Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1937, p. 2

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pae2 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening december lat 1937 itu rftrgefewiheray a ar line tor eaoh insartlont if in black face type so par una actvntaonal rootless atssltfring aa coining kvansa defy church or a etc an par una amtnu mum ehsiige ssc baporta of meetings rxikl mfflt maiilnrl free tjvaaexsdrlaan notices 50 3o per una extra tor poems- birth marriage and death notloaa 50a btnall ad- yeatiasoaeiils one inch or lees 50c tor brat insertion and sc for each aubaanuant insertion rnipler advertising rates on appuoatlon although every precaution will bo taken to avoid arror the herald accepts edvertlslns in its cohanna on up under- standlng that a will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad- vertlseeaettt is requested by the advertiser and returned to ttae wf1 business w duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or o plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by vie herald its liahluty ahau not exceed such a proportlop of the entire coal of such adver tisement as the space noragieed by the noted- error beau to the whole apace occupied by such adi the wedding by ruth o h u tuthill gold men seek lor gold and they else tears and toil and blood sweat and friends and home and all i sweet pleasures of the common day yea even life itself uses give to fallow that mad gleam that lures across the treacherous marsh of greed to death j but there is other gold that all maj seek and be in seeking blest the golden strands the sun weaves round the earth the glimmering glints on childrens hah the deepening richness of the sum mer fields all cups of gold that bloom beside the way this quest leads on a calm contented path of life and up the peaceful sunset hills of even to ood mary c raby the day beyond when youth is with us all things seem but lightly to be wished and won we snare tomorrow in a dream and take our toll for work undone for ufe is long and time a stream that sleeps and sparkles in the sun what need of any haste- we saj tomorrows longer than today and when tomorrow shall destroy that heaven of our dreams in vain hurrying manhood we employ to build the vanished bliss again we have no leisure to enjoy so few the years that yet remain 6a much to do and ah we say tomorrows shorter than today but when our hands are worn and weak and atill our labours seem iinhlest and time goes past us like a bleak last twilight waning to the west tt is not here the bliss we seek too brief is life for happy rest what need of any haste we say tyjmorrows longer than today st john adcock how to keep happy dr donald a laird head of the psychology department at colgate university gives in the rli r news the following rules atilch he aays will make you happy 1 keep rested tired people take seat from others as wu as themsel ves it is anuudrur what a difference going to bed two hours earlier will p ioc had driven bar into town it was the brat tima they had been out together ainca dick had told her that was aire months ago six months of suspense and tension trying to decide what to do putting on a brave face before people pretending nothing was the matter runny that ww should be going to a wedding together dick i ghastly said dick and than joan do you mind if i dont go with youti dont believe i can stick it v youv got to kate mustnt know kriythlngs happened between us why i because kate believes that no matter how unsatisfactory her own marriage was ours was perfect well wasnt lit it was until you spoiled it my god namdd dick cant you understand perfectly but that doesnt change anything oh whats the use of going over and over whats happened were here tor kates daughters wedding kates best hope for adeline is that her mar riage will turn out like ours i be lieve shed almost forbid the bans if guessed what a mess weve made ofi it the church was sweet with the smell of lilies joan took the arm of an usher and went up the aisle to the whiteribboned enclosure dick followed they sat together in the highbacked pew gossip all around them do you know ive always thought kate is still in love with charles marshall in spite of divorcing him i think a womans a fool to divorce a man she still loves no matter what hes dooev ircras after this last remark that joans eyes encountered dicks she turned away from their pleading theresadehc mother kate was ssalking down the aisl little determined koto with lips that were close and hard uih repression and denial of what sht v anted most in life charles marshall had taken his place among the guests immacu lately dressed with a gardenia in his lapel glad he had the decency not to bring that woman with him someone exclaimed do you mean his wife oh well of course he married her came the grudging response suppose she divorced dick would he marry that woman joan won dered that woman hed assured her over and over dcain even with tears hed never cared a darn for in spite of what had happened i havent seen her since it was just one of those things the exultant strains of the wed ding march adelines handsome young man waiting farther at the chancel the bridesmaids advancing with their big bduquets of white roses and adeline coming down the aisle on her young brothers arm past her father past her mother on and on to where her young man stood waiting the light in adelines eyes as she came to him tt was over adeline took her hus bands first kiss took and returned it with young unsbashed passion the possibility of everything joan had known was in that kiss suddenly the tears csme into her eyes they rolled down her cheeks she couldnt find her handkerchief heres mine honey dick was offering her his fresh unfolded she tried to smile thanks im such a tool the look in dicks eyes tsars too oh honey he begged say you love me i a woman is a fool to divorce a man she atill loves no matter what hes done whoever had said that was wise that look in dicks eyes only one way to reply to a look like that the chattering milium crowd laughed to see them kiss renewing your wedding vows someone asked yes said joan not that they need renewing you see theyve never been broken x donl fret about how utue book l you have if you keep men tally active and learn a utile some thing new each day you are an edu- 3 dont expect other people yourself to be perfect sliortcomlnse here andthere should be expected and not allowed to steal seat 4 be your age the things which drug test change as we get older borne people try at m still to get a kick from ufe by doing what they did at so all they get is a pseudo-hap- 5 dont let others or yourself bluff you into being timid what we should do to emphasise our tew strengths and forget our manyweakneaaes look at the future rather than the past why beat tsey equip shower baths with safety straps especially tor older persons who are likely to slip and fall make a spiked platter from which a roast or a ham cannot slip while it is being carved near enough what we want said the an archist is a state of society in which anybodycan he himself to anything he wants we are already near enough to that state of society said miss cayenne our cook our butler and all the rest of the help have been doing so for years wen thats that old miss wrinkles whispering to a friend dont mention it but did you know there is a secret connect ed with my birth friend sure and i know whal it is it is the date florida times union firrt uaawelu te d 8 umbrellas were- first shipped to ilea u s in 1ttx to baltimore where they were regarded as an item of feminine apparel these umbrellas were made of oiled linen stretched over rattan sticks hes ne knew man first clerk hove you and your boss ever had any differences of opinion second ditto yes but lie doesnt know it bank of montreal established 1817 la presentation in easily understandable form of the banks annual statement 30th october 1937 l ucstandiiur oft tmitomeei liabilities liabilities to the pvbuc deposits- pjtbu otf jmbjj j after nx4tc4 notes of the bank in circulation payaum oo- jermamj bills payable tvoj jeaftl lumnj mmj rtmlllajtum acceptances arxutetters of credit finamcmal rfjsoolofifiof mnjehabm one o lettimg amount im jam0prfj other liabilities to the publics uemt ubieb jo mot root mmjee iba foregoing beajimgt toul liabilities to the public liabilities to the shareholders capital surplus and undivided profits and reserves for dividends ybei amomml repeeienh fo tbaeeboueet enteeett in fo bomb oh u befb ijiijffi la fo ililhc fji v af total liabilities resources to mfrsv the foregoiug liabilities the bank bos o cash in its vaults and money on deposit with bank of canada notes of and cheques on other banks rij7 im juh on fftttmljatom money on deposit with other banks amlilit on jtmtttj or at jow moticf oovernmcnt and other bonds and debentures l erfj mjrt ijlut to jvsf j hi v i mr i i c sj jrifi ukclt mature jj fjrly jolt stockv ikjkiihj jj i ibfr iorii sot rwjr mjritt uii call loans outside of canada stcarej ov lomjt ttotkt mj otkit utxoltmt ittuitlm ol great ijvr raja fo laani oiio rwirmfftff won11 fweilf aiatlttle ulttr mo juturlt efftit on comjtttomi m cjmojj call loans in canada pjyalle em uermamj amd letmrej oy lomji mmj ilocil of great talue ttam vo ojki bankers acceptances fvfi jrajti aftettj try ofor lamit total of quickly available resources fw to 7958 of ji tisuulits to tbt public other loans e to manmtaclmret farmeri rmertfaiti amj olluri on eomjwomi eomiiteml unit lommj lanttmg bank premises tn o trvfirttei iwt are tarriej in the mamfi of bouing e miwi had anj o ikji of foi c mpaniei are en nreh unej fc hint aij appear n ti hki at 100 in eaer tj r hi tier i i tie hani t prentitei the ralue ol biit uartitl exieejt juoouoo appear mnjer tin iieajmg real estate and mortgages on real estate sold by the bank a amrtj in tl e ur e if the banii hmlncii anj im pr i of f etng realtej upon customers liability under acceptances and icturs of credit repre enl liabililit of tmilnmeri on account of letter if crejit iiiumj anj trraflt acteptej by the bank to their anomnt other assets not included in the foregoing making tool assets of to wf payment of liabilmet to fo public of letting u exrrti of asselt ottr limkililies to lb public of i717799i0j 99 24t28tmjm 2i594s47 77591550 25356ol7s 75273o753 7 7ob9719727 829o3395098 86226720 23 27718431 85 206o515741 437381825 01 286235 50 19878941 34 6857700 39 36138 52 599051153 25 204760812 11 13700000 00 1192681 35 7759145 50 317015877 t829633950 98 75273673371 s 76897197 27 profit and loss account profits fox the rear ended 50th ortobef 1917sfter mikuut approprutioos tu conlinjtent reserve fund out o which fund full proviuon for bad anj dauhlful debts has been made and after deducting dominion and pnaincial government taxei amounuiut to 042917 s4 dividend raid or payable to shareholder 2ftao000 00 appropriation fur itinl premises 400000 00 lulancc of pmhl and lou account jilt ckluber i9s6 lulince of proht ami los carried foiuard 54aasa ao 2d0o00 00 charleb 1 gordon preirjeml jackson dodds g w spinnrv joint gemerat managtwt 11 i i ftht strength of a hank is determined by its history its policy ll its management and the extent of its resources for 120 years the ii bank of montreal bos been in the forefront of canadian finance jj queett habits of the wild csucayusses tlie wild mother mallard duck who builds her nesl in the rushes fringing the shore of reedy lakes lines the nesl with soft down from her own body supplementing this with what ever other suitable articles she can procure such as regsv leaves and bits of cattall plant the eowblrd never builds a nest of her own but lays her eggs in the nests of otherblrds leaving them to be hatched there and raised to ma turity by the foster parent unlike popular belief the timber wolf does not attack human beings except when in desperate circum stances the animal must be hungry wounded or cornered before attack ing in the dead of winter timber wolves form into packs tor their mu tual benefit sometimes these hun termad creatures will pitch into a human being but not it deer elk or oilier forms of food are available herds of elk do not indicate abun dance they indicate a shortage for only when their numbers have been reduced by winters rigors do the animal congregate oftentlmea elk must be fed with hay dropped from airplanes to keep them from starv ing just as soon as winter rations grow short elk form into herds roam ing the wilderness in quest of food the opossum common to the sou them states has a alsange habit when caught he plays dead and seems actually lifeless this how ever is merely a trick to deceive his captors when they leave he quickly recovers and bounds away in his usual good health ttven when car ried away by hunters the opossum is always watching his ohanos to es cape and will do ao if opportunity offers the old saying playing pos sum came from this taifc of the animal when attacked the porcupine of ten known as the quill pig per forms a curious stunt peculiar to that animal he rolls into a round ball tucking his head in deeply thus enemies can find no vulnerable point of attack because there is none every inch of the exposed parts of his body is covered by quills even the bear fears to attack the porky after the latter rolls himself into a ball raccoons souse their food about in water before they eat it and after eating wash their front paws clean the penguin during moulting loses so much weight that he cannot dive tor ash and what does he dot swal lows stones uu he has the proper ballast and then goes after his fish the mother moose sees a slim birch sapling with tender leaves and twigs at the top which she cannot reach she pushes against it with her great chest and as it bends straddles it holdbig it down with her body and walklnv till she reaches the green when both she and her calf dine from the saplings top in our dumb animals tie x m cnr tima tabla bflaeuve 8esastm standard tuna a 140 aan iojm l 0 patvr passengers for torento but pan j passengers sundays only tjfrpjn going west passenger and stall 134 aan u4 pan ua pan 1u8 aan 110 pan passenger passenger sunday galng kerth stall and passenger oeing seaua and passenger ul pan time table gray coach limes coaches leave georgetown eutlmna a 7 08 aan 4 15 pan aan 133a pan twajjan s45 pap weatlmmand to kitchener k 0j5 aan c 35s pan xb tm pan 1130 aan a 4j pm d 11s0 pan x 155 pan x 655 pan e 13j0 am x through to london a except sun and hoi b sun and hoi c sat d except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hoi pnoaie s9 bus depot w h long ceersetewii directory lestov dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and sellcilors georgetown ontario office grejory theatre bldg mill 8l eennmi u lanodon tunioter seuelier notary pat mi pint mortgage money to loan offlce main street south phone h w c gttant bsrtister etc offices mill street georgetown erin phone 334 pxx box im raney gkaydon uwatencst 4k cook barristers eta its bay sl fttettle brat4eat oet e praaer raney ejo h edward cook gordon qraydon 333 main su north brampton telephone 71 harold r lawrence lohlaw twiwg brampton telephone ms r b watson djs mjdjl cieargetewa office hours 0 to 5 except thursday afternoons j e jacksoh djdjl successor to the late dr oolaes open krenlngs frank petch uxm4su kvonanwam the ciaaihis ef fwal savi sssltea c at r u o at r 1 post ofnee ctiahetvnam monuments pollock a incaham bueeeesont to oater t worth gsot oat deelgias en keaiaies4 pseae sasg inspect our work in oreenwood i cemetery i k ii mmmiwmmmmammammxtmmmtammumtmmumml i a m nielsen mtk year ef svaetlee cliirotmctor xray drtislesa tliawtsat lady amessvaas ofnee over rvanrnlon star hours- 1 im cii ttuareaay atssssstssssbssassastssks j nsa o stjasavast o asltki oarr vktor ay onoki new ostrks tonlo tablets east- tain raw oyster inxegoreen and other atlmiilants one dose pans an organs glands if not rl i ligsi i i maker refunds price psm tljg call or wstaa robbs drug btora 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