Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 6, 1937, p. 2

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pajte 2 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening october 6th 1937 now in full swing silvers annual fall sale an important salel- at an opportune time with astonishing savings this weekend will provide the kuoni out standing opportunity to purchase a fall and winter coal save by spending wisely al silvers dept store where your dollar goe farther phone 37s s georgetown pure food store 96 lb gingham bag maple leaf bread flour uos 24 fc bag monarch pastry flour 83c i bktin crisco shortening 23c good 5 string broom with ash handle 25c 4 cakes surprise soap and 1 cake infants delight soap 21c 3 cakes many flowers cold cream soap lie ilu ttjj3 oold uei1ai aspahactub cuttings tie 3 x 1 lb pkob devon luiand ptlesh mincemeat is 5 lb bao katuoiif mian llor hrolull xjt lb 1jao katuore citackfd wheat uc i lb bag katuork ciuolio cftual 5c bwkxt 1icklk cottaoe hou ch ulr uccri lb sv choice breakfast hacon llij uie llcil lb sic paukali hack qacon rt the plcwt lb isc pfte3l boloona iby the plrcet lb lie pfuoail cooked iiau tmaclllnc 1lecl lb jlc acitmktdcrs jftttfd veal machine mlw1i lb 1s- 3 i i lb pk03 iiillcrest brand 3110htenino st choice rsesn miiy vn negetaiujls a e farnell phone 75 we deliver news from ihe nyal prog store sensational value ultra lotion tike weal balm far ike skin exquisitely aerfumed full 12 ounce bottle qc rrepabe voir system for tilt rigors of winter take cod uver oil nyal vitamin tlstfd coo ufu oil plain and mint flavoured b qb 4r icms isr maueutn joiinhtonk okkaulv on haunr m oitthrf iivd l ijnr immim- b ur chap jotlinr cu slav twtbnl u flnle kdwrd joliuuu- wth of fcllrit wlltaaw knuiiii 11 tlowtrri4mtt ml friday olur kl l3l kmm nkfcerum tuisi uv of tin- ulr w f klllfchl lltl 16 jrant in memoblam matl- lit loving hirnwwy ul driver hrut jamrt trcry died oct d r 3nd 11m when urtl expected death doth wm- n ivuiul ran ly tit power tlie lulr the ivmlulj and uk strong all urlji likr n rurr it urd ti wrt v tth ujore we 1v ail lw4d nil earth to dear a tie iter irlitl hi not known no wnux more severe kvsr irnwmliriml by luoutr fa iher uud jlrollierv un william owtoary m4 w kinoirr an tawmi mklmt or oeonn ton fhr the dat sjvun iwrx in uw prruu br kmma nlckrron b- levm wll of uu- uae w p kttlkit luiijl fcvai nt jnr tkuow ivere on rkltj oct- 1u dftid rjk boll in wttulianvlow rnxwiui uvttity ivrs otio ttiul canw to chuuula wllu tier liaoniul tnirly yrutu atto- tltrv nra tmilflal la notvk but eatm to oorvclowii in 1930 ur khiht dlrn june 31l 134 dcvautod wax mem ber or he anucn church uvd am offlctf ot the womcflk auxiliary tilu vas a charter member ot tit wo- mann auxiliary or uw ca lts- klon and waa ntaule honorary uember ot uie bom of st oori on lh daith or lur husband sh is sur vived by two on uemartl at lkun victor in caliromla two daukhurv ura sndereon and ur w rift oeoretown also four crandchlldrm ttve unml took place from her ivotne on victoria st bunday attemoon and arter a tervlce in st oeonreli church conduct ivd by the ueitor lev w o o tliouinuui uie remains were in terred in greenwood cemairy georgetown th pallbearers wre c qareent r e youns p d uchally c bucey thos herbert s dew- hurst mb rachel memiluam tlve runerol ol the late mrs rachel ucullllaa tu held on tliuraday al- erooan september 33rd mrs 41c- millian was go yean of ace and wms a daughter of uve late mr and mrs jaul scott third line kquinx wlven a youtur biflllmf attended limehous meuwodiu church alter iter maniatto nell mcmillian uie moved to stone plains ajla and took up rarmtna tttree children were bom to bleu the home ttve oldest ton died when only 17 years at ae james l uvlnvat edmonton alta- and her dauahter nellie who u mrs h o uceacltem u llvlnz near oowmnn river manitoba her husband died twentyfive year avo mrs mcmillian ued with her dauah tcr and on in law and her two srandchlldren she had a lotlnc ami kindly dlnocutlon and was the llsh of the home there and beloved by young and old much sympathy eoea out to uiera in their bereavement l she lelt itome apparently in rahiy cood luallli intendins to visit all the old rrlcnds in the east al dearborn she w- taken violently 111 medical aid was summoned and in spile of all lovlnir liands could do she passed away of a family of even ulsters und four brothers five sisters and two brothers remain ttiey are as follows mrs david barclay ouelph mrs wm nellis weston mrs jolin crawsltaw sneyslde mrs jas cmm- bell ralunarad miss acnes scott oeorlmown mr wm scott oeorce- town mr duncan scott kltdtener by motor the remains were brought from dearborn mich to the home of her sltser and brother in law mr and mrs john crawshaw speile where rei mr berton andrew of boston church conducted a brcf sen ice and then proceeded to llme- hotue pretbmerian church where a funeral service wa- held and the re mains were laid to rest beside her father and mother in uie family plot the pallbearers were her six nephews i la mid campbell r j nellis ross nellis douglas mceachem robert dredge and bert scott pree pres aiuiivcvsaury services ions m kur iinc mju txis or tokonto and rv uuul ixu or hamilton tii si i knjoy amkivtssamt and conodxt harvey nurse ontario champion mam nkrcct kcotux at rut axctnt dominion bluxax match in tobomto aumtts ot nokval ufu clik aluiivmuio irkin bead la qrurw umii uitklrd church un bundy iil xf laxl attenird both bmtu ig aiul rtuua ttmr chancel of the thurrh bruufully decorated with ikihtr and tlte uy uiroifklmmit will be u rnmuiraibuf um ui tike nutury of tlw cunarekaitiuil i iw bmxitlimf urrc wls ewidcud by iw w lurold vountt ua lx or luronto uk alter ttmdiit the luui cltapur of sc john thon ai hu text u lulli vrtk au the chmp- irt j ilhe uiwr cotneih nocg but 14m- t ueal and ui kill d to iltty i tun come uiat uey nuidtl lie life and uiat lvc mlht lve it wore abuitdaiiuy it jjkei the rtouii kax ltbe churchat task 4cr tlus teeneralion which wax pre- setilr4l in a wry eroe and uiicx- tulim nahk uy uw peajter auu av itijtniy awwm y uw urmr lotirwilaun huf eveiliuc servioe wax fondue ted 6y uv oeo li wuitatau uu iiatmiuui and tiu toauriy adlri ituv wufii cuuxaf for mrous twxih ui tus iwreni- allet immlutc ue juj tiiajiir ui um alu ik cnobtf as itii pain al uie lath vera al iui ciuaptrr ol st- jouo via ilt uuat ueucvetll on me vernier wcfao ubul uwra uuui he uo tie sliyeil ute foci uiai tne otuy hope oi uie ortd lonay wa cniistiknlly muy wiheli uw peoile and of uie onu kakte cliruu as uaeir savkoua ana guuie uiat kreat hope iu oe itmiutaki ilie people liave the puwr uuruuun canst u aooomphsh uu great nope liwr cimhjt- under the able luer jjnp ol ur a maciaren supatj a upundul uuuau program at boui sr- ncei lucii atkaid mucti to tne en joj mem of uie nay in choir wiv uui axusted oy miss irene wiutuul iuuu4 oi hamilton who was ac uunpanied by mrs young ol lorono miu fcoue aura laxored also wiu a ctua saio acoompanted on in putuo oy mr mum utrd in uie eaint uu kupi kvanj sang a sojd and mis sialoa mctiunaid sang the soio m uieanuiem- ua uoruiay evening the anniver sary upper and concert was larbvly uttendeo hie buhe provaded a wr txceucnt supper when over al ui oovn to uie well jiarieki and nicety ittnuiaed tanlea ui uie sunday scnooi room oi the church the concert lol- mxawjt tlae buipper wws tnj vttl okl the musacau ttumbear and drei oy ht mr umlfcy a lorwer paor com to make a most c joyoble evening rev mr overt- wi ijmuoor u uie churcn wuhalrmin and tne iirogxam wnich wits civeu oy hamilton laient was as foaos oolo sr joiui itomcrou tenor reau ing milz lois coevens aoo itu u oiuiuson contralto vaoltn solo mis tuiir itumley accompanied by lis jane huuic olo miss mary lcy oiirono odaress ur rumley jua mls bett uatuson reading ub tiui meraiu wulo aliss mary ley ioan soio miss kate uumley vocal duct misses kate and martha roru icy soio mr jolm itoweroft mr iburey ntirw of axhcrme luu tuiu irfrttrd iraan otula a brmuu- lul mlvefmouiiled kbieid which lie dominion itifle meet in tlifa khield rejamila the crujimiknhlp of ontmrio wia tlie uaaol bore rifle mr nuive ahul imfret score of 40q nut of 0o aluf won levctaj other events and xeethaake hian we extend tlairiey our hemirtirt rongimtulatuwu on his nagnincetit accompluhmerll at the rifle meet the eiorvaj uille club have e marnced lbeir winter proaram op tile indoor kahtr the mimurr ivolidays seem 16 halv cleared their ryuhl and ueodied uieir hereeat as the cmt knade lately itre of a very hish l- dard several perfect txsbrnt ale taj at each practice and dub ukoots tjut week mr r w kail turned in 1 perfect seore card of ioovnd mr johnson one scare of 1m in the weekly ookd bulum shone ur b w lull shot another pcrw score winning the button opaa loov way ue 01 sept joth mr ll- ler won uie button after ueldj with two oukrr marksaneu the scot for monday of this wfea are as follows r w uall 100 vm1 johnson sa k- mcklnney m 7 stevenson aat r nurse m rou 7 1- ruuier 91 w lai cod livek oil capsiu s 100 tor mr waiirours extract oi con iuik oie the year kmind tonlr ihr avrtd vr si m avebst co uvii oil 1g os- vih iiaubut uwh oil arsl lts tlw caarcmtraud vlumln so canuib sim awotxt almlautrttfs a olurntraird ted urn oil curuilr lu w 15 slm bai 111 si j3 itot u iw sjj freua smiles n chuckles chocolates bai he lb ltxrd 504- lb box 8tonkkoot compouvd 1u irllrrr too nr kunry or tomurr nwyltlali try tku rxorpllaubl mttnlt r riindfnu trgn k 1toal hize lie frovnul si71 sim maecormack s drug store we dtximtt cfottcetottv youve s the rest now see the best e fall fair m saturday and monday i october 9 and 1 1 thanksgiving day for program and prize lut apply to the secretary s jas hurren pre w f mcenery sectreat acton this communlt was shocked it learn of the udden death on thurs day morning last of mr 3 w nelles at his home lakeview farm ad- jlnun acton on trmrsdaj momum he had started the choree as usjil when he was stricken wiui a heat attack and passed away friends regret to learn thai coun cillor james e mcmillan suffered fall at his home on tuesday and h aa found necessao to remove him to ouelph ilosiiltal for treatmenl it v iwjpej lie may soon recover on sundaj september 36th and on monday september 37th cliurciiul united church celebrated lb nhuy ninth annliersao rev l w bear ley of pilgrim church hamilton a larmer pastor jireached at both morning and evening services prom uie splendid age of eighty- five death called last ttiursdoy even ing to mrv james moore one of ac- tons olueil residents al iter home on mill street daughter of john and fausan speight her husband pre-no- eeased lirr in 1013 fnc chlldnn were given to uie home miss clara alio devotedl nursed iter mother through her invalidism c 41 aivd john of duiulas arthur k ulvu died in ldmonton two years ago taul mrs frederick funk of uingliamtun n yfree press vucdln rjtrljcltau ummax tltct uttcers sifter klie ballon district ivput iresutcnt of toronto centre disursci no itvt aeorgeuiwri tueday even um october ith 137 noble orand ulster o dale vlceorand sister groat itccecretary sister m forgravc puusecretory ulstea kdna oeaire lreasurr bister qlru reid ilsjj u sister a ilall uikn u ilster1 scott ltav q bisler u mtkenxie laiv o euter m day uialihun sister k walker warden sister m vint conductor sister l russell ouuuie guard sister kentner inskie cauard sister p taylor pianist bister p lilllco following injailalion the noble orand presented sister bolton di trict deputy president with a gut on betuui of verdun lodge and re quested that the district deputy freadent pin the past noble orand s jewel on the collar of sister ilaxei marshal the immediate past nuole orand wlaose term of u3st was a most successful one alter receiving congratulations several visiting past deputies up wards of sixty partook of the banquet arranged about tables beautifully de corated in autumn colors noazval uflfc club the shooting at last nights club shoot was of a very high order verad povitble score being made in like gold button event a fourway ike resulted each coaapkitor aeoring the full pouible points of 1u toch the shoot off mr w wilson captur ed the button on a margin of vie half polnl the club scores are as follows r w 1u11 iu dr jc stevenson iw f johnson w w ijv m il nur m w wthon m w rc4mson sj p rubier to the proposed shoot for trumfcigtv- ing is now canceued owing to our ilornby members hejding one on uut day hejding oot tins and uy riixr sport by o -mac- moothrimy vnonoung vwuuucxn win hokoaks the cheltefiham-tngle- wood combines won honor for themselves and t he district when they defeated the ramllton ttgyrs last week 15 13 to win the onutio intermediate lacrosse ctiamplmuhia the team has had many follower from georgetown and district and they have had nothing but praise for the team the combines took boi the playoff games from iiimhm the hrst tame i to s and the second 15 13 in brampton hist pnday their sixcessr vos due to brilliant team play and canny lacrosse brains the combine would like to get crack at ortlua now the players oi the combine are goal harris de fense watts ilaacl rover kocx centre harold harris attack jon wilkinson alternates wilson dodo puckering walsh g manser v manser big kewb of the week the big news of the week that date has been set for friday at 1 pjb for the annual meeting ol the midget hockey league although it is not hockey time yet it is felt that the omrers to be elected should liave a cood start to get the boys in mm for the coming reason it is also the big news because one of the largea crowds at a hockey meeting in oo getown is expected president gordon alcott is tendering tus resignai 1 a new president will hare to be appointed it is a big task htnlllnj a league of this kind and every par ent of the boys and those lnlratedt in the welfare of the work should be on hand so that they will be able to vote for the various ameers mo children will be allowed at the meet ing in fact only those over yer of age will be admitted tre place the arena use time cpjn the day friday oct- tth orion lotm officers installed milton rev j n mcfaul of knox prcc bvterlan church here has recelvod a cull from st andrews presbyterian church stratford mrs l o itoblnson and daughu un uaruii ward of bradford ivim liave been visiting mrs iloblnsoiis stsler mrv chris currj working in a field on the farm ot sheriff w j l hampshire ksquvt ing toanjilp hugo tnnetll found the remains of u small red rubber bol loan with a tag attached bearing uie address of a hake hop in laiortl ind mr hamivjilrc lias retumrd uie balloon to that address in leer ing wlui uie request on uie tag whu l read if relumed to me i may wui valuable prise it is believed uui uie balloon was released as on entry balloon dlitance diaiiatch cum- peution arreslfd seu- oth and lodged in milton jail charged wlui uie theft of liquor from uie office of the provin cial police in uie county buudlnos harry smlui was lionourably dischar ged by pohce magistrate wootiuhe on thursday last the cliamjoon joins uvelr aunv friends ui riteiullng congralulaiion to mr and mrs wm atkinson wlw celebrated uieir golden wedding anni versary on monady alto to mr and mrv w il allen who ttiere was a good al tendance orion lodge looj on monday craning when djxojtl wm haines and ills stall of officers of brampton installed the otucers of orion lottie tar uie ensuing year as fallows fast noble grand haro woods noble orand l- v maccormact vice grand la walters rec ecrelary h tiavuigs fin secretaryj iu1l ireasurer s walker warden jt- scott chaplain a dav rnc j lucas laiujo t given conductor g sargenl 1lsv o l trmcey lixv g a carter inside guard c starey ilss t grieve ibrt il watson outside guard a taylor tlu service of installation was very uniiressive and beautifully perfornavd itelrecjimcnts were served at the clte ol uie lodge and a pleasant hour siient witti use visitors from brmmj- ton milton and acton erin mid florence ilobinson is visiting wiui mr and mrs w mbii george town a announced on april th the merchant of erin wilt observe uui weekly lialf ikoliday until and incluj uig qclober ttui except on weeks in ahich there is a public holiday john lang of erin towrsship was convicted by magistrate rocs hossaca in court at brampton on september und on a dmrge of assaulting low gin oranrevule chinese causing ac tual bodily harm lang was remand ed one week for sentence the enure mimosa district was maddened by the trade and untimely deaui of melville miller who was in stanuy killed while working at a silo lining bee at uie home of his bro- uierln law kwart rowan on thurs day morning his team itartad to run away and mr miller ran and stooped to pick up uie lines the horse launched out with both tuirls cruslung hi chest- life was extbvei when his ivorrtfted fellow workmen ran to luck turn up- advocate card or tuanilk mr j il ualianlin wishes to uiank his many curiimmi lor he way they liave patroniaed him dui- lug his five yean in huitnesa ous- celebra ed i lotuvrs wlio want shoaa dyed wrm the sotfttfcuxers in ote lultonpeel softball league we find that during the past week brampton has moved up to first place in the group with s points white narral acton stewartlown and use pirates each have 4 points and in se cond place things seem to have been reversed since the beginning of the season with the teams at the bottom of the league gradually mov ing forward the spectators are sail getting some good games for thsir mane and there is still plenty of time to see a few more games this fall as the schedule runs until tne end of the mo last thursday stewartlown upset the pirates and eked out a 14 win while in the second game lh rump- merr surprised acton with a dose score of c these were wo excellent gomes from the spectators point of view close scores and hit ting at about uie some calibre pirates 0 0 5 4 tl 1j3 13 19 stewaruown 3 13 4 3 1 114 1 r ii choice fresh and cured meats kings government inspected for your protection shoulder roasts bed 1 7 b kuoarr bib roart of jbeef 2 rout oi beef 19c srsciaiuaujcer o txanf i rib boiling beef 12 lb v 3bji caoimo stewina beef 2 ba 29 j harofcurg steak 2 ba 29c srarial nakr aarm creahcry butter 2 lhs s9c shoulder roasu ktukg lamb 17c lu uj klw larab chops 29c- ipluwc of lunb rw stewing 25c steir veal 2 k rw tun port chop 29c cohafe ralls 27 brrajbacai fillets l j steaks 2i ixt quality mincemeat 2 29c cnoacc qmurr v pumpkin no 2 tin iq riaj honey 2xpaa25c 4 it paa 47c nofud um cabbage vsc -binc-o- horskkadlsb 19c mihaclk wlv- salad dressing 8 oi jar 21 35c 53c uucak o- mokn v32 ox jar i coffee 29c choice milk fed roasting chickens wm ifclng tfjeahtwc 27 iraapl delivery town council lor geoeesuas ceaoeamamsl kftos les canadian udciok tag day nov cua tkaaak sjmatk ciaitrftulum- gtmau i jkamef cr5sssy acton business men 4 0 1003 330401 x stewarttown came throueh with on other victory on monday night when they stacked up against limehouse the score being is 10 brampton knocked hank rankines offerings around and he finally gave way to mcuurchy bill anthony helped out wiui uie 5 idore by clouting out uiree home runs r ii limehouse 3 3 10 3 1 010 li stewarttown 3 5 5 0 3 0 x is u r 11 norvol 0 0 0 0 0 0 5- bramjitort i 0 3 0 1 4 x lkacuk standjna p w l brampton 4 3 1 acton 3 3 1 ihrates 3 3 1 norvol 4 3 3 stewartlown 4 3 3 glen 3 1 i business men 3 1 3 lime house 4 i 3 j their silver wedding anniversary saturday lauchampkt on i may leave uiem al mrs j a hai ti clkuru to sctfap ktoteet ws guelphs street railway has fat ioae jrors eoasutuled one of the jar pro with which uve city hag been confronted at the beginning- of ln a oetetmined effort to do aooie- uvlng about use incubus which huvg around lh civic neck in the form of heavy bond issues constant ttefictia and mou malnleruuvor oostv was made and the effort has borne fruit lu the dorhion to scrap the afreet cars and tubstltuu limii council met m regular ses on tuesday evening mayor gibbons in the chair reeve davis and council lors t lyons james oostlgan a e crippc jos lull and ilarokl cleave present- on motion of lyons and crlpps the minus of previous meeting were adopted as read- carried messrs u c fleck rev overend col imw rtalunllne and a macbrer4representauves of uw centennial committee waited council and asked that a grant mode sufficient to meet the deficit in connection with the centennial cele bration mayor gibbons thanked col uu ian tine chairman the members a the oentenxiaal committee and ol those who assisted in the ceiebrauou and while he had stated on previous occasions that it would not cost uw town anything he felt that 4uoe there was a deficit he was agreeable to make a grant to the committee to meet the deocil moved by oeave seconded by hall that a grant of 113133 be made uie centennial committee to cover uieir deficit in connection with th celebration carried mr morris gaxe addressed council re matters in connection with his tannery property and also the bc taxes due on it- moved by cleave seconded by 1htigan that in of the tax arrears on uve tannery being paid itlng to k4l3x a rebate of 33440 be made to mr morris soxc carried moved by cleave irjoonded by ildl that the fallowing accounts be oaid l miller w w 4 us il marchment extra work ww wfl w mcdonald ww 30 aouvet vw 3i0 emson ww 340 w il kentner son coal 35j00 j schutx pavement r tkut mrs e rjmn water rebate bell telephone co lofij w h long re indigent 210 hydro eaectrtc cts41 j p held park sg0 public library board rent 3lq0 gartshorethompson pipe and foundry co ww r il traompcon jb co ww wm ward court services l c thompson court servicea f c whitmee sts s walker sts squires service slit fire truck consolidated sand and gravel co pavement 34 j schuli sts golden gate cafe ww a livingstone sts wilson ft cousins ww moved by costigan seconded davis that uiis council express its mireciation to the firm of smith a stone for their gerteroslty in eontu- buting the sum of clonoov toward the laying of a hard surface pavement on victoria st and glen road carried the relief officer mayor qibbuns reiiorted an expenditure for relief of s it in september in september 1us relief cost the town tl 47 with q on relief a difference this yetr for use same month of 3a5j0- au gust relief coa gllxwl the ratepax ers will be pleased to note the re- d union in relier accounts moved by lyhrb seconded by iuu h that ihe treasurer pay the itauvi commission the sum of tmot to piv seiuember accounts carried g the relief medical fee lor beptm lb her was 19 10 which is paid by the w government iwl moved by iu11 onded by crirr m that uie canadian legion post 130 be allowed to hold a tag day on nov th theatre friday october 8 thunder in the city a ormmkur ih tluttaf uwwj g hi comedy whoops im an indian fox news novelty touring the sport world cartoon jraz s newsreel saturday october 9 they gave him a gun lav rrl tlmn ar tnrj dudxc gm 4 ftmacku twkel u m ilnuu yw11 wm imtl community sing cartoon haynoe chapter 1 0 great air mystery vtlr 1 x a monday october 11 lloyds of london xrui hilr 1 3 m m lm drr wur rkarw ta 4jr mt ui rwitft iiiiii rvrhtn brtliiliiiw tya rwwr uhj vjilui ottml cartoon farmer alfalfas 20th anniversary tuesday and wednesday october 12 and 13 good old soak em uu tinni wbw kvmy coronation m technicolor novelty love taps cartoon porlcy bedtime story lls watch our window kc csuum srcculs ah i davit hartun saariie 13c 2 kr 25c longs conleclionery phone 89 georaetown our dutch bulbs are here paperwhites daffodils narcissus tulips iris bulbous hyacinths 1 anemones ranunculus gladiolus these bulbs arc imparted for our own use and are the largest and best bulbs obtainable we are offering a limited number to those who want to grow flowers like the florist tela huu mil rilur uul crwrfac nniti majr us w 11nij owucits ucst as uranai at onck- barber floral co pkone 47w gerttowu moved hi cleave sreonded hy dav that the clerk be instructed to liav a hy law prepared to authorise an issue of debentures to the amount j omo st a rate of 4 covering a period- of 5 years far the pavemrm on victoria st and olen road cir- ried a number of communications were read and general business in connrc tlon with town affairs was discussed on motion of davis and costigan council adjourned gfiiaigimm wfg4all m r 1 lawaaaaiawlaam feeling blue kkcmxe thebats votinsg yo ot- if yw are the ere a aaare ewnv joi wat st george s taints ckb amul daice tn the arena ballroom friday october isth tw tty ikwr bl1 k lint h0 saturur 1 ai to willis tippings blue dragoons i a onteln wuffc u luw fr u udtr to kw la -yi- w r mulfaw hi hhl uj a kit millions t wonnuns uuki u iv mwi mab i la ii ih wt to awb zuji vl tt i wui w jw wutitftlt rams and uuutmnv isn btnmlur oct a a ktuk odokrr mil mod iiuu lutaa oct u il 5 uj rfiuc w iw 1lx cs luncb will be served at 11j0 admission so cento atmawsbka

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