Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1937, p. 1

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1 1 o seventyfirst yew of publication the georcetown herald weikeaovy evening october 20th 1937 jo n advance 200o usa the geontetown herald j m moobb lhi- of th q u cnlr- tm tnue eseeuv kl t standard tinw a uelnf kmi- pttmdltr 7 ulta rtintw and uall 10w kjn wsaeuger and mall e pju- tmmin lor toronto- tlt pm bwuttm sunday wily 51 pin gains wa t rumir uvi lail m ejm kimtivvf x4 wsangr and uall j1 lg- wmnor f lj wwir sunday 1119 11 ul directory ikovaauc icc m bvm1 mcnnext jl buium m o urntom ooluio ooto oratory ttxlre iud mill budget groceteria offers these specials kdoocth m lakobom iihlii wutor ikuqr hnt mortcm moow la ia onto uiln 8ueaalh ouxdon umdki cook m us utn st kvmar tuner ko h uwd oook oodus orajdtm as lalast horth mnu b- umu l nhtttn tnatiiai ittanhn ms r watson djls mjsjl omo uou- is i kaotct ituirtowy k ucksok uj9jb la th uu iv oolite oova kmbtaai a m nielsen mui vr t ml chiropractor xray drucieu therajtmt qom atvt dnwtlftlw imam botus 1 ts p dm h frank petch uobnssb iwnwim fcr ik tli- im ul h pm smtvla mat obv ohwnm iv radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son rbonbt arouutrowh i nftkd two pawh rswuseets according la e story gouts the round of the press s ivousewlfe hung her husbands trousers on the line or en airing but on finding that a palr or wrani wre building a home in thettt decided to let the garment re- fnam th incident constitutes an unusually strong argument and sslllna point in favour of the suit with two pain of trousers lwmmtmect hfklung wtth several students front this vicinity attending different out-of- town universities and colleges we feel that parents will b inuraated in uiat ahort leuer that one father wrote hufcom at college ivaacmunc vou vhe gjo in aikutlon to your regular allowance as you requaated in your laat leuar but i muu again draw altailhmfi to your incorrect apelllrut- ltt a written with one nought not two uu well how riving hutnber arrl ta tt luajioy huahand mot w bad while w wa waiting for you i taught vay w4m u imam buuiam wkand cornstarih jonket reouel taiujct8 oiik uorneks cocoa 1 lb tin 19c vi lb un 10c hwe floor floor glou tin 59c wax 1 fc tin 42c 4 lb tin 23c campbells spaghetti 1554 i 2 t 19c aylmer pork and beans 132 ojj 2 ti cloverleaf salmon jj 2 tju 35c waxpaper kandywrap 50 t roll 15c rub froa ocrua vi lb ytjlow ubel 29c v lb brown ubd 34c omuifrs siucct side bacon 33c lb prunes urge 2 your dollar buys more here free delivery phone 366 custard 23e vitone 47e oxo cubes 23c gttteeottt manmude s2e iiirimiiusu wafers 12c lllllltv flakes peas cheese hi 16c jellies 29e flour 34c sardines 14c hllnt jelly beans 2 iu27c tld wmj 0m gum drops 2 u25c lttoe cjy kutw halloween 2 iu23c tu kkkl popping corn in 2 iu23c it-eh- 23c 7e patties 21c ulo peas oc d4ma niblets 225c beans 3 25c avuw tuu vi soup 3 ssf 23c ayuw kyutliv cut beans 10c uguolm coatmon tunui tiod it would irmy thai i tamy always knrp the ioy of nmmon things thai thru to how a irmlndrvnchcd robin unglng on his bouch the ticy unll umushts i think bs- f ofr v fclevf winn pfaoktrt and a brunmlng cup of ndlk thv uxftt of- uvrtulri and hpuw bloom the frch tool odor of a rtewjclcanetl room and ikiiay willows ihlnyboft as kllk ttvc nrrltsht vmlng on my ootir bowl the uaboui worn watyvmne of my jbpofcs- to touch ilay fame or fortune never fount tttuctt that utce loe power to tatufy wy ioul isy eulu oould in the amerlcin qui ktai ltoi nucncms convcrt on the annual convention of the nat ion trvchrs inullute was held in ulllon on ckctober tui and hh au he setnr were fully attended and the pvogram proved to be both eo- viyable and profitable the prealdent ulu la lavy oakvule was m charge during the four e4lona devotional exerdsea were conducted by ftev a b irwin and canon u j u natlel who auo delivered lnplring addreasies alka iris phillips driuh ktthante teacher uamglas senior school newport idigland who is on the ktafr of the fiurllngton central kchool gave a tplendld addres on wales and decribexl the organballon of senior achools in engund the main feature was the itudy of the new course of study grades 1 to vi intereatlng and helpful discus- ion was inspired in ach subject by the following leaders health ulss tdeanor klacdonald cnguth inspec tor j u denyed social audit uus charlotte tanner natural actenee k pvtmtor arithmetic t u barreu music uiss adeline prase art atlss margaret young af r ienye paid tribute to the work of the late ulss alary k douglas former teacher of this tnspeetorje ind to the work of ulss k a brown and urs p r ucaskul of oekvula who have retired from the profejuioa message of sympathy troaa the inullute was sent to ur k it dan derson of oakvllle and to the family of the lata- ulss uary k douglas ra their recent sad bereavement v the following otneors were elected for next pear honorary ivesldeul j u denyex tta uuton president uus edith donldln burlington ice- presldent ulss charlotte tanaer oakvllle secretary ulss uargaret gemmell ullton treasurer ulss christina elliott uuton ontario new catunet iwoin in my ulutqovenoa bjluc1e last vkkat omtaaucyt bsncx uc3 premier uhcheu ilevburn has re organised his cabinet and added eiht rew mmlstera to his oovru- taent the perumnel of the reor- gmniaod hepbttm government is as louowa premier pretidenl of the otmiiuil and provincial treeuureriloo uu- cheu p hepburn provincial secretary and ulnbter of oum and jplxherte hots harry t unbaer of jughwmya hon t r aloquesten kco ulnbaer of landv and poreali hon- peter heenan itnloer of todueajjntv hon dr leonard j simpson ktlnlster of ulnea hon pmul ledu attorneycleoecal hon gordon p oonant kc ulnisur of health hon harold klrfay icc uinlsteror agriculture hon p u ulnbterv of public- works hon colin campbell minister of labor hon uonrison u uacbrlde ulnlsbsr of uurddpej affairs and public welfare jton erie w crocs kc ulhlsters without portfolio hon wu lv uouck and hon a 8c clair gordon ur hoock and uayor j a smith of kitchener were appointed mem bers of the ontario hydra electric commission- hon norman o ilipel will serve a second term as speaker of the legis lative assembly and ian btrachan cc- has been selected as chief gov ernment whip the average age of the new cabinet is a fraction over years and aver age of the eight new members is 44 prkutefts op phtaaio hon j 8 wemiwuln july 18 1k7 to dee ib lltl bon e blake dec 1vt1 to oct irtl hon o uowal oct k latl to july inc bon a a hardy july a ibm to oct it lam hon o w boss oct m ltw to pb t ims hon sir j p whitney feb i ima to sept m 1014 hon sir w h- hearst ocl 3 1b14 to nov 14 101b hon k- drury nov 14 1019 july 14 lots hon o h ferguson july 16 1bu to dec is itto bon o il henry dec 15 lftyjto july lu ifem 1 hon u p hepburn july 10 10m to ittt the uatkntp tf3k cut canceuatlon of membership ttw havenx time club whose meetlncs are held in hospitals and cemcterlos is urged by the industrial accident prevention associations in a recent booklet issued in their members throughout ontario uembers of the havent tuna club the booklet points out are persons who invent time to consider the safety of themselves or o others they go about their dally rounds in a hasty and unplanned manner re fuse to take reasonable precautions for the protection of life and health yet howl when they are hurt through their own thoughlessneas the club is a worldwide organisation wade up of a large membership of thought less people in ontarios industries it is estimated there are over v560 an nual memberships registered on the roster of the club and members lose more than momt0 hours each year simply because they havenl time the following are examples of members actlvltlea carried on in the home as well as the factory and shop and each points to the obvious moral that a little forethought can prevent a lot of woe 1 starting the day wrong with a wrabandrun breakfast x trying to carry more bundlas or parcels than you can reasonably and rarely handle la courting trouble 3 if you stand on boxes or chairs instead of safe ladders to reach a top iheir or hang curtains you are tee tering on the verge of an accident 4 eating before you aasli your hands a touchy point wtth boys can be just as dangerous to adults who fall to take such precautions 5 the moat trivial aoddenu bash ing your thumb with a tack hammer or even a pin prick should be given immediate attention and lrstaid treatment it you have been a member of this famous havenl time club drop your membership at once for tha person who lakes time to be carefid can art more work done in the same tlnuj knd will be happier in the long run the iapa booklet urges childrw aid society hcmiamntjjll bkpokt bcaalabnual report of the chlld- tena aid society of the countkw of 1 and tklton oovarinc the period na april 1st uctt ao j3epcaabr moth lk caaea open on april lit r 10 39 t st to 1 ten at sept so hot number of visits number of offloe biterv number of court attendances permanent commitments temporary wardship extended number of cbikhen involved t4 adootlooa wwapwlad t j s uweuivmi irwrwai canm opeuav april 1 lgyr w new caaea ig heopened caaea caaas fiwnnrl m caaea open on sept m 1m7 number of visits 30 number of ofbce mterriwws m number of court attendance 13 brpc 30 sept 30 boarding homes adoption probation wage homes j- pre homes j other msiluajpm nonwards u mm 30 110 u 3 u 1m 33 3t 30 xnveaugallonx adoption nd foster homaa visits to honaes where children placed ottos interviews it la now over a year since the sa tiety eloeed the shelter and adopted the boarding home system this type of care for the children u prov ing oult talis factory they have readily dapted themselves to their new homaa and without doubt have a new ouuocit on lite the in terest uwl cooperation of the foster mothers is very encouraging and with their enjitttyw we reel the children are on the way to fr useful separation of parents is atul one of the large factors in respect to ree lected caudfan even with tncreaaed employment the child is too oqan the last consideration of the parent the unmarried mother and her child is also out of the big problem of the society and practically change is noted hs this regard from year to year q p thompson superintendent acton at last meeting of acton council byuw was passed and read as r quired appointing c p leatherund clerk and treasurer pro tern the permanent appointment was left un til after the new council was elected m police court in acton last thurs day suchard sharpe was aentenced to ii months in the ontario reforma tory when he pleaded guilty to a charge of forgery he is serving a similar sentence for a like charge at oudph and the sentence will run concurrently terribly lacerated about the head and face harold deforest of acton is in the ouelph general hospital a the result of an accident on the ouelphrockwood highway just out side ouelph early sunday momtng deforest was driving east when his automobile was involved in a collision with a car driven by oscar roebricht of waterloo who was proceeding west jack alger company bgtia4 of the lorn scots pee dufferin and uahon rbnt i taking a six weeka course at the royal school of infantry in toronto free press wet spell br dwrd a uwbinci sunlight pur soap 2 11c utter mccantkbi otfedwt btoodb bar 2 27c sugar wafers oritfcvi wmtrka pitted cherries 2 kuwk sm rid sn fresh coffee o nw bltoman mfr peac 2 n have jou renewed erin in the death of thomas c foster at the private patients pavilion to ronto general hospital on saturday october 9th erin lost a well known and highly esteemed eulsen and busi ness man bora near duntroon oni ur foster came to erin with his family about 35 years ago since which time he has been actively engaged in the ganeral store business he was a past waster of ajt a au and for a number of years secretary of wel lington lodge member of the lvo i and a member of bums presby terian church and an elder thirty- one years on july hh he united in marriage with uabel steel who with their rijmgh muriel survive him b a ucltihnon won the q c hurt trophy for the third success time with his dooley potatoes at tcrln fair and is now the proud possessor of this beautiful trophy advocate milton ura chris curry who is in ouelph general hospital is we are pleased to say improving harry wataon of vancouver bc formerly of uuton called on friends in town on friday last wu frasar who recently broke one of hi hip 1 now in hamilton gen ral hospital and doing nicely alex uachabb of georgetown spent thanksgiving day at his home sre ura w hume and daughter ulss ulna left yesterday for ottawa where they will spend the winter with her son george ur 8 wilton for nine years man ager of the canadian bank of cotn- maro here has been granted one yeara leave of absence previous to his retirement in nov hot on pen sion ur ucandless of fort erie will assume hlsdotiu here mr wilson will continue to reside in uu ton mr wilfred b hail the wife of a trafalgar township councillor and dominionwide known poultry man died at her home on the hew ulddle road highway two mue east of oak vllle tuesday ocl uth following a long ulna she was a daughter of a k- powley of no 3 highway west of here and prior to her ilcknat was an active member of sl johna unit ed church oakvllle the husband on son and one daughter survive champion friend tell me sir who was braver than ijitwlnt wiser than so crates more honest than lincoln wittier than uark twain and more handsome than apollo ur wise my wifes first husband annual betoavr of public school ntjk3b following is the report of the pub- lie school nurse urjs ina parr for the year 1jt 13 attended the dentlsl 11 had tonsils and adenoids remov ed 30 were examined by uojl nose and throat clinic at hospital for sick children- 1 had ey examination and was fitted with glass 301 were vaccinated 33 were treated with diphtheria toxoid g had measles 1 chlckenpox i akin ffvn of various kinds 130 visits were made to homes in trtduwm to the above 19 attend ed a dental clinic sponsored by tle bon temps club wife trying on new tall hau do you like this one turned down hubby how much is it wife twelve dollars llubhy ye turn it down war caemut 2 free delivery ssr potatoes nice sis fveah eaean 0fc 6 isc lettuce flrkwn hiai nlee sis 2 lse onions nlee ft tee fliwsj aaul dry 10 18c celery large hiaava levety flaw fc bunch grapes 2 isf 1 special sale bananas apples etc the little frame farmhouse looked like a shanty boat atrwnded na aa of mud h had rained intermittently fof ovwr forty day and forty nights and it was atill rmjng as if it would rain for forty rtwwj jonas srhlth agriculturiat staad- mg at the kitchen door- looked at what he couldsee of his eighty otir aogrgy ancestral acres and groanedj if a plow was put in wt be brooded hit would go to chiny he turned and stared morbidly at bis wife martha a brisk fair- haired uueeyed wisp of a woman of uncertain age who rouee biscuit dough on a square oak table and hummed the arkansas traveler sow had been ruurtmln the ark ansas traveler it seemed to jo- nas for a oool thousand years martha he croaked if this yer rain keeps up another day vim rulnl martha determinedly rolled bie- curt dough but the humming ceased abruptly you aaid that before and rt didnt atop and you haint rulnt or axe you her quick blue eyes stared coldly you said in the sum mer of thirty u u didnt rain youd be rulntgn on out to th bam jonas im tired of loolun at you en tireder of ustenhv to you the bam was a gjoorny xavern draughty and damp it amelled of cows aheep horses and undred odors at the far end the hired boy sam leaned on a pitchfork and list lessly contemplated a pile of hay a short uniighled cobplpe sagged from his loose mouth jonas dull countenance bright- ened he stamped up looked sky ward spal if- this yere rain keep i an other hour he said abruptly im rulnl them people out west yonder sam aaid air aprayln far rein pray an be damned jonas rasped well i didnt mean that exactly hs chewed vigorously suddenly he stiffened wheres hanniet sam removed his pip and point- ad with it toward a vhaped white washed edifice about which a few chickens stood and clucked feebly flxln them there trap nests of hisn i keep steuln him hit in the chicken house a abrteen- yearold counterpart of himself was tinkering with an institution that looked like a death house cell in rnmlattire well son uh uaapet rooster got et up by m possum or somethin last night l found hit an burled hit an put rock on hit x buried hit near the rose bush by the hedge if this yere rain jmas ex ploded dont top might slap damnquick im a rulnt man hen- nle m rulny man rannie hammered jury invited me to her olrthday party tonight pop can x borree the ear he quickly added this rain shore is fierce aint hit but even as rannie looked the door became suddenly empty jonas fuming and muttering started back toward the barn saw sam and veered away the head of a spotted grey horsw rose over the hedge jonas and ot tom exchanged a long sad un- destanding look the head disap peared and jonas heard the sound of grass being torn up and masti cated he turned toward thejtou the kitchen was warm and cosy martha banged the stove lid down and threw a left over stick of wood in the box jonas sat down in a splintbottom chair and put his feet against the bright nickel rim of th stove the rein rattled on the win dow and hissed as it ran down the pipe into the fire he shifted about uneasily looked somberly out of th window st the barn and henhouse and silo jumping about like a rnir- ag i tell you if this yere rain his eyes rose and locked with marthas bright blue ones his wav ered fell as i was ssyin he concfnuexl with an apologetic grimace if the crops was out this yere rain would shore make em hump hit shore would he meditsted grimly but he added his voice rising comhat ively they aint out an this rata will be afallln on ray coffin martha smiled as she picked up the steaming enameled coffee pot and a huge cracked platter of fried chicken dinners ready she said drvtsiag suds uareuaue scientists csn find no srlenthv basis for tltu belief that dlvmlng rods whether of witch hassl wil low ash peach elm or even wire or metal are able to locate water the bureau of mines has stated in a report that the divining rod is either a fraud whether deliberate or unintentional or is based on some physiological principles of which at present we know little or nothing if these water diviners in some cases are successful in locat ing water in a higher percentage of the tests than can be accounted tor by mere chunce it is probably not because of some mysterious power ip the rod but becuuse the person holding it is u quick observer and has had considerable experience in finding water plkmmt carrolls w jebsey cow awajtded gold medak ckstttrhcate the jersey cow broadview emin ent ulss bred by j m dobon of brampton ont and owned and test ed by ward huddell a sons oeorge- town ont lias been awareed a oold mads certtnoala by the raahe jersey cattle club to 305 day as a mature cow mm produced 9119 lbs of milk h lbs of fat she is again on test and has been milking over m lbs per day and i producing 100 lbs of fat per ssonth forwfcsara asonths and will probably asake a medal of merit oeruncate this

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