Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 1, 1933, p. 4

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pb4 tbe georgetown herald wjtieacuy evening movemlw r ut 1933 oommom da ood kp u through lb iwwrvm day tbm wmi ktmlchm whit will duat wua thougnt 1 umd and hmd up- ral their burdafi feebly auto thatf bsliat xd day of fckrwi freuktg car then tauat w tud uw atrcxth ol lwr to 0jt immotal buo tfay diad lht we mlht uw tney fought their flfat and bd beyond all suifoe7 and all pain but low shall kp their taenaorv wr britfht- abo the grata where their tied tele be kid eiore thai grow nd grot th t fated id bluatd of ba o iutj dmkl so frw b mrtdtm wtll y co wttii nalu hwrwllng at urf dy bkfiivk head oe4by fiiut and know uw gift uy wa tot to elntb eidoa lift hr vote vtiuowhuat u wbuir ta uw www who owj that ehe- miht uw ttwy 1j rjoe eretng uw lod ooa huri uwy 81 la uw twtto4 w foad to hold w canada and tn or heejrte a- hrkked iwr r shall tie ul kloka tad b uw la fc lhki difeimiad taatjd the hght fixlr ijwi wm ta ut uawjmj agist uuevmnfwrtl a wall 6ut man feu wry ud on having pronteaol twu la hi i- play imio a clwfc oauld mxui hi cflh fa w rouljd to im b tuo eaamlnaiiop on his knotted of hulflia at sd 0w of uw ifr ti- uoiu vu who fortod uw wat oflwuttnyt a cejtaud uku youth w ft puulsd at this but tw m hot to b ooona lb nou woito uete4fuuy uud 1 hli uw w of uw id u u411luu61l lb piny 1 to u41 bptiuiuj wtiy at you ga aif otdfajjti why ry a wouji htt i ouj buy parfo fo ul bolouuf uiit khoa 000 u6nf hotf uw biiji haw uw uks u of iu rai w teat buy toy kind of imat toe ui utui fc kswfybody vtau to tw f ivettwy yrf uus nddv will wrtu eofik- ulau to uw hakb ftciuatttvwwf wm uwy ur nw ukdl inf ocmfttioa for t bu ftimtf wbm cmm tm x rhi u konw troptf hidl im ul wu wiiud to wry kruw mill hockc- tottet lut luutl ofwfl tw4dub too blucii fcttbv had too uttw tin oil tkil fcbui ciilly tvll fcjtf vh at wry hicn in il1uobi 0u tm likely to kxim tdly 00 uiu too ticb la uiuxbo oo uw ouwr haad fcrtlw faall u eitcauil or proaubw yuku of vtwat and bawy tin til gjov vlj ou rtto iolu but it u alo a partlouuriy food oxip for ubt infer lu feoli tumipc fulm a lalrty bnlb ioa but lilltf toll u uabal afd to iu fertility by bavin an owrawkuciw of nllkwi tn oom- parlaoo wlib olhrr imdu of ir- uuty th uj u loiurunt too but teruoj tooti rw fwza wfa fu whiu wk an aouil twtum to uw aiurttwa of uw oniarte urparti of atrkuitlxr wj brourt to a lijnfnl tonrfhurf tutumy october 21 faunjuj to uw window dwmlotf odkdckvtiuon condcid uirouout uw prtwliw durlog uw k tucd- um tppnulawuly tvatyfiv4 buz djd cwlo am lnwmjat fctoh it u iimtinf to bou uuj mot uo a fauu of tfurtu nuid id uw hra fefoiuu wnuw lujj in toronto 00 wvdiwmuy oeutur lit tity of ufcw vn ucm1 by cord- hwrul tl-nw- tnu would cwrly laduatv an auhud of ro6pratloa uvo by twonto bwrcjwiu umimi any uw twkwd tar uixauut thr ub of ontario fiii bfodu44- orw of uw h4lwl hairrf4 in uw fcfotftnf of ui il onaard u uw unr of glfdtlaf by wu tbu u mully tnw la oreidj undr od nutuf althb d okhartu un br tun culthmuon aw rrwuauy tiibj to coiuldrabw frod thw cur ytw amount of uud by uww anlraau varu pl- ly upon uwtr avallabw kupfoy of food otlvanlwd wl vtm tuku uw aot ufcun prouettoo ttw initial can u hwb but u it only haa to b ojud odm and vul lau for a ur nufeur of yars it u1 tw found clwanr in uw too run tnu tf fchould b eut tnto puot ur oouth to enftrew uw trunk and wav roooi for rfpanlon of uw trunk aa ttw tfw grosa ttw lor wul ihould b burud about oiw trui in uw aoll tn ordr to niwant ulot orklng ufidr- ntath taww yblky ttoouit u uid in panada alidoai to uw aacjualon of ouwr g ursly bcaua tuan ad of airarw vitality u feriwrally avallabw at a low prior ttw ano pr tjcr of id- in u l uian fllh any ouwr arau ttaoui u fad alorw u of low twilri- u vmiua for arewta anbdala or for milk produrtloa bauw h u dh- cknt in tulforttln eonauttwnta ut u uwiwom not a ttrontabw foddr by ttwlf for thow purfkaa a lb- wal mlstur of doer bapro it u u uvorod tor work honca that hm haavy endn ruao u u and 00 aooouat of lla dljwrthhtllly u u uw atandaid hy lor uvry bocxw quirad to vork inurwluuly attar td- ln- rbuw cjihij irkid orotw n ajhwuimoto- ly to of uw tkb axncullural r- vtrfiu of ontario laid mod tttotna i ktaojidy uinutcr of acriouluirtf hu u uw yjr 16h induata thai of uw sroa twotw of 2moo 060 twid cropa tw cjdlud wttb i11s vor uila oontlntwd ool- oiwl kfuwdy it u toy ojjtnloa that nald ot aliould b ka a oon- ildctuy uora protdlrwat plaf a owunty valra and at uw larger a biutlona orowera aa a iult of audi cognition ould b feuy eooour ad to produor uwtur td and 00a- irtmjiuy utur ujmlr tn uwtr m- uuv arai alod uiu litw uw ulouter of airtttaiiirt tonviqd uwt teany dr- wiotitfieftu aid ihvvwot ar la trioet for uw cocdlivi vlnur wirt at ouelph and otua tw aald thej tivre vlll be a putculaly lnurtmtlng deoartum front uw iouua of pat wj in that a grain claw u provid ed thu rr obeit to agricultural ho twtw- tfuj cuu led uw tuu crop cuupeutkmi for many war tndr uw tww amuivtiieeit uiw will tw nulde ihtouftt uw uretw7 of aacji agi cultural hoelfty and id uw cl of fchlreot of uw xmml prt wul to to uw exhibitor whlw will ho to uw teocwty cf fchwh uw kazit cnhlul hu lulude nv lot cf grain and eet ttwiy tniut fc u each of wiotay iwlnur or toprtog oats and uljtlev and two lou teufwd from uw fouowlag otovtrt any kind alkalea tluotliy ooeln tulftt or twritl uyk buckcwiwat irulu rtrld rab rixtd hah and faova ujcana kath lot hhall contain orw butfw akotpt hai alfalfa cloer and ylao- thy onrhalf buiul and corn un fan all grain and aaad etut ha been proouoed to itol by bonand bum- bsr of aach hodety aaktng entry ho baber may conirtbut morv than on lot to b ctlhlblted tn uda clau ett utng offered by uw ontario department of agrtcuku for cihl blla eontatnlng 8w lou of grain and ad follow tint pru fifty douara eeodd prte forty dollar third prbw uilrty dollart fourth prim twenty dollar hith prt nite dollar aulh prtir twn dollar aewnth prue flfueti douara lhlh pbw rtfln dollar ninth prte nfttvn dol lar and unih prbw nftn dollara she lost weight eachweek tt u way to rjuc womaa write to uu ho eiw u reduclog mux ft and hr way beeau u be the fauej wey ltd yjra old a tt s tna id height and was iw iba whats i oah- ed uklatf a weej tteeoottful of kruachea balla ery irmtng went alowly doem id wlht 40rjw wka 3 iba otheia kwt 1 it untu i goi dowu to 14 feba i heee vr fait better la my uf than i do and i fwl u hiipth uhur and fori x youner ura w l tiw action of kruched baua ukrb retfuuily every morning u to etlect a natural clraranor of und levied food aubetanoca and wextry wiiu butur it u that wtui featur vhil u ttod up in uw forr f iwjy ft u it w fcot lecuully etued rrtatnfctr tl bulk fooa uy 0uy barclay in so te0ct u uw ouwrwlw juwlly punned diet oior ftwusauy lukifl than in uw food tht aup- ply uw bulk or fitr tmiemry to aa- kuf proper eluualuea wfoax of u p our fruiu u iur pouto4 wtlh 4ut their kuku and at pefkuj food oul of wakil uw uuk ll beell iiefuwd tlhw and agala uw pedalty l trtjular or lncotdpta eunudauon fifllnj ixiauht to k of vtiauly rudflew and b facoerauy 6rqmi oullout en hit you are tie u you adopt aa ojw of uw tdoet gdnortant iwulh command mania for hhirelf and your family uw rvaular indmlon on ttw maau of uw fvodt uiat uoww uw bulk uw hyvutb nd qlumf oj rota chard vhouwtwat bfed and orieala and bran limn la particu larly coownlant and fwloful u n tw combined with tenad fooda and wrved tn all aoru of ouwr appetllng aa and ualda bulk it aupplua iron twrdm for uw waking of iood rd blood togiuwr wub vitamin u o vajue la toning uw inueunej twm u 0w ktw turan uumna waltu and orlddw calaa cup ahortantng cup augar 1 egg tweli alan 12 1 cupa aour milk 1u oupa bran 3 cup ftour 3 taaipnorw baking posdfr 1 tjifctkhin aoda unci how arr ou getting on at atfcoolf tommy wu im tint tn aruhfi- uc uncw and 4wt lw a you ftrwt in wulur- wu1w t flnt out dwn u u um to go hoaw a million deposit accounts denote confidence at its oflk throughout canada the bank of moocm haa over ooe taillion tupoil accounu the depoeiton onadian iodividuau and canadian btuineu firmi rerrcaeoc every das of the community la dry and country alike from penoaa of large meant to children marting their life uvlngi from induttrial corporatlofu of international acope to fartnen and imill tradetmen good faith good will and good banking practice on the part of ihoac directing the dank grow naturally oat of the tease of responsibility impoaed by this ex pression of oarionwide confidence bank of montreal established l8tt a bank wiiettb suall accounts are welcome gfofgifown bruicfai d wilson msiugw c jiuhimngh thay eama la at a thousandaday clip all througb odtobar th laavea that war giant la ilta or mamloiie to beauty of coloring and ihap from all parti or canada rturo tha mipla grtwa tbe raapoum wgj to the uulaua oonteat inaugurated by tha ci haitian pacific luiiwgy with a vibw to ntymrajtiufc laterattt iu tb canadian autumn land aeapa prlaga wr offargd for the largest mapla leaf and tor the moat buutlful ttta idaa wag an immadtata sucoaaa fratn tba uomant of ttg annoanosiiiwit bygryfaody got out into tbe oountry attei gutttmntlnted leave ud tbe railway encouraged tbe aaareb by operating rail ekcurelona the laavea came la everincreasing auantlllaa to the offloea of k t nolue director or eublblta for the canaduur pavlflc the photograph how tbe process of epraylng and mounting the leaves outstanding arllsu an acllttg la judge of tbe oompetluon for tbe most beautiful maple leaf they are o w blmpson ilca n w pilot a hcjl and jamag crockert j m ii vulrbalm chief engineer canadian paelfie lullway is judging tbe ooupeutioa for tbe largest maple leaf cram thorunlrw and augar add c gga aour milk ami bran pud let soak unul most of tnoulure u takan up tint ft with ttjli j powr mjf and salt and add to first mhtlura stirring only tiniu hour tturvrs uaka in graafad win tine to b mod- arata ovan 409 degwaa y for 30 to 23 mint tt as or in a hot wlcw iron uoma of uw mlxiura my be uunnad with water or milk and uad lor griddle cake viald 1 small taufina 1 wfflea g grtddw eakaa beewy bru cup butter 33 cup bonay 1 gg tell betio cup milk 1 cup sudues rtulns w cup bran 1 cup flour teaipoon soda s teaspnan salt cream buttar and honey irasihir add gg muk and bran am dry in- gradient and mix with uw raisins add to flnt mixture combine thor oughly and put into greased mold cover tightly and atsam for two hour setw with hard sauce yield large wrving breakfast gjlau tbervee 1 l egg yolk 3 orange iulo of i teaipoon homy or sugar to tau pinco of salt deat together and drink every manv mg vanixue jukhkt icc chcah pint milk pint heavy cra 1 package powder for vanilla jun ket email pinch of itu u dealxedj warm milk to lukewarm about jjo degree not hot remov from stove add powder for junket and small pinch salt if daalred sur not more than one minute our immedi ately tnto refrigerator tray let stand undisturbed in room until firm and 1 coolabout ten minutes whip- cream and atir into junket place in tnw lng cotnpenment in the refrigerator el u cold n temperature a possible when partly froeeo ut will be thick around tha edgee gcrape from the aide and bottom of uw pai gnd then beat the content up la the hfrlttre 1 tor tray quickly with a fork or large 10000 and place back tn refrigerator to tlnleh freatnf iflmt it ruhwv 80 many bujneas men will sx up in uw morning nafreah utemealvee with ft dae of adesrueed salt clean uwlr teeth wltti advertised tooth 1 paefet shave wttb an advertised raaor wash god ahawp with advetteead aoani put on advertised underweart advertised hou garter shirt eouar an ili we beat uwuulveg at the table and kat advertised breakfast rood and bread drink advertised tea eosee or ooeog put on an advertised hat and coat light an advertised cigarette with advertlssd matohew or lighter drive to work in an advertised ear use advertised ink paper and pens in hie omew and then turn down a proposal to advert on uw around thst rtdverttitn doeent pay 1 anon the sunday school lesson was from 3 kings 33 and read joslab was eight years old when he began to reign and he reigned thirty and one veara in jerusalem on telling a- bout uw lesson to his mother paul aged four said the lesion was a- bout a good rain and there wag a little boy named joalah and u be gem to rem when he was eight and when he wag thirtyone it was atlu drutaun a man strolled into the passport division of the department of state x want to get my pajport renew ed he said right said the busy clerk with out looking up euinnlng through the visa for uw name of the countries he asked fleen travelling ves replied the tnan wheref bound uw world m how long werv you gottef seven day the clerk looked uy and grinned a though he might a well be kind to i hun then he saw the name on the visa it wag that of wlleypoet stvoeearw of monia not uouul hpptdng ttw oliieel bmilfrolie be ul uw red lumtdlalaly attar ml hog to mrtb u etill prrvwl it ml in ftvjww im kuvebuwr 7 iwi utjd uiffcjd lot b wll iu diib or it ft uasln4 a ifiedt u iw tbiii fjrd owr a wliw arvj tb mprrr umj lu mtum vlldi i ljld 0 piimj jiitvd in m tliijili uud 11 t- iuao of lie tiy rvjui4nj l u i ill iw fclrfu ftx ii w4- lb hrt wwturit llwy liad vr e huuevr ilfre r cllove rvctru daueq ihuii wfe itrtkr tejiiuj of full la j km fx4iim e of whlrlt trnnil ita it tumi palr it la oat ut hii uuuu tar tsttm xo tuuttui oho he rtb to hltwhra lo llw m grvl uveae out ucuke vxiiall tuumt tsblird fa iuliod cad ty ttrfual titual it vwurtn luualkted faf kmhn pjtji a ilucgar kultwr fourilua of siusll vrtlwie glb- vd id- u- tiattl lil j jm tuede fcjlfe otealeftjlog bi4u1tw suid tb ijao kun tbey uwv rwvwd gellw wllli ilwlr etlut r iu- ruurllo utilcu lbroi sva umi rviiuowtte uf sjllao tooa tteo- aagjx llratll 8v tuaa tod aostrua fimir tina iurteg lb pau fl yare ulj hij utbottle hv tee dlmo ervd wo eerth tut sluuw are iwa tyiw iu our amsbv tcg bfe tbry rrb its buwiua r dwrlo frf ksilfe l table apo4dtevel frr tb 1b tikvi tdth ivtiury efir it ft ib umi wi aiurp eirkemst lb bcjuprwctl uf uble atv loibifht wus rapid hur wnue w so ldlrtjutd ond is ordlaary tua la uw in icatli rviiiury aluhigtf rwj purathely rwt aa a table loipleomut i be kfitfe bit i i b walllald olor than tu fufc or ttuuu if iraied iu itw original ruttlsg loiplriueela of slut or oil 1 atooa la b lirvai ax ibar scrv retttdg tools of brttoa nod ao o dowa ibrougb tb ooiortett bot a lata u n axo tb labia kalf was a rrtiy lor leef partod awo rarrtag about villi triaai lo ibajr fclt or abw a kalfe f tefkernt iurim sua aa b4ro bun terrlve anuod a outlet fcalf wsfoftrr a taruv partloa of food sra served blsa ba cat it allk tbls knife and ibsa returoad u to its koldar tbe flrvatrst advene to tk tablg blf loi b itlmra after tha iueateall rectury when tha lropliit bavabtg popalar in i ntand mihtl4 dtl fpd as one of th irvalcat cailary ssatiufsfturlna coltfe in tk world and tia retalaad to uw ptweol day ike proud till wtlkoot raaluage lalw uauu hutwy ttw guild of miftssaea eg uw u1a dla aga war la toes r labor onlooa but of akllud sortira tot oaskuled ubor lh beet preutypa le forolsked by uw ua um ef idoraet tkey were farm laberere wke akoot ia0 yaara ago bandad tegetker to e maad ef uistr eespjoyere eseat te eat at use once a wag tby we crated far ecoapiracy and bwatea eei te loeg terme ef psoal asrvtlbda h wag apfctlcaiit agaioat tk uw t leres a labor oaioo la ragtaad tutul 1834 wtwei slight relaiauooa war sdauttsd ttw ubor ualoa movaoaat wa slew la starttng to tbe col tad starta it wag cm aatll tbe aslddla f uw nuutaeath ceetory that labor oaloaa ware at au tourated and tbsa coty mildly taste right war aegllgtbla tbe rise eg tk iskor unloas lo this wintry ba bete tloea that tlaw ha gr uakaavw arhauaa post 00 the arharoa ft r waa tka first eetuenwat la arbsa- saa it wa feundad la tem by cke- auer de toatl nouuag macb te ut tbsra hot aacavstloo wkere tk beaaae stood and as aacuat eeaw tery it u lo oom eld graveyard tktt ui lotrtvat of 8b lauis iut far here it la hettoved the body ef thsrr larlade ltfuaata reeta he wee oa hi way from 8b louie to hew or laan la itts whb be fell ul at a kansas poet and died tbara he wu barlad la tha edge ef tba wlldernaa that uwo aarroanded uw eutpoat 111 grew has nevr baea identlbad bat k le probable the ceowtary sull tbarg grew around lb fit louie qlobedetsv eerab ttatas laag ceaat fjaee lllehlgan baa tin longest coast us ef aay si at 1t11 tallaa including 068 in tbe upper and bio lo th lower p alosula plorlda i saeood with uw mllse 00 tba atlantic and tbe gatf af ifaxlco oaltforola is third wttb ota raliaa ifalne i a good way dowa tbe hit wub 22s mile of coast as awe ored by lb united utataa coast geodatlr survey and 1 preceded hy yaxaa louisiana nerth cerollaa sad oregon if however all the todaota- tlooa and bay ef ualoa are taken into consideration tta shore line i over 2ju0 mil or much longer tha thai of any other state hardy kitfbo the moait os is evidently aa u bui of a former age wbteb ba pee sis tod la tbe blmkmt most onproas tslng part of our globe says nature usgaslne now thalr re age le tha berrtio land of canada west of hod aon bay the land of the arctle ocean and tbe northero ceasi eg ureehland ttheo aaaallad tbe huskel wilt form a circle head out and lowered wttb tbe young wtthja the tbey pr- aenl an i mpenv rable wall of sharp kern a- k couian anrsstil tsidcolxo ikbvice oenerej trucking at all times ana gmrbagw removed weekly at lowest puoms ul okoria7tvwl ta sa op lavds in aliablsui pob t awr sn thk town ov okoatoirrowk notsok u hereby given that a sale of lands tn arreara fog taxes will be held at the llunloi- pal oooee oeorgetown on meeshbw ksul at to oolock au an adjourned sale ii wee sary win be held at the same place and hour two weeks later tbeee lands are advertised u i the odurlo oajutta usuag of sept hid th imh and ttrd a list of tha lands for sal may be aeen at tha uunlcipal j ofnee p s llattaiflom august mrd 1u3 treaiurer ibfib woitien buy 80 per cent of all merchandise sold by retailers tj it ia cilcuulrd that women buy fully 80 t of ill nvcifliatuji told by lijn slid influence the put- cluue of ibinga lliy do not boy perwitully k ihsi thy control fuljy 95 of all purchm made q wouun itudy tbir bunlut jul u an lbvcio it ftocunuea afudia tke fluctuations of financial macts womfn ltep in cloe toucb with ins pice cuncnt as it affects tlicir buyink they chut their coutae before buying by leading the advrtucrrienu of theb local merchants or of cuttant city stores if their local dealer is not aggressive place your meage for ihem where it will reach them in their homes tn your local newspaper i womens influence is kelleded in everything luiturious automobile uphoutery snd fittings were not put there for men i the moral is obvious the georgetown herald s georgetown imhansbnmnjnmfisssskeereesosfisklsuiea commercial printing all kinds of commercial pirnting turned out promptly and efficiently- at the office of the georgetown her did your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require merits and is a local industry deserving vour patronage georgetown herald ceorcetown ontario

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