Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 15, 1933, p. 1

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3a- tfc c hu wcvj ea the lejer for forty yers cjul assfe salada march ibtfa 1633 a bwn br la vtaw tod i ta ta prtn a bid of tajaay i i tad a tn rwi fcirdgird2 n a robinson uve stock dealer ud baltktr nerve uve stoacittuacmc all load uuy lruuird v pfhronei toon trlkau la th uuh of u uui feces iwe- a law brat vwrt of butbur ud th th that tl kauat m0 tl only uu4 ww gather thraijaa the uaw w hta to art d w tball ehaco thai tj eji tab ha ui tw cjbj uk ii ihh may b ua 0aab bouuol oim w gain th bond blttl rtaout with itaahl or ell th rbfcid am kw lauai bid u welftarl wtoa til th atrutab dan or pahry ut tha arba ar ttneaf b bo ul th teat thouchu td cuut tad a tarda tdlh tarte tat uu th urn la iwh iwhaa fh kifau liitl 14- lal pita the boat lot ieialhur- tad ut bet foraat u w flu laltb shall w batata- mm ll uts for us ta a w if uiin w bo frladdle tad k4 cabs emu to toilie than attlbar liiu or tortua far toiv tan to worth whib bobby chuck by wi m u uliw np bu u of hubby birth i i icacariaja but hid ualbaiiy omb oiaand the epria fouow- elsl oaaiolr at thai ibm b wtt emdaij lo ha ww of woodchutk utottiiuom tbl ptatuv tcwui iz- twi a bw uiuin- umtit lo a th lo hu btndlat to bmr cub or hij f ur i brtir winur hi o t0m cufaubu tix tost c0md tzhj lor lood ihhr liikfif tht ha ha u door lrstior z j hungry u njjfc fci t sjiuj but mwhili uotpud ows3 u d b lh uu sg but ui tttoraia ma hu la birrd wilo b ha ud wjko- umkh- mil comtm km lao bt ais r r id eok ud 1jh w aanom b atuci 200 l ojjl hc csemca o yoaiv urioru u b- ifttl jlbjl11ry ud fre3hneiaii tid eur cuaf 1 ferid euir cuaf itaxx wg rftjmkwi r i lf- ibi mis seiex ww i i wtbuforta la iw il u mmb w m taaa iwal u4 l i i la waa inid couuah uui ahs ikwi coolmmv ul tomhto t ohtuu ask your dealer rut cauu o aoctoorf judar wmrta ol ulolkirt eousl hi il itoo ailbl whil of motor urldivu fcr bad tire tad ueuof la ihr ohw mn tu ltlkj urm ihould to buemud ktjuumy ux u 6t briaa tb tvabam cbroavl tu ihu coouual ud um in tuutoait3a4bty lb im of fcuaj aaetorau wt bu ttwf not to to qulla toou irjaid tth a blobhhu to forra oaa off th foiar w haw our daublj ii fcay bbav vul icd a car to l ba cuuh ii to drtvri at a raaaooabla inimj llu ol uu fcffy to laua uup aaabhan tad auaa ai bnju aad auhoatb u fair la a but ulam fonaad lgiisvl caa a ara biakla good mlaur sosut uiu tba i aaldlm thai bad ottl uik akariaoi and hard writ b3 tuawn louoa u a tlamtk duruvd th aala lfco a u b7uauaanbat u il u imnili 61 o tauoa by ha luouu broaad w ttuoald to butlaad ta agrm wis v ehroalda wr u not far ta paruaw w bad early bat m tvirlaa tload a good siuttiwiw trahl road at ttnut uim muai ta hour utcliu utai oa u r biw out la aotta 61 all tba drbr aau do uw car uaar ur tba ttda ol tha road tad caaia althia a root or aa 61 ttrjuaa a ubahoaa borf- mad than butt a ewp diua or aa raiiiiramnl lhara w taaald baw hat war aa u hi a alltbt h tad baak oa tb athar alar braatbl usa aar ta a tuadauu tut tb bad bata ualad aad sa lott uuw thaa la tat- tint a aav am wt thtak that fcf tbam u a tab arty ef laattatt uraa at aa avaat auaai uv4 aattbw aw cw khaa giftirirr u baum to ml a htka ii coataulionr ttoaa ar taaxy blostiu that da not raault la duaa ur but thart ara auer dlaubm that ootac frooi btowuia tad u toauld to au to foraaun thaw aa tar u loa- tviy buak lhat j5ad lals a wl bton tut w ol srtj ttow tatb ar a ria ol gy t bto aoi tad a falsi kaa ol way aoaa aaab ol hla mart l put ai hi body hai alaaom bua iha ibla hair um m isasa broii sblrb im uiual tolor ol 1z duitaa hot tha touriau saauui atucb tad kww ooiluw that to iic a baav ta aoaa a toy auaourad ihll tohidbotau lrafall ahaolua lavmiaraaam uss broiharaa pajuapi thy cituaua di tooa tad tuimr 4prlwd hlat blthit iiatrm awal x- ssi7to2 and aadv lomovanirm h la ihu couiuy ui hall ol ty i3tr ha samba- ihjs ih iaa u aau wd itoeburihia haw bata crkki- stxji aay uw churthu baw falljo daao la italr cwttaitam wbikjsj j ub why ito bsa ol rouru hu to la to u la la b tooid i 7 laukaaoa wslatisr f-u- ahaa ttoy losorli uw cfcurch thrv tra coadiaiajt ibaiaairma 1 playla- a iiur haportabt cart lh uwa ol tha cortliaa laoou la aubaialtiaay aha u to iitiocxads bath b ail la tha dark aa gpoea alaaal w laara u laaat trnlen knaa aad thara la tala la utb wa do not alau wa tha raca try oaly runnuwrlaht w to traad tw i aaar blo w asaab u hj ait hr vbo ktm hloualftto but aad knoaa tha uaa cl oala tum ilrawj rtiih anon all hi bar louad bto tack or u a taoodthutk aauai to aar alf tad aa h li ito tuuad to iraaoaatltrtiararact ol hla r bafow a pariod ar tauaataly tald wm to that tha eryol i wodthudt j oul- klas asl for uuaadiai neaaarailoa lor a qa- tard ba5 tv5it sds vtszaw v atubaji u aatai lo u 1111 4u baua ratiaaulji or tha aaaaiy aad aiih atoantatsi i c a shiah hosw or ajarataoild to udjij lrl taaaau las a ahlldli at- i trsr4si uaii it oaa nuna thaa iba mbca on bo saada u laoat ttwa taala a uiiaw tha ulaktara pi toaayaad una w rathar tjalub harytr auuaaiit thaa ths la yaataryaar wa nttawi um yaara tao ahaa ito aataoaj mia btd ta old xa atttouj tba aad a oa tad tha taaw oralora a lata tkald u taluaf aiwt -hu- or lha ibat btatlaj srahoaj snaiivaiauat laoad aaa h btafa afsssta isg ktl waiifiwr lfaital lo ii turrly ahajj atiala u iaau thu iu pf wton ara chooataa rlaht as h wliuh ud ua lo tha uafat vom imaau of rw objtuarv tamtlax bibus a hljhl talaaaad raaldabt of ama i d ihi oa aaooday tui la tha uraoo of l lo hu tjrd ar that taakhad be loyal merchants and business men in your home 7 own they offer you as good merchandise at as low prices as you can get elsewhere they pay a big proportion of the taxes lo support the schools that educate your child- drenand deserve your support y read the advertisements in 5j brbrjf fui- bium- pvjiii lar uu nuusr ho wu itc la mum h baxiu haw uk- t4 iflis th ui for um tuk tjl itumti ubt oa itu puv uui uu 1u buy h u im hour vamr id uatt tifc rfid h bwta hm ua iuwot foo fmip um u- ty uouwv cjuiflai uur i4 m5 uiuilmjw wuty mttjlxj thi u tuu efi u uw lrt u otwud bu b haai0tt0 up ur urau ud vu irtj tq eo4 od kliil rtu bu vm tiaiid tafli co lb liuij firt bo asjuj hlam fpriautf tsud hmuy uioth m tf otur la oaodiiloa uut wt to bw uaulur to bf tb tutat ta hkb hibwfwwitm aj- faul u uitr lutf wtotsr tw 8dt kuat kr6d down hi utnu fitua r1a biaa tad la aftfl daiya h fawiw itpaly lttu hbo wt fttttlt of ajuoa and acwmoagal to uaibaj ta ijtiqjt ahpaaoi ft lajiyaajt ataou ob aijr tud to cou lb aimaa for hi to uuxwh ba 6tiki efaieb at ffa huuu utdo taf hi bm i frtd hlfiamlf nidv- lxtt lamdtaf wd itaa tldua febmtttilf ta hi ttmdf hauu oki khati th top wuajki4f h tum ft told ft tamifitjr urwtiw hi uoon td th floofw 4 hwlk4 thjk bab4 matauiu 4in uvul bm htta hooh h um4 t u eidi tea cw hmn imv ail kind of tntit ad aayhiri awi u fcu4y prtia but ivwuhmtfa 6kw or braad bad auto ajrun aj- oit as auatahi ft amav aat ua ui ft uiiifral to j fjlhltai that h eoold hold with hi f oftptva turn- ta tb food round and round m h ai ao thai tlouthnat or op kot u ahia until vpiirml tb hai th trul ef hi j04- uiy vabij toa om fjtood tuar to drttr thanj aay thy would cathar round hlaa aa h au ttkiat at hi hraad until toanf all daliaae ha ould torn unoa utaot vttb a anah ovofrfilfif th food vttfefc of cauh thy aiiatelad a thy nd if nr puraiad uuat tar but aooa mtunwd to aualt owar th puot br h had droopad hi dainty n ba aaan- inf with anaar altar bta wbbad af faia food b would mnu bafon an lat wtlltlf ban aad h tu atya urrtflad by any aiiam iiitaiyar aound aptjaratauy b bjwi tvhhtna laa tb road waa naar and data paaaad ivaiiuaauy yt b paid no aluntlon to thaea and thay iwr laimtid to cotioa wa whan hi mlitraa waa at hota bobby 1 6lioad bar round tndoora and out plainly aooapun bar a hi foa- tar tatoihur hri abt a ai school h had for a tha to h oonunt to raffiata to hi barral ta th barn but b soon uamad to ellmb out and attar that h eaia and want as ha puaaad at ooo tb wda abount ut farm buluinta bacan to duapar rtutaiia raawaad auarad all tba vaada that odurtah ta a fartatyard b leapt down tb anoint of nfood that h oonauaud wa aivvtaou tttranf as h uay am to that who baan oalds bar baaa dprut- ad by woodcbuaka a nvr ooaa tmmibud tb tardan thoufh u waa naar th boua aad whan h waa imall hi taiatn nad orun takm htni tbafw and bald him up to aat th tandar laava round th pal baana bapt down tba auout of craaa food tbouaii ft uttl patch tt elovar vaa al way l uniuowti for hba ta a uaar- by said thaw h would to avary wornlh at daybraak to faad h was br mm i artbar from th bam and asmpt whan bibantaunf always earn pwiupuy at tha call of oou uobl oonu bobbyl 1 flrat suiaiiiiar ha mad no at- iaiupt to if ft hoi but in oetabar batan fauvarinf an dry straw which h ulwrlouij earrlad to hi barrat ft mouthful at a uu when th bar ral was half fall h raruasd to eat and nastt taiorninf found him oold aad atiu anaetly u ha had baan whan taken tvom th trap ouriad up with hi paw tocathar and hi no ba- twaau thattt h was ft parfaot hall of fur thai whan unourtad curlad up fttalai but ahowad no othar indica tion of lite uu ayaa ware elowd ha did not bnauwa and circulation had aiiiiiui fnwfylllnj of f ftound bctl tojd tb aad of ruriryr hi wtfa iabprovad but th bol uii b finally irtd ta whuh to ht bad oaly oa aimaof aad that at point alj covihd by ut to th aprta ho wild woodthatai would has cob- aiated aub a pt lsr hi wtatar ttuahara woodtbuefc bou ar tnur- ally to u 1gob4 on aunaj lmiod d alopaa aad alvh hav two saor an if bobby war not to drown b kauat b duaj out i an alarnoon wortt unomarad loo wtadta twa jwa afa two fat b tb ihaot of tb pouatt ai tb aad of tb tunaal wa a etrttilar thaiwhar tb at of bua- hil brukt tad that to ft nt of ha drtad ii wa bobby ta hi traafialik wtatar ilaaov its th arouad wa daaply opawaa wttb aaow wbaa b filrtd to hi barwt if b did not ttmimia hu a ft aafaory baaw b waa ofaat- cd toaull th baat of tt ttaul aprl nut tb aamt jwax b daat hi bob uadar tb bartift tatraa ta no on could rmh asaa ao hi boni waa taa uun oao wwdtafulty tfa4ua4 for mta naw pair ot aid- ulddowjt bat w ft i tiaaaiiarad ftad u rutt- ban war f at aa tkriahfiuaa door you w uwy to ogai out mt ta tltat to a tmbby itijfiiin taaai away wbuir tar ua aa aaat liatai or hjy for th oy of hobbf aaaaaaiiaau dlgwiww did not taatprow wttb aa iwom b wa at ihftm old h bad laanad bow taakuy bis abarp taaua eould pot bar am to ivut aad aitarihal no bara toot dj4 jatabagtwaaf hi flriiiin dar- d oir tha barn w kwt taueb of ary day ljtxa with paw fwriabwlut- ad a nai a nuj wtahlac all from tb tvrftlouaa was ajfht yaara oi atsactfcu and lb fcrij of andad dod eould baw baaa a utv atfahlirw fruadiaa ainat hiintdwa whan b d hai no usv abould atwroaeti tba tvoat door vw- tora iapaitfully want rouad to tba ratr but wban b dut ft tufiaal uo dar fioraar of tb boua aaabuaf him to wattb tba back door auo avaa hu inlatraa aoiyowfully agraad lhat ba had baosaa a tyrant aad daa ssrkb apparantly oaaaad low wa shall aa whether wood thutka wally awak to look for their ahadow on tha aaoond of wabruaryl but bobby did not wait until can dlemas day befofa ootln out to aa a woodohttrti has many aaoiw ttma than ft cat vor una day bobby bad etamd part of th urn bald fast ta trap on water up to tha bam now mutt hav noedad hi bol drtr- ta hisa out whil laibanutinv and on vary oold winter hi fast had baan badly rroathutan all tboa tdlafor- tune ba had survived with no laauaf 111 atfact yat a liaht blow on th up of tha no ended hi earaer without a atruow or ft sound ltta akin would hav wad a baautlful muff but hi mltlreea wa too toad of him to da sir suob mamsnto oven though h will bear tlirousli lif another uatt unauracuv iwatader of him th deep sear of hi teeth on bar hand row kudos wmoatt raojnt ajumtaon in th uwe of bridge hav stimulated mtareat in th oruin of what la now th moat popu lsr of card gam under th nam of brttch bridae was played tn oonavtanuaonle in the aevantu of laat century rrom titer u ipread radually to cairo tha ju vura london and new york asari where it want it ousted um parent tarn whist rh actual first kama of brida seem to hav been played at tba villa coronla on lb upper soiphorua in atiffuat ihi fta tntttntor u berthladl ft aentleman of irlumanlan ortgln waa on of tb fourplayara on this hlstorlo oopaakm hon of thee four now survive of course th law of th have been altered food deal sine then the first normal code waa drawn up hi tha sevauu by i commute of member of a oonatanl lnopl club a aiof pne- liaaj way aaeaiw- whkt of th 0isrie mu tike sob of th hjnika l w0lu to biaaau or baavaif aad wo look aroiind tb eaaauab to aa wboaa tb aalnlaur u nauuaaj at yviday th talakur aiw bnazhtaa th u- ptl fearlaaly aad atralahi rose th ihouioir which la sj il should b aad that an fi ya wy tf aay wewhiiri of th eoiievacatioaa who caaaot tak oaw of tb iwiaa as altaaij to ttaaoawlm tb a vara bitauur today la a ral aian aad a caruaarw aad to our aalod atnaoa that doe sot oontata pfat ahowtae our laiouaa to oitiiiuaa duty la not worth ititaatflj to ta tb past th hthiaure bm baaa too aaey on that -notka- aad today t aoad tbi to ovmom thai waatniia and saay th oofl taak th wiiidi nlaliaf tolivniia t la the feliow- log or otf bavlour atak into thai owa soul ta plaoa of trytat to paaa th easa oa lo ft rjiowieaaatr lot aaryoaa fat babtad the laauara and tb ouartfea wbolabaartadly aad t h fa btfe iosaaka this bid wdd iar niasribfty aad ft whtar ptaaa tor ib eidataaoa of tb hurttftt hvwdliieuaa buataa rat aetootd fjuwoet rddawjt woar ckavrf pottau wolh rosawataff 4aa fifhj- of tb du kawatl yaat aouade ilk nioa- aar d u deeetibed by th oldaet of old ulnars but jasaa hoberu of credit woiks want out with a ihot- cun oa thuraday last aad returned witb tba cataaf a full arowa ua- bar votf wijulhiw tse laat aavat taba oin up to tall asd watijiaw w douada etobarta tiearia arbaavy loaaaa of i he in hi saa 4i4h anaiiitfil laat wwraaa ward to uewa at k watt knowit butw id taa diatziol biviaif irrtmiia twbpiuy lor tbr twd umm that wava eiaatng havoa aaaonl tb bseax ta afaspany wtta hi nephew jat tvjaaha a atatbtad lb wolf wihwa m yajtla twm hidi ttaaaa uu imrks od tba mfth tin oale- doa towtuhu tartalwu all of which want hoaaa wousfat th ant mas to aarth and aent steawru broad ly to ifeamptoa to tlalm tb aid bounty dmhwiih tbla wolf ta said to b the nraft aaaa in total county ta over half ft eaotuiy uobehe faela that hi job is hill hwirittbh tb are two mora wolvaa at ura in tb dutrtct ha baluvaa aad ba aatartataa hlb hop of eulailaa furtbar bounua in the aaar futep yor eom um past tarmer la th nauliborbeod hav bean toaiaff sheep hcularty- au atoek killed would b found with th earn type of wouada lh throat slashed and juiular vain iradr among th docks to suhwr ibae of ifeotor pmkaay dan donnelly jama brown jr and th lines bbuus aetata tn soma ease th farmera suspect ed wolvee ware to blame but said nothlni for fear of ridicule and blam ed dois indemnity was oalleeted from looal ooubcus ta the usual man ner for sheep ulleovetrtn advocate valve ov yiour oenrlknebb oentlenaas whlob bslonits to vir tu la to be carefully diaunsulahad from tba mean spirit cf toward and tha ramlnc aasantof soahanu it remove no just rttbt bom fear it gives up no important truth frou flattery it is indeed not only eon alstant with a arm mind but neota- saihlyraaulwa a manly spirit add ft fixed principle in order to iive it any real value blah long live the queen hioltt now tb ottmnc ubtanltwtnmul rjatam ktaltk tad uair ataaaallra um ta tha ofcltka yaava tabaaif thai yaar aay la baya fcatll ii yaa tat tktat fraw claam with paa ualary btuv otocatf baa kahlai thaw ii yatra khlhirtlat a l oayanuaaal aaarortt wnaw aad uardy w taaraata 1 ura awhaty wdlut now kt ka1uy ibkmatb mu oataumhj bray chick hatchery at otaybam ava at oatharlaaa thrift- waa th vary biuutn lopta of whlob air uarry laudar apofc in a taatat lnlatvlav it la by popuur to nal tha tualaol on which blr lltrry la batt qualliad to anatk laava wllapar lnooou than wr bank booka aitk flaa ratdla tya flna bay ta yanar wa bad u ihlaa laat yatr wa did thai thlata laat yaar w eanna ba or do thaw thlnca thl yaar bbnraar doon thalia lb ajuwar icliata a vtrrra rild motto far avrrryrabody what naki a bank book poor raadlnt- blr harry aniwand hit iwn duration may open th chaju book too oftan aa th hank book na oftan cno th chaqu book u too nil o raadlik matter evrrynuuiu they aw th munn hat an a thay dlnna turn tba nacaa o their ban lok ua bank book la tha ravnlta ratdln ha oonfeaaad i do ma work for the lova ol it haeaiua my hurt li in it duta bank book can be ihruun th batt utataty thriller in tha world hut ta uia bible the bank book ta th aorrrlda irrrattatt book th alaollon of th bank book u too laamltatl an he ahould keep it far brlvtte etnulatlon varrra privet o lthtr ahould know what u in the bank book i wad ratbar rat a youw man bank book than hla eradentltlj sank booka tra my itvrrlt ratdln the bank book ahould b the foun dation of tba family library oa avrrra pate thera abould be ometlim uloar than on the paie be- fora ba want on atlitlnf an av-v- vra hank book ihotnd hu a happy enoln tba and on th ltat pave ihould be continued hi ournaat ftattlrvataaalrv thtta whtt we ought to hu sonuthln put twayrrom whloh we no tak a ufue xjvan when w want eo ay rvivhij bad beee fin lor aou tiau aad eaauaaud la bo laa whloh b kiteba born at wooihlll oalarla a aaa 61 tto lata ur aad ten aaar ssat to ha bam a widest ilsz vutaaa tad towruhlp tor eaeay aara ii u aurvlrad by ua wtfa iau dauahtara ura j b liaaah rililtii ura oordoa uartvy hwa- watb ura w a ikaaa saaatat ura a araau bufiala in3 fane laalia oualah tvaoa clfwlaad ohio ttoatlord ivatafcl hv oaal lulphi harau attoat alio four brother aad twa ililai x ruaair wban ha a o w ducted th tarvlc at the boo ta taraunt at krta eetetaryaavaaua ua ixtxv boa bob llasiptoa pauiad tmcal id head ta law buiae draw by to ua blahpowarad ear nwe tat a tasty do tl thai r waa aaet ha aaat tarad hla fathar ult bba aao lion what did tay tathtr baa waif r oid yuntr ou1 urawstahad v tad rtxarded hla mtaaat fattw work- uaa ciulaatcally hmdat lata bythhig ah wau tt wartaa w- ud old 8ol rltltetaa atay it haaj day whets bricalaytag waaat aa a- baunarmth t it u blr xnw i ad ran kaw front bbajaad la l hood tad rat ha ta tt fathar lart yaa thlaa taai eaat buy ut bit you it l tload lie ttata tad tjoanua that i tblad you ta eodbiaui roay thaa ta the maklaaj of a hacv boaaa to ol virtu aad a dbuaa far vie that hen kept yaa ttiaajbe lay aad wo kh you auslaht uk mm w yaar day ii i tm not aattt mwhn at- uoae ha um you a fajth ta ood that wul kaap you to th 0iraaya aad thau liilata u wattrj taara than money ttobby aad ut ua uu you aoauttarall abt a mauoa douar bat an taai law father latt hba b bo hba eelflahaau be bit hla tb aaaaaa and tb bbarty to rultrb a rat haalui tad all but wilfbad tkboa u bit hba tha auram m i i li i in had tbaatad o at tlwar law aula baaat a mead hi tb world cm j i wa taa buay jrxaaa1 ba aim ta aatb awyi t out ol hb obl laar taaaey tad ht ooat w aw body tab tt tu w d i law atllta u about tha ax day mat r barked at hbj when t woman thedj tax lte quu proper to aty tha li but when a man aupe arw tharee but my word properly to at tb do awocau kauo wm raoaatly a lovar of lanakb d ma how b had tauchi th taaafty cat ta alt oo 11 haunch tad bald a burelaf eliarau ta lij aioatlt jhai i ramonureud h cuimad that taa animal anbyad th rerajrateaa peolally tlttuf betor a mirror ma aald lhat tba eat actually hnnaa at ua rldlculou raaaetloil hut i ohearmd that h bad a idarabb cunlculty m pultrdf th pet throuth iu rlunt to u th talatar vry movahvhlt rave led evh ai puxnana uany of that peonb wbe fore dumb wii aa da tntrtaltttal thlat dallberaiely tdd tbaatathaa into balbrlat that th vkhba aaiaar auch antlca either that or thay ba be than tw4 mm heanat when tnlmtb tr foraad ta da baa trdoue thmg it alway tncara ta ta hear thote reponatbb jwoa that tber u ratlly no dtater a ut eon dltlon tmona tha human u taaii la l a boy lo evrlm by earryirai him to deep water tad tumult turn loot iu friend th ttrptrt aia- mer u near him but bin thaa out of ua uu pupu tunart th ulnth dgr of urror befor b ttiimhb upon the rbht uovaiaanb ta hiataht hlmaell or u raeeuad by tb 1erhf the dumb tnlmtl bta no tuah ta- turanoe u the peraon who bam a danieroua atunt xt cannot tmdar stand that auch and auch provitlaa butrtntee ut safety th pt jumptnet do u only on of many extmpba only after teoeatad ear parbnoealf vrdoe tn eanma know whtt th ptrtchut will do and if h know that h may know tba that tha dwlot can rall all of ua tr familiar with th tty int if you beuev it it uktnatu in that th menial tttltud avatt falsely takan b mora potent than th actual truth ifea haw baaa known to ttckan and ch tobty b cause they partlataatb tiihseit theme 111 bs evil of asset nhyaleltne tssurano that us jlmnt wu only imigtntry when a man jump from fifth story window into th nrma bat he hu vry rattan to belbv in th net but no man avtr lumped without a tremor of tearful doubt and tba tnlmtl cannot ration wttb heelf oa psychological ltae at the mtn can haint even that ancourtiemtnl which metna thtt vry oouldh fatal tiperbnot b a virtual death u far u aufferlnr b oonaernad uut th tranter trfue thai b knowa th thla b sal and thtt b nouth the tahnal will ba tetrad a bit but not wally inlurod ate in other wordt the mtn b irofa t think for the poor victim tfrbotbrt think lor on of hb own ntecb u proved in th twimrdrown irtani how can ha tntlut tb tboseaary at turanoe of ttrety lata the dumb aat uuf uen tay thtt mental angulab it mar tarrtbl uiau phyalotl pahs and few does not preanpm tntalbot uty uvjnv creaturo can know fair for tit ufa ilk a human aa anhatl j- i v maal iicwia

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