Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 25, 1934, p. 2

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li i pae 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 25th 1934 announcing i silvers annual midsummer sale fc wja commencing friday july 27th at 9 am taubbbbbuababababbbaaiiabbbbbbbabaabaaabb council pass bylaw licensing transient traders license fw 260 00 buauvea man wait on council contract for wiring town hall awarded grant given to firemen othec btuine dueuued raai fcr aw f 6fx 4a 4a vav a new and used cars i new 1634 v8 ford coach only driven 300 mile ft will like tradein aim uahv onirai oood lhin ciirvnoixro pi vuounui amu fojuw to choohk ottou bci daymond bros for getwnl motor can and truck liowlv slock geoeflttown oku uolkc kumlt uiltom eav -aa- 4avsfr4ava446 bbbbaaabbbbbubbaaabbbabbabaaaaabbbbbbab save with safety at your rexa1x store m rowiya cuum iiiamku nejivk rooo ual utaxlla ha ilw toc till pillh ll s ctnrx nail rouay tk urrjiu jakatiosu lklt ar bwa la kllm vauiy ku u uu thm4fr w a rrull iua j l sarilr a riju ur rana tooth pautf 11 at raluar ar si u ovalytnk ua ruu lafcury efcra iw parrfe yea u elttar ft taj ealllr el u modcutt 1 elu wr puklj ct 11 m a rwll bijwi wl rulu mr lb ul 11 tootll pautt lb ur ml 11 ajjtlhirtib lie 14 iv icckall uufc cf mju tootii rak lb it dowy rostcrr vo hjunq im voir pilmh por dcvllopino pftlnyh finiluud ih coloiu ip dfr41ud ay no kxyka cua1uk robbs drug store council nvt un morvdsy evening jul 33rd a 8 pin mor gibbons is du ctialr luee cuaw and council lorv o j curnming- a u parr a uocuirn 8 m duk a r bplght und dr ucajylrw a deputation of busine men vail cd on uic council tn regard la engog li a a nurt wauhmm for th bui i la uctuxi of the i0n th sere uud to bssng tn some mlsu po- l ltuyv for ub twit tuur ttj-tlii- ur hci ildj c0ujfu od mur ui cmuunrtloo vuh the pty ikwj rjw jnxt cwuw lr lijt otuij s report on uiauj luu wuur wrvka co ur w urd u proprrty on the chivcb luir it trlt ovrr fur furuur tfomlovra lion a cijairounkattloo wu rvid from u uuziuur of wtlfjie tufcln ih luor lu lliid bthtjl uwuii of bdayon of ux wovuw in coniakiion wiijj re- lff tiiwli fcr wlrtrut ttu- town tiai tf frcnrd fiubi o u uoclart ftm ii h nulaaiwjn at co liuttwl by llmfc uxiiwtml t lfbc lao uvat by uw ho to waulatc ihr lirruing of trtjiiriu trtvr du iun of uorgtti br now read u tlru umr cirrlt uood by put vrcoiuuj by he aiadfa uiai by u no to rrgulu iiu uoriluiv of tibuiwut natn id hi tun at ofofrloti iw now r4 kicoikd aim umd lunra and fuiallj lauwal and tr wj of ui corpora tion t auactkfd liarrko cajrtad limed by uiwlglit faccnd1 by clfakr uiat jv rrrtuurtr pay lhr ptrr liniav 0 00 toaru fiinu of drltgata to flmcioi convequon cituai ilnnd by tlarlarm bxondd by dofll that uu irntvr of il it humnmun i co for string lh toau tu tar acctted at that prto of iio0 carried uunrd by licandrv trcoculrd by dimming that sv do nov tdjoum to nuxt at trv nrxt rrguur nuung or at uit call of th lu or- carrtad glen williams uuu ev cjaik u hollouylnii at thr luaar of llr and un itckiiilo ui ujitu- lr and llr it ifuti ii 1a uatr ort- ililnta and ur itmtu nurtuii tvnl tnr nk rnd llh frurujj u waif4 uuh uui una i till li iiulng hrr liji djy uh uui lortn kry of uulmi jimmy uiintl of touiu u tvon d4 ic at trr t4jw of ur and ui lien 1uu ltr jew urutiwtny ajid fainu ai baxlt aaim uttr itlr houojy h waiaga ivurr ur and uta oourc ailn pj m tnc lt i iid at thr iioitu of ui ur w linuiwija at loiuiuji hhbmhbbbbabahmabbababit8hiibbhbtlbbain uakied wtxaboh dlaijo on luturday jua aotix 1am by rv t palmer at bt ann a church toronto wail third tldaat dauahur of ur and urt jamaa lualr ooorgrtovn to ur ttvomaj wluon toronto obituary uma j u davidson alur a lenjlhy illnr th drath occunvd on turaday um july 17th of ulantha d norton fkarly belovod vlfa of llr j 1l davidton lira davidson wu bom tn olen william and had llvad in ttu dlautct au her ufa bha wu a good nclshbor and a kind and loving mourr vho u1 be gnhtly mlum in th homr bhe l urvivcd by four aon john ocll al frad and kenneth and one daughur uudrd also her mother three tuura and one brother the funeral took place on ttiuraday afternoon to olen william cemetery luv woo thompson of bt qeorge a church con ducting the lervlora the pall bearer war allan norton prod norton ja norton u held john uartln ctwa ter bcott there were many beautiful fioral trlbutee from neighbor i friend ukb oboauie vitjijioljland anotnar of acton a elderly realdent and a native ct fctqiwuilna tovruhlp paiwd on when ura oeorne uulhol- lartd died at her home oturch bt in her eighty fifth year bhe had been tn gradually falling health for the pan two or three year llrm uul ruutand wo before ter marriage catharine olboans a daughter of the late jams olbbon and waa bom in eaquealng townihlp bhe had spent all her life in thla dlatiict the farm at lot 33 and u on the first line in fcqliing waa the farm tome of ur and ur uulholland until her hue badadeath tn january 1911 about uvn yeara ago ah removed with bar family to acton and reilded in the eottfortahte home at the corner of ohurol and elgin street bhe wa a mothar who put her home and her church interest first bhe was a de vout member of bt josephs church acton a family of nine children re main to revere the memory of thli devoted mother they are john in vancouver uuse annie nellie and irene and gears at home mr trwynar owen bound ura oluuly joaanh and jame in georgetown two auter ura clancy of rochester ny and ura egerton toronto and ono brother jame oibbona on the home- toad also remain to these bcrcavra one tte sympathy of all goes out at this time the funeral on wednea day morning tn bt josephs church wo largely attended by friend from this district and from toronto hamil ton btmtford rochester ny and owen bound the service was in charge of iuv pother uoorlde at the dutrob and the graveside tn dublin cemetery the pallbearer were ufiura donald waldie duncan wal- dle win itobertson joseph ptynn ttoos olbbon and joseph gibbon georgetown the mass cards and mor al tribute also bora testimony to the esteem of tho deceased ptw excise btamf8 hubt be ayriked vo cioabeyttf paper the excise department of the de partment of national revenue an nounces an amendment to the bpeclil war revenue act governing cigarette nature and cigarette paper tube the amendment stated that every retail and wholesale cigarette dealer hall atrbt to each- unstamped pack et tuld by them for aale an excise jump of two cent per hundred leave of papers or fraction and three cents per hundred tubes or fraction kor dlsregarduur the new amend ment a one not excvedlug tw win be imposed copies of the amende ttunt have been sent out to all deal er listed in the directory and due warning given ofblali stated perhspe a man is dubbed a bad egg because it is disagreeable to en counter hint when be is broke untilal ol the lath j01ln liolut w bxuucy tlir iuuatbj of the ut john ilobcrt warren uesey oungul son of ur and un j w lirjry of lauclag ho dkd in uunuripu itoipllal grand prairie peace luwr district alberto fttu held ui ornood ocmeury on uo july aurd the service was puajpcnnd from uunday afternoon to iunday allzmoou on account of de railment of a freight train preoeding the paimngcr train bearing tte re main lon ttio funeral tervlce a conductxl by ilev ur ljuur of acton and ooorgttown itiptlu churcliea tnr palibcarer kit pclcr ueucy george uurt joe lloss hugh lintlwiy ucri llnduiy and delmcr laird inow from out of ton attending the funeral acre ura w 1l llckacy uixej clara and annie licuxy ur ihter ilea ey ura a uorrl ura it ucmrrville ur and ura w luuca and ur and ura crnest warren au of toronto and ur herbert good of uownuuivule ont mr uoscy rud ben in good health until almost a work ufore hi death infection from a boll on the facu ixt in and he a a removed to the hospital and in spite of the be a of medical skill and nursing care he poised peacefully aaay iu in twenty four hours after rracrlng the hospital dr henry howitt pauhtu at guelph a pioneer in the acid of abdominal and spinal surgery died on uonday at auelpn in tho ptrson of dr henry howut br ud ujtcil paou who pused away suddenly at hi home in hi eighty sixth car dr llowiu was internationally known for uu work which he did in the development of special technique for perforation of the stomach and tplnat surgery and he had galnid wide reputation throughout canada and the united states he wu ana of the first pupil of la sou twit famous llrltuh suntion he ua in practice at ouelph lor over forty years a life long resident of tru district dr how lit was bom ut the ho hi homestead the orange ouelph town ship a son of the late john itowltt and uatgarct uclntosh ho studied at victoria and tyuitly unlvcrsltlea graduating us gold medalist at the latter in 1b73 he became a member of the itoyal college of burgeon tho following year and in ibtft oommene od to practice tn guclph continuing until 1018 in 1b75 dr howut married grace davidson and following lur death marrud clara katu blunner ouelph he i survived by hu utdow und four children of his ftrst marriage urt p d ivcy oakvlllo j it howllt k0 and dr h o hoivitt ouelph and ura e p pi in toft montreal no scoad year nomj courage f o terir deflnlie ubandonnvnt of the sac oiul ar normal scliool requirement for teaclwr ft a announced yesterday by hon dr j l ttlmpton ontario llinlster of education the require mrnt said dr bimpvon td brn in utuud a on eiprrlnwnt and there ivod been decldrd dhersity of opinion on its value there a every hope said the uln uter thai a mare satisfactory system for the selection and training of teachers might be evohwl before june of nest ur uranfthile crruaoate of teachers wto hate not yet taken their sccoivd ear court will be n unded and further snnounvmcnx wui siiow how the ccruncata can be mod permanent also at the rnd of ach of the forthcoming four school years uc ootemmsnt will pay h5 grant to every trachtr who has com pletd his second year course success fully purther details of the new arrang ment were claruled in th statement issued by the department which was as folio s dr j u olmpsoo uinlster of education announced that tte sec end year cour e will not be offered at any ontario normal vhfwl in the province of ontario during the school year 10j4 w and that all regulations set forth in circulars 23 and 32c for 1034 u will be ineffective insofar as thry apply to this course for 1sj 15 thl decision wa reached after the moil careful consideration had been eh en the subject by the uinlster the sconikl year normal bchool oourw mode compulsory last year for certain leachers has been purely ex ikrtmental and there is a great diver slty of opinion regarding it value critlcum uf the course ha been based largely on the fact that by reason of lack of turn the staffs of the several normal bchool were not adequately lin pored to undertake th additional ftorfc and that too little time wa de voted to prac ice teaching to enable the students to obtain a measure of benefit from the course commensur ate war the sacrifice made by the teachers in attending the normal uchonls ashgrove u u k uudd11 and ur t puluird viajtcd nuilve and imnd uiuund ullton lut wek ur hosrd wrvglrstiorui and ur mruld itaiiam ikrnt a fk at ul l turn ura w tbunploii of ttxumo uit d at the home of ura georgir nur- r a t tj tlvs lbobrl w1jguiorui u vult it g at olensllin pie vouiij ivople of th unilud churrh teld their mewling on bunds y nitthi undvr the lradrrsjilp or utie 1 totlanal trr prrsidenu the ta j- r tre rentnn was taken by uu itutii tllflen anotrn pap r vas gu en by uz n wrlaaleiorth tne women inultut prnu field j ihr home of ur clayton dtck on tut miii fto much enjojed by all ituci and kportt uf inoui kinds sere tried after t ich a bounteous plrril lunch uf utidswi cake and k cream rned john liric hotrscsiesul sold to d jel kilgoitf an inu rulng country estate sale made krusn last ink wba tliat of the old john prite tuinwsuad and 100 acres at lijirrirl thrti mlks north of it re uhlch hj lhn pur ehaivl uirouith j a willoughby real n by d l kilgour of ue toronto uttloti of ihr north amercan i u urine co tlie ifkluaiict is of cut tone cuntujili j tiht urge tuumi oud is sjuded by uautlful elm und pne trtvs oo a hlgr elevation i ui a malitnjlocru vuw ovr the tvur loundinv cuuntrj and overlook tin uw ouiut pluu tiiu v al rjtljii uiul uripru rirunt to tlie pro luity and a uu uuun is now too in tajijjiord to smbark on funning i iratvon lur li is hur a nuk of 5m0 jp have txttp tiansiend from tw j i ivou euftie ot llflinuirj hill mjw 41 grj tw pauiuif durw ihe sim au r rocniii a number of spring rrelu flow tluoujli uw j report y and iu und u uell aukpuxl foe fanning for av number of ura the new owner idnilnd uw property and when mtuajy it caiiu u hut msrlut t ii uulutt ly p irt svumj k ttc ton uvrstkiji u not dujljd thjt ls un d ruuud ui be mucin liouuq and llouo buy at kings ht ttbs i t m- special for thursday friday and saturday ott kchy uayluiatyiom yuy oir hill iiiouc ttvllliu i t ix ixavot ui d 12c lb shoulder roasls ol heel mealy pol roasls ol heel fresh brisket or plate boiling beet 9c lit choice rump roasls 14c lb prime ribs ol beei jr 20c lb stewarttown uu phyllu poole and uaster doug is poole of toronto are holidaying at i home of ur and ur j hand ford on itaturday afternoon ut a trans lurt carrying a shltunent of paper timed over on tlie tltewartlown mil no one wa injurrd but considerable damage n tlotie to the truck tramc a blocked the gtratrr port of the tie moon while tl r wrecking crew lot the truck on live road again tt e iccldent occumvl w f llr ihe truck vat climbing live hill the trailer breaking aaay from ii tractor and crashlna back over the embankment near ur 11 trnnant s home tlw member of bl johns aypa ftrre uueiu at the home of ur and mr timet hunt of limehouse on won day evening last july 33rd about 40 ere present the turning as spent in dancing after which a dainty lunch v served a birthday bearing twrn tyone candles as tn honor of the prreldint ur j k llrosn ho wti relrbratlng his twenty flrt b rtbcla durtna the evinlng the presentation of a pen and pel ell et si made to ur uroan by ur prank jenkinson on behalf of the a y pa ur drown fit tlngly thanked the members of the society a voir of thanks a ttun tendered ur and urs bmethurst for i lie vtry enjoyable evening the sli x ing of ood bsvt ttif king brought the evening to a close lmhih al k1luhv yo i anaihan lluiov fllnu pit ltdi aumilary i coruuiaii lado wls tt viy 4cit txful pci is i 01ii wihurns ui lulurcuy ulier tun ust julie a larv nunubr ut idod uaunmui wa noil by 1 as urn the uxtj u cluire t urs w it it ry aid vi is y lltuby wmi i is of ttk ruies fcre a fh ws tjtjlv o and ui dtr urory harlow uld jijii lluiie o and ujwler uualn irrry and li u l utcartnry dlru 6 lo a dons luiepjrrd and itruii hltepi ild 1m s ti to gexjrvje perry and lomrrj hallo lloja it itetfj- auir and oordon jain a iu 13 jvuii hjiiov and jton ilia r ho 12 ii mid jame tiiiu 1 uijitt jamet and fvt itn llone uaiiaid ludm ura p uxcaruvry i u un t llrrve uarrtrd uei r grieve and 11 tlliepjvcrd ilova suul ulilsjean and its har i v j tuiil roceuargaret jairu and ixirt urcuitncy laulu- pi unut race urs hewitt id ulji l francis mins paanul lort- h nivepheid and part n pive ciuldben waved hundred fob county rural public school of halton county have mode a remarkable show ing in lower school departmental ck amlnatlonj proving high school work con be done succosafully in ungrodwl schools inspector j u denyis in spector of halton public schools stat ed two young candidate marlon gal- brallh and lynn rogers from b b no 8 nelson at zimmerman wrote ave loaer school subject each and were successful in all oeo pelletterrlo of b b no it trafalgar at ash paued four subject he trlod angus mcnabb who went from b 8 no 3 esqueslng at ajji- grove passed tlie four subjects from b b no s eiqufislni at asligrove passed the four subjeou lie tried while gertrude robertson from no nassagaweya at eden mills was suc cessful in four itwpector deny pointed out these ave children alone through being taught lower school work in ungrodwl schools have saved the county some hundreds of dollars expense no woman ever won a bridge prise that wan a good as the on she gave umehouse ur and ura locke of aurora art spending a week or so with their daughter un rev g i btephen- son urs wm uckcchnle and daughter leona of toledo are vlaulng ura bwackhamer and uls uargarat uiu uckechnie re turning home on mon day ura o gale returned home on ptt day after spending a week at ollphant uay uu wlnnifrvd ivens and uus bruce of toronto public bchool atafx returning with her to spend a week or so with relative here ur pfrguson of hamilton occupied the pulpit of the presbyterian churcr on uunday last ur perguson ls lead er of a largo bible clav tn hamilton and brought a very timely message to hi hearer on sunday ulsses lillian and ntlu thurston and ur p nightingale of toronto spent uunday with urs bwackhamsr urn a l marshall and eileen arc spending a week or to wsu her mother ura jame ucdowell mr and un p coins of acton visited mr and mrs a hill during tlie week the following are the result of the puplh of mrs wm aowdy for this year ot the toronto conservatory of uuslc junior piano utis norma utcphcnson hon primary piano- isabel btephenson hons muriel btcphinson horu primary theory murltl btcphcnvon first class honors norma btephenson arslclas honor htkn uouoauii honors margaret urown honor babel btephenson honor mr and mr r wheeler and fami ly viiited friends in the village on uunday the misses olven or ouelph visited ut their uncles mr m given last week mis helen mooowan is holidaying with her iciative in bchombcrg and cookstown messrs wm and ralph marshall and uls edwono mr and mrs a l marshall and daughter and mr p uyda of toronto spent sunday with mr r uariliall mr w dowdy lias had the hydro installed in the house occunled by mr roe mr alex grant arm friends wero in town on saturday mr raymond hill of toronto pending a ueck or two with his uncle mr arthur hill tlie sympathy of tha community goes out to ur and mrs john bessey and family in their sad bereavement in the hum of their youngest son ro bert who pood awuy so suddenly lost week at beaver lodge peace river district alberta the home of mr and ura a 3 bmothuret was aglow with life and merriment on uonday evening when a number of young people or the aypjt of btewarttown gathered there for a social evening and acton ur and urt w j anderson uls marion uf ileglna bosk un visiting at the home of mr and mr it u uscdonald ur and mr iaitcr and jean mid a visit to hamilton on monday un raster moll cr returned home mti them to sptnd a couple of weeks prtendv rre glad to say reeve thrt lord sufficiently rrcuteratxl fnllnu ing the auto accident of six weeaji mro to be able to attend council on uonday night ur and urs j p e terry joan marilyn and donna elaine ol brant ford dr and ura uccrue of gail ura john uceton of tare were the guests of urs ilobu bennett and ui u z bennett on sunday last week the graduates from the normal bchoou of ontario were on nounced and four acton young ladle wer among the succeavful ones to re calve certifies tea permanent plrsl class certificate rave been ft on by uls uurtel crosman and uls mar garet u young interim first class certificate have been secured by uus gladys agar and uu isabel bruce congratulation are extended them voung ladles on tlie succrs achieved prw pre balunafad the july meeting of live w a of tin united church wa held at tl c home of mr henry huu on tuesday july 17th with an utundancc of twuity the opening devotional exercises wxti in charge of urs snow and ua alt ken during the period uhin over to business a wry satufuclory report wa given of the garden party held at mr j snow s home the previous week and a hearty vote of amirrcla lion ft a extended to mr bnow for her hearty cooperation in helping to make this social went such u success arrongemenlv for a play to be given same time in novombcr was discussed and a committee appointed to taki charge of same the roll call wa responded to with a favorlto cookie re clpe after which lydla bnow gave two very interesting readings and joanna bhorthi took charge of an apple tontcvt hcfrethmenl urre served by mlu j olven und mr aliken who were the commute in charge of tin social half hour tte august meollng will bo held nt the hornr of mrs g thompson two car loads ot tin ladle of the wms attended tlie annual summer meeting held in ire white church oaledon on we due day isth mlw ii little of ouelph wu tlie giust peukcr und gave a wry livsplrtng talk on world prlondhlp a friendly game of aoftball wa play ed betuuon cvdurvllle team and tin home team on monday evening the score bring 1611 in favor of th home team tt cy have planned a rt turn game for thursday evening tlie tiiittru community wu dimply touched wlum word arrived that mrs cowan bhartlll or edmonton had passed away on monday at tlie homo of for brother- in- law mr r shortdi brandon with whom she hod been vulttng the funeral took place on thursday loth from tho home of nor suterm law mis annie srortlll to tho united church where service wqi conducted by rev o altktn assisted by ilev mr wuddril after which tlie remains vverc laid to rest by tho side of her rusband whose sudden diaih took place three years ago tlie ln- cerest sympathy goes out to tho young family who have been so sadly bt tvaved send a copy of the herald ctulonally to that dlstunt friend or re lative it will be appreciated llko letter from home wrapped coptoh can be obtained at the offlce church news uetiplarr teat ukrt be four uiluia skkb are lilts- uikjo hie earth bat ttvey are eirredlnt nte the aat are a propir not uraag yl tby per paee their meal in th sajstwre pro u 21 11 choice roasu olveal fresh cut veal chops stewing veal i swills pretnkiirj smoked picnics 20c ik 14c lb 19elb loclb lsl piekles 25c large jar devon brand mapl leaf s lb carton peas 2 litis 25c soap flakes 55c fresh lake troul fresh fillets brooldield loaf cheese 25clb extra special wu1woow mtand creamery baiter 2 lbs 43c fco i tmw potatoes per basket 17c new cabbage sc each new carrot 5c bunch red rose tea 2c per pkg tip top malt syrup 120 per tin extra special oolocm bab cheese 2 pkg 25c h w uilt phone 27 wm king prompt delivery abbbababbabbbbbabbbbbaaaaaaaabaabbbbbaabbbbbaabbabbaaaaabbbi tua ottswa spouilt mt geoetes cbarew ilev woo tl omiuon hector mnih sunday alter truillj holy cam j munlon i ejxt- oun day bcliooi 10 am uoiin li atrr tvtivsung 7 pm kt altaana chsrvh flli wuium nu th uunday after trinity matins 030 it m hundsy uchool i0m ajn i ruted chare h uervicv ti u utd morntng at it rloek conducted by ur john a uc irm d bunda uchool at 10 o clock tdrvlc vsluvdraan during july ik ut rnd holy cnvu chare h uu t in oeorgetovvn huiuljy august 5th ut d um uundav auguvt 12th ut 1030 am aulratiea arsmy bundsy nait crewsone oornaia 11 atn ounday bchool i pm bsjvaliao ueetlng 7 pjn knex prevbytertin charrb rev dr a l howard uinlster t indav july 30th at 10 am bun du uchool and bible classes at 11 am morning urlc- conducted by iuv c o jone of campbrllvule itierc will be no evening service t ait i lmohi pihlpott nuhiijmdh political activity compute ccvsatlan of all political lullvlluk for un uidenniu period on hu iort as announced by capt el- morx phllpott ccp feejiral caudl a ite in halton county because of private reponslbllliv it ftlll be ticccs nary for ur phllpott to drop ull par 1 1 pat ion in public octlvltus for an indefinite time at any rati for srv 1 1 tl montlut milton on um lut da of school the hibllc mhot 1 ktatl pr vented ur brown with a silver cluurctu lighter and uu c union with a lamp ur j u uaclunxlc cutk of the comty court sufforcd u heart attack it hu hoiir las i wetk and u at pm tut in a herloiis condition hu many irltnds lu p it will soon ncovtr mr und mrs i u whl tnurtaln- ll i numbtin of the canadian otru in training or oun wllllamv united church ut their jiome on tuesday iwnlnir vvlun ura white daugrtir ulsi lllctn lry who a un uctlve immbcr of th co it belon moving to milton uus made the recipient of a tuaullful ring on which was engrav- td uie rmbltm of the oo it an enjovnbu time was spent by all twice in her short life hu kath- uen brunh 10 duughtcr of mr und mrs david brush rescued older chll drtn from drowning swimming in martins pond on uunday she accl- dmtly tlpived a board to which pa tricia well 13 wu holding unable to swim the girl wnt down rutl bnrgrnt 1j tried to liold her up but was lurclt pulled under srvi ral ninr kathlihii then went to tho rrr eue urabbed tlie drowning girl by he u ck and pulled her ashore a ir nun when she wa nine lie rescind lrllr kneovp 10 from ttu mill nice champion wood for sale olvoloe hardwood maple and bseeh mixed soft wood uoit rcaaataahse prices apply jack tost phone miw georttetown tf floral designs wreaths hpraya basksli and all ptoral work ir ide and delivered pkiceh iteakonable phone uo j farmer clneluh ut georgetown 11 wuirtd ltf oitaaa jul 34 a bt otascored b lit ivulltical ajuoke arulng from on lark utwi uiskatctm is an but pro lu ndly important i onr ttve let a number of events an l forte lh l n ut work in rro nt month oiler uig the condition an4 prospect ol trie country most of them happjy seem to be on he constructive side end iotnt toward utter umre othim urv not so encouraging and uidicau uruvr problem stul to be solvtxl let u look or a coupi of minutes ut tl o more prominent developments itood and bad 1 lattmal uade ha recently shown a health increase trx volume u up imrliaps 30 per cent above last eus uvils moreover we are getting a utter price fur much of our produce tk many canadun depend eltlicr directly or indirectly on an active in icr national trade that this u an un purtant development we have a long way vet to go to the levels of 1928 of cour r on extremely long way our sok s of wheat meats lumber and nc3irint automobiles and mctau a broad have been the main factors in thl improvement 2 national revenue ha risen along with mora active internal and ex tcrnal truck per the first three moo th ol lite present lucal year the kuln was abojt fourteen million dol lun ip over 1cjj a continuation would mean that without new late just substitution or the gold tax lur u inert or the sugar taxi we should tolled ti millions mon tru year than lost thu would mi mi a baluncsxl budget on ordinary account and at least pan ol the cost of extraordinary ixpcndnure mt 3 the swift cruuiflt in the world wheat situation u going to help un- tuippil a largo part of uvr drought- struken west 1 agaui afflicted und c higher grain price want help the ur mir wuhout a crop but it doc look as though lur the first time in he years wheal will sell this harvest ut a price which will cover produc lion coku and even more import ant it lee in a though the world wluat glut which hu been overhang till und depressing the market for six i uri w ill bo fully absorbed in ttu ntxt twelve mon uls leaving tho world once mure with u normal carryover tuu should mean that prior for a war or two at least will reflect reas onable production cost incidentally tlie cuhudlan government la going to eoine out on toil ot it gigantic cx- ptrlmcnt in stabilising the winnipeg wluut market 4 uhemplovmtnl u declining h hhould cantuiue to decline when the to two 000 public work program nut well under way at the peak of em ployment thu summer or early tall uy by bepumber 1st there sliould be not more than 350 000 unemployed a etmparvd with 730 000 at tho trough the depression or course it wui btlll be bud cuough when tho llcn- lult government came in purged to euro uncmiuoyment or iveruh in the utumpi tliere were bcllevctl to be not moie than 113 000 people out ot work thu the situation will still bo at loan tuloo us bud a it wu four year ago a here ono of the lea hopeful de velopmcnt the ilrlttvh farmer lias emburked on an ambitious program of making tho mother country self sup porting so far a that u possible in foodvlur and recent action by the urttuh government towurd subsidizing cuttle raising u bound to react un favorably on canada we might a will raw tho facu wc arc losing ground in our last great ovcrtoaa m trkct far foodsiutl how long tho tread will continue of course no ono knows ti the njia with lu higher wage ce t and us shorter hours u giving canada a well as japan and ottior countries some comparative advan tilgt in selling to world market on iiuj other hund any lessening of americas export tnujo reacts in the lot g run on canada hecuu t decnai cd prosperity there ducruti lu laupcity to buy such titinga as news print from us 7 tho provinces and muruclpallttaa of ourutda notably those of tho prai ries u i by no means out of tho woodu so fur us debt is concerned a very gruvo situation has to be faced in tho case of saskatchewan and british columbia l not much bettur off hap pily tho trend of intcrust rates li downward and t if worst comes to worst and contortions along the iuibi ur australia h plan hecome nweaiary mucli relief oau be obtained cp5 theatre friday july 27 mandalay uurta uu nokiu uir tkr lit i oa uu hmt iuj rvaajlr comedy hello proipirity fos new novellie little jack little revue intultin the sullan saturday july 28 baby takes a bow minnture niunal comedy roamin vandal cartoon the lnst straw novelty misaiuippi suite chnplcr 3 the devil horae wiihiiail tuerday and wedneaday july 31 and auguu 1 soldiers of the king tnlertlnuig story of ustle hail stars will us maeiy awes ctmly caartmtd rwltatg us uaghe comedy nervoua hands novelty desert demons dinnerware rrr rrrrrt t r rr rrrti 1 1 i pi wpi mpf mn i d a drug specials nll ol r ida ad in welinehdayft stab july tsus and till uhda h rtxcguatl july tsih potl pull list dodd kidney illls le zim nik me ueuiholitum lbe and 1sv ply hpra tie and ise ovnltlru tie file and im uigluh health balls 1 lb uc kruschen salt large i evelyn howard pace powdar i almond union i armand pace powder 100 alu i noxaema ise tie and i phillip a muk of magnesia 1 vacation supplies hunt aid vcldh hlnbuuj huiedich toilet aattcutb kodak himh bathing caps ply kxixkbui llave vh youu pllmfl fob developing printing and enlarging a 5 7 lnlargwnent irl l with every dollar worth ef work done by tse he carry a rompift stwk e the talort poaalar haste dannsld a drug store phone 327 ow to obdbu georgetown wa iuuht masur juljiiiniiiliniih nifniittnifwtti t attack the cause of rheumatism ml vi c timt all mobr than a brtltp fhou pmm thu stuall- si lot iii it u mlilrti 1 iint a nstrm uirdletut ratlr raesrf iks ti uite ul llttrui lalkni t lie nrhl drpuslla ar f llnilnatsd fom tlie iiiia and in um lea an it ihr kidneys and blood ai cleans aj lu puilllrt one i os will eonvlnrr ou that ptnunbt mulf u oms1t pains disappear z t ttumaraps relltv th tain whit natoilng ike mute jt they eonuin no harmful drags or br rotles llmidreds of peapl hit tello4 te tk aultli relief ihen by this clltunt haudy start tii trlnirnt today and and bhfumalte aaus 4- backaches sciatica kidneys i the one or two eapsutta will banuh ver ihultarhe put haw tlie tuto lid arliliix bseks a boon la h i jbu tiai r euamltij llirtiusli itttir clsamhig and grw action msny utiouw dleslav by kmpmg ueliuutyi mnuiii av oi44 i lluk of so i lltulf more than two weak lour tivuiinnu todaj ask for tmttuipt u 1m lacking pep you need kipp un equalled herb imhlats robbs drug store phono 1q rumacaps nukvmatic capsuxes danns i d a drug store phone 327 georgetown t

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