Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1933, p. 4

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p 4 the georgetown herald wed needay evening octobe t lllh 1933 ktrr tn woeid u full erf ruu my lad hr b and fern dep and twry rut 1 full trf folk as rd aa thy can hwj- out her a lb plain true ho f sc c without no if r0 buia th lord ooot brtid no drrrkks hound to hi at rjk out of ttuu- anon- are you satisfied to do without bathroom convenience and without uptolate kitchen facilitiet or other moutii requirement that runnlfig water lu your home will intlantly make available to you price have never been tower for caut41fiu emro- ouahty bathroom equipment and duro automatic puibpbz byfterat- r 18775 tu ii i ni wi a 18275 tu derosorriil pttbolag 8nuh at c j taring a cepa- u ol ho sali prr hour coolfle whb jo gtj caliulud teak a or 0 cyu 110 veil factor coilt oi 9000 write for fr qleitfilrd fcooklm oa bethaon eqiuomrel or flu suoouri ceir tlw niynubit both ca pump aad balhrooai plitarra may be arriard fe sale by g r muckart plumbing ttnsmlthlng electric wiring radio taj stavlea hcla furai and gunuy beoen mass m5 eo umttto fwaate wlriliif veaeaaw it dotful to chicago bv bus excursion fare 1105 return tickets good for 60 days infotnutloa tad tickets u w longs georgetown central ontario bus lines limited bay and bloor sts toronto clerks notice ot first posting el voters list vtun lie 1ul matauteaihy e r anil iter cbuy af haliea notice u hereby gitfeo that i have compiled with section 0 and 10 of the voter uit act and thai s haw poat- d up in uy ouoe t btrarttowrt on the 3rd day of october 1mj ots hat cf all persona etuitled co vote in uu miirwy for esambar of par- oment and at uunldpal baotionb aa appears to be entiled to vote ae- cording to th hut revised bmmafraav roll and that auoh list ranalna then for impaouon and x hareby oall upon all vour to cake mmnf prooiedlnge to haw any errore or vm las lone oomoted ae- cordioat co iaw appeala to bt in with in 31 day rrom tha tfd day of oco- br 10u datd thla 3rd day of ootobsr ittl3 i u nrnnttt 26 totoiulp olatk concrete work i aa pmpand to do oobanu vorii of all kind eaiiixiateb given free ol cnurce if you rmtilr anythuyf to utto um none i s walker omfgi ml h c bailey electric wiring and repairs pfaoaa 232 georgtowi or landb in akueajtsfob taxxtl in tub 1owm of akottoittown notiob u hereby ilvtn that a aabj or landa in arraara for taua will ba hald at tha uunlol- nal offlom oaorttatown on d gaoawaar caj at 10 oclock aw an adjouram aato if nou- aary will be held at the aime plaos and hour two weeka later thaie landa are advertlaed in the odtaho oaaette luuea of beat md tth lath and 13rd a llat of the landa ler ule nuy be aeen at the leunkrlne v b iiabluflolf autuat mrd m waauuer r eui ymia coucoai 1 free 50 lavkuaaol indigestion it- wlavfri akk t mfmtwkt ihn i il nn il w ntatw miuutkat 8ut jf im ujnium tralllilli to btoualita am l fmimj tuf fmuu 1 tbawr w 1 wfcultj kvliu4a u iwifut 4au lab khty uj ufmitk u utla u u mtjfcitf toualka u n ulej alluflttu taf ckaualua w- llft kavll mijmul j maam wr tmj foahllli uii kia mm imtyamtlv yfctf u nht wu auar tiuiiini a hj laab ikw tw atuar uu flhhlal awafi avm kfcmfclj w wnawj unbituwi u ju u v juf ku but umily lla ktoulkatodav lr mly lb rhh tku ijf wukjaim i ii u imw today itvj u bij ml now w ui auaavft ctavlamni iiimlfc imitau 0uy i fo a cuuomet l sbjm0tubc0uion j ivijiu waij kmt otmutoali dlicbu and dfahu to dig old om 00011 euuroa cuaiwd on ahott aotloa alaa whm vahhyr tad any tbtr wotfc doaap- jaumwuiiaua ib oao a k oouun oshkkal fbdcstno uftvioil oaoaral trucking at all uaua 0 tatbai wiwd bjijiv a pon sj1 oborokrxolbs a runt comnwod ur to th rtind thai ootti wtun 1 aw 4id and kxh and hiih tlw tnffulh of uy wh 11ir mftrto of hi cwd who ciliflly fchuiuih ult1nt tiiroiiti at pkihiivi gay ivh and coa to glij a tcaibv hour aitd ipvf hi latah to trv oobuttful fce to uau ffiwoua heirt wtiich uk k on hh up fu ah uau udvauyu tafow to tvcry ctiajut of wttow fividhjy io not fid br whmi wintry umiwu low iku lutf lh wlnur ifv u i ktiur thrauah tlw vorf 1u rus no wtth ih fluiin uortt ttlt bfks fcoiuaro uy lki imga bht ui voundvd bird lulli uid tani to die 0i tufh a frmul w to tn tnjth wylavuw 111 lot buy u a rilabov on uv tiann of lli an ancjaor on ll w- uward trend now under way liow e w ayootji awd huvscix- knv banktulb f tv5hjlt imawntttu riotlufm ttu prim uiautft cwiawit and mcoufavginj ttaxrmrnt tntroduftm tlv rv pomaolon loan h t try poajufr and favouraiaar faactlon uuouihout tht country iii ctju rrpriinn of hi oonvlftlan that r- rmf u undr r tofthtafr with the tvetlrno h citrnt hiv mlouljxed a ftowln uvwr of oatlmlgw to txtai- ru ctrcl vhlch u ntuhea in th cubtolptlon to th hrm laoan ttir hu alo bo vklrapnod cndorvmffu of hu vvw ttiit jthoih utf road may b lona and proiroa alo th ftiua of thi pa t u month aptutar to driaohurat th tncrutor ttumj that uu docnvam inad haa ooaw to a feflnllt ucq and that tha upard und la la piugta horn amnmua of tha oobsk from pkkdkvnt oanadtana fouov itotwurabu r h rhodrf ulnltar of ftneuvw a canadtana ut all ahaisa in th wot of rnoouf- mem that th wtma uinlur tui lnptjd by fau fatauascaot rvajatdtaf tha lanrfowewnt tn burfna ooodi uona throughout thl country u ha callad our attmakn to todlcauoni of rmowry that hav bwiom livmag ly 4halt 4lh fuch auflowdlng month and vtikh hiw bam co aa- talnd and eonjatnt that onr out bo loragtr doubt thrlr alinukaoea ttfjuu frillf nrr sir thoma wwif vopflont canadian llank of oonunrrar 1 fulty ocnrur vtii th uatteunt of th prim uinjuar a to tha upturn which hu takn plao prottaalvaly oanadtan buatnm durtna- th paat fw buhuha in almost rvrry bknoh of tha oountrya kaomle aj thtr hu bun manhw a alow but ataady ad vanoa rrom tha low point of tut apru dawpm adntrw crop oarkuaoaa i iviund during my rwomt tour of th watt net cnly a cplru of oonnovnw but quit noorvabu aiu of improve mvt profambor ollbrtt jaekaon dtrwtor of tha ooursm in oamnwro and hn- ano of th dnlwraity of tbronto and eooraomlat of th bank of kovs 8ootu th wry traprrtu atatanat made by th prtnt lcnlaur wlih iwlvranob to raoant unprovcinvntj in oanada u fully vaudatad by th faot hot only hv tha phyaloal voluma of buona and produrtlon tnctfawd atnot kmtru- ary by thlrtyfour pr orfvi but an vn motw enoouratina point la that tha prloaa of haalo eomadttla hat rlcan apiroxlmatty in th bum njv thl haa bara follow by maikad tn- craaab la bunufaeturttv aotlrtty rn in eonitruouon thar ara tjna of toa- provamrnt liiai aauouranx of all to th toeraaam oaaindwo of tha pubtla in th buuauoa wldnaad by thatr tneraaaad raadtna to cpanal th rata of tumovar of bank tvpoait haa in- cmaaad vtry impldty ta th aprlnff fgibriial u ttitbh ui w wuaon vlotprarfdaot aad oanatal uanaacr of tha itoyal bank of oanada tha prima lfioktar ha auoud a to ahow that chcra arw daflntib aisna of trad oanada but la my atatlatlos do not fully raftaet tha ta ma moovary m ooimae the j hftaet tha tm- lwtwmaot whioh haa oorurwd wt theiw aiw atlu a numbar of cloud on tha buatnaaa hortaon notahtr tha lo price of whaat and th partial eroa railura bualna thrauahout ouuda haa anown a- definite and tn a num ber of tnduatrtea a marked iflwiovv- mont and my oanfldano tn a con tinued upward trend u tjtiwstnanad by th background of what baeme to be a donu worldwide moowmv it would b fooueh to minlmla the eati- outnaa and extant of the probumi m1u f adivr ua but the evidence of tm- provemaot vtu enable ua to tackle thaw with vjwater haak and aptrtl we are now offered an opportunity to ahow our oonndano tn ouruime and panada m eupportlna the oovemment in 1u eaaentlai financial oparattom dominion of canada band are he which ib thb retteb bybwmt the depraexlon hu already added co the number who follow the mode of paddhng from door to door trytni to majoa ltrtrw and the ivonaeach houaflholdera kami aau irttr wood for sale oholee alaaie uardaoed and oaiar balla at riahl brloai ordua left at a uumea or at uy hoaaa rhona law nroontly attended to a uvmawohb wood for sale oholee hardwood beaeh and ibau at um per ewd uuad wood zw par oord nalli h60 par oord i aaukdvono fkaaae tan ar thj wood no 1 uardwoad beaeb and naasle uo0 hardwood hatha and attaad wood bw balla hju any nuenttty a la blooka ol bakhrood for ouabae haateia ajm mete are lor wood delivered hue wood i always dro u it la kept under flower man hrll houuholdrra have inadelahetr of empathy for the eanvudrhaa craaam the number of ftnnvwio ak to oamtallae on the uaxhunate clreumstanoa of thee lnahuasts oat a market for their amda w have every aympathy forlhe tndlrl dual who hard preued ta atoidjl of eoonoouo atreee turn to houaeto hou oanvaatfiw in an effort to earn 5ssss t hody and eoul to r5l yl n evmnathy with uie mmr wno seek to flivl a mtirat for their ware by aalk sfk fympaihy which the avenue hoila- hgdamuwor thoae in anfjrtu the uutnaai of jieddltng haa today reaohad auoh proportion that the paopla muat decide whather or not they want it to continue if we want u buy evarythlnv from a ataody btwam of paddleib on the etreet we onjy 5 j to flrt tatkma5 jo the bau rtnmra on the other band it we reel chat the mercantile ayatam which haa bean built up whereby we may eo to coad atorea and purchase what we want uhen wa want u u a- moiejjeirawe svatam then wa muat join handa to uitoouraw the buelneeu of door to door paddllnr baifhenea daar colyum weve sot elftht chil dren at our house now do you think thats too many for a family nowa- dayat northalda willie anawer yoa id aay wlui ootidhloni u thev im now youre a trifle owr- korkftd the oolyum arooer what can i do for you maaml new brid- not bum what aw they eattna thl fllt vktncrlcmna lu rl lw sopy uttu 3oi tl fv i- grvjl iluinu in luii llltla louii f kulitjvat of uta ttalif ikatl qtt lul ul liuuim w ftr trot the way of rullriwjj 4i 5d ummuu tntle it u of 1 1 1 i iuwe uf i la tudur tluda al lhoiil ilat ur f rwirw m twu btd- tnj ilwthliisai hulrfravv wi i llumd 111 ilae7 fwa ljy twt ttt mhirw fttirfj if hir katuid aoavotutra vli n u millet u tv4uuwr h4 uuul tu blfw uow rlib wu tb luiel r bla ruo4ut hut tle i nun ylilhib enll leiiwilti le tba lilttliriiiu uuwid nm kwlally roiuvrb i unill 11 uuai pure uawo ly lawtvo- waimlijiiciua lahj u viaa lwt4- lliaer of ullau ljuea it la t o oenlulttj lurl ly rxtvci tbtwjll lalluee itjt tils jwrifv wtjatjiyils dwj aw u dlrvt fcuwuf vf u uabmcfuc kuj llaeil htaiitb tfcajiaj ly ttdlu 4f defl lartuialtd la llol 4 e klff to rett lt liiirvd lv mw i o lv iwi btw1 vaguh- ixviiiiij jaiiua 1r ue ixtawd by flu lieillaji wmuv votmiary rouuuittwi lu 1u14 aluug utile ua rj cf land titul 1 aitvlaf tw lu it hujgrtivi lo illulloje iii l 0 actl frattr of hteft ruet law fufl l- cf atejdav 4nwhtao rrttvaadfcl ilid u14- fultw woart put up poawdry caha8 8lta lhlibo f lie tvlamlllell tktlf tl- ua il tului rttk uu away tt i 4 g ialt tr daj gjfculu and if la i i it n- itm r lubrudt vttal fii a i mb to gbloll lita wir w djhgltars urt frvta foim rli aad ulet i utv i ulod rvpusilj to ii l i dtuijjiq lloeuaj ivjur t4- luirtrra ui ihis tvaada kae tide iu i4i j a aute hahkdyyailuk aa v t ikuklb lullcgiua kad lac by mm tuylna to arurttwr eatlfa ub j i at la of th kralcahoair bl taat l1tv tibiuii oo doa d4et lilua uu fcplff all bu oohdlj l kjtrwijoa t pua nukitig loalrus lutfwj i aula pfuituevd a tvirfe ut card ad i dtumttervd tliiil tl casiw played on ttrusr pakfr i had lb irtutee rvturnd to it tormar oswr tod la f iruwd tl aiil tint caatjiaj u tofu eod taum 1 1rt ore raaa ll sea at ui inquiry tat 1 uird f llu oar ewrlnua kaaitllaf tataad i am unaware wl ntw pulgitay er puljaiidy iijia rfuoog bay wbr f lti trllm tti iktltaaglng cf trlv iii burv r iitaavoa oerrurrtr4 rbo wubwo niimnntly kae no volfe la tha nutlfj lialr bttf ataraly bay lb liuaind earaular rur faotaath rutb d wild ruut fur tfc moat baabtlfau eaav ll ruloa of ikomrli it la bmdfal to lourney ty water to lb rocky ula af liurrltujm aoulb of hvrdo but w- l gti g to uiotaaiii tor reeiorua itw uliod balougcd to tha amfcbufc prir uf lund and wa the raaaa f many a battle with ivanuli blags bat jar ibm it hx two part of do mark ubthbar you go to tbe ijtti nihjog lllar awng tb roast or fla il ua largvr towoa tach aa uooaa ro ur nrso tht last twin tbe blrtkplaoa r tb ootelut ksio yua will ftad it a ullgbtfui place for a holiday it aa floe nbix logical and arrbaologiraj ra- nutlua btiutlful furiwta and baelfcar- tud qu r wblcb tirrtfb for rail inuring lb iamiur the gardca are ublatav with cuior uxrbanxa racaaa 0wmfa9 tli toman tin jj i re orlgiaatad after tb haul uf actlum ik c ii aad ibe dwllo bfgao with iba dalb of uar- ct aurvllua m a d ttobtrtbatlaf rausm through the crntuiim were tbe aggraaalte tnflni of large aambare of icrmad rotua boatll advance ef lb ierbleiqa laurnal dlaaaato ra itili of th rtrovlncm lugtaftlag bbdar lullogbbalna of nrlrntal rttaa and iwviu rapugtuint lo th itoaiaa toplei b paalliwlu- which lahed 15 jvara aad raniad off ooakalf of tka iatubltabta of th empire tbe lata ticn of lb ilotb and liana aad ibe tiaal aethvaatito of vandal front af rtca- tb bd be roraaa eetptra f tbe wki wa practically cooiduta by a f 47a ceaalaa weraa tlaa dwam is a ar of drought it la bard to ivmamber thai to narmal aaaaobb tiure are usually many million dollar ntlna that ta turraatial downpour which carry ton of top soil off be fiirma into th irvama and rivers a huiimr especially rainy years the an nual losa i retktioeml la billllona of hms of good fa roil na land which tenluully i carrivd out to aaa thl unhampered eroalun 1 largely doe to the denuding of furrsta at tha baad w iters of atrvama and too the firm tn caftrai have don utile to pr- veot heat washout in thalr own lirlria tiie moby loas la said to rvah chjiikmlm h r kichtng tslarasaae oaverwar n hn oeorgs ultcball troop as- warht nfor ih dwiraia uglslatara in 1kj3 to take tba oath of governor lliough ii a a raw cold day in no vember h wore a round jacket of coudii tliuh a black casalaura utt yellow nanktten trouesrs ellb hoae ilniirlng pumiui and a large white hat wrltra june iloberta braltb la tba attuittu journal tht white hat ba held in hi hsntl and gestured wlih while ha mad hie speech to tbe tagla- in turn truly tbla erect virile red beeilml hluecyed man wttb bla aide- burns and hie peculiar attire uust liuti mud un unforgettable picture uuft day accidents and comknbation during sepuanher there ware sttb aooldawata raportad to the woritmena comnaiuatlon uoard 33 of these be ing fatal ceeea aa compared with sjum aodldanla during auguat and sjca during september last year the baneoba awarded during sep tember amounted to blooialso of which ujojttlm aa for oaupenaa- tlon and uieiis for medical aid this yeava record to date ahoww a total of 7339 aooldenta wporied aa against 31 ml for the aame period of lou and the total beuatlui awarded tauinuis aa oompared with is- iu0buj1 co the end of fjentember 1933 one young lady eaye tha only way ahe can bring her thrifty trtmabheatt to hli kneae la co drop a penny on the floor teacher junior give me the da flnltlon of e kksieiottt junior u ekalaton ta a man with hu inaldaa out and hie outaldaa oir rvelka who insist tha world owes them living aa a rule aw too laay to to out and try co collect the blu knees would let herd0wn rkeumaiiam for 12 year lln u b wkr that boa lo pcw thmt vj rhvuaiajjwa of kvng uand- in can be rlwvd by th rig uu- toml 1 haw fcn a uirr from rheum- atlaai for uoie 13 to 14 year no and have tooluhly uknt do alrpa to re- 1ww it u pbjrucuuj fond of hu- uatltni btanxfed to uka the uu out of by htend and krws tlv uurr would uddaly give my and tt toe down uawai a chair or ujbw f handy at at oner i drterrtaud to give kcrucchon bajts a trial a bona ride trial and now i fj a recrtaaud balng i cmj scarcely ullrw that to ihort a tliis ao i wa hobbtlaet akkva wuh a ik ural ifut kruihn u hcco idiut rfcw trarioi bvcraiha ua tl afts tiinutlwac3 ui liwr and fcda- to iwuux ac tion when thfwrf organa ar work ing mowttiy thy rid uva body of rtumj uric ac4d and rhn uric add go- ihow arhj and palna o coo tljfa thai inwta ar men- ta wo i j iivsaia erv nviieilug li u in ul utb wi buueulo tit u le uw a f a uv llairik tt4lna3d of il t kjlt jf 1vi j t tl v i ilaltauad mbo j 4- u a u- u llfr win i uf i awefa irimilu tv tvml lujj smb n inwitlaild ilai im day nian in uulft up i t fliwt itiul h haa vm itla i hrf 11 r ii alatrtb wl i tlv in tl u llat umi la tltahr tgooaiiuv lakr iu wvll argtifalied uwaw to hjtit ttabae1 lurtikvrv ul ilvy vt ril u hut ua lf i ralua ufiir lb war euquiiua hvrv uiiuiuvio lo iji ian i tlj eiery ftrurili or bflb areii i aa lo titlltti by iuw i am tu4 a uairaaungvr tbsl era mtt vimitlkt mir tuier umj fur km jr l4b jij it l h wjd of tb m rid will iuji b ttad by lacb b linili n enlwu4kur fleioil but hi il aaevi tuucf uf tl loutt aurid atrr man kixu situ urjilrnm local author ilvoi imugli ittst ty sr dtnlng hmhkuiti nlrfi i satnunly sirs mfita bllh ikuruffln lu thr igiiuranr ihry leate elon large rait of ground ubrre tooaagulloa brwd id nhual aa fw rockmarbre ibre are csm sw jeu could not get ttvn out of a build- lag ulllmut pulling tl dawb rvby ar inx1a d feat tog fitsol lucsus all of their brains areifut d to tbe ni i ii ilih uf uf to astls fytng bangvr and ih welfare f tbe spwlee still man a brain is dlul nted lo vartno 04 er tut rt a million m mabava ooee savraty saeuve a mllll 11 it hum 14 rruo uter fr rblr ara of s nian life eeroiu jln on er ixmi al least it liam htm fr ui immeesa s mount f atulet h amuiuullloo to hla aramnal acalaat tan ttennlly tunw i hlloaopt rr iblnk 1 the greatest iimk tby hste aured it but at ih aarrtftc of rvtnthlog rla tliey ha uiually beo looely a4 impecu aluoa herejtia doe caubot imagloa aioch asraoll ir rq parsooal comfort wttboul muny now tab a mil hob dollara and tf yoo doot court trouble b trying ts tacreas it it drivae awny rooet menial duirsaa and brightens every hour of tba day w do not adore wraith but we understand ms i b port a hce it ts worth while not in he but bared by the vicutltodm of life and most of lhra can be eluded with a mlllloo dollar tber ar more hallatujah and fewer mh hades r wllb il one nay be freer and leas hmimlocuiory in ike espreaslon f oplnloa aod car- tataty tber ian t any nruw f or a re pentant altitude toward tb nilgbly wttb a tallllun you sr some what nighty yourself bt iul globe daeaocrst vrb bauk ib lite t nllnl hialea lunly at re- vlrsl tneathigs in churches taota and etaewherr u btn h or row of camp chairs is plutvil directly baoaatk too lalfomi gr pulpit and reserved fr lhase who wish lo com forward at ih close of tb pre char eihortu tlona to ilerlsre their o and saov forglroeaa uf tb lard the bencti or row uf chairs a tha res may bf is railed the awunwra beach tbe mourners bench was vary much in tvtdenc a few ars ago at the re vival gathering addressed b the lati dwlght u miumi americao evangel ut who aald the devil howls in rage whan be area rvptntant timers crowd ing the mourners btneb utararr ihgest castala kuj m recent blouruptterw uf tuptatn kldd state that he was not a ilniti and thai lbs ships ho took wire lawful prtseu t apt u red in his legal rapariiy as a prl iater the clisrg uf arising two hips uf th great mogul iiuild havo iveen met at his irlul by th production of two document a which kldd had tak in from llws atilpa und which he italmed provthl lliui they were aallliui under commlmlona issued bj the kremh kast india romiuiny whb ii made them tuwful prlsee 1 luite do umanla kuij had handed tu ida patron laord itrtlouiunt and thiy wwro out dla- rovered until sum jtk mrs liter tn the public records office flevea agaa la glass th window iiiplillnil llu bva ge of man wua pluivtl in the lluly trinity t hutch in luiki wwaroa birth place klruifordon dii by amirl cans ititrv un tight luinela in the window hut ua the two tup crntir pan la rtfir to nl n ug the sown ugea ur tliua riprtui tilil the h ut ile i charm tru n r w nil tiff tin huveo gi ur ua fiiiiuwa tin infunt unseat the kthmi1iu kaniuel the lver jucoh lhi knldht juahiia tbe justice ynloiimiw i hi hllppunni pan taloon atirnliitm ruiiia kyes kubb twlh hans ker tiling luuuc suwjaallh of stall technicians un- tvitniluinu many atepa that make up ttu wmml prihae with tli nhjwt nrnvircoinluu llmtdla turtilng acrtilili hint hlittli ulilt h often nccoiiitiii video riprufliiilun with out lajlnir ilului tn suh riiiiltiru pnw- era the viigliui ry uro miiv tliut uucb nolmtw will umui 11 imi to tu iruuule- onie fhcturv nothing rudlcut may be eupwlttl in aiuihd hi ins the yeara iieare hut u umull inwtitlim her an ftitiovutlim thtrt will m improve r cordlug uml rvpriuluttlutt that the ul tlmutt goul nf iwrfociluu will be up 6roarhd e ere an jtk ere l ftmr btooiis and two bar wra taattt by a parly of alu wursoat nj buutfcra la tbe klpawa dla trkt rueatly tbe tnooa rajsgad hud fifty to flftyelgbt hub haada thl urly success polatii to a feood summi to il dutrlct bortb uf yoatreal cktour 1011 ar tbe datw at for tbe lair rtu i tonal covar dog trlil to be bld at imervllle new urunswlck- uaay wurs ban ua ravceucid rrom dog fan curs u4b la ibe uallt4 ttlaua aoe canada loqulrtag as to tb irtil aad a large entry lut ta e pud rlrit sblpiueot of aaaragv woa jrl klauja onlltlo to la und akoard tb kucbw of fcltttv toottd r5ily has basa aclaow- wld by batter from lb old country tlatibg tkau tk gra arrlkd in eiratutvl eadlliid and u of ekcpllobsl quality ajad flavor aaong tba rct vultoe to crid wi uemortsl park la lb rwahlsllae country of nova iu hu ura- a j lafraar of latola n 1i- bo buabaad is a liwtl diuadut cf kvancoa ufrsaca aa i ojtlcr las isud at tba time of lbs sipuuiou of tbe acadusa- tou wllaoa trsu buir tsb- per butir indian guide aad vu iru aibtorar sorle kbqsn for bli discovery of lak uhilw aad iiwrtie lake is tbe nockua and utt of tbe t anjdun weill c vuji wayeploorer builder paadovr t bearcat olvtd yc4jauy lie uu in tl 7tlb ysar a fewrous supply of brttlaii cijui bsu idvcsudsbl u csa- sju flir herbert auouel uadar of ibe ubaril nartldvbaatary party la tbe iliitub house of cotumonj told a large luaebsoa mctuag of tbe caaajlaa club at tbe koya york uotsl toroato raowtjy tba wortj a largest bub of caa ads 10 feet btgb and 100 loag tulatrd by ilontrsaj artists oa ilacb bancs in lb hall of na tion blcio uoiij pair aa a joint dliptiy o the oomlaloa gov ernment lbs canadian pacific and ibacajglai nstloasl rausaye ouirdad by three red coaled bare of ibe uoyal csnadlaa uoubi ad police it i one of tbe most popular eihlbtt of tbe great fair fur wiiham ukeatoa cailtoa club pali uall laudoa ebo wu ftfaugate ta tb imatlag of tba nihut of pacine hsutlobabald at the tunrf bprtaga hotat ba a- gtui roaily coacludid a aajfim hihlag trip to the upper water of tba w jioab rissr bear parts ltkrisg rubad u in laid sad nor- wi7 bir wlllun stated that tbe fit john llivar salmoo could not b uatsa for figbtlag auaiitua aaj average sue tvschtr mow u i writ tvew co the blackboard what does thai fpur nrialu ibatrbae new teacher most itu pu a ba front of u and ihat haw ver nrlt4 bawslriae loukaily oanne vritrs irwi folia airv0 ou for lb avrok mod time ionian ui draff you cod uot turl tut rouaajolail romiauiislaiiip jual puk up llie telepbout aad fritirjs utrj at youy rjl wkcliirr fisry if v lo kr- kaeitt lownaup of eeggaiy or liatlf coouorka away 16tfaitle0 w asasaiaet la ayv aaw cdj tjliliii tiauioai iiaaf mm mi w luaof faase u saaaal 1 diawfaiwy n a robinson livestock dealer ml bnteher nerval uve stooc trucking all loayu fully inatuej phone gaoefwtowa 101 is commercial printing all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown hrald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving vour patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario i

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