Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1937, p. 9

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the georgetown hersjd wednesday evwuag december 15th 1937 pe9 he was afraid crdss lost rs nerre after 12 agony ffered buffering from acuta rheumatism in both hi knee jomta treated in boaptta twice without result ao unnerved that he was afraid to cross a street how readily every rheumatlo will sympathise with this read what he says for m months i and misery with acutonftneumatlsm to both my knees twice x wstret ed in hospital but it was no line i oould not walk up or downstairs x was afraid to cross the street jfor i had lost all confidence in fourteen days ago x started xmsehen baits and already i am a new man i can walk with a smart step so up and downstairs with ease and cross the street with complete eonndenoe my rheumatism is get ting better every day djl good cases rheumatism resist the action of kruschen dissolve the painful cry- of uric add often the cause oi l and pains and assist the kidneys to eliminate this poison throosn the natural channel the ottawa spotlight y spectator ottawa dec lth the report of bean shaws visit to the markets in the united kingdom last summer will probably mark a new milestone in the story of our trade with britain whatever may be the course of oujr industrial development in the future ftanada is still taking off our hats respectfully to our forests and our mlnsri in the main an agricultural country in that way our genius lles we produce more agricultural pro ducts than we need domestically we need markets and the most import ant agricultural market in the world is the united kingdom but how are we doing lri that uar- ketf dean shaw gives us a booklet oc bs pages in answer to tjpat ques tion with very sound advice to canadian producers and to govern ment agencies on how to improve our position in british markets snaw says to the producer send only goods that are suitable to the british mar ket and unprove quality packaging and labelling to the producer and the government or canada he says stocks we need wider and more effective publicity throughout the distributing agencies and among the british con sumers he wants a publicity am palgn directed to the british house wife the report dealing with the history growth and present situation of our sales of cattle bacon dairy products fruits etc in the british market is an extremely valuable document svery farmer in canada partlcularh those directly interested in the ex port traoe should read it thepresident of the cjpjl has be come more urgent in his advocacy of an operating amal of the two great railway systems of c only in this way with its re oonnnrowri to the rail adrairustratton and operation does he ace a so of the great transportation problem that faces the people of canada amalgamation in the way he niggesti would not mean the submergence of either system the present owner ship of each system would remain unimpaired there la of course no question that there la a real railway problem the large annual deficit of the canadian national which comes out of the pocket of the taxpayer is proof enough of that the transportasvm problem is further complicated byvcoarpetltlon from the trucks on the highways the attempt by the minister of transport last session to introduce legislation which would bring water and highway transport under sort of regulation corresponding to the regulation under which the railways have been operating did not meet with success sir bdwmrd beatty thinks the opposition was due to misunderstanding of the object of the proposed legislation and he hopes some legislation of the sort will be reintroduced he further believes that amalgamation of the railways is essential and inevitable it is for the future to dhriowe what action u any the government will take invregard to this increasingly urgent demand there can he little doubt that beatty has gained a fair ly large following in the business community on the other hand there is no doubt that the suggestion of amalgamation would raise considerable opposition in the west whether or not the talk of monopoly is bogey as suggested by beatty who says the government would have its adequate checks and balances through the board or railway commissioners the cry of monopoly would have a great deal of weight in the west the whole transportation problem is a perennial headache for the admini stration the gavemaaent and lis wheat toaufatgs one or the problems which has llar- rled the government for some years has finally vanished that is the holdings of wheat accumulated by a former v heat board in its efforts to- support a demoralised market about two yeas ago the goemment held about mo million bushels with ris ing prices and a more liberal selllnc policy the new board uhlch came in to office at that time rapidly sold its the last 7 million bushels or many years marelu had rtofc been exactly happy onf christ mas somehow she had never ft as recently disposed of the ro- ernment s toclts are not of course tn he confused with the countrys avail able surplus of wheat the amount or this on account or the small cron or the past season is not large it is being sold steadily and from preent indications at the end or this crop year on august 1st next there wlllbe only a normal small carryover of about 30 or 35 million bushels in the country s bins decks will be so to speak stripped ror action for the mar keting of next seasons crops uhlch will naturally bring v lth them their own problems cuc snapshot cuil learn your lighting careful ngmltta low and to aide arvm this tharaebw portrait- its unusual firelight arract no direct light ahlnaa lato the cam era ran try as many positions as the length of the rim roll allows when the pictures are dovelopsd and print ed tho differences will astound you study them anil you will learn what can ba done with light when it is properly used it you dont like still lite try a aeries of portraits using thfiaanifi person and the samo poso but dlf forent angles of lighting isroni pic ture to picture tacial expression will vary astonishingly dead with flat front light sinister with tho light low and directly in front startled or oven terrified with the light low and to one side and so on f the sane is true of landscapes with each hour of the day they change the deep morning shadows dwindling into noon and growing havb yon vet tried shooting away a whole roll of film on one auhleet not changing its position in the least but merely altering the way the light strikes ut it may seem foolish and extxava gant but it can be one of the moat important photographic lessons you overtook try it on this theory that the ob jects in a picture havo no real in terest in themselves but that all the interest is tn the way thoy are lighted how the light strikes how shadows are cast or in the words of a groat french photographer that the aubject is nothing the lighting la everything take a photoflood lamp in a re flector and arrange a number of email objects gay some fruit spill ing from a bowl on a while table top have enough general room light to give detail in the shadows now set up your camera nrmly with the light right beside it for your ural picture take another with the light far to the left and high up take one with the light directly over the subject take one with it behind the subject shading the bulb so that again into the grandeur of evening light la the photogvaphers work log material the plastic clay from which he models his pictures study it learn what lighting can dp and apply your knowledge and you will produce pictures of which you will ba proud m john van guilder received the pretty things bestowed upon other girls if they all only knew how i have secretly longed for those soft dainty luxuries thought marelu as she sat before the fireplace just three days be fore christmas f r there are those kitchen aprons for instance from dear old aunt lucia every year as tar back as i can remember it has always been aprons i must have almost a damn by now then there is cousin mane who has been sending the inevitable handkerchiefs right along year after year there must be quite a collection of them too while she had been grateful and thankful for these kind emem branccscsfie hod not been exactly thrilled a happy christ mas thought sug gestcd itself to marelu as she gaied out at the s 1 e n der icicles shining like sil ve in the moon light i know what ill do ill start right now and wrap up all those things into pretty christmas parceh und give them to sximeone who really needs ihtroj when christmis day arrived marelu started out with her basket brimming full of b mtifiilly v rapped and tied clinstrm lifts every step she took over the holi diy carpet of snow rcprestnted a kindly thought of chctr merry christmas she cried o she handed a bright colored pir eel to dear old linda larson the very sumo- to you said she with a question ng look of sur prise the next moment she was proudly unv rapping a pair of prel ty bath towels murlene and dolly tun little girls around the corner danced up and down wilh loy when they sow the snowy handkerchiefs with colored borders marelu smiled happily as she left the little girls and proceeded to her next stop effle lynn wis overwhelmed with surprise when a gift wa hand ed her she expliined that it had been years since siil had received a christmas present after severol other interesting colls marelu started tor home the street lights ftusl ed on and the glimmering christmas trees joined in the ceremony on all sides of her as she drew near her own home she stood still a moment and udmircd the grandeur of the dark pines encircling tin house under a white burden of snow the vorlo tions of colors gleaming from the windows seamed to be stretching out to meet the pines inside the house was warmth and joy and christmas cheer as the family gathered about mas tree pointed with the star of bethlehem marelu was just in time for the celebration bob by had been cho sen to read off the names upon the gifts ond all eyes were cen tered upon the huge basket con taming them first on the program shout ed bobby is for mother all wondered what it could be a gorgeous lamp shade cried mother as she held it up for all to see while still admiring this thing of beauty bobby shouted louder than ever somelhlng for the governor himself get ready pop for your surprise what can the strange package be for goodness soke said fa ther jils eyes popping with inter est well i do declare if it isnt a golf set just what i have want ed for a- long time as he ularted to examine it oh boy hold out your hands and catch dot a ducky package for vu all tied with silver cord what it it open it quick dot removed the bright rod tis sue and disclosed a white wool skating outfit marelu had been ao absorbed in what the others were receiving that she had forgotten all about herself for the brat time in msny yean aha had received th thing ah really adored with haart fall of appreciation and joy ah suddenly shouted marry christ mas th others did not quit comprehend the extant of marelu enthusiasm but aha herself felt somehow that thut had bean the very happiest merriest christmas er win oldhams wkikliere ba large selecti a fresh killed ontario turkeys geese chickens docks call in and select your poultry special prices for this week end egkof fork to roast ak 1 9 lb round steak roasts 20c pork shoulders i roait 15c boston butts 18 picemetvr 25c watch our window for social prices erwin goldharris phone 1 rakly history of 1 1 altos j count j- tconlinued irom puge 4 i eer uiu impracticable as all uil cu i mxav unit through the decte mak lnu it imposmble 40 clean the craln gj since uit 6stlm hai been perfected j r to thresh uu train first then run the to truu iliroubh a compartment a ihcltj rear oi the machine where u c under v lth knives attached cuts the strau w a machine today ulll ihreh and as cut from 50 to 60 loads of grain in ten hourb this requires an engine w of 32 horse pouer ft in the sixties threshing machines j were supposed to have readied per lection joseph brothers or mulon mas famous for his horsepovers one separators a mr mcdonald of ac ton hod acted as his agent for tar but started to sell the climax built by mcpherson of pingal ontario a bitter rivalry sprang up between these to men a match was orrang ed to take place on the farm of wm moori lot l concession b in august 1871 each machine was to thresh wheat for one hour speed and clean threshing both to count itobert shortreed john mcdougall and other were appointed timekeepers ind measurers the day os fine and an immense crowd assembled the larm looked like milton fairgrounds the climax man had his first trial a bin scotsman had been brought from west elgin who led the full hour the band cutler dropper and mo men had been carefully selected a different gang for each machine the powers were driven by five teams each and the very best teams had been secured the climax machine did her hour in splendid shape when time was called the crowd picked up the power and separator as if the were toys and carried them awayl then the milton eiparator and horse power were put in position and set in a few minutes john bailey jlmmv downs and george brownridge divid ed the hour between them as feeders andy brownridge drove five splen did teams had been secured one of them was andrtw hendersons team from the mountain tom brown ridge s team from omagh william elliotts ami malcolm mcphersons two teams of blacks andy brown ridge knew each horse by name af ter the cylinder began to hum he cracked his whip one but after tha he caught the lash and kept it down soothing each horse by name for fear they would tear the machine to pieces sfimuch grain was wasted by both machines that the referee called it a draw and the wager was given hack s si si si smss m4 majiy strkft 1avjsl georgetown an enter prising worlds newspaper offered a years subscription for the best answer to the following question why is a woman like a newspaperr her are some of the answers that reached the editors desk because they are easy to read because they are well worth look ing over because back numbers are vsot us ually worth what they cost because they always haw tha last but tha crowning answer of all and richard licata fruit and vegetable market our stock of nuts for chrislmss is now in gusrstt ed fresh of this years stock mm absolutely the lowest priced in town our many customers appreciate the highgrrtade quality and freshness of our stock of fruit and vegetables which are always sold at the lowest possible price con sistent with quality you can prove these facts by coming to licatas for your holiday supplies watch this space of specials next week serves only the choicest poods special turkey dinner for christmas 50c we invite you and your friends to dine with us best servi reason prices george chong proprietor main street next door to wrights butcher shop georgetown because every man should have one of his own and not run after his neighbors the oasisalst mistress why are you cleaning the inside of the window but not th out sider maid please mum ao that you this av to this woodie i really dont know ha card to play jra afraid in aw ray a foot of myself blanche thats all right x watts see what alas you oould have dona herald adv fat oountya bast medium try an i is tan nnt natrt weak for last shoppera au v

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