Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1937, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening august i ith iv37 tiiiw ani tiivr in sport fay i atoguvray final test tooijfkl for caeoretown baseballer trosibuk fcjujatun stalks tllh itatii or till llkahlats hie plav oh in llitf udluui coujl ty abiibull iaatii qtriird hot k- urday till grorvrlo ii play lllg 1 actoiivuvd milton ut uurllngloii trie ororuetown chry t r took u jvem imtmrln- ul tin luiiids if live tun hers wtvrii tin arionilr paled up u ii to i cote mlltoil uw have led un- liugiva all uon al fulled to i hulk up u uin uiul burlington liavr jvow an hiii eunice of healing uiem hi uw iiexi iiuim i1m nuv uu- s tlu return tmni with acton l be ing uittxl t tlw park tonutul and uheuur lh local um cuu turn on enough un ur to reven ilve tide li ml to in- aeii uionld in lter boy hand trhi isanner a dey leat a udrd uitmi- uill ik- neasary and mill im played in aclon on ui unlay the ljmi start tonight ul 6 orlock 4 i till ivuik tti cjveer the- boy in u victory up in trtoii the uajitr kept on even la i until the th lulling- uhrn un tirr ni th end or thi 4ui tood i l georgi town mrlhv their loo tally or the iraine on n ualk wullen matc ed pin in- with nortii morton up tin ui uil ihniitr hid ryuniu loot ed line ii u eakencd however and the luiuicr ljiockisd ills offerings ail over uie lot in uk sth um ac ton lut added 6 nwiv ullhl in the 6ui and the ual i ft thr 8th acton had a total of 17 hit white live cliry tier counted 8 harry woods lie veteran second baseman of the local crtvw teas back on uir linn up alter considerable laol duf lo a true turd aiik willi uy ulr rllmlnatlon larrirui th iorutown team in tlve face lo nlaht a fcood itame jtouul ut ue r- rull there 1 no reoin why ut cliryjir mil lake tlw tunner and with rvrvniuii m hli uhv a third uf luiuu be nrt jiry rkottuetomn j atton va ay tennis st oeorri trnnl club were piwj- ol ihc rton club li t thurs day hin tl r mamd u tmirnauii nt tte rr ull i tthich are a lollott ladns siupl llavl wauer vs ixotwj cowie c j for acton uary jmur v hf i n oc trunder 5 for orontrtomtl uidih doublet ia i walker and nelluf uaruird v- helen otraiuwr and xobfrl cowic c 0 for acton uary fwler and florenoe drandford s- jean smith and helen campbell 6 5 for cleorpetonh unu tiinalea davui crichton o pel held 7 c for acton jack crichton j qaltye 7 4 for acton men double- imv id crichton and joe hall v bob baity and beh hintoii 7 v or rktowti jaek oirhumi aixl ai iykea vs 11 o illrn und jun jonn 75 for acton lietf llroimdtrml uimi cyril llraikdfon t f ho nd doouttuou 7 for arloil mvrrvutrr irxl rfiau ij 11 oiiutle of iturllocmi con- jrullve rarmtklate for iuiumi coull li muj livil u wbtrm wrleonw kt k concrvmllve atwetlikc in the imbllc ubrnn 1 t kruuy nuthl allliouih the alletmlulire lut la fin du to the met tecatller tliou- imrirlu- wr rry eiithiijuutkr und tlais v timed for future activity uurintf liw t iimiliik ttie rolkiwhitf omcrn wrro i lertel hon pffjdenl 1 heck pivlrnu v d uonully vie prj dun anion harly icrwtkry h if kliiu in u urrr d crichton lawn utui on kridh ufiernooti uin kju1 a oriatkm f uiv tinlted church frterwi of the neluhbikrintf rhurcli numbeirintf about fllty kuerrd tluf buutim lawn o alrx i u lien iwtt for a toeial ufirmuon urv j u uickoule vrry kltmlly enumrtaln rd wlu a ulk on tier trlp abroad hlilch vas yerji much enuiyed by everyone mr j cunw aiul uba betty fliielkht favorl wltii plalwt iik hij ii farriljell lth n readhla fter uw program everyone jj1 down to u lovely luiich irviyl by live bid in n uie a jhkjllon un tynilajlyihen brouiiht the ileriuwu to n clos by itiovlnt a hlwijrytou of uiai ks lo l he liikte uiul ulrtam ji alily telp m lo mak hie gflertwioii 4 eno ublc 9 uadul unauiy rtalllnafad united cliurcl wut th wiw of a pretty mid tiunmer wed dlnz on saturday july slit when jejdc ellena icond daughter of ur and mrr a ur lindsay became the bride of ur uoran u madlll of toronto rev ur foreman mlnuter of the church ornclated tlic wed dine miuic as pjayed by hiss laura wilier of geontelown and uls wllla price lani joy be thine til bride lu was riven in marrlatre by her fallier wa becomingly ftownej ut french lvor lace over satin mad in iirincevi tyle lth train tlie bridal veil wa cauflhl with oranfce bloomr and uir bridal bouqoc was of uutterfly rot and lilies of the vollej the bridejnald as 3ji- flo freeman of toronto wlvo a- ttowned in rorr net wearing match inc acceiorip and birc hat her bouquet wa of talisman roec little lietiv uae price niece of uie bride was lower nirl miui a basket ol rose and roe iketabi were trvwn alorur the alile rollowlnir uw eerwaony a recep tion was held at uie liome of tbe brides parents iere her mouier re ceived tlie eue-ts- slie wore a dra of inimet embroidered clilffon and lame picture hat and coriage of roler slie was autrml by urs wu hattv oster of the groom who was gowned 111 flowered sheer over iaun ith malchlns list and acceaurie and corabr of roses duriiam com starch 10c wkstovs ob cnbisti rs sodas 8 m parka 2 f 25c bkats u javelle water 5 f canada matches 3 21c front quarters q lb young iamb c i p average stewing lamb 15 lb ill uauts shokld picnic hams aliank off 2s u pure lard 3 lb pul 52 r refund an aar own aalts stewing veal 2 u- f 25c resii and suokfd rllets jg lb cook img apples 6 ql batket 20c bananas 3 lb for 21 cabvn blae potatoes g qt basket local news rtbou uialt not kill dilv ruefully 1 labor day urp sib 01 r text liubtlc holiday mvh you rnwd your kubucrip- uon to tl herajd the canadbui national biilbiuoi l but uirsr weeka awmy mend in your pcrmanal itmu and e will be 4rael to publuit tiietct jhuuneaj u llk a wlieekbarrow- utund ulll unleu muneoiie puahejl il iirifty louhwlv read the ad vrlkenenlu and buy acoordincly old hoowr vefc heot u 43 are hie lixt but day uf oeorgeloviia ceiitetulu year only two derry day eelebra lorva arv faclieouled fur uiu year oaluvwa and uielbume fluf wt weaolrr of f lhr paxt rjw davfc has lirld up liarvravung opera u0115 in thut district cars are to ooax taoorr neat year but uiey are couiig too much ip liumn lite thu r over 4o0 ar exfiected jtipm tor- oitu alone for uut banquet to be imld during om home week iet iour ehllillh ready lor the pull pair uhuli u only about a mony h ouuy mivl ifi atid 17 nitwk tneial ugiui have been placed in out kdbn uuu dutrlct designat ing it a a crowu oame lleyrve at kniea ifarbulliead luui been bmiolnted jtecrelary ireajairer of mil lull agricultural uociety kucceedlug ihv ute a u uacnabb surveying work liai started on tlie lle of uie projected tlouooo tubercular asylum which s lo be ervcled weljof uraupton lruorporktlon of waaaga hec- into a police villa will be discussed at a ial meeting of ratepayers to be held uiu monui tlie aeorgetown votera uu for 1017 lia been printed and copi may be ftecured from cterl harrison at tlie municipal ode orongevllle board of kducatlon will iiulal an iron fireman stoker along willi ui new healing planl m uu public school bulkilraz newspaper article says femkle mo4ull6fiii do all uie damage we get it ttie female of uie species t ttiore deadly uuui the male come and hear ralph gordon cartoonlt at umehoui timted church com topper auc lcui sup- tier from 6 lo t admision 2sc and 10c it a new machine which harvettx and threlies wheat at the same uaue wmi trkd out on uie farm of ouy buttell hornby lat week and proved quite a suceerti at a well attended meeting of uie cajedon agricultural society directors reported uiat they had gauiered uie largest mm of prut money ever raised by uie society stolen friday nlglit a car owned by i i llufhey brampton was re covered in toronto and returned to us owner saturday utile the worse for wear the thief was not apprehended j ksquking asriculturul society i pall fair is only about a month uls j unt sept icth and nth- prlae lkti will be off the press neat week gel your copy early thou who have their revenue ui creased by tourist travel should t interested in uie prediction that by ltto uie population of uie united mates will reach iso 000000 a visiting clergyman in toronto says uiat rich church members can be a real curse still it is better lo be cursed wiui uiem uian cursed with no church members at all allowing uielr retiect for a m low businessman uie late j a georgetown merchants closed uielr places of business yeter day afternoon during uie unte of uie funeral among those expected for home week are ur wallace pindlay uf and urs r j harrison toronto ur and urs chas ruddy lowell camp ur and urs pred ruddy london onl it was the georgetown rytim uakers under uie direction of doris hulls who providided the mujc at personals 4 ura l w dauii and un minn coffeii hient uu wrek end willi t i tonlo i r lent us urs- ifarry iltooklord aivd xii krlyn atockford are iwilldakint ith friend in poreat ur n h a lihlutagiurd of uuu ton kngbuid is viuung with u r i ler ut col lcoumii uiu agile cole lia vrturtled lionie after htvlnc xpent a iilrajnit urn weeka vaenllo l al lake crtru uiaa helen lajle of toroiitu a 0iera hospital strf jkenl uo uu with ur and utx pred sinclair ur arthur norrington of dundu was in town ieiletday atleiidinu thr i f tiial funeral of uie lale a j itlacklxim jml to arm ur jatui it wluon uwl ur jim i revolution of drone boui of toronlo are vllt ina heiil a unr i with rutlv tn georarlown miih liarly mtacd um hliubnobt by tc 111 i a if lo lorre him into uie filer all the fweiilv 4x tlanouni 41 hid lell ukmi llieir aimilunp wlui liwlt rf tea mltulu tlufr reach ill k hi rl iteevl irnll utld miiue of uu a filing luri a lhe u on uie ur uul u r iiutdf ti ronhu thl hi uu onl uo their deru tlw vtuorou pariv rtunid ut tlie v li ua und ilurliu uaujkv in jie aj uie guv tiine ilii for lapii t jii thi dehvt rer hu orutigemi n it l iriuvcl i tin u turk jre4iiling lo ian l- v ih it 1 inn r vveri com i lit lelj urr lul urrordliiir k 0i iirl ih tl i nliel ran ilk raljjil whin is- 1 comitv uu invuded th nu- tin u r i wit tndissl trie culedou on aim m r uu ju tilled and thi tin american couinti imltaitf n uok uu uu i uie flmjuni oonvenuoo sltt eunrffni mu iiillicruni lyons uwj tea lyons tea yellow lay 27c blue label 32c we sell for cash phonep f rf tyrt 28w v- j tilv we deliver treasurers sale of land for taxes wnhiruitv of drordkrowv county of ii lton ixi wn hv virtii l a warrant lvaied b uiuiuaor of fie conuimttuu o7 the timin ol t rit touti lieariug date of 1mb dav of jum 1ot a 1li ol i mil tvui uli to im sold or aireum of axe- has bun preparrxl and l im init publllnd u un udvtrtlamdlt in the otiurio clatiite un 7ui day of am ust 1117 uu da of si pi ember 1037 3nd day of october 1037 in d 1 mil ol iiuvmriit of taxi uno wl as jiown ai such list on or uthre weonemluv november itidi 1937 at 10 o clock in thr fan noon i shall ut the said time and ut thr uuiikipal office an tlie rolw of letirueiimn proreetl to sell bv public auctum tlie said 4an is or uch nor turn tin reol u hull be iirce air lo pay such arrcar agi llu r with tlie rhurue- thereon a lit ol tin ttbme lund ma be aea ut uie oyea unrs ofucc cleirveutwn llir udo inwii ale it any will be held al uie same place and hour on wrdncduv nnvembir 2il 1037 aiul lurlht r tiki notice that it l the intention of thr corporation of thi pown ol leorueioun lo pure tiase at the adjourned sale if any q helil uny pare i ir paml of land if uie iirice offered i lea than the urreurs ami l hi o l theretni huo 1037 cliap 33 seclon 157 iub 3 tyeamirrr ne uil jivd day of july 1037 p il hajuufion trauurar and not uie orcliestra formerly men- lioiied a meeiing of uie trafalgar loan hoard last week wubert pord uie municipal treasurer wis luunod secretary treasurer of the tra futgur parm loan doard suoceeduig jamea wlio was recently ap pointed mr pat culllns met with a bad accident on uonday morning al ue ihrovlnclal paper uuls when he was struck on uie tieod by a falling part of a machine his skull was not frac- tured but uie accident was very pain ful if a grandstand ctnnpl be erected in time for uie old roys reunion and pall pah- in september tempor ary bleachers should be erected to acco viiitors at uie park during these big ciya- ullton district ooonerauve ltd will hold their annual meeting in uie court house ullton on august 13th auj speaker will be ur ii i human of the ufo toronto demon stration of uie coaplractar from 6 to b pm everybody uivlted prlae winners tn th pire brl ttadfft lucky number draw wen 1st ur- p bryden oeorgetown ho 3433 2nd burlington pire depart ment no 1133 3rd uiss r craw ford ulllon weu no 3i7 4ui hur llngton pire department no 1003 ulss uaude ucdonald was len dered a pantry ahelf shower at the home of mlu jean uackenale on saturday afternoon lad the bride- tobe was the recipient of many uu i gins lofteuier wlui the beat wishea of uie girls lunch was serv ed and a happy hour nent to uie chief of police will you iilease try and locate a thoroid pire mens drill uniform belt alo a mans pant belt with badge attached lost near high school grounds or there abouts hoping you are successful as uie firemens bell can only be re placed wlui considerable rapene reward notify jos hall secrcury pire department radio repairing u vaara khtanuann we specialize on this work j sanford son hftonki cukmulkfowh w uiu june o weill of toronto i uprjwinvg a couple of week jiollija willi tier grarwlparifiu ur uiul ur j n oneill ur and uir j ii slrvetu and son david of ixuon o u vl fui wlui ur and xtn j w kenned duruvg ul- week ur knd un wilbrrt pudller up i utile du u iter joan liavs r lurued tiome alter iimndlhg a iilvaiit week vacation at port sydney v uujcojcm j iv mr wll davli of torolilo l rvikving cialom collector k w colewjjio u iwjuhiytng al hl um nu r sionve mass licet t ke cetiu uksi itoikl tbbaru and mr 11 oreii of vancouver seiit a feu djy al uw tiotne of urs it k harrun cturlefi st on uvelr reium rnit it trin tlie sympauiy of uie communll l extended to ur and urs w c croyl kennedy in uvelr sad bereavi- bunt by uie lot of tlierr dear on harry sykes tim i wlvo pad auuj on tuesday uayor joseph gibbon uho wa confined to liome for a few dai lat week wlui an attack of uve flu is now tiolldaylng al lake slmcoe and we are pleased to report enjoying beuer liealui ur and urs a o ucdona 1 an nounce uie engagement of heir daughter alice uaude to ur uo p king son of urs clara kins the marriage to take place quietlj uve end of august ur alex lusweor ocorflelown an nourvoes uve engagement of lilsoung et daughter ptorence clara to mr wilfrid ulno son of ur and ur andrew ulno limelvouse the ued- dlng to take place early in sep em ber the entire community was shocked on saturday to lm of uie suddco deaui of arthur j blackburn prom inent bushimsnian of georgetown and heart fell symnauty is- extendej to his bereaved family ur jaa uttiean of chicago ha- re turned home after vlattng ciui tils parents here ur and urs john mc uean ut jolin ucbean returned u ctvicago wlui hlrp for a jion ivoll day ulm l and e colvin ol toronto and urs u c wafuon of uakogee oku idaughler of uie laic chu newman of olen william i rencurd acquaintances with friends in olen williams and oeorgiown on tuesday by hot summer a century ago prel williams in toronto gloo goul uall there was plenty of excilmenl u hundred yean ago in and about uve scotch block esqoeslng to i ship at the time when geonetown was founded by george kenncdj and his family tills being centennial year an interesting account of he doings in uil pan of llu counlrj from uie pen of fred william uill know doubt be read uilh inurvsl hv our readers it was a hot summer in uppc canada a hundred rar atfo both climatically and ivaliilcallv it mu on uve whole a good crop year de- upile extreme warmth and tlie fnr ours l jilentv lo keep uiem h va in itieir liarve i of fruits and grains but in yonc and peel harvesting wa uiterftiij with by politics william lon mm keniic liad begun uie organuung ul his vigilance commute seeli ij popular endorsalion of his dec lar lion of indejiendcnre and jcp tr step advancing to the advocacy of uie use of force to win political -x- lorms the first meeting was al newmar ket north of uie oak ridges tmi east of uve line of king and wrt of awuumburv on aug 3 uackentit was uve chief speaker lie ecui 1 endorsauon of uve declaration and the naming of delegates to a convrlt lion to be held at toronto these were samuel lount allerwurd esc cuted for high treason nelson gor tuun silas ptelcher jeremiah gra ham and jolur uclnlosh iip r concerning uve latter or a ham it is said who though a part 10 uve in surrection was never arrested a u scarcely suspected at uve suggested of lount checa were given for paplneau and uie gallant people of uie slater province whereupon lieut carthew late of tl british arm called an all persona opposed to paplneau to go lo uie right of uie chairman but he woa lollou ed by onl two olhen according o llndseyi at uoydtown an aug s a pro visional government u orgunitca with uackenxic as iresidcnt jotaviih gibson as comptorller and uajor with lount uve afflclal metwariup r from upper canada to paplneau seven resolutions were posrd iiui dr w w haldft in jeso lloyd ju- grey uark learmont jolin laon and gerard irwin were named del gate to che convention ur uuckr i tie having declared uiat a resort to farce was not contemplated aluioukn separation from england u as adv o caied and uve ovinlon eipm d thut if uie isspc were put to uie people in a secret ballot a great matoritv would i vote far independence u was at uiii meeilnj that revo lutionary hags acre first dlsplavei on one flag was a birge 4ar ur rounded by sis minor 1 imrrs in the centre a deaths head with uie in scriptlon libcrtv or death an other nag bore uie word libcrtv i l large letirrt wui flgum ut plkn swords n1usk rts and cannoiu some bud veraas innklng a call to arm were inscribed air a uilrd flu just before a meeting ut llolton town on aug 7 ur uocktuiic uos told uiat uve orangemen had plu i ned to break up the merlinir nnj procured a bodyguard of fittv ymuu farmers wlien uve meeiing began uie oral gemen xleclared uveir inte i lloli to i ul doun the meetlm and to resort to force if necefearv thrv let uackrruue speak but as nun v he begun uie declaration thev ivro oeedad to violent inlerruivtion ttvey gave uackeniies eacort five mtnatrs to iave and it was not lontr befoe uackenav and his friends hud to retreat intc a jirivale house alien organisation was completed that evening the first rlnsn cam- twenty six uackenale men mounted were crossing the bridge over ivr llumbar whan one of uva opposite lul iv1 niul wlieh mi tie morn big of uu iqoxflfti ntljtnpt uoj mude ur ltod u niotlnit u cfuuguacmu y wull irvit ueri ir ein to nuil ui uiot act if inc 4i k und both par tus hui iwlhnviit armed uith hrv amuf undvlub aciriilnt tp llrwl fx ioprevilu u collliion slacken lurrv lttif ui aconrdliitf u other side evirmliing muj all iuhl for john wliulils llu h1a rr v tin qihlnelodlt us appoillud chjirnupt iiivd loval rejilmituu udopled amid uie iiiiruu of gfio ulth wuckeruuv nvfl new advlocltiseiglents iulo iir- wsalea anted state lowest cash 1 vite 9fi r 11 georgetown rofim apartment prlo e phone luw georgetown v amulet girl for grimral tvousework plvui 17b or write box so burllnglon i rw sal uirlghl luaivo in good ojuidllioii apply utss u itobcrtsotl umfvle av georgetown 1 1 llwkerar wanted middle aged catnimnloti vouek per u anted for elderly lttlv in rouuirv apply lo box y herald office it wateleal td atrttt small tvoust or room- r ult hie for uirr udulti amvly to m411011 hiil- lliloir buk 3sj geohi irgelowik jtp afitv of um cuiiviibf 11 hieir n olutions nam tyittef and jilhocntwj ndenre liitne ivathtl wl their rorni itiimrdljiu hid ud thl wu out ol jvenil rebuh tliere i aumhei on tlie 13th a llu bcotrh hlock kjitusn4 u here mackenxie vorty uiu comjuetelv out numbered and again the dectarm lion had to lie endorsel behind clor ed door- trafalgar proved equally stormy tliere on aug 14 there wu much excitement and u wo ony through uie order of uve oranire leaders that there wns not a blood riot and to conclude this review of live argaxtjhc meeting 11 uan at ctiurclivlme on aug is uiat uve first attempt wa- made to attack ual kerutle perovnalh tlie platform utl invaded uackenale had a narrow es cape ami came back to toronto to publlai a tor uiat there had been a deliberate- plot to aavtnate him while even the poimlt recorded had no uie attention of the boys been called in an oppo4tr direction by the cry that mockensit l coming uiu- v3v it is much to be feared uiat he would not have eseaiied u1h hl life uackerucie f had iniendtxl 10 hold an ouier meming al cooksvllle the next day but decided lo cancel u yet he- eonunued his organbauon meeungs wlui labors uiat would have worn nut many a man be tuen august and the first part of december he had held 300 meetings and organized iso vigilance commit teen tlie nature of the movement could hardly have been mlsunder- aood by the moft unrertecung kic taior we are told by llndsey b l only jiinr or uie members of ui branch jorieile uxre actually entrust ed with uie secret of the intended re volt and there we leave thr unhappy story for 0 while when we reach it dvtaln this seeding of organization will have produced it harvest of re volt and flight for mackenzie and death and imprlonment of tha who had been members or hu vlclance commlltee on friday august cti vicinity of kbtg ut- parcel of pahu itruuieft- plhltr pjrue leave at ileralj tiffre jflp notice to creditors s s t stuff olor of im tw matter f ke liatr al jollj w ha kit i bttr a ike ywum u eaieiag ctuvly ihll i ettleauatt fi notici- li tieivby given uuvt a from m m bull lutvlng any claim or detnaivtli uvrauvxl uve late jotin w lufxllux utvo died 011 or about uve 16th day or march 1037 at uie said township of klqutmug are required to tend by ivast irpald or to deliver to the un dersigned ollcllors tveinln for pred erick harding and jolin w hardbi executors of uve last will and tula ment of jolut w harding geiillema 1 daceaosl uvelr names and address es and full paoruculars in wriuiig of uielr claim and statcaivents of their accounts and uie nature of uve se curities if any held by uiem and takjf notice that after live 15ui day of september 1037 uie said executors wllr vroceed lo dulributfrfsg uve a el ottih ald deceaosd amonj the ersotv enutled uvrelo tiaving regard only to uie claims of which uiey jioll uien have had notice and that the oild kzecutorn will not be liable for the aid ael or any part thereof to any perton of wlvose claim uiey jmu not then have received vo uce dated at georgetown ontario uil loui day of august 1037 dalf and bknnett georgetown onl sollclton for the lakl prederick 3t lardhig and jolin w lurdlng r s j hlldjkxatftaoftd chairman und irestdent ol the cana dlan national rallas accompanied by a number of members of the board of directors is no in western can uda for a tour of inspection of the lines of thr system you get better quality and pay less when you buy your printing requirements at home inspect our simple or uttuuiuus lnvbmttkh ukuut books ttvuto rowa tickkt8 notuuuld1 statu1entu hiluikadh tkcurrs dodacbs invoickh cisciilaks book wouc turmcb wurrns rahruuts the georgetown herald phone no notice to creditors in ike hatter f tke eaule u thom as thompson huntfctt late af tke tawnshlp f ffcawealwf faamty t ilallah cetueaaam deeeasl notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims ordemaivds against the late thomas thompson hunter wlvo died on or about the lftth of june 1037 at uie oud town ship of emjueing are required to send by iiost prepaid or deliver to tnc undersigned solicitors herein lot john joseph hunter and isaac w hunter executors of the last will and testament of thomas thompson hunter gentleman deceased uvelr names and addresses and full para- culars in writing of their claims and statements of uielr accounts and thi nature of uve ccuritiei if any held by them and take notice uiat after uve 15th day of september 1037 uve said executors will proceed to distribute the asets of uie said deceased among uve persons enuued uierelo having 1 regard only to uie claim ol wtun uiey shall then v have had notice and i tlutt the said executors will not bej liable for uie said assets or any iart i thereof to any peron of abase cliiinii uiey j mil not then liave received no tice dated jt georgeton ontario uils 10th day of august 1037 pali- and bennett georgetown ont solictors for uve aid jolin jjph and ioiac w hunter bathing suits s00 to ilsa lailiea bolnny wool bathink suits mor and si3s 19t misses all wool bathink suits 98c lhcart mens fivy c0ii011 buthink suits mens liotuny wool bat1mi suits villiams mens 2 pie zipper bathink suits brown oimu yrllow navy and royal black and wlntfe f slacks u ladies terry slacks brown yellow nuyy drill slacks 100 15 and jp misses navy drill shorts 6 mns mijaes navy duck culottes 17ow 1 wjudvers ladies stung pullover 79c simplicity patterns 15c 20c 25c agent langleys cleaner and dyen ifaclearr co phone i we deliver georgetown save with safety at your rexall store f1kkyaio auto kits hr inowcair toiut 4 tr lr a k a tablets im fw oe abkid rvalmtuu pi iilrhh specials for his week i tlbt tooth faste tooth bk11i in hamiil hit ho cau x n um jucs for fit mm s1jm nui i sfratt booh ov 1mms with i lh imc iukcuitx si fmr rlxall drax un nlajt kklciien tktoi fount tt ilvilc cvm ckkam nox3cema 93 u robbs drug store 1 w ittthnr tint kkxali btobk onwocrowm s kiabaiiiammaaaaiia fur ue cktod oj1 comt will u chcuii apply at ilcrsld omc un oss uutb pracucsl uaurolty elutse turns boodrt ihuuie m r 0orsmowu a r a lip u far sale over 3000 building brick in fir j cla j chape 0l0 new uheelbarruw apply ed logan victoria st geonc town phone 15 3 u anted to rent or leae erlce tation rites or service station building or building uiat could be renovated in a ervlce station anybody knou ins of or having such property for rent kindly communicate with tin following box number box b her aid office georgetown 1 notice to creditors in tke matter al the estate of wal tett miullk tulain uu- of ike village af verval tnty al llaltaa cetturmsir dereaseil notice ls hereby given that liersor liav ing any claims or de mands against the late waller uiu r brain who died on or about the jsui of july 1837 at uie said county oi hal ton nr required to send by ios prciiald or to deliver to the undir signed jillctlors herein for arthur v brain and m guy wilson executor of the last will and testament i walter miller brain gentleman dv ocoed their names and oddnss and full particulars in writing or their claims and statements of their ae counts and the nature of uie ecurl lies ir any held by them and take notice uiat after ihr lsui day of september 1037 the said executors uill iiroceed to dtstribuu uvr assets of uie said deceased uiwii ttvr iersons enuued uierelo tiaving retard only to the claims of chhi tlvev tiall then have had nouct and oval uie said kxecuuvr- will not 0 liable for the aild assets or any iart thereof lo any ivrrson of wliose cla m they juill not uien liuve received no lice dated at georgetown ontario thb 10th day of august 1037 dale and bennett georgrtoun ont bnlicllors lor uie said arthur p 31 lira in and m guy wilson concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given free of cliarge if you require anythlne in uils line phone 311 or write box 1s s walker george st georgetown- lawn mwe skarpewej lawn mouers tharpenetl for 8oc overlvauled complete for 7sc scissors and cutters alo sharpened t j eaon arietta sl georgetown tf mbitiols men litcm could not a nine year old canadian firm man ufuctu ring- 300 home naces itle intere t qualified sale people maintenance of ultra superior quail y ulth lower prices created pamtlev re putation 700 acuve men earn their llviiit in reorved districts or 1000 fumilics our success depends on them more consumers create de mand for retailer sis 00 brings complete outfit buy and au for cash no ruc succeed or return good ambluous men ask for pre catalog uf and details pom lies products comivany 70- st clement st montreal it wood for sale choice dmch and upl at ui insle cord ulxed ralls jm ptf cord ulxed wood s36s per cord j bbanofokd fbuu us ar lail clerks notice ol first posting oi voters ust aters lut tke tawa 157 mwmlelaallty a if ceargauww ceaaly al ualun notice is hereby glven that 1 huv rtmijillid willi sections d and 10 of the voters ltst acl and that i have jiost itl up in my ottlce at georgetown on the aih day uf august 1037 the list ol all verson entitled to vote 111 the municipality fur members of pur llu meiil and ul uilulclpal ejections is uiieurs o im entitled to vole accord lug ui the lusl revised avowonenl roll and uiat such list remaliis llverr for in lection and i hereby call um all v vi to tukt immediate ivroceetllngs j have any error or amtssloivs correc est arourdlng to lau a mien is to be ui ulthln jl days from uie 0th day of august 1037 doted this oui day of xugusl 1037 31 p if itallluson clerk mkn i get viooil at onck i new oantejc tonic tablet con tain raw oyster mvlaoraora and ouirr aumulanu on dose peps up organs glands if not delighted inkleir refund price- paid 15 call or writ robba drug tttaw u dominion lua villa an duum fw wall l 1 hv m ltk glacier sardines bimbsui rciih fardins eufoubbvs v suuuer pride swt wnovw choice ouality peas 2 231 silver ribbon emfo libbv3 clarks avuier v campbells choice ijcty prunes 3 25 quvclc suilt llist lvt chipso large 17 navv toilet tissue 4 25 keta salmon x jt pineapple 11ca inn 3 ihlckaes of kixloggs cortt flakes and 1 all i r lass m a iiowi aa3 honvdrw melons 2 for 25 clood hlti oranges 39c doi ciioici- hfi malaga grapes 2 25 coou fxjkinc potatoes 15c bkl fast ftui lllilvihl dominion j

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