Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1937, p. 2

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f pace 2 ttse in dat wux aumi lovely tbing some i tea day will brine some lovely thing i i any it over each new dawn flame ay adventurous mine to bold mfudmlfms heart whan it hu gone and ao i rue and go to meet ins day with wings upon my feet i come upon it unaware r some sodden beauty without nane j a snatch of song a breath of pine 1 a poem lit with golden flame i high tangled bird notes keenly t thinned- like hying color on the wind mo day has ever ailed mequlte before the greyest day undone i come upon some misty bloom or a late line of crimson sun bach night i pause remembering borne gay adventurous lovely thing grace noll orowell j moqiikstkn dtotatles phtss most potent safety foce toe press of ontario u the most important single factor in the war being waged against highway deaths and accidents aecordjuig to an opin ion expressed this week by hon t b- mcquesten minister of highways for the province although conclusive statistics have not yet been completed said mr moqueeten there can- be no question that the fear campaign which the highways department has conducted during the past several months has bad a definite effect on the reduction st the horrible carnage and needless waste which has been stalking our sstghways it is quite evident he declared that whatever success this campaign has achieved is due in great measure to the wholehearted cooperation which has been extended to the department of highways by editors in every ontario community and i wish through the medium of the press to extend to them his department warmest gratitude for the public- spirited way in which they have used jttielr news and editorial columns to inverting november 3rd 1937 n of loaded ie mat fee some inatruc- ajneni b winn nan huntsmen be- save human lives and prevent inlasij and destruction i comments have been pouring his office every day the minister said both from motorists and pedestrians concerning the effectiveness of nt departments campaign the significant he maintained came scores of travelling salesmen truck drivers these men said mr maqusstanv are driving on the highways eves hour of the day and each day hi thsr week they perhaps more than an other groups are more quick to oo- serve changes in the driving habits of the motorists of the province and they havo been almost unani mous in commenting on the general improvement jn highway motheimc they report less cutting in less paav- lng pn hills and curves ahd a notice- able reduction in all the bad care less thoughtless hablu which resuln in death and destruction on the- hlghway but therejs still much work to b- done pointed out the minister peophr are still- being slaughtered on the- roads of the province and automo biles are still piling themselves upt in twisted heaps of wreckage the m against thoughtlessness recklessness uiid stupidity on the highways muss iso carried on until people can trs- vel in complete safety and pleasurv to this end he called for the un ceasing aid of ontario editors ahdi every pedestrian and motorist in the- provlnce the department of highways stated mr mcquesten u duimt everything it can to design and con struct highways which will be as ac cidentproof as engineering science- can make them but this can be ot tamuuiwia whh by little effoct unless the human beings who travel the highways take upon themselves the responsibility of con- wyy co fol y trolling the everpresent human foe- ta tcfi ts cak tor in accident prevention engineers- sjkxaesxe suls can mold concrete i ahd steel to too- ends of safety but no force more no- a weum a the province of on- tcnt than the press has been found i tur10 i fcluc a flat rate reduction v hlch can mold human minds into u ai uk license platei for pas- are the result of and negligence not isoa ante- asa tab inert erf others wbo ace- abauft srjnan a exm is being car- rtetf aa- tiwtim aewn tram lu shelf tdwee- ike onra1n precautions that shnujtti ajknsgi be taken when hand urns ut sum 4me line most important oflt rdbear lave burtec gull a tl gun on the shelf btkiunr tj sot j ttrearm at anyone nam hfnnucjh jpau hmk it is not load- dr aw ineatb a tarn trom the hand of anucjfcea la aumuay tucm venr gun with the hacbiit simuiovi and down never over yflbr iimloss you are positive than la mat joaded svlwiawi nonvxkny gun you pick uni itomipme une tmuxxel down or in a saaitiuni w tehat u it discharges the ehanxjr will die 3 damage to other dtrasosra jakimc moow or hi the same khjupr thw vour gun towards build ings- llr uu tdu direction of a thicket winhoutt fittvtt juunrtaming that no per- sonu r uiupihook re in the vicinity uld duumr mr a vine toaards a stone pihr hhibauitie wichocnets arr quite as dbowrstuk latji unay bullet ucir kusiuc to iront of another pematu abu icarrlec a gun and lastly trevmr llese ynirr gun ahere it can br children pathi of ufetaving thoughtfulnfiiis subscribe for the herald keep abreast of the local news sttmptir uinmehiks ii being followed ctsan7ciix quebec here tlie pro- vuxithsll nakurer announces a reduc- tiuni 4ni jn iieelwr fei relates u petnapa we are wlt- tho bagtnnlng ot the end of the practice of siseaslng mototiats all the traffio will bear and a little more ontario with a new scale of 3 to im and- the lowest registration fee in oanaiia is setting the provinces a good exa nora seottal charge are the highest with a minimum or gu and a charge of 13 cents per hund red pounds in weight hew jbruns- wlck has a minimum of tlo and a fee of ao cents perhundred prince ed ward island charges so cents per 100 and has a fee or wso for first regis tration of a new car with a dollar each year tor the markers quebec rate ls 70 cents per 100 manitoba charges hon wheelbase oloo in ches and s3m for each additional five inches the saskatchewan rate is 10 for 100 inches or wheelbase and k2jm for esch additional five inches the alberta system and scale is the same british columbia first of all imposes a 10 fee on a new car and chargas by weight with 20 covering the range of 3oao to 000 pounds the gasollno tax la eight cents in the morltbnes except prince fedward island where it is ten six cents in ontario and quebec seven hi the west ontario last year- registered 514000 passenger vehicles so the present cut means a saving to their owners of more than 3jmw 000 a year but ontario motorists still will be doing well by the provincial treasury in 1b36 the operation of motor vehicles brought 06024028 to the provincial treasury in gasoline taxes and license fees or 41 per cent of the total revenue of the province with rnore vehicles on the road and more gasoline used their contribu tion in the present year will be high er and for the next year under the new rates probably less nobody will suggest that motorists pay less than their way men should ever oear in mind that it is well that a man be not wise in his own conceit nor make tliemlstake of taking the conceit of others tiu wisdom lyook wise and maybe people will think you are lots of other fellows ket away with it 104x000000 dominion of canada 1937 refunding loan the dank of canada is authorized by a xlimiihnr i fitumaf to receive subscriptions for this loose aitfiimttiitfijtltms one and onehalf year 1 itimiah aftae june 1 1939 issue pricet 99125 mexl matntatjl interest yielding apprtutaitdhf jos t maturity seven year 2h bavtkgb w nyrair is 1944 issue price 9stramttmutmnjlimaeivst yielding app k ma xw7b v fourteen year 3k watjn nwwxttber 15 1951 callable mm a esw bbaaoiawr av3 issue price 9 yielding nflnsafiaaaal the 1 bonda wiu be dated december t mb vkc auaoa and the 3 bonds will bo dated november is 1937 principal and uaaee wait lae aayaue ia lawful money of canada interest will be payable without ebargai aaaavaimhaa alt aay brancb in canada of any chartered bank 1 himh 10m piurttiwitioataahiii lb 1000 sj4 asaawsw hha ma 1000 proceeds of tliis loan will be used for infiiiiissaik an aaatt jbe aaunduik total of 122749300 unconverted dominion of canada s vsmaitrw loam bawls aaaturutg december 1 1937 the additional casli required for thi purnaaa- waw i giiwwiiliil sawaa the treasury payment u to be made in full against tanwa aatenan 4woxfcates on or about november l 1q37 in the case of the 2 boms aaul ww i gaesada and on or about december 1 1937 m tlie case of the 1 bonds 514 victory loam bondh duk ttgnm l rtoc7 iwm fvnxl coupon dbtaciibio will be accepted at par up to the minims nrmissnil car atayaaewt of allotmenta of the new bonds reaultunt cash adjustments bh aiay wih ae anade at the time of delivery subscriptions may be made to the head oetai at tjle atiiiif f canada ottawa through any branch in canada of any chartered baskk ear taxeetttfi jany a dealer from whom copies of tlie official prospectus containing enasaaitw dsritseaa ta lave laata may be obtained the minis ter of finance reserves the right to ajgna atelkaxxifekasaa ia vjsf r in part the wbscrtption litu will opest rvrmiilnlrir x tk asaal aeav oleae u 10 ay or mil of the maturities with or without astsarai a ak aaawanaami ejf lufiniscer 0 fuuuu ottawa novum 2 1937 1 n 1 7t takelteaiy darlinflt by mary portkr addison o ssecuu naatear b tj es just what i had tot mind 11 groaned pat kneeling beside her suitcase- and ho gets bare the day before we leavwt as a matter of tact pat drawled lucmdat he the new- swlmmfng mstructor for the hotel pool and his name is david qor don you dont sayl pat cried then where is my bathing suitt take it easy darling ake it easy begged lucinda and just how went on pat pawing through her suitcase did you ondshat outthere i chase my fool head off asking everyone who might know while you serenely pack and i dont ftnd opt and then in your blamed leisurely fash ion you trot out the news i want said pat to mr gor don standing in all his glory on the edge of the pool to learn to cruwl what stroke do you swim nowt inquired the greek god in business like tones none admitted pat coyly t floatt oh yes i can float get in then and float pat floated smiling up at him o k no reason why you shouldnt learn the crawl first if you want to now float on your face arms ahead of you dead mans float o k now when you are floating kick your feet straight up and down keeping your legs close to each other dont bend your knees do it from your hips not a great kick just churn the water not bad now go right ahead and do that- back and forth across the pool for awhile until i tell you to stop pat looked up at him as he stood on the edge of the pool but she wheedled doesnt anyone hold me up whot if i sink what if jou do he repeated the water is shallow here just cet up and start over all right get iomc practice and he walked right off toward the other end of the pool gradually she worked her way into deeper water when she could barely touch bottom on tiptoeshe launched herself it scared her to death but she thought it would be worth it she kicked for a mo ment spluttered swallowed some water and t re lost her head and yelled for help grab hold of this said mr gordon unperturbed and he reached a long bamboo pole out to her efficiently pat grabbed it he pulled her over to the edge and she clung there furious and gasping do you do all your teaching from dry land she inquired sarcastical ly when she could speak of course he explained in a maltrof fact voice how could i watch the whole pool if i were in any part of it how was your swim lucinda looked very fresh xery manicured very waved altogether very much too pretty swell stormed pol her eyes were bloodshot from the water her nose still felt water logged but her legs i cant move them she groaned to lucinda pat could hardly drag her feet to the dining room and back when they came up to the room again she collapsed on the bed i couldnt dance a step if my life depended on it she said so she lay there and watched lu cinda slip her shimmering bock over her head perfume her ears and go drifting down the hall toward the music she was still there when lucinda came hack come back with a song on her lips and a light in her eyes your david gordon began lucinda hes a fool raged pat hes divine corrected luci crooning the words he even for my address when i told him were leaving tomorrow pat gave another groan and cinda turned to pull a cover her take it easy darling she slid they wever fall chubb 1 am surpn parker has made such a ph nul success as 0 weather toi duff im hot he thre all his scientific instrumei depends on his orns to when it is going to ram p magazine that oat a tttla steno i think i desei crease in salary boss i cant afford i but you can call yourself a priatsr secre tary instead of a atenoanber aueeuea va your boy josh la i he used to be corntossel but tlie village ja have lost all raapectr it of music ltd farmer be joined to iswj m geeel tea smiths wife tntj the world of her husband does she- yes she even pevea the 1 passenger passenger and mall passenger and passengers far passengers sundays oelag passenger and mail passenger passenger and mall passenger passenger sunday gets and passenger and passenger rnm pjn n leatox sc sreux georgetown 4 office oregory mairasr seuehar j mist mortgage office main phone as w c sajxrmaavst eas jem getown w georgetown phone 3m kansy ga us hay st k praser a bda gordon graydon brampton harold r- lawn brampton f ik- watsonj office hours to sa j k ja buoceaaor to tha4 open i pnana hi frank licensed far use cmattn cheltenham m r post ittrl monuments pollock a ingham successors to cater e tfbrth cat ot inspect mr work hi greenwood cease tastiteoiesasaaassaai a m nielsen tetfs tear ag rfseaeja clawoargaclraa xray dnitlms tlrmtapiat lady ofnot over dommlen kara ii i hours- i i ut u gisa rtni tb htsiaa satsw on work ftsmi l c c r

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