Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 21, 1937, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sevenlyfurjjyear of publication the georgetown hermu wednesday evening july 21 t 1937 4- 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown hermu j m mwu our tim tuu ksfoctlm aru liia standard time lg iui iswirnger tuq prhgr ond mail iuu ujanr and mjih bs3 pan piismngen fur toronto ojj piu- iasaiuvr iuikiuu uiily hai pju pnger and mail ihullgfjt passenger and uail pjaigir sunday dally pi feller hrxcitpl sunday i j4 fcjn jj44m tii titau 11 19 pd li25 a-m- cong nrtki mail ohtl ihinger a i mail and passenger b3 1 directory lfeotoy uaijl acx fctatrrtorr m1 bjiai- georgetown ontario omc ureeory theatre illdg ulli st feccnnetu m ulngdon burur solicit notary vwku piru mortgage money to loan otflces main street south phone u georgetown w c gilany ksrruur etc office ulli streel georgetown erin phone 334 po box 1m kanly cayimn jlawklnck larritt etc us stay sc twrmuamtam o k praser rsney icc h edward cook gordon croydon 333 main st north jxunplan tphnne 7ft3 harold u lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone us f u watson djuu mds office hours s to except thursday afternoons j e jackson dj0h successor to the lite dr gooop open evnlacs lwu 22tw cihtfchut ta- a ml nielsen 4u year of ftmum ouropvmctor xray druitleu theraput lady aumuuhi office over dominion store georgetown i lours 3 150 9x pja cumj ykarulay mta is frank petch iicknma aucyioneek for the cu of peel and llaju i prompt service i ltr liul e- cheltenham u r j l eorgelown 61 r 3 1 t office ci t lien ham x monuments pollock a ingham successors to cater b worth glu out detlgtaa en tttt m cttl inspect our work in areenwood cemetery budget groceteria your dollar buy more here main street georgetown phone 36g free delivery fdodltpecialf iwv ii pickles 23c vro tmlh grxnf tomalo juice marmhde urf tin i ijjrc jf2e 25c irnjau halt salt 3 ik bs 2 pouch syrup griwrrll eime 17c hillcrest shortening 2 25c imauscuxiit- irt wute toilel tissue 425c ok bunjry soap 3 mk 9c fancy spkes ut lhaktir 5c- special broom offer bnp this rmian valml at lftc mud krl a xsc btm frr 19c till wux only mw1 mixed biscuits 229c iiu11 tomato catsup 14 or 2 35c mtekto rvl wax paper 10c coltnjir- fivr toilel soaps 4 f 15c salmon fancy keu 3 25c bee nrvx syrup 218c 537c xfwarivs rrur castile saap 5 hm 9c dutch cleanser 2 r 19c matches pocket size 5 bo 5c peincesj soap flakes 2 p 27c certo nfw cavstil tftum 2 25c fresh fruit and vegetables m ulnimkws iltrn huior hi toy iiiml f ij lwik tul thrrt dinrrriu uuv ottr turru lth wt uul uwtcln t ti tin itiktd of yr trrdun atul wittch u hou th miimln of lltr imtpiilun ium ami ifil hthtt inuiely ut r hm mix rl ami illntcv frver all atul oue loolu out with itiloi v uml the ulrrrt oil nfv atul fj utl ml ti ul atul vih atul uisrrtj tlu rti yll i i l tlw little urat ls iruiiku ij with rlitvjtrri rf 1 uik uul linf aiul hurt umi uilli uilhiil i1tat ili tin mi hid itiuic tlw nlhrr vuliuiw tnni uvrn kront vt ttllu iul iww aud tto u mile iwfkuir 1 r mcr if virion alii alio it va u tv out jtt h11 tfii lu cloar -ri- iiinisl trutn lean up llmiui lttl dutliliv tu rn trar v tlw mith of romlnu ltir aiul ottii limi khrti uir un t down aiul i am uloiw ttvc lidlc wliulok ockoti me or thfj ar qulu w oon aiul krerri to lovi tw- mn nrr at each i naiul ami inok and ttu1 tlwlr liulc florid l5ke jjw cliatcr qt u iwwk tlw- flrt uv fill aild thril trie tliroua j wimi linimiliwt aiul pain ttu wxt im urenchtvt ulth tar llliht and tlun i m iplanlicvl ulih rain hut tin other wlndov draw mo and i jtiilf throueh ralnltoa tear rtur i read a happy ending doun llu patli of comlndyrm barbara vounr 0xlcatckcwn ftun new ontario hospitu anolhei mor diuslt f to be budt in peel 1momeek ctoixectiov collector for nnrv two corr ui a o ucnitib of the errtli inr tralalgar tounjilp ca topuwr an nttrt- tins nrraj of pi oneer article and example n hi laxklermlst art many n th bird nnd jnimal in hia collection he prepared iuffed aiul mounted hn hiu nut v much of tre profevlon ol axulrrm lib private miuum lb the price of lite neighborhood nd iranv j uie reiltlents of ihc tll trict havt sltrd him in wjlectinn rli unich lhe roiulderrd to be of mot ihan ordinary interea tlie lam of the lollectlon luu spreotl oer m i n of central souliern ontario nnd cdur at lit home are numerous dom m mono tonhlt on of hie late john bjcnob and orandpn of a family hlch eitled eat i an uiat town hip mr ucnab found that he ma in a locaill ueralrj with the earliest example of onl and utenjl ujh1 in the pioneer ce- veloiunent of the province uhi i he moved to hornby nearh lvent tears uco and he benan at on to actum ulalr t iesp ojmile imi un cnu untll hls liome l almo t crowded lth alio caei contalnkne anon iveuxu otl er iaton- loot and utensils in the horn of d i fie rent nnmat lie ha found nnaterial for settee and chain and a settee brine fashion d with a back inadt from a pair of huge moo j anllerv a corul iiair of hem- mipjtort tlie eat mad ol polished liardutiod curl miicp iiom and cos horn lioltsliect to velvet like nrndothnev are us t in the manufacture ol armchair nhd other furniture canada was tlie iirinclpal exnorter of wheat to the island of malta in the mediterranean in 103c anil fol lowed australia as tin- leadlnt ion tributor of flour j ilhi ni hi latrhtmtrn i- uixajn f hi a tmjor dtjl ur oin to two i ti an 1 thr i lliutioiu h now mot ji 1 lb v fir it j mrfhui ill iw rinli mil in of ml urn for jin t ii i 0 arln u ii uiul toithfrn hh tni i i luforminl iu it u cm nine wcnlo o the itoard of ii ni ml nun untthl jliurr i of qunhd i upm rwhv ttie urtehty nvjulu i ti oi rk fuithi r a rlnu tnuirui u and to ri tore bjtllv bum d ikolur i i lit tirtmji tipple t of churci u jdir th juiihl ui ijr lshr ilrjr ij r tu tlu pulled cli ircji of cjiiuiii uiul ih v 11v t eon iinn v a jwidl rcnriun jit tj it hoard nf ti m ml loik will u ut or toutlursi ht kulr wan in in au ii t rimj kin ruuiy um ni at flrt iianj confi rrina with cljurrfi jia it r and ultlrul urul will hfii mavr tlutr reunmendal ions u tu uliat pluw for relief at n ce an the nntlrtnal enn rifeucy reller ctitmitttv ul tlu unitfttl clmrui of canada ha bty n n apiwlnted by llu- i b fcjtieuttw or tin oeprral coun u on that commlliw an ite tf tt i cochrane llrv d n mc lalhhtn the itmht itev dr vter urjct nr dr jolin qobum mrs a a saundrr itev dr aeon dor i mr- i- j ilanhetd mr u m itnj mr tliomo drad haw and ur clerjiom w moon la t jear uiat committee jmii imb bale- of cliilunj to soaclu far the irllcl of lit lre4d ami lle oraanixalion of thr joint commit tee of l he churche- tor wei tern he her t alo jated for earlj auauu re dr w w judd t chairman of that committee which laxt ear nt iso carload of relief to the drj una of tlie wet tliat committee is made up of repmjnuuver or he church of ninland tlie uaptii church uie prejbjterian church and the roman cntivrthc church and hie united church of canada mr it d waren t treourer and ilev ur j w macnamara re patiier m j m co rath rev dr it b coch rane and itev dr d n mclachlan arc st-cr-clarus- gfttivg a yam no one ha bten khoun lo cor ult in- pliysican before aoqulrine i fait unluii but manj hae had lo do o later a deep bronxe ft ill jinrtlj be the the rnot popular jiade and 1 mil be u lnhdlejj b manj doc tor jij a had case of sunburn ls more ttian jcin deep and uiat tu ill t ffrcu an la una we do not know the medical tcrnv coerina uiese re- ulu but in ordinary langume untan make you wora than mler able it ireiriition hurtilj requires a doctor advice oradual utr ure to tlie un rajfc rather uian a quick th sliould be the ffuulina ru on tlie flrt da of vacation it t only natural that the most hill bt made of the holklojs but ihej hould be made a lime ror r ra tlon rutin r llian an ordeal b fire tilt l tikcialij pertinent advice to uiosf hohdavinvt b lake or river for un rajs are reflected off water with ixtriordinarj bumint power pid up j r t yjt f frank era in editor of the d irham chronicle ai d nn authoritv on rc- lliious matter wouldn t cpnsure omi of the ministers at a con lerence aho arm to a harbill itame for which thej had been iin- vldtj with fni tickets instead of at lendin the sslons telling about a c ft reiict he attended rmnk says some or tlw vsions wee so jrv tt ln to prime ourpes to ja nnd in lookinr ifround we thou lit a i naiij of the cleric uere about tl ft d u i on it ai uc dundalk lera d i i m news and information for the busy farmer ramu for vne birds teachinir chicks lo nio t at an early aae tend to promote iiuur lirowth and help muteriallj in cirrj ino hie chicles over the critical twriod when they are mosi llkeh u crowd and mnothtr it l desirublr n ur the chicks to roost just u wu a they no longer need heal to kw p them comfortable one ol the best ways of return chick to roust ls to build a sloping roott to tlie rear o uie brooder hou or to one iif of hil liou- and tnclao the mult r nea lit ilde ol tlu nw t with u line mesh wire o that the chick cannot get at uie dropping tlu wt 1 take to the a temiiorary roum in no time wee deru poslbl one ot uie most lit factory implemenl for tlu eonlro of weeds in a growing grain crop t what ii known us hie unut drr tilts implement coiv l ts or u arle- ol long sltnder teeth which lorm a very llvtil harrow flu linger weed i r muv be used to udvantni e on annual weed uiortl after lit miin ulkm boui before uiul alter tlu ii ruin crop has emerged and ut i 1 tl crop ls owne two to four incht hnlt ilenkoitv vrntiuthm flie removal ol moisture t a najur proulrm in iioultr houacu ihnillty iiave no sweat glunds but uiej tue off rclauvsrls urge amount of vapour in rix pirution and uinuivh the kin it ua louiul ut one cxpirln enlul la lion uuii minimum egw production woi obtained when trniprratuns wen not iermlttrtl to tluctuale wkielv a hrnhoujr tempi raiurr at m dijfrce v t too high to be malntalnel cm most farm- in wluttr witlioul aril flclal heat- henre u lower temiwra tun liefil unifurnilv would be wlr able increalng number ul poultry mm liave hud mirer s with uriiltclul lirat pniperly regtilaied iiiiirr has commonly uhtd whrn ti mpt r alunx were allowtl m uu tiai hlkh or fluctuate widely crauad fid sdinrs s tw s7 fe4 au wviu saw 2 in 1 liquid b- 14 hb h rt r gtf mcltmmllat wvmh puhcii 21 cfclmftc 0v gbfw autdjieolaaj 12 tl hm cuua j cwu col f 6 t 27 try ltr cocoa itt 25 ayu mw jiucc 8- 6h tw 23 juc 8 mitu 25 m 2 uw 1s uiwhiiil juie ntktu 2s 10 85 pti tu cgumvou cilccic otrrs 1mb 10 t hnji 33 bnsui juke at rip tiuuton tomatoes new 1937 pt aybmt peas 2 ft 15401 ml l- gsmm bihiim corn oovr lf sodty rd salmon 19 17oi tw q v4ib t 7 no 2 tin frnli ckocout pub v biscuits 2 2t eautnt sltartaus or domestic ww1 13 wtflutlvl j wild pha pineapple 3- 29 huu ttttmto kftchup 2 35 soap m 23 onydottw fuf 21 carrolls h i i h v v it of tile mo t precloua yi mnrt rchtttr radio repairing u xtmn rxpwbar we specialize on this work j sanford son rtionci oeorgetown ihw wimmmmmmmmmmamaammimmjxmmm fetlmincw lo be suriwi immajkirly im 1 mi simjmo hie tovt mm nt of the provlnr of onturwi are pirpuring jiuili lor tin i ikuuii of a lubrreuloy is inntul ivoipltal jil t wet of tlu tow n or llruiiipton hie tuviltal will ixiuut ol four unit and in udmlnbtralkm buildipu uiul ufu kj will appnrtl liimtt ly be li0krdoo luiul tvoil already lren opt i iretj iuti llolmu 1 terrttt a on aild rotula- of ult 3 4 mul imi tlu aodd time- ion cejt in uie uiwji hri of chlng 1ae1j4y tlie option wa rud lut week and the pukl will be p la fuaon of at uwui f endt r cnlt lw railed ttivd the iruft let for n he bulidltig tin f buikllnl lll tusj th- 15 4derpad in the tnwnhii of chlnu toav lut while tlu rronl of uu buluni will be to uie north ruibi afford- an npiorlunlty f biiitdjiig un pore lie mi all the dormitories faciim the atilh and getting iw unutrt iwrtjue advantagr from lu the building- of utf tubercuodr- hvntal tioqltal hat been undr miiuldrrauou by uie govern mrh it of tlie province of ontario for a yjr and t an entirely new venture ii taking care of mental patients there iul alwuvs bee tome ohtectlon to tubejgcular pauent remaining in uie cvctui different tvotpitals with per omaal opening qf scx5ut reserve iiapr a minimum of procpect wlut regard to cure ihiytklin are of the opinion if uiey are lolated in uils way uiat uie opportunluec for their liealli being retared would be very much better a general survey was made in two or uiree courtlier with a view to lo cating uits hospital to uie bes pos sible advantage one of uie cot ikl eratlan- in connection with u amp- ton wa uielr excellent water ipnly and uielr good sewage d-p- tuant tiil water lower is located very clofe to uils land upon which tlie build lng arc to be erected and the rcw age dupojil tunt is ideally lomted for uu purpose unu the town ilratninon will reap consider ble revenue from this institution in uie receipts of its public uullue j a wllloughby rltolr toronto head of uie largest rvol estate firm in canada pat president of the hum land division or the nauonal aociation of heal estate boards of united state and canada and pait president or uie toronta real estate board who ts considered the beu jiosttd man on uie sale and value of farm land in canada acted for the 1 iliwtatuin1 liave bnt la urd to miuiyviiafjjh district rrom tlie ro vuvcia oouucl for ontario of uie hoy kcouu axjhoctallou lor uuk ojwii ing uiul jfedlcatioti of tlu lilui iptlng atctun ijoout lt4erve ju4 wet of acton thu unortpt fr loony will take plocw jil utunyitxi u four o clock itlim uturinap cout lurrwuie ftuhirr iuiw gpringjj rsilrk imrcluurd by uu lrovinouu couifcll lor oplario of uie uoy scouts as ocirahoii from wm a murray of accun in january ltot for the uv- mmi f vrtiapmrhl ax uw principal cetilie in uiiurio lor tlie training of ltdcn for wolf cubs uoy tcouu and ovnr couti it will rrpiace the tid jjor laik ollwell camp ntx uront lord uacj for irrt purpose unce io i tu imircluuu wvs modi knuble by a ttmmorutl conufbution by uie jumlly of lie ute vrtd j mami ol iiuroiitd and b ojtiouutr fund placed at uli dikpoial of the council bv un tate col h w leonard of au cam urines jim yers belore hu deuiir the lnurl of mtoar maiui and leonarti hi uie uoy ibcoul movement wtlt me commtmorattttd at bjue iiprtng- by a rumuc stone mocuneni to be unvud on uie opening dty the protierty 100 acrw hi exiunl 11 in uie vohey of liiue euruig crop report below will be found a brief -nop- sis of telegraphic reports receled at uie head office of tlie dank of uon treal form iu branches under date or july 15th 1937 general severe ond prolonged drought luu continued in most areas uie prairie provinces and esu- mate- indicate that the yield or uie principal crops this year wih be lower uian ror a number of years koruveatesn saskatchewan and souuiaestem alberu however crops have benefited from recent rains and in manitoba crop prospects generally remain aiusfactory aluiough rust is threatening rain whicli fell over man district in alberta on tuesday and wcdniwiay will improve condi uons in june areas rain tio5 afcio fallen in iiaru of southern and west central saskatchewan in quebec province where uiere has been a epnunuailon ol highly satisfactory growing weauier all crops are pro gressing favourably and pastures ore good condition some districts are in need of rain but geni rally molsture condliions are favourable ideal growing conditions prevail tor the root part in ontario where crops i nerall are verj satisfactory n ept in noruiem ecuons where uie weathir continues dry and hot and in southwestern counues where rain fnl wervfltve u ma time provinces mucli needed warm md dry weather lias prevailed in mas axrlioius during the post ieek md nil cropi liave greath benrflled at a few points liowever wet eon- 1uiois liavt continued in ur tuh columbia when uie weather co lun ues warm and drj wiui motiturc conditloius satisfactory there t a hravj crop of liay aiul indications point to u good average crop of rnlii and roots wiui a favouable outlook for uir most fruits onlurio pall wheat lias filled at t f acluril and ls rljienlng rouldt cultinj hxs commencni in kent and fcex counties- spring grains have m idi i ood progress and arc pram is- ini corn and other hoe crou arc muklni favoumble prokress hoy in l well advanced with above iver age lelds pastures remain in ex client rondiuon a heavj crop or straw btrrle his been marketed the sit of turl apples indicates uius factor lelds while late varlle will bt bt low average tobacco tut devtloied well under favourable con dlllon and an early harvcm l ex liected creek jtlnhl in uu lirt of it are uie luue bprtngs from whicli uuj district lakes lu name flie main entrance to uie reserve now marked by a dbckd gateway and reprodueuon ofa pioneer days block house is jwuilrds w i mile umjui of a jmrfnt on no 7 ittgn way midway between uie vi ages of acton and rockwood lmiring uie pat few weeks con slderable work at uie property nas been dune prepartory- lo he openmg a huge bouider monument and tockaae gates have been erected and other changes madepree press who aku about to toic we who are about die solute you that wa uie greeting jhe gladiat ors of old gave to uie hotnan em peror beiore uiey periahed in ine arena but we are not gladiators and we are not going into battle we have ru hate lor anyone we ore no sick of life we do not with to die bu we will by the hundreds bv the uuiuiandi we ore uie people who are gum to die in fauu accidents aunng in er 17 i uosl of us have not even a pre monition of the fate which iwall us we do not relixe that deiui lurks around uve comer we have not wn jiis shadow nor heard his footsteps hut death awaits wall round uie bend in uie next cars faltering brakes in the irail ol some chance driver who loves alcohol and gasoline and mixes them too well in uie street in uie open highway what matter where death awaits and does not announce his coming we are marked down to die the great god called statistics has writ ten our names down in his little book and by acturlal laws we i doomed we do not know it but death is coming same of us little children our deaths will be more horrible more tragic uian others hut die wi will parents teachers and prgfes ional lifesavers wiui their glu no i txi kin what the u j of irllln nie trouble that ou find wiuilu your im wnit dwejlin l ijiell our ham ol mliulf alulough 111 jjf in oppre 4vf vour gooil old friend ol yon won l prbu our wonl exrr up thtyvti i ward them ull iteforr wluitn the ilo of talk ill pout w lut h kolng rong wlien all uie worlii 1- tiuckin and njjtln for a ijuik tliough conlniverfy rage tlw folk wlio will explore those old hulorlc pages htfve hrord ii all lieforr pnllaiulor johitmwy hi wajiuirton two rights 6y richard ii wilkinson 6 aimivl iwuawn ol sw we are warnings will avail us not marked down we are carelau now we do not lake thought have you never been child do you not know what ii is to be a stranger to responsibilit lo depend on others for care for protection yes protection that is one ol tlw- uilngs uie child l taught to xpert from his elders something n fl rnu ag lie receive our deauis will be more tragic be headlines pive safety zone n way prom children killed tot- run over school you will read these headlines many umes over in 1037 will you heed uiem prom canadian public safety a ily was walking wiui her dough ler on the head of a man who was very bald how things change m dear she aid wlien i was your age th na out a footpath dixy man young man my is worth no an i hut 111 you five minutes of it young salesmanin caji sir lime give man im orr but i made ll a rule never to lend money it nun friendship priend thats ojc ilul wr were never wtuvt jou mlgt call loj- irlends were we pofatoes w cabbage rd heads mu gc head owe crwa a a nice une suf 4 ry tphu caravan of military trucks was entering gourneu vvben th hrtt bombing plune were sighted ttie trucks tor uia most part con tained german prisoners some of whom those inspected of being dangerous enemy intelligence work ers were manacled to heavuy- arrnec guards suddenly uie earth won rocked by a mighty reverbouon one of the military trucks flew into pieces and uie uir was thick with particles of debris a wooden build ing near uve center of the town ploded into kindling wood antiaircraft guns began to speak their pieces and utile puffs of white smoke appeared in front and be hind the bombers but the ground guns activiues were short lived the flrsfiornber let go another ivower oi eggs fallowed by a similar discharge from the second reverbaraltons from one explosion were drowned by those following the little village became a acene of horror five of the caravan trucks were completely demolished ten of the village a doxen buildings were in splinters at last the final bomb had ex ploded at last the deatr-daurg- planes circled and swung away northward beloff in the village quiet reigned comparauve quiet ut that which had just taken place actually there was noise the noise of men crying in agony of burning wood and falling piece of debris a great pall of smoke hung over it all grim faced his features black ened by smoke and powder one arm hanging limply by his aide capl rene pirnult directed the work of reconstruction and thought of the german spies who liad occupied the first of the military trucks one of them had been responsible for prowling the enemy with informa tion that enabled tb bombers to gel through the unes- a french officer a uddtnly emerged out of the smoke lie was a spectacle of horror the clothes that he wore were mere rags his skin was scorched and burned and most dreadful of all a pair of handcuffs dangled from his right wrist the loose end of the manacles contained the shattered forearm hand and wrist oi another man the officer came up and saluted he explained briefly what had hap pened the prisoner he had been guarding and to whom he was shackled had been hlown to bits all uiat was left of him the man gestured mutely toiard his wrist capt piroult stared at the frag ments of human anatomy and wet hthps the officer was mumbling something about his rank and regi- ment niui hrnlf o off sharply new hard heads nice mar tomatoes ltwtirwwa tar slletog 2 lb lor 19c main street georgetown free delivery gg oranges el and juicy nice 20c doz svtt atul jalcy lee sire bananas olnijv kllow hrm nke rdxe 21c doz wa t v doll ian kucwus ruvwi fll fchftlllvn srecul w mice cucumber carrot beeu etc on sale carrolls limited piroult looked suddenly into his face you re quite sure about your rank and regiment he asked sharply 4 yes sir the officer seemed daxed but he spoke rationally enough he gaud back at the cap tain unfluichuigly piroult suddenly laughed bitterly contemptuously what nerve he said and his tone tacked not in grudg in admirauon what a bril liant lot of fellows you germans re small wonder your intelu- sencc deportment is so efficient fell my fine fellow you nearly got uwoy with it you took a long chance but you missed i don t belc ve i understand air piroult turned to o nearby group of turious french soldiers arrest this man at once and see to it he ls given no more opportunities to es cape after the fellow hod been led uv uy pirault turned to a young lieutenant who had witnessed the episode there a cunning for you ond courage too such men would be a credit to fronce but how m the world did you know who he woo sir asked the astonished lieutenant piroult smiled thinly young man you jvould take a lesson in observation our friend was one of the prisoners not the guard he pretended to be undoubtedly it wuj the guurd who was blown to bits under cover of uve cortht- luon and noise the prisoner lo cated ome shreds of o french uni form ond draped them around him elf and uien in order to posi- uvely establish his disguise he searched and found u dismembered arm which he coolly inserted in the empty bracelet of the handcuffs which were still fastened to his wri t but how becuuse the hand which he picked up was a npht hand and the other end of the handcuffs was attached to kl own right wrist two men are never ihnckled together by thiirright hund rortunolely our friend didn t think of this or notice in his excitement what he had done powder withe sasaki or flask smoke le a flashle s poivder is the latent divhupminl of the munitions mukir its uti in wurtimc would effectivi coivclol thi fnurce of the hrnig lithifr a sinollteh or a flash- letvs mtuder hu kin ovolloblo pre- viou ly hut only rlctutly was a pat tent iruuted fur u iowflcr combin ing tlu a two prourlieu iopular oafhanira uogozine

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