Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 15, 1933, p. 3

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th cwrtom hnu wednesday evening march 15th 1933 fw ipecial prices on an assorted group of silk dresses fodbtdsntf i i of arlou weave ha been ioa the rack lo tale at greatly reduced prices staa am tnaatly 14 lo 40 end torjain a toad auoifaaant of bles on tcroup of dresses tehinc regularly at 4s to 780 to ea sale at local news bt hwii oir wjif th icy tawbunu od uortaty aod tudy tao uvlllii wry trcfe- tfoul yoiiod wlr of toiil butfc fcmunt wu oah may hv itb by ty- 14 of tdtuifa at hld orac ounttma rtupa tuw haw chinu to buy t oirttfv at m aavt id thu lain ua a2c70 udies and girb fell hals toclearat 48c gooi values hi isles silk bov these are all spring lines recently arrived and contain newest ahad cotton hose at 18 sttjc and lis1f hose silk mesh hose 2 real good quality lisle anotetntfof fulufashioned hose 6 d brill c0 corter mill and main su georgetown phoew 16 fully x ulu e bucks meats direct- to ytd frtrcm uaium widen srefii dependability and freshness count meet when buying imtli and our euatceaer ate akray protected nut rf a at to okcialvras 1 r i tan ee a fffrim ua hatto whou fresh pork young tender flavory 12clb afc2lb lor 27c mday u th hlb luitit wf lull bit of uuutrwfc id honor of at ttuicit bulr tnwuiv local council of wee will be held to the publ library priday usrtjl ittb at s tud tuoaday isurch 3ul 8 pat a taueftecau vollw vttb th hiuhmxmi orphj lu choif of w vol at th bmplul ctuit xdlilu by tiau mi he u ortfio ud iooy dance id th ar ut rvltuy ttlahl s wall sx- utuud and everybody hid a good jack amilronw lewlod feer cuaovrs 4uidpiid tiv tauulf lvot tola tb irli t- to ib ptiblio library aucti isth iw to 8 pm wiavr ftliitiic lvj ooitmefu rf wo6mo tkftlkwu thuikfuu about ftftairb hlroiuf tt 0avv uo lkatiji clttb imu cl be uw ooiit w duth oanrvtnw v wytte u wltw uf p la ilcwfum j uulk vuj diurrf ld fasdrtei tao ttw cuau bieuaum tu u ofri0y vhirt ad ttuimauy lum tb tu 8 tfciadl vhu teufij iu fa bald utw ui uapbci of lh o0t00 uuku cliui wozjj for fuitlmf pahuuuji jjmulto llotk9 fcl-ttaiaw- tobehl wdiuidiy liimb 1mb u tw pm xnnt gttaw tot femftm m oun 6oad filial qwo toe v ooiiij vw yiqai pieijgti bxma lh vlluafef of ummi tw tuv oil irrtdaj nieibi- fateiirvw lie ba tfte- tb loaaij toufiij f wfrft wtb bcu fit- rmuiii tw u4 fcu f tyau uktaf ta lh putalo luifky huuisuy iur luh irt- m t 8 pa goad prthgruii- oceu ad bruk kl rrwaeb- 44 itti of tajuut bhj tnd kluf vorit i jiofv younf ouk usiaa of th antijn ufct ifmjbrutub dumh vtu ivfkieu tblr old tynu ooamrt iocw tb fttulm of lb wiit olfxw of ifjwm tbyiviria churtit lo b h id to u twa hill omftfmosn tuuday uaixb ttth 8 p admlutiivl uf h tu ruiiih ftewn u hmml th youn bitbwjrt of koaj will fiv bt wukk duve lo iha pr- ub iuu kvil on yrtivy wtunf uirtb ittb martloku ortlu- u taiu etiaiivo bav wm you u lovuiwl aabaimlod uc h cuu ftfbill fc lifa ft lb utntwihlu too ot ur uul uu aw mi w h- tta tumlf boit lk laiirtw b nwlhd ha fctniah by u uno ta ton tut w4o4uy bmw am uliih r mbimry to uom id iaijr wound th ihut ltd rejvtt fmspm taflj tmtth kakb htb aa tnrtuhoo to tjli ronup u glwn by u tumbm o oddfuoi lod to u dtcuir tnd hr k iwlur ilun by ur bnw doolrt mp of ih bu tkltphona ooes- nny in the owufltloi iuu t lm tluxp on uoivuy uakti wul sil- vtr coiuctian proomdi for okutij ulltf rund cvrybo4y t wlfoa personals dr cod uj r u wsitnt tutuad hod tttkxl ltldrid trtl asfoh- dy u jfi fieut of tw uy but mk m u boatx ur tad u- k la ufloiinmy ur c a ufcr of til vttltor la towo on uoadavy u ktamdttu lb uy wlib hk laubaw- b- hecluor was 1uw uul but fresh shoulders fresh hams half cr whou llc lb lard 3 lb lor 25c nsjaa steer beef bootless pot roast loeib booed ham sliced 28c ik romd steak m wm cxt or kuooti comm kmx0 oarcaeud u4rv ptufngtf moid uty cat- of tbt lotal old lrsfi s lb lb bv pctvtaaw fa tb sit u bwil ad fat tb bvibmi urtrttoru rtalklue bo miu bd pjllfi3 id albftue fcriiimb cuujbi- bia uinhfs uihi1ffwt 0iaw and wotbkt twruort u1 r pid la ocauho of oltja tid la lb lbirhftqiui vifiud ww1k ma pfckl la odurbx wltb tb vrehtrt eowrbnia fcbm 8jmwy iti uruj for tb fii tun nnibf of tb yr wj tlsjmtw witb trtatf a ald ta ocatauio tb dowlotoa fem- nnit aww wiji7 of tb oatuto loul otib owm pork sausage hia truk iiht iky 2 lb for 19c we sell for cash phone f i iftl ttfltr w i food store no lo tin ol pure clover w honey lor 75c 10 lb cooking oniona 17e 2 pkg minute tapioca 23e 16 oz tin roae brand baking powder 19e s ox oil bottle artificial vanilla 19c 9 or tin ovaltlns 69c ayiontn ovalline 43e ipkg whole wheat teabitlc and i turner 22c benadorpjfure dutch cocoa per tin 19e aylmerbrand fancy quality green aiparagur mod tipa 28e 5 plg deluxe jelly powder auorted flavor 25c chcice quality breakffut bacon in piece lb 12c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone w we deliver tarrlm aa w atoirt lridrat mi leu fih attctm and tiata vtablnf ftbd abyotbr wortt dona aismwjjbiuii k is brtfcay rwuty th bumbhra of tb putt otrcl of knox prttbyurun cbiurth cw a btrtbday prty la honor of urn wife wcnnnm t her ho uit frtdy thllaf a bflutuul btrthday e vllh caindau adonwd thr ubi dtlloo rtfrthmint ver urv4 tbtr tu muiif conn and tut ind th vtnlng prowd vtry ibl or all pwnu wutmmu fuebj cvdaf omnton rtrcmen give tocul twnlnff to their wivm and luty frund on tmndy tut at th town hall the fortpart or tht vnln vu pnt in uchr thwjyjfiiph fttaltak1lir7audwl th uihr when uuilo was upplud by lira wm hull ur ifella and tra oath n 1l nfown thai otvw it lubab- kai and jo artnitrong wre tht ccmmltth naporulbl for a very an- joyabl tvanlnf ulftias vhu waai rhfl th otflcn and mcnbirt of orion lod no 100 paid a fraternal vlalt to wt point tod iooy naw toronto on tuatday niht and eon- fnd th third degre th dtiw uant vaa undar tht laadanhlp of itro ii bavlntt po and about w mam ban accompanied then afiar the daare a aociai hour was much n joyed rev dr a xa howard past omul chaplain replied to tb tout of grand ixds and epok on the motto of th order prundshlp love and truth au th oraoera of di- trlct no u wr present and eonfra- tulated orion tod on th aplandid manner in which th work was nut on kxeettno oontmol oautto ohmuimi utrajau bui t lloaau ceuaeura af aaeat to brtnj collection afenclsa in on tario under control of th government and prevent abuse the letuuatur will be asked to pass a bill entitled the collection aaney act th bill was blven first retdlna at tht short session of th house monday al ter its introduction because the collection agencies war not lloanead and regulated the bill declared agencies operating in on tario have employed in their opera tions improper and high handed methods with no proper accounting or deposit of moneys collected the bill define the term collection agency explaining solicitor and trus tee in bankruptcy are excepted since solicitor are under supervision by the bencher of the law boclety and trus tees are regulated by the bankruptcy act and the superintendent of bank ruptcy the ontario securities commission would have power to grant license administer the act and to refuse sus pend or revoke any ilcena would be readjusted when licenses were revoked all moneys collected must be deposited in a trust account and proper books of the account must be kept the bill provide another section of the act stipulate a oolleotloa agency must account with in w day tor all money mltooutl and must account ou deaund by the party entitled to the money or when reoulred by the ontario beeuruie ortmmaiwti peaakle are preaorlbed for carry ing ou without ev license failure to deposit money in the trust account and to make the suesry rhumki it ontario lputurw altoraey smwl w h- wiotf ta- tradomd to tb rotatirio t scow news ek tb troop bed tbiir uolb fwaiiing of tb yar with vtfy good ltkuaw afur a kie ioj la bua the kas eos tb potsis tb pmlfole rttfeid to rxvdrn for tteaiy lritouu of ilooul o tb orit ta tb eoroirt carried out to a wry otdtrty thaauf and lath ios vntih lb bay busuy cad la uaaig tb esorw cod oa a boatd i i r at a blast of th fehuu tb tkoute uft ibtir comers and ojojid aicet as hour of gimii fa tb last few wiki lb troop lias grown la tuuabsr utuldawabiy at prteent tb numbsr aw 8 buesbira kaa 8 aueabi wcjwj ft wsbftt and ahwigh the wotm lb lauet fottiud plkj still tbey are isaklng toed prorm la tbalr sooui teeta tb iruaae ue boutaat that fead only lhrooib pr- sevennoe and hard wortt ftbue th ueaiwr follow a a eiae eeoaad during tb evening steout o spsan and h jtuamenxian s lafeetsd as mait of tb woldwid boy hoout bfouabood by llooutar oatt tb 1st aeorritown troop saleoea them- into tb broths hood and the boy fl sure that thus nety ui ad cleouts will pro a credit to lb troop tb court of iluoour bald u lstset shtlng oa saturday evening at the hot of lh soouur aaoi other subject which aumwid was a program of atutuue for lb coming apng and umaor tb patrol leader decided to bae tbetr pairol special ta la a tvs aid ataoe this aubjeet u undoubtedly the tawait useful phas of seoul ork tb cisears hop to have several 0- tralaed awmaiiv mee by eaatp tb ihis year should saturday pro to be suilabte day lh troop leader hope to take the scout oa aa all day hit end it u also hoped that cetrala taeai- bers of the pse will retrain froa bathing until such tlav as the leea- perature of the water b war mer gekl ouios mvws last uonday evening was rope tugt and everyone with rope la hand was learning knot and reviewing the one lortotun the tenderfoot lr v bef aet ltmwbkto w ktpucabw only ta bwrtcajev bd earrylag cbaraa eacqsd kta awavrcb retcb 1s3x ivd tat apply to kkma anad si i asw rksmeat of phadpal i aw the uaa art w airteaded aaotber yw wtal lou aaade amoe burcb atsut itool biw tcmmukwd bar bkovy aadimmd upaa fy fwtttvrtj at jaiwiiit aad dp vmlaee tb act aba ttatiy at providing a iuii i tw twto- aad iaorte to anie at aa fcalrbu seultaat la lbi diavitaaaa and ftraat p la tb eoiaoty iadaw to sueocd pay- aajnfi up ta unut of au month at hi tauaeiioa a atauniat atvuet b made by tb tcaho- lb hay who bm lb pakotvy to lb tmi- a uo eh bi rliuaitiaa ivbd au lb tsat ta eocuafaa ub tb cmsib a rescue ftc lb pra- perty wbuc he tu oaand lb- upoa la oder to rwl hiu and ssotbaw fihj u on this biate lb niiiij i not aaibfled that lb uor taaaaot eaeh hi obaa lb eacoad etep la the aeaotuilotw u tbea ukaa td appiyifw to lb jude tuariac m to be to cimm wtib out piiuitlly abd all fatt sj iuid bafdr lb teurt tb juda u be so atf away aaake aa ofevr itwvbag tb appbcab troia aiaklot any pay riaifitj- of liifefief tasuranc for a paiod not weeahrtf tbi taontba at tb aad of tb praod tb t4ciar buafjt 1 vbaf lafirrflaixj ts tbat azi uak aboauoy payeai as upoa at bast t nercdt oi lb ag- giiait asaaunt of ltaaairanca lot sadtaae dta la any aar la aacpuoaal ton li county jkada or tb uaaur to cbasobira a sppuae la yark oouaty aay wl or yrr hi previous odr at tbt expiry of lb su months period fet a runber parted cf grac uut u upaid taiae and tour keep ae- rxiauultog teething could be acbiv- d by aliiag tb property to re- taala ta lb bad of tb aortior aad lbe bi rn i ar t rculd auhvr un u a priaaaa fact rasa has not been made cid stated ool prior hkb bouid jllfy relief oa a bearing the ijudfe cab vt the applicatloa and lb uicetasp eaa procaed if a ease has baea taad out betor lh judt ibaa lb third atep is provided foe the jud m all auch case a haartag baajetand wo recrulte passed their underfoot uu we hope to bold aa enrollment soon knety quid u trying to via tark for her patrol because it wae plana ed to give a silver cup to the viaa- ing patrol at th end of th maath but as tummlee come first a party would be better i think the oanariee may tb scouts ar criallenglsg the ouldes tn a conteet well thats ojc with us because wet goo4 tporls too bomttur iw bks8svb everyone appreciate the advantage of having a reserve fund oa which to draw in case of merasney hot everyone understand that the pria dpi of having something la reserve is capable of application ta othar than pecuniary matter and that on the eitenl to which it la followed mans satisfaction aw largely depend a great many people who have money tn the bank lead none the leas handtomouth agists ace tbetr lives consist of routine amusement chatter they ar not storing up a reeerve of interests to which they may turn when the routine aethities that for the time being occupy them fall at tome point and ewntually for every one some of the routine activities ol life fau or ar cllscarded when that happens many people find that tbey have no interests in reserve to dis cover a taste and to cultivate h la to have something in reeerve cumulate and organise information tn torn field of thought or knowtedg is to have something in reeerve in deed the person who early begins to tore up reserve interests soon begins also to discard the less fruitful activi ties thus he wake a saving at both ends of life the practice of having something in reserve may be carried out to ad vantage in social intercourse to be sure anyone who is wholly uncom municative and unresponsive reveal himself as ungenerous timorous and colorless on the other hand the person who opens up his heart and mind readily and completely to the inspeotlion of his acquaintance is sure to he pronounced superficial and like ly to be regarded as insincere he may win the liking of people yet not quite succeed in gaining their respect lighted clgarettee were recently dropped in england from airplane itytng at a height of imo feet out of aut dropped the omclal making the test found three on the ground all still burning we know a man who make a hv tag without doing tvday work hes a rughtwatchman h c bailey electric wiring hppairs fta georgatoww a ajawdawnt to th wdavtbv wtdoh permit lb tnuiaia ef mvarisa by tb ontario s oottrt bat whim did hot sptxaawiy adjust tb mat ter tkf slllliltllhi ill tb caty bf toronto sbpntavat bill fw tbfen of aixlboo batt ow aritbonara a svebad jaedinaf by oakora ablulde oorj woodbtba-to- rooto hpouor of tb bill which pa ad tuy eouaeu at tb hvtltawwi of cntroow fc mot oa wio wae ralad a it faer whlie tb ocv- waunaat qrtwwiiicpp eame fnas mod ohana ueovaa saiabfer of ukw wbo declared lb pmiat was a uxb fottad oppertuae ta attack tboa who had tad ibaa aa ordiaauy locon it taotatad out tb sumikmi for the uouw to coasider wa wbeiber or not tb proposed mathed of tuatloa was fair but b cautaraded the ta would lajti tb city and tb pro via- tb latw hateer aaorddad- vaauae te ary uf bf lit tb bill bi4d prtiii j lb eimrmiifiily wbtt f5c ah dirwiloe lb ejvumaaat 1 heam that tbe w tea tauch uautnri tber bttag only oa cp r hi situation la aett- bag th wheels of taduetry la taotioa to lows up pnvau capital sw puniahiawtu ie proiad ta a measure intruid by attaraey own tral w if wi for those who ihfo siaraub bosh lata thajaue tb buj providing fur on var taaprtaaoaaieot aad na cf frora tact to wbaj fur aatractkae of thl frj uaaer tbf tbua and ctoaulwbb act okirtof lb past ear tber haw ua a butatiiir of ateesh boabfa aet la lbauea- tvo blu lauudumd by fiao dr j u kobb uiaitur of uutb provide under in udlcal act for rprarata- ueee lo b ciectad to vlh oatario udicj cauatu fros any corpora- uoa unlanuy r caoaaje hlcb la futur ajkilvh a aolyuailaud coura of fti mnr aad art bhii unaw lbe hfftwmttrt of murtf act any uauuy tablib msintalns a nurue couw may rtu- trr u araduatee here and there grmat a baartag aad all partif la- mirt1 ifhrtg aeeoad taortgaaee and all autbamusnt tiuubranoi wtu be brought brjor him at thu baar tag tb ida eonsidere the position of all psrtw review all facte and cicuautancs aad if h is of th cata lan oa th evidence ufor him thai such applicant is entitled to reue the judae by th act u glean power to baak an order agliultot lntroduaid by lloa j u robb a1tnaifr of ttsalth providee for rellflcatioa of agreement enter ed into by the ooeernment aad the two umkrattia at toronto aad oag- ston for aatslkbmeat of eaacer radium cuaiea tb oovemmest will make a yvty payment of 144660 to th toronto osaeral itoaptuu wheee a labed bopual u provided ta tb cam of uaatam the annual advance u ma for tea year the rrfte aoeamaodallaa be ing tor o bed r w wilson con wait windsor aliaed th debate on the speech tram the throne ta a scathing de nunciation of the uepournmiaon al- fnf ta wnrtui with lh receal stataeaettt of ur tsrcborn that the srogfeeelv leader la the itouse would speak on behalf of th liberal where did ur nepburn and th bebaher far urant fst the mandel to shift lb liberal itouse leadershipr queried uf wilson where did thl atramural leader get tb auihortty for hie new intramural leaderf ho liberal or progresaiv convention authorised it ur wilson attacked ur hiion on th latter criticism of premier leery and hi cawnectlnn with the tetania mortgage corporation com mealing th chief purpose thl at tack has served 4s to throw into bold relief the prim ulfluurt tntagrlty and the rsairnamr record of the com pany referred to c a beguln con russell chal lenged ur nuon to have sufficient courage and honesty to stand and endorse th wild ttmhrmrflmra bv aafcaaf taambsr for brant gone liberal or ha ur lupbum gone pro- oreialve or perhapt oopt asked ur uagutn a saving to th province of over i1amm0 wui reaur from a graded salary cut of oatario civil servant announced by premier itenry while the schedule of reduction put into force for part of last year savad the oovemmetu about wmom the re ductions will also affect the liydro- electric power commission the liquor control board and th university or toronto to avoid conflict of jurisdiction of th 9tr uarshal department and the department of health each hav ing power to govern drycjeaning a tautshments attorney general price introduced a bill which allows the fire marshal to pass regulations deal ing only with fire and explosion hat- ard clarification of the surrogate court act to cauahuih a time limit in which claimants may proseeut claims and avoid debarment under th statute of limitations ar pro vided in an amendment to the act in traduced by col price war memorial shall he preserved and cared for under a hill introduced by austin b smith cons south uk while it j uurphy cons st patrick introuoed a bill to abolish th optometry act the right of marriage annulments on necino grounds provided under english law is placet under the su preme court of ontario by an emeno ment to the ontario uarrlag act introduced by oot price the bill serve to clarify th situation which ha euraen since the passage by th pederal parliament two years ago of in j from alttfla fn far iii2 lotmij 7 oo 10 too aa ilch ju of tooow ions or ltll a rod with a ether apooa rmtki t p u la us stoeasch uiu cjuitt rercally at lb rufc ruul rurt aluentl c tu puoo probably fstl overboard f rota oa cf lbe compear aoastal liasra a rip that fonoarty toab l rf oier rouab trail le sow dona in 19 miauls bf alrplsaeg wrtro mib froa rtoetlera ltae tct tskse ar traaspartsd le rail i md fur ut rt tutia all ever rijdb sad the ualtsj btsu on of the larteat aafila af tb cruis aassaa wsa reoardei rstrniir wbea the cjiee af au l rails sailed from new yrit mi urditerraasaa cruise wtta ft li t of too psksssrera uimf ae cialljf prumltuat f war oa board the national sea trtea ftfty clubs tear of ksureae eveream all bltctvs and sailed recaeuiy froea hsliraa by oaaadlaa paci fic itaar uontcsln taey are tba allan cup holdere sbj vlll ptsy la loadoa parts derila amd prague tweatyela year ell veteraa af ta no libera drlllsb ooiumua and alaska route tb old pri ease royal once lb pride of the camsdlsii paelrie uc coast furamttilp hsst has beea sold eat or it acrvtce to the uuad tu and cjrse compaay cdmodiona rerei4ure af tie careuot throaa the kumoatoa jluulers triple victory ta the ladle bvtt urtra aad spec- tacuisr m lumpioa by youaiaur er is lo irnr th oatauadlag raturee or t llsrf wlnur car- ainl raceotly rancluded wis violet iiafla or cdmoatoa wa crohoed th 113 queen caanitss fifib asaaal mid- wa ter folf tourney over tb esriag- lib fairway nf th oak luy vic toria m f links for tb i w nauytoby started pebreary and c5 mn rilly frtji rrub lcntland hcollind united stale llrliub columbia sod the prairie province bigger and better bargains new fabrics new prints winnie winkle fabric guaranteed fact colon 36 wide at per yd 30e peter pan fabric 36 wide at per yd 28e prints 36 wabaaw sanforued print guaranteed art color per yd 3de 36 wabateo print at per yd 28 36 imported print cut color at ibe 36 fart color at 1u cretone 36 cretone at per yd 36 satin finiahed ctrtone at per yd 48 cretone at per yd wool pic 2 ply aaaarted color p k t ply auorted color bbb 2 ply auorud color 4 ply monarch dove 4 ply aftduution wool 4 ply velvo fidgeting simplicity pattern we deliver be 19eand2e 3 soe 18cat 18c o 18c oa ibe ea isees 2 for 18e 18c georgetown ontario eliminate the watte matter accumulated in the tyetent during the winter a hearty appetite and iatufi- cleat esurciae cause impuritie lo accumulate in the blood nyal blood purifier will cleanae the blood treati and jii the body of all ac cumulated watte good pure blood give xeet to life atimulate ambition and make you fit sold for lqo per bottle danns drug store phone s2 georgetown plali rauriit la tu tea flsbsr- les or rsuada in ims totalled ft 15 1700 pounds vatiktlot over illoooooo cf ibti totil cslcb br i tub coluiutla accounted for i37llt00 pouniu nova brotta 1m71hi0o noundj nrv itruni- wlcb spcdt tith pound qncliec rilujchj pounjn anl trine ed ward iuihj 373sojo pound a mammirftllottiilll to taxpayers of georgetown you have an opportunity to help the corpora tion finances current expenditures by buyinc tax certificates at s per cent discount ai tdlowed by statute for particulars apply w g iharshau tax collector the salvation any luacu uu to huacm tsu ten days red hot revival i wvinni br bhvov divrd ahamaunb wa admuta irw or m a oaa v tb eiulaautituid aiur tan cf ujwruee cj uu emr fhmff 4 mnethff ut it sunday march 19 at spjat t th bar u1 tw an toufmta l0jiui tabe aaxoomv wxaiaat wutue jesua or paganism ik nrrtin umt aaad ui nav ioteui uuj an u iahtd new advertisements l nu bdeoei iuavfcv s uf uur oraeur w udr him kuadr ooeuet eettai uih bundrdjtnlrur fieirui uului lau lie oa of quremowsi b btotkl vuu inhmulm tnei walur t tvui otonuan vhau lis u eke u aal iioum ob oltn bad to rat usbl watar and fumloi pfliimlnn at onta appir to w a anuuar uruuptoe oat u oa john btrht our outlpb trm uooirn eodwnluiow tara caraen apnly to if o dtrtoat muee ltj u fw bl hail kv brtek luui mu all oarihnl oom on kmuy farart for lauor to nnl apoly to omrgttmm liaabv oo if baal to nat oa umomk mj b lettullauly all eaaal- ajh to m wlllhrrri miss lamb maorloal uatamkrt kthu by dy or walk ror parueualn bban mr oawai- toa b fl ma t oauilmn oalari lyla frasds beaoly sheppe ftnsw wurtai efkbignnlnr ate phone 141 to tf browns bakery hot gross buns every wdittuy mna saturn day tjittkeftb leitt we make the best ibc per doi saturday special be4l tyifjily jwly rolu 10 ceato axelroo auto parts raw and tfcad vafu far au whil of oar at tsdaeed wvae 29lwst pfeabod cuelph notice tocwmttow la th lautter af the suat af kstldm hosttauoh las al the twa est qin la tk fiiaaly eg uo- notioe 1 hereby given that alt person having any claims or ftf4 against the late hugh asarriaony wh died on or about thl slmueaulday of rvbruary iou u th town ors- oaorgetown tn the oounty of uahaa and province of ontario ar reatdr- ed to send by poet prepaid or ta de liver to th undersigned aitcihr lor uetliamln lurrop the sasaeutor of the last will and taatamant of uuch uorrison fentleman dacaased their names and ddrease and full partt- cular in writing of their claim and tatamtnt of their account m th nature of th securities if any held by them and takk notte that aiter th seventeenth day of april ims th said benjamin harrop will proceed ta distribute th asset of the said da ceased among th person illudt thereto having regard only ta tb claims of which ha shall than hawa had notice and that th aaid tea- jamln uarrop will not be liable for th aaid assets or any part theraof ta any person of whose claim ha ahau nw than have deceived notio datcd at oeowtoern oatejia this aftaentb day of uarh iktt lartyif in tat st solicitor for the aaid stassutor browns bakept rir baby chicks a a whrra lkauosxa uu ojlc aumna ord eipaelsily for hlati ta dare in him tfolfonaay tjd prodiutlois of lavt at aod vltaluy mask rritiiwnti ehlo lau than batk vriu tjav- oouati or us ptr ehlok off orf oeou of aj or toot me otroa onter or oo or mom ana la off on order of umjk over orjstoal uatottdjct- ar ttutuo vwh at at st or luo or not mu order inu 4rlytoavold dlauootbv toent whi for new further inforeiauoa to britannia ponhrf ftrm bandtjs aow a a ka akamtaaa osiad r raaatouanflu u vj- iiui w i iijfc uiva f sffi

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