Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 29, 1937, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfint year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 29th 1937 150 per annum in advance 200 to usjv the georgetown herald x m moou ncmpaimr- uae canadian waekto cjlr tw taue ksrt4 a4 tcu aialulard tuel hutnim 7 10 avl mki uall 100 fuxiltr and alall w auaaaer fur trtoronlo 0 17 turn raincr bunday we 7 ryrtrrhmluull am aj ivisenaer and uall aa3 li m fawterr i33s ujii favrisr bunday h id pw wh nrui uall and lrae ri ajti imvw c directory lujtoy balk ajc ml hvb1l bsnnett ha oac ontario doca oreaory nuln toldf mu1 bl kkknetu m lanobon kuiuo ii i 1 nataly rtaaa rirat uortaaa manay to jtaala cxjee ualn street south pfato u w a chant harrkur rts ooca mill itw claaravulwtl virl 2m mx b banv ohavdoh unnumcm am hay l tiili k hr auuwy kjo u mawrd oook oatdor omydoa jjj ualn bt moth wajapisn taalaphm wl uarou b lmnmmtlobuo building abaaapaao tauphon ml f wamoh djul hldx om hour- la a kattpt ttiuraday afteraocaw j k jackson djul h id tha uu dr oejka opaa istnlnaj a m nielsen mik vaar x rraaiam chiropractor xray drugleu tbarapitt laa atlmuubi oov vtvr drtearrtlrai star oafla uouis 1 s ija u w ri taaaiia franic petch uocnsan aoctiownm im ta omuih af hafcl aiaj ihhw liapt aenrloi challanhim m r a aaaratbyam ii r i put ottw nnhwhim monuments pollock a inghau buceaaaara u ctur as worth gak oot inapaet our vcafc m araaavaod 25 reward im pall 19 ft mows tn- wolatco cohn 8alvk aw u ftra ar rlhirm yuky faaa nnhm with a a a i f al ma aaafcaaata mpltba tar comns ok call- ous1cs it ji naihwin l uli ant mill ar u muotnmam dn ur ma radio repairing is v4ua rrgiilim we specialize on this work j sa ori son rilonk ccorgktowk imlimlirif 300 for 200 specul otfer thraa wa6 but luovivs bto-1- ach havkcfts for 1m fctmul uud ta this prmcrtpiiob pnmtibad by suocktarul piivaicuma with mlwnt mulu for mr m ymo poarnvely quaiumiao to itev aix vor1is or bttwujou dtanjc3siys4katia ldi4lo sour ifwihrh tmitti yaw it in g imwuttiti trkimw ctx tr4ka nr irlnw tuul wry kind of uto acif upfikt bold ud t-ftr-rtnthwh- d with ft tmnty back suftrtuut by wbttoomtacka xmuk1 roeuc if ijrutaunt giving aitatohvatian this enaka wui be condiictcd on uvt hcmar syuma iheftw ute bttili jirvj rcvonii kriy if urlth could buy klmwlelc ih fcnllltunlr w would com- out of ifhoul with t li hiutors nil ujv uul wlui nil tit vnotwy ute iru kl- tu of tudji ciflnt ut ilu boy hkurl by bajt iuf- tuiuatl iauk a nl tyuitly niuld to hu rt ilu thftl tlu unarlefct of bays titm bil rliriililg hu way if mmlth toulji buy lkim limy tnr riclta- oulu win ivymil any tvoubl any ntalcli jnj- vjut li hut ibn iitsrt a rontel that worthy um hub wllrrf huuwy th uwh lvwilh cabti halm rsif ikllp lik all wudom which luu lo be iranuyli 1uv4t bvihurm aimmi but be rarned if taeath ctiuld buy characlrr lirmty and race tlw rlcli wtlui be ireteu and uvt ot the roce hut uuf lact u tliat hkle ue ilwr- ish live wu very blten haw ultle in money to boaxt tpof ow cliarmi and uw lralu which all iteoule adtvilre are not xlkown on counter tor ur- chjue or hire tirk hunt no bcakon with uw openlntt of uie hunllus muoii in varlou parti of the prov- ln0 aporumen will toon have tle ovportunlty lo get into the woods to enjoy tlveir uvoriteaport tiure are no important thm in the opm and cloe aeuonl practically live ue retulattonfl applylntr this year aa re in etfecl hut yr eit- ceul for a few minor chantes to it local condltioiu reportt received indicate that jam will be plentiful this fall a anurous uipply of mow deer and black lfcir is reported in the northern sections of the provinces of ontario and que bec it kalfht not be out of phu a this time lo kmy istjtneuin in regard to taking precaution- m the use of ilre- llni in order to aod fcccideol or poaslble latauliea which imajf vuu from tiu careless handling of cuius particularly in the hands of the uj experienced snortsuian wlue the hunting easan is a time of action in which a series of donts would seem to defeat the enthuuajon or uw sportsman nevetrthless in view of the poulble tlanrer attendant uton lite ftareles liandung of such weapons a utile timely advice aeecu in order to ufeguard the sportsman and o-h- ers from untoward injury people are killed or wounded each year orui- cjpally through their own carele- neu uany hunters kill or wound themselves or others in the excite ment consequent upon the purtul of game common among the causes of fatal ity and injury are pulling tins through fence guns knocked dovu by dogs uncased loaded guns in automobiles accidental firing of guns through bottom of boats the hunters drowning themlvs wli the sinking boat accidental lopauu up of barrels with dirt leaving ob structions in barret such as cleanlnc rage pads and the like careleuneki in handling guns by letting them ex plode with barrel ends under water ihooiintr at a moving object without uelng the object clearly and ortn at game without looking beyond it in the line of fire if the hunter with his run will keep in his conscience the fact that lie has a weapon of great potential danger and will observe due precau tion in handling same at all timer the hunting season could pass with out many of the accidents usually at tendant upon the hunting actlvllon of the fall season rotrncial iiiktokv or n omtabuo n the ontario election lo be held ni wednesday next oct tlh u the t0h ketmrra election sine oonfederatl 1 wimmi tfve province was formedv ir jolin a macdonald rvldently liad the idea that the provincial oovernnunt would be rmanpolltltdl and he uxnl lion sanneld uacdotuild to nrguhtvr a govrnmetil he wus nominally a liberal butta ilo ihrtiri aiul adiuir cr of blr john a ml- mltibtr a compmad uf bu h ubrau and 1 1 lervutlvfh uoevri hon ck uu uruwn who was oppoml to illr lo n a utid all hu wiirju frruhl on un- it un li tv waiituv uitalmt the uilitk irv aiu inn iton 8ai field macd m- bu went lo uu country hi 171 i vaj btntteli nt uu pol k lt kd- vurj hlttxf unlet rtf tlve uuntt lirtv tunned n ljbrmlachierilhu in but hlakt iimblllaiu u ill in tut ftlerru ffll ive p artlfd live lm lmiul hoh n net mul hum iliav tin overtfrowtt luntv council he u tired lo h succeed f by sir qllvt mownt lm rftin irjmii he iwn h lu beconu oniarib pirmtrr 4 u was preniu r for j t in from ijri untilf lwt when lie rjjned to enl live laurur covtmmcnt duruu mou of tl is lonti iri id uu conner vatlves jvetc oitlce at ottawa bi i uoatimaliitalived his tw4d on oi lark hi leglme was marked by con tlnual claslvm wltii otua on uve queatlon of provincial rightt hollowing the defeat of the union government of sauneld uaedonsld and the return to uraight party oo- vemment the first conservative lead er was sir uallhew c cameron who was leader until ivta wlven he was ap pointed judge of the queens deneli of ontario he was followed by ur william meredith wlvo as leader un til 1hm he was wiukout quefition cie of the abut m wlvo ever at in uve ontario legislature but tyj ifowat at uve height of hu no a er uowat had an uncanny hold on uve people of ontario while sir william never became premier nli service to uve province as opposition leader were invaluable uowat was a brilliant strategist who made the iw4 of his constant quarrels with ottawa on provincial rights lie fought no 1 than five general election al ways on the losing side the rdnetfc saw the rise in on tario of the patrons of industry the order was organised at a con vention held in london in septem ber 1m1 it grew like a giant goud and in itm the grand aslocbiuon determined to nominate candidates i thirty candidate were placed in live field in 1k4 mo less uian 14 wrre elected in addition this election ow the return of two p p a candidates the reult of the itm election aas liberals 4ft conservatives 37 pairoil of industry 14 and p p a a fol lowing this election sir william re tired to be appointed chief justice of the court of common pleas a oonservauve caucus was called to select a leader this was before uve days of party conventions pour names were submitted to the cau us j p whitney o p uartln o ii howland and o sterling ryermn the most promising candidate mr whitney frankly told the eaueus that his hostility to the patron movement and the fact that he had defeated in the elections not a ubdral but a patron made it necessary to weuh carefully the choice of leader he were to make a vte was ukn and it was evident the leadership lay e- tveen ur uartln and ur whitney eventually ur uartln was selected he had slight parliamentary experi ence and u he always modestly cut tended no gift for leadership aprr nearly two years of great strain anu stress to him he called a meeting of his parliamentary followers after lve session of itm and told them that for reasons of health and busine lie would have to retire whitney was the unanimous choic there followed a series of bittr end hardfought elections with the who will be elected a x premier of ontario hon ka1tu rowg lmutar o the conxtrvauvc party hon urrcidexx v hepburn premier of ontario who u seeklnc reelection of as haltons representative in the legislature thomas rtlakjiuock liberal prorrealve candidal for llalton county ho is alo aeek- inr reeleetlan lloyd d dimole conservaure candidate for county wednesday next october 6th no siomewojut wok vovjnckk runlk ttie ontario department of kduca uon last week luutxl information coveting hujneroux radical cliangex to be adopted bi tneuiodv of teaching in cluuiir- in uve new course include ontario public and private- fcchooli itool grade totwwj by tile dueouragemetit of written examltia jlonj as teats ot studenu projre dueouragevnent of itocneayork for pu pils up to grad ux lout ureix aru ute tactual type of teaching ttrqser tredom for teaclters in grading pi ivusnd uw leaching of old and new tvatamenl parabbc becauie u c eurrieulum should be prevaiiwdby the spirit of religion in the im pme volume outlinuig 4lve tlcw courses rikid time limits lor each subject will be abandon live report slatti in planning ute work and jay or a class it may be sufftclent u ramember that the tin table slvould be flexible alvoutd per wit the necessary variety and thoiuj provlav in iut balance for every type of activity one passage states the dlvfalorvslwlat time for ub- jccu suggested is english m per cent social ktudy m per eeiit and 10 per cent each for heath natural xeirncit ariuimetle music and art ten per cent is roughly estimated at one- half hour per day liberals gradual lorang streifut hon a 3 1 lardy ucceeded sir o iv r utowat and after two years he et ud in favor of sir george ittyjl ity the election of 1003 the liberals hnd a majority of only four then tame the gamey scandal and uie vaiuli of the ulnnie u at the soo an other election ara forced in 1905 mth a sweeping conenative vlctorj uf c9 conervative to 19 ubrrau s- jas whitivey by his brusque ivoncm and able adminiuration contin icd to rarrj live country bj enormous irn jotities he son in ioft 1911 aid 191 with iweepinj victories follow lis deaui sir william ileorst succeed ed the premiership the nest eiec golden y tea htpcuf 33c waavaal aatot sandwiches 2 pa 27c oitlim plala o ptavleato cheese 2 tttihvl 33c g sbrawberry jwi km rwa a caaiasa sardines 3 tu 14c i ruc rarl fhkv pull salmon 1peaj tu 10c tion came in 1919 uvere was a vtvr reaction and the agrarian movement wau at ft heights the v po aere the largest group carrjlrtg 44 sea the liberals 20 conservatives 35 and labor and independent 14 ernt c drurj aho was not even a can didate ws choxri leader and premier a conerv atle ronentiart htld in isai hon howard peiguon wr i rlected lender tlve result of the 1033 election was almost as surpru ing as uie mutt of 1019 the con i rvauven carried 77 seau and jie liberalr only 17 and ufo and labrr 1 30 ur perguson swept the countr utain bj huge mavvrites in liafl and 1b then came hi retirement to i become high commissioner the rise of hon ultchell hepburn as liberal rader and hl sweeping victory in 1034 ontario thus had a coalltiun government from 107 to 171 lloer al bouniiwnls from 1b71 to iso a period of 34 years and con rnitive mlnutries tor m years iui the one break of four years wl en tlierc as a upo admlruurall n ond tor live past three years a liberal government- this is- oatariov re cord cocoa tati 25c ulttl pure maihoai suae i prunes pwmuj 12c lard i p 29c fimt im w0m wk4l five roses liwjbaf 110 imluk oat flakes latfe pacuge 23 datkiai com chicken i starch 7a tu 25c i 9c itu baau 13 ulhv toatalo juice 3 ioh i 14c pork and beans tlta tu 9c owcrattayou cheese ew- 25c mk ckeice gwja paci peas 2 st 23c sassll oaasi white beans maclaraaa rm peanut butter 5 awwee j 23c tie soap of paaitnitut sad lifebuoy 3 cu 20c ciultuc4iui i bmwmi w soap i 6 cai 24c l2 al ouf new lew pttcw fltvorom coffee iwj 29c 0 palatal na 7 brooms i a 23e ssve avs cmasmwaa surpise soap 6 28c mrs a junmie has been in the third grade for two years i wonder how he mill ever get ahead t ur a dont know ir he wojil bom with one he never will harrt when the tvouse wreckeri tore doan browns house they found a collar button he had lost twelve lean aco k lamer i d think it wtuild nave been chrtper for him to have bo ilit inn hi r collar button 1 irnj a- l hat frlloa giving lm i u i our there what doei he via i r nund o i of x an llir 10 i our htm f m cm ntn l one that dou t irt ai ikilltirat or acui iroup havi ih i i ciitireh its 071 wa if jou would know the value ui liea th iro trj to buj ounxlf some pood fit fob a uan it is the considered opinion of many a heman that some strange fade and fancies have been flourish ing in our kitchens in recent yearx our forefathers wafed great and strong on solid fodder that would back up against a fellows chest bones and stay there letung him know that he had had a meal hut we their unworthy descendants are facing world in which uve kitchen lias be come an experimental laboratorv for a ladies bridge club so that a pluli ful of cresracolored fluff on a wilted lettuce leaf is actually held to be suit able nourishment for a hard working adult human being the heman of course probably knows llule about the modem covery of vitamins so he cannot be expected to enter into the spirit of cooker of uie chiffon school j one iconoclast has aptly described it the heman may be all wrong but being a heman he likes to know when a meal is over b uve feelmj of fulness inside him rauier mum b 4he emptiness of his plate dietary ideas of the post could not have been wholl wrong we mlcni try redlsroefin some of uve old fashioned recipes for old fasti urvid foods and give the canopening wrist a chance to relax winnipeg tribune a visitor at the insane asylum vox watchlnu one of the inmates pushing a wheelbarrow upside down visitor thats not the way m push that thing youve got it upside down lunatic oh have i i used to push it uve ouicr way bricks in it wtjowkks in the jrlomh rhjaung wintkkt ttaik when uve last flowers of uve bite fait have faded away it is potsible lo have flowers in uve home for veml weeks during uve winter months tlve cost is nominal and uie effort small these blooms can be provided by bulbs in a large variety of colour to get the bulbs to flower successfully it is necessary to start them for ic- eral weeks in darkness in a cool cei the first essential is to make sure uiat uve bulbs themselves are of good quality a good plan is to buy them early in the season wlven they are likely to be more vigorous lian uvose which have ben lying about tie stove for several weeks good bute should be firm to uve touch heavy hi comparison to their slse and of good siae according to theh variety the bulbs should be poued as toon as they can be obtained from uve ved lalore or dealer dy removing he pots from the cellar after uve bub have taken root a siiccesslon of blooms can be obtained over a ion 2 period at intervals of ten days or two weeks gome bulbs can be groan in water alone others in prepared peat and still others in soil the varieties uiat do best in water arc chinese sacred uty paper white narcissus and hyacinth the first two are grown in bowls nd uve bulbs kept in place buy small stones a small piece of charcoal should be placed at the bottom to halp keep uve water elen hyacinths are grown in special glasses shaped so that uve bulbs are held just above water prepared fibre compost can be ob tained from seed firms and it is ready prepared for use its chief advantage over the earth is that it is used in fancy watertight bowls the fibre should be made sllghuy moist ami a layer laid at uve base of the bowl the bulbs should be arranged on ns with fibre filled in around them enough space should be left at uie top so that water can be added exjlv the number of bulbs depends on the size of uve bowl because the bulbs must not be allowed to touch cac other of the sides of the bowl dr fodils tulips and hyacinths can be all grown in fibre the most inexpensive waj to ito bulbs is in soil in clay pots the ordinary garden soil if not too hi can be used heavy soil should r mixed with sand and leaf oil in order lo make it porous bulbs for tlve outdoor gard n should be planted in the autumn be fore the hard frosts come or set tru the depth at which they should bf planted depends largely upon the type of ttie soil but an avcrga depth vaiylng from three to four umes uve diameter of uve uulb is 3 good guide pull directions as to the planting of bulbs and the most ntlsfaeury vurieues to grow and otlver inlot nation will be found in uie circular grovlng bulbs in the house ror winter bloom which may be ob tained free on application from u e publicity and extension branch do minion department of agricultun ottawa suijslujction e v vou are a woman uvereforr you have liad your lonely tears black water flowing nolseleas to the gulf of hoplcss years after uve radiance was lot in which you lived and dreamed wlven someuling felt u breath of from and t died it hremed i am a mail and yi 1 kivoa the trivuuu f the grief tiist walks in sileivmi ot slow it wlmcuven pau pvlief the dovetailed days nf iron f train long drawn from hour to hoi r till uunrlhliig came ui life again ami uimeuuiig was n flower the rfwrltof by nelson 6 b6nd ant to how lb vovk ciiimney ever com a monoihl then art peoivlc in muiilt that would tet on atr if tlve could wed rather listen to the mor f a public hanging than hear the details ij an unsuccessful speculation in real mate the past winter was one of the worst on record for chimneys brick nd they put work etc the numerous rains ahlcii were usually followed by evere frost worked havoc with uve masonrv and as a result many chimneys tunc to b rebuilt and in some instances suic wall and oomlcen were damaged owners of buildings would be well ad vised u give uveir chimnejs ana other brick work the once over lie fore uve cold weather sets in and irivalrs are more difficult to nakc latter on p o t a toes 6 lbs isrllftama caakrrs 19c onions ioibsr bananas ar ih gauyestlettuce loclb2 19c ikeueutu tkayta zs5z free delivery 1 i t peaches plums celery squashetc on sale carrous limited tou want to buy a horset uerrive jories despite the fact thut he felt his announcernent to be both reasonable and logical red dened to the two older men seat ed behind uie desk he might just as well have said that he wanted to buy an elephant or a dirigible their horrified facet set merry to think i ing how like fish his law yers james and aaron ittttner looked yes irsce horse i he insisted now listen ill start from the be ginning again im broke i need money my next allowance isnt due until next month i have a three day option on the privilege of buying in a part of rye high a horse slated for the swepstaks next tuesday i want an advance of 5 000 on my allowance until after the race when rye high comes in you 11 get your or rath er rrrymony back aaron ritlner cleared his throat ilrrurnrn he said as i un derstand it merrivel this money is to be used for gambling it isnt gambling merry ex plairved carefully its a sure thins rye high is a pushover for the raceand i have a chance to get in on the ground floor mr ritlner placed his finger tip together ecclesiastically as you no doubt recall one of the provi sions of our execution of your late fathers estate was that we were to do everything wiuun our power to break you of what your father con sidered b be lamentable habit of wagering i airb his- he im posed certain restrictions upon oxi administration of your income i think both james and i can un derstand how you feel about tips merrivel but we fear we are un able to advance any such sum as you mention on a matter subject to the laws of charvc therefore merrivel i fear our answer must be negative after the door had banged behind him the two partners regarded each other silently aaron hjttnari stroked a ions hard jaw thought- fully you know james he said something should be done about that young man his natural bent is entirely too frivolous perhaps it would be well to strive to incul cate in young merrivel something of the culture and refinement that was his father a but how cart we ac complish this james immobile face registered silent accord with his partners thought i have it ejtclauned aaron at length the secret of the success of the elder jones lay in his intense devotion to literature all his life he was a great reader his library is a veritable storehouse of knowl edge and inspiration young mer rivel on the other hand probably has never read more uian the mini mum required on the school lists tomorrow tomorrow jarnao i will have the library of the late mr jones delivered to mcmvels apart ment accompanied by a personal letter what do you think james the secretary entered ah miss evans said aaron rittner i want you to take a note to mr merrivel jones jr dear merrivel these were your fauier a best friends and stounchest allies each is in it self a veritable treasure trore we regret your recent disappointment but trust that delving into these may serve to assuage in part the judgment uiat we felt it necessary lo moke with kindest personal re gards that l all miss evans two ueeltb later aaron rittner picking his way cautiously hrough down town traffic collided sharply with another pedestrian it was merrivel jones oh i coy mr rittner grinned the young man picking up the law yer b umbrella and restoring it to him i m merry i guess i didnt notice where i was going you see i in in rather a hurry apologies are unnecessary mer rivel replied mr rittner genially it was the fault of both you re ceived my letter the young man stopped and smiled broadly i should say sol he sold and i must say it was swell of you you rc a good egg mr rittner aaron rittner stored no one had culled him a good eug for over unrly years tliunk you merri vcl he suid i try to do what i feel is be t i presume then that ut last you are learning the value of the better thin us me fry t grin grew even broader i 11 vuy o ho chuckled you sure flrc a sly old dog lie added digging the older man in uve ribs sort of have to kid uiat tight- mouthed brother of yours along i guess don t you well your let ter guve ma the hint the hint a di mul note of fore boding struck in the lawyer t voice ye i you know merry was edging uuiiy impatiently about lhuc book being o veri- tuble trea urc trove they were pructirully all flrt editioru i got eight thousand fur uu m enough to get in on te high und luy som an the hkic sin com pad home tucsduy for a 31 00b dollar purse at 1 to 1 cottit go now so- 10012 and uiunluil

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