Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 22, 1933, p. 3

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th corgtown kfrtja winjay evening february 22nj 1933 p5 sh watch for the signs t watch for the circulars t great history making commencing friday feb 24 at 9 am nour delay come early georgetowns greatest bargain event h silver phone s8 georgetown a direct la ytu free local fans wit one pffit for bea1 meat saflsfaction and economy fry shoaplaa al bocks steer beef 3 i tfiljllrhlf h fctf ibfabtbim 9elb 15c lb shoulder roast boneless pot roast porterhouse roast prime rib roast robd young roasting pork frail qf hams tranf hocus lb picnic j hans lc lb cottage rolls 9c lb lard 3 lb for 25c qui owh pork sausaje 2 lb for 19c we sell for cash p c j buck we deliver browns bakery saturday special tea biscuits 10c per doz at oc1 uu wkad kvkmv day you utojoy k twlioloa flour and utol fml th benafltj tn uupro bmlui attl dicmtlfle ctorul brud tf nil th fuw of tb txtln w w hb ifc mild ohb fw mlfcfnr yntu browne bakery baby chicks g awsrrt imb6j axb kujutd wootm bgtfd rf tar hufa u- utv in btatjauomuy tyt hduouoa or uft wit vlujl- ty bmk utim tub mum ckk 1m than back bhsm mo lftsorat to mx duwubu 61 ih ft tbltk tit ott ohurt or o or mom uo o on 600 w mar md lo ofl ardor of lomardtv cwrwi tuwminctjo sor aotaox ua wrn on ob fcu ttmiv mom puuo ertor wo3fity writ for now fcoujkb oo furtnisfotbikiiaa to briinnia peulhj faim tunicnr mm k mo c ww mttrto local news et wefc in pabraary good priday ceo- on april ltn xuehiw and brid party to th parish mu korral eel iumw pvfc akh vou are uitftd the tni rf tb tik hoard hillitf whkj w nlaht will appaes bat ban 11w great hfcbyiafcfzi crtu rjd priday of thl mk mitt wonderful baram a bsing ani faw tb irish pby fay ouiij players jiidw cbilaher xrbb a tasting arory ttaiw ujni ilb tow fcn ojii with bur haf- u rrbad fcl lb fcuetin td ltrtdrf ta th fitifa u4u mofvdjl oo tto- dy iml 2atti a b tw uttl bulua hm bmfl cllurd wuhin to tuftt id fi tlw ijubi u rciwd to rill ku ml til uveti oouacu of wttnn will hold ft 61 lriik tv 6ad fe bfliivlul h in i kiiuu ubray on hilurddy umtth luiu th 0lom wooiot ia- uuuu ui faml it lt iuua u urt j hulrf udmuk bl go vtwidm- ut uikb iu u pm tttrf-aj- kv a w fervilh ouj tvwn oouncu imjle 4j iluh school bom fad biirt-to- hrt uut uwid tufltf ptumit fmuii up ta th mtil ibmfl ct oa tuwu fa w patud teruf rofabu fctot 1m lii w oild hi to btf bo hi td ww td t- tb nifet rj pni td lb eouwuoo erf bma uj fcad uhm ta for th till cf etbta 0miu vilth tor btlr dreuun a- bouula bid ofmt iuloryuaua bil u 60mu on pfdy mat uj dtorlw to bi co of lb bujtn oooortuauii w otf d tb tb fctfu of ssi 4uu 60uaum u bcmla ft ooif omj- ttt ta uu cuoiiitog uaiud church thu hklomajr f jy it u xsj teu hundred aad fifty ftru slli ftinid tb wou smtua tvw iftu l6d k sm quo- wuu4mj wuj hold ft blhbtuy 1 in thf tct tjj ap rrvwy wb lh u4rchwnt nmlbm cviilt viluy lurd olwr will taifiirjy 4b biula juk 019 oaor wpw ltib diaeta to x aultiloa personaxs kcr dtowfo yhwf of tftf feta trf ucotrml utf wtarir w htrft- hyto ftt hk hcav br mj w o ueku- bo baddnjbi u fofuriki at owpb omnt uc tual ii hmk b tawwic mnt jotib hfcffcit wbtf bv bmd ft4 mrtfrity u ta ttti g fpimud fekmbmrbmt inwnnit lhb ux kid urt j a wilfeubfa7 0 oroaia ta i6a a itertrfifiir lb fuaul of lb uuua ur jk wnu ii woa ud un dlub of tbrtola to4 tuuor uur ud ua wot whyui uiiu am uu mt ur 0 j uuutir tiiliiftin of lb ycmduo tyiflirtatk cutnml- tiul u jdbl uikj ur- btnm4 of wm turmta thodd lb4 fuainj cf lb ut ujh j t uulua 00 hif lifdjk 33 udu al kw7 tfaalmtttd uetun of tb aetoc tbrc uon tb tuhocx ui pmw nt lb uxii ftet pur tb soudtor mutuvr la lb orfjmt tbuut ckunptovo uod dijf tb hb uadr th ftuila boouh liw emu of jcbosi wby- ltrun ctourth admlmloo oteu sa vailu tm a biui th wootnl jtuwuttoo 0 ksoa pruttjurtan church bld ft mnntiafl bt valcouof th tad ul of boo md bklnjt tn th biusunl of lb chunh on wbnianr tftih xti dmon- lion and prtn bowtr vtrr baaau- ful and approprult for tb oeotaloa tb pruiduu lira u curtsoa and ur dr a u iiosard raoitvcd ura r o muon vai tn char of th la room and ur u k nck tn eharet of th hobuklad baking ur ulllar and urs tullock vtn raapon- albl for lb loittj cup of ua arrwd all prtnnt h c bailey electric wiring and repairs pboo 232 gsorcetowa axelrod auto parts mw and dd part for all make of can at fuduosd prtou 29gonlonst phooa 850 guelph charles e parker kikm and oaruc all kind of imural trueklnc taw- lag funiuum t mrabht durtd from omm anywhsr lromni car via rata raaaonabl oa1u ult at pnoa ta will ruiv prompt tt- unuoa u flowers plants dihuoks and whjdtmo boqtrrrfl apply j preatar plotbt phott 1m tllaii itaad unruvii wood for sale oholu uapla hardood and 6dr rail at haht prtosa order lalt at a ttum or at my hot pnoa vfttf probtptiy auendad to a uvimowaum qitww oatati wood no 1 uardvom bib and uapl tsm kunfwood ihnh tnd mbtd wood tiro rail hso any vuanuty a la ijlatk of hardwood for qtmbwi haataht tsm mom an for wood delivered thu wood 1 alway dry a it u mpt tmdrr omwr x a foam vca ptrt djbxu omuu tb vounf lopl mjeutto of ab- trov ud oorrion put in lb tff- uauo oonuat of th ivtbyury of ualton tn th dhlud chureh oorg town on uonday nldht then wa a lam bathtttny and all njoyd th puy a prawflld by both aoetmi th award vent to aihcrov on iuu aurgta th seuuv of hal ton voun lool avuiton wa prawau mv lii uuatly opanad tb lewttng with prayer whli uu iabl uadaruld praaidrnt of 0ortawn hoewty praaldm ur chart wlu- fton ink ft ulo daring th avaatnf which vat moth njoyd at th dot of th proatam a dliciou lunch wa ervd by 0orflown voun wopl eonofl vffat will uvb fo bvkh one of lbs mmt popular muilcal comcdiu of th day revived and tin again in uaid of th uountatn bu bwn brought to th icivjn by d4j and ooau to lb oragory theatre ororoetown peb 34th and uarch lit at once a genuinely gorgeoua and azquulttty funny prod action thl picture raut b highly conunended to all olmgoeri if only by ruun of it mutlol background numbera whbib w have all eome to know and kw are here tntroduoea in much a way that nan of lhe picture high splrtt ed action u for a moment delayed and are rendered to perfection by auch taunied artute a harry welch nun and nancy drown in th hair ing rota th rollicking 11u of live for to day ung with an accompaniment of th clopplng of haras hocf along th hlan mountain pus th intro duction of perfect little cameo lllui- tratlve of a bachelor gay number rendered by harry welehman th mirth provoking ditty duty work in which albert durdon i chaied by qui ucnftughton and waliao lirotno through an entire palaot the tnrw of them ending up by falling into the moat and anally that beautiful num ber low wu1 ptnd a way tung uperbly by nancy drown a th uakt with all th bwttehng charm of th true alpiy all go to make thl auktrltlah colour feaat of ro- mano an entertainment to b aeen and seen again band concert tw to m full hum u th oa- fey tbiatm awaday akb vto tb fouotn mo41uk proarua ar- 4 by frwndatittf esrott wa p uud ur tl itirit wa lb oipu ctiuman of tn analog ad tb odid buikai tmat twwkirf wj much appnaeultd by lb urw audi- actf- pvagtuu panfar of truaptnlunal an- oomlnj hyian abide with ud cuatrqiaa maarka ur turn kuik uarcn tb son of lb t- hand hlloo th ublcal twucb- tfirto lmlruoivti haotasia hoy king uarwy kiag and cyrti avand- rom walla ooid aad 6limr uarch xb qims cuy curtot aolol sunai rnvtihiikf a- h vrum panad by ulw jul laatio r aoto tb vuia bfcffcimmy try ujnata w out uarta waahjngton tskt iulawt uarch tb ciaipbill ar coaling hnal th uapl leaf to woouxukj tritmit to tb lliillmiiii of soout to in vaui of coopvauoa in varuij lorestry osmrtmaut acuvilw toaapald try ua w irtalayetg jaju- hi u lint tod mu crf uoujtq at lh tntif hmtmg dinoar of m prmueiai toeoufc aartliattoa aru yii hrtiftt waa maa of ivtij in ewnng uaoud pubucaty ifjrmmim and tm annual worfcdoa by 4oouu on ma raiorwuuoa procx church news qulnqt ttvhooj pm evwuons pm st gv cfcwi nv w a a tbomcaoa ttw qijtngiiif ti lfir day italy ccmm ton aj buaday heboai 10 al u- un and ltuay jl fcl kaamuv v nit w4oa4ay u ath-wad- naaday btrvtc a tuual pa cnos oburhvp oulld and will walooea aaibfttrlan girt at- lendlag tb ox1xt oobvaotloa ta town to a a and church aarvfea sunday aait inoroprtat auajact dlacuiwd lv howard tn th pulpit ri l rev a h with paator una r lumly chotr leader ura h- paul arganut sunday bchool 19 a pubue worthlp 11 ftja and t pai voung peopl uonday pa 4 buwardihlp awung ura oook bad- th tied and bin eonum u la progreaa rulng al uotjm young paopi iamoe to fa hi lbatr baa ta aanlml u and frfariiufni hoi t baat oontrtbuuoa ha baan that to routh ohdundatandiaf by thl junior laagu of kuttoa thj korld taihartjig of boy atoouu and on of uls old saout ba brouaht tothar many niw of boy of all aalloa la eoeapwaly fiftaidly teurecurw tb box jau bora of ifcw cauad to cngiaad oi ujhd boy auay croni mmy eoua- trta of lb oeaac war for to ak of th trtmamn eratarniitac a ataliar gatbarteg thl yaar win bring othar thomaad fmiitfiir to ottar adult nauon h hair pijn t nothw asampi of uwxiaaad of boy of many oountru urtng and puytag irm ta rwiilit auaual ph and eomttl aoodwtll waakj tvuly a ondrful uvtag ttfftflt to uirtaj bar and on for boa aaany au year of btpbd uia ahh will b toaitad by a praettoally anbnkao world chain of boout and ould bancuetj rtwfttfw hb natal day and thai alio of lady powvll world chwf quid i ntary oad ur ufteud rev r w humuy ulfluwr norman laird chotr uadar 1 bunday school and dibu ctaja 11 ia uomlng worahipcanaaian quu tn training oonfcrtnot ilalton and pael countiaa t pm avening f vuw of aong led by th chotr thaaa th call of th fjhephard hymn for the cwgtttatiob tn htaty and mtn sermon th qut of th saviour all are waleom tafcalia arsiy canl padran and llaul j bub sunday nest stmdty aehool at 10 hollnem amttnt 11 aa- sun day school and rial data at pat salvation matting at y pja tiuaday tm ham laagu ldxt whng wednaaday pm publi matttng ah we loom scout mews 1ft avelpfl ufmatcs siovsd to pknlano travelling tn pedal barred ooache on a train uaed regularly by the gov- e rnmnt to tranifer convict one hun dred inmate of th payohutrlo ward at the ontario reformatory pulled out of ouelbh yeatarday for penatang where they will be auarterad in the new modem building erected by the provincial government uuch needed accooimodauon will be made available for other inmate of the reformatory segregation of the criminally in vana tn a more luiuble building wa recommended about three year ago by ft coroner jury mveatlgauhjt the murder of tteoble dan uaodonald who wu alugged over the head with an iron bar by another buane in- mat cak ok thanks we hereby convey our very anoere thank to rrlend and oeighw for their many kutdnaaw and aympatfay ektanded tou tn our aad bereavefltebl by tha death of our dearly beloved mothyrth hkkay pamlly two week ago th troop enjoyed a patrol banquet which doted th two- month competition th provtalon were cuppliad by th waive and th beaven who wire th two loatng pa trol thee two patrol mutt have arrived at a fenikman agreeaant becaua th whole menu oonilatad of chocolate cake and aahnoa aandwieha if nxh 1 really brain food ta aoaw paopl aay it ta twelve citlaeu of our town thould graduate from unlvanlty at a very early ag th giiwta of th evening were ur o fltacey hon scoutmaster of the troop also capt pederaon and lieutenant j hook or the salvation army game were played and later the boy enjoyed a alngiong around th campfliv uuete wa lupplled by th guaat and oapl pederson antartalnad the troop with many ttoria of ht adventure tn th north the feativltle cam to a clow about ten oclock and everyone left for home after having apent very enjoyable evening lut week competition opened again and moat of the boy were preaenl th soouter ha offered a bonu of tweotyflv point to the flrat boy who earn a aeoondolau badge and thl ha atarted a heated atmggl be- i tween the patrola th wolf patrol wa left without a leader whan scout p arailrong realgned a a member of th troop pred ha been scout for ft long time and th troop 1 very aorry that he flnda it neoeiiary t realgn from the brotherhood ten derfoot r hanwn ha been tampot aruy imtaued as patrol leader untu auch time aa a permanent leader i omcially choeen on saturday aeven of the boy went on an all day hike to the mountain where they practiced aecondclaa work tn the form of flreughtlngy cooking and alguauln after eating a well cooked dinner over ft onematch are the aeouta played aeveral atalktng game through the wood and the uburranaan cavern the urteet of which would make a aplendld burrow for a medium alaed jackrabbit th only cauiuahy of the day occurred when the troop leader waa ahnoat athckett with ft mild attack of ap- poplexy this waa eauwd by two of the boyiiwhom he aaw playing catch with a ttlck of dynamite which they had found in an old uauaed building however thl little plaything was oonnscnted before ajtythmg tn the nature of si calamity took place and the remainder or the day p without any further advwatttras tb ta oomwwl bada tb fourth ajatwd a fiinadiin faeout wu p- adud by lttafooweraor irordnaaa jotula to tun aiydomoa uaokaa- a uiart a la galbcrtng at u luiaue htitirihi vtcuma sto tb oocaaioti wa mtad by tb pa- aac of uon at u pool tmotl utf lb frrxmamui 06wu6it ftfid uayor drtd 1mmtoj tm faad w aalad tat tuevpttobaj thhrmtui and fortitie abowu durtog an aahh patod of tontarfcjg attd blah afahdlrtej jaafom a tw4fftgtlihi ghf at a tunabaoa at th royal yonc tootn toroota lmi by u fc wood th hcootay aaiw wolf wa r rril r 1 by hi icaceuifify tb kari of haa- boroib a cbw somt for oanada to ur j w uluball kiu of the to4teia couacil u lb moy awouu aapqcutfcw tb daeoatlaa wa u rnpeognitioa of t yaare of ost- atandlng urvltf durtag ur uu cfuir praldvary th ka winihir- khlp tn ontario baa grown froai vjbrt to kt jnl tb mut btrtbda kbaiary u of lod raovapowiu j ouwail father of th ib afaouu and th fa that ih uovtffit thl yar aehwa lx kout birthday ailacts u tb fat tfi fetowoxof m tag wuhm th hi of u aoadw pott piwu at lb rot aaaoal mttng la loadoa thow aa aarobaaa of tjujae seouu aad uadtfe u no lata than f aouauia and part of tb avitlah tdfiptr lane tb tnauaruratlob of the hon st ta 16 not laaa than tea mu uon bo bae profiiad by tie training for wood rtmiftrfup to thb ritah auy be addd probably half imi ataa bar of olti frill ib and gut seoul of lb riittng auur ufloaaniyta all again souetrllng new tm pmii clajtebw of fwyoluw kae dacuad to haaba a trial of tfc ttm of votla by lartrtdty l- vtd by u truglru oa ike da of aacb diilyts tb cbamtm wy dvary ba a anaaaaat aa if kw od will b fvr ataart bmv toaa oae for caa for ao oa for auteattoa and oae thai will aa able a twty who baa tb wrong bulloa t radify bi abuaa tb emur of a but tea will t taadtataiy rbu tb 4pmy vote ta aa aarata beblad tb fcre cbalr ad tb r ult will be fki4 by a totallaalor tb oom of taatilt- uj- tbe aaraiu wtli w akag jc ta fmiiil ru of vtlag bt tb cuabr wb4 ft drvulaet u aa mtliut b vary uaatbeifory mk ainiv avt 1 aa ura earriw axmbd by aa oawtaj of tt cbaubw a tw in card wul bb m oa u- tbe arg b wait if be vota aad fclo if b vcue so votlag w ftteay y aliowad tw eouattag of ta votw tika about a uartar w aa ur is in o a mm tpisf i i fcfoyil aw lwal oaaw u abgfabg wwmkay or aat aa eyata b a tab wa a auaib rabj bafo tbe oil abaatft an itjiaiii ootfaaktaw wbaa tb tcaaa aty vhjalkaa owaliu omu t b tb ootaa ortr pubwy liriiit traa arwtair lubvry b a liw row tb colcbaa ur ooroauoa wke rroes tba ta- saaaariaj kae aajvyad ik ritu aad arihuaa el tb rir coaaaal or tb aomaaay owau iakaja or tb aoa4y ald a aatd aa norvax th laproveauot boabty will hold a social wtoiom tn th paruh retail worval on tueaday pab rmth kuchr and bridge on ont soar erokinab la baument ptaytng tart at ltt afiarp good prbwa light rafreah awnta admualan sc old tyea coneeh tn th paruh haq on thunday nlgbt qoti a lot of our eiihwne are aldt with the eold w hope to thaea all around again bafore long muffins for spring breakfasts by batty barclay uak your spring breakfau ua uauauy daugfatful by aarvtag piping hot atuhua wtlh eapb ayrup wjar- maiad or your tavorit preaerve or jelly incidentally mumna are m ceuent for aupper too araifcil maafga 1 cup apaclal oak hour alfted taaapaona baking powder s taaapoon aalt i egg wall baatm v cup milk 4 tabbipaon butur or other ahor- taoin mauad sift sour one auaaur add bak ing powder and aalt and alft again combine agg and milk and add to sour beating until smooth ahortenlng dak tn greased mumn pan in hot oven lioo dagreea p mlnuta uak 10 mumna qa tea hataa eupi epeelai cake sour alfted 4 laaipnon baking powder 4 taajpoonaat 4 tanleapoona butter or other ahor tenlng i egg wu beaten v cup milk sift flour ona measure add bak ing powder and aalt and tlft again cream butter add auger and cream logthr thoroughly add egg then flour alternately with milk a small amount at a time seat after each addition until smooth ed mumn nana in hot oven tw d- ts k 30 minute uakee tl small caraatal ptteulag with mrabmalliw wake 1 junket tablet 1 tahbtpood cold water 1 pint milk 4 tabl marahmallcw toppings u cup auger u cup helling water m teaspoon vanilla ojssolve junket tabbt tn cold water put augar in a amau saucepan and heat stirring constantly until melted and golden brown add ball ing water and dissolve augar in it add milk to caramel ayrup and warm until lukewarm not iiot remove from aiove add dissolved junket tab bt and vanilla and turn at once in to individual daawrt glass let eland in a warm room until arm then chill before serving uht the marahmallow fepplng with two tshle- snoon milk when ready to serve the junket top with the tnarahnul- low mbtture lspto p some dlthu made from leftover are surprisingly deuclou odds and ends of both vegetable and meats may be turned into tetupung new of- rerins that will actually surprise guesti of the family itself a dash of auger used u ft aasjoner and ta blend the other ingredient will improve the flavor of both vege table and meat dishes try the fol- lowtog for ttnuwplea and be owrme d wa o mmif a feab bt maargab rvaaaruk ly u tgiiarag la tka ooaaaiitae aau tbai riaai tb sabaiia iat of vuw h waa a4 taia tkat aa eyatar wiae a tab bat uajy u bad bss aaallbtag a loag ae ft stubard ii tbat aa a far si gab if tkat wa ao a rbw w aaaiptkjag tkat ewas fas a safe ery aai ft gabery wa aaaaatklag tbad aaeld a asiiaifg tb coaasiuue bald tbai tb fta ary wa aulu te mtmhul aad tbay aaag a mare af iiim m lb i air maaksi gavw ftetaae ag agaai b1geb and better bargains for those who want quality hosiery wooicoi fuuiwiioj sat hom auen a mhke fc 9e uj we orient fuuiutiion sjlt hots l me tttn 150 for 110 fun tl25 for 8c sujwrtilk fuufuhionedstll koi vse uij tlltr coriicclli fuuiuhkmed sillc ho tse bid sse the shov in 3rvk wtigfit or ckltfon misses hosiery mitoc kljwool catiimere iad silk arid wool hooe sim sander lifthl color 75c for me mie pur botany wool hoe 6 to 7 soe 8 to vl 3e womcai cbltoii and mmaritij cotton haas 10e mi e cottou hoe ite womena suk hos 3e woroeiit silk and cotton hoe 29c j sse a real rargain ltdk fuuiuhioned silk hov eixe bv and 9 licht colon were l0 and 17 now be velvo swauf yarn 20 color 8e 6i 2 iw ige simplidty pattenu ige mcbean co chjowxcetown oktario p aa smttiasg atory a tau by au pbiu otbb coaaraa aa artbl wba wa aaal abroag by tka aduar of l tiiaatraiad aakir mi job wa te stab akatka tf tka aaaatry aad tbe aiiata u waa kowrar bi trat aapartaasa ad ba aaade a aaaa of u the ai4ab be aaat baaa baiag vrf waer aad usaa uiu aaitatuu taeaduaruab aha to tsab aa aa cwtara aad uld alas tkat tf k aaabl a4 waa a raeogabavb tkmth asytbiag k woabl ba baea far bat tar to aav l1bd la wrwjag wbal tbe autura rapraaaaiad fak lab a a far kaauaaa b aaattaaad puktag eg aae af tb ar ttatw afcafrba atae yaa ae a ftafeatjy la ml a karrj tbai raw baaat tbaa te draw u aaoee aarafisi- ly why ils y vm ah ttt tbb b a wnadssttrr raa oar aaa ale weald bate aaowa what it waa lataadad fa taataad af walab tbay aad u sha bat h but a wtadsssli he a raaa aa ijraa raphe tk ahlat- gjiofsoft oab ghttaursb ou b atrayad by oariliiiani oa of tb aaaaaaid aid oaks ta wladaar oraat para wa tatrcyed by ire racaatty tbe alas aeiag wtt baaaad by tb ktag aad oaisa wb were eaotoriag tkreogb tbe part al the uba taatr ear was stsaaad a few miautaa while tbair wabatu watched the prograa of tb saaaae aad tb atlag aagatrag tbe sab of the bra he was told that ll are ably was do t ababkare aaftlag tr t rubblab aad b aapraaaad ragrat tkat each a ta aid tra aaaald pe- bb la asab a way tab aahleutar oak waa yaate aid aad stood aaar oaaaa aaae sat oa ua raaba wiadaeroaaeaa vd- ttaw ar aaw ealy a few of tbaae taa old tree rawalalag la the uwar aorttea of tb park whirlpool ih ooaum wvaa it caasaw a whirlpool la lb myi lit mils aaat uf cap cod e atroag that it repel a ship wa described by captalb willbia k parker of the hydregragaer one of tb four v s aaat aad aodsue survey vaeaata aa- gaged fa the- flrat analgia ehartlag of oaorgea rabka the whirl aeel waa raportad by captala parka a splaalag oatwaid taataad of towards it taatr tie aatd b bad mad au taaspt to fore tbe hydrograpbar througb it bat the force of th wat er lausadtataly threw tb vessel oar r aoara if ptaaaad be said t lavaatlgai the nbnomaoa fattbar aaoa bb return to tbe tflaak 8tlb on ptvlato atalsta it u not tra that a aoute puftt goa craay or aoasatbta wbn it ba bulbs grewteg aloag it stalks for they are act tabere bat asad poda th bub usually grow about th else of a cherry tbay wttt grow 1b clusters- cartels atasoa wtll not as aay aod wui paeale waa grow potatoaa will aaver have aaa tbaas a they are aol eosaseea if tabare are planted yea will aa ae aaab develobmaati but h stay aapaaa waaa seed i plaatad a shrill voice alliad to a y to talk to much la a wife wtakt wall baaome gfouad for a dtre scat pi laih oovaiilbeal agpaei m ba pariaga tiaiilna 1 cup cooked meat large tomato vi taanwtfi sugar salt and pepper peel the torn toe and simmer them gently in the gravy adding the ae aonlng to them when the tomatoes are tender hut have not lost their shspe skim them out and put where they will keep hot heat the meat in the gravy and make rounds of tout serve the meat on the butter ed toast with a tomato on top of each carre tip cut cooked carrots in cubes reheat in a medium whit sauce awtiwiod with salt pepper and a utu sugar out toasted bread into round and ring using ft doughnut cutter tor the latter arrant ft ring on each round and oil with th creamed ear- rots aarnlsh with parsley card op thanks to friends sjvj neighbor we here by oonvey our wary sincere thank for their many klndneaae and ynipathy extended to us in our sad bereave ment by the death of our deadly be loved wife and mothers t bgatujl counter cheek books get your supply of counter check books at the hsrilrj officv sdh utm had oooo ykas in a year whan tain ma ilstaeaaat ar on th who tar from rhearlnat the pnhllshad awparbrtos of nf la auraao auka haartaeing raadlag wfaue other bmatatsat have to often proved diaapctomtfag wvary poiley hald to our ufa insurance ecaa panlas u atul worth on hundred cant oo th dollar with cirwsntll aalikwi to aecobsolailn djvtdanda th ataady sow of insurance fund into ptodoctfee industry u on of th graateu mainstay of hutton today but few wan th extent of thl financial snpport hi lb ease of in dividual paymant to pcerholdr aad their dependents during th pear for mstsne by th sun lu of can ad whoa atstament ajspaar to an other column clhabad to over alog- oorxpod a portion of im wwesaiiu saoney that the assured eouu obuhs only on th valu of thab pohcb to meat th apaclal wigwag to of ft dfe- traesma jriod thaw and other condition dartog th past thrae or four years have auhjactad life insurance com pan 1 to a most essctmg tal th war and the tflnria etti by abnormally la- rrsstlng morululas produoad a attoa- uca ftgalnat which human fofatlght could icarcely provide the bnancbj eaiastroph by which they were ao closely foqowad created condhlwi that only th strongaat toststntlona could withstand vet daring the three yaaiw ta uea- tlon the hnilnass of the akm life osmoany increased by nearly flv htmdred muiloo dollar and it assets by fortythree million dollars the number of its policyholders increased during that period by over two hun dred thousand end now amount to nearly a million thl resiliency under armo itrttn u both rn and reassuring to the man tn th street one explanation of the ability of an insurance company to meet an it obligations under such trying con ditions la that it tt are ao sclsauncauy estimated that it b abb to provide for all ajrpendltuiwa out of ordinary reventa thb renders it unnecessary to dispose of asset dur ing a period of depressed prices and make th fluctuation of security price a mstur of no special concern th report of the sun life refer to th fact that the total of us assur ance in force nearly three bttuon dollars will be payable during the present generation if to thb huge urn be added the amount payabb during the cam period by other in surance companies the wholesome ef fect upon the economic and social situation in the coming years can scarcely he owrestlmatsct a k oolman oeaaral vrwauag barrio and weed yard oenaral trucking at au time and lirhagd httoved weakly- at lowest rate vwmggej tgi new abvesmmmm ftd miss lamb pwjrjticli mitcttrfratf bulas hy day or weaat por partloualza phone sert niarg town r 8- ma g qiifgafiwa waaaaa ay lady a oomiortabb room whet some amainoe b reaulred la th mora tog appiy soit p uarald up stwgar kbaa car aai a atiantuy of good augar beat for j w c baaasy phon ip or v gtown a strong girl wbhae prwhlw aa houaeworit or cant of chlidrn anoh p a box 6 oeorgetowa 4 kay pj sal about too or baud timothy alfalfa and clover hay for aai wut deliver apply prank patch phon tl r 1 oaorgatown re dining room eideboard large bed stead and mattress cheap anotr urs seddon oullesw vjw brsai iloua on oba road to rent ugh water and furnace possession at once apply to w a anthony rrtsmpton onl jtf rr aaie team ojeldlnga 0 year old t sow tyoungpbja apply th hostel bor- vaj phone m r j st te real pour roomed house water and light apply to jkifaa davidson john bt- georgetown twreat uouse on ontario 8l large garden rant moderate possession uarch let apply to j w armstrong or t j c armstrong georgetown kt parattare par sab bedroom suite complete with springs and mattress parlor suit kitchen chairs organ quebec heater and other article will be acid cheap if taken before uarch 1st uns r graham worval ltp waalad v kaw casspoolsv dltfiheg and dr4 to dig old osas- pact a cbtsm eta cleaned on short antic also wfatt washlng and any other work don- jama wu lams box im oecrwatowti af lyla francis beauty stpapiie lavuweunav parmsnant wavtac pingwr waving wr wto phone 141 itp tr twataal bousa to rant on riimaai nhawt possetiloa hnmedlateiy all eoawsni wood for sale taiplt blnb it tafcia j i wood for sale m moo pw urd low wood iss k5d a v ji twiiiitfitfxiall e

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