Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 14, 1937, p. 2

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pae 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 14th 1937 now in full swing t silver 8th anniversary the greatest silver sale in eight years 3000 in orange walk at bolton v milton wln muek voct sut bamnkk three uuttumitd tnart t celebrat- hi ijtf ibiriuum tuui al ihtlumi imi mtmuhty wln lodge irom llal umi ll hlnittm durfrrrh and york look irl url j dutilup laurel clrand cimplln u ontario wtwt was kumi mfcntkrr of lilt gathering l mcrstul 1 utk introduced by oordoti uny- doii m t lw turned hi te uw- or tilpiftm ll uuil ul- immigrant u iureigll u tile alrlluh stuck writ in igill itllllwr suudurtb of llv big and conformation lo ruoiihlbl uuvrrtimviu uw domuskm of call tdb stood in a dalutrruuk poalllnn we lir uwmi today tlth great rk it prlvlleurj tut british iltlarlu under u llmtud taioiurchy wm hv use tpnt form of democracy but op inane life muftt be guarded dur ing llw tun 3w m we havr hern rtvtlvlug peoitle hpraklng tawny loituthm who huw uttiv of xu ided of l tpotlluh govrrntiwul willi urv lo do with ilu-mv- ijtilr wf uim iimiii to i muiuurd or life ui will have ti harvwt in reap- ttnt u iihi huriul u mnuuli rtw only solution of tlu protlem georgetown lesion to tkf part at oakville service htnuav jl w 10th in uronurk mqialut v ottawa spotlight look this foodsafety indicator provts the kewfriwdaire khfssafctytohe temkraturi at all times it sure does ahditirwhton the door where youcjuijuways see it i wzrfrigidaire with the metermiser h c mciclure phone 54 home furnishings store georgetown morn 11iiu at cluetph general ii o pi lai on thursday julu lilt 10 mr and urn mlllon ulrd the sift or a sou died dredge at llv ivome lot 13 wrsl cancewiion rsquwlng tiiuiiip 011 thumlay july but 1u7 natlian drdae hflonxj tiuomnd of uor brl catlwrlni lalns in liu 7th yr dolson at toronto ornfral ioil- ul on ttiumlwy july kui 1kh cauwrlnc krawr uclnloftli blovd wife ot jomkh u dolon lot 31 third lin wmi cltlnuticouv in lurr slat ywj wilson in bt joaph a 1 imp i la 1 toronto on monday july 13ui 1j7 ula cramp llnvm wife of live late cecil croan wtbum tile funeral will be held from her late imldence 10 crucoe st weu toronto on wednesday july 140 t iun intemurnt in urenood cemetery oeoruetowii at 3 15 pm in mcmouam davidson in loving memory of our dear wife and mother lira j ii davidson blanch b norton who itaaied away july 17lh 1934 aivd while ahe ilea in iieacelul aleep her memory we ahall alwnji keep sadly mlued by lluibind and family obituary nat1ian hreikir the funeral or ui late natluin dredae of the plrat cancealon quealns look place on saturday july 10th from his lat raldence to nan aasaweya preabytrrlnn church ceme tery deceomvl wlto waa in hla 75lh lr ns uie belod huband of tlte former mantarrt callverlne lalna fl watch in your own home how herald or nny other good newspaper- read possibly the weather for the day is the first matter of interest and perhaps the main headlines on the front page are scanned but it is a pretty safe thing to say that women readers will turn very early to the advertise ments of local firms which advertise fashion items food items and other offerings relnted intimately to current need and desires f every woman knows what she wants not perhaps in the precise form or color or variety or manner bfll certainly in the mam matters of her desire or need this applies to cloths hats shoes food items beauty preparations and many items pertaining to home furnishing and so women are eternal ly on the watch for information and for temptation they are swiftly perceptive of the advertisements which present and propose the things of their deiire or need and ob viously it is those retailers who advertise to them wjio stand the best chance of their cus tom j it is the same in the case of men tew men buy impulsively when they leuve home each day for their place of employment it is not just to get rid of their money what they buy is mainly something whose pur chase has been planned clothes or other forms of apparel hardware items motprmg sundries shaving and other bathroom needp plants books and so on men like women have been reading advertisements in line with their ripening desires and intentions and of course they go in largest numbers to thosr retailers who have been informing them and soliciting their custom t all of us instinctively go where the light is not where the darkness is adver tisements are light and so oiey attract the buyers to those stores which they illumine l the way to get business is to ask lor it can the truth of this abatement be successfully disputed and here is another equally true statement the public buys from those vho invite its custom mrs j u dolron douan who had been prior to ivrr marrlaue home demon ktratar under the department of agri culture in peel county for twelve year died after a lensthy ulneaa daughter of ur and ura anffiu uc- intoah one waa bom north of soakm loan at a trading poat conducted by her father who atuck to hli star uiroushout uie naruitkt rebellion trading wlut soldier and indiana in 103 ah earn with her parents to parkhlll onu and later entered the ontario agricultural college ah trah t p home demonxtrator following her marriage the took an actue interest in uie women s institutes of petl county and was president of uie county branch for ecrol year slie was a member of the united church surviving are her husband her par la q talth tfchkli ui uh furvd uwluy lu b fouiu 111 tilt chtuutui religion commit 1 1 ltii run iwvtr solvv uiw iwtulcm v i e cannot ltov praiv uud imininni in tlu domhiluu uf cmiuuli until lutvt outr uiumii for ull roligloua cvtdji i mknclltnim think tit futherri of couimall wr unwuo wimii uity offered aiecl- ul roiukicruuoii u oni church it miut not be imagined jjbwtver uiat uu oraig oxuur u oppomd to ivlullouii t ruining hi uie wltoola fcur irani il rtifrtt ar loo bluny hbtama tbday ui which uutr u iu rellglouj lrutnliiu uui tlur cvaiiso ordr u oppomhi to uviuunhuukmuil uachlng in mltoou in uu ymtra of prvpur- tlon for confedt ration there wtw tliree cuulmm of tltought home bf our rtttutui faxortnl aniuriutlnn to the united bulea oilier wired n nu- tlon hiiurulfd from uu uritul km pin uul ii w itivater tauuu of uu people delrtyl aa uiey do today utnt tlw future of canada atiall for- evtr bi llnkid with uia urlluh em pire lie utld in concluftlou in introducing uie speaker oordon cirajdoji uph hated htxty year igi daluui uccartliy atood on uie hlle on wluch today we arv holding tluo celebration of uie olorloua twel fth and fouuhl hu aral auccutlul domuiion elation which waa lo urt hlmon uie rood to becoming otw of iroukuiniimm moat valiant clutm- ploru hi llitf canadian uoum of com mon a w are aaaembud today a orangemen ui oslobrala the s47th an- nlierfcary of tlm oatue of uu fioyne w are reminded tliat w clebrau uloi victory in a hutory making yar the year luf marks ui catiunnuu of hi comnuticemani of th aeuve moxement for complete rpotuubu bovemment in upper canada and lower canada it mark our tout buuiday aa a fadaraied dominion and it will be long remembered ai uw year in which our beloved sovereign acorge uie shtui received his crow orange feeling in uiu province to day la very trong boui amongat lha member of the order and amongat uie proteatanu in seneral the fctrenbui of tlutt feeling hoi beau clearly demonstrated on two import ant occasion since our celebration one year afio the uu in east hast ings beelecuon lost december waa lamely centred about the pro lnclaj odmlnlsirauon amendment lo ui axseumeni act and uu reauli left on doubt in uie mlndr of uie people of uils province oato where ontario stood on uie queauori of that amend ment it was overwhelming evldetue of uie popularity of uie orange pol icy subsequent to tlutt teat of gov ernment strength uu reeling through out the province against uie sepajnate school legislation appeared to grow more intense unul the great bulk of public opinion endorsed and approv ed uie stand taken by uie orange order in ontario aa vigorously op posed to legislative chaniea in uie principles of collecting taxes lor iliarot schools lcciyes and bands winning prises on their appearance and performance in uie parade were orange lodge alton ladles orange benevolent association campbells cross brass band bolton senior fife and drum band dublin lox hand campbells cross young urltoru lodges port credit britannia best banner mil ton plana ar bring mwd for trie nrt 0mii lr twfvu ui bf held in oak ville by t no is uf lltr canadian lrttlou tlir mrrvu u lo or in tworkrit hquar kl s pm huiulav hrxl julj uth aild lll b rondurl tnl by cuptalil c k nlrull ainmt- paliylnv vrttrutu lll bf mmu r uf u pu r4i lorhrlon aium burluiiiloii urahipumi ull ton port cridllr alwl niw tunutto atwtvrnblliitt at tlu- cmual school mnundm at 3m pm the imrndv ld by til luluttl dltnrrlll srotukll rvslmeitt followed by lit uurtlnatuh cllhtrtui band uiwl v orovlown pip uahd will prucrd alou col- borileiid lbyiulb bu to uw lurk at llw ut luting buw at ww toriwr uf colbortu and nwitrwa htk totu cfnnmaudfr oatuln j n urtonul acumi wt cumnuiulrj col brown othiryrutwn and clwrlm kdh prvtl dhit of tlt twkvllu iol of um- uanudlan lmuul will uwrth miluu wrrallw wtil bj placed tai tlw wno- luph mlttfiv u vuurd of hotum nun kwxl ol ftfitr tat mbrrii itf llw iihhimi liullirln rifimitt wlu w kiu1ummi an ijlirlnu ui iil of tin ixipny luiul u wu bt hnlvwd dy wilfrid kgglsttun ottawa july 13 thr u not much doubt uiat um umliny of ut world lime ub um in um keeping of ave kjf klm mvii uliwr liiambrtiua mumuuitl hoobtlt ctutuunp and hutltn and thai it would not htucli ifl m ut k lttuliutv- wlut ihbt lu rolled um rcctu uuvla uf our own itrrtnii r arc not wiummii korld lanlliraltc 11 itcld private livtralluri with kooayh baforv he wtnt ui loitdoii and unquaalbjnably carried a tiutgto uw ssritult id- n from 1 whiu iioum iff lias utlrmpuu vlput much hucca mo far ui ht jtthpuruur of an aiiglo- atatrruan irad agnoiwitl tlmi im xuilmi lrrnuuiy uttd in u mum miat w trtitufd as utl uikovial ambafa dor uhtrn tlw llrllul cunupuu wrtillh and tfrmany now w tla untnl ut caitoda it u kt- to bv vmlmcud uul lut will rvl tytry thing out wnl ti 1hn wlit bv biutii culukdly obuul the llttlr hi dofwi uy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmtmtmmmmmmmmfmmmm choice meats at hfcro nil lwt olu hotm and attlm xkrkr ttlhk ion uiuv wklk th following b uf vlnd lut to be publulied of old bo and lru ktkvctml 111 twxwgrlowil for ltnmv wik htpt 3 3 4 5 mr atul mr a 41 cdllu tlrt meuu uuly hul cliarlu hprtvr linitvbrklur nut ulvriu lwlut halll tyndflll krrtmu tyiuhijl trunk sliurll mm will hllu mie annie la id la wi kule urllikirt mr bchurlm nuv lilly otlliea isaac uulllvant mwlulnp ilil mr and mr ii i- coirtn cieorala mla llauuay jim uikrwcr thorokl will kulser london cora llrffiirl marvey wuuon c a liarber beafarlh albert lliitanluir wlntbor cleorge llarwood wlu llarwood 8am roas ivt itosa llarvey nikon hnry fijierman kartwat ooomba bl calharbv charlie krwln roclieatr will all irdr who know of com ing feueau for home wwk uuaae thfir lum to uie herald tf any of ui cnuiinlal commute another list will be puhllslied nevl itusfflii xtir aro bi yearold bramp- ton orangeman was awarded uie pnae for uie oldest marelier despite his year mr mara marched over uta entire route aluiough as the heat increased he was forced to seek uie support of hu um waller a member of the same lodge week end stoal creery butter a 7 marshall reunion on saturday july loth about fifty member of the marlial clan gather ed at uie home of mr and mr alg- ander lawwui lwiuesing an enjoy able afternoon was spent in sport and ekclianglng greeting wlui old mem bers and welcoming uie new a sumptuous lunch was served by uie lunch committee on the lawn alter which uie bumlneu of uie clan was taken care of expressions of sorrow and regret were voiced by col stephen marshall of wnniwf nj upon uie ab sence of uie family of mr thos mar shall trin due ui uie passing of a beloved husband and father in the early spring this is uie aral break in the connection sinos uie reunions were commenced eight years ago special mention was also made at uie pleasure of having at least one member of the family who came over with uie parents from england eighty years ago present in uie person or richard marshall llmehouse he and mrs andrew scott of llmehouae ore uie only two surviving members of uie family which came to canada with uielr parents in 1157 they landed in hornby when first coming here but after a short stay there mr wm marshall obtained employment at llmeliouse to which place he re moved hla family and there cnten uie remainder of his hie of a f ly of len just four remain mr an drew scott and mr richard marshall llmehouse mr thos marshall ac ton and mr stephen marshall wan- llil hi its ttrllalii pulley u a1 last airly t hit h lit only way to tnrl lluf tnalwd iu4 lu with a w- ger uutllfd tut ml u wng to uak iwr- if mi huitilu 1141 fcm rutlhol bv ignohd till wui 4nvuh ulluiww jiut iriw mm u told kll u wtprrtal- 1v iimtaui for niimtfl bf frlrttdvlilp mllh ihu ulilud uluu llctu jiw llkt tluoi uf u irtaw agnwnimit tlu- mitmt tiiunu wiuch hjivr pr4tp4nhl by tit tariff don t oh mm wulb iuiuu4 uw uii umperih uh tlu iminilalulji suci ts aswry dotlt watll tlw ouawa agmetoenu lo be rmalrd twknsi king crerar alkt u tt ur vtrnt lvuuilnj ar kruivd to make onckmui abdut iluir urlft prtvuvam in thf hxiush markrt ii uw cliangi for whal uiy atvf up utey will kl homauilng wpuilly iiromuing ru rome down u casmt canada will agrif to lowrr brlluh dutwl agaliua ms fruit lumbrr maib he provklfd uie uk will in turn ailmit canadian call it and ull at a lowyf iguri llu only hy in uie olnimeftt lur u tlu noa scotia and bc npput urokir wlio sm no rliance uf picking up in tlu uii wiiat markeu lie lw m britain tliut threat of a lowd apple prferrnr made a goad consernauve lumiialgn uue in nova srotla but upiwrciilly it was not serious enough o arffct tlu voting much will msikeiule king and hooevelt confer agultit sotaw commalor or saying uul uiey iirobably will hie angloamerican uud ogrvenwhit u still in embryo titer u another roiudderauoti namely gold a fvw ywara ago ihere was alleged to be a shortage of gold now at incnaaed prie it la capable ol doing more taie work per ounce also vast hew aunouea have been uncovered normally this would re sult ul a great lnltatkm in tirtcea there have been moderate rise in prices but nothing spectacular what luu prevented uie riser miinwima oeig pwuey the experts say that ttooeevelit hag taken the rap by eonunuing lo buy all uie told ottered her at the stan dard price of 35 per ounce thl has- been a great blessing for uie gold mines of canada and south africa wui be continue to do sot if ha sud denly calls hall what happens lha price of gold and to uie big gold producing countriear it take a mare erudite economist uian myself to answer such queeilons but it leems clear even to uie lay man that president roosevelt haj quit a lever in gold he may decide to use it in getung world reductlosu in tariffs borne critics of uie u s contend that uie united slates wants to sell abroad but wont take goods in ex change and i hat her custom are farced to pay uie only other way in gold or in loans loans being out for the lime being that means payment in gold is uil true the trade flgur in dicate uial the united stoles is now developing on unfavorable balance of rati su11 uie gold pour in of course at isa an ounce uie goldpro ducing cobnulea are very happy lo get rid of lu there is always um fear uial uie price may be lowered again both because of her vast interests in gold mining and because of tier stake in international trade canada is vitally concerned in uie roowvelt- chamberlain negotiatio rest steak rsstb htm ml tar shortening fctw i j me issw h v ms 5 tiiktce months schools iv aoiuctllttlre and home lconomics for milton al a meeting held in milton or friday evening uut ilans were latin ched to arsanlae and conduct three months schools in agriculture and home kconomlcs at milton the com ing winter thus in attendance were unanimously in favour and the varl ou5 reeves present gave assurance that utclr respective munlclpolluu would be willing to provide uie necee sary hall accommodauon it nlll be six years uils coming inter since uie last courses were held at this centre and already many have expressed their intention of attending the pro poed course we understand from j k whltelock agricultural neiire sentauve for hal ton utat all uial re mains now to ensure uie courses com ing to milton is definite assurance uial sufficient young ieople are inter ested to resujt in worth uhlle atten dance in each clai to thu cnj can vasjng commluees have been ap pointed to malt a simc of their rr specuve commuiiltles while the course- are iwlmarilv for youni peo pie 10 to 30 jear inclumve there are no agr umiu and older folk are welcome to attend any or all sessions in vlc of the ucccs uttendlng tire vlous three monuis sliort courses hcul in uir rounli and thr fuct that uio womenj intllutc of hornhy mountain union omaith and scotcli ulock ore more or if iionsoring uc mjggeuhl cour it l not anilcliut ed uiul any dltflcull tll be encoun tereti in ecurlng uie necessary en rolmrni of i ighly young people a local committee eompud of warden jotin irlilng a u macnabb and j k will it lock was appointed to arrange for the nrceaary hall uccommbda uons wading pool now being supervised georgetown wading ol has now an atundant in charge and parents may ixnd utclr children to the pool without undue worry as to their sale- li the hour uie supervisor is in charge arc 0 ajn to 13 ajn mid 1 pm too pjn dally parents are asked lo nciui their clultlren dur ing ihcssc hourii us uie ftulrr at uie ftndlng pool b from 1 ft to 3 ft in drpui i war vktcrans exffcctfch at fllllph lyohabllity thai 30 000 war vetenins lll altriul the reunion of mesteni ontario ex servicemen at ouelpli in aiigut was rxprwmtl by secretary jack wilmiii ol the ourlph brunch ol uie canadian legion when plans for uir reunion were ouulned owe monuis ago it os tlmated 25 000 veterans would con gregale for utr uireeday gatlicruig but communlrattoiui received from un expected sources indicate the crowd will go well over that figure acton beverley arnold is holidaying in montreal aiui ill spend to weeks at the boy scout camp ihere mr f e uarr who has been spcmllna uie uut to mouuui in england and louring on the cunun- ent returned home on monday mrs wm kenney as able lo re turn home last week from uie hospi tal in ouclph and friends are pleas ed to know she is now convalescing at her home here this week uie beard more co re moved the cut ule department mac hlnrry and equipment to the new quarter at the tannery st uie souui- o elgin street the warehouse will ulq be in uie building at uie plant there the lurescnt buildings at uie cnr mill be closed and uie busi ness all conducted from uie one plant headquarter the cut sole depart ment is ncus operating in uie new quarter and uie change has been al most comiileled mus june krunk was chosen from 17 applicants to all uie vacancy on the ucorgelown ihibllc school sutff caui by miss aiffens resignation miss prank holds a supervision of vocal music certificate and is highly recommended along academical lines she goes to georgetown with four years experience and will be in cliarge or junior fourth class gud school uccomimilsi miss prank will be greatly mlvd in her former chool section slie has uie record of never having on entrance pupil fail and her musical instruction has resulted in many medal and honors from uie malum mu leal festival which will al kui be appreciated in school section no 7 congratulations and bail wish es go wtui mlw prank in her new ihvit ion pre irwi the brlllsli poht office delivers over 160 million parcels a year after uie greetings to uie older member uie officer far 10378 were elected as fallows president mr alvtn marshall ac ton vlceprealdenimr ait msrrhall toronto secretary mr david lwsan mil ton treasurerrmls olive marshall to ronto lunch committee mis hotel mar- shall aeorgelown mrs anna mar shall toronto sports committee kr wm mar shall georgetown mj- wm marshall toronto mr lloyd marshall erlu a pleasant feature or uie event was the presentation of a small girt to mr richard marshall as uie member of the original family who came over ttlui his parents to year ago and al so to mr and mr strphrn manhall who travelled same 400 mllcn to be in attendance milton mlu lillian white u vlslung her uncle and aunt mr and mr pred c white at uielr summer cottage at woodland beach on georgian bay about fifty of his friends held a stag party on saturday night last and presented dr f e babcock who is to be married on july 17ui with n beuuuful electric floor lamp mrs w t barnard who under went an opera hon in hamilton gen rral hospital three weeks ago re lumed home on sunday afternoon mrs barnard c are pleased to say is feeling much better her many friends hope slie will continue to improve boui in health and strengui two akl coins have been unearthed in town one of ihcm dated 1831 and uie other 1700 while digging a draui for dr 8yers new residence on uie slie of late w puutons old home on tuesday howard clublne came across a six ieiice 103 years old ttk 334 yearold english halfpennv was found by wilfred pay near h hattys some time ago american independence day july 4ui held particular significance to mr john nuh uils year mr hush irft uie place of lib birth phlllibury nj over thirty years ago to win j em ployment in georgetown onu later eoovlng to milton in that tliftt cor- leapondence and pictures icrpl htm in touch with his three brouier ana one sister and uielr families due to july 4lh making a long weekend uie long uiougbl of but often neglected reunion was held at uie eldesln bro thers home and uie visitors over uie week end were mr and mrv p rilji detroit jar cluss rush sr mr wm rush mr oeorge- master miss helen rush aiilt mr c jush jr or phillip bury mr and urn geo huu of georgetown and mr jack hush of romnto jtoronto glenwux1am5 mua xv cuek to i a hul day with relauvee at niagara -on- uie- lake mr oeorge beaumont of toronto spent uie week end with mr luuiley beaumonl my and mrs- wm lorrtman hilda and henry elft on friday for a two weeks holiday at brownsville pnn mr and mrs wilfred mcklnwy and daughter thelma of banle were- re cent visitor wlui mr and mm a barrle clark mr and mrs j mcmeumy sr of lome park spent uie week end as guests of mr and mrs jack mc- menemy mr allan preston and daughters janet and ann of london ore vult- ig al the home of mr joseph beau mont mlu beaulce 1 uncock and mr wm hancock spent the week end at wil cox lake with relatives mr and mrs robert addy alice and raymond left an saturday for a holiday at waxaga beach mr while and miss lrola white of florida are sending the summer here uie guests of mr p d wag- slafte mr and mrs winston wlireler and daughter mary of brampton are visit ing at the home of mr and mr- j wheeler on monday the loyal orange lodge the juvenile orange lodge and uie loyal true blue lodge head ed by the fife and drum band jour neyed to weston to celebrate the aiarlou513ui on monday evening our local ball learn wepe at liome lo the brampton ladles ledm the anal score was ii to 6 in favour of tlte glen rk mr stkpiienson in new charge induction or rev pjyurge i step henson as pastor of the joint charges or lurrte hill and speedsld look lilace last friday afternoon al barrle hill united church eramosa before a large gauierlng of members of uir two congregations the induction service was conduct ed by rev w j oallagher minister of chalmers church guelph while the sermon was preached by rev ii u merner or erin who emphasised uie imitortance of uie occasion t al a suiiper held fallowing the in duction service a number of members of the two coimregsitoak extended a warm welcome lo rev mr mepitetn son his wife and family better csuuse the village fire brigade stood by while the top floor of a threeslorey house biased merrily why dont you try lo put the fire out asked a bystander our haw alnt any loo pawerful mister replied the fireman well ave a better chance when uie fire gils to the ground floor l bah rusts ef veal breakfast yjr qakv j klimu j pfc teaifets haaaa iisi bw ua i tw wufa sc 225e f be- w st choice fresh fku03 mft at aul 87 wrfl kang issswst aaiiwwimaiwmiwwwi i c l thbzatac fhy july 1 ttll- hsy4e4ry aeaaml saatetasl 3agagjies aaslebbagjejlwee couwdy histh hws noveltte kraju inveuttou iftmmvsi fina crddle of civiliiulumi ipum pm sthy july it sttdttw 4mtthb3s comply moumh mstus silly duuey cock oil tfo uniiu chapter 1 3 riwun wjli miullhm- hly novelty matv outoou fellow u-lwk- empires hour of gloryy ftwwmll pllriw j t pure fmi smtl 24 bag rcxlskiwwlttlir ftge 7 lb bag excet0rjarjtial 27 2 x 1 lb pkgs eurguaro 32 oi jar glenwxksjlhmfcljbtrjmil 28c 32 jar glehwooihbabbarw4jmi 28c 3 pkgs sugaj3msqqjwjlfftart5 asc kcomouv biack tka tlu buk mi l j a i u u tiv3 dolk wjhv umww wtlwhmle ju1cs oljar club ikmktt kncm 4 nm1 wvwttt 10 of ttn clakkt8 fancy 14hm k l1w1t joiol awkst pickle cottaui wm llfn v choice breaictast bacon 111 um tliw n pgauealed back bacom l u iii i htesh bolouka b uu luuw 1 phes1i bonkd mam uuuiu1ui 111 lm n pheventivk iti 1 u j to la bulk bjtuw ww mwiiuummiu ww mm b ur tic mc lie a e fajwnrmlsl phonkts vwzguver m sn i m expert wamh towlte igv agent for swgbife stowhft nwmtmnes rwuwtglhiki georgetown h0hihi utt block

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