Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 21, 1937, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wedneaday evening july 21st 1937 final 3 days wbir atb i ajaggwpjjasa 1 thursday friday and saturday lure the last three days of silvers gigantic 8th anniversary sale take this opportunity of buying your fcysntncr heerjk at a- sale that everybody is talking about stiver s oifer you wearing apparel that wdl replenish iim w lm your wardrobe for vacation tirofc while at the same uurcliiri i mr f h nw rs irl lor ll time you can save money u visit georetowns popular shopping cen1ke on thee absolutely last three day of akuuveruajry sale shop with confidence at silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther georgetown phone 375 or1llia iv juroouam lawrli fittbtl tad imuii wmuo uf uvr ail- and tmultarr axu itsututtoai jrrtit b4nd ot- awl 11 ltiae- kho i xi ika ju isili i ealjll j- lmabl lanl ltr iiwjl i iilv mi rtl bt let voltd mmw tad lw- b t utlv j 1 ui id uauct bntf htsitry f bargelm dr f ft wtbon lus served oo hoard for 28 yean ttlw iji- 1 tawrttitjj j uw worna in 11 ttiili clkisil i loaf d of tyu3tr4 itid imi oct itth tkat v lkknl suamvtrd llf j it lutbr- i ittw r itvan k drain lirx o wulw and a c ueruiw mr wjlun- k1 jiwutilr- rttaiinlah iu ur xkiiiu- vrti iur ai this xtui iub stjurlll tawttllu artii ttvtlt vrtr mad for llw opeiluli a tilth srlsanl oil julury vd lt uw rla kju optwd ktlll uf u s cirtu- u- a principal kith a obuj ol tljbw and mr f xjwuumii a j f tit jt a vauiy uf 3xj rn a iihw rilovi lit tin- inibuc rflukll buudluif unrv 41l tlaf ullrlulilhrt us ttjarll uk kmlc wa cs tko taur 4hr w1ium ak lujll lajfr it- tlkwljwlil faith and order record orowtji expected town tlir- pn ll if u 411 urau f lintd hu well a iwjul itoii 1 i xl a vj- lor rjtoai ui tiawl jilirt jn iinirjcu takiti unim tike- ciftiam tj u btiikluut a iat wa llartiu aikl a ttf uu oi jivlba- rtltuv yj x ln uk iftrst ibo- imkmj ol ltmbo tlir arlurc ur l iiuvox tlur -ama- tlao ivunn d toronto oi 1u11 and caw uwna i ttt nvr biukluir u nmikwea u cwabar ifcts jjr claikr a- aircvtiwl by mr it- uarroa in ith and tlu iubrsiuenl lunnrttiat wrr ur a- ii sibb-in- lt91 ur ilu owall- 1s7 mi it bkx 1b14 tlur lurvtit imtic ia j ur lataben iu aptvunud in 1eu i a uurtl tmclkr ras atllru in iuo a fourth in iftsij a tilth in a ucih in 1scl in 1911 a mmion oi lormrrautiu vtt iwld un sih 1m and 2nd a vhich llwrv flnii a larc alu-iularyv- ll aihan to liaw brra a flnaiwia ukors ai find on utr booll a balaiw at ct-ftxt- in 1916 a cu- in atfrvculturv vtl brtin and us contlniuvd until dufi- culty u njwrttncl in rcunnc a dr-urataw- ailauqn news from the nyal drug store economy offer 9 cake vinolia castile soap and a cloth shopping bb all for 39c tine suwrta is uurrco kl o free a beautiful decorated glass with every pound tin of english health sabs both for 39c cashmere bouquet soap special one cent sale 2 calces for lie uoinj tomakjw uniti 11 aralm lo llir uiuft i lak u mi yi rucn luibufah i kill i 1ui u mil- 1- aurtl k lu tlw ar jl tatul -thta- tit tlkf crrtfl cuilt tmr ml ljlul aiml ordrr uj m- imui llw i- auxuj d u kh i i oif itrt iisw a inter irtn w 1 cullrii i in 0 rlubc kikd ut m jul loth tvu uf tlkr tanot iicnincnt vhl kum1- rvmiiffiimv at ttmxiam tuw hill bf latul iii kujth- luttathly tin- luijl ut vfwnl jul 13th ilwd uw jmh j h uj aueum ui kdliiburcli ttfu utwl l nrd iwl rfr u uar tirt j tt lut in wui and brxi tv- imtflrhl ami tiaerwtltrd ummi ul uv ill iso 4 ur cull i rimi uuus tin rtattl ik imv iii linluirili vi1 b a rtmiuitutlatmt i j llu abvt o failli aiu onw un uvrr lumt llr- uilirfiuv imij in ijiu iniic 1111 ruij auuj lto27 ibvtll tvut iflt luv- will noilallt tlvfr-tilnlhv- inito all um lurbiritul nuouiikul i chfl trlvdomj ull tin rxvvikcfusl cl t itrmajil callmilir ikiotnlut 11 ni aiihcmii ouctuuutlbm kill ila u li isktaivtkv lasvt iii tilt mvtll tuiviu al vatiwnnit uubabl ii uiiiui livrr tlkf ouukiit u hafa ap 2- lit wtnulu n all caiuilx h uruy arvhlvjmi 0iu kill lirwjuue itxv- vitlatrstd llk juiglmun yoiuinuu kin mi caivoda no i cni unwm iraat tiuvada und iljk jmhtt m ill alj be ktureirtitald xi u- iinnvry bjrct ul hwf xmlr rtuv k- llw building ltkeour mi mull frfvst atul rtuicjurd lor jjrlilra j mi cfuu4 dirtc rniiti fai for jwiv-j- i ara ttutt in all frnaj br ciiw iavn fcj i alvl tuy rtttmr art tlw wt- wj hot ilrtfim ff livj vfj ttudmuy ar tin- inauirinr tiu brhuui uw faith tuul ocvlrr rto- nornt and nrtfcieut oi um lrst worlc ronlrwiuy- on uitsr uxilr ild xiir uoili ot ct rutrtvdom u iot n luur but a iwrcxjt tlac world t li tuniunj until cnri-i- iuravr or one iw l ajvuwd we mut lu danctr in tlw txeninc at unit not t all rods but at all t u a sanvd conwrt and provincial firemen to convene at georgetown july 30th to august 2nd business sessions and demon strations friday sightseeing tour and baseball game saturday community service sunday and monster fjrmde sports and demonstration on monday lower school results rural schools from the tnlulltik riril in ljiyr kflwwil i uiiilii iiuul m far a llw ruril ximmiii hi ilajuin an rimirrni tvl ku iuiml ut 1 i mn h riful i ur klirit tlu ukrhrr t ul j- i- i juniujui hirt-4- cuiulkltftv at uil itirtjiil in tru 11m- oilovliti i u tmiilli i t il ui- jrurul ruiujliutr- exahtlnalisml- and dm- ul riir tlilrti iixth uniiuul rsiiwrtitum and luuniamsiil nl tin onurin vnt- mtal likiiiil a jtrlulm uill ui viw- iii 4fwi lnti nn july solh to aiilu 1 jim ll t ju 1 uw v art aiut tlu ctuivt nt wn i vu i il hld ui rinrtm uiul iu i nrjr rrod l tilkuti hit 1m til i ihir ov lis ill luil iur 11m uhm klu iviurlirtrnl hav ulali lurly uniiotua r lit iro l whif u uriihi til um iwlr blu una mid uurj n i0 oltjy alun lliky uiul ivm chli inn uul lattuur ulnnv kltli ihi n i of llie itrv luddutfh uit to im- ttunnlc tntnbd ui iii wui uity iliv liaimllvd cuni uliiui iliii ui lur und alu njafliyi uj jiiu luth tilklllif vkvrr live iirtmni i rliii und deputy chtrf r1w tlrl da nl tltr mnvrntuui frula july tiu kill- ik rvf vhw iu uluil all dlfjutt will r l ur i jui al tht luumllukum ut 10 00 u m anu uayir jouivji tliunuis v ip ex f iftul uw ollilcial ylcottw of llie town luliw iwjjul kill bc iwld both tvidai und jialurdvy momliitc uw rtnluit of uu nrl day timon- lor lmiykhranhy trutuut at uw laut howie mia tlw iurls- fin- kixiw will ukp jdaty oil ualn jtjrct at 730 lim tiaturd altirnoan july 311 an lutw iwcn lauu for m pistil cvlin tour or tlu iittuwr iiaiwr loku ot cisoivtoun kith a baball ranw ui uw mrit at 3 is and a urt oomnvinltj lnlty ltbl- and tnxbiuli l- no onsric will be liekl sundjij after arnuvntol uw cornel it is live ooe i noon at 230 i4n khen tlw lume wl srout hand and uie geomtokn 14 pr tliis rapjwortwtbent iuwarj rlurchl dind kill br in altrndiinwr ad unity ill be the larteu and m in drewx- kill be riven by the loau liwntial sauwrtnff uw irld lius rr i clerev icm iwtlwir uv u urlvlur- itoblljmu jun v wuh iluany cwiauraltliy gruwrue i j mil 8 nruon tvrjit mr maruui illclti1 lhtr uu wntrlt art ivrt harttxm an w s nn 10 nwjmi clvajilwr ulw ilarujro tnykr hrnrti uillmr uritlkli jli lory and oagmiiliy s g nh tt rrmiuluar i tclur mary lvddwialrrui la ur a marl imtlrraart 1 no 11 trufalxutt tij 1wr ul marlon culllilalistrtl uutr ly- or urumkncr hiyjkiniliy rlui- miuc tud akrlcullurtr ii iunw ray j s nm 14 tykfalrar itay cu lldfce grammar hivjoaruihy arluinwtkr and auiicultuiv ii r jean inauirrtone urammar iluk uraiili ariuinu tlr and agrla ilurc if ihiliih fmuiertoni ariuimetk ami agriculture- ii aitned god ullls unity and with htm all uiinju arr i bu to bring t o nbs man mut connrra e with cod to gli an hiea fif uw person- of uit roniamrre i quale froni ar ar- tkle uuon the lamuine conf evtnce ol 1s37 of wliich this is uw oonuni stpoj tu rz d uajjsuoajy eno fkurr salt 41r bj 1 luejay cobv beuedii jlovrv tiivmounrrn ioiiw alvl sc fletculk astok1a see ti1f new watek ren i uk uh wl vtvuti uk nji crex cykn sslxi f14t kiixs fues ztr uj w sal iietatica 2se sse uos souvenirs kodaks films developed and printed films maccormacks drug store s sn w hw ottii i situated in uw uklst of an acricul- tural diojrirt in 1917 a comuartctal dnaartaarn wis tntrodikml wiui ulu mabr lloir ai teehr oomnwrciai korfc wax continued until the yeajfi a ii- lirrskm came wtwn ronomy aivicar- ed nereuait in 1m a brass memorial uei un lo uuate wimj had fallen and tluvr wtvo had served in uw great war at the erlw uw ftn lv pnnsle iqltr in 19717 a ratkt rorik was ortau rd it has been continued to the luv- ent in 19ch a laboratory ru flled up in uw unrd itory at uw present time uwre is nroc twet ol a much enlarged buiknnc us the near future to provide for hour- iwaul science manual iraininc a cymnaslum and a embly roota in addition to lhoc uenliooeo the lallowine knuemen have rrvd ou the ilieli school hoard they are named in uw order of their ajipcunt nmi dr ll ilenneu t j wheel er rer a h drum c ueklnky w urleod dr sutherland fx ii kennedy jot darber d cook j o liar try dr a s bllou dr p it waton w a f campbell j w kennedy j a wulougtihy rer il p cameron c t do toot ite a xl hircuion prof ii- u hutl t w orandi d j ua thews ii il luart well a- b w11l s kirr s y nanrarloufti w t erans w v grant ari otjeill ft n fou j il kuntnam rev w g o tliomjv -on- it is noted tttat dr watsor tlw present chairman has served on tlw hoard since 1mb a pervod ot as yearv undoubtrjiv uwre il be a brai tralheruir of old boys and irli al th reunion on sept snt tt metermiser ciljtoydon turdly tn lis lon his tory can qm- ancient city of lairjuine hae wittwiiirm such a diverse auem bhvre ol people as on the taonunf c august 3rd 1337 was to be seen wind inc its way up uirouxh the steep and narrow lreet to uw ereal cauiedral tlwy uiali come from uw eat and from uve wel irom uw north and irom the south and shall it gh in the kincdom oi god prom all points of the con pass from every corner of uw earuu irom almost every ikan of chrtjs uvr al church came uw lour hundred delecates to lake their place in uw cauwdral that brihl autust mum- inr watch them aj uwy tnlej uw treat wei door here are orthodux patriarchs and iushon irom the hal leans greece asia ulnar and syria ilere are leaders ol the ancucan communion wiui names known honoured across uw world bimop gore hisluh ileadlem oi gloucester uishop temple of manchester uic arrhbishop ol anaash and many an other ilere are a croup of ruslin uuished pree churchman dr garvie vice chairman of the conference ur peake dr vernon qmruett sirj henry i jinn and seotush presbyter ians such a- dr porean and dr nor man maclean here come some of uw ajoericans to what drive ana enerc uw conierance owe jo uucli dishait rreni the chairman of uw conference elliiop perry dishup ucconnell dr auunsn dr adams rrown and others thoce men next to uiem are renowned leaders of uw protestant church in europe axh bishop souerblom of upsala pastot uufnd monad of jaris iwith lhucr of a saint and mystic dr dolf dekmwan uw treat srhollar pro- fesir tiuus dr zeller of zurich and others from oaechojovakla denmark iluncary rumania nor way finland italy delftum ilotund dohetaia uoravla syria and wre rome men irom younger churches in uw eau the uisho of ilombay qisliop axariafc and dishop tublx irnm- india dr riftniiiy ux ammircasy pun a is clrrist cost amazimr hats ctmrurairs ma khmhi kthe in all 5 basic services rm wmtc methcoutnon acagtp iceamuty v jula outcsuucct sad m seb tub koof 2caeatca snrobiice hi mtif vdfnuulkl see tim rstoori 3 cateatc hnfftxt ik lood safer iriler loa see the feoof1 4cbeattjt depoitm 3 yw prortwui has bwiwl llolmt see the houfi 5 cacatca saveabujtv mnvi new beauty rutabnc hew u1utvt0save amd settvel cnaveia scewkatatbrillutjc advance frgttdau watlt ike uetcimiwrbrlasafor i9i7- superb new heatuy ih suhi butv at ike nrira of u ordiaary klrgterkuici om proof of coaaplcteaet never kaokfta beloea u a1x 3 aauc keramimatton usvk3s yon tiot btty w am aayao now you tee pottf rilt u cuu- uora tkat rviwlaue h ik aou c icefeovmlw soodmaatm and od picurwf ever bao8 hooi tkat k aavaa aoujth on food and curreac h pay far lttlf aad aani you a ra iteudeat make mtra of be uuu for your awiaey sn our puklixiuiu wtuur- uauonstaaiujm ktuj tetjhet mm ww i uihf osaly 3 a partt umtjutintr tka motor i ally osfcd aealed aamaaa aaamu aad dart givea supek duty at aaaauk taa- sek tl i e pttoor vk aa acnaal tlcancmhirtaui china dr iiuvgakl of the anslicac ctiunli in jaiuui there is hardly corner of the earth hardly a nation liardlv a church that is unreprescnt- ed in this cathedral today there i iui 1 toman cautooc in uw cotttjiany and uw qaptlsis are almost without 1 retiresanlauvev evxry other com- i munion protestant or calholi- of any kind of star or standing has il drleemte or ovlegale iwre there are twelve arclihislioias and twenty two hishopc altendinil ihe conference of j tltee nine ailibishop and six bis liont are oruiouox and old catho lic alule uiree archbishoiif and au- leen tustiops are anglican ernltilu irish australian canadian soutli african and american ttw conference al edinburgh will br lareer and even more represr ita i ur- lue- roman church is exiecled to liave observers present at all oper rssions and the uapust reirrsenla hun will be larger tlw conference linmnunmc will contain opitortunl lire for ill a rominon facing of the aurkl situation 3i an afnrmauic oi our uniied loyalty to our bord and master jesus christ 3i an attempt ui the part of each lo enter into ami understand what uw tile and wxuvhlp uf otlwrs mean u them and 4i sludj of uw issues on which we are dlvtd xl what will happen if tw uon lerenre really eets to rts aitli lis lask and allows tuelf lo be led by uw spirit no one can say it is hoped thai by the last day it may find itl eli ready to put forth some sfotvi affirmation of union in alwriano to our uuti jeaus christ in vie oi uif aorld sltuauon if chrt ians throughout uw world care enough and play enough and live killnbursli an atmosphere then who knows kduiburgh might reglsur an advanci lur cmuis kingdom greater uian we lutvr yet dared to dream jotwiui ueaunvmu h c mcclure phone 54 home furnishings store georgetown 1938 license plates most vivid yet most vivid licence plates yet u br altered ontario motorists will im on sale on november 1st tlw 1s1 platrck it was learned this week wrii lave a ieacock blue aa a backgmi d villi lellers and ngure in orange tlw crown motif of coronauon year vtilrh made such a hit willi atnomo bme owners in uils province nd mliicli were the envy of ouwr kill be retained even enlarged instead of two mttall crowns otw on each ode a larger crown will appear al ue toti of ttw urease in the middle tlw year will be split 1 on the left of the crown and m on uut rtiht xlnlarto will appear iwiowl uw figures and letter of the herns 1 ttw wum and figure u be tjuiht4lher at ly kinalter uian larevioiioy to make nmm tr uw ottwr smbuk anj uw plate llsell wul be sugliuy larger monday august 2nd will be uw biggest day of uw convention when even a greater number of firemen ahu lsitors are expected in georitcown uian in im2 hen somv sfloo jwople gauicyed iwre a monsux parade of visiting firemen bands and decorated floats a ill leave uw high school grounds at 130 pj- and paraoe lo uw park by way of uie cetwitapli wlwre a mammoth demonstr t ion will lake place priaes of 1iso0q and sio0o0 will be given for alw puncy drill by uw firemen and prutei ol tts tio and cis for uw hose race and hook and ladder race ouw- races wul be held and priie- aanrded as follows rescue raceqlckle trophy det a pi tearing company on pa rade cbvf i and 3 trophies tugot war firemen onlym2 nird trophic oldest apparalu in parad spec ial iirite all oompahier dringlng rand of not le uian 30 pieces 30 00 chief coming longest dltance special priae oldest chief ln parade special priae oomiaany of not lev- than 30 men coming lonret distance tmj 100 yd- pool race for firemen over 30 years prusffl valued al 5 43 s3 100 yd pool race open prirrs val ued at s543s3 chiers and deputy chlers rice 75 yds prises valued at 4342 girls ilalfuile bicycle rac- 1st and 2nd prises mens 3 mile miss and out nirvcle race 1st and jnd liriiaa- mens i mile ilicycle race 1st and 2nd prises on morula eenlnn in uie pork uwre will be a hand concert com munity sinning and midway wlui a dance in the armories at d pjn johnny waldons coronauon orches tra will supply uw music ll will be another big celebration for georgetown- centennial vec and every citizen in town should help our local pire department put this demonstration qier the tap haltov jvmioks an1 al kllli ay w1x atttmijeo tlw annual field da for llwlton juuvors ua held at stanley park frin on wediwday of lat week notwtui- tandlng uie threatrnlm kealhcf iwarly s00 young peojile weix in ultendare under uw dlrrclion of agrleuliural repreentauve j k while kick assisted by president ruui cart wright vicepresidents claude mclaughlin and jean snyder ana ul srs aciduan woodley mid laltn bird a keenly contested mjiluoi tournament and siiarts iirogramnu was run off the boys otlhall tour nament brought oul entries from ac- ion palermo nerval and klibriue lr uw finals belween tlw two lattefi teams uie kilbride entry was uw winning learn by the clou score of 3 to 3 palermo girls mere uw v clrf in the glrl tournament over a ton norval and kilbride tlw interuub relays were also keenly ounteted wlui uie burlington team of r dridgenian wm ingiis emeat wood and h eaton jvlnnlng first liohors for uie boys aiuj uw acton club securing the championship in uw interclub girls relay this latter team was corapot ed of alleen cuuidgcj dot churdi monica pitapaletey and deuy cla ridge tlw novelty races were not only keenly conteated but a source of much merriment to the large crowd of on lookers the winners were a folios driving race couplea vlctoi white and dorothy tyler acton clouws pin race for couples alleen clarklse and mac mclaughlin of ac ton boys backward race mac mc laughlin acton the picnic lunch was very ettcient ly suitervlsed by uie norval junlort with miss marie qiackall as eon w nor tlie day s outing was brought lo a mod uiccesful conclusion with a dance uw muie for which was sup plied by snyders orchestra al kit chener esquesinq council at july h lu7 llw couivrll imui uieir r ular itmmillily mrtuuu un iirmiay citnlnaf llrptllv taw-vt- n a itvbllvumi ctmfl rilux w a wilson c h uui uim kdwin ilarnaii weiv l- rnt hwr fleoncr oume- prultil at the meet tlllt llir minuter of loit mlrullv krlf trud uiul cnitllritmhl cihiimunrwtuliu kerr raasd fiom iviuirtitmnl of iliiibwau itu hit of chliigiuicotisy canadian autuiiki ml w rviri auwialumi umtted trtv i- ktlktl uixl dnrunmil or ajrl ciilluk a letter kto read frmii jiuli1 minim upiioliitliig iu- au july 17ui at 10 u4n u1t i ii ilnif for tlw h iring of a iwiu aikub from the 1j7 court of ilr imi for tlu rikiijilp mtivrx by n a ltihlnnii j-uki- iiv c ii uuy uat tlu iv-ii- ur r ui ttw hud jitst u prfj tiled by tin road uji finieiulriit 1 1g cur fird c uovsl bvjiulwln jiurmp ird itlrtl liy w a wujmi umr ilk ivra irrr iay uie in lief arcimill u pre i luv uy tlw 16 lief oujcer 1i0u far rled movrd by c ii muy fecoiulm by n a hahlnjmi uiat uw trm urvr pay arlmi inibllc uuhue cuam cr- c m trr t ifglilx uur i7ui to june 17ui slsbo itell tvleiloiw oil shi j kji7 hi ij j uu1 pi ikuird cif hydro ciiipml umep ceortetok ii trvt lluhu at oler william aiif 1 t to june 0ui itijsfl hydro rhctru poker vcommk 4hi ilrumpuui ifghl ul council j tliainuer tgjil cecil chlsholm u udvertuiifg uiul itpiklieu rd turn ipui tso hebeil m iv war court iewrter to cqpy evidence townjiip uf ksqucjng dobbbv tm 10 i m jbmneu i bulb 30c ink 10c tutal soc carried moved by ed in harrrtp jcnitded liy w a whon tlmtthl council ac mjil the niter pf mr ucleod or the ised and weetl hoard far a pray ing dctrwul trillion an road side eed in uic townjilli uw cost of maerial not to exceed vjl00 carried umed by c 11 may wonded by n a roblnon tliat tlw trvu urcr jioy hoard of healui accountr uorden marchment to opening grave for raby vivian s3 00 deportinen or health insulin rupplled to mn margaret a comer 11 ig carrtea moved by n a robinon seconded by c ii may uiat uil council do nok adjourn to meet monday august dui at 7 pjn or at uie call or the reeve carried hauuelt a wv j mmmrr keltiiii wa he istunr i mr aiul mn john idmlirji of alton uti hal- uttlay bttrriitmaii july 17 klwn jielr idee i lutlirir rvrljjl aheeil be rams thf i rids- n willi f ivn bal1jnafad the july meeung of the w a was held at mrs c berwicks liome wed nesday afternoon in the absence of uie prruident mrs p w sliortlil look charge of uie meeting tlw opening devoujonals were taken by mrs r mcencry and several part in entence prayer plans were made to liold a field day lau august lunch was served and uw 1wvs and giurnitiiauv i meeting closed wlui tlnglng and oif anu uiauji xb home prayer tlw augult meeung wl be id at uw home of mrs s labusay alfred soper has retiinied home after spending some wceits in ilaihln wph tfliki ut of expecteb ofj girlk vj2 the following old boys and 8rcham are erpected for home week in sept lleuigv llcanwell uhmuiy fred goodwtlue grimsby jack cameron mrs jack cameron father mccann father belisle hilly grieves rranuord will ucbeth edmonton tom dolger st cauiartnea rer mr illggliuoii rev griffin thompson rev mr roadliour rev d a motr art hraoley bert thoriiinn bob scott canon weaver mervyii kennedy r c smealon fred watson lutly roe rev air truax jim uccabe a fourth list kill bt published ncxi krek alter which uie turo lto humlltun and london visitors wll be listed presentation and addgrss wtwn mr wilfred ireston re red from uie suff of uie glrr woollen mills last week alur taentveven years service to the com pan v uw following addre aus read and inos entation made by tits felloa em luovee- and the superintendent dear mr preston we hav e learned lui deep ogrct your wtthdrakal from the glen wool irn mills emiilojmenl tlir emploe und superintendent albert hnrth lutve deemed this occasion pro it lous to show tn some small measure our ecleem for your frlendsilp and the ailllng coowratlon you bare hown during your twenty even years of ervice u the olen wool i tin mtlts we sincerely luipe und trust vour new venture villi be auetted kith the suocess mhirh ls deserving o a man alio lias ever the interest of ht emiuoyer at heart uhd hus t always given otw hundred percent of his lime we liave fouiul you a friendly and ymiialhetlc felloa worker we are going to mlvs you a ureat deal and in order uiat you a til ottmuraes uiuik of ui r lake ureal pleust te in lireaenluig u you uils uilt it kill ulkavs carry atlh tt our in i kl he derr dai next next kill camr uie big derry dv celebration on montluv augu t uth twn orange ulack knluhls are ex- iwrted to gather at two big reebm tians we uiiderstantl tliat only two uerry day eelebrations an scheduled lor ontario this eur uir al oshuka 4 cuiturduy auiiust 10th alwl tlw uwlbunie tin uw tkelfh many irrceiiinrie- in uils dulrict have already jenl word that thej in tend to go to slwlbume l it is calculated uiat uie quln tuplclr will eacli be korth 1000000 by uielr eighteen ui birthday it u tha seen tliat uw uiylng al men are created free and eouat does not apply to uw femau of uie sjiecw not at any rale wlien uwy come five in a bunch llu iter llie vn inony wltich liwik pucr- in lhi krdn ku nr fiirriitd bv tiv lluih uimnmii ut lt7ii uiiuwl churrn tit tride u ktv ll 111 hiurrluke in lur falhrr and ktre- a drrs ol ilnk ulk lul tvrr tulli tu kith j k truth of urunge itta j in in i rurritd a bout let of itrur rliti its j und blue coriifwiker j th- twukmnuul uu uumntl huehef of loioiiln ll r ol uie bride lr j m1 in liiniuol hhi dilltoti with pink ur willi- ii unllh of aluut ku in- t tivun llw wedding mujc ku plitil by mr lmiartl taylor of 1 i n o mlir th rrceptumi the lit i la ioiiple 1 h lor m motiir trip the bruh iruhllhiu in a tliti ol h ivy hlili slut r uilli while acce mf u tin hmlr ritiirn tluv will rr4 in tin uu in furtu in lirrioitla argary iimium a prrlly ddtilu wa olemnlwd jt llir limiw uf mr aiul ms 11 btrt hurl j georg town ul lillth tuwuj im liit urduy wlwii uwlr jecoiui daugh ji r plorepca- alicw became uw lurkl uf ur mitur millar gregmy of wood totk form rly ijl georflnkii ion ul mr m calhoun anil uw ltuj mr w in ito f ww ton rfv d dultdjtn nlculiug tile bride ulven in niirrlilc in her fallur war down il in jwll vfuk accordlalj pwated hirfim wllh khlte acceviojriej and tarrim a bouunt of sweetheart roses utnulioil and htihyn breaui tlw lirlde maids uu uten rlufile nd ulj aiadys uarun were gowned in llok and blue dk net wlui mauh me actessori- and earried sweev- lieurt rose and babys breath the urohtti uaratuiuledby mr t homer hijes ol woodstock following uw eereiniaiy a reception kas iwld uw lirlde s mother receiving hi k navy sheer gown wlui while accesiifle at d wearing a corsage ol yellow rors alji recelvln- va uie grooms mui- er gokiwd in printed silk crepe with while accessories and a corsag of unk and whit carnations later mr and mrs gregory left by motor a hamilton niagara palls and vc york tlw bride donned for travelling a printed silk crepe frock and white accessories on their re turn uwy will uve in woodstock qurts were present from toronto hamilton guelph woodstock rlor- wich st rftiamas jirampton and georgetown v world o professional world s ttn- oteur canadian protejuonal can adian amateur and canadian kchool speed typewriting champlotishlpi will provide an unusual and inureeung spectacle ui the oolueum at uie can adian nauonal exhibition on uie af ternoon of saturday aug 3s0i gresgby theatre friday july 23 twos company kilariaau eaaaedy starrltig ned saarks and card llarker musicul home on the range cartoon porky a duck hunt miniature hollywood extra tox news saturxuy july 24 histoky is made at night uuarl camvedy raiuanee costarring charter bayer and jean arthur band clyde mccoy cartoon bully frog chnpter 14 tlir roaring west matinee only matinee af 3 pju tuesday and wednesday july 27 and 28 romeo and juliet mtakeaxwares bumartal ranaanee eo starring manas shearer and leule howard louis braddock tight pictures faiag may i lave et uarring neltan eddy and jranelte maedaaatd mr george oakes and miss lone oakec of drighton spent uie week end wlui mrs rlcliard shoruu the crv ice sunday morning was in cliarge of uie w us mrs alvtn slarret has returned iiome after swndlng a week friends in toronto wi liojie lier iwojuijuu be mucli imiiroved ashgrove sunday evrnlng july uui a uie ngular meeting of uu y j u ttw lirogmmmc was in cliarge of ulrd the aright star mission band enjoyed a picnic al the haren of misses joy and hetty ruddell mr and mrs clayton dick opened tlwlr iiome for a mlscellaneous ilvuwer for miss elsie nelll irlar to tier martiagr to ur w g uccurd of hornby on friday evening july hull friends neighbours and retu lives all joined in uils happy vent and many useful lls were shattered on the bridcui be on behair if uw different dciiartnunls of the united church uords of apiireclatlan for jfrvlces well done kere voiced u ulss nell from llie sunday sellout by the super tnteiiden il ur c it dick from uie cliolr by llie choir leader ulss ruui giffeu from the y p union by uie pmsideiit ulss zetu graham ttinse aere replied lo very araciously hy uiss nell rrfmsh men is acre served at knlch u e y p u treated wtui ice cream fo all iu j a and ur nelll and ulss alma ntlu of glrn allan wn guests ut un shoker 1 milton lnmul ihm by i w ttuit ulllons ncv dog b lau re quiring uut no dog whtlhrr llciiised not be allowed to run loose in ulllun kill 1m ntorced a as ideut in uillce court uiere last keek wlun okners nf three aunderlng can luce ajeared before magistrate l c hull tao men charged wlui a breach or the bv law were lined and osvsc court ctkts i larry charlton k as placed on sumwnded sentence and paid t3i0 in cosu whra iw said hb dag luul jumeho e reaped his pen and uiul since he had been charged he had shot uw dog to save the la the trouble ttw united church sunday hrhoul held a very mircessfu jucnlc to edge wood iark eden mills last tt ur- luy aftemuon men i get viooh at onck i new ofrnucx tonic tahtau con tain raw oyster mvlgorator and ouver atlmulants one dose pens up organn glands if not delighted maker reluiuli nrio nald41jft call or wriu rouis drug stora u watch our window ro asuxi ice ckejui sntcials and ooimonoiaai fresh raspberry sundae 13c 2 lor 25c longs conlcclioncryls 98 lb bag golden west bread flour 389 24 lb bag maple leaf bread flour 105 6 lb tin hereford brand corned beef 95c aeroxon fly coils fresh mock per doz 19c 3 pk sugarcrisp corn flakes 23c 1 lb carton pure lard 13c 3 x 15 b tins ijuuys cookki ipaghktti i pkos pahowax j iku kkovaii jkuy uakmt ihu1t jalt uuouelt kinos ahlu ur r4l dox 10 as tins cuajucs fancy quality touato juict 1 ox jau caunfllll llltand wfrt ailkhkinfa vi tone a jlourljillltf itmhl bevrrasn ij ux tin awkft iicklf cottaol- itoa ibj lie jurcc lb choick uilkakfasl uacon iby tlu plrcri lb ihvamkalku 11ack uacon b llir plrcrl lb uchnjuelts piiksu uoiuoj iiau imnchliif llrrl 11llv jallii with hip cotn ixr uax j5 lb 11ao twoin onr bug kujuilt will f1y fuu lul bulk v sir he ism i tir s3o u csr cse bllcctul irlc ciiuicl fbeuh rvuit and vegetables lb a e farnell phone 75 we deliver expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repair tv all makes georgetown phone 11 lane block

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