Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1937, p. 4

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sttjt tha georgetown herud wednesday evening october 20th 1937 your eyes hir tsrw urawqr vlbc r 1 wnk ii i li iii t a it i i yillli 11 w oh 1 1 ii f quaurrv tfcai in nil rr ci i i i u i1sib arid cwmh a t walker ro rromktkjtht fcysuuctrr kiixiaurt sbiaut at jtobbm dkug ktokk geoiuietown iw i utsioncut on oat woong ittrat be our woods of hemlock maple pta and birch dear lord ir wood and thine i bleat be their buhbhnc springs their rtppeed lake their ponds end every laughing brook that totkm ttjainbows and foam and crptmj for trout bleat ha the trails thai wmnder in ind out aknong gray boulders drowned ui wjt of velvet bmw on blest be ell of blest be the wood and uwy uut r4 dwell therein fsfeading squirrel and hu gentler ttoi the friendly chipmunk knd the umtd hare bleat be the graceful mink the shambling bear the beaver on his dam the drumm- ing grouse the hawk that love the sky the white- foot mouse the antiered buck that pace proud end tall u with doe and dappled fawn bll be they ail i lord bleaa the woods for perfect lovr lia por balm that heal the soul 14 oare and kirea i keep thetn forevef fragrant cool hud li rlaue tram ok kxrtgfc ugkvdag safe direct economical lkavk gkoafilctown easterw siamatah ale to toronto to kitchkmkil to owkn sound a im i 1s pjas x 9i5 eja c 151 pjn xbflu pju bj5 ajn ttjm njau cm pan hid am a l5 njn dll30 pjn aajuf pm 1xjs pw j5 pjn x 155 pjn x 855 pm el330 aaa m50 pm jtvthrough to london a dally except sundays and holidays b sun and hoi only c oat only l daily except sau sun and llol e bal sun and hol only coach cannkctionr at yokonto poet karui amy ouawa ataaur and toiraaeauate nihu ticket and intoraullab at w hlong phone 89 expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repair to all makes georgetown phone 11 lane block prota thunderbolt and bale and sleet prom avalanche from torrent drought and blight torn all that is unclean from ruui- leas knight that give to desolation valley ftlen and toounlalruld cod bleas our woods i amen i arthur oulterman in tti new york herald tribune treasurers sale of land for taxes mcnbcitaoty or groasvowh county or halton to wm by virtue of m warrant issued try the mayor of the corporalics of the town of oeortetown bearing data of itttt day of jnrin4t a list hkuda amauanle to be aold for arrears of taxes has bo pretred and la bain pufaliahed id an advakueoiaat in the ontario oaaetta on tth day of august lk 4th day of beptetaber 1057 3nd day of october uyr in default of payment of tax and costs as shown on such ust on or before wedneaday november loth iftst at 10 oclock u the foronoon x ahall gjt tha aald time and at the municipal omoe in the town of oeonnlown proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or such por- tiimhajreof as shall be necessary to pay such arrears together with tha uueugwa thereon of the above lands may be seen at the treasurers otto the adjourned tale if any will be held at the same place and hour on wedneaday november mth 1037 and further take notice that it u the intention of the corporation of the town of georgetown to purchase at the adjourned sale if any bald any parcel or parcel of land if the price offered u leas than the arrears and the costs thereon rlo 1057 chap sat section 1st sub 5- treurci office this 2nd day of july ifth p n u br mow treasurer tested recipes dom a felaak mctlkfl there arekthree main classes of x homemade pickles 1 sweet rnili or vegetable pickle 1 sour plckuu which include mustard pickles and 3 the large variety of pickles in which the material is chopped finely the following recipes contain ex amples of several kinds caewg kieue 1 large cabbage finely chopped cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch u pound butter 1 ubleapoon mustard seed 1 pint of vinegar yolk of x egg melt butter add ktarch then vinegar and wellbeaten egg yolks ugar and seasonings when slightly thickened add cabbage boil ten minute stirr ing to prevent t irking pour into sterilised jars and seal keel callage meue 1 quart vinegar a tabelspoons whole black pepper a tablespoons whole crushed ginger 3 cups sugar thrst remove outside leaves and stalk cut across in very thin slices spread on a flat dish sprinkle with salt and let stand 14 hours turn into a col ander and drain thoroughly ih in jars or a crock and pour the above mixture over it while very hot cover and let stand a week before use snioes may be varied celery kant 6 heads celery 1 cup sugar 3 ounces mustard seed 1 teaspoon turmeric 4 large onions a quarts vinegar u pound mustard 5 tablespoons salt blend turmeric and mustard with a little vinegar ulx all ingredients and simmer slowly a hours bottle while hoc ritul ottuaa 1 quart small pickling onions peeled 1 quart good white vinegar 1 teaspoon table salt a teaspoons whole pepper corns bring vinegar and seasoning to boil lng point remove any scum put in onions simmer for three minutes or until onions are transparent pour- into sierilutsd jars and seal ctsnapsu0t ojil i animal and pet pictures tfc very fast and tteba awt pee make tfcewa igeal gjttea trmaette u i eubjaeta fbaaf aoumhou pets to giants of the jaaglea animals are ideal aaajaeta for aaapahootara tbey doat poaa thay dont act you can smap tkent la natural undirected aetloa and tkat la jast the raaaon utah- gjetaraa create ao much la- lareal to gat good pictures of any aalmsl the trat aaaabtlal la patlaaee it la mlu noaalua that the family dog will staad up obllglagly for yoa oa but la picturing all other 1 youll find it necessary to wait for ike picture you want and this brings us to the qoestlon what do you want in an animal picture t ym way prefer to snap a kitten as hy with n string or a dog wreauhtet lhl bfjck paaleauft sulmfcll of course offer few real easaara dtfaculuas for you oa got taeea to oome wkr tha ugmt in right oaeei abada en a artgai day will he round beat as for abutter apead if yonr eauarai has variable speeds youll aaed 1kth of a ascond or faster to catch fleeting poaea and expressions unless the light is axceptlonal bat tar work with tko lens wide open- to snap ian oontrollahla animals squirrels birds and such youll need greater patience and cunning lluca depends oa background and on your distance from tha auajacl at uore than ten feet for example a sqalrffrl becomes almost invisible unljcq is sharply revealed on a branch with the sky ground obviously liter tor back- yonll need to use a fast shutter squirrels wove too swiftly for alow snaps the aoo can be a happy hunting ground too in many eases youll he able to shoot through or over the bare of cages obtaining clear unobstructed snaps dserm modern color aansltttrerflbm youll need allta detail you ft get and tha utmoht tn wtlor value ren dering iu john van guilder is large onions la large green peppers u largo red peppers 13 large yellow peppers chop exceeding fine cover with boll- ling water slightly salted let uand 10 minutes then drain do this three time the last time pressing in cloth add 1 quart of vinegar 3 cups of sugar and cook slowly one hour wfaoer babul 1 cauliflower m cabbage 1 cucumber 1 quartonions i quart green tomatofw a heads celery 3 quarts vinegar 1 cup flour 3 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon celery seed cup mustard prepare all- vegetables by puttlns them through the food chopper al low to stand in salt brine overnight then boll for ten minutes in brine and strain boll vinegar mix flour brown sugar mustard turmeric and celery seed in enough cold vlnersr to make a paste add to hot vinegar and boll until it begins to thicken pour over vegetables mix well and bottle can you teacher- now johnny name a place in alaska johnny no in teacher thats right nome for you 1 next i headache after headache now shes frviefroxn them a woman wlrte i would like everyone who unr from headacltmi to try kruftchen halt ft or taking kcruedten i was eeldom free from a hrenterhr hut xlnrw v have been taking it rcxulari have hardly hd a headache for which i am vwy thankful 1 have been tklg a mull uom of kruchi every morning in a glass of warm waur before my breakfast and i feel so well ura i ajcjo how do vpu deal with hradachcr do you just take something to icdj- ui the pain without getting hd of the iroublf which caue the pain headache calk generally be irurcu to a duordered stomach and to llu unsuspected retention in the system of surilaling waste material which uoisotut the blood remove uicw pouon prevent tliem forming agltv km ou1 never lutve to worry nny more from that cause and uu- s just how kruschen ball briiu swift and lastbui relief front head ache rtruchn aids ntttur to heatueyour body completely of uxt glng wssv matter eiueyoui i tg wosv m trort hi lurv rrry ty nl ou vir p hgrort ftutuui anu rohlifn bubuc hooikty the msxterught being uic pop ibur report 1030171 of lite urltixh uiul porelgn bible society by the 1uv john a patten uji iu fjirjry buperintetulent has been usued it is astonishing itow year after this society brings out a popular re port of ever- increasing inlereai and of surprilftv variety in the ldu round which it is grouped the title this year the uaslerugbt u tak en from- word worths famous line a masterllghl of all our seeing end live headings of the various chapters indicate the trend of the whole re port light from the ancient manu scripts the light of the transrit ad word the lamplights r spreading the light and oil for the lamps the scriptures uetn- selves the great hymns of the churrh poet and prote writers are all taken by this gifted author to illumine his subject and recent biographu like those of lord balfour and lord ary furnish apt illustrations the bible is preeminently rtte book of light from oenesis to reve- istion and the coming of that light in written form in 713 translations in a yearly issue of over lldo0d6d volume is shown to bring light to many souls and to bbum a trail of glory in the great continent of the world there are ant illustrations from every country including the domin ion of canada where the coming of the scripture to uie indians and to lonely settlers has indeed brought light without being pessimists the pre face states we arc all bound to ad mit that there are many clouds hang ing over uie world today clouds of war and hostility jealousy and mu undersundlng clouds of poverty and unemployment ignorance and irrell- giosx and in no part of the globe is the n shining from n dear aky butxthe bible society has n uioln of beacons carrying glad tidings tux and wide the ou for the lamps needs to be replenished and the deficit or over tt0q0jx must disappear so that the masterlight may shine more and more till uie perfect day thus in brief outline another years work of the bible society is depleted and all who read the report will be farced to ask with iu talented edi tor is the bible society receiving adequate support to carry on this workt canadian cattle exttokttcd to statcs brantford oct iftan important shipment of m pure bred liouteln cows left brampton mid october for export to the state of massachusetts they were selected by c p wllurd of still river massjrom the herds of ao aiven georgetown victor j lawrence oakvllle emerson ford hornby if vt ev son ingle- wood klngdon bros brampton and john campbell georgetown w b somerset preeman jos m wlckxon bronte w a msrshsll milton w tact scott preeman w j cleave nerval and mrs annie stuu georgetown early october reports from the do minion department of agrlculuire record a high oftday production re- cotvj nn t wo time milking of huh lbs of 415 milk just completed on uie mature ilolsteln cow lonelm echotowned in the herd of qeo a love cheltenham peel county christian renewal ooldkn tkxt for uw gram of ood that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men titus z ii lesson lalaok thut 5 1 11 brother tree i why do you reach ami rrjrht j dp you dream some day to uiurli lite 1 skyt i brother tltream i why do you run and rutly do you uream lomc day tn nil 1m aeat brouirr lllrd why do you ung ami kidkt do you dreatnt young man why do you talk and lalkt meatal aftliar 1 b matty of our hora rlkiketirf tlr lertnlneid itaxg before the kctitul culon we are roemwl vtry lurtly lay the pictures wr hav of our hull vulua selvtit we tnakf cluilce- itr principles whlrii later urr trjilili ni into action ttiroustiout lie jt we bulk up preference and tiuletiw and ui tlw actus moment of titnuu lion or cruij tluapat lnljy u in this ktltonjlniul w yriung in i tl- wlui wa arctiruuin uur anwti uu cretans a tamewiat turbtil ir people paul urged tuur to put hb nrole in mlhd to be nibjeel to 11 w bovertimiail it is idle to try to r reason wtten a mpb uplrlt ts u u height but t toienlml ttllriulfi of re straint and orderly letfal juries v nn held up constantly before a romrruml- mob violence need never bin tilt out the people who join lynch nia patriec anjcaually committed to ihc principle of lynching long before un actual case arises- uy uie ujik mks en if we are committed to the chru uan ideal of brotherhood and ood will we shall be able to malnu n control when a uorm of emotion hreakx am kjmkasvy pasl 3 4 paul had a whole stretch of his life of which he was ahamed lie hid lived in a mood of suspicion and he had cherished hate avainst those wlio held a different creed paul showd his bigness of soul in hu readineu to attmlt that for several years in louui ills inner 11e had been full of malice and personal antagonism it s lo his lasting credit uiat he war able to turn away from this low uandard of life and become uie auuior of uie worlds greatest poem about chris tian love paul was able to live down his unhappy past and make it better uian if it had never been this nun who by word and deed extolled- love had been a victim of hate can hee be any worse hell than lo live a love less life a clerlew rteaeed 47 paul had gained a victory over his past but lie did not take the- credit to himself paul gave all uie glory lo christ through whose grace he had been renewed paul expressed fellow ship with ood through surrendering to christ u his saviour paul felt that gods goodness had been medi ated to him through christ by sur render baptism faith and the pre sence of the holy spirit instead of having to dwell morosely upon his un happy past he could look fongsetf to the glad hope of eternal life the marked contrast between pauls pre- christian snd christian years b tribute to the power of christ transform a nature through and through this process of renewal does not happen all at once some times uiere are cycle like uie sea sons e glorious outburst of life in the spring flotertng and fryllage in uie summer a drab autumn and unpro ductive winter and then again a pro gressive step months it may be of illumination snd victory the but way to have this renewal and con tinuous process is to have daily fel lowship with jesus christ by put ting our spiritual life on a dally basis we may grow from strength strength hew cwteuanliy snrtajss bishop atariah of india traces uie mass movements in his diocese to the witness of changed lives the lrti movements have not come about by evangelism but by people seeing uie transformation in life among both low caste and high caste people there is no argument as potent a a good christian life paul instructed titus xp challenge the christians in crete to maintain high standards be cause uie pagan people were observ ing them and would be only too ready to point out any weaknesses christians a demonstration upright christian character will win others to the faith wlien argument falls in nearly every communltv there are a few people who by their wgh aandardsrc4iehhuhout statistics show that more men eui- bessle money in order to gamble and drink than for any other reason and most women who get touchy fin gers do so because they live beyond their means another way to make home happy is to say nothing about uie spots that get on um tablecloth they will al ways wash out while the memory of unkind words someumea wont picobac lhi cent a mile bonne trip bargain fakes tmlalasimm fare ctdurea 4te from georgetown friday gd saturtlay october 29 and 30 to oshswa bowmanvllle port hope cobourg trenton jet- bellevule napanee kingston osnanoque brockvllle prescou morrltburu corn- wall uxhridge lindsay peterboro campbeluord newmarket pene- tang ooumgwood meaford uarrte ortllla midland aravenhuru braoebrtdge lluntvllle callander north bay parry bound sudbury longlae geraldton jelliroe beardmore saturday october 30 to toronto also to brantford chauiam chesley clinton durham exeter fergus oodertch ouelph hamilton lianover harrtston ingersoll kincardine kitchener london ustowel mitchell niagara palls owen bound paisley ialmerston paris port elgin of catharine st mary samla southampton stratford btrathroy walkerton wlarton wing- ham woodstock ticket alee gud urn this aeetlea laldav oct m as failews prom st mary stratford and georgetown train so prom stratford train 170 for pares return limits train information tickets consult nearest agent see handbill for cotnplela list of deatlnatlons t444d ajuc agents fok rattylcusjuth op canada maple leap gf conttsst- sevea eaali netain yaw may was tltaml canadian national the years have established confidence in themselves their reputation has been established not by one or two especially good acts but by steady consistent christian living year attcr year recently in a country town high school principal died the word that was upon everyones lips for miles around uie school were was a good man no one doubted it parents and scholars alike were on vlnoed that here was one ean in the community who had an inner quality of life in which they had confidence msiwanns pwrmiisa 11 there are some people who are al ways concerned about marginal things in religion they gre grrpdi concerned about sacramental delauti or religious phraseology and mus uie weightier matters of justice ourcy truth and love a very duolngukhed christian minister spent the tlrst twenty years of his life in controversy then he discovered that controvvry did little good he began bearingt his simple witness to what he bellevtd and knew and soon discovered uiat he was helping others there 1 n some religious people who are so ol sessed about trifles uiat it is a wssle of time to discuss questions with them- they are not open to convic tion they wish to convince others but will not be convinced uiemselvs we must refuse to let controversial people drag us down to utelr lerul we ought to be governed by tirratt spiritual purposes about which here need be little debate qnerilim far mscwsstea 1 what mental picture have i of my self x is my past n handicap or n help 3 have i had a definite- experience or christt 4 doe my conduct recommend ray religion to others 5 la 11 wise to win the argument gnd lose uie man united cwurek clew wiitlssas charge rev ctisrle jolllffe n a mlnuur ltmehousbunday school at 10 n-ui- service at 11 in olen williams sunday school 3 pth service 7 pqi crawfordr4io you cant underuand why your boy in college flunked in all uie foreign language crahahaw no its n mystery lo me he tucked up all the college yells in no time wife jolm is it true that money talks huaband so uiay say dear wtfo welt i wtoh youvl hwve me a little to talk to during the day l get so lonely foffnaakuxy wolumaej of dfadon wctsdly rworjloisxl haot ordlar a ton of hamco put ssuxtixxiair warmth tn syvwry koom vwaavdlwum of thw wwathwr no duit rio znolcn kio wrcuvtw leant oah eosry to haxtdl loo and msy on tha budcftl for toroxnpt nuuriio ordr froxn your loonl hamco dwoler ftw daaarvag your fuwll sold by w r kentt4jer a son x b mackenzie son on hamco- canadas finest coke yowutful lamp vlstble six miles if an uutnmohlle driver is not blind temporarily or otherwise he should be able to see uie new headlight be ing tried by the chicago a northwes tern on ltrt high speed train between chicago and sl paul the lamp throws n 3ooooo-candlc- power beam uiat gyrates conunual- ly tn the pattern of a figure eight about wo feett in diameter thus it sends its warnings straight ahead to both sides of the rightof way and high enough to appear as an sp- proachlnc pillar of tight a reflcclor moved by a motor oscillates the beam tests show uiat at umea uie light is visible for as much as si miles at night and uiree miles by day the plan is to operate it by day as weu as by night to emphasize its function as a light that distinguishes an un usually fast imw chances in required weights of seed exmiarrs at the guelpii wintek fair to meet with the wishes of many exhibitors or seed at uie guclnh win ter pair certain changes in require ments of exhibits have been anproved by the directors the weight of exhibits of wheat peas and beans remains ax formerly namely go pounds exhibits of bar ley and buskwheat shall be so pounds oats 40 iiounds all clovers 30 pounds nnd timothy seed 34 pounds the potato exhibits require 30 po tatoes rauier than a measured boauel as heretofore this will consulate a great improvement tn displaying the potato exhibits as each grower entry alll be placed in a suitable tray in khlch each potato may be easily seen ttie requirements for corn shall be 10 ears in nil cases shait iiesses giils suts snibts jiiioi iiesses arlois slips younelf air fiest apon c icae ci nun durr aa ani c icaf c itihtll llht r iels urn rinim n rmun u m- iv but youre joins to enjoy the grand array of sewing usutetions this 16 page book containm it ha doxtra of ttyle illustra tion dreaiea hata allpa ahopplne bags for yourself clothes for the children and designs for embroidery work candlewlck applique and all kinds of needlework the book is given free to you by your maple leaf flour dealer then iryou need ony of the patterns or needlework designs they will be mailed to you for only 10c each or 3 for 25c if you use the coupon contained in each 98 lb bag of maple leaf flour its as osy as a b c to rawov lh printing from maple leaf flour bool in just a few minutes without boiling the ink can be removed from maple leaf flour bogs its a spedol process developed by maple leof youll find the easy instructions on the back of the book the cotton in these bogs is estro finuohty its reolly worth money and the price of cotton goods is going up so get ready now for a winter of profitable enjoyment with these needlework suggestions get your copy or this book free from your maple leaf flour dealer prepared by iw iirj mmjtjrem ma lmsf fumr wins all fiiist huzes the winners of the fmt end nnrui pria tor whitm bleed id the firm pnie for drown dread intwiukutgcom- rtrtttton dtviuon of household science at live caiukluui noltonal bshlutloi wcliui s largest annual pair al usefj mn4e lear cream of the weal plpur andinatltitum73 orji trafprisre in mil classes were won by user of flour milled by the maoe leaf mllllag cuivany thats tltc flour for you to use it highly economical too because it cantatas a minimum of moisture you do not pay fur excess water so nrit time you buy flour be sure you get uaple lesf cream of the weu made by maple leaf milling coin luuiy limited toronto wuiniiteg a e farnell the budget groceteria -4- fsi jtied oh yen weat jifiuttmmmu c j buck walter lawson jr

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