Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1937, p. 2

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pa 2 the ceorsetown herald wednesday evening november 24th 1937 getrgettwiflcnu o- ttces uo per una tec but in sertion to par una ao per una tor each insertion rtf in blank teas type so per line nvminnal hotices queugyln a slight profit by howard w marschnuh as coming smnti concerts eiktestolnmebts so ciety church or isganlsstirai mewlrngii ete e per line mini mum charge 5c repot ta of mmtlivi held gladly inserted dee in innmnrl n soo end 10c pet line extra tor poems birth marriage elod death notices soo small ads initial mrritn one jnoh or leas 50c for orat tnaefiion and s5e jh for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on app j although every viredeutlon will be taken to amid error i the herald accepts advertising ux us cohscans on the under standing that it trill not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald office duty stapl ed by the advertiser and with such error or eorreotions plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted u not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion ol the entire cost of such adver tlsement as the space occupied by the noted error beats to the whole apace occupied by such j kg moosuk rwahsher tins is succi ccew this is success to live irom sear to year not asking always sunny skies and clear but wtse enough to know and under stand life never runs exactly as weve plan ned seeking the best but when the worst is met taking the blow without too much regret this is success with all to play the friend willing to give and glad at times to lend laughing and singing whensoeer you may but walking bravely through the rainy day giving your best throughout the pass lng years neither deceived bj flattery nor by sneers this is success the love of friends to win to taste no pleasure that may lead to sin to take no profits from the hand of shame but by a fair fight win or lose the game to get from life such trulmplu as bring fame but still through good or 111 to play the game uffs autumv rm as young or even younger dun i ever was before but the boys about my age are get ting grey though of energy and spirit i have still abundant store yet the boys about my age are getting grey i have had my share of childish care and some of manhoods woe but i feel as glad im living as does anyone i know all my life is still ahead of me ambi tion tide at flow but the boys about my age are get ting grey in my heart the songs of childhood ring as sweet as ere they rang but the boys about my age are get ting grey rm as lively as a two yearold and feel ufes oldtime tang but the boys about my age are bet ting grey i have wasted precious hours aye i am like to waste them yet i have caused and still am causing those who love me best to fret i am counting futures only and the profits they shall net but the boys about my age are get ting grey i am forced to the conclusion though it fills my heart with pain rat the boys about my age are get- ting grey thai my boyhood days are over and my llfetlde on the wane for the boys about my age are bet- tin grey let my mirror tell its story crowfeet spectacles and all then with wet eyes i acknowledge that my youth is past recall x have had my spring and summer i must face the frosts of fall bar the hoy about my age are get ting grey v v i lslu j theynsrenterulnlruj friends in their hewhozs suddenly one of the guests sat tip and usterim surely you are not troubled by mice alrtadyt she said thats not mice replied ths householder thats the people next door eating celery dut hones somebody feistod l my alrloom watch about tan rninutes ago sergeant oleary of the precinct station grinned down at the alight bony frame of soapy oshay thats a laugh new yorks slickest pickpocket losing hb own watoh he paused soapy we know all about you youre muni cipal enemy number sixtythree and the whole force will start work ing on you when we get the other sixty two now youre a smart boy arent yout even a copper has to admit it well if youre really smart youll get out of new y6rk city in a hurry like- johnnie easier did cold water soapy scoffed at the mention of his old rjval in the professional clockltftinghousiness why johnnies jesj an amatoor compared to me besides he aint got no caste he was a bootlegger an popgun mvdurln the dark ages he aint a real yelalman he runs wid a mob becocse hes afraid to woik alone like me thats true soapy smiled now sarge ill tell you something you guys think johnnie easters elsewhere but he amt it was johnnie easter who done the feist job on my alrloom watch hows them for apples nuts oleary grunted three days later soapy was ambling along eighth avenue in the upper forties near madison square garden his eyes ached from wind blown dust and his watch pocket was yawningly empty for it was indeed a rare occasion when he didnt have somebodys ticker or bill fold secreted in his illfitting clothes just a block away from the gar den soapy sighted him johnnie easters hard seamy face was al most totally hidden by a dirty pulled down hat and a turned up collar soapy leaped into a doorway as johnnie strode past scarcely an arms length away soapy slipped out of the doorway and fell in line behind his quarry at fortyfourth johnnie stopped and stood on the corner not being willing td tempt fate soapy also dropped anchor a short distance away a scrawny pallid creature pulled up to johnnie easter and soapy moved a few feet closer got the time buddy the new comer asked soapy watched after a cautious glance around during which soapy did a split second about face john nie deftly reached into his pocketl and drew out p soapys heirloom watch i in a daring disregard for his own safety soapy leaped forward thats mine he screamed trained fingers snatched held on whirled around and was- oft get im joe johnnie screamed stop thief sergeant o leary looked down at the slight form of soapy o shay his head bruised but unbowed we got you soupy o leary pointed to the insipid looking man who had encountered johrtnie easu er on eighth avenue and forty- fourth hes told us enough to send you up for ten years ats my watch soapy protest ed eet ees my property sure ita yours oleary agreed we want to thank you for chasing this pickpocket right into our arms you know ive never seen one of these old fashioned watches that ore wound by a key mind if i look at it eef you dont mind i am een a hurry something snapped in soapys brain his hand jerked out and grabbed the heirloom watch two policeman grabbed him but soapy oshay when enraged was not to be denied his fist shot out again and crackled pleasantly against his accusers chin both fell in a heap as the weight of the law descended upon them sergeant oleary stored at the ruins of soapys watch on the boor just a minute boys just a min ute all eyes looked at the floor there bent beyond repair was the cose of the watch scattorod around it were a half dozen little lead foiled pel lets dope o leary cried dope corned in old watch cases weve got the eighth avenue dope ring yeah soapy growled you might ask this dope if hes seen johnnie easter lately too oleary whistled so thats how it is heyt do i get my alrloom watch back soapy demanded hopefully oleary looked around scram hug i could still coop you for stealing a watch on eighth avenue couldnt it soapy shrugged his shoulders it makes no dif he said to no one in particular then to himself i helated this guys ticker durln the ruckus so i guess i make little profit at that canavrban the whole of the british oonunon- wealth of nations today is concern ed over national health in each country of the empire there is a mothercraft society the health of our mothers and babies la the future national health of canada and every other country tue interest of the people must be awakened in maternal nd child care in our do speaking from the standpoint of the farmer and what a large propor tion of canadians started life on a farm in seising a stood nock or herd it is to the mothers and their young that special attention is gtvrnt there is little cause for worry if care exercise fresh air and proper nourishment areglven to the rnocers and later torjseir young a shep herds care of the ewes of the flock previous to lambing is interesting they must not be disturbed or harsh ly treated in any way and the right food must be given them the far mer knows too that unless the par ents body is nourished the condition of the young will never be as satuk factory and no later care will make up for the lack of prenatsll care cattle fed on the right rations and gently and firmly handled are gener ally goodtempered but a badly fed badly managed animal is usually a badtempered one as well when young animals are fed on their own mothers milk even the nkln has a different texture provid ed or course that the mother has been properly fed the importance of tills for stock is generally recoejnlxea among farmers but how sadly differ ent is it where human mothers and babies are concerned how many babies are naturally red and the mothers given full prenata cars and teaching canada should produce the strong est and most virile race in the brl- ish empire but so long as our ma ternal death rate and morbidity re main so high uie uhole race miut be lower in health than it should dairy farm products play a big part in the health of a nation nature has richly endowed tile lancest por tion of canada and her ptop should use ulsely and ttell her pro ducts research men who are kern ly alhe to the neeus of the human raci are coninimlly lellna us of tlu alue of foods foods containing mln- crals vitamins such as milk butter cheese ccs fresh fruit and frah vegetables fish and natural grains it is uelt lnown noa among fanner- that the soil must contain mlneos first depleted soil depleted foodstuff and improperly nourished fomulu the mothercraft training wlntrc is to the people the equivalent of the agricultural college to the far mer mothercraft society this name is becoming increasingly famlitar more and more enquiries are maae regarding the methods and alms of the organization which declares mothercraft babies are healthy hap py babies the following lsa brief outline of the practical side of the mothercraft society work in toronto the eduoatton of parents to all matters pertaining to the health and training of tbetr children and especi ally to promote the breastfeeding of their infants u the aim of the mothercraft society this education is carried on to three ways 1 by the district nurses giving ad vice to the mothers to their homes and at the advice rooms 112 college street x by the supervisor and the nurses at the mothercraft centre 84 wel- lesley street 3 by the well baby nurses working in the homes giving mothercraft care to the babies and help to the mothers the attendance at the advice booms consists of a the expectant mother b the mother with her young baby c the mother with her toddler or jireachool child no mother is permitted to come to the advice rooms without first procuring her doctors consent as the health of the baby eom- jkssnces nine months before he is bom the expectant mother should begin her education at that period one young expectant mother on her first visit to the advice rooms said i have graduated from high school and university and thought i knew everything but now i and i have so much to learn about myself and the baby that is coming the teaching and advice given the expectant mother is given by hursts specially qualified in antenatal care instructions in breast feeding and in the feeding and care or artifici ally red babies is given to every mo- ther seeking advice special atten tion is given to the reestabllshmen of breast milk many mothers who have attended the advice rooms has been able to carry on the nursing period when otherwise they would have become discouraged and glvn up the parents are taught to reallre that altliough their breastfed baby is perhaps not as fat as their neigh bours artificially fed one yet the mother is giving her baby his natural food which is the only perfect too for him the toddlers and nreschool chil dren have a special room for them selves furnished with children s fur niture and all sorts of interesting playthings so dear to their hearts mothersbring the chfktren for ad vice in regard to maintaining good health habits of proper nutrition seat and fresh atr and many other priihlems pertaining to the preachool at the sabthororaa centre mo thers and babies are admitted for the reestablishment of br milk and the regulating of breast feeding the training of the baby and the educa tion of the young mother artificially fed h who are dlgesuvely upset and need special feeding and handling are admitted and when they are settled the mo ther comes each day for teaching to caring for her baby undernourish ed children and children needing special training up to two years are also admitted the mothercraft centre is the training school for mothercraft work in canada graduate nurses take- a four months course and are qualli fled to teach mothercarft alrls without any previous pursing experi ence receive aslxteen months train ing these jiursesvare known as well baby nurses and nlll an important link in mothercraft work they are trained primarily for mothers with babies who are alive to the value of breast feedtdg and are following mothercraft advice there is a con stant demand for these nurses from many parts of canada talks and demonstrations of bath ing and caring for baby are given to different interested groups of girls and women by the supervisors at the mothercraft centre in closing may we add we cooper ate with the ramlly doctor this material supplied by pub licity depu canadian mothercraft society now follows a better way to pre pare for the morrow all of us are always going to do better tomorrow and we would too if only we started today sei slmssjm4ls1sl at j j your eyes td llmdaclu tirl drwsy feeling are iyupmu ftf ey strain we vpecuuw la a thaimmijch eye enamlnatiatr 18 year expferiu6a for glasses of quality that give comfort for glasses m a reasonable rlce comal t o t walker ro s optometrist eyesight sieciaust braaaplaa m wtte is at robbs rug stork georgetown the second 5 wednesday ef every mauth or yea asay eaasalt o t walker at bis etaee b bwaptea kiv bave the expats crabshaw ii i and i have to stay away more than one night i will send you a telegram mrs crubshow never mind ive read it already i found it in your coat pocket patliflnder muga- gine rif i r j 1 v rv w w m il r 4 i no fumes worry you whan you hoax with hamco youll b dallaktod with oust staler cua rrionaraavlnoj colca hosts so lone oaay to oguloita and ao lloht on tha aha ita plaoaura to handla liaavaa much laaa oah thou other heard fuel try a ton of hamco th duat- uas w oosoajqrdei- from your local hamco daole ha j aa your foal im sold by w h kcntner son j b mackenzie son cur tina tafata smaauva rasa aoth standard tune tjo ajtv passenger and mall 10lm son r and atall 840 pjn- psia mini for toronto jt pjn passengers bundays only t31 pja cseiag passenger and mail passenger sunday oalag nartk passenger oaaag seedai passenger km am ui pjn tat pm 1us ajn lllspjn ts ajn jsi pm directory d if dauc kjc febui bknnkxt bls georgetown ontario office oregory theatre bldg mill st raoora m uhooon hi lili i- flillrhr notary pakaw mrst mortgage money to taen- office main street south phone s offices w c grant mill street oeorgetown krin phone 2m pxl box las kaney graydon lawrkncat jk oooat zauristera el tts kay st twanla wisaiatsa oas k praser ilanay kjo h edward cook gordon graydon so mam st north brampton telephone tbi harold ft- lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone ms r k watson djxs nldjl georgetown office hours 0 to 8 kxoapt thursday jk jackson 0jdjb to the late 0r dollop ofketu kvafibasss pweua tmw prank petch uoknsatd atjcnonksst rr the ceaaitua f peal mad wshaa prompt service cheltenham mrzt oeorgetown post ofnce3heltenham 111 v monuments pollock a ingham buccassors to cater a worth gait out destgaa an kegaeat pkaaa tail inspect our work to greenwood cemetery eaaaaaaaaarsaaaianamaiaksaaaawaaii aaaaaaaaaaxiamaaatxaaaaaqaaaaaoaaaaa a m nielsen ulk tear at praeuee cbtmlgavctotr xray drugleu tbawaptst lady attaswaaat ofoce over dominion store oeorgetown hours 1 s 7 j9 mo psa ctesed tkaraday phaaa uaw jo araaaasaraaaaaxabaaaia radio repairing u years kxaarlians we specialize on this work j sanford son ptaonkl gkoatflktowh law asovaaasbiaaaaatoabiiisirabaaaavaaaai d o o insist on hamco canadas finest coke mkh i okt viook at omoxi nkw ostrkx tonic tablata con- fv tain taw oyster tovtonraton and vr other sthnillsnts one dose papa up organs aasndl if not dauwaaaa maker refunds price paid tut oam or write bobba drug saara at i

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