttajbahraalpafsa fctfe to fa rhtf ranks bur only one general caes aaber of a boat crew way know how to do his own work yet lack the capacity to ha a eaptain con- tregatloois choosing a minkter may e a vote or a political party ehoosiag a leader aaay be giiidfd by majority opinion in a ccmvtntion hut countries or leaders xjaaderx reatksuw pn nail ality phis integrity that a unajaes- tioned and a driving force that h cofalagious many who cjaspbatn that they have never had a chance have never prepared theaafjehies to carry luponaibiuty rj gtir a 3c pood sstppty has always been a human problem- the north asaerl- cans facing a long winter were rather careless about laying up food and as a result uvowands of this died froa stmrvaiion or slrtawat brought on by infushvient nosiriabred in xegypt the policy was adopted of storing food froas good years for use la lean it was thus thai jeorpfc saade his nssar in warding th f modern days proddction is eaua fail in rthrihil ion the eydes of itooms and ttopehtatoni are the cooiuerpart of the least and famine of priardttve agrvastture af ter seven years of digression has the world learned its latsont true there is lass umd faith in the power ol tariffs to prodtsee artificial peotparity but at the aaaae time there is last collective action than before the de pression the xjeagtte of hsiions b less powerful today than sorwaiily god amy be trussed tn any gtven year to supply lunvient food lor all the alive- the problem tthwlkwmny do night juaiify their eotxt 3 how can there be faaalae to china and wheat iwwitfcvi to fsttadi 3 what do we know of the spirit of god apart frossv usaari eooficl- and ignorance the til iimlug saerst 33 3s kn looking for a load adatbitstralor pharaah asked his servants can find such a one as ibis is m man whom the spirit of god istt per haps we read into this a higher awinlng than ihsaraoh inteaded but ltt us take u tn a mothrn sej gods spirit dwells potensialty every aja godx spirit can be tn a huaaan mmd will and heart as truty as gotfs spirit can he anywhere our life task is to let god spirit control from within moral education should sarin that we need fewer and fewer rules dictated from without and that we should become more reliable by following the guiding voice of ood froas within our chief heresy the mint dengerous heterodoxy is our i willingness to tteurve uiat gods spirit is within us and that through obtwlience to the spirit of god our natures may be unified and we maj rece release fiom inner conflict jbsaph was chosen for an trtnowe task tn a buslnwb way but he wa trusted to carry this reaponsiht nty heeaafe he mas a man in whom the spirit of god dtt- this is one of the great teaclungs of the old tastament and it holds suod in mod rvauige 3043 what pains are takrn to duplay pomp and power i at a university convocation professor wear highly coloured hoods and gowns mar the opealng of pari it a list there are sol diets in imllflnm fh tabvctais ti shining rsgahe lodges outat their onvecs in eapansree aarh the church aha iiikir much of the seals of of- nce and anf avibihitwl robes such navoiasary to the carry days of ejviu aalkm ta tttdkavte that- mml were set apart the ceaturaes coaae and to we should become lass and bus dependent upon outward display pharaoh was anxi ous that the amsiaortty of joseph shook be lognsead and obeyed he took ott bis own rmg a it upon josephs hand pw ehaits around his vk dreised hiwl in fine bnen and allowed him la ride ln the second cfaaraoc and people bow the knee ta joseph this hardly 3its well wuh our iweanrratk ideas but though we donount thb outward show there fa a final auth ority kartell in the ponce g and h of taduiiry ipewer aad layalty 41 there has htesi much dmrnmon u to which aaan did the greater service joseph in ancient lagypt bert hoover during the war the or- eanhalwwi of which xlerfaert xxoowr was head saisid sailbons of rrt from starvation but he had at bis diapatal the reeurobs of the north amirvew continent and asaney froae the albes the xlrtosh navy was ever preseni ta protect his toed ships joseph had ta depend more upon his powers of organnwtton without the set an ol pewtraty and coaaasani- wucfa the more dilfietilt task in re- crd la ormnhjjjoey bat perhaps hlej greaieu atvuiaiat was la retain the foinfkhont of pharaoh by bis utter loyalty and teuabibsy joseph aaust freauevtty have been teaupted to wiltwir his power hat he wax willing to serve ta second place ta order to protect a nation against famine joseph did his work without memng any attempt ta inpnlsni the king lie had the character eaual ta his high tie was a man la whom the ol g ousnes what purpose were served by the coronation procession t llow far should cabinet ministers be loyal to their priosierr want an office boy boss yes do you smoke boy no thank you sir but i dont mind hattag an ice cream cone picobac baby chicks barred rocks new xlampahlre ileds s c white xtbghorns from eggs 34 ounces to the doe- en and over 6a cent each ilatoh off each saturday after noon aialah sasittsky o st and lat lata w wjl ma 1 iphaaa wtll aauutnom what sakh la satialarat and whotorver as not fotrhd trritun in tar book of uie was cat into the lake or flre re is qksnapshot cuilck i plvoloraiiby tioiae and xettuwent flh srlwrvjt far karavwrj mr ta ifaur ftsakf jhixs owmxa b aa addreas ta eamerw- l owmfag aareau to remlad tbam of a lew tacts ruiir to the seatl- m wits i valwe of akolograiiby aad tke aaasagw of time self avueat tkoagk tkey may be theae facts are too oftaa forgot tea tke first ta that la tke case ol aareata tke most iivasared of all pkotckgraaka era tkosa- of taelr chll- tlrea wkea ik cklmrea crow ap akotograahlc iwcords of bow tkey looked as cuurea tsecosae wlthlke yvwrs more and morv areckma any ooau akoat that part anmber two la tkst paraats who are camera owaera kava tke meaaa ol omalalag aictares of ikelr calurea at aay mat tkroagkout tkoae ckiuaaoj years fc tka laird aad most tssportsat ta that star ttaw is not a moiloa pic- tar real that can he repeated or tarad hack ta a gltea area too assay parvau let t1bm slip by with out taking tke airfare that will mske lb record ol their rklhlreaa coaataatly caaagmg aaaearaac ituue aged tea i at julervat look lag aeraoa from the one he was at vight atx four ami two if years are allowed to pass without airfare ketag lakea of klua mmsries of bow a looked at tlulereat ages sr- aaly vaguely heataatwr tkat awatal pictar ta aad strisk but tatagaa cm akolagrasklc asaer dure moreover lulll too will ekar- lafc tkoae picturea aad so will kls ntlur wife ad tkalcklmreu iler itr tsm uuportaut facta too relative ta lb plctuiwtaktag ta moat laterastlag aad revaaliag alcturea of ckildrea are taformal one skowlag tkalr aatural uuur ol dolug thlaga tkalr uacousclous aiiiiuilea aad a aare meditated poaee take uasware the are tke ones you ilk moat to look at sack pic tures are easy to obtain outdoors when tke rblldrea an- at play luteal bpou ik fan tkey are ha v tag- now at tkoae times it take only a few momeata to slip out of tke bouse cassera la hand aad snap them ikoat lat tke cbildrea discover your purpos if you can kelp it because tkey wtll most surely at op evary- tklag wltb a akoutvd walt a mis ate llamatlea golag to tain our pltcbera aad start to pose the pliakera may not seem aay- tklag remarkable wbeb a day or two later tkey route bark from tk pkoto- talskar because tkey mwvly skow tk cbildreu just as you now aae them every day rat wait a few years then tkey will bo priceless iloat neglect to get tkran aaap- sltls from hat to time and partlcu larty wkea blrtkdays ruata around and doat forget to date tkn prints uemamber it only taka a few ml ate to step out witb your lamar and obtain ikeae precious ramsa jokb van uuilder its

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