Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1937, p. 3

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tv the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 15th 1937 i i i u 1 f 11 f jf all the useful things yodcan present your family there is nothing mote enjoyable than furniture make your house a home that you and your family will be rclly proud of one where your sons and daughterswlll jove to entertain look ut these attractive lowpriced offerings modern or period pieces tables a splendid collection of occasion al tables all handsome new pieces in wak nut cocktail tables lamp tables coffew tables shelf tables chippendale classic ancp modem types 300 chairs luxurious christmas chairs otto man barrel and wing types with loose pillow cushions selected and varied upholstering made with care and distinction exceptional values from jta 95 lamps a large selection of occasional lamps trilites floor and table models beautiful parchment and silk shades metal and pottery bases new and smart designs from 175 of un- select ttfe ge gifts that meet the greatest need in your home and you will solve the problem whattogive in the most ideal way each one is useful distinctive surpassed in quality see our large and varied assortment of toys including meccano sets electric and mechanical trains streamlin ed autos velocipedes dolls play stoves drums washing machines games books etc a visit to our toy department will prove entertaining and helpful in making your selections a small deposit holds any article until christmas we are open every evening h c mcclure i phone 54 home furnishings store late xmas eve delivery georgetown if dairy farmers by some yulotido magic could look ibio million of ally kom on chruuau uiay would ixanlilud w r to sm tk large put daiiy product puy la th uol- tday foptlvlu as oily ismlusa bit dowa to tfcair cfcrlstaas dinners ta a spirit ol chrut- uu txtaadllaaaa la that an spirit to otuc pumaa to all tlw dalryman aad to avaryooa a ta ina aauoaa cjrast dairy industry a many christmas and a happy nsw ya t3o7deft success crowns churciifch eftobtsmodkrtor gkattctul first engli book w not printed fa the first english bootf over ed was not printed in england eomewhere on the continent a 1474 according to the montreal hei aid william caxton a kentish apprentice to a rich london merchant went to bruges to work at his trade he became a prom inent man educated himself and translated from french into english a book of4tores called recuyell of the histories of troy recuyell means collection the duchess of burgundy who was an english woman ilkrd it idsrnuch and so many other people wihhed to read it that he soon tired of making hand written copict and decided to lnrn the new and wonderful art of print ing this was the first book he printed the first book known to be printed in england was the oictcs and sayings of the philosophers it woa translated from the- french by earl rivers which cnxton revised and printed after ji tiding a diopter and a prologue he hnd set up the flrst englkh printing press not far from the weit door of westminster abbey in a hou e known us the h4utc of the tied pale from the mn which he qct over it from this hou e cnxtnn sent out the first printed advertisement known in englond if it plcnne any men spiritual or temporal he says to buy a certain book let him come to westminster in to the almonry at the red pale and he shall have them good cheap the advertise ment which is given in marshalls history of english literature end ed with some lotm words which may be translated please do not pull down the advertisement 1 5th 1937 pago 3 richardsons idon cloth if a y yt smi at m ah midwett afliddleweftt held indefinite terms the term midwest or middle- west is an indefinite one and opin ions differ as to just what states constitute the region popularly re ferred to as the middle west ob serves a writer in the cleveland plain dealer the united states was settled from the atlantic seaboard and the terms east j middle west west and far west were ap plied to different sections as the frontier was pushed toward the pacific in its broadest sense the middle west consists of that part of the unit ed states lying between the ap palachian and rocky mountains on the one hand and the mason and dixon line and the canadian border on the other this section com prises the states of ohio michigan indiana wisconsin illinois minne sota iowa nebraska kansas north dakota and south dakota however many people restrict the term to ohio michigan indi ana illinois and wisconsin and class all states west of the missis sippi as west or for west the personal thanks of the moder ator or the united church of can ada the right rev peter bryce dd has been extended to members md officials of the church throughout canada who have contributed toward the success of the joint committee of the churches on western relief the united church of canada na tional emergency relief committee and the western ministers 0111 pund dr bryoe has today tuued the following statement of apprecuuon worn the report of the joint com mittee of the churche on western relief to november mth ltttt i have learned with great satisfaction that km carloads of fruit and vege tables have been forwarded to the driedout areas of western canada the united church national km- ergeney committee reports that 44o0 bales of clothing have been distribut ed the treasurer of the united church has received to 1st december the sum of tujotl 40 for the western ministers relief fund to all who have had a part in this practical expression of the unity and sympathy of the church i desire to expreas most sincere thanks australian court custom the man who swears on a stack of bibles to tell the whole truth and nothing hut the truth takes a simple oath indeed compared to that given australian aborigines the clerk in djrwin supreme court uses this form of oath now listen wont you talko true feller and tella big boss on top the judge talk loud altogether men in court want hear you talk true all a time not what other black boy bin tellum you talk what you savvy clear along your own eye not what you been hear alonga your own ear because it seems to be binding on the con science of aboriginals this oath is in genaral use a report states indians promises some early writers say that occa sionally an ohio judge after sen- taocing an indian to be hanged fol lowing his conviction for murder would ask him whether he would promise to return on the day of exe cution if he was allowed to go free if the redskin said yes he was re leased and if he said no he was of course held according to the wint ers itis said that the indian re garding a promise as sacred feared that if he did not return on the day of execution he would never get into the happy hunting ground when he did die deg is affectionate surely there is no deeper love than a dogs affection for his mas ter friends may come and go putting us on the back when for tune smiles our way making ex cuses when the black clouds of de pression break over us but a dogs affection for those he loves goes on through all adversities those of us who have seen the devoted sin cere look in a dogs eyes the friendly wag of his tail or felt his cold nose nuzzle our hand have indeed felt true unselfish friend ship dainties at holnutd feasts two favorite dainties of holland are poffertjes and wafelen which are traditional dishes at the kermise or fairs of the nation poffertjes are little blob of pan rake dough baked hundreds at time twisted and spread with sugar and butter according to an old custom one first eats twentyfour of them and then two wafelen which are oblong wjafer also cov ered with sugar and butter hardware everything in winter sports for every member pf the family ccm matched sets boot fiskate outfits 298 1150 u bootand skate outfits for little tots 249 hockey sticks 15c to 100 hockey pants 150 hockey gauntlets 275 to 401 skis 175 to 500 dayfoot ski boots ski poles toboggans sleighs waggons scooters ccm joyriders orjoytrikes joycycles practical gifts in electrical appliances sandwich toasters 275 375 495 chromium coffee percolator 795 895 glass coffeemakers 450 to 550 electric irons 150 g5 electric lamps 225 295 christmas tree lighting sets 59 up engraved pyrex casserole and chrome stand 295 water glass sets 95c cups and saucers fancy dishes open nights until christmas for your convenience a smaia detosit whx hold aw gif until chusimas richardsons hardware phone 25 georgetown we deliver y felly and useful christmas gifts wool basque berels and helmets the latest in winter millinery hp for misses and ladies at reduced prices from 100 u v misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upstairs high kate of wtebkst kks an exchange says a lew aetf uio editor chanced to receive a circular from a toronto auto taance company we have the uood fortune to have our car paid for but the con tents of the circular made tntawrt- ing reading nevertheless tt stated that this company does not ask the borrower to get friends to sign for him nor does it consult his employer if he happens to be an employe us note u regarded as his chequ and his car as his bank account- so far the circular sounds alluring ou when it comes to the matter pf inter est the terms are not ao if the car owner borrows tm he is expected to repay the ion in twelve monthly instalments of m0 making a total repaymnt of taiao at tha end of the year at jlrrt thdught uda looks like an interest rate of cent but it is really much no un that because the borrower does not nave the use of the whole s80 for twelve months he repays bit the end of the first month another s at the end of the second month and continues to do this right urouh the year which of course means that the actual interest rate is much more than m per cent if any of our readers are mathematically inclined does pay the circular also that the company has given this ser vice to more than soooo c car owners which shows bow badly a whole lot of people want to have a car and what they will do to satisfy the want curbent fabm bjetoavts waterloo county reports that cattle have gone into bams in good con dition down in hastings county the annual cheese exhibition was held at belleville of the ave hundred but of cheese auctioned at the dose ii boxes of stiltons sold at me lb col oured cheese sold at 17c and white at las lb the keg and poultry oo- onerauves in carlaton county arw holding weekly d poultry dsyai when their product is graded aad sold on a graded basis weekly maraat- lngs are running around 114 to 1 tons of dressed poultry for each aaaocia- uon rvwourable conditions for tall plowing in leeds county resulted fas a gerater acreage than usual a great contrast to last year when little tail plowing was done prices of dreaaml poultry are going up in preseott and russell with ullkfed a chlekaw selling as high as mue there itldiould be idaduthey will ttgura some tom dressed turkojra shipped t justwhat interestuw borrweil worn manltoulln wand recently

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