Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1937, p. 4

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tho georgetown herald wed neaday evening august i i ih 1 937 sew this must stop tho appallinff loan of life and frightful injuries caused by reckless drivins in ontario mustttop motorist have been requested to bo courteous on the road but the death toll still mounts at an alarming rate reckless drivers must bo dealt with according to their deserts and to the laws of this iprovince a reckless driver who caused death or injury is a criminal just as much of a criminal as a thief for reckless driving is illegal cutting in passing on hills excessive speed driving slowly ih the centre of the road and all the other breaches of safe driving are to cease reckless drivers beware ontario has an internationally famous highway police force but they cannot be every where most accidents occur out of sight of the police wo therefore ask with all aincetity for the cooperation of publicspirited motorists to report to this depart ment instances of reckless driving it is your duty to help check this wickod slaughter eaifc that could 6s avoidtd and the maiming and crippling of healthy men women and children here is what to do what you ee motorist driving la uuuur dangerous to the public take me nnmhar make a careful note of that tactual una and place and when you natch your de wnta to the uoiur vahleus branch department of highways toronto grvutg full detalla we do not invite reports of miaor taauajtuattta of the traffic law you ara requested to uaa sound jodgnant u wdj tual tuuguauty wok ojfhdr ontario department op highways motor vejuou bromtk printing that sells s v k s xv summer months are slack months for most printers have your supply of business stati o n a r y filled now during our t quiet months o p j city styles and de signs at country shop prices cp v v w v vv c kcp v x d 1 rf a s i ham imotli kits ciiair jjy grandmouicr jw at the age of eighty uiree one day in may wa- taken 111 and died and after she was dead the wtu of course was read by a lawyer as we all stood by hh side to my brother it was found ih had left a hundred pounds the amc unto my sister i declare hut wlten u came to me the lawyer said i tee she lias left to you her old area chair cllotus and how they titer d how they chaff d how my brother and ulster laughed when they heard the lawyer declare cranny had only left to me her old arm chair i uwit it hardly fair still i said i did not care and in the evening took the chair away the neighbors they me chaff d my brouier at me laiujhcd and ld 11 will be useful john omo day when ou settle down in life find omc sir 4o be your wife you h find it very handy i declare on a oold and fro ly nluhl when tlie ftre lu bumlns brtsht you can ttien j l in your old arm chair wtiat for my brother said was true in a jror or tfto fitranec to uiy 1 settled down n mar rlad life i nrsl a blrl did court and then he rins i bought took her to church and then he was my lfe the okl tjlrl and me wrr as happy ai could be vur when my work wa over i de clare i nerr abroad would roam but each nlsht would may at home and be seated in my old arm ctialr one iittjht tlie chair frll down when i lucfcd it up i found ilir jl had lallen out upon uic lloor and there to my surprise i saw be ore my eyes a lot of notrti two utousand pound1 or more whrn mi brother lword of tills uie irllow i confess willi nearly mad with raar and tore hu hair hut i unl lauahed at him and uun said unto him jim rflui t ou wlsli you had the old arm chair i remember your local printers ih georgetown herald wokkmaftth coairumation statcuknt ttie arcldents refortfd os tlie workmen compensation hoard dur um lite moll lit of july numbered cltt as com mired with 037 durlnu june and 5 7t3 dirtntt july a year auo tlie larneflts awarded amounted to mttm33jl of whlch txhmllfi wu for comticiisatum aiuirltftj316 wfa for medical aid ttie accidents reported to date this year luinuwr 37tt4 as compared with 33117 durum tlie corresiionduuj jiertoa of lum arid uin beneflbi awarded am ount lu uoqjuosi u1 against 3 333 01173 for uie tame peod lam whrn jim caught the football fever by h louis ravbold wu 1 snj- h d1 0iy look thrilling i und lii rvturjahaxi a pair nf pit ii lwmrt adiim in fronl of suea unwn e oh i forgot aha nidi i ihut jim doexn t car for fwlhull i n i it ihr limit and thla urn tin brown tyey bluked wlien n u rrmtliull fan of the first mag- nillmh and has lcn rrured on foot- hill with one k brother u coach to i vf u fiance other ic perfectly hi tvrnly wlio ralei roothall a iwirt it in hard cympnthiwfd leila fchi u i xrr4f ynu i tdmuld etirw him or die in the attempt what doex he auppose football weather wui tnude tart the- ruhject yas dropped for the lime ueinjf but lellaa aaaertlan that jim uhould be card occurred to sue hitnr and ahe pondered just uhat drautic rnnh ahe could em ploy to hrtng about ao ubdrahle a reform m woodered if brother william now married and running a hard wure store in rawlimiulle but atlll octinjt as a coacm on the side for the hnwllru ucei could kejp her nut certainly he ws worih m try so that evening she wrote and posted a bulky letter whose post script rap above all we miat ap- proach him indirectly jfim isvanny enouiih to shy completely if he sus pects brother willvamb reply must have been oil sue hoped for the evening of iu arrival she began her attack oh jim do you know dear she said plaintively i m rather worn out after the suynmer 1 have half a mind during your vacation to run up to will s and rest you 11 be go- inff off somewhere and t wouldnt see much of you anyway jlrn toll broad shouldered cleancut regarded her quizzi cally what made you think i was going anywhere oh youll waht to said sue airily you heed change also it will only be for about a couple of weeks wel- said jim i had thought perhaps wed do a little house huntlttg and furniture buying but if youd rather sue hod visited herjrothey ex actly three days when jimtslele- gram arrived followed shortly by its sender who paused a brief mo ment at the college inn to deposit his baggage and then hastened to sue who greeted him with concealed triumph indirection had worked thus far the following morning after breakfast william had collected jim and his belongings from ih inn sue remarked that she had letters to write and could not give jim any company until luncheon perhaps jim could amuse himself tor a time ill look after him broke in william have a bunch of would bes to try out jim will look them over with me jim acquiesced agraeahly al though no doubt secretly wondering just what would bes were in terms of hardware surreptitiously su winked at her brother things had begun to move the two men did not show up until lunch was cold and sue could not help but notice that jim seemed strangely dusty and dishevelled for a mere onlooker got jim tohelpjne out referee- ing said william nonchalantly and sue let it go at that the first game of the season was scheduled for the day prior to sue s intended departure for home the time was short and william daily neglected his hardware affairs to work up a creditable team jim tagged along also and to sues pleased surprise seemed always as readyas william to get down to th field but not until the day of the game itself did any word of football pass between sue and jim then id like she said hesitatingly to go to the game this afternoon if you could possibly and something to oc cupy you go to the game something to occupy me echoed jim staring blankly of course you re going to th game i m only sorry i cant sit with you but your brother has asked me to be the timekeeper its a great game sue really its wonderful some months later sue met leila and in the course of conversation football was mentioned i hear said leila that jim has become an ardent rooter i sup pose you axe delignted well maybe sighed oue then at the other s look of surprise she went on to explain you see i always wanttsl jim to get interested so that we could go to the games together but iiomb quite the con trary why jim is so keen that i m a mere amateur beside him as tor sitting in a regular seat noth ing doing hfknowa all the coaches and nothing but the side lines will do for him you brought it oa yourself re minded leila meanly oh yes acknowledged sue but and she grinned i didn t lnow that football was like the ntcusles the older you are tlie harder he hit ou umw teacher this etsay on our cut is exactly word for word tlie nmr as your brothers- arthur yea ulu its uie same cil said father al hls daughter i wed ding its hard to lose a beautiful daugh ler hlt mend with much feeling re plied its a dam flight harder to lose the plain ones 300 for 200 special offer three 1 00 boxes lldyiys btosi- achjfavkho far 3a0 bojnamu usadw this prescription prescribed by suooxaaawl pirvaictana with excellent resulu for over 0 years poarrtvxly ouaxahtfckd to re lieve all poiuis or ercouaoa diarnksaoytpepsi mdiauon sour jatomach nausae vomiting rooming tickums oar train or sea sickness and every kind of tou aoh upokt bold and reenuaswvd- d wtth a money back tfuartntatt by utxxmuacocn dauo vtotul tf god gives laws id nfttson tl uul isti ooi jikw text thou ihalt love the lord thy ood with all thy heait and with all thy uiul and with all ihv rnlivd ttiou fchall love thy neighbor ms ulywtf matthew m lfclton 1ashaoe fcsodux 10 11t 111 ink and be careful whml thou art within rvtr tlirrr lt sin in tlie dtmtfi of sin th orlgl law i i umii wui kut 11m- tei auuuw of lilt 1u oumnuiultmnu tliey wci written into the eoiutituliuii of lu man liatuee by almighty ood wliat uujjv did mm to lukytrv tle vrk ln of uie latwi of ood and codiiy lhm to cond4ni hu nlametit in to uu lay of tlie un worth us an tchlrvenmnt in brevity rem-ro- ur lit uaouiuud of alatutr and bv laws lu u modrrn tuilkmi tlw tvn uunnuiiidmenb are frequeiuly i-pjjk- en of at ihe ucaloge wka aiul oki wing lit urkji word for irji mid wod tlie xrluiuc lw tli vlvlng of tlu two ulblrai of itlilu wsjt imillra iw fn lsrurutra ireili troi the lint dhlu of tlve nile wre bed by uie lofty jrtuvdeur of uount huutl tim itiundrf roared atkl tlie llghln ipg fuujietlnd uwey fancwd tfi god of tlw mountain wms angry thfy erv actustikni to meeting people wlwtle- lleved it many god hut klotas brouglu to his people tlie laltii of xoruiuun belief in one living ood llack ui the dacmlogue wax fallli in lit moral eliarpcler of ood we feel a clianged attitude to uw w1umi ve dkoover tliat law are rooted in jus tice uiot they are ordained for our good and not for our hurt and that fmedom is to be galiuad by obedience to law law aiu kwugum j t in his effoav to unify hu nation uie difficulty that uolas had to face was idolatry devotion to a number of different deltlm would divide live people lie uverefoe rooted ills ejvll us in a great religious faith had no false classification of sacred and secular he regarded hunun atandards as reflecting divine decree it makes a very great tufferrb wheuier wevegard laws as the ntful whims of men or as eternal pruact- plaa rooted in the will of clod keen consciousness of ood will task u conscientious about obeying the laws of ood not through any exter nal oompultaor but through glad re verenee tlie ten commandments underly much british civil and rrlm inal law napoleon did more for rvanee pd for quebec hy his napole onic code ihmh by his nuillary cam pmigns such codes have value not because of their founders hut because the laws themselves in tome measure are true to the prindpaea of right which are grounded in the nature of ood it may be felt that the ten ootnmandmerrts are too simple for our modem complex social relation ships but at least they supply prtn clples for modem applications to bi made traffic laws made for cars capable of going one hundred miles an hour t are but a variation or the sixth commandment thou shslt not kill taakuufc oumiim i 11 nearly everyone agrees as to ihe necessity of a day of rest but r is very difficult to get a lords day act that will satisfy jews christians and secularists some of the sunday laws in the older canadian province are nok felt to be very restrictive even uie lords day act which has been in- force only for thirty years u al ready in need of some revision per haps we trust too much to statutory the religious and social purposes law and do not sufficiently enter into the fourth commandment it is great safeguard to workers protecting them from exploitation and overwork it is also a defense for religion giv ing time for worship it is a bulwark of the home allowing a family fl lowhlp seldom possible on the otlwr six days of the week sunday laws are sometimes ridiculed as mawng for a blue- sunday but sunday spent in idleness or pleasure seeking or in dis sipation may give a bluer ssonday christ gives us the key the bab- bath was made for man and not man for the ssbbath instead of regarding sunday as a fetish let us study to see how we may get the maximum amount of physical well being faul ty fellowship and spiritual inspiration each week end i i niai i stitsluamhlas u it the sanity of the decalogue is seen in its practical provisions tqr safe guarding social reltt jonah lps the family is the unit of society and must be preserved the sanctity oi human life must be upheld right thinking will help us to respect the personality of others truth is basic in living with others thoughts of the mind are farces as well as deli berate deeds is it unjust to say that in the twentieth century many people sought to be emancipated from the ten commandments only to find that license has not brought liberty but has rather meant enslave ment to habit and desire there is only one good way of getting free from from what may at first seem to be irksome in the ten command wents and that is to live the oh life positively and wholeheartedly that we shall not be tempted to i steal swear or covet we may need uie ten commandments in youth for moral instruction but thrup w learn to live by the royal law of love will hot find the decalogue a stralnt they will not wish to do the things forbidden by the ten com mandmenls the sleral issaeratlve the need of this moral imperav uve is ft it everywhere the cry is for men who feel uie uleady pres sure ft those moral obligations which belong to an eternal order the highly intricate problems forced upon us by changed industrial condi tions in uie vast question of hous ing of sanutatlon of proper food supply for mighty cities in the ever lasting fight against dut and disease against vice and crime in uie warfare against greed as right minded men undertake to keep us ugly clutch from uve threats of uie weak we have need of men who see uve moral prin ciples involved in all this as uosas saw ood at the lop of the mount we have achieved a certain measure of personal and private morality we need- today uve more thorough social application of uve ten command menu with all uve authority of blnal behind them to enable us to bulk here a nation of free men organis ed to rtgltteousness and acung in uw spirit of intelligent good will to usher in that order of lite worthy to uie called the kingdom of ood qwetueaw far durwnlm 1 u anarchy the result of fussy u linking s how fsr is human law ood law s who decides what you do on sun day 4 have you ever made a code for persona conduct b was uoses a dictator orarfge bekoe blend salaha ok ktngls uigkxuay safe direct economical utavk ucomietowm ilututemi tim iw muvar has pm- 1330 pu ytloptan msius x lisu 1140 tun x 106 tun duy ekfeot hun uwl llol xtvi detroit dally yto tmratt bun tod hbl vacation toiitth aix kxkwvks faid cwilui y k oral ij tka qu v tk- m cwa ask x irjujirtkatcd voldcr 1 tick and informatkal at w r long whone89 via am 7u ata iljn ant 3i5 un nothing like the- telephone when aomelhuiw go wrong with the plumbing or lb wiring when whw is hurt or takes auuvlenly ul at the outbreak of fiw when unexpected rueau arrive anil extra rerrealuaeau are needed and for a hundred and ona oilier emergeoctea urge or small llveiva nothing like the telapuone it ta ttimrys ready to serve you and its east is pittance tlie canadian cubical egg- filler case is now uve standard for iiaeung ja in moat of uve principal eounules vtf uve world canada txports in oreece in 1u0 eonisted almast entlrelv of wheal uiat commodity representing 413 out of uie total canadian exports valued t 0xma yooreyesm5 hu ttr4 p passksg are raninligig g kye iteasa we sgasalamaa hu a llnnugai atjs gxiaslaatun u jaaii ijirtti oaw uu aw lew gtriaa al awi analllj gaaasae w jaal as vaaaenauai a any eg uta large eaty aafasaaa oaaaaat o t walker ro onoamiw nrssuun shcuust 1 ska b u mxmam djujo srou riiirtili i ika at aaaiy 1 or m may avaaalt o t waaw at ua liiii s worry will never d1u hib beauty or sap her vitality t11anes to jenbiixl- czul a safe and scientific prop- fetation for all casos of mntv btrual diaordors and fomimno hyoono fbe booklft this wfeic s maccormacks drug store rilonk h7 uaen stbj0ct c3eokgbtown clearing sale of all summer millinery at reduced prices misses claridge herald block upauin gurtto

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