Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1937, p. 6

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v r v6 v the gebrgewwn herald wednesday evening november 3rd 1937 mc at lowrwr cost than otkaur hard fuvls give an abundance of kexilthful usuy controlled warmth so irjht its a ploasux to hand and kmc far las asjh cuan ful too no vust no amok no wait ordr front your local hamco dataur h dmum your fuel busini v hamco fn i wi hamaltow swmtoouct co ovens limited hambyom canada sold by w h kentner son j b mackenzie son insist on hamco canadas finest coke jltdgbtfext ktsefeved had been paid into uu bmk ictord vs suit over taxes to esidenc hu coliuor mafic i txl tht m is pi d on the lav roll judffe w n munro resened his which uv sub wnu nn ivlx id b decision in a suit bj the township of auditors it was ti td kaqueinjr against harrj hunter tax collector in 130 and a s thomp- three enrs iur according to ftou and e may added as eolerent wu net iu cohror- doc infl tin dants an the insistence or judge lavts unpaid in the nu intimc n munro pulk tu tor do or you fid nu i lit worst doc- vo i u mull the bill to t s ihnost imiav ible tor n uirl to outstrip her motht r tin st dis unit ss sin jon 1 nudist colons x cjhristian character and peace siinii navwnhcr 7 1ss7 ooldu te3tfr and let the peace ot christ rule in your heart u which alao ye were called in on toody col 3 la lksqon passage colouuns 3 117 inner fenee 14 in his youth paul had known what it was to have a divided personality his spirit had been wracked by lnne conflict ttien one day on the da- anaseus road christ came into his life as a uving power paul died to self and his life was hm with christ hi ood christ became for him a fixed centre or reference he shared the st experiences of christ- he had cructned with christ and he had red into christs resurrection life christ had become the ruler of his life he thought of christ as ruler sitting- on lhe rlgtlt hand uf o0 tfii interests were transferred from earth ly to heavenly thing he had dis covered that christ could be his real life varyinjl phrases are used to describe the transformation l paula- thinking and conduct when he ex perienced u power of the love of ood in christ paul used great words to describe the experience but the lasting influence of paul upon tuf history of mankind indicates unit pauls yesponse to christ was ho de lusion paul found the experience shared by other christians whom he hod never seen pat jor xx in this chapter paul contrasts tne negative and the positive certain things to be put on and certain ihinui to be put on paul ls here uriuni to people he had never seen he hud taught in ephefil where epaphrns heard him this convert went a coottae and told what he had learned and won a group of christians out of that paean environ ment later epaphras went to visit paul in rome and told about his con verts man of them sinners who hur had to moke a clear break v lth then- past the had bwn ttuiltv of nearly ull the snu of the iltsh and of tlie spirit and liad sufficed the inevrabw lunulties of wronitdolnir could sucn jwople be changed yes the first umntlon rnkslon church in cola s ii produced some christian s tints can btd iwople be madt good in the t mi w w to din tlie answer ls th it tiu m inor il trim formations nre hapikuiij riyh ulong b rt imm of i i mw itntudts that result from urn udi r o christ there are hund- ri ds of thoiiminils of u opr iou alu i who him hud thi- ronnrsion fprl i net put off 913 j xhu onl was to dispel dirknrvs vf h uiht 1 i in t w i o our- omt itl us wi i kood tlu lukatui a b n placed uitli tlu ioslthc i i r ic mm m ldt b i in ht i ip ni b lillecl willi i irtiu t- quired whii gods spirit tomes in- o i lift with powir n mi ntal quick- i inn fi uy awake in agony wrtfljneurrns knuchen salts brouit fjihing relief ordinary hewlachea mre bad mi but they are as nothing compared to the awful paint or neurit in the head says this woman read how knuchen completely banished tb pain i had neuritis in the head and right ana i buffered untold agony with my head and i dare not think what might have happened had it continued everybody knows what a headache js like but it is as noth ing compared with the awful pain of neuritis in the bead i spent sleep less nights tossing with pain i be gan taking kruachen balls and after some months of the treatment i have nfleced lasting relief mrst l m neuritis like rheumatism and wl frequently has lu roots in intestinal stasis delay the un suspected accumulation in the system of harmful waste matter which leads to the formation of excess uric acid two of the ingredients of ruschen baits have uukpower of dissolving uric acid crystals other ingredients or kruschen assist nature to expel these dissolved crystals through the natural channels a5hgrove th collector sought taxes mfr thompson and was told had taken pos s ion of from and allegedly arwsd to they standing taxei thi f irm nynl cash r mr on i n mom is i frdiiwn b 0 i mrs cn i l koiviiu ss ii mm i then it it cjici 111 i ey mf hsne nunatea ana rwnur tan ko tncix were only ieven rrf u working on the ttiff of lhe bank a calucr an account ant j pjjitvr teller a second teller a diicount clctk a cctuil hol keeper an i a porter that a the entire staff i diy e are more tlun cnhl in m n tlun 500 bnuulxrv all wukinp tt icn it r modem experienced hank in crvtc our lunk carefer has been imcnauhl woven into the oueer of the nation an 1 every part of l founded tn 1b17 tlie bank at once became a financial ruth finder for canada s pioneers tliniutji all the intervening eventful browing years ox tinjihwi uk vaan rwintv hln tffa uniry and clticient bj puisuinp a policy f afct for depositors and keeping ur woicrs alw a s jhrcast nf moilcm n litmm i i inno i t cxpjnmim and depression hi it lt an 1 the worst of cciwt n ic ii i tt i ns thriuikti peace an wars i tniis jo p litical uphusjls canadian haxt u irncs1 lo rcl upon the unwaver in sjfc jnd lunkmj atstancc of tin itanl of montreal oltler than tltc t minion ilsejf et ounk as the latest n und business enterprise t canailawc are wnrkinj a usual on our 120th llirtluli bank ofiontreal small accounts are welcome tlv otttcoawm of 130 vrt umyaiut ofwflual knowhtisi lutlui snid tint tin truh pious betvinit studious the i n ibit oi h hw is suppl in ed b ir ink j truth- 1 iti rrtilious riclal and cl iss pr judici art laid aixd sympa- i thj with jwople as ieople ls learned iu w iiioulii stnam is gained ana worths mti n sls receipt attention lnsteid of being impatient christian become fcrbeirtng and instead of be ing indicuu i the become surpris- mlj forghinn those who hae handi over their lives to god begin to live in the spirit or the sermon on the mount ind to follow the example oi christ chanced llws are the bt demonstration of the us inor pow er of tlie christian faltli christ can change character in canada just as he did in colossae the spiritual level hic an alhltte who wlsius to win vie orj for his team toes in for physical xtrcise a cnrlstlan who desiros to be morn u strong practises spiritual txerclses we ma live dominated by the body or ruled b the mind and soul man people are finding that for tlie tlrst time they are vpilnlntf imrmanent ictor over sins of thfe flesli and the spirit b letting christ live in their hearts by faith the peace of god enters tlie heart there is unity and co operation with others and there li radiant gratitude how may his happy state be achieved too late for last usue the womens institute held their meeting at the home of mrs john bcllboddy on tuesday oct lftth with a good attendance with ux walter hrownridge in the chair the mectlrut opened with singing the institute ode followed by the lords prayer the motto houses are made to live jn not to look at was splen- doly prepared and given by mrs r hepburn the roll call waj an swered by a question what is most essential to good homemaking an interesting paper on buymanshlp was gien by mrs geo nurse fol lowed by ah informative demonstra tion on canned meats by mrs o b dick and mrs p ruddell each showing jars of different kinds df meats a comical reading was well given by mrs h bird then a con test in charge of mrs thomas gtffen wtis enjoyed by all mrs c b emck and mrs a j ruddill were appoint ed as delegates to tlie toronto con vention oi november 17 18 and 10 lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge mr paul jolliite of limehouse was m st sw ker it the voun peoples meeting an sundav evminff which w u in ch irte of mr john bird a ovdv piano duet wius played by mlssts ruih diirlam and isabel wrlrbles- worth it was found necessary to ipjcmt two mw numbers for uu xcimvt citiaenhip convenor to be miss ruth ditrlam und another on tlu social committee to be jr new ton ruddt 11 miss wikbn from stiwirttown and mr arotmrs h wri b ii les worth of st catharines were a hunger for u leome vlsitors ai the young peo- new advert uarcening wtngwr i waving r 14 artmwooda barber parlor rlorval wood for si oholoa baeobtvaud mania a single cord acbw s40 cord aozsd wood ttts par oarajj mj 2stl for corns or calioi use ixot1v8 tktmtmuoxd salvk tin mullein tael ate wmk awa aawlluillsai cant loss tormmonr if at tr- 25 if at taaw i win be aau ay the a ae r taay easnaes vesaswe wmai wfcjek rmtttuaywia aa aatal eatak l asdta far aak maec batuq stosttv t 3x7 ima notice to creehtors i in the bfmtteref ke kaute ef uey wtxkjujkn eaanwbly in awalnrsavbiiaiaflleiw aa jo wklxbuaulr late ef the town ceargetewa in the caanty of bali all persons having data against i the estate of sonley weubum comj monly known in business transactionsl ax john wellbum late of the town of georgetown in the county of ha- i ton gentleman deceased who died on or about the 16th day of junel 1937 are requested to send sohie to the undersigned solicitor on or bef fore the 12th day of nowraber 183tj otherwise the estate wilt betustril buted without regard to their claims george e rlijott milton ontario 3t solicitor for the adrnlnlstrsti mlllor oct 16th 1937 notice to creditors pi meeting do chinese dejcuis matter acconlinc to sonic people lamiliar uith oriental life the japanese alr- iiambmu in china docsnt really mat ter so much because the orientals ure no nfrald of death uj ue are and don t mind being killed accord- ln to deltt mackenzie associated press writer sajs the menominee heraldleader thej can t understand our altitude about it and the fuss ae make about such depredations as the japanese are commlttlns in china to shoo tlie oriental point of vies he tells oi a lot of chinese carpenters ho uere on the british rant in france during the world war they ucre accustomed to pay all their debts on a certain daj and regarded it as a great obligation if they didnt hae the money uhen the time came they killed themselves from shame by lying don on the railroad track and letting a train run over them tlie army officers had to get special guards on settlement days to lircvent the suicides it does look as if such people dldn t care much for life on the other hand it may be a question of cmiihasls the may regard honor as more important than life that ls it is attained b uorshtp discipline i something western people can under- guided thoughts and fflloushlp ulth other christians the balvatlon army counsels its concerts not to neglect knee drill puul ttrolc this counsel o the colossi ui converts let the word of chrisi du ii in you rlchl in all wisdom t uchlng und admon ishing one unouur in iisalms and liimib and spiritual songs singing willi truce in our luarts to the lord our leader 17 sou thill puul drxs im talk st it lu p lo uiosl oi lu mimnluri christ tans hi trui s uu soun of iowr to christ a christian is mo who h irvs cl rlst s t niclllxiou und isur- nxtuui who thinks chrl t s ihoimiius it hlni who his bet n wuuctl uwaj fnim iintlmsni for nmt rial thlnus tlnduik ubmmg sutisfurtlon in christ chili imoiiiis siiprtm illsxumple of forhivtiuss tweonus our standard of forghfiuss christ s words ure imimh rtvl und his prulse ls sung victory comts through jhlng a christ ctnured life christian dls- clpleslilp ls not a marginal interest tiaung to do with one day one book one rite one department of life it ls allembracing paul said to the oolosslans whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to ood and the father by him tt secret of power u fellowship with ood through christ jcn christ ood has oome to man and through christ roan may come to god something cosmlo happened with the coining of christ into human history miracles happen with the coming of christ into ah individual human life qwmauns for dbewaalaa stand and it may be true as tenny son said tlial whuteer craxy sor row salth no oul e er truly longed for death v as for those air raids even if the lcttms tlilmseues dont mind being willed certalnlj uulr families and friends grieve oxer thtir death and the themselves when merel wound- d must suffer ialn is other races ao imii though thej bear it stoical it pays to dlrtisk travtlhr sitlln uditrllsements for u local pnlhr lulled at the vil li t sroctrs ujioii pn seining his c i 1 he wis siiipilsid whin tlie gru- heuded proprk lor sulci nothing dc lnit hun tstubllshetl 110 iurs and nivtr udvtrtlsetl turning to have the tnvilltr said lxcuse ine sir but wllut ls tha building on the hill tlie village church said the gro- ti r neen there long asked the tra veller about s00 years well replied the traveller they still ringi the bell- 1 what is your strongest desire t 3 have you any habit that is a bar rier between you and god 3 do you really want to be ohrtst- uket 4 does work crowd out religion or does religion permeate warkt 5 all in the name of tha lord jesus is the demand too greatr of uu estate ef emma knight 1 late of the town of georgetoter tsaj the county of llslton widow ceased all persons having claims against the estate of the abovenam ed emma knight who died on or about the first day of october 1837 at the town of georgetown in the count of halton ore required send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the nineteenth da of november 1037 full particulars of their claims and any security they may hold therefore and take notice that aftet the nineteenth day of november 1937 her administrators will proceed to dis tribute this estate having regard only to the claims of which thy shall theh have received notice and they will not be liable to any pel of whose claim they will not henj have received notice rdf the assets so distributed dated at georgetown this nine teenth daj of october aj5 1637 kenneth m lanodon solicitor for wlnnlrred rlgg arid bernard knight her administrator 3t auction sale valuable business n property in the town of georgetown ofjn oeotgoi pursuant to the terms of a cer tain mortgage which will be produci ed at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction by prank petch auctioneer upon the premises on the north side of ml street georgetown ontario on s saturday november 13 19371 at the hour of two oclock in the af- temoon the following lands and raises all and sinqular those parcels or tracts of land and pfem situate lying and being in the tow of georgetown in the county of half ton being composed of lot mu eighteen tn the eighth ooncesslo the township of esqueslng and part of town lot number two westl of main 8treet in pratts survey of the said town of georgetown also being composed or part or lol number fortynine west i street in the said town of town more particularly described in ikl certain mortgage dated the 15th ot i april 1930 and registered in tlie l rtkistrv ptllce for the registry dlvljl slon of tnc county or halton on thohl lotli doy of april 1030 as instrument j no 5802 for the town of gcorge- town there ls said to be upon the pr iiert a twostoried brick building conbiliiuic six suites of offices antj two apartments tills property is situate adjacent toti the main business intersection of thef town of georgetown the property will be offered jafl sale subject to a reserve bid terms ten per cent the time of sale and the the llth day of december par complete description property tor further w and conaiaons of tale apply underslgnmanucltota for the 1 geea dated this twwouath day of tober 1mt t okahau rwsswm it boucttoo tar th t lftiti iiti iiajawn 1 1 i i ji w

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