Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1937, p. 1

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seventyfirst year of publication wcd evening december 1st 1937 150 per annum in advance 200 lou5a davis and rfaclaren for reeveship three candidates in ward three mayor joseph fiihhocis id councillor in wards one nd two elected by acclamation school trustees also by acclamation these was a good attendance of ratepayers at the town nomination meeting hold in the public ttlbrary last friday mains when the follow ing wrw homlnaud or the various ms mayo cueave by o w davis and jamm oostigan joseph gibbons by wm taaz and m m brown i roft kseve a uaclarb4 by n m brownsand rush dlesdel okobok davhl by h buns and fred armstrong roa covncuxoas ward one harold oleavk by s walker and james kennedy a k oripps by james kennedy and b walker n h brown by w c cunningham and marie clark x b otbbons by w w whltmee and john gibbons ward two v james cosxiqan by o w davis f and chas e watson joseph haul by pred armstrong and thos s wames oeoroe hkrjunqton by john gibbons and w whltmee waad three thomas lyons by george currie and j w kennedy wm f smith by w h long and h j heldmann t j c armstrong by h barnes and geo currie jame3 ooodlet by r- gray and j a evans school tttustce ward one mrs kathleen cueave by ellia h mackehale and irtorfa nodwell ward two david p orichton by john d kelly and w v orant ward three bodotn barnes by s harrison and huih dickie hvdko commissioned j u moore by hugh dickie and h barnes j following the receiving of nomin ations on motion of w h uns and i w p smith town clerk p b i harrison was elected to the chair and y called on the candidates who repon- ded as follows mayor gibbons said mr chair- j man ladles and fellowratepayers the opportunity of dlscusslnic muni- i clpal business with uie citizens of georgetown at this nomination meet- tag ls a privilege for which i am i grateru and i believe at this parti- cular time i am expected to give an account of my stewardship as yourj humble servant for the year which i is now drawlnr to a close in doing so i am not going to depart from the custom i have fol lowed in the past leaving to the chairman ot the different committees to explain the work pertaining to his particular department owing to the unavoidable absence j of mr a b parr chairman of the road committee whom i have had the pleasure of being associated with in the municipal council for a con siderable length of time and whom in my opinion has served the rate payers faithfully and well for a period of many years it is my desire in his absence to point out the difficult problem of road malntalnence in this municipality but we anticipate with more assistance from the county the eltlxens may expect some improvement in road conditions in the future of the txm0no that was set aside for that purpose this year 124500 has been spent the housing commission business has improved to some extent al though when the time of the loan has expired 1 have no hesitation in say ing there will he a loss tothe muni cipality or at least 1000000 this loss is taken care of by a levy of two mills each year take this op portunity of expressing my appreci ation to my associates on the housing commission for their assistance and cooperation the most urtpleasant part of my municipal work has been the admini stration of relief since i have been appointed rellaf officer with the ittrrunent jbilatioruiand ptf limited amount of municipal money for this purpose leads me to believe that this department or municipal expenditure will have to be discon tinued entirely your council budget ed tor an expenditure ot tvmoo for tab year and of that amount 10 haii been spent in the last sue mon ths there has been a decrease in re lief expenditure of s5 over the cor responding months last year the dttaens noerally are indebted to the man and women who ao efficiently administered relief in the past do ing ao without any mnawlal consid eration i entered the municipal council seven years ago when the debenture debt ot the town was at the peak and the bank loan- was such that our credit was exhausted a debenture debt ot tm1000m in ifttt has been reduced to i1 00000 and our bank loan of less than s10oo000 has never at any time in the last twenty years been as low if we do not issue any more debentures in the nexcnve years this municipality would be en tirely fis from bonded indebtedness may xpolnt out to you that this has been accomplished during the years of depression- when many- other munici palities have been increasing their indebtedness our rate of so mills i believe is- too high not only on acj count of the already overburdened taxpayer but also because it has a ar reaching effect on the establish ment of industry and building of homes which ultimately means in creased revenue i believe it was for the purpose of economy consistent with culc services for which i was elected and during the time i have the confidence of the electors i rhall pursue this policy i have beenknomlnated for the position ot maw for the year ism and after muchonsideratlon i have decided to offer electors by their v services are grvices if the lles decide that my required i assure them were will be no 111 wlll if on the other hand my record of three years in council and four years as presiding officer has been satis factory if you believe i will continue to give my best in the interests of good municipal government then i shall appreciate your support at the polls a week from monday on an occasion such as this und coming at this particular time of the year one naturally thinks of ones friends may 1 look upon you as such and t thank the citizens for their friendship kindness and rood- wul toward me in the past plea- accept my best wishes tor your future happiness and success reeve george davis was the next speaker he referred to the work at county council and also the good roads connecting links through the town in past years money had been granted to be spent on these connect- ig links buthe did not know where it went the county has now taken over this portion of the road and money will be spent on it next year the paper mill road to the 9th line was not taken over and still remains on the towns hands regarding the town debentures mr davis said they were always paid when they came due no matter who was in the chair he thanked his nominator and secon der for proposing him for reeve in 1938 he would be a candidate lor the office and if elected would en deavor to work in the bet interests of the municipality as a whole dr p r watson chairman or the high school board was called on by the chairman and addressed the catherine regarding the proiiosed new addition to the school he explain ed the ttnnnctng of the school and stated that the board had always en deavored to work in harmony with uie town council and avoided draw ing on the public treasury for any thing in excess of what was absolute ly necessary to oierale this educa tional institution the proposed new addition was necessary in order to conform to the requirements or the provincial department or education ana would be a great asset to the town and eommunllyh asked the support o the ratepayers to provide the better educational facilities as- proposed by the board mr c b dayfoot also a member of the high school board urged every ratepayer to be present at the greg ory theatre on thursday night when matters regarding the proposed new school building and advanced educa tional facilities would be explained in detail it was a matter that con cerns every home in town and while he sympathised with the council in their effort to keep taxes down this was a matter that should be looked at in is- larger way than dollars and cents he hoped every ratepayer would be present at the meeting thursday night councillor harold celave chairman of the finance committee said 11 was a pleasure to appear before the ratepayers once again he explained the various items of the interim statement in detail the streets in georgetown covered a large urea and it cost a lot or money to keep tliem in shape they were in bad condi tion at the present time and more money would have to be spent in repairing walks and roadways the relief costs were down this year be cause there were fewer unemployed mr kelly the former relief commis sioner had handled it through harder years tax collections this year xrere considerably better than last he thanked the ratepayers for electing him a member of council tor ibm and as he had been nominated for both the ouoe ot mayor and coun cillor he was as yet undecided what action he would take he had oc cupied all the offlou except that of mayor and 1 lie decided to he a candidate he would appreciate the support of the electors if elected he would give his best services to the town in answer to a question he ex- plalntd the vn tax rebate on uie statement councillor james costlgan chair man of waterworks and pi re pro tection explained in detail the ex penditures or these departments the old hook and ladder wagon which was in a delapldated condition had been remodelled and repaired and continued on page 4 confirmation at st georges on bunday morning st georges church was ailed almost beyond capacity the occasion being the ad ministration or the apostolic rite of confirmation at eleven- oclock- the large choir wintered rollowed by the rector wholweceded mr joseshirthtntshtul etbep followed by the bishop of the diocese the rich t reverend l w b broug- hall then followed- the large class or confirmation candidates the girl and women wearing their white con firmation veils the large procession proceedcd to their places in chancel and front pews singing as a pro cession the hymn m god is here let us adore on the conclusion of the hymn the rector formally presented the candidates to the bishop with the request for the laying on of hand his lordship received them and ex plained the reasons for qonflrmalion after which the threefold lesion wafrff xssstow read by uie rector the bishop 11 explained the questions the candidates me v w would answer which he then asked namely the questions calling for vows of renunciation faith and obedience each of which the candidates answer ed hi uie affirmative the hymn come holy ghost our souls inspire was then suns kneel ingv after which the prayer for ue seven fold alft was offered then uie candidate ad vanced one by one to the chancel- step knelt and received the laying on or hands as in uie days of the apost les the concluding prayers follow ed and uie hymn just as i am thine own to be rriend of the young who lovest me bishop broughall uien preached a moving sermon on the meetlnc of the ways calling the newlycokihrmed aiid alt others to choose uie right way when we come as we always are eomtne to uie place where two ways meet the anthem beautifully sung was grant us thy peace correspondence to the editor of the georgetown herald davfilr there is one feature of th0 ques tion of hgh school enlargement to be voted on on monday next which tepayers of georgetown the addi tion is rendered necessary by uifc gov ernment requirement retarding- the nxtpoducuocifmanual training for boy and household science for girls now it is well known that many boys who enter the high school have little love for x learning that is the principal x reason why so many jmd uie united states technically boys leave uiyschool after a brfft distinct but in spirit and aim inter- attendance woven both treaties have a direct but boys who have utue lovator bearing- on canadas commercial ui- books often- take pleasure in doing uilngs with uteir lianas they are of a practical turn they will take to manual training as readily as a fish to water they will take pride in making things the introduction of will give such boys ouuet for their energy and for uie development of their lat ent ability they will find joy in ex pressing themselves in their handi craft this new interest uiat they mud in making things will react on their other studies they will be brighter boys they will feel that uvey are a success they will have a kindlier feeling towards school and will take more interest in uvelr books uoreoverr a number of boys who pas uie entrance hesitate to enter uie high school at all they think or learning a trade here is someuilng that will help to ot them for a mec hanical occupation tine welltodo citiaen can send his son to uie tec hnical school in uie city here at his own door the poor man will have the advantage of technical training for his son what i have said about the boys in conhecuon with manual t rat nine i applies also to uie girls in relation i to household science jt j ujta fltettsour ujwn the kneeling conurctlalton the n i ii7ii y7 r aa u wellrounded educa- si jl f j slait hon that will better fit them for oiplr the recessional hymn was o jesus 1 1 1f work end closing a service marked by rt w u pirst communion will be received next sunday morning at eleven and furms confirmation certificates awarded af terwards the class was lame num bering thirtysix nominations in other centres furms these improvements will enable the georgetown high school to maintain its creditable liosltlan among the schools of the county yours very truly ralph ross nominations elsewhere were as lol- lows acton reeie- f j mccutcheon evan jones councillors i3t w j beatty jus chalmers john a chupmun fred davidson thamus glbbens evan jones wallace lasby amos mason joseph rcld e- t thctford school trustees 3 dr a j buctianun diaries mason j m mc donald dr r w fvuren public utilities commisslimn carl hansen accli okangevhxe mayor t s parkinson accli rwvp geonre cameron uccl deputy reeve j h lalu iacii1 council a b holmes w ii lkldy d j tonic joseph leswlr n n wardlaw accl i heads iialton pro dicers mfchan 1b elected pivtldnt at annual meeting hal ton milk producers association elected ts executive at uie annual meeting at milton on saturday the tohuuin were elected a s mahan president john marshall vicepresi dent l devrles secretary treasurer w ii bhtcar representative on to- iinu milk board canadians await conclusion on projected trade pacts ss betweert united kingdom sincl united states between canada and the united states by spectator ottawa nov 30th canadians will await with the keenest interest the conclusion of the projected trade pacts between the united kingdom and the united btstes and between canada terests and on the cardinal feature of this countrys international policy that of alolng all she can in the cause of maintaining peace among the nations of the world on the concrete side it is pretty dear that while the united states in its negotiations with the united kingdom will seek freer markets for some of its manufactured products t will also want better terms on some primary products as well xnd k jul some concessions on imperuupreferences this will mean greater competition for canadian primary producers in united kingdom markets as an offset to this canada will seek further concessions from the united states in shipments to that market the extent of all this must remain in the air until the terms of the treaties are published it u of course not yet clear to what extent imperial preferences will be accorded the united states or in what volume trade will be diverted from british to united states markets in this connection it is interesting to note the latest figures on canadas export trade with the united kingdom and with the united states with both couutrles canada has trade trea lies in 0erailon but it is difficult o estimate the exact effect of these treaties on trade there has been a general expansion in trade among the nations of the world also while sales of commodltlet affected by uie treaties may bo compared in periods before and during uie ume the trea ties have been in operauon it lias al so u be borne in mind that trade treaties stimulate trade la other arti cles not direcuy affected by the pacts for the twelve monuis ending sep tember canadian total exports to the united kingdom amounted to ill million dollars and to the untied states 490 million in sales to drl- taui the main single item was wheat and wheat ftouri amounting to 1s1 million dollars to tile united states uie two principal commodlues were newsprint 101 million and gold 107 million under agricultural and veuetable products canada exported to the united kingdom 174 million dollars including wheat and to the united stales s8 million under ani mals and animal products the ex- krt to britain totalled 80 million and to the united 8totes 50 million un der thly head sales of meats bacon und kultry being the mauv items to this andthatin s by o m kloqumy a fuxjujng situation the hockey situation in georgetown this season presents a puaallng pic ture ptrt uie annual meeting is called and attended by a mere ful of supporters next uie rxecuuve of uie 1b3s7 season turned to office and anally mm same ejtecuuve tender uvelr resignation to uie arena board at uie present time no hews lc available to hand out to uie sporting- public the wouldbe or hadbeen ekecuuve refuse to talk however lt comes to light that the arena board havevjiteard the rob and lent a helping- hand ao the hoe- key club of uie future and sent in uie fees for entering two beams fan uie ojhcjv- what is now needed is some pub licspirited cltutens who would uk to see hockey given an even break in town to associate themselves- with the former execuuve and see just what cn be done in uie forming of teams and solving this pusxllng situa tion players seem to be at even ft greater premium this year than last and its a case of either doing some uilng at uie moment in order to get players in or quitting pjjjt hockey for uie season by the groupings as sent out by uie oha georgetown intermediate b will play in group no 6 with milton and brampton whether brampton intend playing their games here not lia vint a closed arena of their owru or whether georgetown can operate without uie assistance of players from brampton or vice versa will be horse or another color even luton hey like lt of are not so sure as to whether i can complete a team it looks j a promising group from our view in the junior group wo 10 town will line up with fergus acton orangevlue and ullton mr wm middleton of acton is uie convenor of the group acton intermediates are going up a notch hlgehr this season and are playing intermediate a hockey with ouelph preston and waterloo local hockey fans will miss the old ume batues this season by these two treat rivals and we wouldnt be surprised if both clubs will miss uie bulging gate receipts however we dont an- uclpate acton will remain in the lusher grouping much longer than one or two seasons and we will like ly have them back with us by uie time we round up a good intermodl- ueumi vitku fair tin ontario provincial winter pair nthenvlse known is the uurlph wintir fulr was olhctally oiwnixl on tuesday night nov 30u by hon p m dcwan ontario minister of agriculture the largest entry list in ten ytarj has been recorded and uie board of education b t parkin- j j ls attracting visitors from all son mrs a qrlgg fred j patterson a d mckilrick accl hydro commlsslon dr q h campbell luccm oakvillk mayor george b jacobs accli reeve james i hewson acclt deptuyreeve john r byers acclt council t m campbell phillip chambers percy j cowan mrs helen haddlesey john p whltaker aruiur bash ford burnet k- snider board oreducatlon william bray george c atkins fred sliaw acclt wuter and light commission it ross gibson gerald mardaunt caledon township i reeve sam kannlwan albert d mcbrwe deputy reeve art s mclclsh thomas r evans council 3iwm hawkins wm j trathen norman storey thomas dodus parts of ontario eleven agricultural societies were entered in the com petition class far grain or seed they nre br ami a4v4tuonsoclety carlck colchester south erin r- queslng society ofgargetown flos society of elmvae morkham north middlesex paris south waterloo and woodstock twelve teams of junior farmers were entered hi grain club compeuuons durham county sent two teams halton two muskoka three and huron lumbton norfolk ontario and york counties earn one throe middlesex clubs were elite red in the liotato competition went worth also had three teams of boys and ontario and durham counties one team each there are a number of outstanding clyde and percheron horses entered while the horse show every night of tlie fulr is providing very keen and thrilling comiietttlon the livestock entry was exceptionally heavy in all classes cbl to open in december cbl the canadian radio broad casting corporations hew station ut hornby will begin sixhour test pro grams on or about dec 15 w r gladstone murray general manager of uie corporation said about dec uie stauon will be ready for operauon on a sixteen hour per day schedule although for the first few days it will probably oper ate for twelve hours a day health upoavr the following is uie report of com munlcable diseases by uie moji to georgetown board of health for nov ember lur diphtheria scarlet fever measles german measles mumps mranuu paralysis whooplngcough cerberosplnal meningitis 0 epidemic inspection of truck loads for uie protecuon of uie consum mir public uie olnarlo department of agriculture is establishing a sys tem of inspection of shipments of irult and vegetables throughout tho province hon p m dewan minister of agriculture announces tlie first of a series of lnspccuon lioints lias been established at sunset camp near gravenhurst where all shipments of fruit and vegetables moving into northern ontario by truck must be submitted for inspec tion this move resulted from com plaints about uie quality of produce going into uie north country but uie inspectionsystem will soonrbe extend- ed to cover uie whole provlno there are some 11 jdomlnlon fruit and vegetable lrupectors in ontario but unul now their authority only al lowed them to inspect shipments leav ing uie province now however they liave been appointed ontario inspec tors as well and may check on all produce intended for sale in uie pro vince in giving them uils authority the minister acted under uie nrovl slons or uie ontario farm products grade and sales act other inspec tion points will be designated at an early date brttainrwri couple of seasons hence kingdom und only a million to uie i m1ium nave not h uw united stales cheese sales to bri tain amounted to over 13 million dol lar- lo brituln ahlle to uie untied slates they were negligible on uie other hand cxiiorts of livestock to uie united states expanded to is million dollars while to uie united kingdom they were only one and one lialf million canada supplies an- nuuljy fresh fish largely from uie a u ail tic seaboard to uie new england states to the amount of about 11 mil lion while british purchases are about one million sales of unmanufactur ed arood to uie united kingdom reach ed 28 million dollars and to uie united states m million in both cases sales were beneflltted by tariff concessions exports or planks and boards to uie united kingdom were 35 million and to uie united states 16 million just now sale of amwnl timber to britain is slumping a ihue as uie house building boom is side tracked by armament manufacture many farm orchard and forest pro ducts wheat included enjoy prefer ences in uie british market and uie extent of the sales naturally make producers anxious that too much of the preference should not be lost 11ns is true of apple and umber growers in uie morltlmes and ip the west und of canadian producersv-ol- bacon which has made for itself an import ant niche hi the british market there is also uie relauvc stability of the british murket where trade trea ties ore not so much subject to poli tical squabbles as in the united states on the ouier hand uie proxi mity of the american market is a consideration und canadian pro ducers may be fully compensated by a wider market in that country it is also still unknown to what extent the imperial preferences may be par ed whatever cynics may say uie im portance of uie main motive behind uie treaties cannot be denied the effects may be incapable or anything like accurate measurement but they are not wholly visionary if there is an economic foundation to use will to war even if there are additional roots such as national fear and pride everything that opens the way to a fuller economic life must have an ameliorating effect in a troubled world the example of uie two great democracies the british common wealth and the united states mak ing reciprocal treaues must ultimately to some degree at least exert a pad fylng force guide that is uie statue of the famoiu indian chieftain black hawk qlrl hmm he had a son tom my didnt he s oha for a couple of years now and wheuier they can round up two teams is another quesuon that we have doubt about midcet hockey there are now over sixty boys re gistered but only two boys are under 13 years of age and a few more under 13 there is room in uie league for a doxen younger boys who did not play last year as in all probability twonnsw teams- ftht ptnginr andu redwings will be created for players m and 15 years of age those who have not registered should do ao una week so that uie league execuuve and team managers will be able to make their plans the boys are asked to bring their cards and ticket money to the legion hall on friday at 30 or saturday at 130 a meeting of uie league execuuve and team managers is called for mon day next at 8 pm in uie legion hall- please note above dates and attend norval rifle club on monday night ten members of uie oac guelph rifle club visit ed uie nonarrange in compeuuon norval winning uie match by a mar gin of 33 points the scores norval 07 out or 1000 ojlc 045 out of 1000 a return match will take place at guelph on dec 13th norval shot their second score in the east and west ontario rifle lea gue scoring 785 out of 800 two- pos sible scores were made in this event vis h nurse and dr stevenson in uie club shoot uie following t cores weef made h nurse 100 dr stevenson 100 h walker 100 r w hall s f johnson 80 g w browne 08 f hustler u g u hall 07 w wilson 07 k mckin- ney 06 w robinson 05 w lisle 04 in uie gold button contest a four way ue resulted in uie shootoff ice nurse captured uie event with a per fect score thanks te the clllaeasaf oaafgauwa it is my desire to express my ap preciation and grautude to the rate payers or georgetown or electing us mayor by acclamation for ths yeas 1s8 by devotion to public duty during the coming year i shall renew my efforts in the administration ot tha business of the municipality and work for ftealer elvlo welfare joskph arbboma

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