Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 14, 1937, p. 3

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tw i ltmuwl49r frh 1917 pi midsummtr clearance wb sell for cash jtc j buck vmezmm g-aj- a i rt mil 1 ihi craigw gt h jlguw ricul mm u iwu mm uirrouiuluia ir ctuh y la mult luu lunl tl pelly raw ml iiw tluu cod oiua ttvrytuy ul- waltend uwl sunuuw amtanoom vla wuimic and uinnkh rawrtim latal uum aaha l mltua a lw mm- por further utlomallon uul rel muy 10 isabel a stark a a no miiruh hwa wu v royal guelph now mjiv1ko woman chum man jota ucrak uiuiau hopkins sat july 17th fob days captains courageous featuring frkddik bajttlloloukw spknctjl tracy lionel barryuork j uatiktces kayvfttray at im ukal 1 fufcv j ota day at tu ukmuial mkwh out of im inavau in uw lu couniy ilaw ai uum hi m on hill lower than 1ut uw la mi irf nun m nry county ui bt 10 will ui the dollar uu uiiuii howard ha lr of ciwaaur lliah avhool oatf ha taken a pauiion in sudbury cwdu-u- lr a learhir o tuilluh and hiyd al training the loan of barrw u orfettnf i landing reward of us to any par ton a lw lit tnlorautlat which lead ui uv conviction of anyoa wii lully raulng damage to vacant patv erty in uw town uu reilly havuig rlid turn uw tah of blwlbunw public staaal mill umhff will not w uw ti mmm f awy aaaatafaustrta tiwaa ftawat udrty giiili ala th fcr af a u7 ha iwuyaau faw ownawiaa af caaura aay daw u that aaaaaaatafeaaa aay u ir ia taal vltatfl flffmum mh oaavatuiu mlaf ikanal joy hui u am ft ts a at pur or m mlut u au mtbiy ttaaal inaw a uiia ium abswimi f ihiijn mmary u kvajik tliiwiyirihr bhud- aid atmy tikjqftor mr maiion u tul ih varanr- th iaiiimi mmmbara of tlw mah u1 a atold an iiutmv in- ulary of ii 4at- xllw ulund bmtwut urtttctiku 1 uwf latwnaon conuauaihaa ikbaal luu txuwrnd krr raititaoa oa eouni oi poor lualih tw oomniiod vwvaiof buui m mi ta tn dupotad of hy ova cnii and vtu b ttw4lud it a caiiacily of iwuboo buuwu ruimii brw ltd laanufahunn of uw4l uni boau of inurt jvmttr 0i haw dkbkd to raa u ulaitt to 0n sound a brauiuu ouruik utvar a tkv and trauw va prawuad bjr uv ulwbt boarxl to ur w j vliraay pruuuftl of cmaon imblic choi who u mtiuu after naarlr riy yt vrvic ttw uatt at otmral cob la bramidon prmud ukt uti41 ladinahaaa who hai acrvd a wo- lc auiurvlturl tmilian in wlndant uh a cow hid llhr brwf caw tu tuawd in tw ntxy ettht chllditn in qu4nh ciwd trt awdwrnl urataant dur ln th nau yar uirouh th twr- oattv of uw rotary club of that tliy tntyour of lh chudian tnatad war ertppua at the annual wujj f la pint cttoncauv pacaara of oautia limited in bam with ia una rrarlai4valra na uaacai uanatr c m u utptk anar- d a urofll of oajms for th au yaax ttw onarmrrhl ttavjli a- aodauon in convattuoa raiy buv- rda raouito aiakn in oaurta uoenaeat to attake dayuhl as roaaimbory ukuforwly ta tf- bbco urauirr of uu ctuunma au ateamy at a aalary of km tbtr yar ba aupwidi th latf u u rvut- jahi riiaitnc iyaar04d aon of ur aad lira taauia nmlnl hraaai- tan- aa th tut canadian rant- aatativo to a apijbd down in hu tntmaalianal attallltai vaairh at cwvtund ckhio auth paaot whan that cau htn hu nauu6tt whieli had bald aiainu naarty uw traaa canada and uw ualtad stauu at toronto a ahatt ua ao h won ant nlaca and tha rtbt to coianat at ctwvauul tn a puin corapau- llon twuorad by a twroato ftras attar trtnity july lata and utuud hu otitti toawuktr wul a hid at ii aja u ioumm aad aath la u hapuu by hv r a autua ut and nth in uw vtay- tatiaa cbukajay itov k a havtar atigiau luh aad uad la uw ualt ad ctufekd ay dautlaa oavtdion tat sunday acmob will awet la tnatf ra4hla churcbaa ttw aad v jaly baojnafad rv a o- w gvwtain aiui tamlly tiwai sunday tu rwadi in iunu- toa aad wt mr homint for witwamoa laa wmruu in uut- boka lor two w holiday ooagtatulatloaa to ulu lydla baoar who lam lit har aaaau at tto ronta ihirawl beaool with lionbra ur aad ura wat huu or toronto war suaday vtiitora with ur and ura haary huu a nuaiant octal fauwrtn was hald in th eoauaunliy hall tuaaday aitha whan a lajftolasaaou- shoar waa undrad ilia jauie lindsay who b a ortdalob of thu nwmuit la uw ahnr of rnr a o w faraaaan uw aarvu sunday aaomlng wa taken by ur a laufhland of uw oatarto tnbperanr union sla4aai rav sloha a ucderaatd of lbaaoa oivatd al ata brat karrtac cr- aony ke hta ordinauob into uw aiaaory oa uoaday july uth waan he untied la aarrtat h rteraaca tloay yr main dauthtaa of ur aad ura ft j fortur oaotgatown aad wauar lucaardaon on of ur aad ura naaaa luctwrdaoa oaort town ta arid waa atttrad la bar travautnc ouuu of aucrap wtui whit hat aad aeotaaortaa uhs auda aftertax uw teidaa only at- taadaat was ajbo rauad la white ur knaui luohardaoa of lraatav was hu knuay batt atan taa bridal raapw will rid la odart ost vioor a ohqk i mcw ofirnakx laaie tafta raw b tkaoa oam- aaxafaim aad daa pjtf an uiiir nraut yrlb itau all call r vtaa aaama cba ii hkc mlanv menu outs in klucxt huutkleu with iu apeedy ad everchaning acceaxion of aranaa hacked by uw rugged beauty of the canadian rork- wa aaany arraauny hiituuhu will be wen in client fiatrirrt ilu- drama uc alary of uw bulldint of the cpr uarrtna richard arien luh 1almer j parrau uaodonald and dim uar- kay canada lira tnluian jalur iic- tur which w nude amid the maun- jm irandeur of ttrttnh couimbia and albatta tait year under uw utle of th ortat barrier thu u the prod which created a mwlkm la london encund when it in tvaa us world nreauere in the prei- aaea of queen uary and later arous- d a dtaao of approval al montreal tor iu second world preview wth big i could have i would wbh lor 1 of watermelons taaabo j you live me one aaaabo ma anybody too laxy to wlsa for aaaaau hnt tolnit to bet talhai ptm umjdit1w aia4 uiall h kl kt i aw oivr la4 tbnndiy hifkl m uw bl imihwrr aaw aw w th wtky mauaawj vara inat lh owa by 8 rwna tw wm u 14 14 tw malwa- au utu atf aeatiau bid brir uw of uw lurwed uw labta wiiaatil pittml hii mm u uiy juy cw4i hrickwai had biwiwd lately tnrf bill lf 4u uiaiat bat i mhm4 in ihf tui and diaty ururiwhay and cart uuiwu may- uaid mjt up uw awkuul duik lor lite imadr luhlwtt hud uuti far tlw national- aad cmtrt ijiaway uw aawrwan wr uw lmy uum both nil una run wiut uw baww loaded- juwm roalrr of th toronto uapl lraf lloritey tvam waa uw uampir of uw itaaw- and uayor uunwm oat ull othkrj uw uau th ton- lou dd a wurii lardar attett- dauav aikl it u hotrd uw boy rail uolt loraartl ui better rrawd ul th lutur uhm eiery tuamlay kriday huhu lat nlfhi tuedayi th toroald uapw leaf m trom uw inutna uoal ausur i a in hardoutht aaw ui uw uidt loop oaauwu- been bhaaeu the 1 leam aad before uw playoff uwy aill iww hery port fan amtioua to attend their a we aa uwy did in uw hockey wajue but winter uavl jack uorrowi pllhd for th uapw leal dd uw hurunj lor uw kwar al though iw liad 13 urtkouu thu waaw faatuiad doubwulay maawnault catrh- imday july laih international all stay a aawricaa all star in uw aiidjai leatu okokuikrrown win vwqx uilton in tcnnih on uonday nlnf st oeorf tennu club ataiad a toumiaawnl at uwir eouru iwr wlui uutao a vary enjoyable vnlng of uamaa were 4uayd and when lr icon war added up it waa found that uw local club liad axn nln of uw eleven keta a follow oeoraetowir winnlnoa edith dv- ar va ilaael walker 7 3 ihiyllla avmoru uary pvller 7 david crtchton v kred uuu 79 jack crichton v harold wiuon 14 jo hall n 8 campbau 13 be ie walker and florence dramlford uollyucduo and uabel hamil ton t a florie pelwr and reslnaul broomlvad v kale london and har 7 fl bill ucnally vtflmyvtlkrr va e uuu and 8mt i tvid crich ton illpnal harold huuwnd and haraawwiuon 7 a uilton winninsa uary fvller arid haarl walker v kale london and phylli 8mon 78 jark crichton and uua duncan v fred uuu and j spmat 7 e lunch aa arrved alter uir cuw and a plea4nl time upent by ihe club i lawn bolrr from oronvlown queliui oac erin ulltoti ununi- w and olher centre win vuu aclon thuraday night to takr iiart in a tournament apoiviored by the acton bowling qlnb- uunrlcolcnuin or hamilton oar at the rrptmn luu veil who went to lite laifi olytniuc ganum lnlirlm a- a member or canada cyrlmg team and who rured pfrv on july 1m in tlw ontario iliryxlr cliampionslilp llacra along with dune larruiur of ullion will ride in thr bike rarea which will be held in tvirou within uie next t wrrllv ne romiirution in lle race b alwa very kern aa amateur from different art- nf the u3a and calioaa will ramklc in ihexr truu now you tell one i vtft j- uw old timer i knew or a chap alio had a dog t well trained that whan ha took dawn- uw rine thr dog knew they were goiiut deer hunung when he took down the halgun lit was rolng for rabbilv one day uw owner gor into hi- hunting cioiiwa and to fool uir dog took down the ruhina pole the dog lbuiipram and after onw warchlng he wai found back of uw bam digging fuhwonas i w uw iwattry m u wlww thai laktaa- atamk tb iha um n- fciwal t j a bay wa wawtl wrl w y taaar ihiwaiahfr af bird torcwaily rawigataij ttuv laaidltliai ciabiaad wuh r dated aufthaia af baby taulu b caiaing raw tm ava uw paaal biuty of an wad ahrtna aawr fall th taitilwl uaw u that aka will lea said nahir to ary aad that twullryawa will da wu i uwir bird at lay aw aituwxiti aw advioaj bra- dttraeattt rai ry rhictt uwl tkwy fcprittav walk uw cod of load u taiaaf blah ptkaa af all earn aanditiaa ar riaiad aad li u abl to iauwh uau whm caadiliana adjutt thaaawlva ata- aad naury ut th amatrb4i at kautt jahuaa la bow two t utre mtu awv ratr4kddia iwriod of a yar aa and wlui aja rwaeat rwluhioai ui umd priea uw prieaa of a feed are otddlaa mot in lln with each gliwt fchiajadl biiayad la lay praua about uir waafcj ao on jerwy iwwer owner auy hav aaaw by proving prajvrty aad paying tauwnaaa harold uvtuieu h c aaaaaiaa ataht1 waada th praviacial auutoriuaa aw ieav- no una uniurtwd m uwir raja- naign againat waada uaay af uw highway hav uw uaual proufw np aload uw aid of uw wtf of uw farati uuoughout uw country hav crop af wd which will oon b hpmiing aad jpraading uwir wad to uw four wind d- unquanu in utl roapact will b ivn for uwir routeaipi of uw law aa aoan aa th wd uupeetar auk hi round nat all cav where you been avln aw air cut you know you cant ave yer air rut on company uaw welt it grew on ram nan v uaw didnl it not all of it weu i alnt had it all cut off mhmmabhhglalglglgib s prime m electric ifence save 80on fence for about 7c a rod flguring all wire atokra control uacluiw and battery a jhiiue elbo- ttiic unit feneea tha farm atotk ligiu over ivooo farmer ute lhu fence it u a money-mak- fat it aaywlwr si are you losing valuable feed lor lack of quick euuy set up u temporary fence with prime you string one wire on atakea to hold any alackt from gvowlng crop prime u a permanent fence which can be moved or exjianded at will kvrn for temiormr fencing it will pay for ilvlf in one seaan iiaaullkks 2 ohe unit handles is mllex s wire ii canins a light chart j contait cauws hanuleu ahock h stock kee away they groae h under or beaidr it but they dant m touch ll a leeond unw m m ttiu fence is sold an ab- m wluuly guaranteed luactical m unll m g ear free deaaaaairatiaa eaaw u u h c ttcid j uxncaikn pau1 geortetown m ntrnj mm i ha hrt ajaaaiaaigiaaaaaaajaaaaaaaiaaiaaisajaiaaiaiaji eavk with sapbty at your bxxauatoas sptimlt fmr tv s specials bathing suits i 111 botany mooj balhinc suil wurtnl lolon andaicaa 140 anil 9s7s miar allwool balhin suit l js 91 w a mefla navy cotton balkin suits mm botany wool balhin suit mrn 2pira zipper llathina suit iwwn and yriluw navy and royal marli and w4ilr sk7s slacks j laum trrty slarai nrown yrllow tar navy drill slack 100 and l miaarhi navy orillshort mw navy dura cuuln rtnjjoveiis ladfra strina ilillovrf sunplirity ivilrlrrk i st a b lawgley cliwii li drtn 2 rhonta wedfxrvek csoacarrrjwn 9 f a m yaarabaaaaaatt u wmmk rjun toum mi im lumtv ktt uiimilk ma ta4 ta- m ll k w auh mm vwul r i nil tiiu vaiti mjru wrm ncxma tu- notnar vottir nuate ihru aaaaaaai mwk umthu hd ulm 1 la 1 ttf im urtm tic u ii jo wrlli mauiahln aullry vrm wtr llthl feasd nhit flrly tua mad mai lamilllil hmhv u4 or rlt ro oa 111 uanxiim it w ail ttuwllmd hmltwu mill ill mmumii teaduloa ium imuw dllmtu wlui tour buwr ihun to with hit apply la btidtrt ata- iwuri html mi omrartowu ii lmaa m llhiiimij lawn wmmh urpmwd far sof owriuubd nambu lor iw scumn wid cutter mito bmtni t j uusn arlmu bu ruawtswn if ata aar h in m i wmuuwum 1vikr kill w mw ui july iu lart hr larfam i 1 ruuf and txmwdnwtta a i i m all u it l ii t lajrml mf 1 rjr furlhrf imrtkuur uy auanafc iu mj- ufll hi ii hit mia wkda jiam nl r 4 kla cohcmsjz wowc taaaw iw cktaaaaaiaaaa tendera wtu be fcidl b tba council of the tawa af 0awebnl- lor a arandaiaad for uw fark wajb keatuui aaotaaaodauaa tar aaa 1 on a fttepraof baikbaaad 3 on a w uraha- tvndvr to be aeat to uw wtfr vlciirj by july mtk 147 h f ii iia1ijuaom cvk caata yatww ky beans catchup corn peas v i 1fc h sliortettitic 49 13 xyvlaeat puffs io soap 416 oinger io jsajtiumini mckles peanut llavy ha iiiniirfvaia drinks to s- ormrr lrom- j pttatses 1 waiensebis 45c ntw liocal

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