Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 18, 1933, p. 2

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d page 2 tbo geos herald wednesday evening october i8lh 1933 the last three days of silvers annual fall sale thursday friday and saturday dont miu the greatest opportunity of getting your share in the great variety of seasonable bargain in coals dresses and footwear all trie merchandise in our itort has been reduced in price or this sale to thr greatest advantage of cllour customers attow who hi vistud cur star during mr sale could confirm our umlctocnt silvers sales are enjoying eveb4ncreassng popularity rr is to your advantage to buy at such an opportune time h silver where your dollar go ftxtw phone 37s main street georgetown crccory the a te friday october 20 footsteps in the dark mrtury arsau tusii bj4a tligt laurel ot hardy comedy me ond my pal screen snapshot fox newt saturday october 21 matinee 3 mb voltaire irfaltrtfll nu brauj la hib la lie tunlai goorf ailb pitta todd comedy one track minds mickey mouse cartoon mail pilot tuesday and wednesday october 24 and 25 another language uv alay tfcau uutlbj beaajsmy far bin uua a yr eurrtag ushert hlgairy uj uium hay gang comedy mush and milk novelty rough sport dinnerware fresh lemons per doz 16c 2 no i tins corned beef 28c 2 ji lb tins red cohoe salmon 2sc 2 tins crosswise brisling sardines in pure olive oil 25e dunbar brand salad shrimp per tin 10c guest brand choice boneless chicken per tin 29c king brand white meat tuna fish per tin 28c 5 tins brunswick sardines 28c 1 6 oz tin rose brand baking powder 17c 2 i lb pkgs pure lard 10c 3 lb bulk soap flakes 25c 3 pkgs star or handy ammonia 18c fresh clover honey in no s and no 2 tins also comb choice fresh frail and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver will your car start easy with colder weather coming on is your car in shape for easy starting let us change thnt heavy summer oil to a lighter grade and check over the ignition system and carburetor youll be agreeably surprised how much difference it makes to your car we hnve a special low cash price for this tuneup work that even includes charging the battery enquire now speights garage phone 270w georgetown buj ooorm suddenly at scuehener on wdivdy oct lath ibm ury last surviving daughter of uv uf allen coopr of olen wllllams- funeral from th ivsltvno of mr joseph batauinoat owa williams on friday act aoth at pm m- unrot in oleu wliliims txtamiity wiaxbumi in oiwlith general iloottl ca hitutday october 14ih 165j tiublu j wriilitalth hus band of boson condon in kutoslxam wajixta in tory of our tku f4ufr f j warn who dvd oct uui iftsj- as iw uvd u he dud wfiivful loving- taxlafvd- uidly misted by ids family obittjafcy 4iluam btkv oatftvlll ha lot on of ilb b iwlowd and kaiud citlsen tfl uv parsing on gundiiy of william busby a ttwttalvr of uv board of education for 4j years and ehoirtnan of uv board for 36 year th uu mr ikufay bho was sj had uvn ul for uat piu lh day lukering frun piaioukfii- he took a turn for uv wort early hiuruiy and oafyrn tank wi rujard to hi aid but he tkuwd ay at four pm mr kkioay had blljrfd uv lau muting cf uv school board of fctilrh iv was uv oldt bwubry hawing tkrirn appointed as ov of u county councii lrin- rnlatiw lin lk board j ormani tfd prrvtou to that rvr had twn a regular attrndani land wui advaiwd yan took an axlv part in uv buitnrw of th board and hii ow9 cuuiw u tlfy uutrwiu rtink h sotltea out of u bujluoii rrdcou ul utamicjd jostilhiy kiauft ii ikwiiur lid oct wji al iiu hoov in tui ultiuwtxs ytar uurn ui itiucrvlur uolano ur uoulur yujd an acuc port in uv lilvlory ol tummsoto hav- tiig wrved unu u turn and coun- tiuar iiul hrld many otber puouc ul- nora it liad lived tn uu totuluy lor lhuty0v yvara 1u u oar of uv ctuuuu orxau4r and lr many year tianajcr of uv nlaaura 1aiu running ootnpany lie a an acuvc mtmlxt at lund laxv un cluiroh and of iu twmlon and tu a lruuar jor lavnly yar ha aa a maiur of u- a no bchnol lizard ur uoulur la auyvlvd by tiu wtdow uj auoc ooullrr a dauihur lira c j ulyuv and pht gtanddaujlkler of nugarft polii otv alatar lira ofonta ibam nlaaan jaua and a brother william uoullrr in allwrta 111 uoulur aa rlltuiod in ctoorgctown aiul oennd llonnv urae farm at olen wuiiami tviv h had a wry un hrrd of jersey cattv itii many f rlendi in uua twruon doply rt- ffttt tiu dmuh- ubh 10un ltavitt tvatti cuimrd unairvr of uocnje ton mwbvd unu rcipactrd cluxrot en uunttiy oil bh ulwn caruiinr oiniui btiusrd uc of john lattsvili u a ay tu lirr rvtfnr on onlaiiu ducct dacaud uua a daudtrr of ine late lu aim lira itlram umltq and a oom u ijli nuourl ntai ul liar j yean ajo iter urand fjuvr wu a uolud tinniro ljynlut uhe ttua married flj years ajfo oct tjui io ur john uavlu and bad tn a rraldrnt of oixucclown for uv put u yar bcdca hrr liua- band xv u aurvitwl by onr ion ur cbace lfavltt of toronto and on dausntrr ilia deckle laravut at home throe alaicra un luddrll un cameron un dtfklc of uaryi and two brouvra archibald and ocarge on uv old homratrod al to aurvlvc urv lcavlu oa mem ber of uv rtunyurlan church and ft lovlnjj wile and mouvr devoud to her lunlly and horn the funeral took place on wednesday afternoon the cervtoe being oonductod by kv ur ilomard the paubeoren sere a tclik e ucwbirur oeore lie- whlrter ooarse charters jama wu- on elmer o thompson there vtre many beautiful narai tributes the remains vcre tnterrwd in oreenwood oemeury church news tnl far tkl weak lytno- up are abomination to the lard but uvy that deal truly are bis deuglil prov 12 3x lit omw ctlsks i hev w a a thompson ilector annlveraory sunday and nineteenth of- ur trinity italy communion a-m- sunday sohoal 10 ftjn jloty oamnv- union 11 am kven- tariff 7 pjn adult oonarmatlan class after even umg 8l alaaaa charclt gba wuuasas nineteenth bunday after trinity sunday school 3 pm evensong 3 irm adult conarmatlon class after 12viuang wayit4 ctsaresi ub a n rrlth pastor ura it paul oroanlst sunday school at 10 ftjn puhuc worship and pwachtng servuv at 11 am and t pju ktml uu mt puawuu oommunlon servlam in nerval and ut pleasant united ohurchee nest sunday oct und preparatory ser- vloes on thursday evening at norvai and prtday evening at ut pleasant at 8 oclock meeting of sraatoni at 730 kilos prwbyterftui cbsivb ttev or a v howard ulnlaler bunday oct nd at 10 ajn sunday bohool and bible classea at 11 am and 7 pm public worship will be con ducted by rev w w ucltae of orangevlue hev dr howard will preach anniversary service in orange vllle united churth rev r w rumley minuler 10 am sunday school and bible cumea 11 o-m- morning wonthlp fierman and hvmn far junior congregation 7 pm evening servtrw junior dhalr the services al 11 am and 7 pm will be conducted by the rev a o w pom man ila of erin united church all are welcome ur norman laird choir leader bunday oct 39th anniversary ser vices conducted by the rev j ewlng held ma toronto belief ro webtern canada the freight sheds at georgetown station will be open from friday oct loth to wednuday oct 35th to r- oelve contrlbutlona to the car load of vegetable fruit clothing and general provision which will be deapatched on october 33th u a token of the in terest taken in our fellow canadians in the west contributions are being made from nerval auigrove lime house olen williams melville ual- llnafad ohurchlll aeton and oeorge- town the cooperation of everyone is needed in this effort no matter how small or how great your bit may be they will all be needed and anprealat od bvery church throughout the dis trict u helping n this erforuand their help u greatly needed and appreciated struck by auto died in hospital two ji wuiumitu ravallv kx jvmxlt on no 7 tucuwav inqltr nuoavniosrr a fatal aoekknt oeund ml no 7 lughwsy beta the wui tod sixth luv on friday but about pnt hrn tnofisa j whilsmlth of aorfujr vu strueit fan walking on the highway by aa auto driven by a u fkuconbradatf of oivlph trv injuwd man was brouttra to dr ucauulers omc at oorttown and afur iwmflvtog tkatiattit wu rnaao- d to outflpfc hospital h he tauaw td aay tutuydsy rujht- chw uarahall of oorten ln- vwiljmtod uv oocidnt ted olbwd uv dftwr of uv car to to prndtng ih hriult of uv tnttuau oa fraday coroner dr ucnlwri of atua wl- paiwkd uv fouowtng jury at 0or- lon t uoauy teoinaiag wtl if long rcvnan a kony a h htwlim dl uvlooxo wlir cuo akotu ao fry the inqu will be hrld la the ton nail on tnrvdsy ultfit at 8 oelotk ttv furvnl of uv late ur wtul- unjth took nlatv ttom ids uw rd iimev colkge vw on uonday aftrr- iiotml to otvnwood ottjisury uv tw tiling condibttm by ttv w o o thoralaaoll of lit orotf clmnh dv4md o txarabtr of iol no ou and uv plluarr4 t hroihn orstvi itobt i frtney jatrus utoartrvy arthur ivw jqiqll luil jil vi sjld llarvey luau- ifctii- u wtdtw u1u wt fonrrrlv ikuin condon he iw one daughter eiiie who haw iv tympathy of the comhinlty wi uvtr wry aad turhwiurit hahoci ckarrltfv1 isl ploutiarljj hlhlth ttv i paougrung u i wkl ui uv vicinity of uen hound liad a wry gaud repwagntsilon of young priijimin from italian coun- ly in stlrndanor thetr etforts bet in a goodly measure crowrvd with ijcoru ttv members of uv haj- ion county group were harold plckeu iloruby lloyd easlertarooit camtv leuvule wizard rvatherstoiv hom- by and john luter llomby in uv first days oompetulon tn atubble harold plciutt ptimd sfcood tn the ftru class wulard fauvrstone plarcd ninth with thlrtylb eoatwtl- lors in second cuss and lloyd easter- brook puuwd lulh out of futyau enteris tn uv third class- in uv second days competltican lurry pklett was again in uv taaney while rvatherslone and easterbrooit did hot ploa owing to thetr psotagn- tng not being fuilarvd in tisv though boui of uua fcre doing very ovdlt- sble soric the gratu a of interest bi uv match however offlleivd around ttv competiuon on pirvday known at the inter county coinptiitlaii which is corn to one uun of thre plough boys from each county such a team to be vlected by uv agrtcuhural iu- nnvntatlve from realdents of hi county who have not reached thetr mih blrthdars on october lu l in thu corapihtuon lor ttv former- trophy donated by ttv farmer to ronto the team from italian county eempoted of harold pickett hornby lloyd eauerbrock campbelivuv and wulard rvathcrstonr hornby and coached by uv agricultural rpro- rntatlve a o ifirsune cleaned uv boardi winning uv cruunplonship trophy this trophy is to he held orv iror and of which tjdi boy receives a mlnlaturr while harold plcfcrtt ploughed the beat rtdgv of uv u mine winning the bank of montreal trophy and lloyd easterbrook put up he second best ridge tn uv whole comprtluan winning uv ullner ross and co trophy the showing of this team is indeed creditable not only to themselves but also to halton county and it is hoped that thetr evamrde will serve as an inspiration to other boys to take a greater interest tn uv work tporuored by the ontario pvhighmens aatorla- tlon the obecta of this association are to advance uv inemu of agri culture by encouraging its members to give greater attention to thorough euki- vatlan eslabluhing branch aasorieuona disseminating useful information wth regard to fertilisation interesting farmers sons ut become expert tillers of the soil thereby large ly increasing the yield and quality of held crops encouraging annual provincial county and township ploughing matches and home plowing competi tions and awarding premiums holding farm machinery demon- toruon tn connection with the an- nal international wowing match enoouragtng the use of modern types of cultural machine high school board mating of georgetown high school board held on tuesday oct 17th members present chairman w v q rant dr f watson messrs c h dayfoot r h fouus and j ii- ulngham ulnutee of previous meeting were read and confirmed the fallowing accounts were passed l w dann sundry supplies 1j 11 o uoclure choirs 1500 r h thompson it co sup plies and work imt wilson sclenuao ca supplim for laboratory 3307 moved by hi dayfoot seconded by mr poults that the board purchase two maps one of the world and one of the dominion of canada for the tchool carried meeting adjourned pubuc school board the board met on oot 10th mem bers present j d kelly chairman dr oaltop mm p w cleave d crlchton the fallowing accounts were passed hydro electric i sso l w dann us mobeon di co 305 e c thompaon 3j7 oeorgetown floral od 000 r ii thompson ac co mjw miss ryan reported a registered at tendance of s34 the following are extracts taken from the annual report of ura parr school nurse 83 pupils had teeth attended to dur ing year a had vision teated and are now nearlng glasses 3 had tonsils and adenolda ramovad 10 hod swollen glands 47 were treated and given toxoid 13 were preaohoal age 38 had akin diseases of various kinds 5 had discharging ear 3 hod nuimia 6 had scarlet fever many coes of colds and influent 44 were under weight in september s3 were under weight in january 30 were underweight in june 38 attended the mental health clinic 84 visits were made oastr of thanks ur john leavitt and pamuy wish to thank thetr many rrlenda and nelhbora for the many undnaasm and aympathy extended to them in their reoent aad bereavement also for beautiful floral tribute auo f o prcsjywuui oiurcxi akuuveraaury seke uev sou munasus klk rcuuijclf- u utlkndio ukjtmomat hvmm anu faogstau mono a v another mile slotv was patcj in uv history of knott prehbylcnaii chukh oorwetown on sunday lm and th ccoliioo was celebrated by ipsclsi snnlvrury wrvlca ttv special preacher tzr uv day was hev john uenabb uo of higu park pr4byurun church and uod- eralor of toronto pwtiryury tlwr wet large congrtgationj at both servloiav at uv evening wivliv uv speaker chose as his test uv jiui verse of uv 30tb chapter of st jjm vu sal tboinu oiv of uv wilvt- was not with uut when jeuw come he mjd la part ther is wry utile in uv ooipel ooticemtng tlunu- u but h fc uulqwduciple and nu vjadtung he hd a ka bruin huii ft brooding umpermebt- trv sltp beyond uv iiraj uip made thomas brood wv do not know uv sy he was alow of heart to belvw but ready to die for ids lard thom as as a nan of outstanding ciuoctrr w do twot know fchy thomas was sbunt when ouwr dudpwi nut joaua but thomas wi not wsdy to uue- that jtu slunjld nw ttvto ihr ovad- he injured huwu tru- cbuftli and juu by mining uu fsrtt appearance of ttv ujiur he mlswd ipose flru ards of cir and omfortond uv fliu gilt of the holy tplru to be carrafd a burden for urn uwll tthoina had bwn atmnt from ids luiii vtki iwivrr nu tell tthaji li going to liappihi und ttiomas vu rreld of the uk if ve hae tin pjjoj ranee and couieg we ougtit have ee would not be afraid- why do we rorgtt our obligation to met ood arid one another tn hi ttniplet fb we have ttumass virept ol3 who only trust uv things we can tw tv church it hurt by uv indurerent membrrs the vujtor is hurt and the young people are hurt ttwana also injured jeius but jeaus si kind to htm jesus rrbuke brought uy low and my ood as thomas found him self there are various reasons shy people itsy away front church so they raua a thomas mlued chrul ramtnf for we know not the hour or the diy ahen he shall come shall ue be ready to meet him ttv special anthems during both services by the eholr under the able kadenhip of ur pollett and the tola by uus uarv fleeta and mr jack harruon addd much to he pleasure tif the day there a a gnd attrndanor at uv annlverury supper on monday even ing when all enjoyed the delicious menu provided by the ladles of the church trip excellent proatam which followed wa given by miss wltma price mrs it oherwood acton male quanettr ur win young and rev mr coulter of brampton rev dr howard w chairman of the evening esques1ng council 8ewurttown oct loth 1013 the oounctl met pursuant to ad journment dtrputy reeve w o ap- pelbe oounclllars l u mullln o w murray and n a robinson present with iteet oeorge currte in uv chair minute of lost meeting were read and confirmed moved by o w hurray seconded by n a robinson that the treasurer pay hydro electric power comm urompton light at council j man mtl board of hydro oommuudaners aeorgetown street lights at olen wu usms 3 men 1sj00 acton public utultles comm cmient st lights 1 man 113 00 bell telephone account ul31 1433 8311 1165 total mil hutchinson a elliott account re com plaint filed agalrut mr appelbe was the georgetown herald jjo copies voters ltit i1wa0 sales tax 111 a3 publishing notice and odvetrlslng 33 03 total ttm 0 carried moved by w o appelbe seconded by o w murray that the treasurer pay uv road sheets as presented by the rood superintendent lft4 carried moved by u l mullln seconded by n a itobtnson that uv treasurer pay relief accounts j o fallow goods supplied john huson 11078 goods supplied u ue laughlln 81341 good supplied w gallagher 1873 total 83340 walter nelson milk supplied w gallagher 8340 archie r service milk aupnjled u mclaughlin 84 jo milk tupphed j ililaon o40 total 87jo- ii p lawson milk supplied b o ivnnant 84jo r w robb surgical dressing for ruby tennant 8330 carried uovsd by o w murray aeconded by w o appelbe uht the treasurer pay the county of halton interest on overdue county rate 4mja oar- rled moved by t l mullln seconded by n a robinson that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to appoint col- lector of rate far the towruhlp of esquestng for the year 1033 and unui successor be appointed and that aald bylaw be now read a first time car ried moved by w o appelbe seconded by o w murray that uv bylaw to appoint collectors of rate for the towruhlp of eanvslng far the year 1833 and until suoceators be appointed having been read a first time be now read a aecond and third times ana passed and that uv corporate seal be attached thereto and that uv blanks be filled tn as follows wards 1 3 and 3 peter uoolbban wards 4 8 and 6 jo banfard carried moved by w o appelbe seconded by o w murray that leave be grant ed to introduce a bylaw tn empower the collectors of rale to collect addi tional amounts for nanpayment of taxes on or after december 31st 1033 and that sold bytaw be now read a first time carried moved by l l mullln seconded by n a robinson that the bylaw to empower collectors of rate to collect additional amounts for nonpayments or taxes on or after december 31 it 1033 having been read first time be now read a second and third times and passed and that the corporate seal be attached thereto carried moved by n a robinson seconded by l l mullln that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to grant permis sion to the reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet the current x- pndlture of the township and tv said bylaw be now read a first tune carried moved by o w murray seconded by w o appelbe that the bylaw to grant permission to the reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meel the current expenditure or th town ship having been read a first time be now read a second and third tlmei tad passed and the blanks filled in with the aum of fifteen thousand seven hundred dollars and that uv cor porate seal be attached thereto car ried uoved by n a noblntcn seconded by u u uuuin whmn m uo- laughlln ha been totally dlaablad during ule put yenr ond has brrn on towruhlp relief during that time and whereas hi hydro tcnlcj has been disconnected fclnoa sept 1 1033 due to his inability to pay till account therefore be it raolvod that the ihja of ontario be requested to cancel his hydro contra ot from sept tat 1833 and write off arrears of wr- via charge from that date moved by aw uumy oeoondad by w o appelbe that this council do now adjourn to meat on monday november 13th at u0 pm carried btwv weeuy utter oct lui 1813 it u early baornlng and hudbury u quirt night euispt for uv nupbui cough of a little nojiemlan boy who with iiu toother and lur are in this tourlat coach ue picture in uat w tvlmramr it t ralnlnir liotd and we are sliding along i wv uw tides of u id lull eovrtid willi snow urub puv and tminrk ureh and poplar ui id ruflu rv4t round projec tion arwl irnneiuyxw ijkaujme that tint up r a rmmliwj uu ultle uses tao siuj an unraajofial river bresli uv muiscmotiy of uunud inv and ruk and iwtw wi- curtr into ctuiplrau a divuijuil kuuit wlvn- w pauw for u- cup llut cfarfn aivd iow we are aftuy utwj un ajiln u nlpljpun arwd purt william hod a bit of esclte- ment today tliive yuurui fellows gut on preuy fcrll lawdad with hvvinhliv oiv in artlrular wu tn a twijiiii muod- rnd vtvn tv rdjndiwtor rnw rouod fur uv tukju be slarttd to ifuu hjwj wwtle whll hjju tlav u- trr to air itu vwfc trt ail conductor snd tiu one tn particular uv fellow not up un uv seat wtwiv uv oon- ductoe ihjrrud this trub iu hard to uy but it wottird to twrtartton he suddenly reached up wltii boui hand mtuiard uv fellow round uv rwxk and with one qutck jerk trouglit hi head down and at uv uiaf ixvanfd bouaht tils own wive up and saade a prrtvtt contact it j plenty uv man drop- twd to uv aat half uuiuvd uie flocd pouring tram his nov and fn iv tot ortt tram a few hutr utee iv had a pekct pair of black e ooirag aktang uv oarih shcre of klichaganve olway big brud bay come rvirti up to uv de of uv racl uiand and vkjadcovenvj hradloiidi reaxhlng far out into uv lake a fine sight uv sky l c waring uv bluk cloud are rolling down under ttv sitting sun and tanlght v w into fort wlilum and this u port william once uv some of uv ojibway indians who rosmed uvse woods and waters fought their enemies the hiou and raled thetr famllle long before uv liand of while man ever left its foot print- everything round port arthur snd fort william nave indian name snd legends i had a long taik with capt f j darts of trv cpjt boat kivwatln indian for north wtnd- s great admirer of the indian they cslvd lake superior kllcheganve ojibway rig lake of uv ojlbwav- kamuilstlqula river ion hlch fort william u built means uv river of many mouth u has thr dis tinct outlet and so on hills moun tains talonds and copra all have in dian name and a story about each one there u an indun reserve at tlv foot of mount mckay and high up on a little plateau stand an enormous cross marking uv spot where a jesuit chapel tood until recently it had been built by priest and indiana uv 17u l this young mountain mckayl rises d00 ft into the air and few mile far ther on up among thoav high hill 1 loch lomond from which fort wil liam gets lis water supply by gravuy thu lake 8 miifis long and 14 wide is of volcanic origin and fd by sub- tcrtalncan stream apparently k 1 bottomless hod a talk in his pullman wth col ii a utultns up for marquette man he la just bock from a print investigation of kingston penitentiary down tn toronto where he has a okfc wife he read those article tn uv olobr and decided to look mto it says that things ore quit different there now and have been for a year or more he met a couple of men who knew him and talked to several others without uv guard around and they old that everything wo ojc yours f p b extra specials at richardsons hardware 15c 19c 7 r 2se 69egat 59c 25 40 and 60 wsu bulbs val a floor wax i lb tins toilet paper asbesphalt hoofing cement ktchmond paint electric heaters 25 500 floor varnish 2 lour drying reg 100 and 150 ot s5e 100 ocedar wax cream 25c 50c 100 two man cross cut saws 425 evereadv flashught compki wiih uatterica 65c shot gun shells box ol 25 100 18 160 shot guns rifles halton county rua gun licenses good cheer quebec cook stoves and heaters cooking schools the ontario department of agrl oulxuiv ivauatng khs then no problem of greater importance to uv itomematvrs than uu choloa of pro per foods and their preparation and with a view to instructing th rural homemakera in nutrition a series ol four school will be held at brampton october if u l pm and 8 pm mutpn town iud october 3334 at 3 pm and 8 pan v orangevlue october 34 7 at 3 pm and 8 pm ncwmajket october m 11 at 1 pm and 8 pm it ha ben proven that the need of the family can be met through uv use of canadian grown product and uus will be clearly set forth in uv demonstrations and lecture it 1 hoped that locoutlm surround ing the centre named will he wall represented by women who will tati back to thtr neighbor the informa tion gteoned- at each session there will he car ried out a very carefully prepared pro gram and copies of receipt of rati worth he distributed th department of agriculture has the cooperation of the hydro ifleculc power commission and manufacturcra of electrical equipment in providing the necessary power and equipment two most capable experienced do mestic science graduate will be tr charg and will be prepared to an swer questions on nutrition electrical equipment and the use of electrical power thu school will be held on uv af ternoon of the first day at 3 pan and afternoon and evening of uv second day at h pan and a pm united clltrcii v f b on monday night oct isui the programme of uv young peoples so ciety wo under uv direction of the christian fellowship committee wuh mis jessie ouver of the oedarvale school as guest speaker the special theme of the meeting wo christian hello wahlp in her remark miss ouwr stressed ho need for realisation of the fact that we ore here for ood and that the teaching of christ must be applied to uv whole of life at uv close of the meeting ruth evans on behalf of the tnember of the young people society moved a vote of uuinka to miss ouver for her inspiring address a vooal solo by betty speight and a vocal trio by madeline era in haul praeer and jim evan were other much appreciated features ot uie programme next monday evening oct 33rd the ncmbcrs of our local society will at tend the halton prcthvtory young per pics rally in the united church burlington ioof off infatallep there was a largo attendance of members and visitor at orton lodge iooj no 100 on monday evening but when the officers for the ensuing term were installed by district deputy a rami master a b parr and auir of officers as follows nobro ii watklna vo bro h trlnp rj3 dro a d parr pjb- bro j t armstrong treasurer bro 8 wajjter conductor bro ii havlnga chaplain bro ii woods uj3no bro is e young lilrja bro j halt itavo nro j luc lijva bro a ucqulgan ri3jbora a ritchie lbbbro j fox inside ouard bro c sfaoey out tide ouard bro a taylor visitors were present from milton urampton and acton st georges church llaaaksi tasht wit w attlllra 1 swsoswslafvaeib islaaafwsl 8 1 st anniversary sunday october 22nd rector rev w g o thompson services 8 all holy communion 11 ajj holy communion 7 pjj choral evensong your childs eyes vsh 1lj yaar rslu rook u lb kg m sains i ton tlv klu will gv sssak utu u us r ivr vision i eme4 find out i hoeclal prtre wa oil belssal clumeasiw qumjo o t walker do 3c eyeslsrit spcuurf bmapbsa a hiiia suavs bfw ium oi las tinas wrislisir smfft b or na sur cmmh a v wtuam u sit sabs a aaaanrtoil all niirii w tiltill la vwi i p a prog specials see our i d jv d in wed oct 1 8cb daily star for full list i lb molt and cod liver oil ue 40 ox mineral ou 4e palmollve shaving cream ue kleenar tooth paste tie bluebird raior blade i far 18 viceroy hot water bottles 88 lavender shaving cream is chases nerve food 48 cress com salve se s gal russian ou slu ijja cheat rub 38 i da cold lamalant 18 panns i p a peng store phone 327 riions ib vovb oueu georgetown w dtunt tnuhu 0u at wholesale prices any quantity all grades for cars trucks and tractors real low prices in drum lois wellington oil service ts elision hi qailsb local agent c bouskill victoria streett georgetown h w hinton gifts and jewellery we fcavt s ana himuw ot china sua glasswaite last latashal abo hue usllly wh1bt watches si lamortej ft buu oultty ksular 13019 sad wm st prtxms mow si tlsm w lisvo to msko wsr rooai for xmu gifts ullv now voub xmab olrth at tllkse low mucks any ariule wul be biu uu lies mu sa desssli ol of ysas

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