Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1937, p. 4

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page 4 v the georgetown herald wedheaday evening december 15th 1937 i nhpactdtici roller skates 69c up streamline kiddy krs 3is tricycles 650 up coaster vagons in all sizes snowshoes skis and toboggans eveready flashughts at 8sc up rocking horses 245 up b b air rifles a 175 up pocket and pen knives from 25c up skating outfits 298 up christmas tree light sets 59c up electric table lamps bridge lamps tri light floor lamps sandwich toasters silverware carving sets bread knives see our stock of personal health scales connor electric washers moffat electric ranges happy thought quebec ranges and heaters plumbing furnace work and electrical wiring r h thompson co 4 phone 46 georgetown bajuv history of county balton tubeshing outfits t acton mr and urs e coles and family removed this week to georgetown wbere mr colas has been appointed representative of the metropolitan ure insurance co acton friends yceret their removal but wish them success in the new home announcement was made on sun day to the conffrceatkm of st al- faaxia ohureh acton and st johns hocfcood by ttev e e briuinaer of hi acceptance of a call by the bishop to a new charge mr br u lin ger will leave acton at the close of the present year for the new parish of st johns church at winona and the mission charge on barton st in hamilton or the church or thy good shepherd the colored street lights have add ed greatly to the decoration or the streets the work of the commtnslon is appreciated mr and mrs james mcintosh ob served this week the sixtyfirst anni versary of their wedding chief it j mcphcrson wu token suddenly ill on monday afternoon while at work in the town hall he has been confined to the house since but all will be glad to learn that he is improving mr h n parmer former clerk and treasurer who has been in the to ronto general hospital since novem ber 17th was able to leave the hos pital last week for st johns conva lescent hospital at newtonbrook friends will be pleased to lcam that he ts recovering nicely and ejcjjccu to be able to visit in hamilton next week with his sister free press old whats th hello trouble ive been to a fortune- teller what did she say nothing she just gazed into th- crystal and guve me my money back a herald subcriptton for u friend is a lasting gift lutiirifwwuwwhhkihhmhmhmhhhhhhmhhiil flowers for christinas we have a limited number of brilliant poinsettias beautiful azaleas pretty pink begonias and long lasting cyclamen in a vari ety of colours order yours now see our display of plants wreaths and cut flowers at the greenhouses or at the flower shop main street georgetown christmas week the barber floral co flowers sent anywhere georgetown eby bandy in the btratsvule review hell t strangely selfcentered men who does not remember- with grati tude list he owes tojthe pioneers of oansda a worthy and heroic race were they who came into the new land when the circumstances and out look were far othet than they i are today there were often privations and but little ease and luxury in their lives but they were cheered in the j midst nf hard toll and narrow sur roundings by visions of the future they saw the homes that were to be and the coming of better days and they tolled on with unfailing courage in the hope that they might leave a worthy heritage in their children and who will say that they did not lay the foundation truly and well they not only made homes but hide by side with these they reared the humble little school bouse arid the unpretentious church it means much to canada that the pioneers in the rrudst bf their struggles cared for more than material things and be lieved that life is- only rounded oat anf complete whenood is taken into litatwoiuiiawpbui one of she greatest problems the pioneers had to face was after the grain was perfected by nature to sep arate the grain from the straw this was a most important process in biblical umes we read the ox that trod out the com must not be musxl- ed a glinoe over the methods of threshing in ontario since the stal wart pioneers wielded the nail is in teresting in itself many farmers of the present day have never seen a hall it consists of a suck of pol- isned wood about the sute of a fork handle and four feel long to this was attached a similar piece about three and a half feet long being at tached to the handle in an ingeni ous manner that r would allow it to turn as it was swung in the air for years after threshing machines were fairly common peas were threshed with the flail oils method hreakjng less than the swiftlyrevolving cylin der making the peas much more valu able for seed this work was gen erally done in the winter men be coming quite expert some claiming to be able to thresh 40 bushels a flay twenty bushels was however con sidered to be a good days work instead of the ox being driven over the grain to tread it from the straw a man wielding the flail to pound it out was considered a great improve- ment it was about the year 1825 i before any one mechanical contrl- vance figured in threshlnn operations these were crude affairs the cylln- i ders at first were of wood turned true with iron staples driven in to i serve as teeth soon however iron cylinders were used these were driv- j en by horses hitched to arms roln around in a circle this method j i knocked the brain from the straw in a fairly thorough manner but did not seimrate it this having to be done i i by hand tossing the straw with a 1 fork mien tossing the gruinand chaff willi a handmade basswood scoop i shovel on a windy day in this man- ner lmltlin the grain fairly clean these machines were quickly im- i proved on decks being invented to i separate the straw then a slice with fans to clean the grain for a ioiik time after reaching this stage the machine did not elevutc the straw j simply delivered it on the ground be hind uie machine to fork this by 1 hand on a high stack was a laborious task when an elevator or straw- carrier was invented it was hailed as the last word in improvement these at llrst were short but soon were made more efficient to stand at the head of a carrier all day was the hardest and dirtiest work about the machine and had always to be done by the hired man attached to uie farm where the threshing was being done until about 1bs9 threshing was done by horsepower in ontario five teams hitched to arms going in a circle drove the seiurator the sep arator up to this date was built to stand on the barn floor having to be loaded on a low truck when the job was done and unloaded at the next bam this loading was heavy work after a hard days work but these mac hines were much easier to get the stuff up to also to clean up uie floor as they were much lower than uiose built on trucks tlie ten horsepower was also unloaded and sulked to uie ground and were very heavy to load on uie wagon an ingenious method was introduced by which a long ruck was made for the wagon and the horsepower raised by two men and carried under the wagon easier for the men to load but much heavier for the horses to move on uie road in certain sections of uie country horsepowers were used for uiresli- ing far a long time after 1880 separa tors being built on trucks never un loaded tjley could never be placed as firmly for heavy work as uie old with uie frame on uie floor it 18s0 steam was introduced the first engines were portable ten and twelve horsepower driving sep arators built on trucks men hailing tills us a cinch uiat at night they had not to load either paraly r horsepower portable- engines were generally used until about 1003 when the blower superseded uie strawcar rier and selffeeder iirid hand cutter were attached dntil tills time read- was done by hand and threshers took great pride in their skill as feed- era the automatic feeder and luuid- cutter did tills work much more effl- clenuy it at once took away all the former glory from these occupations to drive these machines large en gines were required these being too heavy to haul around with horses tractor betas used then the in ventors tackled another problem in ontario meat of the straw was fed and was ran through a cattta box before feeding bow to thresh and cut the straw at the femrne thus was the problem to solve about ism in ventor on over the country wimtluj with this problem at orst all en deavored to out the sheaves drat then threeh them afterward tjila how- continued on pas s chance for life given ontarios children by q hospital for sick children paralysis jepidemiie re minds province of typ of service given every day for- 62 year like a spectr out of the turkt sates infantlw paralysis poilomelltijj appear hi ontario hones late last july rich and poor oldsnd young city dweller and tarrner all were hit appearing without warning striking where leasts expected he horror spread by late august an epidemic of major proportions was with us school opening was postponed over a great portion of ontario children died before they could be rushed to hospitals nearly every parent in the pro vince was concerned and took what precautions seemed best to have children avoid contacts which might bring the ghastly plague to them but mystery still shrouds the way in which this dresd dlseax lr soreed then the iron lung became front page news in all ontario there were brily three iron lungs avail able- telephone enquiries to boston nd montreal manufacturer pro duced th indefinite promise that maybe tri ten day or two weeks- vk could b hipped but children were in danger lives were at stake won lungs were teeded at once so the officials and uff of the hospital for sick chll- iren decided to bpud iron lungs hemelve in less than eight hours a crude but workable wooden lung was finished less than so minutes before the doctor had ald a utile patient would die unless respirator could be provided pour more iron lungs wonders in i design and operation were rushed to completion in as many days en thused workmen gave up saturday i sunday and the labor day holiday to fabricate the steel shapes and parts under die direction of hospital officials these machines went into instant service i the provincial department all health then asked that twentythree more iiion luncs be built with all possible speed so that children l from every part of the province might be provided the only chance for ufa during the stages o the disease thus was the enwrgtdsy mat y the hospital for sick chudreo when many uvea were at stake there was be thought of expense or human limitations the lob had to be done and wa done despite the fact that u meant night and day service for many many weeks but this is lust typical of vice the horpltatlor sick chi has rendered for over 60 -r- every hour of every day and night some emergenc must be met th life of a child peeclousto scene family is at stakes it is wily when dosens of similar cases occur at the same time that the work becomes on and can be called to the attention of the public by the press in a spectacular manner navrthe- less the work goes on hour aft boor until the days and months and years total decades of service to the needy children of the province every emer situation creates costs whlda mount up far beyond the norma provisions of government and municipal grants but unlike most other hospitals the hospital tor sick children has no large group of private ward beds from which to draw extra revenue which can be spoiled to public ward service over voo of the bed- are in public wards no help is received from the fund collected by the toronto federation for community service as patients are taken from all over the province sick and crippled children must be given medical attention and hos pital care no matter what their cir cumstance no one would deny them this right this worthy institution has sust started its annual christmas appeal for fund to enable its worse to be continued in itszt as effective man ner as in the past 4 those who have investigated all ajrree that the hospital for sick children makes most careful use of charitable jonauons and bequests worldwide recognition tor effi ciency and economical operation has been earned your gift thould be mailed to the appeal secretary the hospital for sirk children 67 college itreet to ronto a chnnee for health and happiness is the greatest pnssible christmas cifl rhirthvrl o 61 mb a m ii i j mjr mm m mmmj examine our big stock ot xmas gifts now ready watches s35 to 115 00 diamonds 1000 to sfiam j gold rings klgiwt s125 to si050 wedding rings imt gold birthstone rings mao silver rings with statu ssc compacts tscu sxs0 military sets slm ts vim ivory toiletware si 35 to com leather goods wallets tit to j1s0 key purses is to isc cigarette cases zir to sim lighters x5e to siso scarf tins collar tins tie pins wsldmun cuff links hindi broorhrs nrrkltls earrings bracelets ivory clocks alarm clocks mantle clocks ttacrwonclccs vu etc boxes ranttrlmk correspondence cards xuu new year birthday and everyday cards playlnjr cards games monopoly stock exchange bit five baiateue dominoes checkers chess crlbhare boards and pecs xmas decorations for tree and walls tinsel lllnoka rope bells tacs and seals wreaths siring etc etc large assortment of toys at reduced prices hintons gift and jewellery watch and optical repairs ocotsri georgetown advertising does four things if you conduct a retail store there are four things you wish to do j you wish to hold all your present customers 2 you wish to sell more goods to your present customers o j- you wish to replace with new customer the old ones who moved away a you wish to increase the number of your cuslomeirc try advertising in the georgetown herald o o phone no 8 sj i l

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