Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1937, p. 1

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cthe georgetown herald seventyjfinl yew of fk the georgetown herald wednesday evenmk auguu 4lh 1937 150 per annumin advance 200 toua the georgetown hermu j moou weeaijji viz tae jlttakkuoid timer lasrngr isujmiitvr and atau lasttu4r uiid psr4igrr for isnger and 1411 pafcuyrner iusruarr aiul uail itiar liundoy iwily posuerlexorpl holiday ull anlj ihsnger u ii lkt uail and tassengrr directory lakukv balk kc birndtf ud hfcfeuer georgetown oniartt qmcegregory theatre uldg al klnnctu at uukukon barrloer sueur mury paaaw piru uortgage uooey id loan qtnoft ualn mrl pltorst s w c ckulvy karruur etc otoce uu1 ulel georgetown krua phone 234 pjq ifcut im gkayixm cook smi cs taay st k- tuer honey xc u fehward omk gordon croydon s usin st north it tifatiif ta harold a lawrence lobbtw buuduc brampton telephae c4s p at watson djous m-d-s- ggt4pm qttoe hours a to s f thursday x k jackson dldls ftmvht to us f br goueg open atpmsa fro 2s4w a m nielsen milt year f huum curopracfcoir xray uuty atfawl ooct over rwwlnlon star georgetown floun 1 5 1 j m pl frank petch uccnscd auctwikkk far ik cum rfjwtaaw uaauoi prompt service trlrnbaar icheltenliam 2c r xi leorgelown u r 3 10 t olucc c irllrnhaai m onuments rollock a ingham successors to cater 4 worth gab out digb m tn inspect our work ta greenwood otarttry iiivrour i vivtksm iiovoks ri nun ilrfnrr a dtstingulshcd jxmbhnrr which included the 307 nwmta ox ltu 1037 raduallan cliv of the uni versilj of vermont the stair oda iducatiaiuil institution educator- of national and international repute and alumni from all sections ol live ounlry s j lluniicrford chairman aiul irrldrnt of the canadian vat ioal ititllsaia and afbllatrd tofflan ip6 wai brarud an honorary dfvrrc- as doctor of urctiaalral knjturrtnk at uif univrnjtj dssrd commencr- mmt in rrctianltion ol hu w abj- ork in rturlne uw vrrmont rallwrj lliwi aftrr tiir gmt ni knuuno rood oj 1w7 honoran d-sr- writ alji conlprrryi hj tlw unlpjj t vermunt uiwm flvr di onyijwl amerlcu u tlir drgroe vav confrrrrd upon prrlden hungerford by gu w ilallo pttfvuknt of the jinivrrtft wliich im foundd in 1791 at qui lnetoii it ira allrn broiler uf ornrral kuuin aurn ol llrvuluilun ar war fame the year in itch v rmont ns admllud to statehood os l lie firt comnuuimlui to atn lit original 13 matr- uf the union wit i in a slam- thm f rum the ariuinal biukllnii on thr unlvtn4t of rr miutt ram i mi l- ttu cornrrmone of mhtrh a uld b c meral tike uanjul 1 lafuvrtte dtirutuljtrd prrnch jldler in 112 budget groceteria your dotur buy more here main street georgetown phone 366 free delivery fopdipedalf herrings 2 lj 19c biscuits 229c lux t all for 24c tjk jaking ptwtfcr j ssc amitotjus spaghetti iu coffee i ibr 44 4 rrwm fe pwftr auonia um1 hi stu ruoirc qlalitv pilled dales 2 23c uetln mluutwim caslile soap 523c cxmv ok st cmamjta irralbtca klk 6 lii 25c dk hallaitllv cuaminov dog food 223c raisins 223c lit llxe grtany slas i ik aim 12c parowax lie i it rv catsup 9c man lowtjrs soap 4 bin ud fkz ml sxx ttlml es 19c corn starch 9c ivtctulaku ttikl tsm 3 25c fresh fruit and vegetables expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repair lo 1 makes georgetown phone 11 lane block id rur utui uid to u urtrnm u i tliktm mo rytiu- rji uiatlertny iwu tint i h j in rliilios tim-k- u jrrkwf ituw in tin- mil it kjou urr my ofit 1 en iirrj wiui un- uni and to luirtwir u rut ui lul lit- try iv m ferlluc thai rttk- inn i fhlu m tlot and jjt- jfmululiu lr ii l- hi e- arul uhal trvkn rwiltr than u f umill lo tlr4- 1uk wiuj muu i irrfl jj ill nf skh willi 4iuurrrl u stiiur aiti bir l taliv ulirf cuvf y a tlu ulam luurr wi rom ki heiuy t- o irti eud lib- lru bled me ith litltl to pur ue a same neer luiud tih re ret ktu iu armui uiwl the lk limi onlj trt uuijf mfliu ih fajiloiifd a loxen of pel nik waiuk ttie yhlu- i luletiml came a j i knev not wheiwrej i could not i ttut uen my tetttuitf writ hea d i cried lord here am i end j xm in tiiat vord ils all contained tlie lajir iji live rvant joy worth of tlw prhte to be attained and weetnefts of uie times employ i turned and vent alony tlie may ttiat word vxt fond arjd air and llcht rrjrd on it all uie daj and rented on it all the nitfht i tondenxl but vlien aon i tinw to where uie word complete mil- 1 i called mi wonder b 1l name par lo the ward i ought oi he phillips nrooks in thr kma- businesfi cods fool lie bought the chime mltliourh 1r neeoeid collars and caught a chill while valtlns tn uie fo lie missed ills train whlcli coft him fifty dollar because a little maid had lect cr docl an ailing bab in her liammocle swtnalne grew wonderjed and lbaened to the clilmes ai every bree et uiem to wevl j rirmirut to see her unlle repaid hun many tunes the coin he lott n newr much re ere tied the cold lie caught was cheerfully endured lie tald twas worth it all to oe to petted and see um little lad trouble cured ills intellect rew tall a am teejilr aa honor man wltli hood upon hi- bowd great ciiurclies called he ald the mountain people had need of better iwearhlnn than uie town anna it crecr god feeds a people ismi ataau a isti i urn if vi jtim r vmm ir vfrj lwi rill t liu l fioni nu n i nun tlie palli r 11 17 i a afv immlu 1c 11 i til i lad ik luitl li sin it imjf hkkt aiui ti dn i itimir butt uu irtf w liu a lit ml hr viun lh ilkvd il utn vi m i num hiu ih- the marxrl j it 13 ii- lr in rmut ui r lo eat three nu tl ui u tm mx uillum uveah uuiild u iiiedid djl ti fwd ivtd u f on ui tn nil ihuiu ta trtli stotjke 1or ittn uiu 0a 1ol v julrv a line amoutl of nact itkiujh ml i in wb of oope o to bed hunyry irtrj t tnlim tlie martij are fjilrly utl iivl lalij it tnl d bv tne kitju mbuiulantw of ood u hu uinii 1mi a uralous clslom to ruiuii uuplt before tneuu a b recjliloi f od the liver of wjll iomj wi huj haw jo buv our urei and nlfct- it but lal of tlw nw lauf uu boler uui sou tlie rraln u cmi uh uu- m4de krowtu poaoibv und u ho luis nuuie ame pro liion for all alan not cod l tripomtbl for human uant tlie rrtilit of uie eaitii li iulildetit to provide for all a orld wide depiwjon is a problem of distribution not o luoductlon in lad over production wil one ol tlie muln cauj ol tlie tupjncvlon mo di m mechank hoe loilxed uw prob lem ol production ma hat u needed now is clenllac economies to ilve tlie uiulcale duflrulle ol dlilbu tlon and excluuiae liwv part 13 is ii l an indication of snuine iuty to be ha nk ful for our meau but we mat not rxiiect u eat ultluuit work uil for wtml wc eat the lraetlfttt faciua famine condttkuu were fed l tired quall coming to eartii for ret and b manna fauins on the lruund but lliey had to catch uie bird- and initlier uie manna and pre pare their food for eating uu h of tlie dalij work of mankind luu tn do kith the upil of food in western caiutda tlie annual wlieat ero u b mailer of nalkmal concern and tov- enunent bulletin are cmrefully pre pared and traders jtudy uie wlbcr reports almost hourly the erowlrui ol fruit u ier liaxirdoui a fros4 or a windstorm maj do lreat damafie vet a hen man tuu done hu utmoa in preparuwf the ull iowtrm the ed und uuardlng aealna diioiier the ihial luue remains wiui cod- thouh crop condj icru may vaiy in ctliteriiu localtuci tn certain year the total annual yield tn any tlven j ear b usually iufnclent to provide adequately for every ihwif creature dj wcleuullc acrkruituro uie produc lull j or earth maj be greauy uicieax ed and lamuir could be made un known on am larui fair tn uie lu lure fw krcwuuaw 1c it in ume ol war uoiummenuil reu lanoii of load v accepted as inevll able ltrrad and butter are rajpnec and peclal uiducemenu are made to produce more lood vacant loti are called into requisition tn order that more food ma be grown uany neo- jue became urtilonmed to eatlnji dark bread and fimuk ubiitutes for mrar durlnu uie latter yars of uie great war but uu neoecuty for wise loaiuniu u nuknt in umu ol peace wtun food has to be burned or doth for luptunevs and ou ilwwikl uie tiabilually i tlwuiglils and rlcht freltne- we dont beller tirrw are as cood as uiey soy there dornl run lo be enough insurance afml bouicr ing us ty liouul be itrll aj tnorv piwtant uian irivhl tmolil wj uie wlkuin wiurtd uttwud ttliiu prrver tj klmmiul be retittixlrd a i utwr kital thoil tnukmdlc luiliunalban kto uvm rririkrjtiun lij trmovrl murh u uu- taiwrirnl nroxjjty lor lunrdliu food water vply s c in modvrn military cmimlivi tn matter of uatrr upjji bulk uncety lu 4tt jilaluiuuf even uiough molur tiurki and pumiiing ijjnu lur nrv- hmtvrd many dirncultic- fhclury tlie haxjird of uw utidtiui a nation thriuinb wildvriioj unid uie pcii live uatii ouiuliuoiii of iib day e- curlny a aihv u watrr ax atmoht o rjntia as obtalniuji food ie tructi of land tun ben tndv l ul- uy idmtul uf irruiaikxi out iiun datw ollm tail alu tltr uial arbiter ol eiilu li ootl crrtalii urc uoiu of unr canadian ptmlri hav no iultcrl irocri drought lor t or lht yttar tn succe4ioil while olher purti of canada lutve luui an udr4uatr sunih to ulliik ui vmev 3u4poruiin irom uie earth forming cloids ajul returning to tnouten uie arih and htaktiv fruitfui u to tea- 1l uul v are uvintxtent upon a lwr and a forty bejoikl human con trol a children j hymn iyx uul wc luoush tleku and scatter titer frood id on uie ground uiat u mans part but tl ii fed and watetvd by gods abality hand that ui where uie trace of uuuiktulnes beslns ui uierecoirniuon of godlj part in uie iiresrvatlon of our live v qu4um cr phrilm i wliy do many people return thanks for uwrtr mcls x would m miracle ijiow gods pro vidence more uian a kood cropt x wliat are uie arguments for and against government control ol industry 4 iiow tna uie desire for financial security cause insecurity 5 how lm canadian properity depen dent upon water supply ugutvixg takes couts ukk uvc1c kuowm ovj mapi the ancient greeks believed tlia lightning consisted of lieavy aer like prayectue whidi had been ileal- ed whitehot and cast al otfetioingj mortal and object with none trol accurate aim by their head sod zeus i the priaaiuve germans auribuuj lightning to bolu uirown by a mahj clous god named lakl while the dull wlued war god thor pounled on the sky with a hammer to make- thunder in fact write dr thomas u neck in uie chicago tribune al most all primluve peoples believed lightning was a sort of material mis sue hurled by a vindictive god this theory died out in europe with uie rise of christianity since it was di- ilcult to reconcile the idea of lightn ing as manifestation of djvjae wrath with uie ooerrvallarj that it seemed to strike church steeples more often uian anything else sllu we should not smile too much at the mistaken beliefs of these lowt- dead greeks and germans- we ore latimck woodrfau blks at winn 1 1 lutlmer woodlian of 441 coficge uveiiue wlnuiueg died turaoiay entl lug july xlt lie had xtlrfrmd a stroke on tteturuay july loui and llevef rallied to full cotisciousllev ar woodliall was born lit jiramp ton oait in lotfrtsjuid luul rmhrj liisvrd hu oth birtltoay porty yraii mto he came to kcarillohu first li v big in alton and uui in austin riilrtyotie ywrs ago lie tnovvd into wliimtmr and became a member of tlw winnipeg city tiealui depsk kimnl his faluifulne and fidelity soon wot him iwomolloh and forj mkuy years lie s assiitaiit to tli late sir tallman street commlssiorli pive yvr ago h- rrtljyd on pension and haa since lived quietly devoting hk tlm to his family elibrch aar dn and flowers he wait a life long memoir and omciaj of the- slfutodl t churcti thic church union lie hs been valuable elder of t john drilled church in 1w he marid sarah kllmwu hartem of georgftown ont iwsidea his widow tie is survived by onr daughter klarbara a member ol the champlabn schoot teaching uati mnd thomas latimer member of uw fwee pms staff also two allien uarkmi and deborah of toronto and two brothers qputgeon of calgary and cramer of acton ont winnl p pre iress wrd july 31st bobs the beggar by clarissa mack s utijde the hccomulnd cakcse exml picnic lunch some foods seem to be jiul rig il for picnics and cheese is one o them- cheese sandwiches are ultn out oubt the most popular and mom pracucal way to serve ehrese at a pir rue ii is a good ulea and an easy matter to vary the sandwiches from one picnic to another by making u of uie many clteece fillings wlihi can be so quickly and economically prepared por tasty and nourishing sandwiches blend cheese either grated canadian eheddar proceed ottoge or cream with salad dressing and odd chopped green pepper green onions pimento nuts pickles olives or celery use a generous amount of fuling with brown or white bread to suit the occasion in other words not too thin or for a change use the tuling in buttered tea biscuits or roll another tuggstion is to serve plain buttered bread or rolls in place of the sandwiches and make ehece a pai of the salad by combining grated cheese with the other ingredients or by serving a cheese dressing with uie salad- por the dressing blend to gether equal parts of grated cana dian cheddar clieese processed cream or cottage cheese with salad dres lag folding in whipped cream if de sired small bolls of cottage br cream cheese slices or canadian cheddar or processed lieese laine prunes or celery stocks stuffed w tn a cheese mixture all odd flavour and food value to the picnic salad plate and speaking of salads keep in mind that cucumbers tomatoes celery a- paragus pineapple peaches and child docsvt milk taw are several ways u may la ola dally diet ijlr tuaui with miiu hki ourne taken on a train willi strati ir ioeiuir at each ttiiidov pane i m o it br i lr u all the jnumry through gr i niu it rlraiirrf ueier tiwm injt on hut il lute diiir thai i sjt b xuir id il lie plra am r v lors for it vlmitt u rutr italry cu lonwr 1 ijir rut ii muuiuuwt niusiu 1 111 iwd and he nd trimmed ai 1 r ah nm i i it tilt rli it i chr won t in mt tn i it in i r inn ilh i r ii 11 tir of a luiuinuiit i1n swdiacs s 87c hj smkc ui 87c r- rj pl ba 10c ptt tin 10c 1u 1u cu 4 sjatoa u 24c ai iwili ju 2 11c hxuit 2 25c milk i- t ckocoutc 1 susar l olivrj i- i- vrtm wl rij 9c 13c 9c 93c 24c qiiclccii 27c soip 2 ou 11c 1 uwwuom polth uu 14c scop o 6c ful 81c owl poj ayl ollli dlclu14 okj milmi fingers 2 iwj 25 soup 2 u r 23 beans ti catsup 2 18orbomlc 25 pears 2 wvvox tun y riyz wscuits jelly powders 3 pwt 4 candy iwkj t thrown into tlw ra when thr pro- for du j auction ol ccreal and meat is limit ilh ui d hlh mlllluns of human beings ore on liort raiuuis uicre is need for nome tmm luind 10 do what jejih did in ancient en or wliat herbert hoovrr did dunnc ue war tlie guul ini jirinnplr jiould not be rhich crop ill produce the moj money but which loods are necessar- to ioid a ball tire dirt lor the worlds uurier flu early iiianren of cm i uia nn ilmoit indeiimdent as long t i o 1 j ralr enough food jufl t 1 mh iiicd and enough anal u i t p him aurni but oday our neecu 1 m 1 p 1 u and hie becomes in jta i s j llaardiag w m u q tj uulivldual efiort of edi in llmts ol war ri law arc tors tliat can keep it free in he fu i javrd 10 pnnrnl um- mioardin or ure ioui bit uu tniiinct ery strong thrrr s truth in lhat dictum to in human natun to store mouth lunr a tree people there must be a ft r uiml nnxl mtoi natural free precis to have a free press there t until ti bu a businro becomes norr i mum be a free editor to hae a j 111 nrui tlu re arl- peculatioi a i free editor he must be free from in lirict six monui or a year ihead ilueikn of patronage or srll inlrrnl not very well informed on it our elves the average man knows jmt e mui served 11 consists of electricity that u he wllh ch cccpanlment sags in zshaped straight lines and lhat l never strikes twice in i he same place armed with thi knou- j ovk ledge lie is twothirds wrong lightn ing is certainly a discharge of static electricity as nenjanin franklin showed many years ago but there is nouilng at all straight about a bolt of lightning although apparently uiis fact was not known until lightning was actually photo graphed actually it follows andering course like that of a river as shown on a man this figure is correct in other spects uian appearance for lightning is actually a river of electricity jus as water follows the course of least rccastanrr in flowing from high alt mode to a low o does electricity moie from a high lo a low vallagv 9c lym viliy wa buu uta utlwwqjujt pajcusi 8 17c aoiltuioibj tcjjy 1 jk 39c uiuuiuw phmi uab 83c ctlttu dry glih au 4 iuw 48c cwv htmuawil coccol 6 87c exbtcl ut 29c 5c ru4 zlm jm rji topi 21c 80c pfmt lit tdylly c0j1 3ut 12c 23c 5c the cditoks powek and then an eflurt ma be mn4e to n rnrr th market and ine etthrr co high or fall with a crash when luo main propr lr to uie on inter- est bujtirss tatiiati through lack o moni lor uit ttnrni loan com panic and in- uranc roropanlc oftrn hiul it dmirull to let mone out in tie uu tnnils jnd idle noney nu throa uie llnancial marhlnery o t of rar ealimi eflorc after security often drfrat their hinof and lead 10 uumcurilj to oiermmr the l in p alum to hoard riuirr load or monev 11 wtll be urcrsar lo oxercorrw lie udlikliiallsni in which we liar been trained ttir atlfare of a cummani tjnfortunatrli there are many in fluences that are seuish and un scruiwlous tliat try to buy or over awe thr press- monei make t tie mare go in this and other fields tlie rural pretvv howeer is closer lo tie people than the city pres and tir refiex intluenre of iieotue and ircu li clearer and stronger a press m deiwndent of class part and patron age rlatelt in touch wiui public sen llment and wittt iure and sincere aim fur uie good of uie community and country certainly should be a powerful rraru of expressing as well as imprrfcmny public otunion and of iiramounx uir llublic welfare let us ee in what ways milk can be given where children are not par lial to it at breakfast in uie farm of cho olate or cocoa in most schools uie children aon have a ghus of milk bj arrangement at recess the child who dulites milk but who has taken it unawarus as tt were as chocolate or cocoa at breakfast can do without the mkt morning drink in its place he con lake milk chocolate which contain by analysis fats proteins starch caffeine and mineral salts at the midday meal milk can come into our picture again as oup all children like tomato oup for tn stance and it h best made oath mlik never limit butler n is an euen tlol food in a child diet por a drink at evening meal choc alate again but prepared 1 thr oer man wa that is with whipped cream no child refuses this lau thing at night milk again ba not too much olid food and nver i tor children under twelve 1 after haf past six thru slmiilr dirt rule should keep a child fit and make fit again thi cliild who has fallen below iiar thr canada thuue which ii 01 cr running a large part of uie norui american continent u not canadian at all a fact of which farmers in tlie united stales are unware when uui heap maledictions on its inroads in o their fields tie canada thlsue was introduced from furope same of thr plants bear male flowers only which form no seeds ouier plants are te mael and all red the flower of i he canada thistle lary in colour rang ing from pale iunu through shad is of pink to white bananas mce ioe ktram uae rdim etuw 21c doz tomatoes flnmm 0t af daora wshratg i tew 3 h- isc cabbage iae larely rraa gc head ue mar larely rraa uratk apples 4 ib 1 7c stkriliza foukity 3 main street gearflelown free delivery potatoes ntceurfcsbe bawlgmkcrs new 25c p oranges iwir ajjales peackes lettice etc carrotxs limited hardware btora on cay ktreet was a low aland piled yilh kltchenwar a fw mujhlbxtwis boys played around tryinit to make frienda with a nu matttirt yhh oat patiently d tfaa aidealk waiting for aofrteon with in uir store you don t dare chal aoe boy o another jimmy smith elevated frwcklad nose and manuured his way lo th displuy aland ini moment m had a shining tin pall and wa offer- ini o handle to bob m do ttiol was how it happened that peo ple smiled u they oaw th big dog- rilling patiently holding h pail fat his rnoulh around thornr pearwd four freckled face eye pftrdne- with dhgil an old lady wutwwg alowly aloti dropped a dim la the pall and went on bobs mod on appreclar tive tail a young man abadrbed b his newspaper caw the ouuitv of the auppltcantt figure dropped an other dime tn the pail then at last cam jerry unvwa he wti late in getting to hfai ofnew and had not a moment to apr but when he uw the ahinln pil and the great golden yea of bob he paused long enough to pat bob on his splendid head and fhbk a dollar bill into the pail ttus was too much far the watch ing boys and they made a dash or uie pail jerry suspicious watchad them and smiled bobs growled dp in his chest and showed hu farura- it s darned queer thought jer ry lamson and hurriad on u ha went back to the hardware star and entered tlie proprietor was in uie distant background talking- to m customer is that your dog out there y asked jerry the one holding a pail for pennies a pail for pennies asked a mw voice and the customer iuxivmi around jerry watched as ah cam down the store walking with th free stride of an outdoors kirl her fair hair ahone under a bright uttw felt hat her face was charming her clothes expensively simple prom one gloved hand dangled a leash i left my dog outside she said going to the door jerry was holding it open far her he doesn t look like begging dog he remarked bobs turned appealing eyes to his mtstreis poor old boy murmured th girl someone played a cruel jok on us duln t they i 11 take th pail bobs and we will giv th money to the blind man on th nxt block she emptied the money into her hand and replaced th pail don t you dare laugh st html oh said to jerry it would break his heart to be made rtdieuloua jerry bared his head thar isnt anything amusing about it h said a htue suffly he smiled down at bobs and bobs thrust a friendly muzzle into his hand jerry replaced his hat and went on jean manners watched him out of sight isnt he splendid aha thought and blushed in the think ing bobs liked him and his judg ment of men is infallible not so long afterwards jeaa and jerry met in a conventional manner at an evening party and mutual at traction led to a rapid wooing on the part of jerry a very successful lawyer and within four months th engagement uas announced by this time bob and jerry were devoted friends then vi hen a lovers quarrel come and stated black and menaemp o that the two strong natures clashed and parted bobs lone ome anddepressed both of the young people war aching to make up again but thj same loft pride dominated each of them ti cy both rcrsoued to forget bobs dtdn t forget and one morn ing he ran au ay from home straight down the shady street turning into center street down center to main trotung along j i sure of his dcstmauon when b reached the hardware store h i puued md looked up at mr peet stundmi in hi doorway hullo bob lu aid ijohj barked a rt spome and looked at the di plu t t te and wasted his tail mr pot 1 laughed want siuiieihinj to iurry eh he asked itcuchink hack he picked up a littlat broken b isktt ond offered it to thaj tpin niouih clamp went the big j ii and there was bobs the n li dicuiit once more mr pett dropped a bright penny in thr basket and bobs dashed off diun the striet the little bosket i d iiiklmi from ins mouth two blmusd vn and up a familiar stair- j tuse it ui tint floor the door was f aid tli thee boy laughed uu n bibs ilmrrd the rolling and utnl strut hi tivunrd jerry lojm- miisdimkr markod private nolh- iiil w 1 private i hobs uhen haj w i ill 1 tic hi adotcd he pujim duuti im nil jtrry s chuir and laoltj nil up with sudi uppi il m hu eyes th it jtrr ilropneyl hi own od fsc d wn in tht ma mu head wliy di i you nunc il it hobs h u ked ttiere wa tht 11 ell of fndi vio let ami tht rt ji jian u little br ithk s wt tlul i iiu mt dcurtst tltcj and ui uiu t n und bob bt inied hlfi approval clolliit r were you pleased the overcoat i sold von cuslomer oh jes all m have worn it clotluer well wt11 customrr vev each time it been worn in the rain thr smallct out hfts n mkr it some iinlia pv marriages might be pcrieiilrtl 11 tlie method uggesled by the mhmlnj troni ihr ialhnmler wen adopt el voung man ihr vour diarming dauhhter has inviled rap u dlijner ii iv lalhtr til do better uian thai 111 iinile vou tt breakfast ard llirli yhl run ee imw stir looks tn uir mornliui militant tier makeup v

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