Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 10, 1934, p. 2

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page 2 tte gg herald wed tvetday evening january i oth 1934 pure food store 10 bars pearl while naplba soap 31c i lb tin howes poor wan 3fle 1 lb tin castle floor wax 22e hawes furniture cream cutu preserves polish furniture pianos interior woodwork automobiles metal furniture etc 6 02 bottle 21c 12 ox bottle 39e large tin fancy quality kela salmon loe u parkas wbrws blend oranfte peko tea 23e 6 lb fiesli wkeaiki 2se large package maple leaf toasted oou a better breakfast food made in a minute 21c 6 pkgi deluxe jelly powders 28c neilsons pure cotou jerei brand per tin 23 2 vl lb pkgf pure laid 21c choice clover honey no ivi tin 2sc no 5 tin 4be choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e fhone 78 farnell we deliver l d a drug speci k cw lda aj la iyffilir lu b kr aaj um lit yvlrttom ie rwi li- crary wtrr cryuai flm pondt cnajne lb liiioaa 43 couth ftraudr sta lawndrr ghavln cnia is luit and cod uvr ou sh raiarw boap liar lb lircbouy hoap 1 tor lb idltal ttlrts ih for ix uuk of uajitfala lie iclnt lie hot waur llxilti tie koum it danns i d a drug store phone 327 rhohit c oia w rbfew svastsuy georgetown n a robinson live stock dealer and batcher norval live stock trucking all load fully insured phone gmotowa 101 13 deed bcuyuobour in 06rtu on friday janaury fttit uu uary jn uuw ulmxf wife of ttufcnu bcryuifcrour agad u y4m wluooltfiwoittu la o0towrl en tuesday janury ftth 164 ocolgst wrl4gworth brlod hu- bnd of uary ud3u la hi s1u cmt th funeral from hu honie edith 1st on thunday jnuary 1 1th- twrvie at 3 ociwk- loureutu lis greaw6d ctruuiy oogtown- obituary uamv jane wh t fw after a short llinot uary jn uiut uuvd wife of tuofiul rotmi eour t t away u honie b oa fuuy jan wh iw4 l til uutj st ikjsuiwt sq w iji go oixl ti w cs ht lu0 tuj ku toxiwd to ux trbi g on twr arrival la thl country iiu fetu a uwd wife nd tfijwian woman wtvo u be ullf ml- in the home lkildts hex buibifid the u njrvutd ty tao iupuoi joim uad cliwlw uul ttuuutre uoxi and luun ajo ca 4uwf ul uuw broh in ivwtwj faituwj ix ud wu tertlr of u t irfurtan cuuvh tuid u fuosral viaa qo uuiuuy a owiidtu4 by brr di14 iu- uow tf p uarr rv y mihauy j uioj junri ohnitcn citj o btikty and twjbe ucon tw rtumtfoui uauujul floral truuu liwd uwojr of th lilly ud frumli tti lemaln wj uucnd in uiwqsood oeiury ulokoft wbiogtsvkoayh cwilb caiae uidioly to uu uquhj toeiumxd ui ootw wri bkjortii uiy turday aominf ulkcn in- iuj aay at hu im en luliili btiwt aluiotjil not td joyina uir ut of iuui h moui a umiii on u acd u u uorlng the tdhl jt a vuilvn ly uun hi vtwawd as a too of ittr ul uabil vwu and owns wruglborui and a born at a arow kiqutilnj slar hr uwd fc tlity four w- bun mfepuon of cuhura tnooth uwnl wat ouftnh 11 at mj7lj tutyuht yirs tj hiry ucdostu and afur tana ing for forty jrarj uwy rtlid and movd to oiirgctown hw lhy haw if4kld for iwntrrn yarv lie wai a mrmbrr of lulun county council for four yora and ztquulna tsrn thlp oouncll for avn hiii utfa ytaf aa coutuulor two yara u deputy lutw and lo 4rt aj tuw in politic h wu a llffomur and in religion a lllhodlit continuing with tli united church afir chukb unlaa 11 a loving hiufcand and falntr a good tvljitibor and an honoraju gfntuman whow ckalh u wply f gttttfd tutldca hu widow h u urvhcd try four 40ns and on daugb ler wank of caldon o a and ltx- old of toronto walur of gulpb aad lira r c c09lf of toronto auo two alittn ura j l oairon 1 ran to and ura bell partona of ula- rwapolu all that remain of a family uf m lorn and i daughur tha funral vul taa plaoa from hi horn edith 8tmt on thursday jan utb at 3 oclocb wood for sale any quantity of cbok kufla wood tt s00 pr eofj abo tky ubua wood 18x0 eartl good cain uaolmt 178 tlofr cotd islevs wood yard phone 27 georgetown stewarttown the following u the report of b b no 9 equlnj blrarttovn public school ur iv jean ttnnant jr iv joan cudden afurlel lie lron elmnor oraham douglaa law ton eduh caah ur illhoy smith umty ouddfn jr iii uary qmalky italph tnompmin ann araham ittrtha ollr krnnrth uurray jokn omal ley ptlt kvria illllle ttnnant vera hroth ii nobby laton leona bmlth john ouvrr dmard tennant i joan drvrla and dtnucr thomp aon prunrr uirte oliver uarorl uurray lorn uurray and altvrt ttnnant ztu u oraham tvacher carrolls pre-stock- taking now for a cuanup en ovtloiki lom flnt frocarua bul in that cat wava iual a f aw loo many ery uaa in alt ajwritifiml u ft nuln bargain in avary cat tl u quality w an prouj lo offar you s akarpaa yaur pancil wnia out your onlar andaavawojuyl fatuy dtuj vegetable otto soups til 7 tomato juice cajaauift w aur soap 5 25 stirfuu soap io w 39 choice tomatoes hfttuf eui btaad g v ruttk 25 frankford corn su4 wuutwb ms ih e fancy lobster apricots 21 dates 3 19 ty fwuy tkua figs 2 25 lui fuwv uu clin prunes 2 25 pears 2- 19 syrup 25 caa amwallia siuj peaches 2 29 cuvat uaf run mali a salmon 10 uuv faaay saw kraut 2 19 spinach 2 29 inlfimii i hull floor wax 49 twfamau oxydel 2 35 carrolls limited esquesing council bwwarttou jan kth 1u4 the council lu lor um tbwxuhlp of kiiwwiii fo the yr im tat at ii ociock aua and having mufrttod to the oath of omo xotm umit wu k folio 0or currw ktrv lw u uullln doty ifuwve o w mur ray w a uobuuoa la w a wtuoa couneluori the mlnuu of ut ttwetlnej wm ht4 and oofirttud tsnort tnchri r nude by all the councillor alt whvh uwy adoura- d to bwl u the aiuraooai the council mat at a o clock u ccudu- ui data biitfmwi uovrd by l l uullln 46atial by w a wluoo that the tfyufr pay kll i accounts ii nolrfruon good aupolud to j lundnon t1 j bhap ilow total tiasa i u iwnntt fcood auppu to w dukumon lu u- tvtumfit m31 toul us 04 c rjpibur tood aoliiwd w lcuu ufrannl tllu jtk tulioa aubo u uclftujbun i11j4 total uah a it fwrvio ulia aupnlud to u uclauahun for wo km u uc- lauahun for ix 4m totaj ww w ouboan wifh tupptud c- viv ian mii if p lawwm tlik auppud h twi njit mm walur rfuoa bulk aucplul w e oaiuhrr fe3cj crrid dcvnur iccounu r not all pfmctd- uov4 by o w uurray ondd by m a itaaetnuia that the ttaur tuy hydro keiettrlc foer oaaxaa uramplon uhu at c chamhir uu lloard of hydro comin- oor towu ittt uittla at own wluwo tuuj krnnaui u lfcdedon to p-o- fr4iloaal wrvtoh 10- ura u j ruirrat wlund of taw wrongly ulhn tllm j u uoof exaount to ut umc1 liiu fvwphofkr ac iil 31 u ki ii ii w total mu uunirtpal world uulon aup- tiiua itlm crrud- uow4 by w a wllmn ivmondm by u l uullln that the tkaaurer pay olob indtanlty prffnium on ooluctort bond to dae tth 16m moo county of ifalton to one half of hcipual amounu for lfc3 fuja camrd uod by n i robinson onod by o w uurray that the tnaiursr pay the road fuweu a prtwnud by tbr itoad buprrtntrndent 147 carrtfd lfovrd by w a wluon aecondm by u u uullln that have be grantaa to intxoduoa a by lav to appoint a nvmfr of the local board of ibalth for the itar 16m and that aald by- lav be now read a am time carried uovtd by o w uurray acondd by n a itobltuon that by law to appoint a memhrr to the local lioara ot luaiui for the year ifcu having tern rrad a flnt time be now read ascend and third limu and paued and the blank be nud in wub th name of k v uarracloufh and that the corporate aral be attachad there to carried uowd by h a rohlnton wooed ed by o w uurray that wave be sranid to introduoe a by uw to ap point audltora to audit the townihlp account for ld and that aald by law be now read a brat time car rkm uovcd by ll uullln aeconded by w a wiuon that by uw to appoint audltora to audit th 1033 account having bi read first time be now rtad ucend and third time and puiwd and the blank fluad in with the namt of jcnjun and ilardy and that the corporate teal be attached thereto camad uovd bym a robuuoo aawiruud by o w uurray that uaf be crmnt rd to introduce e by law to appoint b wrvd ijupector for the towruhlp of euiurttng and that aald by law be now rtad a first lime canid uovrd by u u uullln ceoondm by w a wiuon that by uw to appoint a wwi iruprctor for the tbwnihlp cf eaqutklruj having been read a tint tltnr be now rtad a aroond and third tlmra and paurd and that the blank be hum in lth the name of ilo- brrt w otartft and that the cor porate teal be attached thereto carrlrd uovrd by n 1 robtnaon aoonded by o w uurray that leave be grunt ed to introduce a by law to appoint auction for the year im and that aid by law be no read a ftrat time cairlrd uovrd by w a wllaon aeconded by l u uullln that bylaw to appoint aateatora for the year lm having itmn read flrat umt be now read a second and third umca and najued and the blanks filled in with the name of h tt thompaon for ward i 3 and 1 wm nrackao for ward 4 s and 8 and that the corporate aj be attached thrrato carried uovrd by w a wilton aeoonded by u u uullln thai uftv be franud to introduce bylaw to grant pnal- aion to the ham and treaaurtr to borrow money to meet the currant x- penduur of the towmhtp and that aald by lav ba now read a flrat time carried uoved by q w uurray aeconded by h a roblnaon that bylaw to grant permlialon to th reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet the current expenditure of the town- ihlp having been read ft flrtt time be now read ft second and third times and patim and the blank flltad in with tha sum of forty thousand dol tars and that the corporate seal be at tached thereto carried uoved by o w uurray aeoonded by n a robinson that thl oouncll do now adjourn to meet on uonday february 13th at 13d pm carried watch 23c cooking onions 10lb2fc lemons per dot oranges 21c 32c euri b8c dot main street phone 157 georgetown obituary w wehlev cook there patted away suddenly in gtpreol early tuesday morning jan 3nd a former ueeton old boy in the penon of wto wealey cook young est aon of th late francis ana uary ann cook ueeton entering tha ser vice a of the orarul trunk hallway as an operator some thirty year ago ha had followed this occupation contin uously until his death at which um ho was a dtupatcher with tha cana- d an national hallway at oaprol lie was a wellknown athlete exulting b batrball hotfcey and lactroste and played on quite a number of cham pionship teams he was married some twntyihree vears ago to eva btull of georgetown whom ha met while an operator at that point and his wifo and one daughter who wu re cently married and two brothers ro bert of chicago and john j pro prietor of the deeton world sur vive him tile remain arrived by canadian national train thursday mcrntng and rested in st pauls anglican church ueeton where ser vice was held at 3 pm the same day the funeral prooesifon left the church headed by the uatonle order and proceeded to trinity united oeme- tsry where interment took place the rev k r uerkley ofnclated ieeton world tor callrwi coughs and colds at well at yew own muzi tm jbui aiavfue autsei ae iej a fcai mli huluy u afculmuly ub it iw fmtumt u1l bu m iwmuf kfi ism b will itttdtk tie aifc ssluu utkm u amua luali mddrfiit lirimf tiimfcliii tufuu msriimaiii ftstiy u mu anoi kmti town council hrimal saxsritno or 113 cotktil councu or 114 auukjusi cnytlkumicji or ex- uavoat sasxhtlnxls af rataxiatsld uavost olbjtonh ujlkkil in aloustal aubulutl the council of iw luld uwu final mttng no uonday laoraiug wiu usyor uacaenre in the chair and all ute meubra pkseot th minute of the previous bunt ings r rkd and confimud after whkb uayor usciuntw vaxaud bis chair on motion of oilbons and utcurea rcevt cleave was elcwd to the chair and calktd on eualtrfrs of council sou in turn all ipoke of the tpndld 4c via ttndeid uw toun by uayor usckrntu during bit tm in gcoo and tha tourtmua fatknnx la which he litd ptvildd ovff iw council lie ltd lwn unitihnjly of hi tuo and with hb gwtp of town fchau hid ably guided the municipality tluougi thrve of the hjudut years of the tic pn ulon tltey rwrtud hi ttlr mrnt from oounca uowd by cummlngs scoodid by parr thit this councd o on rwotd u ritprvulng ui bppryutlon to uaor uacbcnste tor th fau and tiniartut mifiwr tn stiuh he ha pfftdd uwr the buvetlnst of tkr council durinj tik pii four yars and auo for tike abl manner in which he bat conduct fd tju uuinek of the town cairud unanunoutly usyor uixliruw thanksd tlvr tntn brra for thrtr khul i-ju- u d vuij hani all a hapoy and proopfrou lv war itrflret bj auo enprsai d b memuvrs of council at the rtlrirnt of councuior lumti lio had tencd the munlcituluy faithfully during tv pj t four varl at elrvrn o clock the tnembera cxuncll for 1m tubtcrlbtxl to their dlaratton of omoe and took uwlr puior at t council board wiji uayor jomph olbhcns in the chair and the following councluors prtwnl lursr lurolc cle a 11 parr h cummin a a uacltren a it oiwlttht ani 8 u lluck a ccmmulncatlon was redetsed from councillor dr joteph ucandrtw ac companled by ha arctaratlon of omce olio a rvqu u for four month leaw of abtrnrr uor olbbona inatigursj addrtu aa as followi to the urmbru of oouncll and churn of oor8torn having bubtrrtbrd to my declaration of ordcf at jour prtejdtng cmrer for the yvar toil it la my otlr and 1 feci aure that e shall get along liar monlously together i am p raud to have associated with me you rren who hav had contlder able rsptiirncie in council and also dr ucandrrv and ur lluck whom i am com meed nil be worthy irprt tentative for tlic ward in bluett they hw boen elcctod in atkli g for your coopcratlon thl jcar 1 naturally do net expect you to agree with me on all out ura of public policy but i would appreciate your continued punctually and regu isr attendance of all members of the ccuncll at meetings so at all time e may be familiar with the ork the work pertaining to uuntclpal oowrnmtnt no doubt wa all know u becoming increasingly difficult ov lug to the mounting of tax amara hlch interfere mrloutly with our bank credit i suggest to members of the council that there should not be any calptsj eipendtturrs this year and to the chairman and members of all commit tcea a further curtailment of r spend i turc in every department so that t may rvyntually have rcducwd taxation in regard to tramo condltloiu throughout the town we are aa axe that at times the road ore not in a very desirable condition i ask you not to bltrlbul this to the careleu ruu of the road committee but to the limited amount of money avail able far this purpose i take thl opportunity to remind the cltlarn thai the public school hoard arc elected representative of tho pccple and only as taxpayers and voters has the members of the uunl ctpal council any control over the ad mintitrwllon of public school affalra in conclusion x am making a sincere appeal to all the churches induatrlea organisations and people tn general to ottut in any way they can in thl time of depression and unrest to that e may bring back to the people of oeorgetown prosperity and happiness th first regular meeting of george town council for 1034 as held on tuesday evening with uayor olbbons in the chair reeve cleave and coun cillor cummlngs parr uaciaren opelght and lluck present communications were read from fire brigade hospital for dick chil dren reouetting grant auditors re auditing accounts w f drodley re signing from housing commission uessrs ucdonoid and uaglougtuen asked council to renew their bullsrd room licenses for 1034 ur uaglouab- len alto suggested that those selling tobacco be charged a license fee uoved by parr seconded by opelght that the billiard licenses of hughle ar ucdonald and e r uagloughlen be renewed for th year 1034 at the same fee carried uoved by cummlngs seconded by uaciaren that the treasurer pay the following accounts h uarchment ww at llloo ii uarchment ww si iiboo n cvneul li bon truck 130 it w robb board of health 100 orion oarage trucks ijjl r it thompson d co sta 407 r h thompson at co housing commlttion uft hydro electrlo ts6fi ulss k d ryan stamps ww 100 e c thompson court tervtors 400 wm ward court services 4 00 a e dolman iu zjoo uoved by parr teconded by cleave that dr ucandrew be granted u leave of absence for three months with regret that he is not here to fill hi omoe carried yes parr cleave and the uayor uessrs uaciaren speight cummlngs and buck refus ed to vote moved by cleave eacondrd by parr that the follow inu bo the standing- committees for the year 1034 the tlrat named on each being the clu man finance cummlngs uaciaren and cleave streeta and walks speight cleave buck waterworks and fire parr speight uaciaren building and property buck parr ucandrew charity light and police uaciaren speight ucandrew printing and industrial mcandrow dimming puck carried uoved by uaciaren teconded by speight that the regular night or meeting for the oouncll for 1034 be the first tuesday of each month carried on motion of uaciaren nnd bpelght miss o young wai appointed ft member of the public library board to fill out the term or ur david wil son on motion o weave and part dr o v williams was appointed a mem ber of the public library board for 1034um on motion of cummlngf and buck df f h watson wu appointed a member of the high school board for the yeani iftm- oo button of speight and fmrr ir juatswt ullur wu npetiitd carvlaker of th uvrerma kvtwrvoly f ui yar 1w4 at a salary of ftijm on motion of uachuvn and oimm uus annie ryu was arappolnta4 ft m tuber of ooratown oxckmery ucaid for the yti lfcu34m oo fcriotloa of buck and oummlnvl ii long was appolntad cuw cf ooortoiti fire iviafcdsj for th uu and that he be paid tarred for the ar pmyahto yuiy oo motion of itucur and botk lunry bhfpjurd ws apctolutad de puty ct tiff of the hr srade u idh at a taary of 431 id pmymhle arly on edouon of cuave and 80tlhl h h uron was sppouoms nre truck drlier for the year 1144 at ft salary of tttoo paynue yearly a by l itad the n6uary number f tmu and pnfcrrt appoint- li g w o uarthsjl wd lnspmtf for tlu- war 1u4- 0 uuy jn of lrr nnd cbtmxns gantlet dwvu tt appouktd ft w ur u the housing comauulon tn i iac of w urvutley rtisd- w o urhj a spoolntd iwnl lory impfor and wm thouptoa jr a tmnaber of the fkrd of ibslth gorgowrl tetcfmeclalea su stutjcka utqtu dtfaxd in lxliytku oakte 0oiitun inurmfduuts broks out in a ujvi taiii uit inht u ue aitcu turr aid aatrwd uie evrvu tliulw l lu 0 lwufv a 11 u of fant live loral boj cgirwj a uui too much ikrcr rcr tlwe thutu to tiid iota ol p uck and trlrd bsrd a1 tl r ay aiur ujg iv o klralyht gtfidj the iccait air gtadually uikl g up a more id r liuckry rambi nation and wuh a i- rl anei tn thrlr line up have eon itu umlght tunri from frrgua de itatlnv mtrm on trw r on loe isj fridjy nlt t 3 to 1 in ten minute of orrt me tl r ui spprrclsted the art to and tj r vrru ct r to the right ipot the txis iur dtbrvd the wm dont for lirl it at tie irr a not tn the beu of ooiu lion and pay bfrume rather trrnuou at tlnve ith a little rough tactics creeping into the gam tlmra llefirr j iiurrell of bramp ton hsntiud the same to the entire aitiifattlon of th crod with the horton brothen on the fcjynnd front line the team has bean improved rontldcrably and are now in fourth p ace in the group of six team timt tin i period op- tied ullh flteggal lc ring on a solo ruth from the face erf of ttc game nil goal cam to tccn thai tti fvrgua team wr bam bootlrd liora the start the local i toped down on the prrgu net um tiller unu with a botnoardmcat of uiou but tl ty couidn t find the open lng tost tlscu drrw two penalties titn ive tr pped a placr and cross clicked another and aprot four mln utea ot ue period in th cooler j horttm uun put hu team to goal up alien he back liajided his shot past uulr iiom in front ot the net this llnulcd the scoring tn thla period at ter loth team hod various f uustugit the locsls vera tho aggrets 00 und had the btggtst share of tha 1 lay king started the second period when he found the corner of the net from a faoeofl near the goal o horton then made another counter whan be thot from the blue line and completely focud the fergus goalkeeper j bar ton then made bis second counter ot the evening on a orlver play akat- uuj tnrough the uhole team to the tioal mouth and scoring easily this wai the nicest individual play of the uiglil both learn turned it on in thl frame and then cre taw dull moment th third period a ft secsaw one with first one team rushing then the o her but there ta no more scoring ihc fergus team played every man up in the dying moment of the gam tn oracr to get a tally but richard ten in the local net was unbeatable tot and blackburn each drew ptn- auu- ith the visitors alto taking two the local team u showing a batter brand of hockey than they did in prtvloos game and may be ft hard tram to reckon with before the play offs dont mis the next gome for tt l only by your aupoort that give the boy the eourage to win we are not picking atari in this same as all players turned in torn hood efforts oeoroetown ooaj richardson de fence llau and oteggal centre tost wings ritchie and ward tuba king o horton and j horton blacuum fergus ooau uulr defence all- more and chamber centre campbell wing henderson and anderson suba wells blmpson wilson bmlth norval norval s grand old man ur robert f leslie celebrated his eightyeighth binltdny on january and at the home of his tldett son ur oeorge il i who resides on the farm granted to hu grandparent by tha crown ui ran ago uembera of xtr leslies family grandchildren and friends were present to honor the old gentle man extend congratulations and wish him continued health and happiness the lditor join with he host of others tn extending congratulation to our old friend and honored gentleman ur robert leslie glen williams the ladles aid of qlen william united church held their annual buii- nru mooting and elected their ofdeera and committees for the year as fal low han president lira o stephenson president mr wm logan vloopresldent ura wm allen secretory ura j wheeler treasurer ura j fry uualc committee ura j addy sick committee ura p norton ura w j hum ura j hepburn flower committee ura ii preston mrs a presswood all members and those interested in the work of the church are asked i uttend the congregational meeting on thursday night in the basement of ihe church about aa members of the young pvopio society of the united church i itcd the young people of llmehouse i th on thursday night but far he r opening meeting everyone en jnntt the iielgn ride tha lunch and hociui evening together th marriage of ulta blanoh helen flandford daughter of uv and ura c w bandford of nashville and stanley facer eldest son of ur and mr facer harvry aw toronto took place on friday jan 8th the cere mony was performed by rev ur rumley of oeoraetown they will aide in olen william ice cutting hu commenced and the finality u good botne motorists think it would be nn improvement if council would put gnnrrl rail nlorur the lower part of the cut hill as it might prevent ft uri- nus accident backaoirb luircuatfo patnfl rnne in 18 minutes using rtncaoapfl damtw ida xhuv store fricuy january fcajiriioj i comedy cold sejurcswy jvrtuary merry melody tits fcuhj wa un ig i outur lkj coavedy spealuns of opittle puihryt couiwo f f i ashguove tlia woman s uutlonsry bocvty hjd the firtt mting of the mj on wlniuy with the frvaut ura r if wtuhl tn the chat the o- vouonal atsaercus ulen try ur j usirtw chsilecid etch ol j u n- tcnscrwt4 ouj uev in batur trvk to uod the tntlallsllon of uw 194 otcera was conducted by ckj itev u eyiv the roll call was yar thought whkp proved an txiota uoo to ail the study chpuia given by ura nurw and some lempiranoe facts taken by ura iluddau the meeting va t prayer the nest nwettng held on february cth at the urt oeo hun among those who visited at grove during the holiday wre ults oilw ruddsll bright enle bird tnornhlu uus if dell toronto ur wumot ottawa ults km rail returned 1 her with i nu1 school after spandlng the holu her pannls rtev and urs j of olenallan in the election of effiofr sunday school ur clayton unanimously reelected tn dent uott of the officers turned with the addition of names the report for th lotlngl year by the secretary f t john ruddell wu wry gratfc- we art looking forward to oncf good it ax togsvlhsr ur and ura t j brown gave a crokmcu last k tn boo how ard wriggleaworth who w ulttng at hi home hefrtikuent t serv rd and ewrybody enjoyfd event the winners were wuium derwon ut and ii wriggle sworth urday afternoon to even oeme- ury rev a b irwin ofi r thomas e weir a wi q and respected cittsen of uutor at hi home here on thursday sflth after a lingering illness t d was in hi 14th year he was ber of fit paul united church con servative for many yet oper ated a blacksmith shop before taking up farming he b ed by his widow the funeral i waikiew plctur private was held on bal after- r noon to evergreen oeme v a b irwin ofitclfltlng cha rulsncl tin milton uxa annie oraham who uv tn tha oueipb oen tal suffering froin a broil result of fa m on the lotf mas night is doing a w expected iter many fruni sv ipedy and compute i chief earl of the uul gade re pons that alu gad anawred ten i there was only one fire i any damage that of c hi ark smith shop on the building being owned hal- ton cream and butter cot the lots was 43000 insurance jacob l tuck one of la bast i known and moat highly n a eitl- sens died on thursday 3 at hi home on uiu street tr it ot a stroke he suffered a tew a ago deceased who was in hi i year wu member k fit f united church and ft staunch votive before coming to uutoo number of years ago ur wu a successful fsrmer in tra town ship surviving are hi and l two daughter uus beat icfc of the kindle 7 of ler uielss ulltcn the funeral tu ja su ping grasp- rob her l faith turn fclong pom vut in the aland made and on the jkedof oi ls the cur- faru and trail when trail ranc there were many dlsapa rangers laat wednesday due to the prayer week pone- ment of the regular wu neocatary however tra r ac- tlvltle were not rest brooke the musical din lruct- ed the trail ranger on it hu liome last saturday aft the club wtll hold lis meet ing this wednesday an b full week of activities onl thursday afternoon the rhltei and blurs will meet in af eon lch feature dl russeb b warner mlourla and turo next wbtiidav ulon ura st oele- and later chlldrvn in who lives f the houio plan to re- ura and 1 hton jler flrtt angll- teat at the arena the ft daylhiri ih the trau ranger team uietand s oeorgetown high bchoo nts ss pected to be ft thrtlllna fs1 r nsnlss next sunday evening wulsinfsss ouend the knox presby urehld hi this t a beginning of u tcj the different churchea t townlvi tm the team and tndlvi ssicse tkrna ore not listed belo j ftntsv jj the same u the preced m m team competition hu i interest and hu been conn tested that tt hu bea varf continue put the m0 ir objective now u 1000 l a difference of two the blue and the wl r near or in tnij twice ahe flucl ucdowell in conhen uitn womensin e i tli jnuuy nimltag nnten aws inilltuto r held 1 th islmfmhsj h lerfay aro much ti of 7 or m lalntaliu uuy nn intsrutlns addreu of owlarvble larm cluucn to elvo a nw uu kalt with thi put chllenff to uis pkn tho hlshut ideala to 1 in the comnotltlon ura otemve rour ladl in nuuiilni tha flrat p after s draw the tutx u anderaon ai nearly new veara reaolutlon yaa well anawered ar j thsjks fun and inunut r fzv o tun and intsrait itu dlaeuaalon it wu deck f a three day course i commutes wu format urs tally eller o and king to undertske to be held in the nasi 0 i wu vlamud to hold i les to which all osartstowu will he ulwjhcn thoonly biased trait hum u irly day ura nafnly wood wo 1 thick when r tlio women jindinlko and bllbut everybody u are today nkjrdor in my wow atrone- clothlnjr it hat the ilsya ohswr tn- ms have bliessed nils but i darttac

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