Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1937, p. 1

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t3s rprf f i v t i 7 rsesr k jfs wlo be better by eightpage newspaper iw form tkk week hope change by subscriber andaowektisers s be a town tni careful 71mm rartd mesne i order creasing 1 bins morw ui tower md a v i our might town tor 4 i these turf paper of incur staff- to of service elttaens of weekly away to eight- it baa giving nearly three- eon the her pace but has dorvn of time stfrooste or the district it in the great to georgetown i who are hot invite you to you can better way for your home thoughtful and of the ation policy of which has and largely vements of of gorwth and aper is still hu nt of the land the weekly ito none in the of a the local and have been many printing since first printing but the aster improve- previous xn of the ever-in- job printing commonly machine was this mac- t approxlmate- hour not only much more dear and than did- the by hand again it printing cus- much sooner readers ret matter a change and t of that we servicing this this issue we of newspaper to our many ate elght- ttter serve our utlon to mak- and better standard will part of the r would ask our f advertisers correspondents and any- one cootributtos news items to these i columns to have their am to early 1 an that you may get yaur herald w the regular time on wednesday evening new copy should be to our hands as early as poaaible each nuor no newpsaper can operate successfully unless it has the good- w and eoaperauon of its readers and advertisers the herat- has baen forttnate in having this taesrty eoaperatton at oil times in theterri- to for past kvort and hope wetnay continue to b of service to you to the years to etoe j m moore puhuaair mohx savllavicmknt sent larger correspondence c is84 north bereodo street california asth ibh the editor dear sir during hundred years georgetown many- of iter sons into world to seek opportunities vancemen jhat were d them m a small community x could not be gin to name those who fared forth in the jos and early gos but there comes the names of some of them to mind austin and george tubby jack and bob young tom clark fred barber dick alien a these rep resent a cross section of the lads of that day and the various life work they took up each becoming success- ful in his line of the tubby brothers austin be came leading salesman in a large wholesale millinery house in torontol george was a rover and beginning as an svernan on one of the canadian pacific surveys rose steadily to be a high executive in railroad life from which he was moved up to be gen eral storekeeper on the huge pana ma canal project carried on by the united states under president toft- jack young trained by his father a pioneer hardware merchant to georgetown took up and conducted successful hardware business in gra- venhurst bob was employed in the hardware line to sl thomas and to uxbridge went to winnipeg in t took up financial work later life in surance and for a number or years was inspector of agencies for the oreatwest lite to new brunswick from which place he was moved to toronto and became superintendent of agencies prom thlscompany he went to the canada life and was put in charge of their huge loan depart ment in manitoba and the west which office he retained until arriv ing at the retiring age limit tom clark began his business life with barber ellis toronto then went into business for himself later merg ing his firm with the rolph clark stone lithographing establishment and became its president fred bar ber began his agricultural career on his fathers farm just outside of town and ended as manager for the late railroad president w c vanhoroes farm holdings in manitoba later ha went to portland oregon and estab lished a profitable printing business dick allen whose father was one of the village shoemakers went to mani toba worked for fanners for a time then to british columbia and u now living to the okanogan valley where he conducts a large dairy and cattle business dick has been postmaster j p school trustee and has been re turning officer at every election for many years this cross section gives ah idea of the resourcefulness and ability of those named but it could be greatly multiplied by those whose names do not come to me at the moment and goes to show the worthwhile stamp of men the them village turned out all but dick allen have passed on to their greater reword and i am moved to write this as apropos to the recent centennial celebrations and to say that the last of the above named except allen to go up higher was bob young who died early in octo ber in winnipeg after rounding out 81 years of those named bob and the writer met most frequently during the years and had much to common and i wish i hod the privilege of saying something of his character and per sonality bereft of his father in early hooknose are an asset to any homej life he bravely faced the future and xf you have a particularly long uij hi u i htl1tl jatfilresse wu brothers and a lister who also became xprthy of their parentage in this he elder brother jack assisted dur ing his comparatively short life bob rjnarrled old boys mentioned will be to your present readers ere may be one or more to it may be of alight interest k of ab wulsoni to those who left in their and made good and to those lined and took substantial the community your truly w b unsworth lde ball a builtin isbbkcoae wilt relieve the plainness of an unbroken on either slow of a fireplace or set into a sella wall bookcases add dig nity to any living room very often thaw gira a room the appearance of feoc natch larger or deeper wh convenient place for them in a veryaihsjl room is under a win- on a winder that has wide sills h particularly adaptable for this of modernisation for eueh work are now avail ihle at very low rate of interest nderttoe dominion governments busne improvement plan thk akt ov making tea to get the utmost auslity front tea is an av art to whloh anyone mastorpteos fcy tr flavour and l is the georgel iter of the above sketch left in his teens to iwa ra cotta eweora uu cold tap gsag your kef waft or eater st that the and not a to tt tar svn the eaav waar wxsgza saw saat awarwnke jjylntv mr am mo mrs j ful sale that mrs moved to lose such midst mr r few weeks keown of our merehl tkrtone fairly busy ji l miller and family ingle wood had a wry success tly we understand and family have irlo we are sorry to citiaens from our jg spending a and mrs o un report trad fairly are running folks tst on flouring lift like a custard air the artist is rood the fuuhr will i ty in ptandea fields the between u that mark oar place and tn the sky the larks atfll bravely y scarce heard amid the runs beams w aire the dead short days ago we lived rett dawn saw innavt akaar loved and wexw loved and now awe be xn flanders j take up our quarrel with the nfc i to you from failing bands we throw tie torch be yeans to hold it high 1 if ye break laath with us who dke we shall not sleep though pu in flandery fields lcol john jaccrae llco those who sacrificed for you appeal to you through the popny fond make your trjntrlhmlnn renerous last year canada vesnenabered her war dead to so inspiring a fashion at vimy the memorial itself the pil grimage of veterans and mothers and wives the participation of the king the president of the french republic the prime minister that every cana dian must feel pride in a duty so wholly and beautifully done some expression of that feeling is very likely to be mode by canadians on november gth this year wnj with the appeal of the poppy fund the opportunity is given to render some me of gratitude to thi who one might say fell to the war but did not- die for that in effect is what happen ed to many thousands of canadian young men wounded damaged in body and spirit these multitudes ot our fellow men have survived twenty years of pain and handicap of dis tress frustration and disappointment to the dally race of life regardless of all the help government and muni cipalities can devise for them on the hose of the indescribably beauti ful memorial on vlmy ridge there are carved to the solid stone the names or the 1123 canadian sol diers whose bodies have never been found whose names do not appear on a headstone uu any or the numerous canadian cemeteries scattered over france and flanders thus no man is forgotten the poppy fund inso far as the funds it can raise permit has attempted to see tftt no man of those living be rorgotten the things government cannot undertake to sup ply clothing furniture the simple amenities of comfort in a home ar the routine provisions of the poppy fund it also meets certain kinds of emergencies medical and domestic its work u practically all voluntary it tries to be on behalf of its count less contributors on poppy day the good samaritan to the forgotten iringes or the veteran problem the canadian legion which con ducts the campaign to canada is only one unit ol the british empire service league which on november 6th to its worldwide associations in the british empire is selling poppies to louow britishers in every comer of the globe the british peoples have their various national holidays and red letter days but to the gift you make on poppy day you are shar ing to a duty universally british let uk all weak a potty on forry day adherents eefcferaaed the etghtyarlli sugttvexsmry of the mwifc of parian tn oeoaaegowis- the special for the dag the venerasiae aiuidbacan fothatnag- ham of trinity conege toronto an i to an has ueawcs to be more falthfal to the cab of dae chinch and the christ a stai at the mommg service the chose as has text the 35th the hat chapter of st- john there are also many other which jeans did the willi li if rhonlrt be weittsn everyone x pose that even the world itself not rontahi the books be written- he aadd in part john bore hut witness to christ leav ing his record that all aught litivi and buud on a builders of st oeorgex eighty or efghlyove years ago bunt well and have sett wimiiiii for us xxov are we ihhh wv who today proteas and call o ve christians how win those par ishioners who follow us- faghtyttve years hence judge the qtaakty of onr work let us live and baud so u the record may be a wusthy and useful one at the evening service after read ing the sth chapter of king rt and the lllb chapter of the epistle to the hebrews the theme of the address was the oomnutnioit of saints which was indeed very ap propriate on the ere of all saints day he said to port we should thank god for the church and those saints of the early days whose live forever more communion means a great deal to all of us we cannot live for self and life without com munion is not normal we are bora and grow up to the spirit of com munion which lifts us up out of our selves to bigger and better trhlwar- the world is breaking apart today for want or communion of people and nations christian communion i throughout the world would makei this earth a colony of heaven wej should have the spirit that can com- mune with the spirit of god hae a soul that lives and believes in god- get away from the prejudices that ruin our own souls and those oft othere if we woam reach our goal for a bigger and better life we must commune with people of all nations- many living before us fathers and mothers communed with god and are saints to heaven today many a life becomes brighter when drawni rrom the life of those who lived be fore holy communion is a sacredi meeting place for those who belatve to god- let us all live for one an other and the betterment of the world and make life one mmmimlon of saints in god the beautiful flowers which adorn ed the altar were placed there by the womans auxiliary to memory of all deceased members the special music by the choir or gan voluntaries by mrs w p brad ley and solo parts by miss e bradley mrs ed iloore and mils brandford were much appreciated by those pres ent and added to the beautiful ser vices throcghout the day minii by hau that use ouowtag c stacey ww j- a bahaw3aawm osr jnpfawa wtst be pgivul x4 wn waxdl cxmot mi k c intftsaewjotanka umn t fcervicabef k cx nnin coal 4ottoer joonl o tttxtbg jtmtmt w g- marshall fwttng jurors p b- harrison wlerttng jurors thox- cmrey sax mimilrtpal world stationery uq silvers dent store rubber hoots m gentgrtoshi xsaaber ob beo t co cow war boy r j h j m otsetn son xts- f c wtihrnre sts p is- klarriaon exdae s walker its hydro electric oanaahari ijginti wreath and grant omre county treasurer georgetown past canadian legion req for denation to poppy fund front h- chairvaab eoaamittee creamery re taxes on property to ronto general hornhal e liullgint patient national sanitarium associ ation and st michaels wosnltal tn- ronta llmd by hall seconded by oosti- gan that the tender of bsc both- weu for eroonng the waterworks it at a price of 15s he accept- this one on you we were listening to a number of the days news they talked about the ontario election the latest crisis la europe the war in china the stock market and infantile paralysis all interesting subjects but they seemed to have overlook ed an important ttory to that days newspapers not one of them said i see that we canadians owe more than seven billion dollars the canadian press carried a leng- they dispatch about us owing more than seven billion dollars and the press put fairsited headings over u but few people raised their eyebrows astronomical figures have no sex ap peal no human interest and yet owing tlmajcolstm through the operations of the many taxing authorities throughout the dominion ought to interest those who pay the taxes which means every one but infants to arms you cant buy even a box or matches without paying a tax interest on that debt costs us near ly m60 a year for every man woman and child in the country separating the rgnnlnlon govern ments debt from those of the prov inces and municipalities it is kj60- 100517 that is the largest dominion debt to canadian history to agate of a year or two of improved conditions it is true that reduced rates of in terest enable the ou to carry it at leas cost than it took to carry a debt hree quarters of a bilhon dollars less in issl the peak year of the tl your per capita share of the inter est charges on the dominion debt to day is tvllo in ml it was tlavml but let your joy be somewhat ma nned by your annual par capita ahmtw of the total debts nomlnkwi pro vincial and municipal nearly rson ttatnk too that despite returning prosperity tn mm the pom in ton by and provincial dtbts increased bar tsvnjm even to goodkh times with high ta ra we eannot bay our way go more deeply in debi- nor will we live within our in mr and see taxation reduced until the public itself demands balanced bad- gets of all lorrtnaunn governments are keepers of the pqblic purse- that is your purse fnttead of saying the govern ment will pay for tt say i will pay for it- becauae you certainly do pay even if you are not in the hwvtme tax data you pay you pay in increased pric es on everything you eat wear and use mclean asg4w assistance there has never been a newspaper printed that satisfied everybody but there is a very simple method by which better newspapers can be pro duced and that is for those who sub scribe to them to take an intnvldikal interest to seeing thslvthey get more local and personal news not that you are expected to htywne a report er when you subscribe but because the newspaper stands as he exponen- ent or all that is rood for your community and in relate civic pride should therefore lead you to encour age such an train lit inn if yea have visitors if you have baen or if you are aotng on neighbors are sore to be fat knowing about tt ten thinwiti your hoase town paperj essay mttat tana of a tonal nature helps just ta awake a attu bettsr getting it to lbs ajr ostriisrt dr f h watson and j h xtanc- hsat of the high school board ad dressed council regarding the building of two additkmsl roams for ssi training and lioueahold m as requested by the larfjertment of edu cation the g would pay sac of the cost of construction the cost of the noutied addition to the school is msjaw- s74on to be paid government and ajxvochnatety ui- 060 by county leaving ttsju0 to be paid by town the government tnr crease to the yearly grant would be by costigan seconded by lyons that the question of erecting an addition to the high school at an fulmelrd cost of gismo with a cost of i1ijh to the town be to the ratepayers at the next munici pal ejection carried mayor gibbons iltaliiuan of the relief ryiatmlnlnii repor an ex- penditnn- of stjia for rettef in octo ber ta less than in xn hm the october reuef bffl tomja moved by lyons wconded lay crtops that the treasurer pay the reuef the sum of gars to nay the following onton ts were aixaoant- ad for the aswalhrsl hrfttaats to be held en monday dee toth isjbavl one waawsil walker retum- lag osaver rsiam ksbujf rati oerfc ward two w j cnaapbe i and sursastnakt jr and nil to it tost pott clerks- ward three r c akussv b ing otoaeen oeorae alcott pott oxsk wlltt ot goo ksvnb tssat -suoac- am oraif vnmamom there is moss for ihlwlii asaong british patiiou and ssoxlihiii as to who wrote god save the king as several par have tealaanil the honor of writing ith mfwiiir and words however notes a writer to the cleveland plato dealer to or john jamaas dictionary of uy ogy credit tar writing the mat tody k given dr john boat who as said to have played it on the organ to us minium taylors ball to to iswt when leases 1 dined there as a guest of the guild henry carey is often annanl as the author of both asanas and saanac and the air is said to laave been awag by bias at a dtoaer in ltw to cele brate use victory of nalnlaalfai cwr- ejra son repeated bis rjalsa to iwa bontog to et a pension tar bto iatbers palriotie estort tot be drat bwwf aa wal what as eattato it that osswsw xl was the cast king to be sswsasoaaw by nasasss taw son asad past at aa- widekppsswswr aaaa to wtolorary noon to irwa aaaa jnswi tsbsssvat in port o- tssw swsoawassy roa ck warn ly the oast i toogfat desxaatatety tbey to linn lawi the tbsee the ftoal score ttyfaa- wbar early fxatbai subs boyle bugsjer peck wiato fitat soabainaovf gudf ssrrantira to ggaaevsw rtte itsal fhsilr to the anasassam patyocfs opened at the anna saa monday aacbt wnb brsaasssaa and the glea ued tar wax tsnor to the hshonpeel who the gla waxt the as the first ana ttawe i and and fourth teases wwre to play ob tt meant use glea and sssrwsl and brampton and the pkstex tbe oswa teasa fsiyl to shear as asal gasaas- ton and the clint g anew put on the

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