spage 6 4 they georgetown herald wednesday fvcnntfsflcmlct int 1937 try salada orange pekoe blend salada s j at present farm j commodity prices roofing costs less today than in i95s k ci ft um w mimlly rrwy tawykib- batl mhuhtkp r ttwufajhasi uiliuusi lfciafctui i urtfl it r i it eoatmadou u buy ksbkou mr tului mm cmi wf loo tt klfaik jftm joj7 ut 10 tb hi lb wbt u6u lc bu u u w t7s hi wuy 1u feu il4 bo llmostlc mlb ulu- ba tiaat ttt ob m km roof ta protect yor erc sum jamutwav mw1w tbjr i by whtisx kpbwraat kumimi1 tar mind kad kaw sw tfc sn- my umtpftafcam iakula i rwi lrul mm trmfur xii ssi tmmsw nils low trm et ii tfc lrrattt sf4ur fclt a tmd tlrul wriu wi mw eastern sted products 3ktonta treasurers sale of land for taxes mpunictltajuty of geokgetown county of iivlton to wrr by virtue vj a mmtnt issued by the- mayor of the corporation of the town of oearretown bearing untr of15ih day of june 1037 a ilt of lands available to be sold for arreari of taxr has been prepared and u being puhllslied in an adverllsemmt in the ontario gaiue on 7th day o august 1037 4lll daj of september 1037 2nd day of october 1037 in default of payment of taxc arm cal as jiown n such 1st on or before wednesday november loui 1037 at 10 o clock in the forenoon i shall at the said time and at the municipal office in the town of oeorcetown proceed to ell by public auction the said lanls or tjcii por tions thereof as shall be neeejiry to pay such arrear ngtihcr with uve charges thereon a list of the above larul may be ten at the treasurers offlce- georgetown the adioumed sale if any will be held at the same place and hour on wednesday november 34th 1037 and further take notice uiat it i- the intention of the corporation of the town of georgetown to purctia at the adjourned sale if any held any parcel or parcels of land if uie prion offered 1 le- than the arrears and uie costs thereon iiso 1037 chap 238 sedan 157 sub 3 treasurer ofure uil- 3nd day or july 1037 p b iiajuuson treasurer clearing sale of all summer millinery at reduced prices misses claridge herald block upstairs georgetown advertising does four things jf you conduct retail sjore lliere are four thing you wish to do you wish to hold all your preienl customer you wish to sell more good to your present customers you wish to replace with new customers the old ones who moved away 4 you wish to increase the number of your customers try advertising in the georgetown herald phone no 8 god requires social justice i i mm waal lnllatsi hatwv uhml l v pwm s 1937 ooijuvn trxi aji e would dim i men houul do to vu do ir ul ji lo thnii ukruus ijikf- 0 rteluon ixiktatlr lvlllril u 33 37 it u allin vuin lo wruri the trutti ivl thr- rhurf r o tru tin j youth if wlieitrvrr the jlill u i luiidlllu by he ltitx ytiu cheat uikd lu bran im m mlli uv nce he wlvlce yiny hive hut oiilh will leuru frm die um you live fculipir i- am it xw atmlml ijiw ittli it ton lu to be ttudled on tli flunduy u fore lilor ijui ifr ml yenm thin peflft dij h lk n dvyotmi ehlrtly ul tllp hel ol tin imrmplnythl riit vtur tin yun hut c hunued hrlki t riob and tlu tt teinpl lo orsimlks luiior by 6voe in dtutirle unjnt an uluhftlier new pluite cull by lute j to uie ft n coin maiuluteilu which werr rodlflsjd neur ly 3000 yeurr auo help tin to u bettor brotherhood tti irtibietur ht evence retilnln tlu jme only tne uetuil rlmnut 17ie hebrew people fmeri liiu from i unery luul to be tvlijcutiu in uvelal r lallonshlps tlie leitllcul lav coitatlnmuch of llietpirlt of ttie uqv lul1 utji u la nnj he iroilifji an lu keeping ulth thf oriol tearthikh of je ili the flml olulloixji of lnbot prhblenv- her in the deveununetil of elm rue i er ublcli will prcviiit otta anil op opreulou a arbup of men uorkln r four monthr on u bulldlna labored in the utmoi l haroionj no rule were laid down but every man jirt viliat war liaht in hl own ejf at the uime time howlns eon we ration hu frllow workman tlie work proriend and tliere were no dls pule tliouah much of the toll was heavy their was aladnet and inalng throualwut how much better when taerkerr leam to cooperate vol untarily without having itatutary law to force them to do rlaht klntlneu tlie levltlcal law touuhl klndnc to the jioor tliere ulu always be ome people relattielj poor even fully oclallxed ilate sorrt lioople would be much more prorie ous than others chrit redoented uits when he tpoke of ha vine the poor always with ua- tliere can be no eq ualuatlon ofwealtli thai will prevent the necessity and opportunity of the strong lie pine the weak tlie levi leal law auo called for justice and klndnes to the ilrarujcr canada has uire ureal blocks of populauon- uie english canadians uie french canadians and uie russian cana dians how much it will mean for tih unity and well belns of canada if thee three large groups will show toodwul to the representatives from over fifty other countries wlw have come ui our shores thi levltlcal law also sought to protect people from fraud and robbery it also en joined prompt payment of wages tlie wages of him uiat l hired shall not abide with thee all night unul morning willi th e extension of uie credit system today we may well as ourselves concerning uie use we make of money due to oufcrs ilatteftty why do modem workmen have to have padlocks on uielr tool boxes why are there lockers in educational buildings why does a banker tele phone long dulanee to ec if a cheque l good why are uiert electric burg lar alarms in many houv whj do documenu have to be signed and seal ui by a special officer empowered to make affidavits why do cluacil in law courts have to take their oath is it not because of a breakdown in common honesty life is mode very cumbersome by the safeguards noces ary to protect ourselves agqtt theft and deception a canadian banker recenuy stated that in the depression years there had been a breakdown ai iwmecty uiat a number of men to whom he could formerly loan money readily are not now reliable fcvu governmental actions revising con tracts and changing uie terms of bonds have lowered public morale is no wonder that a modem religious movement stressed absolute honesty a a basis for the christian life gawwui this levltlcal law forbade pulling o stumbling block before tne blind did people really have to be educated oul of that before we look down upon these ancient ancestors let us remem her inv of our own octal custo such as destroying property on hal loween night and marring the hap nlnoss of a bride by uie cruelties of rioe and conietu what the leaden of the hebrew nation were trying u develop was a beloved community where on a large scale people would act in the spirit of the family in a normal family people do not come to blows can it be right for nations lo do what is unworthy in individuals is there any real bast for ontagon ism lo foreigners are we not ail children of the one heavenly pauier and doe not uie same blood run through all humanity the tragedy of modem politics is uiat dictator can fan public passion into a flame by accusations agalnsl neighbor na lions and good peace loving hard working people can be maddened with war lust when if left to uietnselve they would prefer to live happily wlui all mankind a poet once sala uiat uie prixe or life was the op ltortunlt of learning about love tin tak of the christian church is it demonstrate to uie nations uie reall ty of love that irunceniu race na uan and creed tbe keuguaw motif i am uie lord your cod uiis refrain is found eighteen time in uils chapter religious faith is the luulc foundation for social jusuce tlie presentday labor troubles have their economic phase but at root it is religious question private profit be comes a curse when it lead- us to in jure ouiers for our onn gain cla oonsciousne prevents tli full tx presslon of human brolherliood tt live nwjul j lively bars us out from tlu hlgtiet thing jesus reiweenlcd u belonging to the kingdom of qod on earth kach one of us has iw resiiorulbtltly for modern social jiu tier doe- our bargain hunting causi others to live in weat vlioiis is it right for one and uie same city lo liave a secuon of palarcn and a see tlon of slum it t when each one of us begins to- right the wrong for which he is morudble that a better day will dawn strikes and riots on uir part or labor are a mistaken po hey but too often the responsibility for thb unfortunate reaction is due to uukm wlu have deprived labor of a fair liarc of uie rewards of labor qvrwumas far dkcakklsui 1 is patrmalljn in gov emmenli n danger 3 why liave labor troubles become more acute with returning proa perlty 3 is uie golden rule ufaclrnt a a guide to conduct 4 why is honesty tha best pnllcy 5 how do you account for thr chris uan splt in uie lrvlucol law st mhurn ttnnis lub llau toiiknaminpt oti ntl4v aiikldl 34th mem ikeri if aiuiii iviinl club vljted the irveumii lub ulul the folluwtn jiihi i iiusdf iidlf miilu lluwl vyutkrr vv lhliii o tuiulir j i for leoriti town tuury lmlr vf helen guliilbru 7 i for itonf lon i jid lr- iiubu- hitkel wulkrr und rjllth iilre j lit li ii uiktiuy uli 1 j men otruiuur 7 3 lor arlo mury rvurr uiul rtarr itmidn d v iir- ljim huw and uaraui t juilth 7 6 for eorgtumn ueni niiille- lwivul crichton 11 uiculleii 70 for ueoruetown jurk pruhum r jack donald jiii 7 c for acton mi ii uoublci duvbl crlrhton und -jk- hull v j mctleuhw ami 11 ll guillen 7 j for omirgeti w n jui l trichum und uto ikiivran w lmulljni and ltoh vuuttiir 7 ifwiti i limn mixe1 doiiblivjlhi r vim plnru hlkr v arrhle munroe mury vouiil 7 g for acuin llei hroonihcul und html wulk r v j ilrpht mui helm utfine 7 0 for cleork luwu ja l on ihilrulay ivtnlng lat augit t jctli ulltimi leuul club pbiytwl lu n lournnnwnl wlui uie loeal club and follovilin arellip jirei ladle blni le- muy teller j lxllth deuur 7 2 for crorwl4u kloru hlli kah london 7 torgtwneuiuil lndlf uoiiblp uan filler nn i fulreilrt itrmdlord i katt loud i ulld 1jilth xi11l 7 for georue iiup le wulk r und kdllb bpiknt v mulxl hamilton and ldlui deuar 7 1 for milton marjorle kruu un 1 florie keller v mo ktnhedv nlu xjolly mctjuftw 7 1 tor oeorurtouii mi n s falngl uartd crlchlon v fretl mlllr 7 3 for milton jack crlchlon s s cameron 7 3 lor gronrtomii joe iu vr ii wlinil 7 5 for grornctonw mens double david crlcliton jnj jol hall vl fred mul and wlnt bpronl 7 c for georgetown jack crlchlon and ho duncan v mrs- galloway and 8 cttneron 7 3 for ml ton rig bioomhead and cecil davulon vr a huhund and j sproit 7 3 for milton mixed doubles cyril brondford and mnrlorle kean vs a huband and ldlui deuar 7 3 far milton joe hall and edith squire- vs h wlljin and maul hamilton 7 3 for oeorcetown notice to creditors la utt kwatuv mi um eul f cyels mrcuukl ute mt w tra f grc4w la u ca4y tm genucfesmakm 4mm notice is hereby given uwt all persons having any claims or de mands against the late cynl mc clure who died on or about the seventh day of august 1037 at uie city of ouelph in the county or wei llngton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned ballet tors herein for harry laughlln mary harris and thomas mcclure uw executors of the last wlil and testa ment of cyrus mcclure gentleman deceased their names and addresses and full paruculars in willing of uielr claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of uie se- curiuer if any held by them and takt notice uiat after uie wentv fifth day or september 1037 the jitd harry loughlin mary ham- and thomas mcclure will proceed to distribute uie assets of the said de ceased among the nerons enuued thereto having regard only to uu claims ot which uiey shall then have had notlc and that uie said harry laughlln mary harris and thomas mcclure mill not be liable for uie said onsets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this twentyfourth day of august ajd 1037 dale a bennett solicitor- for harry laughlln 3t harris and thomas mcclure notice to creditors in lb milter af ute efetale i john coubcek cook ute af un twnllp wf eaaeiiic in ute cn- ty mt llaluo larmer aeceaed notice is hereby oiven that all persons having uny claims or de mands against the late john oourcer cook who died on or about uie twentyfirst day of may 1037 at the township of enqueuing in the coun ty or halton and province of ontario are required to und by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned soli citors for henrietta maude cook uie administratrix of the estate ot john courcer cook farmer deceased their names and addressee and full parti culars tn writing of their claims and itateroenu of uielr account and t c nature of uie securities if onj held by them and take notice that after the twenty fifth oay of september roj7 the aid henrietta maude cook will proceed to dltsrtbute uie assets of the jld deceased among uie persona en titled uiereio having regard only to the claims of hlch she shall then have hud notice and uiat the mid henrietta maude cook will no be liable for the said aseli or any part uiarrof to any person of wluxc claim he shall not then have received no tlcc dated at georgetown ontario tht twenty fourth day of augiut a d 1037 ale a bfnnftt solicitors for tlie said henrietta 3t maude cook wliat a monotonous old world this would be were it hot lor uie delu sions tisercin notice to creditors in tbe swatter t tbe kuat mt klxtv ukajows utc mt tlu twn mt caeartrctavrn in ute county of luiun wuww aeeeamni noticf is hereby oiven uiat all tiersoiis having any claims or de mands against the late ellen mea dows who died on or about the eighteenth day of august 1037 at uie town of georgetown in the county of halton and province of ontarto are rnqulred to end by post prepaid or to deliver to uie undersigned sail rltor for mary a mcklnney uie ad mlnlstratrlx of the estate of ellen meadows widow deceased their names and addresses and full parti culars in writing of their claims and statemenu of uielr accounts and th nature of uie securiuea if any held by them and take notice that after the twenty fifth day of september the said mary a mcklnney will proceed to distribute uie assets of the said deceased among tlie persons entitled tliere to having regard only to th- ejalmsof which slie shall then have received notice and uiat the said mary a mcklnney will not be liable or the said aseu or any part there of to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this twenty fourth day of august a d 10tt dale at bennett uoliclton tor uie said mary a 31 mcklnney give your tamara half a chance and you ii ot ytod inapshots its really quito aurprlalnr tho number of antati urn who go mi r- rlly alnnk nnappln pi dun a ithnut iclrlnj any thought as to why un r ana pah o tit appear aomiwhat tmud y or cloutly if your anapuhots can ba claim l with th abovt thi rluiini art the troabh can 1m attritiutid to your own nuri t and nit lo faulty eon b true lion of th canura a dirt u nn for t xampli will cauau sniudry printn i nn ii tin eyo of your calm ra can ynu it clearly if your rlaanen an nnmlk d by fldrt r prlnla cleanlntc a i m in a vr hui ii opt ration tl you n d ii a n ft un starch d lim n haiuiki r tu f and pj rbapa a milch ir x m ii if h hnalsqulti nmall tin rur nurfjn of thi it ni ran anily tn rt u ti it hy mmovlnn un iwil of hi ram ra if the canu ra ban a dmildt it ni nnt in bind and oni in from of lb nhnt tor olaphrarnir thi fntnt romtiiia tlon may b rt nioit d by luniiii to urn hit which will iillow u to w6rk ihnmrh tlit h itt r i ninn when ni t for jlinit ltd iliy ii md k rchlt r ovt r ih nl of tli i uti h or had pt nrll if the u ii uultt dirty bnatht on it ami tin n rub quickly with tht b mdl r lit t lb ur whf n n plat iuk un fr tut 1 ni totaert w it havfc into hit ihulli r an far iit will iu thi imrri huiui to utirk thr irii tht huttt r opt niii alt appl to clianlnjc tht front urfj t of hiiu it litnntm nttt d lo rami rjh an i or tain foldlnx nnult in work ran hilly and dun 4 i rt uu mm h prt un it ian t net taary and nilrht srrateh tin hurfart taklnr it for rrnnlid that you havt u cl an him and that yntrr mnura la in rood nn rbanlr i eon dlllon it t a dlncubs aonit do n and dnnisr- vtlh the fanilllir box ty p cam t ri it 1m no ni inikiioninrb to havt your tliirt r si nd hiik1ii1 or m n it on r tht 1 un tin r null ii i till ma vi i nil havt an un uttratllvi black iuudrt ovt r part or your ii lirtv to ki t p your lipi r iay from ihi rnuit of tht it nn anntjit r irror ii a tloublt spo- aun i aunt ii tiy falllnr to turn tin qlm roll to hit mil iiumtn r aftt r nnappinr a pi tun u you fill to turn it tu ni ly find ln n nur prinlit in n turiu d tint qmli ml rauitll j rainlm ih ilttlnr l h r ravorlt rhair nut in tlu mlddh t a lakt wh n uslii a ftkutdnr typt cam b nun to i t tin linn al hi correct dim inn mark for if yim ton t un rhi in n in unl your pi turn3fllllh out or fth un in i t inrr l i rt n at nlu r out nl n od have an ixlnnnly fait it na in i tiutlttr dim t try lo taki brtudidi naia tif fat m ulnp tub tt mnv nr nil r in ran liivtivtr tn ratirhl tin with an onllnary camera if takt n fn tu an anrb ut about s di rt i h und not ton t i i up awiatt ijr nnaptliooiini in n ally nylhlnr hut dlnli ult an 1 it in quilt nft lo nay that ihi mnlorlty id pie ii ri faluirin art tht n tiill of rart- hn nji ir i irk of thoiirlitton tht iart or lb niiapnb mti r john van gulldi r tichxtft goob im ooadles ml un ih lc par m a tumttrr auckrojq caiw t ur niuibmu imc pu ma standaro blkeitno caiih mjl un wilutr 1 tc ar adu cost or acco w tuiwhq cam wtmom tmm tulooaok ckckj htimwtf sulhtrt artkar ant cfc l ju w tmujcjiil iqg ntjafatflvi iiajuaaawarnaiac asm wq handbill canadian national esquesig agricultural fair i thursday and friday sept 16 17 best lady driver of car ilrlur in itit cur in viiuc mnrkcl thrn lrl- ai points lo pmrr iinji lick is uiui hbcond lln rirul miuf gtl ilintlmt ll uijj h lltiiul hour su wjuui1i 4 lb iciilun lliiu hour jfjj 1m1vatii iii itltouns i1kiu mikoktown centennial year baby show hii1st pult 15 oui sixdoni phi1- sua i fto l i iub mulrr 10 montli imsiatm ri isshmtok n intukie tuuunto best old time square dance two ikillos prufcs slias sm 1h