Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 21, 1937, p. 4

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page 4 j the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 2aat 1937 jtxad4 is delicious yonreycsm5 w tama bran twfla ax funla w li m a a laaraaa ej ii is r a o un a a ma aaat aaltty run b kil u mm ay law lattaa fcuy aaaari cvahtau o t walker ro ostomktaust bykmejht hrkciaijst tbaaiaia aha u at atobars lttbg ktotuf ihoan ike iii w a ty atalfr or yaa kaay tah o t walaw at ab aatra la twaawba 3m worry wlu nfvm dim iifi1 iifauty kt a or sa1 ieh vitalrrv thanks to anjenbiia- corfid a cito and aciontific prop- arit ion for all cisos of mnn- s tru a i disorder ind fominino hyciiono hue uookijhjis mcormaciesl5rug stoh vuone 3 milk oy irpmt ik ooaiuualty py roll la tkou- xande ol towns a tipatwubi inocuan lax bstlllaaeal imun idllk end aallk prodoe ssual b aold so that oaak oan bow luck to dairy lanaara and tkaur ooauauallua wk aftar waalr and aaoatb altar auuttk tkla uob botdaa inecwe kow to do fox baklad bowua oo yre ol avparuaoa la baadllno aad aalllng tk aot pfrlskim ol food todocta dairy urewa suoduciao lor boidaa ooapuy know tksl a bordaa aillk cbeck asaaaa iacaahi t hltotauaiot aaxa hlutwaowmtri of toauch tulahaifyntrt 1iav1lf1ttrrt m womb qksnapshot cuil i an outdoor exposure guide j wllkn ivafetil- last uav s tb i llkr tu think wlnti rarthi bh du l or and mirth i hut on hal vaulttrd oil lite tt of umv f nilty which hull not n khut thrn in thai new l- ul no om hull huvc to i tnd alone fur lurk of ivd oti ir i irlnul i ilk to ihlnk iltul in the vu t tun t li which we shall hurli n t irktu av or no in h til v r li allowed in ml lute itr lili ihr uiiti r- ki or h lh h ii hi in mw l ijil n nu iuilt v r lut willi i llkr u think vi nwir i luiw nul prii lliat mrt tuu wul f muy jtkm or ml tin v iy thnt fulr inml vilnvrt rm inurv i or 1 1 rift sihnll lw wlu re cliwldilonr thall li in tlia rrdrrithl rrivhxnr iii cvm ludrt r hull ihtiik 1lm aiktv4ls u j ilunikrfnrd prjili m il trun caniihi air ullr uiliu unrtnl luf awkiiiqiwnl l imiui ci jnhn nii oj vi v lrlclitlt hi cliari ur oiwrutlnns of llli h alruoy hit irm an lr rxrculhr with inter national rnuutlaii who lu thn lid during the imil ttn la- wful nf tlu vrlnrliol tlr ntniivort rl cci in uir unllml tuatf mr johttu vau auttvf ti live tlut nc capudlan alrwujr irajiel ihr benefit of hl klierlence bv undertaklnw tlu- vfrea tlail of the complete ontunlitallon for om ratten tim i he ha aureed lo io o war made knoan at ihr close of a meet ing of the hoard of director of the transcanada air unv pre idcd over b s j himiterford chairman and president of tlie canadian na llonal ilallway alio l ali preal dent qy tha new air conortlon tlic olher director are jame y uurdock or toronto lion wilfred aaunon montreal ii j bymlnifton montreal and three nominated bi tlie dominion goiemmtiu com mander c p edaarxli chief of air services department of transiiort wiuui controller of ciul avl a lion departmeni of transport and ilorrlnn chief superintendent or air and land moll services port owm department- an official tal4mnent ft-thedlree- paid since uicact to ncot liorirtv4he enterpriser was guen itoyal assent onaprrrtoui last uie hoard of directors of trans canada air lalneo in conjunction with the hon howe minister of transport has been encaged in formulallntt plans for the new services seven planes of the latent type ultable for carry in b mall and pre and ventually nojwitn are twins ron- tructed and three of tliee will be delhered durina the prelrni ummer the training of canadian ptlois in instrument and radio ranee ftylns is being- provided for and a hi proceed uirouith the next few month lip- fort scheduled ftlaht- are hejrui communication radio ground tatlans have to be establlslied and manned by operator trained as radio dec itatchers route llghtlnit cmersency held llshtine alrjiort uehtlns hana- er accommodation weather report lnir etc have alo to be iirovlucd ml or uil work l noa oelnu rustled completion itadto ronire ftjlna n ina 01 the beam l a development or the lai years in the united state par t transcanaxla air rlcc in tru ment flyinff is e scnual and ll wa considered neesjry to erure uie uie unices of an executive ihorouclily familiar with uil system or flytnu and with larce jile iran continental fly ins operation mr phllli johnson lia lna consented lo undertake the creation of the oivera tlan orsanlxation the tran canao alrtjnej feel uiat uicj have jured an executive who expciicnc modrm transiiort of ihu chnnctrr en ure to the new project the mast prompt and satisf actor de veloiunent in its difficult inltlu tau rv mr johnon has been aajoclal ed with dreloivmenu in uw aero nautical held for the past 20 jcirs god prepares a people lriutiontl nlfftm smhu sk folj tm iin1 ihr ijrd thy tiwl 10 im- u taclul uk0 la laadl- lo jit 1141 ull till ii uli uu wlurli 1i11 ijird uu- hath ui in rll 1- hu rial ttw faaunrtf iltetb tl 1 murluu way dk kox much change in ad- lymd tastfcs takaa aaalaat a whit janun uiall 125 aacond stop f 11 iniat kind of camera la yourn wkat do you want to pliuto- rrulit halow la a denonilablo oyf eluir bxdoaura pllde fur averaxa pic- tura luajacta tku guide 1ar 5 wbon tlio bob u ah in in t whin tho day u cloady u10 expaaure should uu about twice am loos and when vury dull about four lloiua aa lonx with pufhplu on a banch evpoaura with folding camara for the chromi type rmparaeniil llvti and nanalonilc nims the kulda li good fnmi 0111 bour aftr nuariita until oni huur ih furtt umim l kur ordinary film maku tho ma ruin 2 hnura uh not cut thli valuabln rulda tmtutid paatu it in your hat ufnomo- thlnfc joba van qulldor ciuud 1 ur nupl tir 1 r 0 u 1 1 r 0 u p c uu jr ulul n jirtiy lai l h liu lit imctur t 1 or a t undar trtmui uubla ulljm t iii tlto l arouiia r tka ruuf lurmjttn uiul n t r o a t j a purrlt b a d d ub joe lat 1 n a r b y futtctuuiul imnoa kind ot cvnora shattar gpad stop opanlof dox slnou lana thraa topa snanahot isnapuhol i sumliol i 1 bcood ulddlu i largest j lmxat htnallitrt klad of camora bbattar gpad stop oaaalax dox doubu lint thra ktopa soapfthot ibnapabol isnapabot i i aacond bmalloat ulddln llaarkltt i omalloat par the past four jtar there lias been no ureal change in uie con sumption of ihr principal item- ol food in canada compared uh 1035 about six pounds u- of meat and six pound- more of pork v uffhuy mutton and 1 imb a consumed iter head of impulauon 193c but comiiared with 1033 uie consumption or meat increased hj five iiounds and the consump ion of pork decreaxd by approxlmauli even pounds uunb and mutton uradually lncnod in ivopulirl j 1933 34 and 36 but in 103g drupimtl jmhuy wiui regard to ioultr uie con umpuon of hciui jirr lurad of mipu lauon show a steady if inall npnu al advance reutsterinii a sllbht in crraic in 1d3c oer 1035 whlh uu consumption of turkeys iluck aivl uetif has jiown a slight 1 early de crease ince 1033 tlic consumpuon of butter per head of populauon has adnuced slowlj but surely evtry lear lnct 1033 clieese has remained more or less stationary for uie past four jears but with a donaard terdencj culmlnatinr in 1036 in uie con ump hon of a doaen u euiis er person than in 1033 the ostlmaled consumption nuau iullr and certain dairy liroducls jwr head of population in canada in 103c is a folloa5 pork gt83 lb beef and eul co 3 4 lb mutton aiul lamb 503 lb hnvk 1g05 lb turkey j 145 lb duck- ju of a iound tfi4 u3 ot u po ind bulter 3143 lb cliee 3j7 lb ks 31 cs dozens kind of camora skattsr qpead stop opanlnk dox ftlnou and doubla unaaa two atapa snapnbot isnapuiiol 1 snapaliot i 1 aerund small i iamu ire smajl kind or camera oktittar sprnd stop openlnic folding aingl una thraa atopa bnapahot i snopnliol i snapshot i 1 aocond ulddln i ljwk i ljrktst i smalloat klad ot camora bkuttar bpeod stop opaaldl folding doubla ana thraa atopa hnaruihot i snapshot i snapshot 1 aecoiul smallnat mlduiu i ijirgiat smajiuat kind ot camera shutter spaed stop opaalaf folding double lana two atopa snapnhot i snapnbot snapshot i 1 aocond small lirn ijirgn i small ktaj ol camora shutter peed stop opauliui folding and miniature openlnoa marked with the f ayatem l i 135 i 116 i 1k fjs flc fll j f77 73 b kind ot camara abutter flpeed stop oajnlnc folding openlnoa marked with u 8 uniform syatam 115 i 1 js i 1tt i 115 ii il 31 i ii s 16 11 s 8 u a 4 kind at camera bemltar upaad stop opaalnir folding openlnoa marked 1 j s 4 115 i 1 26 i 126 i i aocuad 3 j 1 j 1 i i slow duivktls hnm tlie ontario leuruni 111 ol hltf woj huve made a new siieed law thut lldy mlh it ho ir hu b uie fastest sjieid undi r ult ul drlvinit coiidluons dii muns thut 11 ou exceed thls limit ou un huh r tu irucuuou but ii uf not nieu lliul if ou am blov llft mlli ir hour uiat you ure im from the hand of the law rluicr thcr conn the reiiurt of uie moil who was fined for driving loo slowly hr uus mas liii u congestum in th e truffle arm wiu tht refurr hallid be ton u11 magistrate to answrt thi off c net tills merely got- to how thut uu dine and courteous druer and uie one wlui moderate- hl peed ir in creaj u according 10 ctmdlllo 1 is the one ui10 maktv our hlihus jfe picobac 111 im w poojtlt ll lit r luitleil ruiluui 1 1 uli ntity or mmiu ihrr4 uiounnu m in uu ha ikt n urhu vjd u loinmon triuillion utvd falui u ut 11 i h rut lit istluufiu dm do livtruhit hum tuit tiiiaiu lo thni ill thai totuvdt rutmui hvrul lo niuhuui or the hklarulion ol fiith im no i ilituiw untitl llt to emiitm msrul tilth- tleiivi ilitr- thij riipilarly u yivtd uu pu jucr na- a limb jtwd u ti ynibql lllc ilrluji pttfpu hat tuktp prth in having n lltui n u ylnliil but uu- lliiew u iph ti latirvlld lirplienii umf iiotiwul win rxlnteih to hjvt ih ir hunt it r1 c 1 yailmllwvl by u lamu kit jt11l11l liu un even dir nu nihil in the nt w iv uilutiiu llun 11 u oui i be kiuulomi of lion ullt twlli pllh hlii lit uu iuiuul lorti ouu litui and uelctthu uie- id a i yiuluilbud by the uttib tbe hkrd riad 2 u luni iwfore uu circulation or tne bhmi 1iad lmn dlxotred rlmlue iicoph km h thut uft um u bloilj warriors saw falbn oldurs ultid to deuih hunters saw uwlr uounded uuiir die ui rough lus of bloul it wa naturul ilia i live itat rllicuil j urn nwde mucli of jjc jitddiug of blood to com memo uu uu txuiit from rgypt tlw iieiuw imhipie ujsj ihl oiemn tpijilep meinury utut lo awaketv giautbdt and to nclurc uiclr national pur- pa w mdai uu many nltract word but it i doubtful if clenullc pliruj can ever catch the imaatixa lion of a iieople and convej an idea ji reall ucally as uie si mbol ol- blood uiroughout uie old und new testament tlie fort uiut omc iieople in l t upon inten-relaori- that bordtr upon uie groteue i no rtason why ae jvould fail to r uie inner meaning of the symbol emmlarinje mamialfi forev l a long long urae tn etabll hrbnwi to o in- tlie paaover for dicatlon of the nacbual unity puri-afulne- of that the pa over feat served tlie sacrament of the uirdi suppir liar al a long hltory of nineteen hunured years tliere are many parallels between tlie jewlji feo t ol the pasaver described in the old tetament and the chrttian communion service obsened in chri tlan churcher today no one can estimate uie effect of uiese two lommemoratlonjj uie one uie acru mliil or a nauon uie ouier uie cra ment of- a church in both uie es ejjljal ideas are similar jc us knew a ua- knew how prone iieople are to fonet even their high 1 t and holiest experiences and the- j two camim mora lions wen an old to memory a device to lecp great hour of uie past from being lost in oblulon i ealkfal cwrialty 25 m jeslnh children and christian children alike are curious j iisli children beholding uie inssover feast ajced lo have uie ancient memorial txptuliied to them and youuiful boys and girl in christian churches pr hulls looking down at a sacrament scrvtct tram a gallery ask many que- lions al sunday dinner thf child s que lion is an opportunity fo instruction at our ieril do we ds miss uu question of children pott ponlng our unswers or telling les- tliun uie whole truth it t ihe uuj of one genr ration lo educate tht- ucxi one explanation of tlie pur ible of uil bower uie seed and lil 30il l uu adult leaching truth u uil child sunday scliools hae a tliclr punt to unwcr uie que tie nigs of youuiful mind- and to iivi a comem of knowledge thut will be come a basis of faiui and netem chrl1 ajtlnu questions in tlu temple and ncelvun unwrr l a irlkuu exumplc of the need of rt ul lous leacluur ai d dlscluini in nomenoti7ioran7renureri banxed naliem 2l a the llcbrt a eoplc it ft fey pt uu y formed u stuibby army uul lhtir descendants have uchleved ami of humanity s htuhest uirallm be raiij ol the purpoj im ilunusl un jt r the letdi r hip of uaj- tlic contrasl betutxn a iiorjt ol ilelirr laves in the d jrt and the later glories uf the holy city of jerusalem show how a nation may derlop during uu la i jtenrrallaii japan a uppetl out a a 1 not liuustrijl na tion and military ioaer social cu- loms and age lung tradition- liavt- bit n reiilueed in turkey trie rus sis of uit czars has become uie rus slu of our day fifteen year- ugo luflsm in italy was an unc lain exjuriment but ll has lemanstrtted a deurei of permanence t 11 y ears ato hluer came from iirlson with only seven followers and towav hi will i lua lor sixty millions of hi- fellow country meij wluiln the pasl two years china has been 111 uteo under dynumlc leadersluli wiu uch lxamiiles of national chunce or it nulvsance wihy tll he hope ir s and fallhles aboul llf power uf clirl l lo ihangt uu whole wide world it enouvh people live uu christian life lamestly and jncerc ly chrlsuan standards can be tiade lo ujiplant iagun ideals und every prelictioii or poet and proplut tan be made to nunc true by the doled luy ully of tha j vho iuic y leuied i heir life nergy to uie arhlry- ment of u greut cu ly on earl 1 qarvllaa for ihwasien 1 do lit rule people outgrow tin url o ymbullsm 2 why was blond a ihung mul of lilt 3 whut ure uie gains and d t mr of jirruim nlulum 4 at whut age were you mo t im prt umubl- plriluully 1 whut is thi run lur pevumlan llli rt 1 uttl ui jkiui aiul im itlcul ufa had rhenmalic pains lor 25 years suffer follow good ad acr aund tauve kruaadke tht wntr ol ui io1uwiul 1 i x liad u lull utturl ot rh uituiu uiv1 wa sttvljil ui lae hrujn n ut did 0 aiwl lexrilkr in exp n on 111 uu following wtul attnu two yrtir uto i dvtkrd i utin ult irk ol rlwiiinulln hi my 1 it jwiul itr bluth i uutl all ft til r imli hut with iui n ull uu day my wuh- r in la h jrinj urfi mi only out lit i ok ua uusm tlial l- kniahen wiilt diruled u puirlutu u ikhiu- end lor tht flrit vita tool u tt- 110mili 1 in u 11a- ol tuil uia4 itdi uu nilng i he lulu lraduiilly di ipptjrv mil i iu turn tttuu tiiimh 1 urn nil tiklni my eurly moniliu tuvr 1 1 lie convinced dial il 1 lu ipi 11 to knp me lit jti ii 111 ir ulna lit rtuuhtuuls ire fil ly the re ult ol an t re ucld inlie body ino of the in rxll ml of kruxliti jialu afv tm illb tor uu i r vtnrk in tiljohmt iff t rll oihw fiiiniliedl til irw- tuill 1 li nliuirr t rxuel uu h jetl acid fnmi uie iy aeni tb imr ttf lb- ral ry latwri ntn r s scob htn4 bat 1 til 4 sau dtrr klllrl id a ihola hiiulho- tnbjjtn akul wblle ible uuy in 1 ot a trvmailu t itabar lo h kill 1 iii klui ir ta it hi r marl m- uwlur w m u roo11 ir llial ihtrly nv ar aie ihar m hot a klarl- wbltumi d r in ll limit- tr m olu kw kjima lllu ll ww ba ilvrfr i but r ha 1 bry ktl in lb- r- viitrt but tlnllata worblni fir thi iti anadlan fnklot ual urvy fuuad nutl i ihtlr imnn juhoi indian rkliea had mt ibuu 1 arl llit ulthaufb iberv bed no tbtr in sva ou hat rur lark ei 1 b i of ik- tldt lultaulenl ran ih nlnuu aaj al jt-f- irvtaal riod rtlm wild urtr i id lutlf hm- imf wrw weurtd frtfi s w hruairwick an1 turvil lo- in vnrtuimilh aad lucby ftuia i llt thu waa iwm aurlthia of tbf it tltmk ait dr la lb oiivlne- lb- ar of nv othra uutt libvial la 110 whiu s0v sioll m eomtocctaail wllb kmm llruiwkny tb- uuumkia 0 cfalkt- mrlo lb-r- ba tt lirmrb of any mlrnlkm of dr frtm tbe let ur krla by this ttt-ul- s 1b rhv4ttl uloek or dcr aut1 b- ertdlt 1 el to tb fikjrlm ortrltukl impoiha nd tn th- tkalley t aritwtbai wblefa wr m iiutatud for kwaty yrar af ler wbleb it woe found tbat th aal male bad mulllplled to aueb ata fcxtait thai tby bemaluk dmtruetlva to erit th loax- at d la ehpwv hy i he blllinr in 131 tf om of lb original hoelcxit alaa iufora bajauc rt haakfd all thf dtmrr er aaarked by nteka la lb franf ov tb laat day uf tb imaaa a dr wan abot by a bun tor whlen bore b uiaialtak able nark which badb uaad to dlstlngulah aral pajrwat brd iojilkm hi n ltitrkl 111 it ol- ihskakx tlio rfunmoii iwiu- ily l iwtt only a mnanre uul a ruia lumlui mi 11 act tsjieclahy hi j he warm montliv from hit umnvrr to autumn vluit it reache il uriayett aburwdnce it i a menace tu health becau-r- it brer d- in garbage manure and hu man foece and may pa d recuy irom iltlli aiul buier lure- ted matter lo food luffs partwlc- uf d com po mt organic mailer lucterla and otht r living orgaulans adlvere lo it- hairy body and lec and tkky feel uno mouuiparl or rnay be conveyed to rood in il xenta and tillva tlie ivoile nj known to elentl ls a mura dome- ilea t worldwide in dl irlbutlon and noloriou fo- the mrt it iday in tlie dl jmlnauon of dangerou- diuoj- uch as inrnntlk- dlarrlioea urtitithuauis typiold clvolera and dvsuntery in canada the houf flyis probably uu moit imimrtant irytct specie- concerned in dleslse iranwnlslon on thi aconnt it l verj important uiat meauires be taken o control it and to pi it from firb access tn human foods effective metliod of eon- liouse niet cotifosl of elimhi- utlng or reduclnif tlieir bretilrije lilars by proerly ires thut or jltpos- of manure and garb rvtti rsc manure t probably chiefly re- siionjble ror uie majority of hies to rural section in uie cities garbas- l an lmihtrtant factor in fly produc tion to be fully effertlve oorlrol mea ure- jiould be organbvd on w community basis as one neg ectea manure heap or garbage dump may uikst a whale neighbourlioad col lecins of manure slwuld be removed mors touraat t hiailmad from chy ubles aiul deposed 01 at -pfa- aetloaaluvia ot all tba aoeutue leat twice weekly in rural ectlons i tmtite4 j a auuarbj af n-o- wliere practicable uie manure should whiw lh prwt u mttitar m be removed daily and pread thinly uafco caaadlaaa aoeiatv 8ou in fields where uie drying effect o ebju lrimh w faiy sun and wind will prevent brein u ui with uhi wbeoe an alternate meuvod conslsls of udt- y umui ektaaa mivarioe lg advantage or uie heat iiiroduced by to mjy hr aort tif m ttii- rermantatlon wlun manure l placed jhould be caiudlaaa trat in tightly packed piles tlie manure bmy eitlaaaa wk pile jwiuld be constructed on hard thm j laitaraata ot caaidft ground or concrete the sides of the ml hikrt hat who n b j thn pile should be clean cut and almost j utioajj uetauai if i bay ervau a crucrjbut loping jlghtly towanu iaxn tuthtty lava hie ow uairy the centre as fresli manure is ad- i blt hu t to iku doaalaloa ded to the pile it jiould be oghtly b to keavlaj- caauuu caaa packed by means of a shovel the aim m criw a 1 a leaa united an uialted aaao le a4 it la ralher a pity tb ortulaal pui- tumtt of canadian eluba haa beaaaa aouewhal obacured by tba latdure lda the xe4lat ibiavhaet la e-var- larrely a talklbk atfalr mow it wu orirfnally lateaded tbe canadian rlubi ahnuhl do tbhapl oae puiaoaa waa to work aad to acqura- ail tactions to help la kvajar canadian or lata avaa um talkara mat out by badjuatni aea to have fajua abot ot a caaadlaa club ataadlnc ther are all aorta of bodlaa foraaed la canada to foatar all karta ot ujulotiala idomla lr of boaaa or for patriotic kwal id aoawa otbar lalad but we fall aikori of cluba anniaaiaeif or rmokaadlau to atrvoi brtrt there are seotttab irtah swadtaau ubvajalaa weub loeuadle or aay otbr kind of aoeurilos tut no atrlk lc etfoirt to luplre tkva aplrtt of canada or to fire athuiaaaa for tbla dominion la tba tnily patriotic and broaden amfc there ara naliva eona- but thoae are insular aalavah and not inspired to atako r safe direct economical aiiauictms tt yfraali a cud ajn 4 is pm 7ix3 a m 5is p tn 11n am uls pbi 33 pjn a dolly except x to detroit dally standard timet x d6 am cn5 11m ntyjtm y 0 10 pm 1 u pw 1 1 mi p ur x 4 05 p in and llol to itlivolt sun and hoi varahrlon totls aij lrnsls tailf uouka famlrabw- ktay iv rral ilaket tboouu tb rti 4 mr r ahk rolt luoitlltattrd foldkft tlekeu and ihfoonauon at w h long phone 89 lieat produced by frmentalian troys all fly nju larvae and pupae except possibly uvose close lo uie- oia- xaacmd of coura in boa thr ull ol- lost rxwllt frequent cause of an automobile losing it- maximum power was re ruled recriitly by hector itabexxana pnimlnenl 1 nglneer w ho has just completed u new study of ignition plu numcua after u few hundred miles of alternately slow and fust l drlv ing driiusil from combustion tfjj begin to form u coaung on the lnucr nd of uie siiark plug lumilal jtabeuana said tills coating is nviivoiu ible of the loss of nuud muni en ille ioaer and for itgher uc jiliut con umiulon it can be rt un llrl by havluu siarb plug- rtau 1 ul pilirval ol 3 000 to 4 odd uie urlucc ol the jop layer tlie au lea- lion wlui a wulenui can or prayer or a oluuan ot borax consistim 1 lb ol borax ui b italian of water will destroy any ily taie- in the top layer six rnllaiu of uie oluuon i ullicient to treat 30 flua rr in- 1 of surface area all organic refue uch as house hold garbage jiould be wrapped in paper and- stored in fly iiroof garbage cans until finally disjiojed of by burning tlie accumulaung of garb age in munlciiul dumps dunng uie wurm muiitli of the year is undesir- aui as such dumps produce inarm ous number of hh us well as oilier vtrfnln una may coiujltule a riau- public nulsance tlie only satisfac tory way ol dlposlni uf gsrbate dur- jng ihr mj ti mm i hy lorlnrilion made by feoelnc on llttla aeeuoaa bonds ot brotbrbood but ke sboum be bcotkar canadiau rral national aoel ilea are exrellent aoelaj aid en- joyaaeau and akould alway be ae- oduary to i be ideal of maklax cans dtans more urmndea sui kk hattlkv p1iit 0 actot itullac that storare batteries are no part of aa automobile federal district judee samuel ii west of cleveland held that tba unite btaloa gorernmwnt must rat und to i hi w 11 lard kturart luttery co ot cleveland manufacturer exetaa tajttaa plus tali reu aaaoununs te more than 91 000 000 judii mcvj1 found that the battury pony brtwihblljj and 193c uiu ures jiould uc taken to ex elude uie from dw tilings hie scretninu of doors ai d wuulows is viry uiul in uns regard nie thai find their way into uie liouse sliould be iirompily destroyed fu uaturs aicky ily iaper iolanexl ily iads iioloned bait mode by mix lug one tea poouf ul of formalin in a cupful or weetened milk or water and exjioslni it in saucers are in tluded umuni ihr various metns ol doing uilv fly sprays containing pyrrllirum t xtrari in mineral oil ure 1 valuable and widely ued killing agcnl fuiuu r information on houa flh prrpurrd by the kmumo lot leal llranrh may be acuret by writing to uu publicity and kxten slon urunch or the llcpartmeul of alrtculure ottawa till fish that cols fltt k then is 1 what wt lu cenuv that as un kept load thai of tru 1 in d u fisherman i re many tlsh are killed ily w inch he meant that loo little care is ued in melni uiat undersized 1uh art not niuu- lued or damaged to such an 1 stent uiat they an likely to oie after be nig put back into uie water in a recent bulletin the fish and lame depnrtnvnt give lour nile- which ii observed will minim tn li jury to ilji uiat do not jryasun up to the required landard 1 when fishing do not allow the ball to he on the bottom if you can iui slbly avoid it 2 when you get a trlke it the hook in uie usual manner foro the rili has time to wallow it tills w 111 usually result in caichlnu the fish through tlu jaw aiul 11 tu drr sue will enable you to relea i without injury 3 carry a hook xtractor in vour kit tills is simple to mukr ulid may conslsl or a thin pwi of metal with u notch at tlie end hits t ins rted down uie throat or ui 1 h wlui uie notch against the hook a litue downward iirevsure will freqaiutly liook aiul prrlei uiroat 4 all umsj- prrcaullons will be tn vain unless you wel your hands be forr handling tlie fish that la1 is by far uu mo- im poirint a tlsli iquhieil by a dry hand is cnndrmnci yo dea h be cause a luuguous lerowth lirms wherever the drv liand lias tour lied it dry luinds tiat kllletl iwire fbih tliart muuuuoiu h hooks xj ye flshrrtnen who are alxrtvrrtsrneii remember that injunction wet your hands before handling uie tlsh pie fish you throw bark will liavr a ur juw hut that will uui heal nid leave him as game as ever hut a llsli louche by a dry hand is 1 tuir iuraj1ykad ctu rvqulred to pay lo iht intirnal ittunur da part meat an exeik tax on batteriea sold to j-ot- brm tbe tax had beea lifted under a law p rmittlnk taxation of autooao- bll part and iqulpmtot ih rulid hut atorage batterlaa art equally usful in an automobile powix boat dvntiau drill and raftlla and thai the batter antedated tha autumoblh urkjn l iumtl llaltu bellvvd to hav bevo embedded in rock fur millions of years two p trtbtrd nsb wiix dlseovervd on a farm near llanos alberta and taken to calcary tht nab ware found aide iy sldt- surrounded by flinty rock oinauar 9 slate their discovery caused many to beliere that tb han- na tfctioa or alberta was at oava uaaa tht floor ot a rlvur or lake uuj u1mnu ukt1iuh ttit cold ot canada is ieoveraa by throe lead i or mthuda ttinr la the tlu icing or drvdrtnc of gold from the gravels ot tbt rivem and atreaaaa or what u called alluvial gold mla i nj the recovery or lode old or auriferous quarts mining and tn tba third nlar rold la olten aaaoclatad with other on- partlcaiwrly with d- poalia ot copptr laaamlas- sekool tteautaaveav the sehoou and roll kta of canada reach roughly one quart r ot tha country a population and are attend d by 3 490 623 buplu according t a rvpurt uf tb dumlmuto tluruau ot hatutlcl 1 i ll or not anvmrrdum llol hai mun tiiair 300 brklgea ilu tlretks un said tn haw nrd coal more uian a 000 jears ago make ise uradawm pay ontario usually has about lour and onelialf million acres of tiay croiij each year in lajtuig acrofs uie pro v incr just before liay ing one annol lielp ftellng uiat many of llve- acrea are tnot imying live taxes and uie cost of handling the crop btahstlcal reporls indicate an average yield of only unc and onrlislf ton to uu- acre and uils can certainly be much improved uion for uie meattows gtiod dralnare and sweet soil are iery imiaortanl hoots of grasses and clovers are slow to iienelralr wet soils and a herrver uu re is a surpl uf ot water on uie soil air is shut out and tience the bacterial life i eluier weakened ox killed aoouter iolnl in meadow imiuovemrnl is uie use of high quality seed h poor seed is us ed the meadow starts out with a liaiwitcap good drainage good seed and a liberal supplv of suitable fer t hirer make uaniabic maduws in order to determine uie effecyve nev of nvoui iiroofing material elev en eric- of teisls with tloihes moth larvat are muter way by uu fnto nirloulral llranrh dominion depart moni of agricujture clearing sale of all summer millinery t reduced prices misses claridge s hermld block uptuitt geotrgown s tested recupes salads amd desserts for hot weat1iek salads and desserts which mav be moulded or frozen in the refrigr ator and which give a omewlia ref uve air to a simple meal are par ticularly welcome to uie houwitr during uie hot summer monllw u is not lutrd u iireiare such lshes during uie coal of early morning and it is a great relief lo know uial a lempung salad or desert is ready to serve when the lunch or upper hour arrives tlie muk u ultra lion service do minion department af agiiculure ivommends uie following kmr salad 1 cups cream cheese or crerned cottage cheese 1 green pepper rhonoed 1 cup crusjied pineapple well drained 1 cup rushed pin w cup nuts chopied 1 cup mayonnaise cup cream whipped salt iiaprika celery salt lo taste sohen clieese ljilli loik- add green pepier plikeapple nuts may onnal whipped cream and saam iugs pour lino freezing tray and let stand lour hours- slice and erve on crisp lettuce leaves gim lsli wlui watercress salad mav be frozen by packing carefully according to a united slates government report fewer chicle are lrlng raised in tlie united state uils ytar than in any year since 103 new advertisements concrete work i tun prepared to do caacxhla work ot all kinds estimates given free ot cliarge if you require anything tn uiu line phone 331 or wrile box 535 s walker george 8l georcelown- trucking cartage all kinds ot hauling dona thorough ly and reauvnably p c whllbwm phone 341 garolown u wood for sale click beech and usple at 100 inguj card lflxed ralls usd ker cord mixed wood tl6s per coixl j bhandfosu imvane ks or u3j gmrgetewta 25 reward mofjlytx vu we ad by aafga af ubovlvs tmy- coadj salvk tar my tuacv caautas nanii witai tads wmfatrfntl new affaeillflti preparlutt far corns oat cjux- ealed ouses ll de tbtlllifi and rchawaa mould in mx parts of tee to one ari pahs wllk first aaplicatiam for aale salt and allowing to stand fojr to at maxckrawarks drag mare hn six liours slh itifiy ih mmbtmf lnvt-n- pf froseii by u inj 1 lahlesiioan vranu la led gelatine aiaked in j labkioons ol water and divsolicd ovtr boihni water add with otlur ingredients to cheese jellied twnula cfceecr saud 1 lablesiiooii raiiulated ceatinr cup cold water 1 cup condenad tomato jup 1 cup cream chetir or co tagt cheefa 1 cup niayonnalse 1 lablesoon union juice cup stuffed ohvrs sliced or cup chopped celrry tcospoon alt cup cream whtpied soak gelatine in cold water about 5 minutes heat oup over boding water add sail cheese onion juice extracted by graung opuuii heat until cheese ts soltened add naked gelatine and air until dlsolvcd chill and when iiarttally t add mayonnalse whipped cream and olives or celery turn into mould uuu lias been rinsed in cold water and chill when firm remove to bed of lettuce and senc wlui mayoniiul siriiikle wlui paprika this salad may be frozen by follovtlnt directions given for chew salad leuline frrmil buee 1 lahltv potui grumlaud cup cold water 1 cu- liot cooked rice 1 8 tea poon all j la blftsi loans fruit sugar 1 teaspoon anllla 1 cup whi plng cream a cup diced or r rustled fruit cup blanched almonds soak gelatine in cold water dls olv e in hot rice add salt sugar and vanilla cool and chill when mixture begiils lo uiickru fold in whipped cream fruit and nuts pint upple wachrs bananas straw urnles murachlivo clirrrte or a txamhinalion ol iruil mav bt ixvt mweba msriew 30 marslimalluw 1 cup hot coffee 1 cup toasted ulmonds may be am 11 led 1 cup whlmdng cream ihnrh of salt flavouring add marshmallows to imt coffee and stir until dlsoihl chill and allow to 11artmil jl whip ream and add marsh ma how mixture add flavouring freea as chee 4 salad 300 for 200 specul off tliree it 00 boxes lloyds 8tou- ach savuts fur txoq parnauln uad in this prescription prefcribed by successful phywcians wllh excellent results for over 40 yoara iomtivelv guailantekd to re lieve all fohus op stouacil distuess dyspepin hvdlgostion sour stornacli nausea vomlung morning sickness car train or aaa sickmss and every kind of atou- ac1i upset bold and reconu-ivand- ed wiui a money back guarantee by usocojuviackt dkuq btofte u canadian ttedslufl are tmik rted into the united kingdom free of duly and are- exempt form lmiort dututs chameable op loreign mercliandte provided that the llrlllsli customs autliorltles are satisfied uiat uu condttkuis atlaclied lo uu nuicessiot of imprrial tireference have been fuhuied that is uie inclusltm in uu jilmdiig documents ot the woper certificate of origin mm h prime electric 1fence save 80 on fence h for about 7c a rod figuring aj all wire stakes control machlne and battery a piume elkc- ntlc unit fences uie farm stock h tight over 15 000 farmers use m uils fence it is a money mak cr h h rnt it anyvbere iii are yu losing valuable teed for lack of quick easily set up lemiorury fence wlui prime you string one wire on stakes lo tiokl any stock from trowing croiia imme l a permuneul tttux whlci can be moved or exiianded at will even tat temjiorary fencing 11 will nay for llelf in one season j iiaiimless one unit handle- 11 mllei b wire it carrlm a llglil cliarga oonurt causes haimlafa shock m stock keeji away they graze under or beside it but uiey dont 2 touch it u second time m till fence u uld ts in lb- a snhiiely guaranteed practical m unll h u far rree leoilatraum eaa m and a s c reid 3 nutncaibn vakh jj georgetown a nanal haaa mmmhhmhilk x

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