Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 10, 1934, p. 1

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the georgetown herald r year of pullkaiioo tu cuorfanm hurald wfcsky etfanbi january loth 1b34 1 jso pas- aura la aalnsml sx00 t usa town kaotu hetau uuoa dm tsij- imi oio tap 10u ji i tkrfdk ct 11 l i lcui hiiuml i bui i us pssf sl tt isfilfrtj 4aj a jill- 9uttoofc brighter for 1934 jrv v lifiurlo iaaoi ua m hmokm miiaaou i to ma use tossa to the editor a new year u here it hea urge rtj problematical before u what we in ontario shall moke of it depend primarily on our resourcefulness our cohrge arxi ooy pride with four years of depression past the worst of it i over i believe ute province find itself in a rather favored position though many difficulties loom ahead and i for one do not minlraue their complexities our ship of state is once more ruling on even keel willi colors flying our people are being fd clothed and sheltered none starve our credit is un impaired our institutions sound there is no disorder little lawlessness tlinxlgh- oul all our trials the people have manifested their adherence to british tradition and to british sane thinking by patience pcrsevcf ance and general cooperation with tboaa entrusted with the reins of administration they have proven that the welfare of a coun try in times of stress comes properly before things political and matters purely partisan this attitude of mind must prevail throughout 1934 if we are to come safely and securely through there should be no place in our calculations as a province for quadt tonics and curealls concocted by un practical preachers and prophets experience is an excellent teacher and experience so far has taught ua that our recovery must be slow and orderly moving along audi lines the goal we all have long envisioned is assur ed one hasty overreached step however might spoil all in wishing our people a happier a brighter and a more prosperous new year let me again commend them for the manner in which they have played the game during the trying twelve months that have just end ed sincerely yours ceo s henry prime minister 1 rfsplu raa us new low prices ea all glasses txvu bsswlr b sua vlufuut ihuu ute lot uu uust strls of 1i11u to lowcat tush otv uszn fan tux tuia qtmjty o t walker dosc rmtsiasr shcuutr susui i 1u usl susv dess- l qir us ii si ttlflift sf si swill o v wsiksat ss u sssss is hwom flhin ass nssswj la s rch ills hgham 111 worsb pinter millinery e an sure you will be phased with the new winter skjuf which are eatiraly dutereat ne new materials and coloring are just tight for wialer wear a big reduction on all our hats now 1 the tinm to order your fur coats misses claridge kald block upstair gmrfetowh lacltc ivery llslli iksvsyh ferity i say unto you the harvest is pash the summer is ended the new year is at hand and a urge number of subscriptions to the herald remain unpaid we know it ia only a small matter with each individual subscriber but in the aggregate it means a lot of money to us and we need it right now to meet our obligation will you mr subscriber if you are in arrears for your subscription to the herald kindly let ua have the amount owing that we may continue to send you the new of georgetown and district each week we need the money need it badly and we have confidence in our subscriber to grant our request and pay u what i our due sweep b please do it now your iwav torn ttxc load w u that youth of every land today frwartlnar for tcii w tu the cum wno will be urtl unlaw wot ofcstt w toe the com elect lord to a pri6 too hlejii you ev us iu and it u uot vooj will ophi th buad cl our irakis la ry urus bcltaal uwtxl tolas to unjsttaiid ytisu j u hid and htbfrttiw ad wkulat juid umiarw qultt tiut ih clan uroof youth of slkb juw tb iod hit to uu asd k and hiwn tad pru w would not b xiiitrt at tto aht to wu urf hj ciirsaahaujalid ffw od ar wtth all h hottw 1 and fetmd iu dutt lmiaalt ltvd 6ay than tww br anoflwr war thu u otur r cliw ksmj ckxu in tiw hisjtfcxi iivtlkkid a utile thing likccicuie h jlusie doucijls whetms bis c11udo oisuoiwatit l by 7ird wlillab la uau 4t efiplmi do itouaia that oa thu du d m in 1117 tbsf oalsuto uaivij os tfat woyai caudsmu ourllaj club wu ktfaulladf 1u11 bsv hitla usaf aixwn of thu proflao t add irhjr fsuun u out nt ircstj ty ukt dtuualsrr cstasstwaulng tha h- avaod jufeuw cl ibat f mmun frhsvpsi by that tltim aosst wuj tum ojvd us pualsl wbtlw did cujlliui ortjlnxut u you adt scot h ux o eoufa aart wttb proxr mhaashun uut tlutv u bo douu uu psntinw bgtn ta stvtijazid but uun in otbsv ismcll ftlu clamd thau th gaa u of wff ofiin tbw uttur la iueoti el liulr tula point to f abou txittli punuilf d4 jljlniiaihr uf ji r- ttba imura of th hunt- ia d and daud lfnual uad id hka wtilnd th uafunj 0 tb huiaiaiai can clwuly to tun fiv auim etiillflsf w an lo rtnk otm of th eblarf rapaa- au of thla clalia lw j katw imiti wrou w tuw all th vldaoo that mytaalsvr caa bi ta favor of ui oontlnswtjj ortjto th una balog all dutch or curmajx point to th low counlrim a th piao la hib it itvut prouhl on- etnatad lud tbf bora olr on or tw fowtajn tana on would haw mu mucii tor th jjamntic ort- gin of th gam but th wfeal of to urmi btidm cotauuntal eoiaaal u to aaerih u to ooatluntal orts th bootsv oa th othar hand auot th enckiopaadia of eoort 111 which aayt rtu infrtno from y- moksfy u contradicted by rtfyol facta and then u lltu doubt that airtln in iu ortrln a in it dralop unit u paculiailj ficottuh it af- flfmcd that th port in on form or mwthrr had bkti practlmd ia boot- land for more than four crntufim th encyciocvaadia drhanntra an hit th iport ha baa popular in geo land for thrw ccnturu at uau nii j icarr in hi jurtory of curunaj tio dciared that th nm could b traoad back in scot land for warty 460 ycara k c ouuit a oounl of ymra or ao ago fa hutory of curtlnf in can ada on th wort pax of th ual 1 erapuw which ha haca dcmlop in hi tarty iau in uftwr oan- prom thiaw uam that th cam was a mlht b ipcud in- troduod into canada by th rt ofiiotra at qube aoon afar th eon- qurtt 60 far aa can b tjsand th rtrtvt eurtln ciub at atottraal formed in ilfti th firat in cop canada at ttintoo us ttm and thar vu euiilnf on th don la i to though th flrat toronto club was not orwanlaiwl until th wtatir of lfc- t but th soot at jftrfuj had tbalr club ortanlafd fay sioo adam rrgua- oa tn itm uuch might b wrttun about tb oie airunt matcha la ontario atno that tlm but my uu u llmltml lat m coficjutf vllh th anal vara of shanks ourllnf sottf prtntfd in tb channal sioo by john uomalr ta ito itliu tp- proprlau for noaourtr a tor thom who taka uutr wlntar aru t bwom and itan and whtn th aoor of hi i mad aa mad it will for a that when huihan dlh lam hot u playad am urn a hog and a that for a that and ft that our baaom frtou for a that w hop to mt each rink tymiput round lllthm tw for a that tbi wulctv f anr turnmg from th city tuwapaptn to th cttull town praa tfisawi that com to th editor daak u ilk tapping from th alum full of vlos into aa oldfaahlonad gardaa with lavendar and thyu and th aunt of immaalal flower th pam of th big dalllau mr ao full of mur der thtvery immorality and aauuh nua that th better aw la obaour4 by thai glaring ahattertng of th tu- calogue on put th paper cilde wlth a ftultng of opnbuloo and naart- ach that the world ta ao full of ter rlbl and unhappy thlng- then picking us th papet that word th happening of tb ultl town around ua on rain renewed faith in life lure ar aet forth only that which uplift a community the actlvltlee of th bualnai men the church item th happy aoclal tub- ertngi of th people th marfmr birth and deatha fanner lleau iasd all the thoutand and on dally ocour- renoee that make up th simple an- nal of the great common people who are really th foundation of thl broad country of our acandal are rarely rjubllihed u the country neirapapiri but if it ao hippena that deoeney mmn it th uglier detalli aiv omitted or given a kindly touch that la widely different from the unfeeling ptihlfcuy of the city preie the oender may be pur neighbor or people we have rub bed elbow with all our uvea they are real human belntt to their town people while to the gnat city dalllee they aw merely tiw of a sort that are ground out hourly la their new oometlbie people apeak lightly of the country hewapaper but 1 1 1 one of the moat potent and uplifting ho- ton la our national eiditeno chriulan scleaeo monitor ourereal htber you nrat met my daugh- ter at the seaside x believe fiha told me how aha had attracted you suitor old aha wally ilrf rby the told ue youd be fuhoua if you found out thau wintodl tiivr lug i tlw mall ttmht tie fjtdfwt u il htitssria uri la llild o0 tly u4u kulsj ttfisr l mtt lag bj-yr-r- ti itjlwi uhlr divawd w asmlijr u lw 14 iu- kt ulib a mark kaf itsat wl ttalbl in cwst but fell fa t- rxl tiniuo balr if uu ui9 11 is m uf mil i rult hip f bat girl u ilu t in lutt llb iw tla arii it o ylj sww ji atuur luidwiu osyend vou i4 ihi thrkhaiff ulfj lllpiil lh u h an vils uhwrt kwh bji wy fi s fcttr wusl 1 in dlnur duls4 ku 14 j rjlly but ji i uitiililiat at as- lliur lumsitg jihv iltj urrv ui uj iiilsr atu kail lliiiit uw ut t lii tin j t dfllgf 1 1 lsj tsv tmd lo bill if fc- ivuu tlb o w tsr 1 dsso 1 a vhy b thouu aui t w taw fctt hsutixbf i riot ubcw- uaod bbd jrt har fcn flolld mranatyly aad u fj ntw gttv ta lis duui- cf tr rjr djp aad a tisrw finusi la iwr lift f niuoojnof la lwr ob roi aba ursjj u winlnj rrhuall tb graj rtuhu lccj tvvutuplloa aorj br bl rrfr bwaj palrb aajr it era tw caj iblbaf lft u what it tad eo ll- bio wr itra list bad bvo aujttjlof ikii tsfal ggsui ti iwi that tfram aw as riutwat ihf ttw lall bwtad aod fck citnij th lonr t amhir rili wto m situjj motottt la tb bsu bbdsr tw liny mm flsbi f 1 r- tstnlat ba feud i iv ad to you fxslayr ki as id twrutlnltlbf her shit ftira ttwr eaa ao akwanl stltve for taosuaut ifitr is tied wetad lilmwlf in lit rawnlsmiil i ii to room a th big rhalr arroae fmas ur ullur hoe r ftt gvttlng oa vita raar lavrt old ur illllar shhsj artliur iia1jln found hlwwf la lb tiutrtue of lba loitmarat old lullff and b llstasasd to dnwsy r niiiilwnr of tb ecu lui b njfird id ills clwtr ulia ul lis4 b aald iwmj nlfot b adoilttrd it wa 00 of tbt doll ninf h bad vr pat and inlta ua urrveafol rtrpt fur hla ual aatuarti i iteuy 00 rrtaloly bate woadarfal asir ihtltf h aatd as it teak bar baud dollar tb wluk4irtag ga basm to lit hall lip amlrfcad to blnssjf a b nassfia- btvj tb alow almnat palnrul 8teh that toacbed wr rbaaks in eld eonuili to know twitar dalj ttvoogm eit morniom a tb amnom tb pmr bat aw in fir tlun lo lb air bad raogfat bar and ah iptalod to bar fsiibsr brtsflj that ab r galog to ib rlty it must baa bum tb balr tkat did ii but daisy aa uaabl to reals a hat tliat tonbad allogatbtr lliising lo of lb suiartfst ahufm 00 plfth aptjo dot the bat nuid bar ault look to ojdar thaa ar aad daisy plasevd rhe gasped thn ah aav barulf to lb bw ault with it long sun ib ami li ttallrlooa gvldeo brown color 1 illi tb bewllrblng bat hot bow sbabby bar ahoea looked aa a wry last toocb ab boegbt herself a new pair mi tali m fn to aare it all main daisy ibuogbt abasufacdly all tb eaooay that 1 pot by for raloy day hb astuej baraeif dowo by the wta dow is tb train tueuog la bar new ctotitn that ab was too aotlieahle til prayed that ab woald meat ao un ah kaw mr ntovad otar to tb vary margto of bir mat aa a big eosti eat dowa beem berj b looked at bar casually and tbaa rud why if it last daisy ulllarl ur armstroog p aaed to be iuu wbaa wa wee la erbooi- tttbar b uagbad daisy loud up at blmj earbapa tl wae tb ow bat perhaps u wag tb coesfioueoaea of that amak salt yet ihtr waa a chara aboot that any bird ilk gunra that toecbed wu illd iruisiruog just foot tack to civilisation be espjalnad im string to aarprti my pruf1 itsi m inag ruo from arlsoaa to kw 01 lii how woodarfull deity etelalmej aoftly iv aluaja thought that was bout the timtt lotereatlng plur to lire iban for earn unaccountable itosuo all btuslut not for your kind v arautroagsald grainy lie touched tanletlvely lb rich fur oa her con ab hits f aald delay with til 4aln h irctoitua mattarr vvhea a glha aa pretty aa you are delay 1 guaea joure right 1 be said btartlly id ilka to drop la and tulb with you about tioda country h aald aa b wrtohg her linnd lo fureuell that was liy lvit ji lulpr dalay ulllar answering the truihone aald aoftly t tm aorry lfr lislduin but i have aaolhsr engugvnuiil tutilulitr congrotulnliihi i turn wlnahlp cried hnljinu out hla hi imi to bis bat ling partner v hiii it iiiiuoe n a lady itliur art 1 imii admit you never full hi puluhd u iftrluu flnirnr to th notice to the evtiilrw paiutr tin insiictiiirnt of ulua dua till lar ta nininiitud to ur ulllluui artn atrong of tunuiq aria poet a poet kojatj tvttiss uutsirtiy ixput yuuaxj ssssmjuh u-s- a va irxiuver huadjy plr pub lished a ltlsf writlo by alfisd noytss llfltuh post to v uuli u uf vaurouvt t iu wlilrli ui sur tv ujlsyj to tbo cturku vl wiljjo llur ooald of lufvoiu tlial oluih wilt r bav lutlv nard fur lur wurlt tif cjeidun bulhiira ur tlirjotxald uatd bu fru to alfrtaj koit uo lv llif itlluiw- of llfillab wrltv in ceaavsi la atj utlflir th ytlsru uf toloauiufd whkb tdirmis la oho llouu a volutin bublulni by tw oty tbriw wrtura h oiad uo ariu r rfr ft to lb altualtoo at ao authora ceoaeatloa lo toronto ybe caioaduo put hrs0 ibat a loag a lb nltaa of colcuiiaiuiu rtcal4 caibeii4 rcgld oot dlup e catltsul utarulur eod rlltsl uhl b ifrfoud tb rulilti un raor uf urttlab auibure faidiiii anadlaii wrlllog furtbir lati tl viutot of a suuttury toll id llil tile aod canaduii uolvrtaitiia ut irb xwfeutod tltit voik ul m olurifjl tlna rtinnlnd lo iu irfly 10 ur dallo tb drill it wai dssrlarw itul ma ttsur til catisda 4u dlrtattsj by tnthutljstu for tbe do mlii ion aad ibi llurary iwtaloooisois hare hu bo coo veruiico wllb ur uarduaald au it cauadlau or ao oitjtr utrralurv tb letter ald thi tusay caasdtao authora who nodi tif lie svdailfwj and ubow imttunal frtadablp la amt um jo tupeiirr xij temp a i ion of bav op rtrnnv known vou h anv olfnvuuks one of the oldest known bodies of water in north america la the day of vundy rvuotsu and onampuln in 1804 tint gave it authentic raoognl- tlon but it was visited by itretich masque and portugeae flshermen and trajten in the alntdth eentury and 1 marked on map of that period atate the tourist bureau of the canadian national railway ft u shown on oabote map of 1m and the name it is believed li derived from the irvench word ffendu uuanlng apltt applied on old maps to the cane now called cape bplie at the entrance to mlnai uaaln at tbe head of tha bay 01 nudy cat att till hi s141t ahawtc itasurptm ulul uviu ooao lb rat whuh atttr aav a auefcm bu uhla lamortallly by dvourleg eltb appartot oomnt a pf ift auasets it a ratbar a atraoc story thl story of tb cat b mtod ta tbe dark bom l tbe eat ratio room pt la a tomato aewapspsr otnc horn la a tiay dark alley uadlog to the pme- roosa noso gr to rdlkood vlilila tbe ooafldca of tb bulldleg as lor auaast or suorts lloto bt tvro baard of tbaa boeae tlaa mo wrltrra club held as art- eablbliioa ua by aad salrd war tbe ai hi bits tbat of 11 a- bob jrtarqubarfioa waa outstud tag b44 bad obtain d tbe customary easta patatad la e barkgroaed with bouee paiat glued tbrreoa a frlvd agg to represent tb auo aad atrip of baooa to reprwaat it ray altar tbe eihlblllob dob brought tb ptetare dowe to tbe of sea tb boy thought it was girt tbat it abauld be preaiiwed for po- tartty it abould be eagtaved aad so down doaoa allayway wast a groob of toe boy carrylag tbe tbsat alc but taryoa buey it wa gat t lag close to dead ua tb ptctura we placed oa a table momentarily forgotten later a fraatte eegravar found doao ttckibg a bsedltatlt chop the ray or tbe sua bad disappeared bo bad the aoa itaelf dobs rataatsrpua wae rulaed gtuzav tezscpuowe cflcju faafctaa rjee tb tam hasv tbaa svffjte of aay oiw ooskaauy- ordinarily caaadlaaa are aot not ably loqaacieua but atatuuce abo ibat they eoatlou to bold tbe dl tloctloa aa toy bav dose for th past few year of using tbe tsle- pboa mora tbaa the people or any other country lut year the num ber ef call or cob rartat ions checked agalnat tb i 461111 telegbooee ta oaaada totalled 1400 000000 lo ci ud lag tr4ltict loag distance call aa average of iso call a or eoaveraattoa per bead of population and ltts per telephone which waa higher than for aay other country there i oae telspooa la tb dom inion for avary saves of the papa latlea is total dumbr or telephone canada la fourth the united states bold flrat place with 1001 1 oil oarmaoy la second with lltglob great orttaio and northern ireland la third with lttl tit whttis oollaiul a while collar unit has just beeo opened at uount sins hospital la new york the cost of private hos pital aad cursing car la it will be about onehalf of tbat sow charged throughout the city a peculiar neod u tbua intended to be met wblte collar adorn a large and useful but generally neglected la- meat ta the population they eur- round back agueesed between the aether atone of poverty which muit accept charity aod tbe upper atone of wealth which dooe not have to tha tnao and women wber wear than have oaltbar money power nor tho power tbat com ee of cohesive class coaaelousneee aad action they faro badly at many torn on the social map detroit free proa wide rat- op clvtiuttt or tbe 114110 home id oanada 1411777 or 71 gar etot are wired for electricity awordlng to a recant survey by a large company nun uf 10 turlng efeetrto appliance lo tbeae home thar are appro n met el y hi 000 electric refrigerator 310000 raagoe 1140000 irons 800 000 ra dio esta 150000 vacuum cleaners 840000 toaatere 84000 water heat ere 160 000 washing machines and 70000 fan canadv0 itcdflkr ndtwtry oaoadaa rubber producta ore sold in all countrloa of tbe world pneu matic tire art exported to nearly one hundred eountru and the market for canadian rubberso i od shoe in clude over flighty countrloa uofii41m an insurance man discussing bar hroe says they arc aomctltuo caused by tho friction developed when a mortcatio and an insurance policy rub tolulher yrotu tha fergus news- iliword a becolld in bate tbansforra- tion one pauenfer killed in a train acci dent out of a total of eoootajuo car ried lrjjjjuwlw miles is certainly a record to be proud of but this u what happened on canadian and american railway in a single year according to information supplied by the bureau of railway news and ftatlstloe which embrace all rail- way in north america thle out- standing showing canadian national hallway oinclal state exempllnee the high degree or perfection which rail way travel has reached and li the result of educating the employee s loiig line of safety and the uisluutlon of eafey devloea n isalmauai tktifisnrt janvastv 1u 14 oold13 text to all things it be- riowd liim to lsr nude uka unto hi txvtlirn ilfkretys 3 17 leiiiion 1aliaxqe uatlhew 3 u to 4 tl o jsuii ov a haiauvth boy and usiptsml ilk as w all lovssjjd om irfljj u risurtr and tkooufa ell to w wv truast uiirf far us bmwj to trln ttk high vuturious goal wlaere purity shall cunqufr on in cnruuuv uli oootrol jee aaj jij 3i 11u otv of the moat intriguing feet of uf u our powor to uuiuiice othrt and our caiucuy to be uifluocsd by othera it u uwally a wlprocal ea- p7rb imsl- a cksasto vord at fccrtsiq period ef ui usy cbaoe a lii ruv or a slkm vxampj nuy rt up a uilan standud jui and john the ueptut r aboiax the mm 4 tny liwd to the wme country aod both bid wp apuuuaj jjiisiltl jwiu maulxd the superi or uhtstiu of swaklt and ju gave th tughru prau to john tlvy had diiivivbt oiji ranhf upon ul and their itssmhod of wofb ar ip cotatal vrt tiwy could sprct ft othar while continuing to do uulr on trorit in thftr own wiya wrhatpe uulr w- afcoiua ear greater than their ixantrasta john was strrn and jus wn gtartous but both had a paauluo- u love of right and wre ftarteu tn speaking truth kioth dwl fether than coeapromk with evil as a deve u 17 ttsrre is a bid dlnrvoo ftslstn paxllum and psuslvum in th ts ikth century paxiaaa should not mean inaxtian but rather rqulrw poaiilve active urvlos ta the cause of prao the personal dculan not u tllhl may hae leas ehvct tn darter mining future hutory than a deter- mtned will for peace each year since th otvat war more christian have come to feel that they mutt fiave don with war uany peihapa the ma jority of canadian eoldltr fought from tactlatlal motive and through love of right and frwdom out from what s- know now of world politic it la dtmcuit to forcefe any moral luue which will fuuiry method of vartare using potwo gas and duuu syrms which fscleooe has dvuad tbe iptrit of ood came upon jirn at his beptum tn th form of a dove not an eagl iu 1 tha prince of irwot wfca tajut gi 1 the story of ihe ifhhin of jesus is told ui very vivia fnnj uuy one penoa ooula have u uie auasur hunwu why cud he tau ociuuniy he had not cueire to a aw atlcdiloa to tus pf vlc- ioy his tnouvo thea must have oeca 10 help hu hntplf to win victory over their ttmptauoaa there tuc sum good christum peopl who pod tnrmicjves upon their reurve saving uuu they ao not ar their rcstgum upon uir skew this re- aaunoc may bo carkd too for uome experience tve have h u shared with others may protect them ftgairut our mliiafcca if have found tb may of morui vlctoiy s ova it to outers to let them know our aecret il help us greatly lo know that jesus was icmptml like as ww are xi helps ua sutl more to know that evil could sain no hold upon him and list we may learn hi secret of victory three temarillias 4i 1u eith period of hie has 11 own form of umpution the w u kaay to cminriat it li uy to alt in th aunsliln and talk to th nun in the ahsww it is aty to noat in a vsu uimsed boat and point out th place to wacte but oaoe we pate tto the shado we tnurnmr and trt and froa and our length from the bmk e usout tor a plank or thro up our band and go down it is easy to all lo our cmrruce and couasal the uiu 00 foot 1m vt down and wjt and ywu chenge your talk a you il the txsg ta rou boot u u euy to uu the uur llow li cn carry hie ltin out uo on uo ru a burden unul u has ufl 00 bu buk tn upcurlsd faaouth of platuur ceo pwauh of aortowv worth uut give it a up and a wryer lip wu iiw made oa aarth hh whemkr wiiooat kewsbritts 0tv tint hundred fonviitaosu many of tiiafto uuenistionai afa aut- d 10 i held in toronto during th eurn yar sordlng to h k o- weu managr of the contention uvt tourut buraau of that city a majort- ty of them will be hu at the kcoai voea ltovl ibavlnt chriuoa and nsrw yaathe trahlc in many yeara was reportshl out of and into th wlndior and wvo vljar btatlcm of tha ntlirt facltle i tail ay uontreal during th rtotat holiday wuu it is rgardd u 0 slgtnincant indtcallon of the trad toarde proapsrity during the eunent year nearly five thousand mils of travel through india is on of the feeium of the empress of britaln world cruise which started from new york january 4 and win be back at nw york uay it it will tak eleven day and will carry passengers acroa in dia tat to east tlombay to havh and from the northwest boundary to vladra and the island of ceylon tunl winter bport carnival u ayjiftduied to open thle yir january jl and run until irfcaruary 4 aa uauej every yr a queen will be choiea and every variety of winter sport wuj be otfervd it 1 proposed to foqow the carnival with a aarwe of pou wek ends each clevotad to a spatial variety of winter sport there ha been a distinct hnprt ment tn the movwneot ct sceral vvtturindtea although grain 1 down but on th whole there are tnoet en couraging eigne everywhere said o k- wnckdul winnipeg asatstant to the vicepabsident canadian kacino wa- tem linee lntervleeed at victoria re cently starting january i canadian pad- flc railway looomotive and paseeiiger car shops increased viy smpaoy- ment to ii days instead of ten day in effect for come time past irvrfsi- ed employment thus svffecta good aea at angus shop uontreal and at toronto north day winnipeg cal gary and vancouver playing to capacity riunm tha caravan jongleurs tuodeusd on the chair flouiie enurtainment and with several chauve courts stars war aa out handing snivas tn their waaka show at the otiatsau krontenae qne- bec between christmas kve and new yeara day of mlddie tile may be quit aa dan serous as th temptation of youth but thry assume a different form a varies may be a greater rtmar m middle age than tp in th teens the umptations which cam to jesus in the wilderness all coo verged upon his decision to sdva his uf for the kingdom of ood would be hold to thle ideal or would become eiflshl would he seek to cscspe publicity or plan rt spectacularr would he stress the spiritual aspects of religion or would he make a secular appeaiy with his unique abuitice jesus could have had luxury popularity and power ip stead he chose the way of truth which tn the end proved to be the way of the cross ii u irnint that jesus racorded throe umptations it is seldom that a tempution cornea singly we have to struggle agalnat taurloek- log temptsuion and we need to have a sure moral defence to wuhtsand thetr ccimblned attack victory 4i ii jesus won his victory over temptsv tlon because of hi clear thinking lie pierced through the hall truth so plausibly presented to him lie also was armed with scripture knowledge each temptation wa met with a verse from the hook of xseuteronomy it is worth while numorlilng hundred of text from the lilble l7 only for the advantage of their apporpriat help in hour of temptation jesus also had a great purpose ie had dedi cated his life to the service of man and obedience to the will of ood in the light of such a high spiritual pur pose food fame and earthly throne had little appeal jesus experienced temptation all through his ministry later he spoke to tils disciple who had continued with him tn his temp tations but during this time of soil- tilde- in the wilderness temptations mode a massed attack it was a pro longed battle after which jesus had relative pear the devil left him angels came and ministered unto him this inner satisfaction la open to all who will fight evil with plrltuai capons and in code strength triumph f nutt i una far dlssslsmt 1 why did jesus tell about his temp tations 3 how docs selfknowledge help ua to resist temptation 3 why did jesus quote scripture meet each temptation 4 what do you understand the devil or tempter to have been at what times are you most subject to temptation 6 how may christ help us to triumph over temptation one tp on ireland ireland can claim to have no snake but prince edward island can go one better as tn addition to having no snake there are practically no rocks or large atones there are a few iso lated granite boulder in the western part of the province evidently cast there by the loo tn a bygone age the sol of prince edward island is very rich and supports a variety of vegeta tion the average monthly mean temperature throughout the winter u 20 2 degree 1 fahrenheit 1 throughout the summer 81 jj lilly- i want a donkey ride i want a donkey ride uouvei just tataa her on your shoulder ao that we can haw some paoe afxbsntw and coavitkngatlon undetlg yt wotutmw cousin iatton act the aummary of figure for th workmens cocapensation board of ontario for the year ims show a total of h44j accident iwpoetsd dur ing th war as mpard with 414t during th prior year the fatal aoctdent nuiishered bt a against 147 during ittt th total isenafit awarded during tha war amounted to t3maum aa compared with 4lbiw4 durinei 1013 tn itt figure being- made bu of umiian eompanaatvo and ueruiao medical aid taking a basis of mo working day the averaga daily benefits amounted to 413430 requiring an average of tod cheque psr day th average num ber of new claim reported dally de creased from lit in 133 to lit la 1033 the accident during dtvcember numbered 1431 aa compared with 3mq during deomttber of ltt kolrt canadian ffjlsvt akin to animal ural when is a plant not a plant the are in canadas flora three wild plant that arc on th border una be tween a plant and tit animal world aocordlng to an article tn th cana dian national railway uagaatne they are the pitcher plant the sun dew and the bladdsrwurt the food of which coruusta of insect the plicher plant ha tubular leave with briavtlea which point downward and prevent insect from crawling out at the bottom la a small pool of rain water into which tha insects are drownad the sundew possessas tentacle which en ud a aucky liquid holding the in sect fast until it die the tfalw secrete a juice omthin uka pepsin and this help in ghftntf tha insect iiladdenvort a water plant has blad ders which are very sensitive and any aquatic prey which might happen to touch any of them la sucked into tbe interior of th bladder had diutfllkd ba wats back inum on the modern lady linen of tft osuutdlan national etaamihlpa whiob nly the route between canada and bermuda the british west tndtea british guiana and british jfonduraa large supplies of fresh water are car ried and modern machinery la insult ed to replenish the supply from lima to time the apparatus ulna able to manufacture wholesome drinking wa ter from sea water one might be tn- cllned to think that this is an achlevo- ment of our modem age but tn going back over the old records u lg tvoom- ed that slf richard hawkins m a voyage ha made to the west indies from ertgland in ims had on board a distilling apparatus for the tame pur pose and they reported the twulttar water as wholesome and nourishing one of the lady liner 1 named lady hawkins- after the wife of admiral 81r john hawkins who wag father of air richard and both bekv ed to write england sea nworyto the west indie cruel ivfahweist the young bride lgea are too mean for anything whatg the trouble nowf asked the best friend why i ukod jadt for the car to day and he said that v must bo eon tent with tha slvrsdld carriaga that svlret w jr i v-

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