Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1937, p. 3

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brills the georgetown herald wednesday evening oct i3thl937 page 3 present a group of moneysavw specials jbfcllanke h0s1fry large size onsale at 229 pi ladies silk and wool a bargain at 29c pr childrens all wool stockings real value 29c i fancy botany wool socio special q pr 3 prm f or 100 ladaea luxuriously ifurtrutatoeav goats m twe new shades and 1495 j 1975 we are featuring a special sale of a large stock of mens overcoats at extreme lylow prices- 1495 up well made of whipcord tweed dbeviot or corduroy reduced this week to 129 1 j9 knd 149 coats boys breeks windbreakers mens leather windbreakers on sale boys leather windbrealcer on sale mens cloth windbreakers with toppers boys cloth windbreakers with upper penmans merino combinations for men penmans merino combinations for boys fleecelined combinations for men 139 for boys underwear 3 495 395 298 198 139 98c 98c 1 ri choose your new fall and winter suiu at brills from such nllc w bighgrmde range as tip top tailor anil skiffer hilknan readymade suits goon tale at j5 1975 see them now other newryarrived goods at brills include suede and pigtex jackets shoe for men women and children and warm doeakin work shirts bargain prices prevail d brill co phone 167 comer mill um main streets georgetown mi ir t personals t and ur wuiml ifui to itodimter lor the un conn let motorraf toluuy mr tiad mr jlwr ling tut ol uurllnj- um arr vultliik with ur and ur w v ftxtsklley mm wm tymlall kjwtit llwr lauli- tuyrlui ur end ur arthur tyn- ilaut in toronto mr tloy moulu left on tuesday fur tbruito wlier he u allmdlna live unlvendty school master w j omeui of toronto spoil a week with hu raldterru ur and mr j n ocelli mr awl mm ere allan of tit ttvcima re wrk trwi rullor with mr and un o t mckay ui dr gallop iqxnt he wrck rttti at itwr itonit of hr- dayatiui mm aftnlrmii at uwvcton v mtui doris aiktuo of awontosilwlj ur uunifc- cave o ulmns- w holi day vijjtor vtlh ur and mrs it cav mr h qwlolkuifchoro and v luku aivd lobut of cow water we wokiul vultont with mr j 01 ucqlu mr and mrs tank taindy and noil rtairvy of fit caltiarlive wy holiday visitors wltli cliwi and mr w o uanludl dr and mrs xi paul aivd muies iwtly and mary atletvded the w4- link of ua will brollver at north bay on monday mr diaries buvekford has uv and air ashgrove lat sunday ntun oct irtt the vouim ivoules unki held their tfu- ur kncellnc ith mr jack huddcll ui clialnf ttte totic well five by ur t j urowturiflwe a duri fcrjl uumc rtiac aiad kdllh wriaaac- wotu w niayedv tsw october auxtllary taeeuixtf ws lurid on thnday arurikoon in the mimmi room mr walter brownvidxe took umi devotional pxerrkbl which werr mied on our new uudy tte rtrxt cluitter of a new church fc- u nea world by dr jeu h ajmuii wax taken hy ilrt k wtuoa mis- 1yunk huddell kwv lulubie rd- ln itw ajjrovr- udwet are utted to attend the thunk-oacrin- tnteunf at nora uiijtod church on thurwday ufienkton at 3 oclock and hr uulr uueu jihekrr mku kthel tunjo uf china ttie uualon hand u1 meet un rulurday alterikoon oct 16th at 5 oclock balunafad juuj tdu snow of hucsley vluy k home for the holiday wk hw mus toof otkrs ol ttrlshua vull- ht lutaidc likajbjr u1 urt- 1l siwiul 49 urr oear biaclv- snd fully nl milton iinl lt ck nd wuji fillul lvr ur lxl un wm- luik ol tvxrosila wer wk vtkl vultors with mr john of leven teacher uuiwi delia and veronica ucdon- 1 id and ur sandy lbhelwm of i auelpli tiwrni sunday with mr and mrs oarfleld uoollvray i mltima jrene ball and blaiiche harru and mauur wm turner ana jack danh of toronto ipent the holi day week end with mr dann i mr and mr oordon sutherland or equlmalu and capt uruuay suther land of klnitston vutlled at dr sutherland over the week end i ur and mr bert thonjer ol to ronto and mr and mr t j a- fer- buxon and ion tvd of hamilton spent the week end with ur and mr ed- ucwhirtcr mrs c d day foot returned home last week from u c itur tpendlna a moat enjoyable lumucr with rela tive and friends in victoria and vancouver mr jack thompson son of uv and ur w o o thompson oeonte- town has been appointed a radio aiaiouucer over ckoc hamuum bucefcut to you jack x ulu jean uvlnslon of walmef rd toronto who was visiting ujrs w j alexander last week found a nv leaf clover tills certainly should man sood luck for uus uvlrurstoiu ton called oh friends in the villa monday ur wm cole and mlu fcmm cole of aeton spent the week end with ijlr and mr ale mckay v ttev wm uanhall and family of long branch were holiday visitors at live manse mr- and mr root udcnery spent sunday in toronto with their aunt mr joseph benham who had ue muifortune to fall aivd break her hip last week ur and un j r sinclair and family ur and mrs roy uoenery u and mr d uekechnl were sunday visitor with mr and mrs jame crymble in toronto ur- and ur oordon mcdonald t toronto were visitors with ur and mr a- it uerrlam over uwe wttk end i cooler weather food parked beus loc wesrofrs biscuits soap 3 22c sodas otuuy wmuaa hommka b so 2 25 pol roasts isclb sirloin steaks 29 fresh beel hearts lo ncsu pork shouliers 19 pork sausage 18 pure lard our awts rsaihrtisjt 15 kran loal cheese 29 s2k butler 3 1 new table turnips 2 sc carrots fj quart basket j5 toi grapes 2 23c we sell litor cash phone rs f wf tpi 28w sjvsrav we deliver paisy fatadars gmsfommr hususmm tv ulry larssa sails ida paodac anrtsay a i i mtlu ewp u iks irf it lhilvelmwhh faf khnimttjm uok kt tks ulry knaa it u tu wlomr ayiiliunj hs ltamv hthhsatl hen ml bad m m miuac lor xa i uuht my local news ratepayers association meeting thursday oct 31st- knox churcb baaaar saturday dec lh watch for further parti culars it i keep nov jtth open for the unit- el church baaaar further particu lar later it the semiannual nummat sale or st 0orte w-a- wlu be heu saturday oct wth at a pm it owtnir to a rush of advertulna this rooming considerable number 61 news items are crowded out of mils issue thy will appear next week the local council of women will meet at the home of ur j b martrensle on rviday oct 15th at 3 m a tood attendance is requestod n the true blues will hold a euchre in the arena on thursday oct 14th refreshment good prlaea and door prtae kverbody welcome admission m oenu h uav you made that date with your beat mrl yet what tor why the annual dance- of st georges tennis club which takes place on rviday oct luh tickets on sale it hobos drut store h the ladies of the royal circle at knox rrusjlirlsn church- are hold- inc a rummajte sale in the basement of the church- on saturday oct 30th also tea sandwich and cake 10c st imagine 3 large tubes of milk of ustnmla tooth paste tlo valu for st this is one of the many super specials to be found at the ofuoln- al rxxall onk cent sale nov loth uth 15th and lath kt robbs druo stork it the estate of the late oeoige traompaon lot x con erin at balllnafad u1 hold an auction sale of the farm farm stock implements train etc on wednes4sy ocjlober tth at t oclock ft j kerr and prank petcfa auctloneera at jlarvect home services will be held in the united church glen wuuaku on sunday ool nth at 11 am and 7 run rev u l- uemer ph d bix of krln will preach on monday oct lath a hot chicken battle sup per will be served from to pjn to be followed by an entertainment fea- turlnf ralph oordon of toronto car toonist and entertainer admission ac children isc a real treat for al glen williams mr and ur homer ucuann and daughter miriam of everett ipeai sunday with mrs ucuanns mother mrs gilbert at the service stauotu ulss thelma solway who spent u week end here at her home returned to ottawa on tuesday uus erie watkins or ouelph as the guest of miss mary bludd over the week end ur undley beaumont spent uie steak jt nd at ancaster the euest of ux and ur lee ashford miss ida mcmcnemy held the vrtari- lns ticket for the pair of blankns the prise in the draw organised at the utu lodge no 3 at the harvest festival services recently held at su albans church the rev canon woodcock of cjwisl church toronto was the special preacher on friday evening when the services were continued on sunday af ternoon the rev canon carcon of grace church hamilton was the special preacher the church very prettily decorated by the ladiea of the congregation the rev w o brook of norvil was the guest sneaker at the regular meeting of the aypa held in the parish hall on tuesday evening- 1iow a hitano itln dsuvest feels well you got away with it so tar anyway or coarse your suu a bit nervous you are startled by door bells your palms sweat when ywi ivlck up the morning paper your mouth gets dry when a stranger seems to stare at you for there u just a possibility that some chance palserby saw you but your pulse is beginning to behave again each passing day brings added safety if it will make you feel any better you may never be caught ut my craven fellow youll nevev escape yourself youll never escape the shame of having killed a child and run away youll never escape the aching burning memory that facerf with the utx you preferred cowardice to courage you will live the rest of your days bluffing yourself into believing that you dadnl have time to think al though lifes crfees are not scheduled for mens convenience that anybody elie would have done the same thing although you dont dare tell anybody euci and that it wasnt murder but just an accident as though people hid themelres after an accident ttie days will be trying but not to bad compared with the nights when you lie awake with your conscience and when having fallen asleep at but dreams steel into your tired brain to reenact that scene of terret shame yes the nights will be hard a thousand times you will wish to release that pentup shame to scream i killed a child and ran away i it would make you feel better but you wont do ll listen ur hitandrun driver you didnt qet away with a thino t and you know it l mew advertccjalents jersey co t years old ta tested apply fo hu georgetown 11 would like to borrow a sum uf money lor bostneas purpoao ample security provided apply bo w llerald onv hp royal record oak heater oak tvesasure heatec for- sale at once apply lllntons jewellery main bl georgetown it modern vrooaaed cottage with bathroom on albert st apply to uiu jean mackensiv it two clean young men rtcn hrw room board and room tm per week apply e k ouen corner uain and guelph bul georgetown fa sain bating and cooking apples sse a bushel bring your own oontalnen apply oedarvale farm georgetown 3 a graduate of biwmplbn bulnet college is prepared to do all kind of typewriting at reasonable rmteajbusl- neaa leuers and other work eculed on short notice apply at herald office w at comfortable s room house ip rent on oeorgc street electrtc ughvand water- rent ua00 a month ky at mr cvtnnders chapel st write or apply to owner mrs e oatrandm- 13 pueen st- brampton ool u ivatmanbtnt waving uarceuing finger waving for appolntmeiat phone writ norvgl grlmwoods barber shop and beauty parlor horval- tf ukn if you possess initiative then you should sell ojir line of aot guaranued home necessities in a reserved terri tory i no uakl cash terms plenty of genuine chances for success in dependence and a sure living ambi tious nmen only need apply tor free partleuwe pauiiaex co mo st clement st uontreel h shktpktr rfttti luba xxx oovernmettt graded 11560 each government bonus to purchaser acta each t w baxtebx q telephone 1qs r si a s wilson ueswhy telephone ullton m r 11 concrete work i am prepared to do con work of all ktods estimate given ire chart f you require anything this una phone au or write box oa walker georg bt georgetown for coras or cauooses vt ixovbs nxtmoultm cottk sjuve pi iimik saj ll ala vuk ant miuia vou cant uosk vouk monky itkjt v u hak vy um iskr a 25 eat mare fkuh prestons have a variety of fish at lowest possible prices fish are nour ishing and economical phone jfta we deliver it alia irl ir aeeeats call rev j n ucfaul of ullton has accepted a call to st andrews pres byterian church stratford he is ex pected to take over the pastorale the first sunday in november kstek clrikteat aasuvenary anniversary services will be held in knox presbyterian church george town on sunday oct itth special speaker wlu be 11 sum rev r c ucdkvtfpd of st pauls presbyterian church toronto t pm itev 11 u bonnie knox preabyterian church acton a hearty invitation is extend ed to all asaaa atliajaurt at eras fair smallest attendance on record at the erin agricultural societys mth annual fair caused oancellauon of the baby ahow and the grand concert of rcials aurtbuted the meagre crowd to prevalence of infantile paralysis- in use district and bad weather con ditions the exhibit of horses was large but atttriea la classes tor cattle aij bos alsi stmavi m ahisllia wm age ur thoa atbenlott one of george- towns amiimii blind residents was a very niinrinrrul prima vrlaner at the torojato ottawa and london txhlbl- uona out of tea antrie ur salt ton won sht nrst prows and two eaoa hat wtnnrnga ajre as fol lows ottawa ekhlbitioo willow work 1st pvtav read vrork waste paper bas ket 1st prow bower basket and ptave toxtmao terhlmtlom willow work tai prise harvest specials stock up now and save money tomato soup sjsc aws corn flakes 3 kr 25c 4bui mincemeat 2 hs 25c 1iandv stas ammonia 5 p hitckes3a21 classic clessser strife new crest reedlesa toddy tilt ouoinal chocolate ualtkd dunk ik if ic salt 4c curron quaurr jams kasrasamv swawantatv j lalack ciiiuunt 4 lb us 47c qsiis f bosmi bee j1ivk uuun hood flour corn syrup rsataosh 727c 5 lbs 39c osarse as- sa 24 79c 2 lbs 18e 5- 2se iullcrest soap flakes 3 25c koval vokk ar haooma creasi cheese hi 15c fancy btlxkd biscuits 2 km 2pc u m biiu u 8 uk rw tomato catsup 2 tor 25c umtrs mis toilct tissue 3 raus 14cj budget groceteria yosmr doar boy man kara main street jfree deuvbry phone 366 week end specials 6ed spreads 60 x 100 rayon bed spreads colors rainbow gold roae green ivory mauve special price s275 blankets 60 x 90 flannelette blankets plain white 239 pr 70 x 90 plain white blankets sz40 pr 70 x 90 candy stripes 275 pr 64 x84 fancy checks 20 pr i24 ibex colored pink and bw borders 20 pir 66 x 80 woolcot blanket 390 pr pillow slips 42 h s pillow slips 50c and 70c l 42 handmade mudeira pillow cases at 98c ij2s 150 190 00 sheets 69x87 us she slj25earj tablecloths 52 x 52 rayon table clotj 7sc 52 x 68 linen table cloth 1jjs simplicity patterns 15c 20c 25c agent roa imldocitit cleaners and dos tjknts foai mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown save with safety at your rexall store setdlrrx rownmots bib and tboat wua rniii m ul sso hot watkk bottles aonkkal watcm sccub far this week be is tlm usstrrs encusu alsoftts mjklktcsr cod ltvek ou sac siu aviutst cod livrjt oil ue aaj tl m ueaus cod uvkjt oil mc llo ui slh halibut live oil catsules s t us aitluettks slks tijm j vm eaa alwmys ikaa t arsauut st ymmt baxsii dntc bum lvsol duafuuat xu rcbtussin tw slakkmra c 55 ncee haut oil ai rrrch sauooo 15 tata a ra robbs drtstv ikty saam wmuamfai atf stteil amasvau4a wkkai i f a mj alra- it euuv vk lkm ajwuoi- lr4 aa4 iusmil v- iw al w atucoauiacars daxo ktoajl raiai 3 cmrx- wood for sale cbaica batch sad uapte at tu lasts cert wnd sslla ls bar card utaad wood tus par xl j uanwroad rasa ms at fcuj 3a mistiasuasassaakaaaabaam rsttaiytrs asssttttif fsr ceargtlsws all cltlsens and merchants in- 1 tented in the welfare of oeoreetovn are requested to i attend a meeting to be held in the town hall thursday oct 21 1 si pjul tor the purooce of or- j r s ratepayers assoc- 1 una ataawasasasbasaaaasassabaaam mj stove and furnace ipipesi all repairs new idea furnace f l tieguvray a has an jdu kl 5 we hate to keep reminding you its only two 2 days until st getrges tennis clab annual ui willis tipping and his blue drafj takes place in the arena ballroom t ajaimlisi a 5 cau per aersa aal wklle w mvr a avsaeyaek caaraatee uuu yets will kave a vei kave aasva vryiaia sertial la ustrt ym af as iyaal aal u ym 4e wt cejs aialy say its ymr awn lataiu i kara vv sseeiaj ceua hsluwl dates navy tissue f xl ssmui clarks assorted srwuii soups hicpl cklelun with rim 4 25 royal now until friday bktte davis hknhy fonda in isal certsia wsavas i- i tu 7 sua startiux saturday- roa days tv svleua far varsity show uh dttk mwall tad ilealy huco watumo sad hts pmuisylvattlsni dar awaa at 1 aja beans si 3x5 stvmraart asa asssa jaf dog food 3 x5 macaroni 5 salmon 3 z5 ketchup 35 artlneul knuraet at vanilla xs lundmcked while a beans bulk black or butcher pepper rangoon 1 rice lb s 5 b 19 ib6 fast free uverv dominion

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