Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1937, p. 2

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r j the georgetown herald weal omi v933 t r ther b r i r j m yaw will u wu by bayli k vvv8 bktaktmknr htolut hen you p wymmr aallar gm farther nw uforw hav y ffaai with wtnahlw knwvluuullmt and tltit r lake advantage t ow largr baying powrr walla wftr ymi a ut variety of attractive mrt i way m r iwpn w liln 8pwialh which mny ate b jmihiiii m w lilnlntf imtfvrrwl rmynnt kul the following hstf of weekly special m only a few of the many that may be found at georgetowns popular shopping centre attntctire girls coat seu hat purse and muff to match very bj wearing elotli nic up to 12 ladies smart winter coatia f models that will suit any buy ladies silk dresses just orrive black blue wine brown ttfid 4 special young wpmenvsueje oxford shoes in block brown 1 green and wine special inll sizes at 249 i gals school shoes a bargain that ennt be overlook sizes up to 2 in oxford and strap styles special 139 795 vast army of new j special 1395 up i w pastel shades of j greerrfjatest styles 295 rcompl unde erwear in combinations to winter from 98c to 295 afsshrarvou wilt find the largest assortment of pen mans underwear special in combinations at 139 159 ond 249 srs ond drawe at 79c eacn we have a new assortment of mens brushed wool and fancy knit sweater that will attract your at tention featuring such well known firms as pen mans monarch and cbg priced from 149 495 r- we have on band now a vast variety of mens winter coats newest styles in raglans tubes ulsters balma- cans etc best cloths priced from 1095 3250 for this week end we are offering wonderful bargains in mens shoe the well known dr locke lucky tnke gale bros and cote shoes reg up to 7 50 for this week only at 500 silvers dept store whew your dollar goe farther j phone 3s georgetown m ami ed 11ateuan lhujk on xmuay oven lug t 7 pan october bth 1837 at tha uorifan memorial chapel queen university kingston by the ltv lv kent principal of quecii m ttieological college assist by itcv ur harrington hekmi uadoloine lmllr daughter at mr and mrs wnk umiim of lulloy bury oitt ui r jim unity iimutnjin of aorgtown octwueatlmollj6on salurtuy october oui 1j7 at bt atatlhrw anglican church toronto by itotf john iliuhrll lillian u deughur of ur und nni alfred olltnore ui itaymond c cowlea ol toronto form rly dt cleointouwii son of mr v d cowu and uur late urt cowlr of ivlrolt iioaittoiitatulkyat m avow alillllrjll churetl oeirblon batuhlay oct ui lt by thr 1uv woo tllottjlauml itel edllh llrudlry dauglitrr of ur and mrfl ifurvey uriuuy to mr kulwh eriiml moor um at ur ami u clio lloartf jn mum oki am jbpson in ibvlng tnrmory of o do- kjroliitr nrvillr wlvo w away october isui 1qx6 i ctyinot ayi will not imy tlmt he u dmil lif u jut awayt with a chry unlit ami b wav of uie hand he luui waiulertnf hilo an unknown land iadlymluirti by uob anl ali jeprfjon in lovlntf nummary of out belovod uul nevlllt jcpum ulio jmljlhi away october 15ui 1d33 ills memory u jw dr lowuy ap in uie hour lie pamed auy rftniemlrd by ifouier auicr and edna church news bv woo ttwwnton itklor twnty flst sunday iter trinity ami children day bunday achool diu- drenvefeff anil prult brvlc in u chiirch 10 ajil iloly communion 11 uttt evenuuu t pw conflrmauon claas oa uonday even- inn at 730 the date of the annlveraaiy ar- vic will be oct- 31u 1l aiuua chunks cuew vwuuamw twenty ftrat sunday alter trtnily and children i pay sunday school pjn everuontf 3 txta conflrmmticfi clams on wednesday evenln at 730 km tnbyut4am cfcrek anniversary service sunday oct 17th 11 ajn jlev k- c ftccderttul of 8l paula presbyterian churcji toronto 7 pjn rev 11 i dnnl cf acton 10 aro sunday school kaalai chhtwk rev o vaster ulnuter 10 am sunday school 11 ajn momlnc wo slilp subject christ the oood shep herd monday 8 pjn bv4u wj- nesday 7j0 pja midweek cenrke a welcome to all united cbu rev p c overend b mlnlxur a m sunday school and tub e class 11 am sacrament of he lords supper will be obcervad the evening service will be withdrawn on account of knox presbyterian church anniversary official returns election in halton ihw r k kknnkdt i uon kmjncan ju vaxurmin h- the iar thf llvtiacial rlrction on oct clh tehro thot a was rwtrd by a mmiwit of u7 lion tlum- knwdy tha om- iscrvatlcf cattdjdatc to pi a uw vlctot mrf lion duncan wirt tlrfrtin him by iu of a aaaioruy kslkrkck uuaila akoifaokyowk iwu 1uu clrrmilsotj ihiuic library la majority fur cjroji poild qtistirr urax mtlion lltxhu urval m horuby uublin itlevarttown tltoiuikan oaiwts litivlujui- o leu wuuams liuyilnrk o- ihr4 tatar 57 w r itt 130 11 unsintaovil i in by itub ymr k- by m mur fallo canadian in uto- hmi thavr suintmtd fxnn ua urmuhj tfaumu itktmul will yiaw in hamktruwwniiimiii mid to set uttr bam hranglhiw utf iuto tfltorc u ntat a- tnan urr wnmatn imaloant ui hi omumtnlut wiu wmuuj mm mharr up all that hy hav ui hv pnwiut la m uta noadi uui vru t4hnt wcr ti umaaurii mut unaialiauian nll on abla one ai utww utf upw usud crtttissau nar mmi imnof tin amsaaylimil uj 4hs tthau nda foraail wall ui an utdi atilf auinnoxt- inttaom laduundl u iknwany ami rt new adveritsements ftar bala jersey cow t year old ta taatrdl apply pson ij oaortown- u 734 1057 majority for lllalu4acfc371 cruc polld 7 vot tata nruikin lot5 majorily for luakrkvck sal cros pouvd i votes tata w uurunotok iafi uaiority for hukrlockit cross polled v vole tata h acton im uajortty for taiakelodt w crou pollml 7 votes tale vl oakvtllf 16m uajority for iuakelock cross polled votes tata 37 ullton 1 uaiority for malclock 1 cros polled tfcapaloar uaiority for crou polled 37 votes nassajoaweya sm uajority for blk43kf cross polled 3 vob tata ix total von ten j total uajoruy for bufelocfc u4- iste mhu uia im qmunut avf indnod uvio- lw ui wvuil liuvmaij fuiriian uf thsw aariiti ojti ymtt wr nat hbun smtu ttmundl uiamnniinwii uitd aui uf thai ahauauhw vm 4ir tailtad u pm vidst oca can ibadl ai atnilabj uiul fmii ftan ourt suirwniiat hallnw cutut iiaaa bt tha mtfait qaaiftu w ur- van and taalsn ul lmm tteuiioao w cw u wwf tatul utau wf 11 v can asstmw lhua bxssmi upnohiiau to actucuj rwaaannti ajuuuui itaii mlhu at caarajploian uf vmu 4or not lld un bjt saiunlah m fthi rmk will you plafc- ubjtaaswjudjliatignarwuune j jttid addmrsk uttul tailau iyoy iati ui aotrttad audj huuluir iyou an take it u tha fnakltu iliau jjmsuiwi or widi lirt to haaa iu ojduati ffm poiaioaa lunuuas uiastu csirrtuj im lona pamiu irulb aibltar pmt hunaxv eaiuiadi fntiu tfcr wul ba aocanahku wu 4iw aatwd not ihlu pumpluhs aiw tttsth valll be ua- ad ta bmy frtuu on- sjattaldblw tluilmay ba a ta caut iill hatwt ystto wasdtawday ou jbfctli for iduldtown fctftrwamn tswc uaaidht ahwbi will ba oaa muniikv txtuasiluy tuul wo- naday qnli lul ub otkii te for meelpl oc manl cunwawisw oloaiar mriu uluu liey ara to baud iui 4i anutm nratart cf ihatr cjtvaa an a twaailntt n be iwlj in st gaantfta qarstiri uiall tiotc umma on imdais ku uatii ui flw u 3i norvajl ttie thankoilering feaeauoif erf tha wjjls of korval presbyteriaa church wui be held on tuasday october utir 3 o clock punctually mrs joott williams of the provincial society will address tha hwtlng the yja or the prabytun church held thatr opening aaiihntf last thursday at which tha anafsiuva for the new year was iastabad pwi- dent weir reid vicaptaaidml bar- nice lyons trium- bdaa ucchurw secretary john ucnab the oarrick players of norval aw con templa tine praketitinc their play tlie bells of shannon aoaae time in the nmlt future this wax prtastntd last year to a capacily house annitavaary snwumi umw habj in asharova uniuwu humjh un sunday oat lftth waun 4pndil autanhutee ul both stfwictifi tbif utauuuful taouquttta o autumn uomsa maiptc uatuna and b of tha- aaj small ur iirulta und leiabiu uadsr time oihuwli a ututu on on una mtanamiii ulay tar praiaa and a- ttna ji tx nttkarmi 0- tu slm- m rnitadj rhurnttj ibwmlltrtn tibly cnesthjrtrj hatlli aialata aaauiad in ibt awmtitic hjv quit itaastm- uv b kcyra tha una llihiihlltnuil tmaagaj war wail rmwawau audi wu tans t insua with us in tha mtanlln quit oiluitr ifive iit music amialedi u vlin ifiaetm- bird and mr jutm nxl yiwrmwaftwaii m mr andj mrs bumoii wrifiliiijinrih of st fsfharjnaa mrn wrtioowwwa suwtins us htiti aa dnto uaa wus koa bird ftlayadj puattslmi qiuo aolo arnoaniadi by vtt jwhn ibttd 4u the w m ur l- waa4a4 ta borrow a sum of business purpoaas ample provided apply boa w caoe itp far ismla hlaxajl rivafl t haatar at week ek s 80 x 100 ray rose bid aiaiaisibibii government inspected for your protection v pork shodldehs 19b shoulder roasts 17c bouin beef 12c short sut w b 20c fc rib ktfsrialvikrt ilscabk greamery butier 2 craaisie hpriaf lamb fronu 15c lamb chops 29c hamburc steak z29c rvrji ruk stewing larhb 25c stewing vel 225c fvrj cml mt iw1mi pork chops 27 c- j rms sausage lara eaximca jlamr kippers 15c fillets 17c- 0mm kaaael ascoes 19c fillets 19c- salmon snack 33 steaks 20c- potatoes 15c ac haply asamaal s bars pearl soap pot 25c grapes 23 shortening 227c pie pumpkins 10c mv t c ruue waur kbiks 5 a hur 29c amtan ntkefs tea orange pekoe 28c 33c tekaione 27 wm king proapl delivery s1s1sllas1s1s1s1s1s1s1mss1hslblms1slsis1s1mssblmbslblblmh r a c xn tha tysmrunt untlarr uiu 4ttpablc dineuui off atxr qlbii qhullar she mortal unjtedi uumui ziiuut 0lani- ad tha qanittauoni wlih ma iflne ur- thaasa and am qtfwdiiwiiuo ifey afrs c fh w wish ur ttauulaili wrhs so 40ly and ui wuufiitfy ueizttl us un our annivswaary aatmewt cjptn- annual supper willi ua auttnukaau aaon for movasfihan v his free book tella directions picturea p for you now dairy income is jwygtfar iacowe n tvoo almost intfantly ours of bleaching youcan remove riosy tnutmntly from maple leaf re given on the back cover of the ople leaf flour give ycu a large ta worth aometlung wiui the in tha dairy tamer sails aia ptodoot avary day apsta aasassar iu aad wlalar quad waalaar or had wealkar iv asiur crop la the aara aad atott noular una aaraar try tlay olvaiy yat boides dmrthjloaajaajaaasasalp4ia 4k work to apaad tka flow i athk boat ik una aad ol adlk aaoaay haov to tu dairy lart u tlda ktekkr a- of oraetum p aajlladiaaawadlkl a baitar o fltoas lawa an tbtjr worth make without 11 be mailed for enclosed u muttkher arriving late is ttv manny hiisband not ao bad ware walunf tor you i tautht tw prix swtay w at the worlds largest amnual fair fnt and seoiwuf fvisee or wwtc dnad and iyraf pric for hvoww dread were aawdedt for bread nusle with uaple acras of tka west flour in the dala compeiitioa ewvttdaa of kousehold sciotor at taa national bshihitioo tbisdrtoiftry tlve leadership of maple lea ittour but evew further tldeace of superiority hem la ta fact tliet 73 of afir prise u alciaatae wer won by users of hour miaad by uaple leaf uiuuui company hmhad usplc leaf flour la made flrom specialty selected canadian hard waea baiswd ta give uniform results and reeaalatiy teatad by anna lee scott neat time be suee to h uaple leat flour uade by laaolt leaf uluing larnpaay limited tomato rl won ahc flrat prtaea aeooods ill wttrhs are iowa ottawa kahluuoo wliltw 1st prhw read work wast ket 1st nrhat ooaasr h prisa toronto fehtbiildn work 1st prhw baaaat fair wulow work 1st pita work daaih cmcr aisbianiiy ub er oonn il dawuaiaa om otuindmv tnuaiuttf oet tui ajirsakiiewueqtf met tfuu hers henry wlaam ueajr aufeonvr ml ur dauaias was un lufciui ar uno had ha only tvm tuaisifa ipwiouny csdiad to satawss oil liuv fftfrntar yt tn aitand tha fnncnsli oif utat ifie caasad aaa has ati latn un nrasiduut in bnuulnni mam tadi ujaaiilau to vuit his friendj oil oari nwutthawl und on wadtteariay wanitoe wau u air wilson itiunki wiietti ihe onus 4akm suddaly aadi stuxsiy oil 4k phy4f- dan was qauadj irmnaqiib ox as found that mrt awaiau ihsoj suffar- ad a- dajajyiier omato vmu on plte of ail aonrts u nwiwsj ul ointfistad inaii pasaed aiaay aacj tjhuindlay tuom- ins the fnaandi ame itaiiu tun the old hoaatt on auti ola tin ipraamnt residfaea of at urnihwt thematu ustmjt- tas on atnrria ternoi du oth intrnniwit toast nuue lfn uh ipimt teaisus chureht casnainns mtor ebonibv the grnadetuy cdi tthatr uatny ilratudi nittilliail to the qujawsfnust flunilr and ralsdivw oir ttiwaiail un ehuluto oouhiy andi oiumhum iflbuuawvfi tii ckaiwtown wwcintt pleamra in laaitinti the- fouttwins 4ut- mosaunti andi ootn ojwurnuuhr- uosu to tb siudants oaui un ttmnut aaaonsu to urimr wihnckri in the pwwineiaj ojatnti styttueatmu thy 4he oniario tynmina qtmishdn tranter- anna uhkat itn wtr ibiamnfauit of ftriwnftft twmpanuwl ito tlte vttiaoja as ajuumuseajsj rfiaantti ujy titta oihuir- asan of the ddwaooj min 0 4a lan- not tha namma ofr iha- toiltewtns tranta ernaa thai tmamumm taittriat are listed iftwi briaa ormurw naslsjsterlri nnraaa a a htu ao ufrti ww oiadaitji nftwiei iwniwe btmailip ishaol i dfaamr- mw ifawtw ri ttugji taawal vius xni that xiv sport y a- b saoouvray lack of space ajvrfume toeans uiat this oouunn wlll be almost extinct thlfi week but we will five you the ret of the tas in the ilalton iel softball league played at ue arena during the past week- last thursday evening the qlen defeated the business afen by the drwhlm- uuj aeore of m to j- this is about the worst defeat suffered by an n this season in tha second game the pirate txinuaed acton 1 to d on monday nights pirauss outclassed litnehouse m to 7 when they scored 10 hits to 5 fur lime house in the other affair brampton won from stewarttown s to 3 qrunv- ton had 7 hits stewarttown lkaquk standing p w l t p mrstoc 5 1 0 8 brswpton s s 1 i 7 aim t 3 1 1 s uanal 3 j 0 4 acton i 3 0 slcwmrttown sal 0 4 ttiifliuiu urn 4 13 0 3 umhoue s 1 4 0 a w c t u a veil iltfe wtuw m the w cto luu at uc nokis ot lbs w o umnhsll prtdlj un burked the oosnlnc ol the fail uul winter xes- crcco theatre fnjay october is sum us l inilisisiiis ttuvtag r o sjul slsirsmt4 lhulmy musical girls best years fox news cartoon speaking of the weather satunlay october 16 emperors csmsrstitw raastvlac lnlf stsr mjtjk vmttuas p baml jack denny cartoon boscos cannibals chapter i i great air mystery st u s mm tuesday aad wednestlay october 19 sad 20 king solomons mines adaasud farm the taanaa aaw4 ay sir kutr baggarl ajirriag faal k and aiaaa lae the prasklenl urs a r tar occupied the chair and miss vllen udcay led in the devotional tst- rcisac taking as her topic what to worship gleanings from study or the subject given recently at the united church school for lfcaders in toronto reports were received from the commltusb in charge of tha real room at the fall fair and plans made for wttaftrhng the xlucatlonj work of tho organisation our guest sneaker icra cravj charlea jouiffe of llmehous prmeat- d a cobuxeheauve and extjreualy tn- tarastlng picture of work done in the orient by the wctu and other or- banlaailons having lmilar objacuyea she outlined methods of such edu cational work used hylhe church in changtu west china where her hus band and she had spent thirtyone i to misaionary work she closed ivar talk with the expression of a conviction born of ejierltnce that one of the chief ends of our efforts in church work must be the creation and building up of christian homes in the community urs arthur reeve tendered tha thanks of the gathering to mr jol- 110 for her talentlng and instructive addracs and also to ulss ktte bird who accompanied by alra r il wright had delighted the audience with several beautiful selections on the cauo a few words of greeting and en- eountgatent spoken by rev ur jol lilte were much apprsciated bringing to a dose a very worthwhile program- the november meeting will be mid at the home of urs coareaot buck oualnh st ikxrv forget sssbwsacssstesaidsat bic variety dance mh tuss csss3cnn jbd his tuivtantlrs fwiidmw nigi oct 22nd sttvsajumvs hall brampton vsks lassw war of mai old time ls ith i m mi ih best is modesr musk chwrlring fire sssssasaj ed musical flowers from the sky novelty tennis tactics bergen and chaste mccarthy in double talk i watch our window rtm hair sec csuh iuwcials ams ocisiatrnciisat fmmk swslauluw sasaie 13c 2 jar 2sc longs confectionery l pure food storil 24 lb bag excelsior pastry flour 2 large tins heinz soups 3 x 20 ok tins leland fresh tomato juice 2 x 1 ms pkgs devon mincemeat government inspected 2 lb fancy wrapped peanut butter kisses guelph first grade creamery butter lb cinusmrs recaii no roixs ib ho ii tin ikoval voltk ciknok quautt pumpkin ii as jar naeakrusr uamiauult oranse umoo snd amnstaiit cltoloe lliklmo uolassgs i in sulk 1b swvbt wchxk oottaqk roll iht the piece us oucuos auucaknusr bacon iiw u pimsi is psamkaltto baok baoon hy lh pkoel lb trsi boloona by the ptoui lb aoummiiaoa mumii boiucd iiau enema uiwii ib i x 1 lb tkoo pvnx lard aih wdrt hynal svusv mpuu wiriltnn dsamsl wl vdtj vl cssoks nuoui raurr and vboatajaus 7sc 25c 25c 25c 29c 31c iv le w ais me s its a e farnell phone 7s we deliver notice tp all officers of the lihersjcoaaervalive association to the members ol all conservative organ izations and to all workers i extend ray sincere thanks for their efforts and assistance in the recent provincial election campaign lloyd d dingle lihersionservmtfvo candidate v yj 1 1 r 5 j i oar vsooa ay osscsci nsw oerraax twos tskms asa- uss tmm 9 uw stfsn 1 r s

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