Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1937, p. 1

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the georgetown herald semntjetn your of publication the georgetown herakl wednesday evening june 9th 1937 s1so per annum in arrrance 200 to uila the georgetown herau 1 m uoou wtkl cn r rone table liuulklahl time lwj4ugr cio aja itainvf arid uull wua ua auniurr uul mull gu lun istuttucrc or itorottlo x1 1l j wa lv tltul mail tun am- ihaiiriii r jjm pju vaiiuvht and 1411 wo pin puuugrr undy 11 lif pju dally pwuletiger1 except sunday ut3s mm ttatav ntk mall and loenger ius kkn ceisag ba4fc mall and kmrf mi un directory lakov dajlk icc oorgetown onlarto gttc gregory thuln uiw uu1 si kennetu u lancdon bnuv muuf nury wuia kru uartsma mony to lota oous ualn sum houlh pboa m owmmh w c cltant ibnkbr kte ottos uui sttmt f oorulown kria haoo m pa box im kancv gkavnon uttuxd cook bnum kle- tts fety m vmdimalu oml k iprkmr raaey icc 1l kdwmrd cook oordon crmydon jm ualn su korth llnuaptoa ttlephon a lluau ft liwnoob lojblv ttuudlac uruaubm tfeltiphon 643 f waxson txixs hlds ofae llours 0 to s exoftpt tbuicday altvmauu i c jackson djxs riwytrrj- to th ula qr dollop open evfeala lllv a m nielsen mlk tmut rntllu chiropractor xray drugleu therapist liy miiii com over dominica stare oeoretawn hours j 5 t nm chwj ivmaay ua frank fetch ucsnsed auctioneeb tor ik cmatlh f vi uul 1u1um prottpl strvlc cheltenhua 36 r m oeorotown ur post omco cheltenham monuments pollock a ingham succusoirs to cater worth gait ool detigsui aa atesats hm mil inspect our work la greenwood oenau radio repairing ii yara bqwieae we specialize on this work j sanford son piftonk georgetown h- to the public i ua prepared to install septic tanks esmpoou oraunt to also r- palr uul tar your roof at a reason- kble price cars washftd pallshad ami lmonlad prompt wrvlc and work uarantmd janttft uudia yonge bu amrgelowm tx uiiuai rr the kit kins hdwaru vii ujvi to tell a tuint ukry of lto bfttr lunch inn arw u at daviu aaoan uauj he left ait tool nnd was asktl live time by a mall boy tltliyt outside ju t liallt hut utrr4 he answer rl well i ir aut uif bay they j vlte bloom m old knur u uvme uul oumt ir bisyi ualllnir for an hour to re im come out uiul t tint iiolna to wall no loimrr r unit worth it i quite agree uuli you mui ktntl kjdanl laughlna but uiervs iu need or you to u any longer i ru lba bloomln old king budget groceteria phone 366 your dollar buys more hnp kdaln street georgetown we deliver opportunity specials r r 1 t m m 4 quaker special j imvgget pastry i flour i u queen of roses 7 ib w 27t s 24 i 89c a brunswick m sardines 2 f 9c a j mclarens cream custard 1 23c s 2 lor 19c i for 25c a special 6 k soap 3 9c special red seal salmon fancy red 2 25c special glenrose peas 3 25c brocks bird seed 13c bird gravel g pkg 2 in 1 shoe polish 10c r im calellis spagelli or macaroni 215c mclaren invincible olives om9 lilly brand chicken haddie 2 f 25t watch our windows for other specials imk fla shoild uokk hotii has tlve oaen sound sun times 4ioas quite clearly oml troncly the rule ol uir nlan jioujd trork both wmja in 1lpulk- between caiuutl and labor strtten at windsor liave sent pxo- tel to the premier of canada and of ontario asking for the auhdra al of a bod of provincial policemen enl to natrol that cltj strikes were called in the two plant n but all the employees did nol respond the plant manager decided to carrj on and to euagp anrkir to replace tl strike rt tlie arikers picketed the plants but no lolenoe has been een though mrike breakers have been going into and out of the far tones ne iirowncial ofdcers were eni a precaution against dlorder uul the trlken leadrn demand their ulthdruuul and claim umt the mayor promld protection to them and not to those aho aanted to worl it u not ra o undcrmaiul ute jttltude or the striker thr claim and no one dl putm tlem the right to organu and to bargain colleclh eli the elulm aiul no one denies ihem vlght to trike if tlwlr demantl are not met hut it l a poor rule that mil not work both aays ii the striker have rights the irikehreakers sun 1 lutve equal right- if a man does not wunt to aork he ha- a perfect right to quit ills labor lr hl own property and he can dupoe o it as he choolas if tlie price he ojcs is not offered he is quite within his rights in refusing to cll but on uie other hand urelj the man who want- to work and l a tiling to ac- ceiw the price offered lias the right to be allowed to work and tlie own er of the plant if he determines to operate even though part of hi laft refuie to axirk has ute same right to do as he llkrr a 1th hl own prop ert ii he can gel workers tlmt is hl buslnee tlie iiollce in wlndjor are not taking idrc in tlie fight tltey are tiure jmiil to keep the peace the are not trying to force any strikers to aork nor are tltey tnlng to keep anyone from working wm wants to to utthdrau uiem at the strikers drmaiul aould be ju t as fooluh as l tht tnkerv demand that they be ulthdrawn tilt tril of it- when ilritlsh columbia clod t deal alth the dominion oornment to take oer yukon tirritorj there was a stir in motoring circles of he pacific coat preodent itooievelt ometlme before jiad gken hu en dorsetvienl to a cheme for build ing a taent million dollar hikhwa through brltlsli columbia and tlie yukon toalajca and with the fusion of tlie canadian areas involved there oemed a better chance that the mot or rood would get under ut the project uhlch lut- the enthujruc suiiport of manj a lourtt and muni opal bod is conldeted in certain otlier circles to be inad leable ina much a udi a road jimittdl might be ued for mllilao purimen in the event of war between th unltrd state- and nn ar tix u m poaer van cttwlag im quite out ot practice aid the goller lioplrg for a compliment from the tolid caddie 1 ve been travelling for the la t ik niontlis then jete iilatd before in e ye sir mdtlllus mkvh v i thou ih r urt tuhl nil my rurpet the tr nt iv mull tmulily umils and 1 jv o ir lulr luwslr ulowinu all ul uilh iur utui fnilt and i kuou tl nt mi uull urt dlh ilkuitl vtjtli pn il of mall tlnirn aiul luitul atui hit jmir tan turn jlwjd moit irulj ill liuniir iiitr piirll lllhlj and i kin jliji h pnrlor b litter r t with min old tn ipv und lot wluu otir own i in dtilntuv1 unlrr unit iruxil in tin fiwv i ir o btty artd i tnnu tiui wi romi i iiuojioj tjiiiti luil ih ill hour of he day wllkh vou it 111 vuui uuhlhrrteted and heihi tin utl quit i uauy vex r know thern air four little bed- kit- whrt i imi i t uul uilchftir neh muht white in mn a hi jour auto and fl l h ixx our dm ju m tijlglit nou i thlnl 1 in n neit little woman and i ile m j hout ututru too nd 1 in find or all dilnt belonglngr yet i uyiuiil not rh nine place a mr vou no keep vour talr liome uith iti order ft freexlnui from bother and nol ami ke p your fanciful irl ure but rip me m four lilendld bo iaiuom to -scr- vext couovatioi wtiat jin ii be aid or uie television experiment that marked uie coro nation it l reinrted that fully 50 qoq m an area ol 7s00 jjuare miler ere in london electrically speak ing uiough eatcd in far away home and ua and heard -ome- uilng or u p ouidoor- ceremooj saw trooiifi qun uary uie imncess even uie king and queen urlore thai a derby ltd been crude televld for uie bene fit of a music lulls audience in lon don but uil teleuing or uie cor onation procejon it on event of hiloric importance in 1l oaur right it a a- importanl for example as morses flrt mesage what hath cod atought or marconi tran- muoon aero the atlantic of uie jgnal that mood for the letter s orilell famou watui come here uie flril axird eer ent over a tele- ihom what of uie next coronauant nol nnlj uill uie empire hear uie prav en the anuihonal cliantlng uie sol emn 0 of the king but it will see in westmlnter abbe the moving spkndor o an ncicnt rite elec irlc ftave millions of uiem a econd will traivport hindus nea zealander south african- canadian to far 4nj london what are uie roatl of rome compared with uils or uie ulegraph and jhe ainlanet tliree hundred million dtxamatc personali lie- trm planted with the velocity of llcht uirough jiace it l plain uiat at invention t m the course ot de velopment which is or incalculable toe in i oll ileal and economic value to the empire tlie dominion have nrhircefl independence but a long as uiej can hear and ec ahat t koint on in london uiey must reel i kin hip with ki ik land that depends on omeihint stronger uian enu mem perlmp hltorlan aould do a ell to conlder uie part that electri cnl communlcatliiu has plajed in cc menting tokethor colonies and liome co mtrv and the even greater part that it l de- lined to play ahen he king- moicutv iwcoouua uvlng pr inc ulirnur the british flag rrotur in the breere startoffl oh the right foot uttltw ja fciia jl uli u ctwir far l4 jai alukbmiaj kar fitatf tat mr iiiwry ay f mty 1 1 hit i mm wfc tt faj tjla sl wtt louwallu caar butwu lwljj aywr swtft wut corn tr 9c gr4 vajuv peas 3n09 bai 25c cjulii path am beans r 14c 833 tulkxiunll flour pw 33c kt dm cocoa ww- 19c am xmii molasses u 10c mustard al9c wmrt iroptuwhik woc10j ijulumi gmi punch btl s3c ixtlmm fltlu pectin ptj 14c lattwm slld olives t isc jkvo u g powder 8 pfcji 17c guj soap tl 4c kuii hujmim castile 3cjt 14c llbkuv culk soap ovflltlne 3s5s l 15c 8 23c hyti otoie rd raspberries hatlauant sauiwicli sfurad ot mayonnaise applr bloitoai biscuits 2 27c vinegar 2 our popular ta dandee b pw 39c libbys or caavtbrht toaulo j u i c e 5 tr 25c toand wkou wheatpuffsfe10c carrolls ccidents i coupfvsation the aerident rciortrd to the wtrtnun compensallon board dur 11 l mnv numbered soc0 as comiiared with 4 iul during aiiril and 474 diiiu mnv a ear ago this brings the mt ii number of accidents to date this v ar to ms74 a comiiared with j 11 lor the com imndllng period of 103g tl bene fits awarded during may 11110 mteti to tiooaa 17 or uhicii t30j 0s8j1 uas for compeiwuitlon and jlq022a93 for metllcul aid making tht total benefllij naarded to dac iiu viur w578jft83l as compared with 1370 80428 for ute same ierlod liit tar 3 00 for 200 special offer tlircc tl 00 boxes lloyds stou ach savijis or 2 0a pormuia 1 ilsed in uils prescription proscribed 1 by successful physicians with i excellent nonius for over 40 years- ioamvely guaranteed to re lieve all forms op btouacu distress dj pcpsla indlgesuon sour stomach nausea vomiting momlnu sickness car train or ma sickness and every kind of stom ach upset sold and recommend ed wlui a money back guarantee by maccormacks druq store tl departmtnt exams start june 14th annual department trxumlnauotui in ontario luuh hchiau will begin moiuluy june 14 pupil in ihu uu- trlct will kturt writing high ichool eiltruiilv xumlnatlotu un wulay june ji all bxarnlnatloru will 4 c4iinpleial on tumdav june il the complete iliedille la nil followit mftnday jpn 14 morning middle und upper muwi greek autluin iiftvrnoon muldl fcctiool greek at- rdriici und upiwr tehool oreek com ikiflllon rueoday june 15 morning itilduu ttnti upper acliool bpanudi auuionc alttrtuioti mlddlit and up pr mtiiooi sptiuuh cofripoiiuoi wrklnismluy jmre id nunilng mwdlc uiumi1 tnibiic and anclrnt uutary ulteniotii nuddlv and upper whooj ljiglmi rotnikuitloii trurday june 17 inohiliiit middle ami upper tcliool aluetra hfd rnoon mlddlf cliool canadian history priday jim ib hloniluu mil idle and upper kohool ligllh llterarun ttftemoorc mlddje school phimcji uiul llrat year agricul ture avld iiptar kchool problemj uonda june jl middle and upper school tfiomlry afternoon middle eliooi iteometry aftenvoon middle cliool chemlury and weond year ag riculture and upper chool chemistry tueulay june 23 rhotnlug middle nd upper seliool laun auuiorv itenioon lower kchool prendi orammnr middle tchool laun oom- luvdtlon and hluory of commerce wednesday june 33 morning high school entrance preneh grammar lower ixliool french auuiors nd french literature and upper ichoal french auuiors and frendi litera ture afternoon high school ent rance french spelling lower tclvool ccond year agriculture middle tjvi upiier sclioal french composition tliursday june 34 momlng high xliool entrance french literature lower school english qramnuvr mid dle and upper school german auui ors afternoon high sjioor entrance french composition lower ichool ariuimetlc middle and upper school german composition friday june ilrqf high school- n trance english grammar and wrlung low er scliool household science and arithmetic upper school botany afternoon entrance english compo sition lower scliool art middle school household science tilt and upper scliool trigonometry monday june 38 morning entrance english liter ature lower school zoology middle sthoo commercial physics and up per chool geography and english spelling lower scliool brttui history middle cliool commercial chemistry and upper chool hutory tuesday june 39 entrance arlthmeuc lower cliool botany middle school com mercial business arithmetic and up iier school physics afternoon ent rance hi tory lower school oeogra- plij and middle chool commercial geography canadians do uil in the matter of public holidays canadians do well perhaps bettey uion any ouier country in addition to ten national holidays observed througliout the country generally ontario ha one rather peculiarly ltf own civic holiday on uie first monday in august tliu l alo a liohdav in wuinijieg quebec has five religious holidays to itself tlie natloal eries tarts at new years and then follow good friday easter monday victoria day the king birthday dominion day civ ic holidai t ontario i labor day ttiankgtv uig dai remembrance day and chrltmfls a hard af advice tlie torm was increasing in vio lence and uie captain decided to nd up a signal of dutres but hardlj liad uie rocket burst over the hip when a olemn faced passenger stepped to uie bridge captain he ald i d be uie last man on earth to csut a damper anyom but it ems to me that this plan to vuit uie old home town during centennial year many bis demonstrations have been luanned and you can get full information in regard to sumo through uie columns of the herald elec tro lux s sales and service anyone wuking free service for their efectrolux cleaner tor a free demonstration phone 258 soon idurinj lunch hours one ttux shaupaaed fuse during deataaktratw h h mcgregor j maale ve gerg4awn kg wll 13 birdh abuc maiilc tull cliarlm e jones a bird lover since chlldltood haji accomplished extra ordinary thingx by new methods of liand rearing wild bllxlx and feeding them a balanced food ration arrived ut uftrr year or expexiroenung on a large suburban lot at vancouver mrv jonea im raised hi uie pa t flv vearx jverwl thousarul wild birds many of wldcli releaued hack into uie wildxar iiardir uiatv ue utme breed til utelr natural ltatn fur four yr lie luui bred robins which ttve rproduced yearly all that time tlw urat instance where robin have bred kummwully in large numbers in cap tivity at tbls sanctuary uie bird lover is tow htfirly 100 kucobju in ralslr 35 klikr wikl birds varying from uicl jiy native birds w thrushes mtadowlalkx towlietk robins junoof and fincliefc to uie bulbul of india oi chlneue nightingale romeo finch australian budgerigars and many ouiem from souui america and cylott many of wjlilcji are sliown in tlie nhologrmphji ttiu iv a atriklng ucca when it u imernbered uit nbopl one in mve fledglings in ute natural tlau reach maturity as a boy of eveh in england kerloualy crippled alnce uie age of uir jon began raising wild birds by liand he tueceeded wlui uieui he also hand raised eanarlea a meui od held impractical by experts to day rortyaeven yean later uiu bird lover ha at last achieved a aanetu ary dreatned of as a child and his wire and aons are helping him wlui work begun by him nearly hair a century ago theae wild birds do amaalng things wltliout in any miue being trick birds the rounder never trains uiem nor attempts to yet they do many remarkable uungs or their own accord particularly intereatlng is a mock combat staged by a mead- owlark it defends itself agairut mans liand throwing itself upon its back in defense the same way it does in natural state from a swooping hawk born mw the w hlllsol shropshlre uie pangs of crippled childhood were lightened by his wild birds studlea the neeeaslty of earn ing a living sent him into an office in a big city in england and can ada lor 45 years he had not rurther opportunity of developing his boyish dream of a great bird ianctuary in 10w returning ulneas kept him to his bed for three years m this time he again took up uie long neglected pastime of boyhood its mental stimulus contributed to his recovery and brought to completion the first bird experiment of its kind in uie world today mr jones sanctuary has become too small for its increasing bird population during the last seven years of experlmenaing he perfected a balanced food ration for fledglings red to them from the mo ment they are hatched every hour ror froro 13 to is hours perjdsy dur ing the first month of thelriife in this period according to uit mans theory a birds whole future is based the beginning of the jones sanct uary aru achieved by the very dlffl cult task of securing nests or wild birds very soon after hatching this l continued new kinds being con stantly added wild birds hand reared to maturity have olo mulu piled well in capuvtty as a means of conservation in rals ing large numbers of particularly hardy birds to rectock areas in any part of the north american oonun ent where bird life has thinned or to give new types to areas this sanci uary on uie pacific coast should prove of great value the founder has even wider views on the subject knowing that many city people are interested in wild birds yet never have a chance to see them at close range or know uielr different songs mr jones plans an extension of his sanctuary to make it both educational and entertaining he liasoffered it to uie city fathers of vancouver for stanley park a great natural wooded park within walking distance of citys heart where he proposes a building 300 by 130 and 12 feet high prom this large wire en closures will run into wood- placing the birds almost in a state or nature between the night liens walks can be laid so cltixens may tiem at clae hand alkl birds which however longer harbor fear of man thus the birds individuality and different songs may become familiar to tens of uiousands of interested city dwell ers otherwise forever- denied the opiiortunltj by francu dickie cnji magazine nat worrying uandv said the dusky womans mlstrcx e heard about your hard luck i m terribly morry deed maam ah aint had haiid luck but your husband wasn t he killed in an accident vcuterda yes ma am but dats ids hahd luck not mine tit far tat a very thin man met a very man jn uie hotel corridor from the look of you said uie latter there might have been a famine yes was uie rcplj and from uio look of you you might hae caused lettuce 2 it 9 ii oranges 17 large nutveheit hweel and jaley pineapples 2 nice ms klnea for preserving potatoes it lbs 23c new carolina nice slse dry stfs free delivery gg bananas 23 ueluiouv celdeii leluw nice ms special sale tomatoes hot house cucumbers etc carrolls limited rorrtantic gift b vircinia woodaix m fthbt op i a veac erftarad bol unkindly trxim wltblo and a atj appeared raea worn vagoaty bard ber hair atragatlog about bar cheakw fs hbaudrew up yrltb a a urt to rstrard u taau rtaodlag an the porch a ktillad taap aacaoed br for reeocnluot sad treen awlfc ertcl ho yov cota backl sjalble lntltr- he aakad than be amlled nd effered hwr ida aaad cee xtxti t6 yoi agmla ubra oltat the tooubtala womaam tiyaa uftl vmntd shifted soddaoljr frp erie ta the baby than back agalxu uad it been o long ago x gtmtit i ve done yon wregvwic ahf aald quietly x kept en hadug yeo ihem tearoj glo avary ttprlng you sent tb0r da ktapp btaar- f er regarded bar with aiudfta trja why ir theoght cuta aaat uaaas where la aba y o that was it- she bad baaa rlcfct tb yearx had told she leaked fasu his aye again an if aeareblng far hidden xpraaalott that would tall war more zncreduloua h aaafeaad at last wltb lawrd lids ah backaaad blai to follow ta tbe back yard va- aaath tb tallaat of tb faraaa a aasa- uaa beadstoa raarad its gray drab- aeas abov tb withering graafl there frit uae daad cllta deadr llaybe it was two years attar yu went eric i cant write aaaa of us and alwoya well w dtdat tov pact youd ever be eoulng back to tka noub tains he badtropped ob m kn7tmlii tbe little mound head baal cuu wa aobbed t rtldttt knew i dldah- know laadyerteatly tb knouatala wbiaa stepped oaarer ao that bar eotatie tebai band all but toocbad bla eorly aaatl t came as sooa as i coold aa beard una saying ba la saadk awerlca sight yara i prtnausj fd com back if abed wait i kpt wrh- tag a llttl later be stood ravereatly ba- ald lb grava bat try aa b weald h could not traaglo tb body of bla belovadcllu tbar beneath tb grewad suddenly b had round all tb saagtc gon rrorts tb moaatalns ueaatalas that be loved tore utters sr al la tb baaa there jost ilk yon sent tbaea ab told him 0er voice aofteoad cuta n sited for you and then aba took alcsc and died sh osed to alt bere and dream about you i reckon she akd me to send you tb morning glorlaa every spring i took tbetn down to tb grocery atore aod get tbe an aeml them that was awfully good el yaw ms isle yoo were always aneh a goocl kid and you havenl chaagad ntacl mot a day older than wba i saw ya last a little rosyb but aot atach and cuta waa sb pretty wba aa grew older like sb waa tbaov yessawful pretty she was tb prettiest girl la u parts when sb woa lets a kw long ago has it been tea yaara she d be twentylght now woavflat abe just eighteen tho ad yaa war twenty two cloatag his eye b saw as b bad done hand reds or tint ta imagina tion cllta a tawny oaraly kalr bar tlear sweet ye i guess you ii ue wtbttft to go yore home pise the woman was say ing lbt much or it left just tb ualla 1 dig the weedi out or year burying ground sometime hrjc thsnked her again aware at her llndness but auare too thai ah had become a stranger to him sb walked wltb htm down to bla ear aot insisting he stay ror a visit wbto a refused with a haty azcasa at buslaaas mattera her invitation to remain far dinner 1 ii be coming back again b ud nd and uaule want to aaad a stone for for her grave wtaafu i have written on ut just cllts i reckon watching until his esr disappeared around s curve she turned and walked heavily up the path to tb hooaa a man stood an t he porch waiting for her the lldn said a tt ranger city fallar was here rrlc sasnson rrlcl ue stralghtedod taking bla hsnd from his pockets what was he s waotlo v qts eyes narrowad oldn t reckon i d ever a bias again hi wont come back ao laar duetiit he was just aorta hoaualck men git like that aomsum sb taied at the moun tains tboaghtfnuyw men aln t got half as much sans as nomeo because they ovr look facts right squaro in tbe face the man chuckled maybe say ivuh he tlad to seo your she smiled a little i reckon mla- iwl me for poor ualsle and ba golug to aeml me a nlc tombstoa with m name on it for my crava paaaat puatt fvasa braau tht peanut plant originally cass rrom ilrnsll was rarrletl to africa dnr- hu our colonial timea and thence ar- mveijl in the lnlted mates on slava hhlpk before tht civil war note a wriur in hit itevlow of itevlewa tba luainit una utile known outside of lrxlnlu n rth carolina and tennea- vi i ul uliun the union troops went m l n thulr uomtt tltey took along ulth tlilin ii liking for peanuts laugb a utile cherui this as aeml writ laugh a little hit keep it wlui yoi amide it laugh a htue bll uttle ills lll sure betide you fortune mav not it bfttlde you men mav mock and fame deride you but vou 11 mhul them pot a whit if you laugh a utue hit mm und vance vook dktrwai llie un i gone dim and pie moon s turned black lir i loved hliu and lie dldnt hive back

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