Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 3, 1934, p. 3

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v the georgetown heaid wednesday evening january 5rd 1934 paas3 jauary clearance prices oft sntlrs olocl of idies winter coals if ju have not chosen your winter coat why not do so now brill co main and mill su pnoti 167 avjoaiojoaoaav 4e 4 aaaaoawoai ucks eats diredta yod from lotalfumi witbbo prdftt local news wriu u iftm band at atrai cfctunuy bight th ptsblie and ifigb tvbeou re opened today atr lb ch holiday luiueilng township council fo 163 will mu do uttuuy bt jan kh u il aa dtvlaioa court will b bld in acrghown co uonday bvgt t- kin in uw public lftxijy georgetown council will taawt next ucjulay jn tui tbioid ooun- ctl at 10 and utf twv council at 11 lhaailentuavor to mat 13 th brst yij of our lit la cur efforts to ua tnoay w should tot for uim bu fonunat than oul the annual uwhlaf of f agricultural uocwty will be bald in uk waterworks oaatovii on saturday jan ulb u 3 ociocfc au inurasud ar urd to fa tml th w frolic und lb auuc cf uud lnd w0 laid in ui arna from- 13 w to 4 am on new vra morning prod ad joyabw event uuii tpplfct by th new llarmony ortbaaira th wa a good attendance and erybody piriu iuu a good time personals ur u w twy of tvjronto spml sunday with friend in town uo w tyndall spent 1m vmm with friend u tocooto ulaj edna uccmllum of landrtrt sntut lb holiday with ux l w taut sat ex i tb twuaitoa iw bcllctf reunion tanqui in aumiiod euturday jan smb ikm and all d sirtou j having all mmbaf of lb old uuiullon ii in touch wtlh lb iwcixlary c lwa is ufataa btrt utraifofd a aooo a poaabl uuu gtjv wjs urt a to ho tfiny tw fo ul tou pwhit uabni froo atf paru of ociarto tr to fa ptvrnt and w art uun uu ombod ol ulof u touch wlui ouuil poliom stwr u1 mm air nov ufto th ucit a no en ail for lc ia afou u unct and hto aak tbu a jew years resolution do your food shopping at bucks brlcrhouse roasls cirr run ma quujtv touko nxxr and ouutantud to oim lunbracnom 16 s 12 sirloin 19 oasl fresh pork for roasting fresh shoomers i 12cib fork sausage pork livers 21b lor ise fresh hams iselb 12c lb crosse blackwelfs pork and beans 3 tins lor 25c hauu tlali cuic ur and uxt walle yhogttwwi ttnt w vur wtib fiind in woodoocjt ur tim ryan j torocuo aad clln hyan of uocual cnt tb bcudaya wua ui u1liat uymd ur rp baua of rmminiial col- uvt lorttiio aixtu ihd and ax john uforrouda ura wbl kaukiuar of nrw vok tpdii tb hobdayt wub br phdus aar and uxs- i j blbu ur and alia ala dobti ol lutdlj- too 4iwu lba cnrutmaa bttk wtlii ur and ita john k- baou of tiskbouw rv woo thiawtwn ura thuajqoo nd u jam trijww w hi tbonud but wi aluiwuflj lb fuiuraj ol 11 ttfjjrt muuit ur u w oann iukd bee ifcra tonmio txnjral itanuj uu titur uy ouicb ttritwivl in ballb u- buny frund u town aw putfti to to niaa noau again improvement in goody shown dhuwk itrmii mi taui iwtml hotbiomanding tb ccid and bd kdi tbn mi a good al undanc at tb iyfin4 mcuj ball and aupper of aurtton klm liniad bald tn tb aaa um knrt- day mint bui urlda 1 u ibw raony onbaatia of luafiuxoo tupelud kutndjul aualc bli kml htbrf rry ably ivrfamd tb dutlm ol focr manajirr the raud aurw provldad by catnr h if uod wj bluh apprctalad by all pwau tb tint pru tn tb lucky ufcr dae va on by ula audrry ufttu and orargr rlddau b- cuuna ail riaoy bitw th annual taklni of tb halloa oblldnna aid uodhy wul u bald 61 th oordon iiooi uutoa oo tudy january 1kb 1u4 at djrt to b thr annual report inctudlaf that of uuirrlnundnt kvanlt tbopod and the ckctlon of otnocra th anaaaa of th rrn rur will b hi lloaout jwu luvlry u uou of tb jinali court toronto jud uott ta as out- tlandinjr auihoruy on child lfaw and should b hfard by all who am inurefetad in th prohlifiu of youth a cordial invitation 1 cauatfad to all to atund thu taking ura t urovn uftwuif stewarttown tlrf bkffibn of lb woians aual uary of iu juin church tsujt town ttut at tb bo of ui fcully on tburtday aiurnooo dc lath ura- tracy on uhaif of tb mttbt p wnud ur uauy wtui ft buuful braa uor ufisp ajukilj takn by aurprti ura luuy lhanad tb fawoi ura lor tltfb kind feuobrane ura luily la moving to tbroto abortiy and all wltbd br haaltu and b rpf la twr nw hocb ura hoy bavl of lngrulj jc ttytfmna aang during lb afwmootl ah wj dubtard haartg brf agftbi ait wwial hat al rift a ulnty limth waa untd and a aocia hour va apfot erin ur and ura 7 toafsa of ororfkown innt ctirulau vuh ui and ura j u lalw uaira liatac daivbuon and tboesa tuur iprnt bunday u ur uobtrt twthi umh tin erin him uartarvi ytngttf of oora town apnu tb houday wub bar pax- anta ur and ura w bingham tb hs dpuly hwt and coun dllora of ertn tosuahlp council f ntumad to oso by aiimttrt at th annual noailnatioo held at ltuia burg litl mday thtv ar lunry wnwlar rrw john iataw iwy iuv edgar ifuawy w it lultinn- on d a uxdougall oounclllon tbr u only on olhar noalna- lion lonard awwy for councillor ho brwfly oowwtmd oo varloui tbunlctpal mat ura and ataud that h did not wub to aptr for otaor ad voratr j we sell for cash p c j buck denver ib- w atat a wo for sale any ounluy tholce mple wood u 100 pf wl auo do mixed wood js0o cord good ctdtf kindlins 175 tlnsk cord isleys wood yard phone 27 georgetown new advertisements ail aau atfearutumau tf mum cxu ui ar wuk waau4 oonmukl cut lnu tua ood at 100 wir com lluduaw abaipaau dono it reuonahj prlcai wr uimic imki oeorgimwo i llb bitb lliild room with baltt oulutlo lor on or two pcreom wu1 dcccnlo to tulu apply llgrgld otfloa for tla woodea bixuuad good condition small table waihttand paper rack nloe lomt itltchtn uleroila por in formation apply at herald omoa far uau blnftr gewlnff llachlne aluoit u prloa reasonable apply at llerald otfloe far sale 4 burner coal oil stova condition cheap apply omoe trood herald it for ftala dlack galloway or cowhide fur coat al condition apply to no 0 herald or may be seen at brill s itoro up wutej na oesspoola dltonu and drains to dlf- old caiapoola outema at cleaned on short notice also whlt waahlns and any other work done jams wiuluna bo im oaortetowa notice special uau mmtlnf a uonday jan 8th at 1j0 pjtt undat auftploca of ilalton county tjyjo when the eight point program will b fully reviewed and dlaniaim everyone welooma ladua mipcli11y invited come prepaid to aik qiuatlooi and give your ideas to olhara sllvr col lection victor e lavreno praaldcnt chrttcr o plank burdury health ufobt the follototng b th rtpoit of com munlcabl dtseaae by the uoii u georgetown hoard of health for dec ember ibs diphtheria 0 scarlet vr j chlckenpox 0 ueaalea 0 oerrnan ueailea 0 uumpa infantile paralyal o typhoid ivver whooplnn cough 0 ccrrbro spinal uenlngltls 0 hrvr 07 cocwty oovkctt rot uu th following goluesaa will oqb- poa haitoo county council for uu acton 4bv tbeuord oeorvatovd 4uve claav ullttatv lv ttasunav haaaagabeya i duncan camp bell equalng av ourrt deputy rtv uullln trafalgar rsew uordaa daput robv hall burlington- flaw harrtj dputy rv urackoo oakviu rrv luwaon dtputy ratve andanoo luotw hwva thorp daptjty iuv auwlwn thrrt art bra nev bsmbr in county council for lam uullln ea- quealng ramihav ullton andfraon oakrui thorp and ucnln nl- aon umehouse norval rev n d and ura uacklnnon of nerval celebrated the fiftieth anni venary of their marriage on christ dlu day distance preventing all the membera of the family being present but thr out of the sis were able to be with them jack from uo njx angus from walkervul and ura urquhart from toronto in th forenoon ur ljo bull cam with a beautiful aaalaa from the woman association of norval and fifty yel low rosea from both oongwgatlona a bug number of th oocgwgatlou and friends called tn th afternoon and evening to extend congratulatio and lunch was tetved at which ura rank hustler poured tea in th afternoon and ura c uclaughun to th even ing just before th evening lunch an addrrai was read and presented by ja k hit oldest member of th family on behalf of himself and th rest of the family bratulfully acknowledging their tndebtedneo to their parent for their training and goodly example and wishing them everything good that provldnoe could bring them th ad dress was accompanied by a substan tial check ur uacklnnon in reply ing hoped they would all be privileged also to celebrate their golden wed ding uu ella ucdonald of brampton ipeot christmas week with her sister ura a ouby returning to brampton oo new years day ur nitchle benton of inattavule spent the holiday with his family here th holiday week has been taken advantage of to the full by the young people of the community and some who are no older than they feel ur bldney klrkpatrlck horn was the scene of one of the frolic on frkis evening but when a number cf the neighbors snd friends gathered to try out the new hardwood floor to the tune of the llmehouse orches tra everyone agnwd that it wa well laid the women association of the united church held their monthly meeting and election of officers on wednesday afternoon at the parson age there was a aood attendance d spite the rral winter weather the annual school meeting of o o no 0 was held at the school on wed needay dec nth ur john ntckell resigned and ura wm ulichell was elected as trustee to act with ueasra ii devereau and h cleave it ils decided to add music to the sublle school curriculum ur john ickell wa given the job of supply ing the wood for the year the regular nwmthty meeting o the o ills lookout club of the pre xrlan church was held on friday moon at the home of uli olive uarahall ml wtnnlfred ivens of toronto pent th new year and week end with her sisters ura c oale and ura newton ur r uarshau and uus olive uarahau left on uonday for toron to where they wul spent the naxt two or three months ur and ura harvey norton will occupy their horn during their absence ur and ura c gal left on tues day to spend a month or two with friends in toronto uonday waa election day and wa regret that our townsman did not head the nous gdnipmrmf th year oprilotu with but m the curwnl ar ha abown a eoasltvrabl improvraaeiat aay c if oarlli prldul of good- war tlr and uubber co of canada f i la a ltty to shaiboldcce iaupanyln lb cnus for dji- doda on tb pnccrrml and common tt for lb uu quarter of tb yaar ur carlisle tuui that the dividends for tw war on both tb pftd and fmuon stock have tn earned and aft r making allowtuite for d- prrclatloo bad dvua tai etc lhete will b a ausbl to carry for- wud to surplus youowtng a comnwt audit of the affairs of tb company no being made tb balmnoe sht and full in formation as to tb years opfrtlons will go forward o sliarcholdra ur cartlsl pomi out that tb coinpany ba not tfily rod and paid dldditkbi since lw but mb cr has adtwd to its surplus and caui pojuon i am aiklng you sa ur oat- lu as one of the j t7 coidua lhlrvtuildvre to uk an active in trim in your company s affaire auch as tw puixruulng of your own pro duct your inhiktwe ameng your frunda and in your localliy any erltlrum or cofnuwnti whub you may haw to otter u th omoers and start u1 be of grest axutnr we haw appu ed your eoopriatlon tn the past and it has btfft a big factor tn the txi kliag of your eceapny uutl nei iuo liriptoreuent and w are tooklvg forward to br4ter oodluons for th coming hr acton jack kentner iwrflwd tb final tanrticn of the otlfjk to naruclpai in th gams with tb local club this veer ur uuener of olenooe hs suc ceeded ur w nlsbet a accountant at th acton branch of th bank of uontreal ura ctiarlott use dona id and uus connne ur and ura elmore john ston and ur and ura oordoo john ion of hamulon spent chruimas at the home of ur and ur e h vln cent dr w u and ur kannabln and daughter of toronto and uus jean ucnish spent ctirumu with ur and ura a kannawln last evening the ornorrs of walker lodge a ai au were duly inslallad in ihelr reapactive ofnora w lira dr j a ucntven was the installing mas ter and wa assisted in these dutlee by th last uaaura of th led th following sere the omoera installed ii w llro arch ucnabb wlthro il l itluhl bw llro o a darfa jw uro oeorg ooedon oditro v u numley jo llro h- a wtnton i o bra v bait chaplain v w bra w u cooper treasurer bro c a conwty hecretary w bro it u ucdonald d of c w bro c w wuson organist bro dan taylor dj bro j e uccleary jb bro cecil crtppe tyler bro john jennings wood for sale choice hardwood uaple and beach mixed aolt wood most reasonable prtoef apply jack tost phone my georgetown auction sale 1 a j murray acton lot 31 oon 3 eroueslng wilt hold an auction sale of dorset ahoep b agricultural nnd general purpose horses 60 thorough- kid yorgihlro hogs and 40 jersey tattle on monday jan dth at one oolock sharp terms cash n j ke1ui auctioneer wood for sale ohoim aloole llardwood and oedu 4ilirat rtst prlmi orders wt ju asliteaor at my noma phoni im nroupuy attended to a uvlnotonat r- cup tma coupom ifeiee 50 i 10 vlcilou of l3gesnon i awn uw d itwi iriil- i lua iu- cuidltv tuusu siomsth i i un cmlonibl uilaus or itauw l fcir u s uluutoa i ktxh ol k tasisjuat oatsutd u i i arou alka of mtciuid uws suuiii- wajus tasav ftl ussh uuj f iwmtlipaisiai smdlss ivky- i rasbm isil balllu wewssah wai imsdwsl itroliula ue cssiutus sea ik hiiuy od ittmiib j iku pfor- iso u uaqii4vulaux i tou alu u a upt pfvurlptua d m prum tj csssdise id a ivattl au sult ftf f inowara ksl lawau iksl hw kum lua fmtlm besaul asw tiommk i iw iffibisj wttb aiseulsciurwr w allow u i ht w ft si isjolly tlw i stoualsu tosfav fee ealf 1u iuitiai tbli tinrn wdkaui utul ii ii ute ceuihwi todaw i iu bu htbyi sistrsr mow is i i is tsitu basnauta ihmttti tf4aklm i jm sasuea 4yp4nuav i i only i to a ctulorhey l hhintsthiacouioh aj vw stobb drtigglel ball1nafad the december meeting of th wjx was held at th liana on wednes day dec 37 with a good attendance the annual report of the different de partments were received and each secretary spoke in a very encourag ing way of the years work the treasurer reporting an increase over 10 ura altken presided during the election of officer and the fallowing membera form th executive for iwi preiktcni ura 9 w bhortul 1st vine pwsldanullj w ho- enery and vlrepresldent ulss a huta fiecretary jjra r ucenery trcasuret ura j p klrttwood christian stewardship secretary ulss joanna bhortul strangers bretary uw j u kcchnla supply secretary aflu d huta associate helper becfrtarylara o thompson ululon band superlntendentlfra oecrg alucen baby band bupertntendentili ellen lfckay temperance becwtarylar r wame mluionary wonthly aeouryirg c beswlck at th cloae of tha taeatlng freshmanu were served by the hosbsaa th january meetlnif will ba held at the noma of ulu j fitoruu the new year waa rather a autot one owing to tha condition of the thg ttopp heuw- luialmi bjad will meat at tha aaanw on saturday jan th at 130 vm and every mem ber 1 eitpecubd tn be jwawnt and make a tnad beiinmg r 1m4 un j p klrkwood and ton jim mle are lulterin fwu very hvy cold we hop they will won be a- rottnd agalile gukana letter milton police uagutrau j r we are sorry to say confined to his bod with an attack of bronchitis ula many friends hope he will have a speedy recovery owing to th ley condition of the roads a truck owned by u ie ntxnn collided with a car owned by c r- tumer on the aeoond line between ullton and acton there was alight damage to both the truck and the car but the dlrver escaped injury george e uaunder of hornby left on tuesday dec ibth for port laud erdale plorlda where he will spend the winter returning home tn april vuletide spirit penetrated the hal- ton county jail here when governor j p ucoallum made ctiruimas day aa joyous as possible by treating the seven prisoners to a fowl dinner bhertff brown supplied a radio for the day and the membera of the young women auxiliary of st pauls united church distributed ohruuna cheer among the prlaonera tha treat consisted of fruit candle plea ejakea etc harry hilson of uuum height shot and killed a brush wolf on the moun tain in that district and intend ool lectlng the lid bounty for same hu son shot and killed a brush wolf near th same place two year ago cham- plan incbeabe in pabbenoer 1ueabjd insurance kates the passenger hazard rate on auto insurance policies will be increased on january let 1m4 according to a bulle tin issued this week by the or surety company thi action aa a reauh of the loae ratio pauenger have attained in relation amount of other auf the preaent net flat cent or the pasngi dorsment on auto the future be w60 for thle boost tn period of 18 monl loss under this h cent of the total uabuity vancouver dec yi 1bu today n motored up orouse uountaln 0 mile from its base rise 000 feet to the chalet where the oung aporls and aportrues vancouver ski toboggan and dance uuty and mild when we left the leel country in the suburb e en countered anon and more snow as wi ascended until it deepened to ft at our destination leaving the oar there e hiked lol and with miny a nst otcr tike hard packed mo to its lummlt 500 ft up and there had a in cut wonderful view of the ctty and unrounding co ntry lie hind ui but now almost on our lew towered mountain after snowcapped mountain as far back as one could see title in front the whole map of city ocean rler and island lay under our bate the five mouths of the prase r huer unread out like the fin gers nf your hand prom here wi could plainly we that the city of van eouer is almost entirely surrounded by water and is built on a great blun ringer of land stretching out into the oulf ol georgia utandtng here top cf the world and looking down on a human anthill of 300 000 inhabit onto looking so small and far away gives you a feeling of insignificance that after all the petty jealousies hate and despairs arc not worth while and you hav to go to the wind of th mountains field or stream to have them blown clean out of your system the sun had set behind the clouds and velvet night waa closing in when with many a laugh w slid and scram bled down from our high altitude to stand one more on th comparatively level plateau where stood the hotel and to look down for the last time that day on a diamond studded city as the twinkling light showed up in all their briluanoe one thing more wo saw before we left tha warmth and brightness of this logbuilt home waa about twenty huskies dot rela tives f the dogteam which comman der byid took from here tor his ant arctic expedition shortly after we were gliding down the snowploughed road which winds and twist tn a hundred hairpin turns with only one mishap to mar a perfect tfternoan ccmlng swiftly down a straight niece of road w were suddenly start led by a ringing shout from the tim ber about fifty yards ahead too near to atop we flew past at several heavy 5 ft atlcka of 1jc fir shot out into the air just behind us to thud heavi ly into the banked up snow on the opposite side unnerved by the thun derous roar mode by this heavy green limber coming down a 1000 ft wood en shut and our narrow escape the driver lost hi grip and the next in stant we went headlong into a 5 ft wall of snow they dug us out and we got back on the road wtthout much damage done but we wero a badly scared lot they were taking out shlnglcbolts these fellows and the one at the edge of the timber was supposed to watch the road and warn all approaching can but he forgot or tomethlng and we almost paid with our uvea ten minute later vv were in the misty warm low land once more then unto the ferry and up through the crowded street where strings of red white blue and yellow light with a great star swinging in the centre mode a colorful and beautiful picture of the street at christmas time the snow on arouse ul some years aootimulatea to 30 ft in depth last year thev skied over the top of the hotel pju ottawa sfmtrffjbfc otlvw january sid th province and tb dnrnlnlon kt toawue-t- for a round ublv di- eusajon on january lain on wk be fore th bderol fcajrirtj bisa tbr will hav punly cf live topic to mull ovr on la lb mailer of iosna the fed- xsal treasury h bm wading buy ptwtty fiwely to th four waam pro incr during tlw dvtmslon normally th provlne borrow by latulng their own bonds but with fofwlltlors so bd and lnuiwt rate on provincial saeur- uuxe so high th ottawa treasury has had to com to the rccu at tb moment the total loans run to about u tnlllu feaskatchewan having bor rod at talllkafts uarm and al berta eight vch and biilub col urn bla lim trtliliorj the dominion haj ban charging th pawlnc nv pr fanb th prov- inou would ilk tb rat rducd to four or less another live toolc i tinemploymeot tvlwf tb peovlnoa have bo piy log for a larger contribution from the tur4 treasury for diiwrt wuf a twuqo of th owrrpa a will b dlacoaand at tb twnt time y piovtne ba u own ua ngkodtng th lnoottorallon and ot atlon of row pen if bom ptovlnor are atrlcur than otiwra and th wud act oompanl uad for th more wo lent peovtnc in order to peouct lb canadian tnwlor th ftidvral govern tnent would bke to ak up no uniform taw aifaattliig lb whol of canada but tb provtoer aw ry tcaulut about urreruwrtng any of tbetr rights bom ccmprotdl say be ricbd at ottawa in th tuird cf january tb rgctiv nm of th federal aovtifaiol and tb prwtnow rr to- luranw u another rrtli subil for ajgumeal it too wul u ihrmhsd out yl frl bfti ft with wry tittle fuw though afur numrrou du canada ha iootot- td a prldnt over u two bllilon doll sr uunsporulion syaum th cnd tan natlonai luusaya it uuh tremely raspcfuibl task wtucb iton charu percy puiiirton ha atsumd the canadian hauonal ha had um boom days and it tvpteailoa uya and th new chairman u taking hi post at a time when fortune has bbd pretty low one would hardly rfognl the c n of today for th luuy concern of ik bm blr ltnry was beaming expansively a mil es pensively loo u must be ad mil tad over th ihnlng rotrrprue the uk up of th new board of truiltve practically assurs a dirts t onhlp th old directorate of 11 mem be rt u aboluhad and ih new board ccnut of pullertan j e lab lie of uontreal at ilioo or so a year and p if uorrow of toronto as a dolar a year man although actually he do not even f4t a dollar on can iw that former judg aiuarton u the key man th iw of th new scheme of things that u what u uitendd the ossumptloo u that the system got tself into a bad way through the loot operation of drrnocracy and that a fascist control u set up to bring it back pullrrton la regarded as a man of treat capacity and high in tegrlty who wul do the trick cj4 hi u 1u pullrrton lake over th rallvay at th low ebb of it fortune deiptte rlgtd economies revenue have con unued to fall even fiuter th posl tlon of the aystem at the end of 19x1 is just a trifle wore than it was a year ago th nest move promise to be upward to be rsact th candlan national ha earned in ibs about sis mu lions this go to meet an interest bill of m millions lax new ecn nrucllon etc th deficit will be sbout the same aa last year when it as w mlluana those arbitrary value mean tng incertaln and eioraalv duties usual ly on british jute refuse to stajr abolished they were wiped out by he tariff board but a canadian jute manufacturer appealed and it would wm that the customs department u mill collecting them at any rat two more importer have appealed again paving them and the case com ur tn fore the board in the second wee of the year gents furnishings men lined kid glov 1 50 for 100 men flanneulte niftht gown 1 25 for wfc men wool scarf 1 50 for 8e men wool sox 2 j for 2c men heavy wool so s men 4 lb wool sox 2s men heavy police brace 2se men lined kid mitu 8 men lined fur back kki front muu 88 mens fuece lined combuiatioru sfc mens fleece lined shut and drwer 88e boy heavy combination we boy flannelette pyjama 69e end 68e men white shirt collar attached 1 25 for 68e men linen handltercbiefs 10c sad ise sunpbcity pattern tlfc i mcbean co phone 64 gedrgettown tabd op thanh b ur and urs bcrymgeour and family ftlsh to thank the etttsens of george toan for their very kind consideration and sympathy in this their time of rouble nowg and infiiivigatoo for tka busy fatmcr auu vvtv the ceniiia reveal many thing other than the number of people re siding within the confines of thl dominion who total i0yim souls of these 8 jsi ml were of british de scent and 3030000 of french origin the british increased during the de cade by 513a3j or nuj3 per cent the pvench lncreaaed 4lsjt or mot per cent should there ba no british im migration within the next decade the number of people of vreneh origin uu will about eciual those of british stock meanln about eighty per cent of our people ara of and ifrencn origfal agrtealtaral lasealag wrsurn ont dairymen laondon jon 1011 ontario vegetable o rowers conven hon toronto pen x ontario plowmen annual meeting toronto peb 7 onurio seed a rower annual meeting toronto peb a ontario aisn of pairs and exhlbi hon convention toronto peb b 0 ontario horticultural association convention toronto peb 1518 canadian ayrshire breeders toron to peb 7 plant tuyttaabe a raw during the post season which was notable for lack of rainfall growers of soybeans will have noticed the value of cultivation to this crop the practice at harrow ha been to cul uvate soybeans similar to com and a clean crop of good quality soybeans has always resulted when toy bean ure planted tn row 3s to so inches apart this beneficial cultivating may be done this distance of planting would also be an advantage over the solid drilling of th beans in that the plants are allowed more space in which tn develop and produce abun dant bean of good slse beef raajalremsnl investigations of the ontario de partment of agriculture show thai butcher desirous of supplying cus tomcrs with beef of a quality eligible for grading according to dominion government sta are looking for carcasses weighing from im to 600 lbs with a top of 600 lb and carry ing sumclent finish such carcasses come from cattle weighing 0a0 to 1040 pounds with a top of 1 100 pounds this covers butcher cattle steers and heifers in the fed calf and yearling class tho weight most in demand is so to 450 pounds being from fed calves weighing from 800 to boo pounds live sufficiently finished to be eligible for rod or blue brand beef there is alio a limited demand for weighty steer carcasses from 800 u 700 pounds to tako care of the de mand for more mature beef and foi upplylng institutions these should come from steer weighing 1100 to 1300 pounds there appears to be a vast num bor of beef carcasses moving into re tail channels of desirable weight but without sufficient finish far govern ment grading these carcaiie are coming from all classes of live cattle and it would seem that this condition u due to lack of breeding or feeding keeping the weal clean woollen tnonufaotuhh often object to canadian wool on account of dirt particularly chaff and seeds the re moval of such material u expensive which u frequently the reason for th coniirucliou of tb nuk u important- have tb ui on tnlsdantm mui wnloaj and tut tmt tnan lo incua einn- tnu wul prtwtu u hay tnm falling or lie mil wntn feeding nil th rata from an aiir or kwp lb sheep out ol uw pru ibey should alto b kth uu vnen tb bedding u being anrd uaiui kaw grabs by ik ftry ltai this i lit tlma ancn prevlou crate uod mil ipcduu tu- ft majtx lns uut loiiury ticih or roast c u tb loosler mat acre not rtady for lb iiuuuxue tnarkxl bad betur be given ptcial food lor tha dimand thai injurs in tn new year tn iitnn uound of canadian tur- as ma icut to lnglond for this liuulinu meant sllguuy high prlou to gtofters lure than acre rodvd ui jir or auuld have been looaived iiu ar nuit is no nason hy more good uujiry pruducu should not be tixtcd ur live tiport maikcu w have tb aiock und the clirap xocd it 1 lb ucu uay to eel good price for our train market 11 uirougn lbs poultry uuu bacu ccmailil in ageet hun ihomas u kcunedy u in liter jf agriculture luu announcad that under regulation of lb pnut act of lluj it wul be necessary lor all com m n agent hiy1g oularlo- rwn fruit and vegetable to furnish w curtly by the bund of a surety com poro in not leas a sum than aiojsqo rrucluiers of trull and vtgetabies will iioi be required to fumlsb the bond tho department has been advised uy the casualty underwriters auoci uion that the charge for bond will ue at the rate of 110 per thoua tn l utoo of 30 per thousand the former titr the new rale will be retroactive o june 30 and apply to ail bond al ready written all fnmtitiisit houstt ill be required to secure band ti ucconiance wuh the rrgulallan on or urtore jan 1 1u4 uectrle ubu la the peallry taaa it ha bin proved conclusively that a tho night become longer tha us of artificial light in the laying pn 111 help the winter egg production considerably the ui of light during tho inter will not influence the years total yield to any great exianu however they will increase produc tion during the season of good price and a greater profit will result- tho high yklds sometime obialnml in lb canadian laying contest where for the reason of unuarmity and com parison no light are allowed com- para very favourably in the total number of eggs laid tn one year with similar flocks that have had the ad vantage of light during the winter but the peak of production oocur much later when no light are used isatarl ayeis in brttafas after a period of abnormally large ithlpmcnta of canadian apple sup plies reaching the british market are now more moderate and a a result prices obtained for ontario naldwtns unoas and greening hav risen a few shilling a barrel andrew pul ton the overseas fruit representative report that good quality ontario bald wins no 1 are making from it shilling and 6 pence to 13 shilling a barrel according to colour bom attractive ontario snow made so shilling to 33 shilling and 6 pence ontario greening are also making better price ranging from 10 shillings to 33 shilling for no 1 quality the latter price show how unwise it wa to unload large quantltle of green ing on the british market at 13 to u shilling in the pall at a tlma when english cooking apple were still abundant ur pulton think that the prospect for nood ooloured on tario baldwins and oreenlng a well ure likely to be fairly satisfactory af ter the new year ben davis and btarka however will have to meet completion from the large auantltlas of these vurletles coming from nova scotia in january and wbruary ur pulton again advocate that steps be taken in canada to devise rme scheme of orderly shipment from all provinces in order to head off the rising tide of dissatisfaction on the part of english appla grower uho naturally resent having their i hort selling season in tho fall ruined bi excessive supplies of oversea ap ples much of them cooking vaiietlee the english grower suggest the adoption of some voluntary mean of preventing glut of apples in the british markets in heavy crop year during 1033 for example the british markets aero continually over-iup- plled with apples from one oversea aicurco or another from april to dec ember and during that time the tea- wm crop of all english fruit had consequently to be marketed disadvantage of course the canadian fruit growers also suffer when their tipples ore too hurriedly dumped on market already overstocked with up- plips russell westenger who ecaped from the ontario iteformatory on oc tober 30 luu been arrested at broejc- vllle according to word received by authorities at the ouelph institution wouenger u held there on four charges and after they have been disposed of he will he taken to onelph and charged with eacapmg from custody weuenger when he lower price otferwd a little eare on escaped la alleaed to have unlet a the part of the farmer will help eoul car owned by one of th guard at aktarebly tn luenin tb wool eti t qejeormaieay general news according to rport atad all zmltt of the country cnrults baytn ha turpilad tb past lour yars tn rsuciys also rvport th graaiaai oi- uine of p trainc m yra z this a 4ugn out tb ucst of dp- uun hs bacn broken t we hop ao sewn parson wr shaken up con siderably hea a light edaa cwatd by erie caldln bpoartaw ave to ronto aklddad down tb sisep inclln a i no as blu highway id thr ail from orangttvlil mad lo ooaxdet turns arut landed in lb 1ltfi on thursday last huaura aboi a coif in lb busiii on the farm of aa- warden chaa htaiihaad lowvlll tlw wclf wlgbad aboui u poubda vernon ucarthur and w j vhw woiking tn tb buatt at tb um and war quit sjirratlswd wbaa tbf burners sbod tbsm lb wolf which had urn shot wblia they bdcliy engaged at cutting wood the ckm of th hunter were not ouamad town clark o u byar announc ed on wndntwaliy that twenty tingl unrmplayed men of oakvui aw tea- ing as soon a tn uhr cuar for the north country wbara thay will be engaged in road construction tb men hav pa ad phytic aiamlna- iions and hav been outntbd prepara tory to leaving by truest for point trn mile weat of t ouaraon in uu- thrr were 41wj45 dosen aggs in cold storage tn canada on deownbar 1st togelber wlih i01jo03 doaen trash egg and humus pound cf froaan egg w outhru farmer near part re cently lost 11 bead of ealtl which bled to death after being darvornad and th owner war valuad at two while rabbit bunting near pana- tang harvey ucuaatw bani and hu brother in uw jas uooualg lost th key to tnalr car on returning yrwatr utmptd to short tb cir cuit around th switch and in doing to suited a fire which completely de stroyed the body of the car th en gine and chaaal vara not greatly tb tvmnnht for roekwood po lice village trustee wa bald last prt- day tn th town hall with th re sult that the 13 officer war re elected by pmlarwipsh a fouow pred smith char thatcher and o h pearcn the financial sttuwafkt showed a balance of aasata over lia bilities of iiu two township of wellington oous- ty have tb splendid record of being winn j th lowest in the province tts th matter of tax rata utnto town ship rank aannnd and pusllnch third oodeiicb is in first place thl in formation waa disclosed by reeve keu black of pusllnch elected to offlo hy aorlamatlon but week in the country near bangor um traveller recently notloed the alga over a branchingon road 6tor nudut colony do not enter of course soma of th curtou one would enur what they found wa a amall herd of cow peacefully grating ura c titus of wucaaset xulr vjul played a wedding march which wa broadcast over the air from that city in honour of tha flftyflrti wed ding anniversary of ur and ura george beswlck orangevul oa thursday last ur raspln soott of aialvlu waa som in last week a a justice of the peace for the county of peat u raspln show tha same emclaney and impartiality on the bench a be doe as a hockey and lacrosse referee he will make an ideal jr p owen bound council ha been wrangling over the coat to the city of the international plowing hatch which wa held near tha northern city last autumn the match cost the council tuo on top of which waa an additional hill of lu0 far sowenlx in the year 1qj1 canada oonanmed no w than 83mjt3 gallons of to cream which t an increase of about three million gallon over ten year ago ice cream 1 mainly made from a product of the farm and 1 both a luxury and a nutrlttoua food xt i not anticipated thai the so tas lb on sugar will have any mateual effect on the tale of the product iloney however is another form product that could substitute eugar in the sweeten ing process wellington county council want something dona about the data of thanksgiving day the member of the official county body believe that it should be on the last udnday of november in each year and to thl end they will meuiariaube tho ind eral oovermnent richard eu1 aged 73 of near oustlc was found dead in hi bed over the weekend apparently having paa- ed away in hi sleep he was on of the older resident of the district the body was taken to ouelph and tha burial took place on isieaday after noon from the funeral home of ou- bert ucbuyva the only nhtm survivor of the d66d 1 titter nt sault ote marie wrag kveawtoucei doctor what you heedjlaun lady i a utile sun and riftf r jittw doctor wm arrgl tdla of tto bkiyci

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