Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1937, p. 1

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the georgetown hferr ji ls isgetown herald pee3 end specials of moneysaving the georgetown herald wednesday er ening october 13tn 1s37 7 150 per bed spreads oreads colors rainbow md cjol tw tajblo krnc4h h4 sett thtandmtd time u4 it wmwir and uil amtir and atall ueugcrs lor toronto 11aett utiivuyi only jo 1uqs jl1 1 pju- pn pj1 34nc weu st4vfcuger rmmnmt and lail wttecangar 1 wstir bunday 1110 tun pw kin oelw nerth mall and puwuiw tu akn mall kmd pumatfec pjtt directory jflla fcuctt v j i cmii ie ttu diatnond glltur of lb uu upon uw- ire lii um bmiisni ihlckct where uw big buck hldv i can unell um fragrant needles and tny very touts at kvrry care uim1 i luve had u lakl aiide cowm a umutl from near a windfall and a big one lesps awjy what a light with while hag up and hoid um hlh r uut i lutve not tired a rllle it would spoil a perfect day and would bring a bitter mist beforv hiy bjrr long ago t hung bay gun uj3n 1u worn old lucklry peg am hunting tleeribut will a pic tured uvot and a unlit u re uve spiked horns mid th graceful little less r as they uraoi will beauty tomi fatnlllar toc no glased eye iwrc to accuse we wiiei my step are growing alow not a thought to bur a spcrtsmun perfect rest ou may hunt your deer the same uattoy daxk icc ouuxio osagory theatre bide utll bt- kmhmkzm m laxqttow fcaiibtwy b bimir malasy iral mnt hmimm atonaw to m ottayiuin street south mmh m odok us kwy st tiiibii fciaijli oau it hmr himy kjo t brtwud omkk oonkli owdon w main st mortta uaktdd b- lawroa lobia muuduc v tt wiwon ttjttjl mjul oo nmu to a kaotot ifatttwlay c juboumhc kudjk nr to um ua dr ooik i a ml nielsen uk ysr al cttrapractot xjlay druglms tberapu b bui am s b t j ua i lr frank petch fimhin liia omrmm url nut iay ui you tlid 1 1 ijull liuul umt my way u ihs olnn w orton a man is knoww my uis rcndtcks there are nearly as many iehoolt of pxyclololcal thought as uure in tuycholauu as w fml at liberty to ttart another school of our own the method which wa advocate or examining the mind otmanklnd is iff observe how people drive their mo tor cars take or example the clluehs of nova bootla they irlv along their excellent winding paved roads as though they wore calling a niuenoae in a tornado timid in landers visiting that province and observing the approach of a nova scotia license plate lake refuge in a eulvwrt these furious manlfeslauotu of the native are ho doubt cauaad by heredity the impatient feet of svrashhorkltng for bears tread heavily upon the accelerator in contrast u vancouver founded by inlander although its gaw be now upon the sea its origins ue wltn the precise railroad that picks it cau tious way through the rockies so in vancouver even the pedestrians obey the traffic lights as though they were block signals and the trans canada might be coming through then there is calgary where they have a stampede every day of the year the city fathers have never bothered to erect stop street signs for they would have been knocked down long ago and carried back to the re servation they are goodhearted about homtrlde in calgary although there is no use expecting a uotoriu who has hit you t ootop and pick up your body they never stop for any- thlnb in a chuckwagon race so why turn sissy when riding an automobile the last notable place on the hit is sudbury where they have twenty- sevec car wrecks every pay day when the miner come above ground they emit loud yells and run for their cars after uut there is other security for tourists than to go down and get a good safe job tn the mine the printed word iusvtals returned by large majority in um provlnc taction in cm urlo but wedivcaday premier ku- ctwll r hepburn uxl rua liberal qovemraetlt were returned to power by a large majority tluwu elected in the vartpui con fclfiuenclec throughout the lrovlne are as follows ltbual aloouauamllouun w l miller unchanged jjhant hon k o ninon id elected unchanged lutuck j w iujelalr ili un changed m cooiihane hqmr a llab1 i li unchanged m oooiuuuuc muth charlea cu1- lagiltr l uranianged uu1uiau c mercer ili un- ctuuuied kiuuoc south charlea flelchet il unchanged fcluin hon ultclxll p hepburn li unchanged euskx nok11i df a ii trol- uer jl uncluoiged olknoaltkv a- a kiaeollltvray i li uncluutirea r- iiauiltoh centtle vv v bchwenger li elected unchangd liaulltonwkntwofltii hot t a mequealon d unchanged iu1ultoh eastj p atacluty ll liberal gain rrom cop iiaij3uakirloapolk krlc w crou l unchanged italton t a uuaelock l un changed luaoh jarnes uallantyne l unchanged iiononnnuce c a itobertson l unchanged kkhora hon peter heenan ll unchanged kent wk8t a sl clair gordon ll uncluuiged launrrom kaarr u d ucvicar ll unchanged laubton wb3t w a ouurl ili unchanged lincoln a j halnn l un changed london dr a 8 duncan l unchanged midduc9ex nortiij w pree- bom ll unchanged ulqdlkskx bout1i o u uac- ple ll unchanged uusxokaontaiuo prank kelly l unchanged niaoara palls w l llouck li unchanged htpissinor e oholette il unchanged rkuvnruuolbrland 11 n carr l unchanged ontario gordon conant ll unchanged ottawa east hon paul leduc l unchanged oxpord p u dewan l un changed parry sound dr u t arm- atronc l unchanged port arthur c w cox l unchanged pktkrdojvo a l elllott l liberal gain from con perth w a dlckion ll un changed prbscott aurlllen nelanger ll unchanged rainy rtvn r o cronne ll unchanged remprew north dr j o bradley ll unchanged renfrew south t j murray l1 unchanged russell borneo darin l un changed bault bte uars r u uc- aleekltt ili unchanged sudburyi m cooper li un changed 8iuooe centre hon l j bunpaon ll unchanged 8toruont p b browniidge ll unchanged trub3kauiho wo nuon ll unchanged uitoitell p hepburn iteelected premier of ontario toronto bellwooos arthur w roebuck ll unchanged toronto braoondale lionel conacher liberal gain from qon toronto koltnton harold klrby ll unchanged toronto st andrew j j alaas ll unchanged toronto st david alderman allan lamport ll oaln from con toronto st oeoroe ian slrachan ili unchanged toronto st patrick pred praaer hunter ll unchanged wbntworth c ii belhune ll unchanged wtndsor waucerville david a croil ll unchanged windsor sandwich major jamee h clark l unchanged waterloo north j a smith ll unchanged waterloo south hon n o hipel ll unchanged welltnoton south dr j ii king ll unchanged welland e j anderaon ll unchanged wellington north ron ll ewtng ll unchanged york north morgan baker li unchanged york west w j oardhouse ll unchanged consebvattve addinqton wd black ci unchanged oarleton a il acres ioi unchanged duppcrinaiuooe rev a w downer ci gain from lib port william prank spence ci conservative gain from ub orenvilledunuas c ii cnallles ci unchanged hastings east dr laroid welsh ci unchanged hastings west r- d arootl oi oona gain from lib kingston t a kldd ci un ctuuiged lanark o ii doucett ci un duuiged leeds w b reynolos ci gain from lib ottawa south o h dunbar ci unchanged peel t l kennedy cl cons gain from lib we specialize on this work j sanford son pat u m kant a4n cc dal jn mlkpraouy if rmttttft a ctcbicl mouushmemt ff crtakea sandwiches 2 25c wataalrca um ota pecba peach 3m27c tub popping corn 2 25c mincemeat 2 25c liiaii melwaia kisses 2 23c c a hay n wax sow rabamaava soap tme tps so vxaau soap feittso uatoa tt a wavdil jit cocoa hjka 1c lmllu chocolate hjfc ux tic molasses ummaa 9c ctauai ca starch aaa 9c pcfwdtir lu fca stc elavj hi il mfu ladlic ha tav ins far jitiraovso u toeaaao sac rvaet herring 2 c3crauapaj salmon ixcon fclkdoats mt tt 1fe to ubplts prince edwa1ujlnnox j hepburn c cons gain frota ub bimook cast wullam plnlayon 3 cons gain from lib toaonto ilkacites t a uur- ptiy c uncluuiged toronto dovkrcotjrt wu- llam duckworth c unchanged toronto inoh pathc w a nslrd c unchanged toronto parkdalk t o mc- drien cl unchanged toronto rtvkroauc w a summervllle 0 oaln rrom lib toronto woodbine o c klgla o unchanged victoria u m roil c oonv gain iorm ub york eabt oeorge b henry c unchanged york south teopold uacaulay c unchanged otueks orey south farquhar ouver uoj unduuged kent east d u campbell l prog unchanged north orey roland patterson iiproc unchanged independcvt j nrantford u u uacbrkle iiutl elected unchanged party standing as the result of the ontarlo election is elected uberau 63 conservatives 23 liberal progrefisives 3 independent liberal 1 vfo 1 christian speelch aid conduct itiunkautmal uaifi luini qriitw lttfc im ooldkn taoct let ho corrupt communlcailon proprntd out of your mouth epheslarts 4 leaoon paq8aq jam chaplor wo are writing a goiel a chapter each day ay deedjs that we do ny words thakwa amy keoole read whal wv write whether falthlen ov true say what u the gosnel aocordtnjr to yout a one of christs most ttrtklng pro mises was that he wehild gtva to hi followers a mouth and wisdom in addition to pcasetadng the organ of ptch w must have worthy thoughts to utter religious workers kpcpfl much of tlarir time talking pmkcv- ers in th pulpit and in pmstoral visi tation sunday tchoot teachers in clasjh esslon or midweek work refaf much upon speech instead of being eager to talk we may well b afraid thetv are few people who in kome way or kaf siunicitae gvststnalcny uen connected with the finance d pmrtmenu of municipalities who have oeen in convention ul iloston are 1m- total 00 raourcefvlness it is comforting to note that in rural ontario reumrccfiitaes is still nslhe this summer a party of city folk set out for a picnic on one of the northern lake the launch luckily enough was manned by a local resident when they landed on an lland many miles from human habitation and prepared to tiave their meal it was discovered that no one had brought a match there were no boy scouts to make fire by nib bing sticks together and the prospect of a cold and tealess meal yawned be fore them but the boatman was equal to the occasion he built the ore started the engine soaked a piece of bircn- bark in gasoline placed it near a sparkplug held a screwdriver against the sparkplug head and near the cylinder head the spark jumped from the screwdriver to the cylinder head igniting the gasoline the bark became a torch and the picnic was saved wfcyt st peter how did you here latest arrival pin 5 a 10w ptumber arriving late la hhav uappy husband not so bad w were walling for you i taught my wtas t tu vim wottkuen8 coatyknbation btatcuknv the accidents reported to the workmen s compensation board dur ing september numbered mm as compared with evrm during august and ms during september year ago the total benefits awarded during september amounud to mclftm34 of which 35uggj6 was for compensa tion and log40 for medlcaj eld this yearv reeord to date shows a total of sjw accidents reported as compared with 44m5 during the usm period last year and total benefits of uaftjr5s as against 3a3mkj9 to the end of september un would be wellnigh perfect in every way it is wise for uu think twice before we kpeak once ifiqaeciauy do people holding responsible posluotu and who speak for others require to exercise car a premier imnouneingj a policy an employer proclaiming rules an editor committing his pa per or a pusher rpreaenung his congregation has to rpeak in a repre sentative as well as in an tndivldaul capacity we marvel at the match less words of christ comparing our speech with hs we pray that our lips may be guarded a ssmaik trues atwr s s the human tongue is only three or four inches long end weighs only three or four ounces it is a tiny bit of muscle but what extensive harm it may dol the bit tn a bridle u small but it controls a large horse the rudder of a ship is lanall yet it governs the course of a great vea- ul a cigarette butt u a trifle yet it may burn down thousands of miles of forest so the tongue is a uny thing but it can start great evil as church ccantroversles and political campaigns demonstrate the tongue is so small that we ought tn be able to control it yet very often the ton gue controls us a word may lead to a war our thoughts are our own as ions u we keep them to ourselves but once they are spoken they are no longer our own oev u4aaed ywagwa s why has the tongue such great power for evil it is because speech is connected with thought and our individual emotional life may he aroused hy our own speech alio so cial conflict may arise by unkind or injudicious speech- the human ton gue is like a fire that cannot be con trolled or like a wild beast that can not be tamed the tongue can spread poison it has been said that the very first mark of a good man is re straint in speech the words james are very helpful in warning but they should not discourage uany men and women do conquer their pronenecs to hasty and harsh fcpeech and learn to speak the truth in love it is a real triumph of hu man discipline when we use our powers of speech positively and pur posefully if the human tongue can start contagious evil resembling foret fire so also the human tongue may spread good will and bring wide spread results politically economical ly and spiritually the tongue has infinite possibilities for rlghteousncu as well as for evil oar d11vj uvea t ll the tongue frequently reveals the unhappy fact that our personality is divided with the same tongue curse men and pray to ood it is like fountain sending forth aw and bitter water at once or yielding both fresh and salt water at the ia tune we can easily understand how human speech can be bad or good but that it can be intermittently both good and bad is difficult mr us to understand the only way tn which to make our speech consistent is have our wills so fully surrendered to ood that our lives beoobse unified correct speech will result from change of heart when men and wo men are really toached by the power of christ a transformation is a seen in their speech even habitual swearers will drop the habit in one day it la idle to try to overcome sins of speech by rules of etiquette what is really necessary is a eov oration of the mind to ood truth and a dedication of the heart to love and service for our fellowwen 1y u wordly wisdom may make us poli tic in speech but tplritual rebirth will remove miwihtenciea between out practice and profession the wis dom that la from above is pure peaceable gentle easy to be lntreated full of mercy and good fruits with out partiality and without hypocrisy how may we attain such a standard be assured that we cannot ir these graces and virtues u we are thoughi- leaua sarcastic untrue and critical in ecu there js action and reactio ueiweeu speech and conduct our conduct is uasiuanced by our words and our words irirturn ara determin ed by our motive and desire we do hot speak merely from the lip out truth must come from the heart ll we use our gilts of speech in u pursuit of peter there will be a iiarvett- of righteousness christ said u hi own words that tliey wrw spirit and life h we live in dally leimjwahjp with christ our word uio may become spirit and vife a woid ui season how itood it 1st qanhias iw ithraeiuh- i wliysto teachers need to be tralu ed j what proportion of our weight is your tongue t 3 why is it to difficult to tame um tonguey i 4 can w gossip comfortably lmmedi auly alter praise and prayerr have consecrated my powers of speech to ood rwalton why municipalities should be tn flnanclmi trouble if they would ad- iiere to sound business principle it the wtperiments in unoruiodox iirtftioni that have pauperised so many municipalities tney have con sented to the inauguration of projects involving unjustified expenditure oul oi all proportion to legitimate re venues the sphere of action tor a municipal administration of any kind from the hamlet to the metropolis ought to be to provide ixm people with the bauo utlhtles roadways sidewalks water supply sewers police protection prim ary educatio light and trajuporta- today even some of these con veniences such as light and trans- ponauon are provided by organisa tions outside the municipal scope ine municipalities that have incurred insolvency mvariably have been those what governments have been sway ed by the appeals of boososters who urged superdevelopment to benefit their personal they em harked on projects that were outside their legitimate realm the cost of which saddled a burden on the community that the latter was un- ahle to carry a municipal government has a much better opportunity to operate successfully than has a private cor poration sinew t has arrity au thority to collect mutes a private corporation besides being exposed to much competition has to assume heavy losses on account of customers who are unable to pay that u one important reason why a miuucipality ought to be financial success it is encouraging to find that the cancers of munirlpauilm who are chiefly concerned with the finances are imbued with the idea that a simple formula of ntiftfinj to legiti mate functions will protect the corporations from monetary embar rassment sentinel review wood stock thomas a trtwtivw of oakvule reelected mecaber for halton in the ontario provincial islecuom last week yo svasty wogut on famartwrtmir hiuhway there has been considerable talk during the past few weeks as to whether the lakeahora highway win be widened and rebuilt and buauiaae man have bean worried about tha competition of the new middle road u nothing were done to the lakeahor road authorities have worked on the matter and any doubt as to the work being dona has now bean re moved as a letter of assurance that tha road will be widened and mads on of the finest in the province lias been received by mr will x liberal chairman here tha work will be started almost immediately- lurilngton qeswtle gold j 275 special price ssrritc 239 pr 240 pr liy waltir c wo- 7 u mister frank rogwra tht travwlln auditor haaaya the flrwt thing i 11 do la to taker care off your petty cash in tha rnanthra he ayav 7ou can get busy an oposi tke aiw wan minute i aaym an whin h turns b eve rd wid a gun tn rrte nsi yest raw be th auditor and you my not i ay but im the gent of this bar rajj- roadr an you 11 not lay tend nnytbin till i youtcrwdass- tiala vm no aucker x aaya tha alak youruf man with n bullet head ramcrvwd tha clcatajn from hja mouth long wnoogfa to in quire and did ha produca them he did ad ajfla at wid thft w shook hands an wava baan good trindfl hrer since yrank kfl up kara from new york tonight i an x havw a data wid him ggj j i am to havw made your acqttam- tance alfle my sttwn b at north ehm atraat an x dont oftao fat out thla way but x bona to moat ya again wll hava wan more bt- tla drink wake up yar trlasa oaorga it wa saturday night at ittahar- tya and saturday nlht at viaharv tyg la fish night mr obtain wg njoying rdmsaif tha man with him war barroom plckupa mr donlln tipped tha waltar with a dollar bill ukan from blufou that appeared to alfla to ba rnod- arauly wall furnlahed ha bant hla head toward mr donlln and whsa- parad a caution kaay brother careful hoar yost flash your roll around hara mr donlln beamed on him raasv auringly dont worry alfla kna boy i am no auckar ha took off hla hat and rnopped hb f with a hajidaarchwf a ahada rad- dar than hla faca td ba lavtn ya how ha said i must go to meat rrank alfla roe with him ha at and whispered in georgvs ear than followad donlln to tha ktraat i didnt wmnt georga lons ftaid alfla juat batwean emiraelvbaf haa- a kleptomanjac waj v my corner vviend of1 this joint coma in and hava ona mora on ma they antaredand alfla lad tha way to an unoccupied room bade oi tha bar a aturdy youngj woman with a bright tismdaoma faca and a mop of red hair attended thorn an donlln raised hla glasa tha door opened and ha peered into tha bora of an automayp behind tha gun was a masked ifaca and behind uus a volca ramlnlacant of qaorga aald stick am up donlln complied alfla mad a quick nervous movement of his hand toward hla hip tha gun ahlftad cut that cur its win for both of you gat behind and roll him hand ma tha dough and no wise movaa oat ma alfla want through donllns pock ets swiftly ha produced tha red handkerchief tha cheap watch and about fifty cants in changa but tha billfold was missing wharaa tha bluff growled tha xi bananas ultra aaat taatoar mm hal 21c doz i donllna features rglatird dejees tion your friend georr must havw frlaked ma after all alfla he said an i thought i was wis 11i tirl who had left them acv aard at tha doer and advanced i fearussly th bandit lovrared us jtun and ahrank away from bar i told you to lay off your raclcat in my place ah cried give me that tuat she wrenched t the gtw from hu hand and turabag tt on him forced him to the door mow you bum ah cried acrmml i dont understand una thing aald alfle if george frisked you why did he come here to bold yoa unt mr donlln was looking the gart over re seemed tn be fa evpg i think i can explain that to y be aaw butlere wtw alip tha runtote yuumcwt dont mc to have tt r rf danger1 ous haw leagrni aa y m itttta trick an yeu knowwhx 0raaa cam after me he took off hht hat and hekt at an that alfle could aeethe bomou per ry projecting from the iirjlijn if theres ww ihlnjr ncooente nlver was be began tm- be- paused esr th aecood tbxmran five minutes he looked n tb vat of the gun this time b th bawl night band of the rervulhtebk aafe j sucker is tb word akl 3bt now hand over the rob ur donlln amlled iiuaaanllj y apt roewrong aay lam 1 shoot but bm right ftst cral jaw and that w dronped haavily to un aet bb hat i onions 10 in s jr leitu cog vlisses irbaa aeads mat basf ta m 2 heads 15c aroni on s m tau tina not grapes s tanaa a un 2 lbs 19c potatoes mas a l ar gibs 15 t m i ajjajaa hew titee delivery mione 366 7 fsstract of j jtcwaa white beans 8oz bottle cf bulk black or butcher pepper aa b rangoon f rice s5 lb 6 fast free euveity dominion i

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