Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1937, p. 4

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bwi4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 24th 1937 29c 29c 25c 25c pure food store 2 pkgs christies ritz biscuits 2 x 1 pkgs pure lard 2 x 13 ox tins polks grapefruit juice 5 lb bag blue highland flaked whole w 16 ox tin rose brand baking powder 13c 3 bars lifebuoy soap and 1 reg size pkg rinso all jpl- 23c julmt bolsfeks kb smiths absofajtkly pore tomaaty kirrohtjp 33 o jar rose jbrand 100 pork strawberry jam mo lb tdjt york brand r1kd jcohob salmon fancy qumllty 15c it oc jar york brand dm pickles za 6 ox jar frenchs prepared mustard cream v salad brand a sweet pickle oottaqe roll by the- piece lb choice breakpastjbacon iby the piece lb tq pkamkaled back toacofj by the piece lb x9c fresh boloona by the piece lb lie- new ahjns cwrranta reels datee flex cheirie glace pineapple and 8hehed nats choice vmesh nturr and vkoetabies a e farnell phone 73 we deliver v save with safety at your rexall store 5 wamrours cod liver extract ujm hnw cod liver oil malt extract 5e me cwinlowia face elle 3m sheets ssr sank of munkta tooth paste zse sse specials tar this week the new miracle electric razor muy xmas cards 2 sc he unr jse and lie boxes of xmas cards mt me jse 49c 59c iv rolls razors hus 895 castile soap b for z5r dont forget to vote for your favorite roy or glrl you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store noxzema 83c size tor sv boots malt extract cod liver oil mc 1139 buckleys cough syeit 40o vic llphametle 100 200 s3s0 robbs drug store phone 7 we bellv the bkxaij store geoeqvbcuklf g born boott at peel memorial hospital on sunday november 31st 1s37 lo mr and mrs arthur scott olen williams ne- myrtle klrbyl daughter church news seriptwm text were a sm jret he bedlcnee by use hlch he lfered beh 8c gmrgvw chwreh kev w o o thompson ftector conxlrmmtlon day and wrst sunday tn advent holy com munion b ajn bun- day school 10 ajn confirmation 11 ajm evenaono 7 pjn final instruction to conflrniatian class in uwj church on saturday evening at seven oclock ttfc candidates will assemble at the rectory on sunday morntrls at ten- this is a call to the people to nil the church to capacity in welcome to their bishop and also to be witnesses when the apostolic rite of confirm ation is administered st albanv chart glen williams connrmatlon and first sunday in advent 3 pjn sunday uhool 3 pan continuation will snerrauoh sunday school and community be present to wel come the bishop or the diocese and to be witnesses of the sacked rite of the laying on of hands as in the days of the apostles will the candidates please be in the parish hall at 230 rattuut church rev e g baxter minister 1030 ajn sunday school 7 pm evenntj service monday 8 p m bypu thursday 8 pm midweek service a uclcome to all acton mr j m mcdonald and mr e j hansard have both returned from their hunting trips and both have brought batjc their quota of deer a part of the remembrance day service in acton in which the gener al public do not participate but is nevertheless of equal importance is that conducted annually by the lake side chapter of the looi each year this order visits palrvlew and dublin cemet on the grave of each soldier who served his country in war time a union jack was placed the flfuueth anniversary of knox womezra missionary society was celc brated at the church here wednes day afternoon at their annual thank offering mri w p oamble presi dent of the ouelph presbyierlal w m 8 was guest speejeer about one hundred ladles were present miss bella stephenson visited friends in toronto during the wee mf and mrs o a duls and child ren spent the weqk end visiting in toronto mrs stuart lanuc entertained a number of girl friends or miss grace lent at a surprise birthday party at her borne on monday evening when a very happy time was spent miss k mcdonald who has been visiting her sister mrs h malnprte and other friends in ontario for se veral weeks returned on saturday lo her home in iclndersley sank free press special farm courses planned in two counties cjkesnapshqt cuili j make the good ones big o enlarging enable you to vary your print mm when you get a good shot ilka this have it enlarged special threemonth courses in ag riculture and home economics spon sored by uie ontario department of agriculture opened in milton and bolton for peel and halton county students on tuesday the courses v111 run for four eeks followlns the opening day and fori eight wetlu durtntr january and february to provide christmas holidays for the tudcnls the home economics course has been designed to instruct the student in the field of home and family life summer la about over and by now you should have a drawer full of prints pictures of weekend outing and the vacation tour sunsets and maybe seashores the familys young to related groups one group for lit er generation lb aunsults or bathing stance could be the baby at the suits capering about the lawn spray aandplle there is that grand shot of united church hev f c overend ba mini ler wednesday 8pm bible r and pracr sunday 10 am sunday school and bible classes 1 1 ajn what our dlv ine friend requires of us 7pm tu georre t wtbber recently ap- minted utnerul secretary of the lords dl alliance uhn his u m ten itars in our west ulll utc in address there is just now quite an urej- ment an among those who study the brain and nerves about aorry sur prising as it may seem there are hlyh authorities upon the subject wo sa a certain amount of uorrj is a koad thine this dlpinds upon hnt is understood b worn if it ii u mire ntrous anxiety it 1s bad it it is more or lev calm effort to juur- out otii s troubles and seek to ml a remedy it ls of course n oihi tlitnu this cq4jld never happen new advxrtisiients partmrnt to rent good fourroom niwirtmtnt on king slnt t to rent gir i appiy at hi ruld om tf or dlkklnc furiously lis a sand pile all aorta of pictures rich with tuomorles of a frand seaaon tbo question now la what ar you kolot to do about thorn let them ho loosi in tho drawer whoro nobody will son thorn or will you fix them up to jbo soen as pictures should be j tbo least you can do is mount them in an album so they wont bo lost and if you have somo really rood ones you might try your hand at lummiir book edited just as the modern plcturo magazines are hao jou ever ntudlnd those mara- iclnea and wandered why their paros are bo intorontlnk hao you won- dtrod why your own anaphhots do not hnt tho snmo snap and flaab ita really vory nlmph a nuitti r of hiio aa much as anything elso hiii an irt idlior b ts a picture th it it tspttfilly rood he trims it down t tin lud just tho pirt ho w mt tin n in li is it nl iriad iind pl isln s itovira wlioit mar izino pic mill two part s olhtr pic turea not aa good aie used in smaller stsa and the blx splaah pic ture carries them along start separating your plcinres ibt- hlm intebt on pourins sand out of a bucket half as but as he to with tho sun making a golden halo about his head and his little mouth pursed in utter concentration dont keep it small for then you can barely see tho details that are so dear sphuh it over a whole album page if wi dont do your own enlarging your photoflnlsher can do tho work for you then take your other pictures of baby and sandpllo and arrange thorn informally on the opposite al bum pace with this method you can prodpeo layouts that have tho real profes sional touch bo hard boiled in your editing dont be afraid to trim uway parts of a picture uho four strips ot uhito card in planning the rlm and shift lutm about liko a f oor the picturo until it is umiktl to just tho part you want thon hao just that part cnlirptd nearly all rood pictures are hi tt i for uich trimming and it h is brought m j a dull photograph to 1 to ta 161 johi an guilder itnomv uantrd lnfunii hol roi nit wuntd in mci- 1 qui n st otorkltoun appl it w lit trlti office ltp qururc ilratrr for sale luna mt qutbec heaur for sale chi ip appl to jast ph standish it r 2 stu irtown or u the herald omcp v it i ornrt for sale slioft moth 1 liismii cornet for sve in kootl condition appli to box c hi raid ottlce u with a security burial vault because it it made of tdlidl concrete reinforced with electrkally- vrelded steel barsi because it is hermetically sealed and cannot be opened because it is to strong it cannot be broken because it is so heavy it cannot be lifted because it is absolutely waterproof and therefore cannot dit- mtegrate security burial vaults are low priced ask your undertaker dont take chances insist on a security burial v a u l t protection for the dead peace of mind for the living to iiiihii i writs to d w s concrete products ltd 640 dufferin st toronto to rent will furnlslui house reasonable to careful tinunt oftner reservlnif one room apph to box m herald office it ayndtlres for sale sir ajlthlre heifers from 13 to 30 months old one bull 13 months tuo bull cahos 3 months all from a 16 000 lb sire registered and fully accredited also one good uorlc mare prank petcii phone 61 r 3 qcoreetoan 3g r 33 victoria tt furnace bargains i have acquired a number of manu facturers sample furnaces brand hen which i have available to offer at less than wholesale prices while they last full 30 inch fire pot pipe furnaces with casing t3o installa tion extra other sizes at equal val ues act quickly i w p mooney acton atp men if our organization gives over 13t men the chance to earn their living profitably it can do the 81mk for you i ambitious and hard working men will do well to write lor our plan cxplalnlna how to mke money easily durlns the houdots and u have a yearly dependable and ndvatitaseous business of tlielr own free catalogue and particulars s70 st clement st montreal royal guelphs modern theatre thursday and friday tyrone power lnretta younu second horjeymoop maluiees at us kvetttajp at 7 and s pw- qtaruut 8aiisaay far day irene dunne clary qrant in t the awtad trath hy4 waka at kaumrlet oontlnuoaa perfonnanoe satur day staruntt at pjm s a huge fall sale jwlmer foods tkeae values effective nov mad to zth mo 2 tl sq m tins aylawr choic qu halves peaches s aylaier choice quality white cj lgoi tins aylsser choice quality peas n 4 sv aylwer choice quality whole tomatoes aylmer choice quality golden wax beans crown or iteehue corn syrup t 2 chase sanborn coffee toud australian sujtaiui raisins x9 19 m tintjl m 2soz mt tins 4j a no a mm tina mt3t 3 16 llb bag hot oxo the family drink ox tins el 4 tins 11 10 23 candied peel lemon or oranga hulk rolled oats 5 magic hiking powder 1 tin cash and carry v o o o extra spbcial grapefruit s for 23c potatoes 2 pks 25c oood ooakers grapes 2 lb 19c red xuporer choice lartv tpina bananas 23c doz dominion

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