the georgetown herald sixiysevcaili yew of puuatatioa trx gwia herau wedocxky etnln october lilt 1833 160 or aaman a ailnncal 00 fe usa lb gwnisoa henu jr itwiu 4 lm s rr time tails lnlrtid tim tarttmalo hupm u4 4 wwdam bunder ltd ut 1049 wi ei ml t ta lis fit ml 10d a m ml lu pm- i ph- ffcwlal fwiifdir u pa- 4ja pb1 im pm u pa last pjb s 1 pea ulu pja a only szpt sttuawy k 0lumar bund and llou u ohlv tlirtkjd rtavdakd this directory lbbov dau oalutt mlmlwi tfara av i rt iez a kss v lojerrt c ttctetir banking service tv outturn eftts yrt susttufut bjtihug optfjstt tw eunv of uoautij tluee tlr ltpoul e in darnr moirtit tftuwm wrtur la ewrt drfiwisurj 0 donrax uvi lurtgm bitilktf bank of montreal ii iohi it ih 11111 of grorgtfown brintht d wilson muugn cusssks a widows tm m kuy hub 08a u umaa at ts uuuitikm bibi iaam uj bowv1s a a omib l lahodom r aum tuty tuu ii ltonprti iiiik t uj ihtdiauun airmintow fnli i gihihw uuito tu nuik w mouakdeoh ail uoeay t low itfcpbona 141 ihrtum cm 7 8 wa blft hdx oate bm0 t i tr thim a m nielsen u a imiii curopfaxtoir xray drutltu trplt osm ow rvuwtniiw btar auvwn liour s i tjo 0jo pa- frank fetch uoihhs auononsss rhikw uhm owiimm flrt monuments pollock a ingham hnmw to otter jk wb cah out the new way to buy coal blue coal and welsh anthracite oa otimt m 1 of wtl or um no extra delivery chargeslo noavaij uttvftutiowh oikh wtlixuu btonk aokoob dbmmkt ailmmji v oub u nil ombit a imit akmuu john mcdonald mow ik ojuuuunuwrl i i unii m i m r h thompson co for dependable hardware paul in antioch uimwftluaj ltfwi iuiy tlmx happy thought quebec ranges give best results we have size r every ho4e hardware for fall handled axea fine quality iuvi ii oi olloflo cot baw8 iv h iusi axe handles iu and uc cow ciiainb oph tlna ul pad uockb colld farau ur cocoa dook ixato wtt oal vahized oaiuuoe canb lb no 3 oalvan1zed tuh3 sft elbotiuo mom till caotle ruor wax tit iiaweo flooh ouho miulrr no poluhma wlui sood quality duster per ol hfl double barjiel b1iot oun i1us binole oaiu1el iuiot qun i1jm w tmm tmptiy r with arro fual rsj for yoar tu4 ftuala- i hardware plumbing timsmithing and electric wiring r h thompson co georgetown your eyes ar yo wcjirtaf uu hal at to ut 4jrr vw ej aw tba bml u caljr fitrt bavutr lmu mui rraium ftl njsmj trim have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyeiif h specialist brampton h sui l al rtau1i dfu bum omritfahrn uu weal lyiilniimir al art j mniilli v m usy cwali o v walkek at lite ehto ta uummton au qluw ar tdt4 la frte octobk luk ooldcm thitt fur i am not ti- luuard of uu- gottl ol cnrlw lor u u u pow ol ood unto 4ajwa- uou to tnry aiie uuu tvuaftui to uu jw tint hjuj u u uw ur4 llenmi i la utuon hajjiaol jlct ii is jj li i u tu urui ui thy v-4- uxm uix u lbuwrb tkwd itulk u an uf lurt ltj ou u in vttid livt- fox ciuu ou lit njajji uttr lox hud wui lum uu ivun isau it en tw c hii 1b1i uujluuj lwaituluwi ip ittiaut iluu tjw iwiwociliua of uw cbiru ualuft 1a ui iuu bluusv fcaatmixl ul twirwr luih lktt u uaiaxar fcjl 4ixjil u umx tiit buod of u tiunrr iiu uw bud of uw ifimcj al fuu ui vvwwi ciuteluiu t nulj qnyjfjn biukr ouiy to utvf j wi li aliuxji iwmtw urf cjjuilijl utaavl uwu j uw orwu a laigrd oumlfr u4ltvnj and lvcun tolloim of cliriu tk tiuriw iuthf uiui u utf clirutuuu uiat ui coum dc u atia it not feu of cairyua oat ft buwlcu- ary poiiry th ouutlio jj1 oxikl not lup from tclluu atwul jjl it u fctuo cuirutun fiurrvuor u duu vul uuu muajonao rrot u meat uiunw g ti- ritu ti 21 tturc unnttl amacijf uv jru- uum ctulatiauu hrn uwy ujtuvi uiat umb vrrr utorpttng uw gqav- pel cf antloch tlic jln ohrutum cxhild not 1ilp bfina iuaucujus q uiu uinmatlon ttuy crr uu mind til miouah luerrr to wtih lo ft uv uru twfofr pauliut a final ji- tiural ttiry thrirlorr wnt oiw of thflr mot irvtl rwiidwj mm utms biu ta tmatuiitr cocwutoru in anu- acii it did not ulu- htm long ta mult up hi mtnd ilr ui uuu tnuiy ivroptr rrr brlna ivdard to uv fvuh liilns rood mm frv from iwfiuduv ho ould not allow trwalaglr rcg- ldratlci to hold butt practical tmtce ilf found grt oy in what coi happening at antlotji and putd- d wlui u nt otirutuna uwrw to b faithful folio era of chrw llad a man of tha vron ipilt kkw to lnsaiiatr lhrrr mtgm ta bvr uiuom and oontronry but ilamabaj tins i man of ftnr bitlxlt pncnotm od sail it yj mjaif to m th vju4 of thu ctuulltn muion wrt rin thuun prpinnsmila i brolcrn to tul lumatmi waa nd3l ubat- ally kh oommontxn and ctuirtlan irood vlll c1hmijt llffiun tsh ow of uw brt uunga about iur- nabaa a that tt luvf hu llmlia- uom lie uw that uw anuocti church nrodrd lr adrnhlp tuch ht could not blvr lit could hovnyr augfiwac iraovr avll qualland for the tuk it wen to tami and personally axfcrd saul to am to antlocii lor a vhol year bamabaa and caul taught uw proplr it iu tn anuoch uiat tha dlvjpwa were hrst cauftd oriruilaju tnr nam may hair btvu a nifknanv at tint just a uw uiuajda quiin and atwtaodiita re nlrknamwl the tttt u now onr of honor to d- wr to ba calwd a oriruuaii ta orw of uw hlgheat attalnnmu ol 111 tve pi ia aononmuui fauut now cpratt frrunuy of orrtaln attuudm aji ohruttana ttw nam algnlam a var of tttt but u haa ita aouroe in fallowitup with ctulu tvt dtanli im luuff tt3 jtmua had fd uw multitude lit vbi conornwd with human rwdt ilia foiknarrs oauont hi spirit wrwn famlnr waa prrdlrttd uw antloch ohrutbum prrpamd ta twlp thrtr fal low chrlatlan clwwfwr lionry vas rolurtfd and ami to chrutlina to jutw co rapidly did uw ctirluian fattti overcome metal and nltanoua djvulonal llrrr wrn orrk ohrla- tluu in antloch giving of uwr ub- atanop to jewuh ohrlvtuna tn jude ttamabaa and baul r dvwn to dtrtrlbut rtvtwf dunna tno iwara of the datmaiton uw jownuwtiu hv acctptwl rwporudbulty for admlnla- uruig rrllrf the motht inadlna to bovrmmmt art ion hoawcr haa bfn uw anlrlt of ohrtatlan brothrrtwtod and hftpfulnem in addition to what uw bovernrtwnt haa datw many churrrwa and many individual christiana have born carina- for uw ntvdy ttw etut has atvu aupnlwa to the wt the rtiurch attll hrara ita uaatr aaylna olve w uwm to of a ttts ef wwn lit is wtwn bamabaa and baul rrtunwd from jnuajm uwy had an intcrau- ijuj story to uu pint of all uwy cav account of thatr btmrartwijn tn dutrlbuuna ttw ifu aant ui thfl judau ohrlattana ttwn uwy tntpo- dunnd ttw vounar man john uari a rwprww of runubaa who waa to ba a companion on part of uwtr first mla elonary jounwy thouth thla trio waa to b brolum tawr at thla tlm uwy iiarm happy fcllowiuhtp ttwtr bond of union wma a cximmon kalty to cthrut and a dl to carry out hte purpouw ttwy were fellow wortara in the nanw of ohrut and altnouah a cloud canw ovtr their frwndahlp for a tjnw paul rwvrr lost hla admiration for hamabaa and uark mwmed hla fauurea and proved profitable aa ohrtatlan worker ibvni rood paop pomcttmea dijjnw old hrtd lieople leam to forw their diaabrc menta ohrutian peopla often prove to be better friend wtwn a bread has been repaired ttimuahout til life paul uu able to command the reapmt and affection of hla fellow workers qseatlana far dlaraatiaa i la christianity loalnff us mlaalonary power 3 luve canadians any superiority oomplevm radallyt s how was baul indebted to bamabaa 4 what la the chler duty of the church during a period of ttenras- alon 5 are there too many young teacher in the sunday school wammg tn tli afjls to urf mikbx fcir with wav on ww no do tootv and uouun- ui uw powrr of to on luru u frou ua goal afaln with baolfruw then uw tlup auda ttwr b no ebb until full tide so qtbu ow hours one by one ww xsmayi riiytlvmlc unwm no rwml to etww no ti j to ttu oar clood oiir umm wkli vain ttt ttw ibuvjmmm h itf ow to uy xi luiht ran kt cjj da a stry iy taxh tktutd majlad really knawi uhu about th svajl aa outu j i iui mi idi lltiui o1dll ullj u 1 it j i 1 uf nitmm lutt nl unit- f h- mi m a tutjitlu ut 1 1 j- tlli iitau mi it u if it i vuj lalf tu u- ulglll il in in floau dj m inf tvljrl ul frtl ilrljtl i i iu i u vlil nuj con f r ut u i- 11 itj w 4 tatvf lt li t u llrll uu tu trllrnd ta all kl- uilajtm ft ii ul 1 lawo tlf ufl k ll uairl s ollp ul lt ijianla j1j t 1 l tuuw fuadw k uui 4 ll r uu iu rd lurlta i r ulll 411 i flarrlamv t ni l inratgr-t- i a luirfi bj gr trh imt ik i t ni lt llij fur i r uml to tvoqawat t tiud llrftr bi rwtd irail tlrally iu tt ms vvtro it u ttallud ttat ul ibr4ujrtri uf ilir surfaw cf thm glitf cw klafa uf hailw it u rtln mujflut r i ib llillr we ka9 f iu sat tuirfm uf 1 1 1- bid theea ut 1 tt ur uivlt r uu itrwo uf llqujj tlt tout li rvlif lliloj stmmit ths j ta lie t nil wirm is cotspar htlh tlt kr f ut rerth and its luflh ivmiarrd ulltt ttw ltjbt of it f i mid if tit- wirr to lake a ub is firvt lo dlauuiir and sicsvaie lk ileet irvortt if tt tuvan lturja ii 4ui lur ihiktutrk liot octwtollrlli uf sb larb fall millinery in all the new individual hats in style and material fur coats order your fur coats now from misses claridge herald block upteirt georgelowii lawjawaawawawawaalla rayal soup call f varuty of urjut til v f for it failuoua oilu oui tnud tnr il austrian coort ihr hot r ill ijipreaa uerta ii nsaii fuller lis jn rimed to itujjj t la mil to have ortfloal l in hpln aii le srrrrt an r- ralt ti a hmi husi twurt chef ttte l k djuuwtl of al uf ham taut tixi trulx n and oihet gaiiw rnaait in buttrr arvl thro bollfd cult fa frrt and t i ft lorttad into jhi were ailjnl i urtt ee ullb white rab miim air fid lh aim ked and frab l rlt nialw rhtnus lantlla irr1 barley and rarrvta ntastei with runar the roooblaatlon was laid un lee fur f ur hour ao aa to rmo svary trm uf mi neit a boallloo return of beef and teal buoea mui hima nod ottwe vecetablf uiailoa 0 tliul i to t cleared by the dlllluo of i m1hii iwvf as llree and while of 1 tig tht bulling boullum ee t rei 1 k1 betted by rooked fuwla docka inrki 1 liioia 1 heaasnta gtwue and ii i unfit it took tvo days and ttt- tttkl ta to complete tbe proreaa th last ihtrif done uu lo drain lht cuixoitloa thnicih moslln bagm- utwn popreiala jiurs weee tilled tbe iruots were aened id amall eblaa uiia se vork times afatmt pauelata i all there la no mliwlttie luk tyiera ta ltoier m trtan funn of caawuluje in mch fleurea sad lettvra ar pklnt d tin a hjrugruapd of the taiua color ttils la dune by wlorlnr tbe palate with pi tinro t a or mlttnrea of rl- tniiitu which match one another la lor hut uhlih are of dlffersot rhsea lull ttinipoaltloi ttiry match on sn- t 1 1 r imvuuw ihe 1roprvioo blade on hit r una of the eye is the eotthlajd irtt or sii r tiw iifhi rays tkat ar inihitmuted tu it from tlw patated svr- fmc a phf 0 oorid glasa partial i- unifies tha iiiit hy abaorhjas om of i ho light rus and ut unit ohars throuah v hat grts tarouah to ihe rjti a not thu same to both fuw- lieoca itte ivackathmml and th dfitfu do col p ar hit auine color true staey an eirlted fttr inn geollemab wan uusltlng the airl ti of ms first born in one of our luiltale lie was so ttriulu it was golnj to ih h boy that iw lu it inrlted at kin friends to an eluttontle haitquet tttsl tttnltif and hsd itnttidcsit ihv ioyoun tifui all ef lon thua uhrn tht iiurve rutin to irll him that the arhul hum u ctrt m rum knrw 00 itouiidf- llurrledly hi piudi several leltnluuit iiilln iaiicelltig hit feuit then auiiiiuoulni uiq nurse b an ni ii n red im giln to ftt loto my nultiiitohlle and tin tioinr y lit the ulfi uhen ahts rrml 10 coins bumf i4aueu alnst mr clmclaiid ilnli lualer speed um rallraaj lisas t ndir uptxlul tondltloiih rallroatl ahtiu f tw milfit an hour unri ovw ui re attained more than 23 wra ago for xitort ditttuiuth a train mi tru iliiui mittin in 1iui1 imitle ijtl ullm uu hiuir ou b it l run luiuttii rlen inu 11 ml jutkuitiivllle amona regular miiisiiiimii ami hi 1111 paw ngiu tmtn tmjuy ihiri un iuvtirul that aeruu mir iu mlleu ptr imiir hit world miiiniiiir utatiu ttiui tlrt ilaau flertnan ami vremh tru int nuur uvtrngt ml to ui mllim 1111 hour uwr long runu a iikiihir train on hie tlnat wealern in riiuhiwl nmkiu iin1 mllnh an hour dsy of hsarty eatlag luirliii tlii uilinlnlutrution uf john quint a it 11 niu etnlng rhu mlillea urrv iniiiitar ul tlio immeu uf ion uritihiiiin unit taktni itu nihera ihe imrlli u tu nun ul eight tti hu k 1nimpt h ut tin it 1 lot k everhotl wtut out mi tin hni b porch fur lliihi rtfrth 1111 iiim m oni mill of the tuhla woulii lu 11 ruuut haul ui tht miier a muiiiii of tnl twin in lwtwetn tarns tin ullil ihulia ami hit niimrlwa and uutttfm nluiiii were niktm a ml pud til nun a liirtte aide tattle lield tba punch mid tlu uiutliurav atotaricsia tn a u goj twtclualx colskw t1 rvlljluu uuito iu tlud we trul at 11 u ivjtnl 011 ii o ins f ir i utiir iu 1ovi it uja tu rwult uf it linrvuavd rvlltfl frvor i rxuc t t tli tlvlf war tb 1l11 urrvlun f lb tfury h p lina tvaaiafrd uuf ulili frutd li lj 4 nil uwr tin ruutr urgtbg last ii ihhy w rvwi4ld ub uh tltf lnu tj ut w i le tu4lbw iu tuw ut f rln ujluiua kwt4r vlmi wrcjf to tbe 4irw lar of i luiut at it lujlp us vo- telr m 1w1 ualltiif iljt uo li- uiui ran u btrvinf etrvpl la tk irvrttili if l ui uf- 4 in kls dfwi tl4 trut of 1 ur uple la jd alai ud l uwlarvd pu ur tisuil rolu tuu ulll iuw u drtliv tu le pv jrd ulll out uutujry uljy ullll gmjfu vtrtijg in ile frw 4t wurds tuwill l hu ujtlxial imi ajtllu kful f nu weie bujurciwl koja uf the cuius 1 rvpjrvd iu 1ci te iks uttattr xkul ur trut end sjta ollj in lmli wfctr uutltvl lad trej kr ttmotry the familiar f rui of tbe uf tto was declled uiu sud ike iworeot ple ulhfa uid n iw wee um flrt to rsny il ttw ujiktto ii ms uad ob stl iliav nawwaal hiiataa teullct ftw baaiety ta c1a4fc oas rvaoo by ilutbn ur at luu tbe clottra of awo eirile to illue ta tereat la that they bate ucor drab aad thla drsbuaw u rfcuwd co tbe ktxhjuj ttst clothes are iwidt to be uavful and romfortal l aud uuful neas and iumforl hate ard tu be mtated llh beuuly in tuinlni life nfllhee mtaoo 1 r rouruj is irue ilotbes s re worn lo enrmdre ksroau dlgnlly and at bet to jo only aacti ifort is wasted a sball tvt later fere wllb lbs brsmuiag rood the wotun wko starel aad hd tbeoi rflre in order iu lvp allrtu who wilt rtpile ibetr llmts with tiohbled tklrt when ibeat are lb irtr and crucify tbttr fawt hkis pl nted toes sad klgb beeu are ibe fsatilon dlttay a itorsul humsb instinct lira bate aurtered utucb aad gtadly to tar patact ltk r shi at garden srtle lo ibe i eight of summer sod lists choked ihetuaelie rspturouily with ult itlrf 4iara and comfort swans little to thetu an long as ihey retnslo convinced of ihe rtabute and 6loea of both lehert llunlett to uw umisoa fialur day lutlew aaaussbsl hasaas la lbs bod uc might ttud a bunch of grapes a cucko bill a small psu sod a mllutooe arcordtog to uojd ida in umlth writing in llygals utg ailne uany parts of tbe body ware al first named by ihe old itomace sod uw flrwks for the cotornoo place 00- wta thai ihey teemed to rwemble tbe touch of gntpes or iu asm ineana that ta latin is tbe red lot of ibe palate tbe utut il bsnga down frum iks sort patsu as s bunch of ctapea would hang betweto two uattm te cocrjs cutkeu bui id latin was uamed because tke run store of theee four bones it tbe end of tbe writhm iolumn were thought to tack like tbe bill of a cuckoo tba bstajut is the movsbu boss in lbs kaea- patrlls lu latin suaos a oalaas ls c tplaia is tba dried milky juice of be uortpa caps u tea of a poppy walcti for ibis product has been cultivated through many centuries uvery ilea of pnppy lj capable uf leldlng ii to a greater or less sinal upturn u procured by making luclsloaa lo tbe poppy brad or capauia taking cars not to penetrala us catty tbe juice then eiudea la dmpa and after being al lowed 0 remain for a day upon tbe edges of the imulon u scraped off a brownish jeluuke uatertdl aa lbs soft ooluai accumulates it is molded into roundlab lumpe or irregular out leuod cakea of various ale unj put iialde to dry wbso of prom r cunstat tiuy it is generally wrapped tu laavei und sent to markvt nobody loves a fat man koept his grocer aacteat stacssa h ctuhkux nputed to aavft been tba rii heat man uf his time anmased a lrtut fortune by his ingpoluus opera 1 loo of a private lire department la nld home when a lira would break out be or one of his agents would rutdi to the uwtur and offer to buy tbe burning structure at a er low llffurt ihe uwtur uuuall uoutj sell for itlmnst nothing to get some aultugo thtnuihin lysssus would call up his lire brigade and lo many cases put ut ihe blase in ibis way he became ttntr of a great muuy buildings it is hinted by early writ ore that wbso luiuliietut uti dull his agents may have had a hand lo starling an occasional ronrtagrslloa wssaaa sufrags u 1tt why has it never iwvu imaglnel that ihs right of election ntiould be eltmud to wouuol ht but he- tuutu h hut law of nation and per haps ulwi li the luw of nulurt that set ta di m nth nt on ours und because tin rtfure their tolce would he gov- trued hy the relation in which they uland in utmloty thervrore it is sir that ulth the aittptlcui of coin punier in uhhh rigid of nllug taerel af ftnta prniwrly it tuts never been in the couteuitlutlon of the most absurd iliihiriuia to 1 vtend hit vletlle fruo- i iiim in the other tux fharles jumss i oa lu hivatb on iurllaiiipitury lis- funo 1tot sslasrlfiriaj stsfogilaoct u ujuxi- wbrk of ah a btttmbrf of tke ocdrrj cjs oy or adjwa it ull to ue iti wt4 tats of ike auet bstlful uaruli to a wotaua ta asltsctv sbywbsra tw etvrplwe of luli klaudeaj la ituk tk rtwttsry lo u aaklagtoa it waa u lirts tul llwry atuau uar- rled uarus hwtr tke dabgblf of hhrt wuiutu lticfr of iwtsl irw afj uwy ud id utuklngtca joka luy lie lft lk cojala tkfil ubeee kid ba wll a sailc tb u tkat over wklcb tiw p15ed tkoaa wee tbe ari of ike rlca utletar s adsma hay and lxaraf suag iuo aa aad his wife uad to r losotbw aad ride tototksr gad tkt aiueuttoa ronsitiulsd a urg 0h cf 1lir llt u was u tawfl ubm utlar4ujt wa tuwicg lks wu vkowo adjacent kauaa of hay aaj atubae tkat ur adams w ud ud u ui tvtaitb dld soddaaij aadr psjujly tragic rlrruautanc u lbs tit la dcud by all johtwno tke hlunriao aaaato k1ly stricken at off ta japan with john lpdrge aad la uw iuu rata into rtaiiart wllb tka 04- satsl kgblt i cualetajatua of iks mlgsa of jlf knd drslb yrt ld aaial41sdaai rvirvaweled ta keaia aa4 kaaakled la todvmed u klai aad adaasa for aa sadariag aaasteeouea s yorsyte said oaly etl aj si tut say tkat it is grrart- e tkaaga oosvat kkook ood etiads a book bsfcr tay y a i feo lnuntosr hill lhd 6vu and on toy hear mids mvj wk ty what his windblown pa uu thoustl trwa tucjaow i kid a tlowa whow djaa haw inade hlia worse thaa ley ttw wtuie x wand- up god down i giw no had to whit uwy ay v turn tie frod th4y fjlh woida tu nd ttw fcrtirfllnea of ood wuhio il book eg sitag uma of uw and beooka tiw frsarvns sod edattr lvam krabrr a8ltl train2 oclock ky iujaiktrl at ludlow m sasaaaug frwsual cavktl buut ly eaallsl kk tke rhsteail oil i lard built by ruav arg tveur 6 uoa la oa of tke stost ptrtureaue rains lo rraare today it u ketsa roosa sod parts sag waa built by the higllkb klag whs u said lo kave ba his own trckltsct kt was erected la one yaar with walls 14 ft thick bltbard railed it ku tuucy rwaite as it was built la dd are tvf phtho acgutu king s praaca vu4m tba wock klag saw it k vowsd 1 will lake it were it aude sf iran to wklcb hicks rd rtulad and i wui kald u were it road bolter bjcbsrd dld la llfio aad iullp took ike rafaite hy stage but tbe gar- riaoti aurradrd oaly at the pot at usrtattoa heary v af coguad retook tbs raatla aftar a auge of 18 bsootba wkso ue rocaa wee eora out with which tks bealagad drew ws tsr froa tba wsll tbe raatla was caa aldersd tba beat spectmsa of ralllury arckltsrtura la europe ftatwy otaile reauiasd lauct aatll lau wbeo hleg usury iv of prsana dlasaatlad it uot a stroegas tbaa k tarn it loto a ttroogtutl city af issatartal the rlty of the urdlcl- daata ba- eacrto ravonarou luphaal aodsatsesa of otkers mighty lu us rsoalssaam boat aster ha paassd by no auttar what your lotarsst in ufa plotear haa something far you when bayard tay tor was there ha tald it waa thecbead- ssi aad aaot harming city la karoo he break fasted for bva caata dtad for twelve csau aad saw ik aoara swsry sight fsr ten rents la good seat it u yt a goad rlty to lie la if yoo waat to uva wall and at amall cost her jou ran wander ow tba pool areata track soma of th work ur uu baelangrlo meat osorg k9 lots itorsola walk ta tha vary homes of pus galileo lira brown lag amerigo eapncci and dear ik arno see where ubslley wrote al awat famous oda eichange law te ciw loilass law against nudity oa to public streets during daylight boor one adorned ordinance books of pkoaals aria il was dlaclotwd lo a survey uv isnded tn ellmlnste regulations af honwanilbugg days the iswa ap piled to indians who cam ta tow virtually dakid in the good old day it nlo was ncviaury old records how to curb tht indians in other waa ilrass was gm 10 the indlaa ao be thought nothluti of feeding hla ponies on ihe curt fully tended iswn of a prominent hiueti ho a isw ws puased agulnat millng indian pools on prltatr lawua und another nne waa snaitetl buying thst horses and ehl he ahoutd not be narked oa side walk a two burglars had tflfperlenoed groat troublo in brooking opan a safe at uit they auoooadad fluwwth b1u 6asiwd one it a full of ooppew vus eatd oiu iweolng through tlie window an aoa the street now you men roared the sergeant- major aa he il tan tod the oomparur you will parade again at two oclock precisely and when x saya two oclock precisely i dent mean five past x means ave to pond mother u hope my ubue darling haa been as good aa gold all day nurae no maanb he wot off tbs tfiid outtdahl about qtea wew ue fee wstsr ctstl itsed h ute llih ion lu us aevaral eenturlra before thrut the water 1 1 m l ba become t ant ntlsl in tbs bian- iifititurt of paint li la declared tha slmpltat mrnna of testing ever invent ed the old with r ilock was a rone with a tiny hole in the bottom which uhen inserted in a jsr of water was known tn all to a certain level with in an hour in its ncu field ihe coo is inserted in vartng graitea f paints the ltfa1hia of which are measured by the length of time it take each ample to nil ihe cone to a certain lettl iopiilur methaiilih sluusila caterpillars eara ratirplllurn huve shown the ahlllly ta hear trlttln wiuiula remilt in and drn moemt nta of he itody bui where are tin ir eamt i km tor ulimlu ixterlnii ntu bhoutil unit hie enter pllluru wnwof hearing ta aided hy hiilra ihul iihtiorh no unit lo prot ttil exttrlinentera route he hiitra wllh ululluc or ui ighled ttieni with uater or flour or ev mi limed hum off then when tioltes uere made ihe tnterpllhir dlil not re spond the furl that itu hair had keen deadened made it deaf mother oladya x saw that young adams boy kiss you i x dldnf think lie would dare do audi a thing i atady nor did l in fact i bet him a pack of cigarette he wouldnv ham ttuu doctor jan t much good or he wouldnt keep you here in this climate to oonvaleaoe hed send you co california 1 jim lie certainly u a good doctor and whats more hes smart x tiavent paid him yet teacher in bookkeeping what la a debtor witty student a man who oww money tearjier and what is a creditor wluy btudetit a man who chinka ba u pug to gjai kt back 1 idling llafnwi aouujiy liar ru1 br tke arsa i latro fella you v ktajy got 40 awt ray iirl its bee vlsli to new ttttrk tsk kr u tad al ike uiu i ii ttiett you ik i at it la id a deuce if a rutkl boa i say i ty lurl lad bretjua bopeuvajj xh yes lull had uoppsd laal aaaagh l stoot hack at hla tvala te u clock tlrsad t eairsl ifedlaas lastght fclloa dark hair strati tkat was bow it hapfttwd tkat tay nairart was trying to st every teashock train arrtilrgil tbe oraad oeatfttl termlnat he dtda t ka fa she was coral ng froi aad woret all be had forgotten her aaaw al though h had heanl bill sseauaa it several uaua lie had awt tw irtla kar alauat everjhody had baaa ta4 hy mead or seemed to baaw atacuy ikey were going not every oa i hough tuay gfe- twoacked thre brunetlh k had aeetaed a bit oadectded kat aarb aaa wj froua hiss with a glsrw alt lad ke rould make his rarefully kweoared speech 1 k jsur pards vat was bui peltoa ut mm ysav aa toay anprnarked uu third trala k as t award ly mutttrlsg darned aid fl w ky ctolda t ke da ku awa ahrty work i give up tku task fe- fjulrea super human pawers list k sulc4 thst ss he was rather tardy la approaching hla third ira la saoet af tha raatwrigera had left thotw tkat resaalaed were rhsttlng ellh friend wb had awt them all ficept oa a silsb dark girl or median height wllh aa aderahle notw of course thought tatty hsrcourt wllh a lesplag of hla smlam that is sll tbe desrrtpttoa that gtrl would need i ve krea wast lag tlate nhe wsa looking ahool la a punled hurt alsanst frlihteued way aad be approached her utlh his rare- fally prepared afwech i beg year pardoa bat was lr lull oh yea cried ttw girt relief and toy lo ihe lovely eyas raised i hla tha bill send you i waa just about to sptxal to the traveler aid new tark is rather overwhelm tag wheo ysuv never heea here before tut wr it certs inly u agreed tony hold tag close the amall gloved hand ah had siren him im awfully forry ta b ute bat bill gave me ik sketchiest daattftntua aad dlrettloos in hsa try lag to asset sll th two a clack tralaa ruddenly he realusd that they were still steading lesklagitaach other and that he still httd bar hand tha realltatloo cam t bar at lb ubse hate and ska rfllsred aad with drew il thea ksth laughed toa turllng you darllag oh d luus luck said tony to mmaslf hat aloud be said the program is tsa at the ruts whar bill will jala ua at bva ob grand r eculsed bui gfrl happily wouldnt he jost tblak af something nice like that but w hava lots af time haveat wt do you kaow what id like to do frstt rd uk ta driv around ontral park tke train waa ao hot aad dusty and pv alwaya wanted to sea ceatral park ceatral park it skill be said tony ha would have driven bar ta alaska if she had asked kiss a whea bnally established in hla car and while he threaded bit way through tha iramc hs said now i can ee why bill mentioned uu ass of aura that was really tba eaty d sertptua needed rh brought her shining eye hack troaj thatr eicltcd still dfllghted scrutiny of nee york to taugb up at him t kaow she said i ve often theoght of wearing a mmk but but imagine bill really noticing my aoael i can ha told her i waa plan king to hava a cast mate of it aad erected her la ceatral park gee im glad bill couldnt get oft to meet you ho am i she said softly aad ha thought is she feellag it too tloah 1 cant aland bills having her any how 1 11 have three houn of her that 111 never forget he drew up la the skill f a rr that alnod guard over a small pond iv you knou h said i dent even know your name nancy alio said and he loved her hit sum utie only old him her first name as thnuuh that waa all that mattered between her and him bhe had taken oft her hat aad tha breeu blew hir soft dark curia flha waa ao ao everything he hud alwaya dreumed a girl should be ills tlmo with her waa so short t nam he wild suihlrnty lts rtall talk tell me what hooks do you like do you bellcv in cod ilou many eggs do you uk for break- fap it was shrthirty when hey reached the hits ton stopped at the eav t ranee nuiuyl oh naniy why are you an- gagnl to bill petton ho inked tense ly gripping her arm hill pulton 1 eitlulmtkl nancy her eye wide hnguged why there soma mlutalfe im hill keltona ajj tarr gsdki cvr vo aavwe wtntlwtr tastu in kiiglunil hau gar- dena covering 70 utroa of which 23 are devoted in vegetable there u one flower imrder which la u00 yard loug and in feet wide ou each sjua at i b ifrakg 1