Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 14, 1937, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfirst year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 14th 1937 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald 1 m hooks ful f utxniwr ol tha fi weekly amoakuan cnr rime tmu uriiv afrit uik htrondsrd time rit eui cuuncct- cio jh wkutntfrr and wall 10 w ftixtetigrr euu unit ojw ujns penkri fur toronto ujj pin imiumgrr ijundayg ouly djl pan ueutf wt passenger end mail jw ata pajurnger 3ju ura twx4rwr and unit eao iw wwtr sunday 1119 pdl dally ivngejri except aun4y ctr nvrtlt 1x34 a-m- mall end passenger si5 e-jn- gelag fwu mail and passenger s3 fr directory lunlu aj sbuielur uorselawu ontario olttc oratory ttuaur 1u4 uiu st ilknnktii u langdon ibnua ucuur nuy ifauto mm uortiu uouay to juxlb offleu uui blntt south phont u 0orslum w a grant lurrbur etc oocb uiu sttmt 4 qar2elom erin mum 134 pa ikuc kankv ckayoon lawrincs a- cook us bay st hi oat e praur rjukv kxs h bdvard cook cordon graydon xs3 ualn su north bnuoplon latephoua tm harold n uneru lohuw buudlac brampton tfelephona cu f k wavsom djx 1l1xs grgla office hours 0 to 8 except thursday altttivootu x e jackson djtxs flucceasor to the uu dr oouo0 open senlnsa huu st4w cutglwn a m nielsen ml vaar f rrafttlw chiropractor xray drugleu therapist lady ttlnim omca ovr doulrdon bum oortton uoun 1 5 7jo tm pm t 1 laaiwiy raaa lis frank fetch uccnskd aucnonmr hr ta cfcaaum aaj balua prompt srvtoe chsiunluuts 3 r n atomtown or pot ocaco cheltenham monuments pollock a ingham successors to cater ex worui gait ool deal m suwai inspect our work in areenwood omutevy crop report dow will be found a brief nop js of telegraiihlc rrjiorts irrrhml at the itwui offlcr or ihc iuufc of montrcol from ils bninchre uiidrr dale of july bill wt oenernl inleivs hrat hfts prevail ld in uir prairi prownci- durlntc tlm paal urelt and hits combined with inadfquatr moisture ha furth rr reduced crop propecti in south era centrml and west central bakatcie an crops are irtuuu a total failure and in mast oliver cuans of sailtatcheaon as uell an in eatm and noruirni alberta serious lomjfi have ocxruired in manitoba on the other hand crop condition al prewnl are renrrullj favourable in quebec ideal wcwuier condluoiu hive been experienced nnd all croivi are showlna rapid orowtli with iirosjiect aenerallj prombjnb in ontario frequent ralns liave mlm ulaled ue uroui of veeetauon and ciok uenerall are aboe the over- aue except in northern oulnrlo where llu rainfall lia been lnuf flclent hi lic uaxiume provinces crott conunue to be adversely affec ud hy dull and rainy aeather al tlvough there lia- been some improve mtnt in aatlicr condluons in ilrlllsh columbia there ha been continued ann weatlirr iui faour able moisture condition and uvc beneral outlook t satufacton lor all cropi other than cherrle- and irawberrlfv onurto itaiiu- luwe interfered with curins a ieavj hay crop and the qualll will be affected adverseh in aidc actions full wheal 1 rhanulnii colour and ls promlunu spiina urativs are headed lth a rood lenmh of ira the cannlmr of a satlsfactor pea crop has com meced itswil crops yati anil to mntoiw are prrejiinir favqurably and pnvnt wurm eatlier ts bene flcial karl apples uraiuvs and prac i ically all 1 uriel tes or mall fruits jworale satl fartnrv yield puuyu pears and late varirues or appliv ulli be bcloft atrrattr istsiunu are in excejleht condition due to 1 inter killing production ol ulslke and red clover heed ls exmrtel to be below normal tubarco l limit are ma k tnr tlsfuctory krowih allluiih then has tten uune hail damaue in nor- itilk county budget groceteria your dollar buys more here main street georgetown phone 366 free delivery certo j j 2sc hhhhialhhamvhblhttblllhkllrhmmmmiiimfllmblhb glacier sardines 8c langs c c sauce 8 02 16c raspberry or slriwberry jam n 25c tomatoes 1 1 1 n 2 tins 21c choice prunes 2 lbs 19c junket ice cream mix pkg 9c clarks sandwich spread 3 for 25c beef veal tongue l ham hlimlililililllllillllllkla1iihftmiihiila1lilla1a1hi campbells tomato jnlce m 3 for 25c interlake toilet tissue 3 for 25c matches 3 boxes 19c queen ol roses pastry flour 7 lbs 27c 24 lbs 89c fancy mixed biscuits 2 lbs 29c raisyn electric light bulbs w loc in 25c inside frosted anna lee scohs cake flour 11 33c lombard plums 2 tins 19c fresh fruit and vegetables mi- rook or tirt i all wlm rntrr lift whrrrin la urlt t immlk u lilvfll t tnri of llt a rlenil uitll vor eucli n w irar tiwa apieurs we ktart bill i mi ye ullh wu uitl hluh endeavor ad firm rwilvf ta keep it pure and ewult llui oft our hplrltr flan en it l tn- ulted and utdd nel heitris inonm nr what in lulu hnvr been tn vain 1 pletl ut write iw pjc over no uord maj rwnm or blrtt erake willi humbled eonlrltc heiri r irayc ttie record ttie old mid ale of lorilt enlen dayx yet let pi not nc up pre on iht tlauntidf hinrere reunt for error- of liie wt clinuld 1 pur lu on to brmc riuti endeavor to make f re- h iile fairer uiin he lt t arul wwn at lenbltpot- ook of uf u iuded in mmp inlit reirtfii it in ns hand wlio kivew our every trial and temp tntlons le loveth iut anjl he iu under maiul kc adam can you civk rtllsi cii1ldttn a iioudav in tllfc cxhntu jdlinnle in eiuhl ears old tliere is one thing he wanu in life more than anythlntr it ts to cither etuis liut jolmnle hve- in a tiny aback bull i in a narrow alleyway behind an old sited there lji t even birds neit to cheer him up can you imaffine johnnie with a basket tielplnb to gather cmr- on a form 7 tiien tliere a utile airl of six she llkec to dance and inn ther unt roam to dance in the itome in which kite llv u lw dance in 1 dirty alley aurrounded by facorie imagine what kite would do if he could dance in a trnuy sarden willi flowers about her tliere 3 another little air of twelve she lias a twisted ipine but fnlth lullj does the exercuea tfie doctor has lirescribedjleach day site tin to do tliem in a tiny overcrowded room ttie doctor ays she liould pend at leau a month in uie counlrl ima bine how she would improve it jve could do her exercizes in the recti open air these are but three ca-e- picked at random out of the 000 application on file at the neighborhood worker association country home depart menl unless kind persons who do not live in toronto downloan dls comfort invite utce children to pend lioliday arltti them uiej fare a summer of disappointment a letter to 33 wellsle streei to ronto offerina two weelts holliaj to a city child is a jmple uiltf to write ytt it may be the tumlns point life of illness it max mean the difference between a 1appv ileal thj mind or a mind blard by sufferine and unliappiness ttve nelehborhood worker a ocl ation upiilles ixutv portal ton w itliln radius of 150 mile from toontn and all children are medical l exam ined before lalns uie city invi tations should be accompanied by 1 letter from the clersyman or a uell known citizen of ttie communis the man who does hl bet today will be a hard man to beat tomorrow 2 it 29c lb 9c ib 15c nb b 36c freth christies fig bars crisp ginger snaps suoli cojtrd km peanuts chaie and sanborn dated coffee 9urford ontno peaches kellogg s corn flakes srv lcd in hot w vitone mclarens queen olives 3 dune dry gingci guaranteed glass fruit no 2 tins 25c 3 p9 23c alher 12 o 47c 10c 12c prmct rupert pink salmon mb 10c krt mi4cl whip dressing i19c hcmi cider melt or spirit vinegar 2 xu 25c victory sweet muted picltles or relish s7o 23c happy vale tomato catchup lr 10c vclvcck or old enslnh cheese 2u 33c picnic herring o n 9 our htm bologna ib 14c our sliced side biacon 1 ib 26c pure ground black jars do pepper vwb 10c sealhtc rubber jar simo plain or loducd shatter ring i 5c salt 3 10c carrolls limitcu w main street georgetown free delivery phone 3s7 oltll mijil vfcjatin afkltt itikai j airs an ntmo plu r uf mmuimitroux hi- l txt ii fr llnu of rejuvenatton that prhilu to iteconie u itrrmaucit tea l in luu been oumrvtd to krvde tla vurloii ulruultural fuir now in lull hulluu throuultoiit thf uomlnlon the r imiii lor thu spirit of youth- lul ulirlti 1 a not difficult to du tour in 1 ureut measure it b du to tin hint 1 mu part taken in ihe ikhlbllutivs b thu joinui membern of l1ielmi and utrlf 4wrm club of ciutiu 1 riu ilder urneralloi lait t luuhl tin ouuui r umr rat loil well ipd tin iiinir ufttt ration willi llu ntitlupjan tn li im lit in turu inter t tluu ils rldtjrr- in potntn liut for lilfrtv llll not wily u call fii- deep con idijiitloii the tiinmenuirrf uuih ceealhl ha diviloiud u mai of uffulru in which tlu luul or youth h ijlati uie umpo of the modern ncrlcultural fab npvvudnvi n 1 not j qiiettlmf of uliftlver or not nny loituu fannretlr or fdrnien mitb ixhlbtom at the fulr tint what nr an thowln and flu m t intiri ted people in tlur ex hlblt of ihe vpuilrr peiiplf pre tti ouier folk tlie hluh landlnu of the your larmeri nnd favnit w ilr a repon- slble exhibitor at cunadlan aitricdl- titrul fulr hus been attained mrodu ally olid furrli a quarter of a century qco tlie bov j and slru farm club movement in canada wan in au- b u rated nnd one of the principles emlwdled in rhib uork was lejm to do bj dolnu ttil principle hafl been npplleil to the fulle t extent arj the fact tliat each club mi mber liad to carry on one or other of ttie club pro jecu on he home farm laid the fount da hon of the dominion wide chut work which now fornv an intecnm liart in canadian agricultural en deavour tlie projects include live slock embraclntr dairy cattle beef rattle swine jieep horses and naul try pield cropr horticulture and home economics under which comes nutrition eardenins and canning narment makins home making and local leaderslilp prom the home the movement brew to local lmiorlanre and from the localities to province wide and inter provincial recoenltion culmin ating lndomlnlon wide prominence in the exhibition of work and the baln- hitf of all canada trophies by the in- terprovlpclal ctiamplon teams at the novol wlnteypolr at toronto thuj with the ardour of uie girl and bov members of uie form club movement it may truuirullj be jlid that the canadian agricultural fair rejuvenated by joulh has been coumfutlal advehtlising pulhts the uj of the pulpit to advertie bll ort of commercial events is com ing in for harii comment in many liapcrs even ihir mlnuten uieml- es are beginning to feel that alto- gt liter too much l exiiected of them in ttie iw of utc pillplt for suri an no incemenl ont mlnl ter in owen sound car ried hls prote t to the pulpit and denounced the growg demands for com m e rr la i ira t ion in no uncertain lerai in up course of hls sermon in snld what would joii uunk of the acts in that childs life it maj mean the dllterence between a healthy futurej wlial uouul sou uilnk of the acts it mat mean of uir a ww be uw inewi fqun a fpw vers like thlst and it came to pass tliat st peter before his wondi rful xrmon on the day of peiiteco t annunnced tliere will be a rummage salt on the market ouare of jcruit m on the econd day of tne week on the uiird day of the uek there will be a whlu drive in lhc hall of ma on the fourth do of the wtik there will be a bak ing sale in japhs departmental store on the flfui da of the week llirti will be a garden party on the mount or olives wlui all -ort- of rallies to make money far uie preach ing of the gorpel in foreign lantl i venture to say if anvuiing like that u ppca retl w e never would have 1 d i i 10 acts or uie apostles whv ihtn 1 o ild our worship to al might god be o interrupted to- du rlu n a well as the pulpit niiuld wilrome simr mivi1rnt nn of uu prt nt xireme and the remedy will ronii nitre quickb if uie mini slers wttuld do as ttie ou en sound mm has done protest flu com- involved in hoving the uetklv notices lssued in printed form itnd dt trlbuuxl to uie congregation in uie ptws would be too small to re as an argument again t the re form of uie prncnt practice ciunge there oladji im i uirilled dear its tomorrow uial reginald will conduct ou to the ultar muriel yes dartlnj and right uun reginald will iton being a con durtor and start belni a brake man anil ivirter biww tlie wort ciboae hi a rrnrine rlvln roniini from the dutch word kabian hus- rabm hou tin rd traiir cimes far back from ihe luttu word trnhere to pull or draw lironiotur wa put togeuier from luo other latin words locu a place molcre 10 move native of georgetown write from new york lttu week we received a tnot in trrruthig letter from a tiauvo of oiorueuiwn now living ut new york urn w 11 h maokellar formerly clara upright mm mwclcellar and tier iiuhimiui wr very fortunate to w uie amoriiltoiliallus murium bloom for the tlnt lime on utu eon- tliieul in uie itritny bounlca gr- denu am uuiukiii it might be of in lerrvl 10 llnrald eauara to know mor about utu very fure plunt new york u only uie uilrd place in the civllu wf world to be abw to grow this plant lite bloom of ute amorphoiv- hallua tttaiium 14 td for only 13 honnt tlie puct wa alive wiui iihorraitlirra and irvaorlehe ura mucfcellar hlalfw and tlie plant was pnvryed and tyt up later for tetch title xtiuy lrlor to pie blooming of uie plant ur uackellar vlw is 1 writer or books jntd articles for uews lia iters and maaaklne wrote tlia fol iowiiik regarding uie pvnt of vhlth we have his jwntlusiot to publish new ydlrk tlie world is lull j ttranne tldilg and i hay a pen cluun fot- aeeliig them that is why i like to travel w pass utbi wy but once and lr we would feet th moct out of lire we must not nds any thing a few dya ago the new york newspapers told of an unusual liaptenlng uuil would sliortly come to itaxs at uie new york iqountcal garden in uie lororue it was uie birth of tlie larcest known flower on earth so like uote at the burning bush i said to 1u1i we will step aside and ee uila strange sight and we steiped aside into a third avenue el train and went to toronx park tlie uolanlcal name of this plant is amorphaphallus titanum and it ifas no equivalent in kngllh tlie bulb from which it grew weighed 100 pound it was brought from sumatra and planted here in 1033 ttila ls its first attempt to blossom never before lias one of uiese plants bloomed in u1i5 country the offlcials at the garden say that they know of but uiree urnes that one lias blossomed outside its nauve habi ut in the dutch indies the other occasions were twice in kew qard ens london and once in the neth- erlanck wtien i annroaclied it there ws a bud- six and a half feet tail gurgon- lng from between wo giant leaves it was living in a great box of earth suspended over a water pool for the plant has an unquenchable hiral and milt be watered continually the puul waxy yellowish green in color was enclosed in a wrinkled sheath of a darker green shade when it unfolds its flower will have uie appearance of a monster call lily and the interior will turn to a purplish hue this deniaen of the tropics reelc of the jungle and its rank growth reflects uie lush vege tation of uie carboniferous age it eems to belong to the epoch of the dloruaur and ihe repule it has been growing at the speed of 7 inches each 34 hours and ls doe to bloom uome time today thursday june 8ui when the flower opens it will measure even feet in height and lis diameter will be four feet during uie scanty four or five hours it will remain in bloom it v dive off such an intorable stench that uie public will be allowed to view it only through the glass walls after blooming it will slump down and dle at most only a few thousands of people will have een the amor- nhophalliu titanum in flower nut photographs are being taken twic- dally and the pictures will be mvown in print and likely in the news reels sumatra is uie home or another mammoth mower ealjrd ralyiejua arnoldo this flower is more beauu ful than the snakelike specimen on exhibition in the nronx botanical qarden it vtu discovered in march 1818 by dr joseph arnold an kng llsh bouuilt this plant is a para site it has no leave and it at taches tuelf to the roots of wild vines in uie teaming jungle open ing ome thing tike a great pond lily ttie centre of uie stamen and pistils is 13 inches wide the petals are 13 i irftwg an w to th quarter inches thick tlie diameter of the open mower l uiree feet i l flesh color with purple motues and l aid to be very beautiful it ts doubtful tliat the raffiesla aran oldo from il very nature could be cultivated outskk its nauve sumatra these giants are both intcmung for their very morutrasitj but for sheer loveliness what can aproach uie dear red red rose of our home gardens i we wui to uiank mr uackellar for a con of hts book pive minutes with uiu uackellar which we re ceived under eiutarte cover and find mo t interesting 1 may and may nat jone -r- you huve quite a variety of plant in your garden but wliy ure thev alt labelled may flower 7 iirun you et old man they muv lower and uiey may not pmrtkepti crittunla he ishylv im going to steal a liss slve well let the crime wave be- klotankai nottls 1pok july oofl day jn july is ejiojigh fo memory lp be enriched farvver if only wlui uie sight of summer ttowerx as keen lr contrast wlui uielr natural kurroundlnga of water grwv foliage and aky every ut bur wliktsoever of beauty is seen at its bt by virtue of con trasllntf murroundlngi a precious m b rsiv perfecuon only hi its setting at uils sftasoci of uie year a hvokl reauu lull in nature atipe to takb phvct kven uw huu lie wait ing to receive uie shadow of the ciouds ujiat slip like birds from sliouldrr ksjiouldrer lilur evcryllilng else have a great richnet uiti month ftd proudly ruled with whlle liglit that they quiver wltii bilenuty uirowing paths of gliouiy rmdianceun uur water uial u blue liere and uiene ruined darkly like tarnbjwd silver ft perfection of fxtntrast superbly exqulxltel the wood ure in uielr prime but before uie nti of uie monui alasl there will be slgiu uial nature in on ute wane i5ever of uie spring tilants uiat tuul struggled after blosomlng soon wilier under uie iniluence of a hot sunshine but not sp those fortunate ones which bloom later and mr lbme in marshy plat pands and ttrians- orw of tlie most eoninlcjwsljk31 beautiful of nauve water plants is uie pickerel weed 40callm because it ls said that pickerels lay their eggs among the leaves it is found growing from nova scotia to ontario in mud in uie shallows of still waters tlie bright beauty of its long spikes of blue ragged flowers seen at a dltance will perhaps suggeat larkpur close acquaintance however will soon reveal the differ ence v another lover of damp places l the gorgeous purple loosestrife of european origin with its brilllan spikes of large magenta sowers a very attracuve and beautiful plant as well as most interesung because through darwin s study ll has aurn ed an important place in his theoretical origin of species in july culuvated plant life is in its aenlui or at the peak of perfec tion ut here again this galaxy of bloom u tteen at its best only by virtue of contrasting surroundings whether they be well kept grass fence wall or hedge there is much to be seen and mar velled at in the introduction of choice new varieties of flowers es pecially when seen against a suitable background or framework- at the central experimental farm ottawa there is the famous collec tion of hedges many species of trees both deciduous and evergreen also shrubs have been trained and clipped into row after row of infinitely trim hedges oreat forest trees such as uie pine hemlock larch spruce oak beech birch elm and hornbeam are apparently all quite contented to be come hedges in the merciful adjust ment which nature makes when what cannot be cured must be en dured flowering shrubs are flourishing in the form of lilac dogwood viburnum carmgmna spiraea nlnebark currant honeysuckle and hydrangea so are fruit trees for uie mulberry ls also forced to bow to the loplarlas art a veritable nxample of perfection horticultural craftsmanship come uiem ten feet high the result of many years perseverance in the quest of a noble and living tribute to topiary a goal achieved by stanley cottpklx a dam smiled at the girl whim sjcally almost pityingly dw you ever hear the story of th doe chasing the train he asked an annoyed took cam to girl a face hut it vanished lttstant- ly as if aom instinct warned her tttce clouds a dog chasing m train she ald it kounda rather qua bit adam x it a tunny atoryv well tld adam it all de pend on which aide of the fence you are which brought the an noyed expression intd the gtrla eye one more suddenly ha uusjhed this dog chased the train tor al most five years i ffuess that b funny he looked at her intently as it trying to look beyond the blu- ness- of her yea to what lay be neath remember he went onv back there in cedarville when you wmre sally blaruf the moat popular girl lit town and how cussatlsoed you ere she krnlled remembering oe- darviue was alwaya small aatd and being the most poewlarl girl wasnt such a great honor every young man in town wor- shipped you sally including my self i wasnt vary gracious wan it i i mean that night when you pro posed ancf i la turmoil hush and crowds a visitor to london from pit calm island remarked in an interview some days ago that life on the tdand was very comfortable and added we live by hand for we have no cars or iriachlnely the statement will doubt remind a number or people to cast envious eyes toward pitcalrn and idyllic oonununltles there arc and always have been of course simple lifers whose essentials for the enjoyment of living are somewhat akin to mr ha tiles requirement- tor whls rlr w- a clean hearth and the rigour of the game tqul there are many who without wishing to go all uie way back to nature dislike and distrust modem machinery and the condluons it im pojss they remember that eminent authorities have warned us against invenung too fast that noveluts imagining the next act in the human drama have evlsaged the machine out of control and that a playwright has msde our flesh creep with a new version of an old song hojil hush hush i here comes the robot man finally uwy recoil from uie rush and turmoil and the dangers of mad em condluons n canaiuons i surely uvough rush and turmoil- sally looked at rum and there was attaches a somewhat unjust stigma to speed and ocuvlty surel it is a strain to travel two das in a tage coach uiun two hours in an express train and if we have our crowded hours of far from glorious life we cannot lay them altogeuier al the door of uie machine did not horace wat pole writing nearly 300 years ago soy this ls the centur of crowds the chrluan science monitor oranges sweet juicy nice mas 1 9e doz cabbage new hard heads nlee large bias schewl potatoes nmv nici llta 1r 71 bs 1 7c tomatoes lloaw grawn iu4 llause fires lha 23rib j bananas uuea yetlw mm sue 21 cdoz watermelon cucumbert beets carrots etc carrolls l1hitkd laughed at you your refusal wasnt more than 1 expected i didnt amount to much then i didnt even have poise or selfassurance or any of the things that girls admire in young men sally laughed as if the memory of au this pleased her and then two years later you proposed agaio you had a job and were doing wall with bright prospects for the future you also had a new suit i remem ber how proud you were of it- and then when yoti finally ran away with ttus gardener i miserable it was as if the only worthwhile thing in my life been taken away you see i nev er had any folks and very friend i was lonely and unhap py but i kept on working trying to get ahead somehow i felt that one day you might be proud of me and that would make it all so worth while ue paused but sally made no sound or movement and a smile came to his ups minever for get how i kjvjckedawoof andy saf- forne teeth out because i heard him say that you didnt realty love rus that you had run away with him because he was rich i didnt know ihen that andy was merely repeating gossip that was general all over town every one thought the same thing varna lelghtatt who was your closest friend even said that you had admitted such a purpose to her at any rate about a week later i went to andy and apologised for what id done and then ahortly after that rumor got abroad that you were in the city youd been there and werent looking co well this bewa gave me a thrill it seamed good just to know where you were and that you werent too far away oc casionally thereafter city goers re turned to cedarville to anivounce theyd met you here or there and expressed varying opinions about your welfare and then alter a while i got a crazy idee that i wanted to sea you myself 1 had to see you so i came to the city and was lucky enough to get a job almost at once and then i looked you up and salty i guess you 11 never know how thrilled i was when you seemed ac- taariyg l beg vn anfl when you void me how rus had lost all his money and you had aparated i hated him you were unhappy and i determined to do everything i could to change that we saw a lot of each other sally and for a time it was glo rious for me like the realization of a dream i didn t mind how you took advantage of my regard foe you i was glad enough to be kicked around and bullied and laughed at because id never entirely got over my awkwardness like a willing good natured dog i was faithful and patient mist in her eyes its true adam every word of it a true but all that s changed now its all be hind us i ve come to realize how much of a man you are how much you mean to me o adam x do love you more than anything adam nodded i suppose you do 1 m convinced you do or i wouldn t have gone to the bother of telling you the story of the dog that ran after the train you see wham uie dog caught the train after chasing it for three or four days ha was terribly disappointed and went home promising himself never to do anything so foolish again the girl stood as one uansllxed storing wideeyed and frightened seeing her dreams and hopes tuml hling about her head adam had reached the door before she found her voice she cried out once plalsv uvely piufully reaching forth bar hands but the door opened and adam went out something soft r irst mechanic which do you prtfer k ithcr or fubrlc upholstery second mecltunic i like fabrics liulltr ii loo hard to wipe your hund on chelsea record mike llrst tli a fraad going to london for the and hls friend pat was giving him a few hints oh what 1 do and when to go he careful about uie zoo mike advised pat yrull see folne animals if ou follow uitaords to the lions or to uu i- it phant but take no notice of the sln which mivs to uie xit it u fraud and it was out sld i hund m elf when i went lo look at it first office ilov ttie bost raited me into consult ut kin today second office hoy clwahl first office itov tlie boss had a dispute wlui uie general manager as to wlio wan leading uie league just now in betting

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