Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 8, 1937, p. 6

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v 1 r page 6 the georgetown heralj wednesday- evening 3epmfcer 8th 1937 ontario depirlmenl of health of ontario poliomtilitis the department of tlealtti has a sufficient supply of corivalcwrvnl serum for preserri tlemautb- thin sirum ulilaiucd from persons who have previously suffered from an attack of infantile paralysis in anticipation of further requirements the department now rrqueflta thai persons who are willing to provide blood for this purpose doaors register with the medical officer of health in their district the department remunerates tlonors on the basis of ten dollars for 100 cubit centimeters the usual amount withdrawn from one donor is 200 cubic centimeters this can he readily obtained without discomfort or ill effects to the donor children under fourteen years of age are not eligible persons who have suffered an attack of the disease during the present year are also not eligible those persona fourteen years- of age and over who have suffered an attack within the past twentyfive years and who chow some definite evidence of resulting paralysis are requested to provide lite medical officer of health with their name and address those who have already acted as donors need not register again when a clinic is to be held donors will be uotified through their medical officer of health r minister ot health both t1tl uwl ftsv estmf tar sjfly ml m i rirarisioal tjsf j f siy j usut istpfcllp ftafcl- tirifaat lr awlda p mhiallk i aa i w44aw triltuattiaii eastern sted fmrlucts itmutbml j1 tllllllna is jtetomo expert watch repairs by j- h jokdan agent for singer sewing machines repairs to all make georgetown phone 11 lane block direct into the grounds daily except sunday august 28th to s 11th reduced a ar includes return si 3i exhibition fare v admission good returning until september 13th leave okobcktowh iju sm standard tleee utavc uuut10s j sjis gray coach ones w kl lono clkmtirrowk immonit t tested recipes cwm susii the following rejw sre tsvkn from the bulletin published hy the dominion department of agriculture otuvm dteei for deuer heals by laurs c pepper dairy and cold stormx branch the bulletin hay be obtained on request free of charge from the publicity and extension branch chmt sast 4 cups mlk 1 or a sura onion 1 tabic noons butter 1 tabenoans ftour 1 teaxnoon salt teaspoon nennar cup traled cheeee yolks of s egs saiih milk with onion remove onion melt butter n top prt of double bouer qltnd in flour dd hot milk and seamnlnes and mir con stantly until mixture thickens cook ave tnlnulefi add beaten e yolks cook one minute and add grmtsd cheese beat with ect beater and serve at uvre ess yolfe knay be omitted but they make a richer and more deueious soup 4 sllom butter bread jtncl thick i cups grated cheese 1 es teaspon mustard x cups milk salt cut bread in cubes arrange alter nate layers of bread and cheese in buttered dish beat rcgr add milk and aonliur pour over bread and cheese set in a nan of hot water and bake in moderate oven sso de crees pt until puddlruj is firm about 45 minuter class kmttte 5 tablespoons butter 4 tihuipfhsn sour 1 cup milk i teaspoon salt yolks of 3 es whiles of a s few trains cayenne cup cheese grated uelt buler blend in flour add seasonings and milk stir until iau has thickened add thee add beaten egg yolks and when mixture is cold fold in stlthy beaten t whiles pour into buttered baking dish or ramekins and bake in low oven 4 degree p until firm 30 to so mlnutos serve at once ckees ftwtawe cups milk cups stale bread crumbs is cups grated cheese whites of 3 eggs yolks of a eggs u teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon melted butter soak bread crumbs in milk for a few minutes and add cheae and beaten egg yolks season and add meltad butter fold tn ulmy beaten egg whiles pour into buttered bak ing dbii and hake in moderate oven cjso to 3ts degrees p about 30 pi for about so minutes turn out on hoi platter pour fullng in centre and garnish with parsley pilling 1 cup medium cream sauce a cups cooked vegetables such as 1 cup coked peas or 1 cup cooked carats salt and pepper cheat ug wfcui vegataues 1 cup muk t cup soil bread crumbs 1 egg is cups cooked macaroni 1 cup cheese diced 1 tablespoon minced parsley 1 tabtospoon chopped pimento 1 teaspoon mlnoed onion 3 tavhkaapoons melted butter salt and pepper 8tfc milk add to bread add weuwmten gg and other ingredients pour into greased ring mould and poach la a motferala tw a i notice to creditors ih tw iktatttr al lb estate f john corukckh cook late af ibe ywuslil af kmsktesthg h tka csmm ty af ilalun esrwer jmiased not1ck ib irrby oivkh uiat all persons having uny claims or de mands against the late john courcer cook who died on or about the twenty- tint day of may 1637 at the township of toques ng in the coun ty of- llahotl and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned s0i4- cilors for henrietta uauds- cook the administratrix of the estate of john courcer cook parmer deceased their names and addresses and full parti culars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts md tbe nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the twentyruth day of september 10xt the said henrietta uaude cook will proceed to dltuibute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en titled thereto bavins regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said henrietta uaude cook will not be liable for tlie said assets or any patt thereof to any person of whose claim she shall iot then have received no tice dated at georgetown ontario this twentyfourth day of august a d 1s3t dale bennett solicitors for the said henrietta 3t 1 uaude cook lonely vafxky tumckraed trunk and hucfceofd twig and mill the living green comes bravvly forth to hide the scars priend when you haw sen the naked hutkte bare and gry wtaare once the lilac bloomed ww you not gtv a thou to lhcmi your carclnjt act lias dootnrdt the smouldering iln- you left behind that bxtcht september day the match you hung o carelvoaly as you drove on your ey that halfburned cigarette that ml bmltle the winding road you bear the sin in ecret yes but you bear a hmvy load and yet tike kttrickrn valley wear a trusting hopeful air ax though it remlly tried to lay now dont you fret and care tuls frightful thing that came to toe was nvr planned by you ii both forret the harm they did but you be careful loo hydro information ontario hydro uaers nav saved irpcliely mjgsjst through rate rc- ductloniiui coitsumers in urban and rural districts and refunds to con sumers ul urban munidpalldes ilnr 834 ontario ilytird ejooirk powtr coipmfcuiam uatifctlclans rmlctrlate aooordltig to their report lhee savuigk- hav been elfected under tlie following readings heduclioiut in rate to consumer f urban uuiilclpalltles s3 tm 014- in bural power dtstricu 0 oao 455 oil itefund to consutners in vvrban uunlclpalitwdi ao 23 totat savina to cokbuuers 4 ta tj7 oeorgetowu eonaumers- will save tloas as a result of action hy the commission in the current year of lorr kmording to the sutisucs isid before the commission this saving is itemlaed as follows to dornestlc and water heater users of hydro 3t to commercial users s 00 to power user ma in gislluon there u a refund to the municipality of ua3 three factors have made possible uie rale reductions throughout the hydro systems better bnslnea con ditions administration economies and revision of the power during m on the niagara system was w1kuu wtiereas the corresponding cost in ittss before power contract revision hydro sutlstlclans csoculau that it ontario hydro users had to pay for power at the came tales as prevail in comme operated united stale system about s4ojhjm0 would be added to their bills while hvuxsv consumers of coarse would never have afforded to have purchased at old private power rates the quantites of electricity they have consumed tlie difference between llytlro bills down through the hydro years and the cost of that came amount of power bought at pre hydro rates now totals roughly ijtsoooo canvasser you pay a small de posit then vou make no more pay ments for six months ljsdy of the house whos been telling you about ut ban on examinations in owtasuo is aim the department of to prepared to bsu eveey certincste from the kindergarten to the univer sity without any special written ex amination oh uierjbft of the pubu dr duncan uoarthur deputy min ister uf education told the teaschers who have been taking the summer courses in education at lh toronto normaf urhobl at a dinner fecemly but added itr ucarthur the de- partment ouuld not proceed to take action beyond public opinion the greatest tumbling block the rtnwll of extern ezamlnstiotut was uie psrenls he pointed out itc your important task as lescherarto nn- vlnce the pstenu in your community that your judgement is adequate 1o determine wheuier william or issry should be promoted to the next graule there are trustees who come to m ieaur after year objecting because cer tain children are not permitted to write the entrance examinations this province u grossly exsjnlna lion ridden at the present lltn- when we can redjme lormsl ekaminalioufi uithit minimum we shall ha ve made the greatest stride in education tlie prtrvuice- declared dr ucartli trfsk f btnav cwp the stfeet young thing was proudly tujlvlug ir newu sports model through a big town arriving at a busy cross ing site found lite red light xlriit lur whet the amber ami lhen uie green lights hppearel he found uutt llr engine had talled driver br- idhd betrah to get impatient the traioc policeman walked across to her and mildly inquired havent we any colors you like miss l notice to creditors la um tullw u iw suais at cykls akcuuam m 1 ik iw a c u urn bl bui- notice is hbtzby arvkm uul all ttotis hsvlnc say claims or msudi atslnkt the ut cyrus sfte- 1ur who filed c or sbtht lje mveuth day of august larr at the city tj ouelph in the county of wel lington and province of ontario in required to teaev by post prepaid or to deliver to the undenltned soucl- tore herein for harry laushun kary ilanru and thomas uodure hd kxeeutors of the last will and testa ment of cyrus uocture gentleman deceaaed their names and addresses and full particulars bo vnlting of their claims and llaliamiil i of thetr accounts and the nature of the se curities u any held fay them and takk motick that after the twentynfui day of september 1sjt the laid lurry lauthlm uary lurris and thomas ueclure vrul proceed to distribute the assets ot the said de ceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall users have had notice and that the said harry lsughun lsary harris and thomas lecture trill not be liable for lbs aid assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received actios datsx at oortetawn ontario this twentyfourth stay of suatttaf ajo iwf oi actoarrr solicitors- far harry laughlln uary it harris and thomas ueclure tillrboni is lks in m watsosi ishili i had to tell you tiglit away bob vuo nihsu neasae bnriasr wssli she teewo the uf break karl erases at last lie ve bo tpastsaettl managwr at a lug lactrsaee isi salary yeasr fatw wul be 4eiblejr leaaasxl afsuiel bis wife m avat cell wiser ap 1 cesrtamjy will swvvs litw sehll at afcoekl it 1ti call akvat mary tto1- j tl ttmttom yaassfy brew ill i taaf o aarm i eweel risiiw mr im meergestcy lg ousavacw is iastls i aweueue ar ymtmmlimf aveef tssw 0 all ljuf lomj piilwu fws v law niu fctsl tnasnrers sale of und lor taxes to we 0 comrr or haltom he lsli s of the corpouon of she town of georgetown bearing dale of lath- ckv of imttlta sf fc ss to 5llorarrf taathl fjztij day of august hot sth day of september im ted day of octobetlkst default of payment of takes and costs as shown on such lbs e tj asocritlheenoon oeiltuvli fm i u once h the twwtei oeorgjjowa pd to ul by public auction the said sssuh or such por- ujasjeofihall be necesmry to pay such tether with the 0w of the shove lends may be teen al the treauuert otaoa ale it any will be held at the tame place and hour on webuaday hoviejur mth lajt xi 5t5 ttttlk at u is the tnlention ot the corporation of ths town of oeorgetoarn to purchase at the adjourned sal uani held say parcel or parcels of land if the price olleredh less than tha arrears and the costs thereon rao ll chsa aiabcyonslb t treasurers onve this lad day of july u p b harniaon treasurer notice to creditors ta the suiter af the esuu af k1xen meadows lau ef the twww ef geargeteww la the osaaty af llaltea wuew qirssrie notice is ifefuoiv otven thai all persons having any claims or de mands against the late ellen sfea- dows who died on or about the eighteenth day of august 1s3t at the town of georgetown in the county of llalton and province of ontamo are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned soll- rltors lor uary a uchunney the ad ministratrix of the klste of ellen ueadows widow deceased their names and addresses end full nsrtl- culsrs tn writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held hy them and take notice thst alter the twentyafth day of september the said stars a ucklnney will proceed to distribute the assets of tha said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the clslms of which she shsll then have received notice and that the said uary a ucklnney wu1 not be liable hr the said assets or srty psrt there of to sny person of whose claim she shsll not then hsve received notice dated st oeorgetown ontssio this twenty- fourth day of august a a im dale a bennett solicitors for the said uary a m mclttnnsy ontario ontjario elections 1937 to voters nphe voters lists for the ivovintial eletioas to be held on october 6th have now been posted in your electoral ilktriet examine thin l5t and make sure hat youc name in included if your name in not on the voters lirtl gnd out the date on which the revkitio officer will sit in your locality public notice will be given locally of the date and place of the revbing officerii hillings if name left oltf or correction needed attend hillings in person or obtain notice of complaint form and file two days before sittings w you enjoy the franchise exercihe it you should cooperate in order to see that your name in on the voters list the responsibility is yours uo not delay dont put it offuntil elec tion day and then blame someone because your name is not on the voters list ismail auaew live eurruea la humphries kc cltio suevrsuut ojtrw- ar oeismrwo thsi abevwa notioa appllaa to all muniespalitla ctt duaa and amtsuvtatonahatnaavspulaursnoli akipa bowlarino city having a phuuuanoi 16000 c mora t 1 t i l

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