Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1937, p. 1

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seventyfirst year of publication wednesday evening december 15th 1937 150 per annum in advance 2q0 to usa train th auto 40 feet scares death bot is badlt otiwd bauit onanist at the st andtwsra prorirrterlen chorea wmplwlui vfm rtawwoq to pbm mflstl ohal hospital in brampton yeasty tuesday suffering from serious oln- jurxas after a oar which he was drtv- trag on the fourth una a few miles aorta of monti was completely de- mnllahsrt attar betas struck by waerhnund o jul freight tbe anctrtant uuu between j0 and to ajn tuesday the tnlured man bad been driving north on the snowcovered dderoad at the time that tbe accident occurred tt is believed that be sew the ap proaching freight tram when dose to the eroasmg and applied his brakes only to slide onto tbe tracks the impact of tbe engine meeting the usht coupe hurled it forty feet through the air until it came to rest against a telegraph pole bender was hurled out ot tbe demolished car by tbe second impart t w is xutrering from severe cuts and lacerations about the face head neck and shoulders a concussion of the brain and shock it was report ed from the hospital that his condi tion showed a alight iinprovemeht and that be was resting easily last night w c t u christmas hampers v the womens institute are parking christmas hampers and will be grateful for gifts of food and money td help with this work the hampers will be packed at the waterworks building on friday af ternoon dec mtn please leave food there and donations of money with mrs j a maekerude dakkness htkns on cxjovks uaf lights canadas first clover leaf crossing near port credit will be illuminated by ss lamps workmen are erecting 35 poles each carrying a ijooo watt unit the lamps will be housed in holophone a plrsmatic substance resceiulng glass that shatters light beans to elminate glare approaching darkness will automati cally turn on the lights photo electric switching mechanism is be ing installed to provide this feature and to provide safety in traffic dark- ness caused by dust fog or snow will also operate a series of relays to illu- mlnate the network t if the system operates satisfactori ly here it is believed it will be em ployed along the new middle road a similar type of lighting is in opera tion at the semiclover lear at bur- ungton the december meeting of the w ctd was held friday last in the baptist sunday school room and was presided over by am ar vannat- ter atrsi p c overend assisted by airs w o marshall and sera r h wright conducted a christmas de votional service which closed with a beautiful vocal selection by am l marcfament of olen williams the guest speaker on the after noon program was dr j h bate- man who took as the subject of his informative address what won should know about cancer 3o of the facts presented by the speaker follow cancer is not as popularly belie re a modern disease tor it was known amongst the romans and alao in india in ancient times neith er is it confined to the nlw i king dam appearing both in birds and in the vegetable kiiigdom- where it mani fests itself in fungus forms because of its increasing prevalence araj toll of life amounting to 10000 hf ly in canada being second only to heart disease as a cause of death the search light of scientific investiga tion has been turned upon it as never before some facts thus brought to light can be noted cancer does not appear in healthy tissue irritation either from disease or from other sources is preliminary to the develop ment of cancerous growth hence any symptnmf indicative of such abnormal condition should be investicated promptly and the cause of the irrita tion removed cancer is the early stages is painless and due to this fact is often too far advanced when discovered for treatment to be effec tive periodical health examinations dominion seed house ja thriving industry were recommended by the speaker as being an excellent safetf nrst pro gram making for the early discovery or this as wefl as many other dis eases which menace the life of the individual mrs a reeve voiced the thanks of the gathering to the guest soloist mrs marchment and to or bate- man for their much appreciated con tributions to the afternoons pro gram en waking report of the work of the educational committee urs c n dayfoot announced that dr c v williams had kindly consented to address the january meeting on mat ters concerning the community health or georgetown peel plowmen name cartes president peel plowmens association will hold its annual match on the first friday alter the provincial match in 1b38 this was announced following the annual meeting of members at brampton on friday the organiza tion will seek means to encouarge efficiency among juniors officers elected were president m w carter brampton vicepresidents h ruston brampton w hostrawer molton and e parkinson brampton secretary c d graham brampton treasurer james laidlaw brampton community christmas tree big tfay for the kiddies lions club annual santa claus parade in georgetown on saturday afternoon december 18th next saturday will be a big day for the boys and girls old folk young vfolk and everybody when santa dvjlaus comes to georgetown the lions club annual santa claus parade will take place at three oclock in the afternoon so lets all give santa a real reception and have a lot of tun all children attending will receive candies and oranges from santa claus personally the annual turkey and fowl draw will be held immediately rouawlng the childrens part of the program buy your tickets for thlsi popular draw at medures brills longs or from members of the lions club at ifafjf the tree on saturday afternoon every ablebodied man woman and child is expected to be present at this big annual event in georgetown next saturday afternoon vv rn o at the december meeting or the trailed church womans missionary society held tuesday dec 7th the following officers were elected for the year ibm past presidentsmrs hubt president mrs overend 1st vicepresident mrs wright tod vloepresldenumrs nielsen recording secretary mrs dobson corresponding secretary mrs vannatter- treasurer mrs deans secretary christian stewardship and pfaiance mrs r c adams strangers secretary mrs preure supply secretary mrs tyndall assistant supply bee mrs near associated helpers secretary matt k meckay miss monthly secretary mrs j mcdermld literature secretary mrs j kennedy temperance secretary mrs it bird press secretary mrs c b dayfoot pianist mrs tuck assistant pianist mra bums band sunt mrs a mission n i in i rfopeurns high school board the regualr meeting of the george town high school board was held on monday night dee lith members present were the chairman dr f r watson rev w o o thompson and messrs r b ttoulls c b day- foot and j h wingtim minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed the fallowing accounts were pre sented r t eaton co us isaac miller 1j0 national geographic 350 r h thompson co 2s5 p b harrison 1000 a j smith ob ontario library book co 35 georgetown hydro oomm 431 sinclair z valentine 100 on motion duly seconded these ac counts were ordered paid moved and seconded that any of the school scholarships should not be awarded to the same pupil twice in the same form motion carried the secretary was instructed to con vey to mr lambert miss penson and the school council the tiwim and congratulations of the board for their splendid work in connection with the high school commencement the meeting adjourned royal black pkeceptoky elect omcus the following officers of cross and crown rjbj no tat have been elected for the year ibm aa follows wp sir kt wm pearson dj sir ax o buck chaplain sir kt h dobble recording rear str kk joa hall financial reg sir kt john wilson treasurer sir kt f wood 1st lecturer sir kt r j graham tad lecturer sir kt f norton 1st censor sir kt t given tad censorsir kt jr lindsay standard bearers air kta x brown and v bradley pursuviant sir kt r buchanan tyler sir kt j long tiie home of canadas largest mail order seed he tula georgetown industry began business in 1b39 now has over 300- 000 cttttotners and is the lrast ex clusive mail order seed and nursery firm in canada the herald called on the dominion seed house at its new mall order of fices on oueloh btreet east and en- joyed a visit at this beautiful and ex tensive tstoperty to establish a business of such ex tent study the hundreds we found this ran into the thousands of seed items plants and nursey stock var ieties appears to be a etuantlc task but this is only a small part or this large organisation office details are tremendous the addressing and mailing of 3v000 cat alogues alone means work for sever al nimble fingered young ladles but this is a trifling mutter compared with the details involved when the big rush of spring commences a single order may have anywhere from one to one hundred and fifty separ ate lltns and there are many days when well over a thousand orders and inquiries have to be handled pre paring for the particularly heavy rush period of march april and may takes practically the other nine mon ths compiling a large catalogue is something the herald can well ap preciate and we know that each and every page has enough details for a headache we do congratulate this concern in the production of such a beautifully prepared annual cata logue i- in addition to the direct mail order business an important business is de veloping from those who like to shop by motor car the new building so artistically decorated provides a splendid waiting room and show vootn for visitors we wre much impressed withttie splendid mall order office and de partment where the seed orders are luled the lighting both daylight and electric is ideal while the de lightful views from a superb elevation and over wide expanses of field and nursery is well worth a visit in itself this interesting and vapidly de veloping industry is now a real asset to georgetown and community tnere arc about twenty on the permanent staff and this increases to over forty at times about seventy per cent of thrive employed are men we vked bui how in the world he was able to attend to such innumer able details and work he hist said joe if you really want to know this osk the boys and girls whose faithful and capable services have meant everything to the success so far at tained they know the details and believe it or not they tell me what to do come again joe and bring th missus when we get all set after noon r will be served daily sjclaotal efcmwb largo gadmrickc dufferin plowmen elect officers dufferin county plowmens associ ation elected wallace gallagher of laurel president at the annual meet ing this week other officers chosen are w a donaldson orangeville clifford shields snelbume vicepresidents p b k stewart orangeville tecre- tary ralph hamilton shelburne treasurer the fallowing are township direc tors mono tliomas little and john ledlow east qrafraxa frank nelson and nelson black east luth er willis rounding and w e tbveu melancthon albert rutledge and leonard uadlll mulmur leonard halbert and norman oopeland amaranth h torance wuliam banks w gray oliver durkln will- lam cooney and john theaker do your christmas shopping in georgetown the christmas shopping season opened in earnest last week with all george town stores being wellpatronized by crowds of shoppers georgetown busi ness district has undergone a consider able improvement during the past few years and it is safe to say that never be fore have the stores been prepared to cater to such a wide variety of christmas needs not only do local merchants merit your patronage because of the employment they give to local people and their unfailing liberal support of all community institutions but shoppers will nndjthat they can secure as good if not better values with less trouble and with no unpleas ant aftermath by buying their christmas gifts locally it is only necessary to read the herald to ascertain what a wonderful array of christmas merchandise awaits your approval in georgetown stores read- the advertisements item by item and youll find a ready solution for every name on your gift list 1 harh school com mencement iras held in the oresory theatre last thuranay evaninc when a spl pracram was preaanluj by the stnrtenta under the direction of the teachers o the aohooi tbe wa f artth t by the hjah bcbocj orchestra athieh ban ptayedhkt intervals durtnc the evenirar trnoar the direntiori of pan barber tar r n watson was the chair man of the evenina- and announced by mr c b day- toot ot scholarships pons s evelyn dorothy mcuntock form wuus- aeena acaraaret acadaren barry wil liams equal worm s moria feller sarm aaotyn gregory hayes pores 1 verna aacuniock presentation by air h- b pottus of o tupi to wary e p alexander btewart alex abciaren doris kusabeth bessey jean at mc allister alice biaabeth vrfi hmer o alccumber alarjorle alice kvans andrey irene abrritr robert unlr poutta prances aaarlon onr- end wuliam benry latimer barry williams wtlliamena sfaraaret uac- laren presentation t by bev w a q t of athletic awards to mary alexander jean ruddell marion dick mary cummins b armstrorar n barber n p barber xx beaumont w boyle jcoolson b barty r ooldhaaa p joaqne h lorriman p macdonald b aaoasbneaay w mc- nalty w reid d ixool jjsrdes bauantine dho presented his trophy for team ahootlnc to l sylvester and the stratheona medal for rifle shoounx to j louth mr ralph rocs late principal of the rich school presented miss mary peller with a book for proficiency in monition the pirate dance by nine pretty school maidens tinder the direction of miss a patt fea with miss helen blackburn presidlnc at the plana wasvery brief but captivated the audience tilly of bloorosbury a play pro duced by special arranaement with samuel french of new york and un der the direction of miss penson was the feature of the evening- and caus ed much merriment for all present there were three acts and not a dull moment in any or them ah the cast took their various parts well and their acting would do credit to some professionals it was a good play well presented the roxt was as fallows harry williams paul jolliffe marian over- end msrearet evans paul barber margaret adams stewart maclaren moris peller weir reld beth shortt usnrsret maclaren elisabeth grant j u lambert robert mcmenemy at the conclusion of the play miss ploria pauertber- behalf otthe oaas uiaaantarl mlas penson with a sfaaaf of raarattfol ts the stnctnc of the national aav- tharn brooxht to a dose another anor easeful iwimwuamwit rf o town bsth school election expenses lloyd d dingtas esperisss in th recent- provincial eleetlontn halsoai in which he was the oonservattv candidate a puhuahad by pwjbv prcagerald his nfnrfaf a were m follows printinc and advertialna mm rent of balls iis m bent of booms ss os loud speakers ss 0 telephone st electric uaht postace m gasoline sots newspaper ivjev as m total amount received from i d dtncie sbstm tmrnd cnuatcn sciroarrs wszk or pstsvm in rsxuastv the united church of canada will cooperate with the world bvancell- cal alliance in their call to a week of prayer to be ieh january and to 8th letters have been sent to every united church minister actvi- ln them of the special week of prayer in many mstanrea church bodies will hold prayer meeunaa on a cooperative basis stated rev j r mutehmor associate secretary of the board of fcva and social ser- vice the theme of the week of p will be the church tjnrvera al and its place in the nation teksta cotta vjpo ujpwjo ims owins to an error in the list of officers published in last weeks issue we publish the followinc corrected list officers of uj0 president mr t l- leslie vicepresident mr r b leslie secretarytreasurer mr p l thompson oiocers or tjjwjo president mrs r b leslie vicepresident mrs e greensword secretarytreasureir miss ida mc kane assistant becretarytreasurer p peteh grocer what was that woman eomplalnlns aboutr assistant because she had a lone wait grocer humph i 2ome people are never pleased she was oomplainlns about the short weight yesterday horse sense behind the steering wheel is better and more important than horsepower under the- hood hockey this winler now certain for georgetown citizens david saxe unanhuously chosen president for the 19378 season of the hockey dub e s thompson and h goldham appointed managers geortetown dtisens turned out in larger numbers last friday nlfht to the hockey meettnc called to ortanlae for the ism wasnn when they saw the hockey situation nuns in the bal ance although the date was rather late tor this meeting the tans seem ed to be more hockey mnariwii and a club was formed without much difficulty harold cleave president of the hockey club last year outlined the hockey situation and then eoenressed his desire to retire for this season he has served the crab for many years both as a player and in an exeeuuve office and it was only right that he should not be asked to carry the major position again this year the business of electing a new exe cutive was the nexi step after the meeting had appointed mr elmer c thompson as chairman who called for the various nominations mr devid saxe was the unanimous choice of the tans as president of the georgetown hockey dub for the coming season and although not present dave expressed his willingness to act the other officers elected are as follows vicepresident ernest a thomp son secretary norman hill treasurer clare walker executive harold cleave pr jack son and sam walker at an exeeuuve meeting monday night em thompson was appointed manager pro tem of the rntemwdl- ate team and harry ooldham man ager of the junior team card of thanks t the atuelara warns ixf i hereby convey my sincere thanks to all those who gave me their sup port in the- recent municipal k and wish everybody a very merry christinas and happy and prosperous new year yours very truly cuuucnoc armstrong umehouse on friday evening last mrs a mcdonald and family entertained hit sixty guests at a party mr wm prank and al tlhman furnish ed the music and mr wes louth was tbe very capable master of cer emonies mrs 8am olsby and mr wm prank won the lucky spot danoa mr cam dobble and mr joe a mcdonald were in toronto one day last week on business erin friday december 3rd was the tenth wedding anniversary of mr and mrs william klrkwood and in the even ing a party of friends and neighbors took this happy young couple by sur prise when they called to spend the evening and presented them with use ful sifts progressive euchre was en joyed and the serving of hmch con cluded a delightful evening dr and mrs hutchinson freda and ruth of brampton were sunday visitors with mrs jennie hull mrs k hurren spent a tew days last week with her daughter mra dan mcdonald at oakvllle mrs rex scott and daughter don na of saskatoon saskatchewan ar visiting with mrs edith boott mr and mrs w w thompson of franlcford and mr donald bell of toronto spent the weekend wish their parents mr and urs r m dell the fall of snow during the past couple of days has made very good sleighing and motorists are having a bit of trouble in places where it piled up on the roads mae uoghuus who save his ad dress as elmlra issued cheques to at least two erin business men reosnuy and they were rearmed marked m bl p the matter was placed before crown attorney kearaa and moata- nls will appear in ouerpti poiy court in due time advocate

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