Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 10, 1934, p. 3

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announcing r i january clearance the georgetown herald wcdbeaday evening january i oth 1934 tices on entire stock of v v ladies winter coats if you have not chosen your winter coat why not do so now d brill co co matrl krid mlu su ptww 167 georsetowd kiev aj iwwatuafwiii bucks meats dnredlo vee froffl local faros wilbae profit farm fresh foods and the price is lower than you usually pay prime rib roast an economical roamt rsoh good qia14ty vouno bcp qii beel gdb hearts ti thick rib roasts fresh spareribs si- loelb fresh picnic 1 91 10c lb 12 hams breakfast baeon 1 7e lb beet livers 12elb fish specials frcth and smoked fillets 15e lb freshwater 31b or herrings 20c silverbrlahl salmon 15c lb local news thl u the weak 0 pre- kjlb annual h saiuiday piano for sal ph u oeoriettowa 1 tti band will play at tha an on batudrey nlht admlaataj sic aed lie h tiiw will be a toud 0 the juvmle jfncwy club la lb ajwi ao thursday jan 11th ail player rnif ituul ujjtumllnf dtno at till amo oaorgeiown wwiy njhl jan ma uiour cub gvthseura adsilwloo tc tli luuidlujg of traniknt ttiaaj kuu hu uo changed liou otwgnt uarae lo n u fitimdi ildjury lor timid uitcjliwja lut hu bwn conecua to data kindly look at lour to and if not correct rti ut u know a numbr of ooritowoa unm pj3id iu cgaiiment cutting wood la jam uu2jw uab up ue kijail trie young wtwkkr wu hold tixiihf c uuir py hiryie to tb ffuuj lull foal oil kfku ilejlu jan win jack lumya tkcluujm- mnrirtg to j new and oj lynu peja 3 personals ur k j laidlaw 0 rl attdift coll spent tht 4 wid with ui ur hid ur h o ucottn tvat a eupl ci cay uai vt with friend la buffalo un c r tmr and children of suiwfeury im visiting m the horn of hr fathr ur kip ucmi uiu lyt prancls 1 tb hair dntkii eoowotion at lb uotu yorit torotilo today aud tavkbooo nrv m waddu el lutniitos apstal wim4dxr of ui wk at th hoto of hi dauhur urt comfort lbul df urullliur bo haa b a coa- ond to hu hotitf tl pau ud uya with influsiua tf around taln ad now abla to atund to hl rrffatwit vtjidun riukaa lodtj vlll tij a rniiii luuir afur tcd l iuuy oeiilcrf jao itlb ai s4 lil u buffilati in ailkd to b im- u bu 149 twoukjy vlc4afiu uj ua a pivtiy tjji arld la low lhu vi uus t sulling 1l hocfia la ur u wthumlnt uiu u u u wiu113 guod cit oa 1u ul w a bwui wuji uit fojostc eur4 ul ktii i aye aa li t wciwdi lniluj a lacii am u txtv at lira caiiallt caaa on t iwf tlltou wnl to ma kortfi uud ouid ba paaj to tcii ckib ui or bululuia tttucii asyufia osiid lii u cuauumjt nut uur una jr liui box paba wloona a four jrj od lloulm htifrr tird aod oeid ty ivrry lsau ortov oct id tur uu laftattoo twrvod of uja ou tlc auy ailiilnf pfoduod u- 041 ut mla ihoslna an awraga tut of tiji fat tbu balfar mllfcd up to iu4 ua 10 toblb v uamy rt w j auundr ourguovd su uuui lut wrrlnnilijr llh hla urr rahuut of iurrd hozj at lb llrampton and iv i ihkiiut jluocu- tica anow to tha otflo tbaalft build 1113 ur aitutubr won four flrata and four tvcondj m ihu daaa alooa haa iruig uatih lupivwnuuwa from ail part of itie county atunded tha annual tfrit lta of th itattoo flowfiwns jutocl- tlon htld l tha omoa of tha onuho dfparuuent of ajtttultur at uuloo lat vrc kan hn mad to bold a llajton county plowing milch lhlj jr in tha towrunlp of tvafalar whll omoiuualloa mauhn u1 auo b hrld at vartoui potnta ejl8 ajuaal uaatia tha annual rrtaitlng of fcaquaalng aincultural soclaty will ba bald tha uunlclpal uulkuf oorgtown on saturday afumooa jan utb at j o clock it ta important thai avairona tnureatod ahould ba praauit aa btih will derpand on tha aeuoa takao at thu maittng vhathar a thow will ba bald in oaotftlovn thla fall or not if you ar tntaraatad ba prattnl ur and ura lrvd uortuaa of cuocgmown and ura wuftd ttobln aoa of oiwtoh allndd tha fuural of tha uu w w oook u lawioo uat ttuinday diid a a bruh in uv of ur and ur uorrutm ur 6j auiit oi tha cgralon ftloral co jar many hra aa uui cd culiip of our town baa ar an apcolnuoroi froai tha ouurio ooinlau to tha autf of tha uortl ouliura tirciltiaeni oi tha ontario asrtcuuurai oalw uid ovms to otrijph uu ml ur and ura kirk ha uo good cuiava and haw bamda fciiiy frlanda id town diufca thai uay miv and wa ail fft uwir aoiai uay health and h- folkw uufc and their ftjily k thilx mv hotfia we sell for cash phone g f oi yriif we 28 w v duvlv deliver frmmmm m mmmmim a aaaa save with safety at your rexall store annual uxxttno st gkoaoru duuutuu u tum cutmih tha anniial mitifny of tha ptngh tara oi tha church vaa bald in uw baiwaidi on f avanlnf the itciidrnl ulia uarbart raquaatad tha llacior to taka tha chair tha maat- ing waa opanad vtln prayar altar hlch us thompaon commend tha daughtara for tha good work dona dunnj tha yar tha traaaurara ra- port ahovad aubalantlal raoaipta wiaa uaa oi raaootou and a oomfortahu jab coloatph tootii run if at bsewek0 vea8v xeblucrtud uu ua 1u buckle v coioii syvut tb ua lb jaoojixys oondrna kbusciiem alte ovaltinil xarse tua iim nvjol cnia u naw olive oil h u 1 a u seidlttz rovmau t baih ue thji a c varixth wluua tablets im r u hiwio hlotrlutaa tta akoiutio oaboaka 1 u 15 seaheales cod livejl oil u tar 1il8 keekhe ilh uvebs asnun robbs drug store qaawata tha kexall it tha alactlona rraultad aa follow itonoraxy pwaldcnt ura woo thom oaob prcaidatit uua frda llarbart vloa prfiitfwt1 ut alloa walkar dmiatary uua annla llau trauurtr uua wownot lirandford chaplain uua ivfat taylor tha chairman daeurad tha oocara duty alaeted and aakad tha prati dant to raauma tha chair aitar aoraa rjltriminn of tha work to ba dona a oommittm waa appouitad to ootuidar plan of mhtinfa tha ractor dlataiiam tha twatta with tha benediction more heat per dollar the uaoant of heal dellmmd bj any coal galntt com b the tew of btulng economy offidtl aoajjea prove that genujoe scotch anthracite- deliver mitlninm hut per too long ueady burolng evea heidog quick lighting no diakera little uh require leu funuce attention order now sold in georgetown by j b mackenzie son genuine scotch anthracite wood for sale ohole hardwood bh ton juvi at mm p con ulksd wood wt par cord raui t3j par cord x wuwdvoko wood for sale ohofc uaoia uanhmm ftfld oadar ralla ftt titht ttrlm ordara tort at a humea or te tuy bou hutu mm promptly ftttendad to a uvnfoimm caa 8t qcokoats okcoutka annual mkstfno tha annual tnmttnjz oi tha sunday school orchaatm of 8c ostattt church waa hald in tha church baaa- mcnl on tuaaday avantnc tha vlot- prtldnt ur luhibhi eaaon in tha chair tha flatoor opened tha umtlng lth proyara after which ur carter the leader apoka in praiaa of tha work of tha orchaatra the election reaullad aa follow lion pwivunt hev w o a thompaon hon vloa prealdentur w 9 dradley mr j d kelly praaidant ur p ucnally vlotpraaldant jo eaaon 8wtarytwuurr dkfc rlddall ubrmrtananiula armhrctw and pred annatranat bocial oonunlttaa tula carter lloyd bandaraon luck oommjtt elile carter pauy zdwftrda leader ur j carter aaaoclata laader ur drookj after tha benediction hid cloaad tha meettajr jumbled nima oontaat waa held and mfmahmenta wara aatwd utut rl an laluvjuta wjjluf too au it t otluck go u 1ry vu4m uoiiaur an at th horn of uu hrtda pacut ceuirl twn uar iuia ortgoa only iaghtr of ui ua ut wuliam w4ey cook u caisia the bride of ur koioxau otlo u of udhury loo of uu ut ur and ura a u urlaod uev canon v c mmxhaon vng tm oehafiony look ptw in the uvlnkt rooia width waa chiralnglj dcoraud in tea anna l ccor h of rd grwn and allwr euh ailwr wedding cfu and baikaha of rd rowa huc hlte candua burnad at lha aitar eractad or the occaaon tha bride nterad the room on tha ana of her father to tha atralna of tha ukbiii saddlna makh pud by un duo can uclod 6h waa baautliul it her local uoulded fown of bluah pink mcu citp made on orecian int with a ahort train and with a grace ful cane of allvcr doth drapd from ui ahould re iter tiny hat waa ol tnalclttnt enpa trtmaiad wuh uiwi and hrr thoaa were allar hha ear rind ft ihowar bouaut oi dwp pink t rout with aimhwrs and lily of tha valley bhe waa tiitic by ura gordon ada ilaur of tha vrootn who wora a btwomlna blua ayawt orgindie model wiih nuuhlng thoaa and a wl wt turban in pnrvit natural thada lur bowa wn a colonial bouquet of pink roaae the groom aaalalad by hi brother ur dun can uflaod only iblmadlala frund and reuuv wara pnaant at the car many but later about 80 frtmda at undad ft raoeptlon and buffet aupprr ur and ura cook nxelvad wtlh the bridal ooupla ura cook wrarlng unut long vown of grey crepe and taoa and a corug of ultaman row in tha dining room the table waa laid with a ruuuuome cloth of italian cut cork while in the orntra waa ft tall baiket of red carnatlone flanked fay tail cindfubra with red rarvute car rying out the color achama iuki in the it ting room the bride cut the wad ding cake and canon bimjm pro- poted the tout to the bride which waa re pondrd to by dr j t t ura u j pauaht poured tea whhe aa- kletanta ladudad uu emma adaaie ulu uclran and un y w clnnln wn ur and ura uclaod left on the nljht train for toronto from here ihejr will go to california by motor 00 their honeymoon th bride a travailing coatume waa brown crape dreu brown coat trimmed wtlh brown fvrlan launb and afoeuorlaj to match they will return to tax up realdenoe to sudbury in apvu oudbury star once mv3tery uno valmjkj ih tl fmiuh aetia uumj hf aevaj adlfwtal tj labibaui lni- u0tn islam wlib aa arva of 100 000 fccjuji- u il- u the uratit ef tha ul end la tie cmidlaa arc- tie arrhlrlaco ia gry site t the nimb that tboush it wu vuliad by uanln krutilml or the crtat lllu uitan uatujo lo 1671 it baa cot torn lb i am hib ionic r tbkit fort ne yare tl i nth tha roatl itoe oe br wvll hoowo by 1817 whin parry eluhj tbrounn ury and llru hlralt th ro waa tllll umrtlnty aa to wlulier varlnua dwp baya werv artuallr lays and not rt ensru dtld ing tte ulanj into wirsl ulaod ln ariowauilib in hu uup f iiaf l cbt bua oa thla pulat hu tas uw bo uu to it a talla ulana- tu uuliaaiki hortltt tr ttgltiisr wntjt h rail litia urofiilt a bb glvao bv qu so li lutb ol lovleg ifrobuhrra dlworeru naar cutaufund gulf th aaroa cuaber land laiaiad ta wiilita a aaaa ap- llsj ta ibe whole bland ua jmav top 13 th nortbiiu fmttlau of lb i land atrowstiillb call cotkbura land aa l irrj uauad it la ii ii aoibcr ftaaia oot iboea br arrow tatllti i iajiw laud ahj to ie toutttwt portloo of thai lajlhd sl9t lan ducrovary of it la ki1 tte aama italila aa far a tt otvrraofalr lizard of aaada i awer wi fim hptltevd to the bjaad la ajtulffchy chart ho htl puwiaft cd june iv mil the uhtad ad join labia luy ant aiuro ttorea to lhlr oorthrro jlnlt war ao flrtt by vllllaro lutfln the lint uh fiplorsr wttu l prdrftlcd t far north a rnjllh rkiuod oa hte lltl polar tor 130 ta iclf uft with tham umporajuy wbfcfa raily belong to othrm and upon thwj bm their ovdu our munlripalltlaa h vent cat borrow money at 7 per cunt from tha bank they gla u tcuruy tha taua they levy on tha public ttw bank to to tha tofmimani with thla aacurily and bonow tnooay at i par cent bo the taxpayer actually lwe tha bmnk 4 per oant for tjuua loan form tha tomiaatu why cant um gowrnmeut knd tha uoay dirct to the muulclpallllaa and taw ua 4 per oat on our publio dejbur ur jhank tddrace waa followed by a iwaltd 1tfifld in which tha fauvtlna- oeeldml from hgura on hand that th govrrnhaaiit w make money letulng to munlciputlfa at t per cent and olnd in unanimous favor of a central bank whkh ahould not be run with a mtrofnary obct but rauwr a a public avrvioe the groaa rewnua per farm canada ha dropped from tj53 itthf to iwti lo 1u3 dklaid oforvje huxw aahkrv fcdnxaiilb kjghr prioe levl oally war ovui bam tbaatr rrafcmt tha pck period ulng hpbtibrr and oc tober january and evbruary april and uay 3tiukyij nhautifu lib church news ftrrfetav taxi wfca bath fcftaww lb alsj i ka lardf or ha ka4t baa ida aatiftnuart or wha balk rt l u bbw aavg i afcau ba wr eu klaa agabt par f hba aj utraajgw him ar all utlajai ta wbaaa b tlary few tut i mmi sajeallaai aray sunday paxt cfawionw oomara 11 un sunday school 1 pja auhtftuon uwung t pa tha aubjact next sunday mornlnat jan 14th will be a ooldao church evening a ooldan song tha preacher will b wv c u schult dx of toronto a urtlrr csatraata vtrj uub caajuu jama try low adame had aa artl- rl lo th hew york tlmu magulo la which ba irlfxj to ibov why tbdgkura ar gluriad is th tailed hulu and why thla teadesry l not tanlt canada while w dtivelapad rtftlaaca rommltlece and iraehloa canada da- trlopcd th norths t uouated f- llr our lw of law asd law braah ing baa becflm dlrferot and ii nuit ba roaftwaad much inferior frees that of the lnaluh at hon or la their bw landa aa ena rfiaaod ba aaya i bat ta halted flu la broke way rrooi feu und la nil while ih ooatloooa rtitmaiaad parta of tha uniuh km dire the domlnloa tllll bar that laslub pat or tha ire th whole colorful pa rant of a ihobaaod yean la their owd not only hate they the iwt trad it loo of warrior the hero- of a people klarlborausb welllaaloa neuao aad th real but they bat all th lighter luurc of mytb or imaklnatloo tie nob la wood th ataiaus and other hud deoly cut adrift for a ceotury or mora w loohod aim oat eirlualrely or our od eodlrtuporary aceo it o oa to aay that hunaiilty cravia for baroaa lectnda color and drama and tbat the peopl of th tolled fllate found th ir heroee la th freoahootltig men of the frontier a piowi til of thf uiy un oudo um hamj tbang la 0r ossuary ura jomeph oladue who uvea al of the high olufi bride arar port 8 i 1 rolrle lien la quallfled to lecture on ijuw to live to uv over 100 tura old live tht ulroplo utv i it a ear aaturv work hard but alwaye enjoy i if i the advlr of hi plocrer woman of toe dlatrlrt who la well over th oaotury torb horn to llrltlib columbia in lilt ur oioduo moved to ilanlioha al yrars ago and autthd la th lucbtira d la trie t lluffalo atlll roamed th plaioa then one of tba dearcat tw- collectlona ah ha le of jumping on a nor and taking part with tba men lo buffao bul another rouectloo of th early daya la helm chumd by a pack of owe near her loan lire aiadu had to climb to tlii lop of a large filn tr and alt mcuncod from car- y morning until 8pm before bain arrivid annual hebstno ht oc w a tha annual inaaunat of tha wo man a atixuiary of st oeorava church took plaob on tvaaday a vary auo- a repotted tha raoelpt mm being votad to th newly eleotad ox- w o o ceuf ul year wu being over uh the church fleer ware hon prttldeihl ur thompaon weiuiant ura a h feller lit vlmpmildont ur w v arant 9nd vlmpliuuantura j d kelly bccwtary air b k vounn treiuurer ur p y buckbum doroai becuryfxa uooulgan e o d ura sargent daulaj branch sunejdfifandent lira b walker utomra j hftu jubllaa rmndur buuivant social eervloeuxa aakynahi soanl of uanagttwdtjfji p y dlackbum plallut ura wbtr tea ctonvenai mr oolllni and un parton hector hp un 8 uokitji a hearty voto of thtnki wu tender ed to utt e lacjcbnyiai tha wtirlag pnautoht for her taliwul work dur- lag- tha put yeix ul oaartww cbbraat rev woo thtnpaoa juetor seoond sunday af ur tha knlphany lloly oottununlon i am sunday school 10 anu uatlna 11 ajn atven tong 7 pjn annual vaatry maattnf on uooday evening jan ijhh at o clock aharp at albaam chbreh olaa wuuaau second asunday aitar sphany holy oommunion tjo am sunday school 9 pjit eveatoog 3 pjn annual vaalry meeting on tuaaday ewnlng jan ibul at ociock kftu aryaaejutua cburcb r al liowam ulnletar sun day jan 14th at 10 un sunday school and ulhl olaaue at 11 am and 7 pxm publle wonhlp condiham by tha pajtor ur y u polleu mual- cal director all tra salootaa vmluickttj rev n w humlay utniaur 10 ajtt sunday achool and blhla rtrii u avm uorntng worahlp seoond ur- mon on ood in the ori bt john writca tha revelation sermon and hymn tor junlora 7 pja evening wvw bid in aerie on om gwai um or itaw great an tha ottunary paopu tau at john 1 40 uiulo by th choir all are waloom ur norman lalrd choir leader trtw annual tneating oi tha sunday school offlcara and teacher wtu be held on tueaday evening jan lfltb at tha lhnonagw inteufediats stand djo iiicludlng gamaa pjayd january 0th w acton 4 4 preaton 4 korm b 3 aoretown 4 9 etmir s vwbim 4 1 0 a 9 4 0 vatfc a ailor arr placing tome floweri 0 to mtry nocload an old chinaman placing a bowl of hoe on ft naaiby gtaw and ftaked what tutu do you vmpoot your friend to eoma up and t tha hoe tto om cltbnainaji rplld with a alto sam time your friend bottu uj to ainau floart till 111 ml iinicii in uanthuriu a in all china it ba louu bimn hoowo tbat man blta aclf i lb boat furnace if only tha boat of hla bod can ba coourd bo a tba uutuuio rumaa on tba chi oiao in unnitiurla puta oo mora gar- mnta and durlog tho wlotar atlll mora garment piling on oa the other allbuo it there 1 money oth rwl u cottod and wool and ahphla and fur iii ciutnea are padded with cotton waato or allli wut or raw wool garment on gannaol bouad tightly about tho ankle and button ad tightly undir lha chin no froat- blta kill a njtlt but th at ranker to tha cllmani bullvni new york time an altuv ol- 04ttpanon ttu wt ha boen over elnco 1i1b but trance atlll haa ami lo wlduuca of urltuua aid id tbo cunllltt in aotue s3 0uu llrltlahor tor tht mot part ui a idleie who aru hi it k tltra when tho wur waa over llrluin cull cd hrr im pu homp but tin cull of autuw of tbv 1ntkli n itu ludloa 0k tivtii tnattr than it at of thulr native inn i und thty an now woik ins in ri net to nil p port u lnncli will und rhlluion a lid uo to ilh a ulfe aald at croydon poll a court ily imahund would n waku up at 4 u cl ill to go to aikwo 1 wuut i klrb him ho thu iut up uuvo ruu two black eym knockvd out oo of lu tiwih and wmt buk to uod trotii ihu londou tluiu queer immigrants aawm u jaaula trfl not ljj latmi a w4ltr la nova lwo4u iww a ivnlajry ago canada siirommj to br abofm paople from rt ry natlop on tk fat of il tf mrth hot pomlkly ihf attaoffhi and reniloly th moat uadtlrabl itnrdlarebla wlo avr wen to tb lwtulnlun sfe th ua roon from jamjlr tba 1017 la told la th cnu la u4f inrlu u aaln tbwy ran e lo nova k tu to june 1791 but i it th following spring brine uoumi ptraiaofotlr to withstand the flrora of a canadian winter ihr wiatltr ttut yrar belftat ftarilrularly utnr the etory of hi llarooc moat taterwtlog rhupttr lo jamaican hl tory fro kith lo ih lime of tba eagllab ronquml of the ularjd to ittb wt io cromvrll a forca under admiral pioa and 0n vaoabla wrttd it from kpaln 141 ynart af ter ua dltmwry by cot un boa ifany of th hpan ah oigro alavra refuaad to imavti ihr lilaod whan their ma tar vrtd ukrwlae thry refued to work for tha ir new mail era and sod to tb hltla in the interior wbero they m belated on wild hose wt leh abound m in the uland and upoa root asd fruit which ihrn a now ailatad almoat evcrywt er lo the col ooy waa the dfrndant of it t lavn who wire called tte uaroone and from thrlr mod of ufa or aald ta have derived i heir name tba word maroon owning boa hunter th intrepidity of thee mountain outlaw for thai they aoon becato mult hate troubled th peaceful aattlere aorsly they haraaaad and annoyed tbe planter ta every coo- ntvable way eepwially la th caa- trai porttod of tbe colony tb pariah of clarendon finally under th leadership of oo cud jo thy ba re m ao bold that oovarument troop war taat to aupprra them hum erou amall enraifmnu wr fought of wl uh th uaroon uiuai ly aaarged tb victor through their aupartor knowledfie of the mountain and wood unable to up0r them by fora ibe government finally de rided to mak a treaty with th out law accordingly governor edward tttawny paaaed a law under which ih uaroon were declared fr and landa war allotted for their ua tby wr however to be aubjtvt to tha law of the liland ncvrrtheleaa in patty oaaea they might decide thtlr own difference ubjact bowevr to th control of tbe government omeer tbaaa wild people however did not submit to authority ao eaally and n 17f i there waa open lnjurrctto oovrrameot troope wer ant agalaat tham and ware ueceaaful la auetllng ta aprulng only after avera loaaa 0n walpola waa tha leader of tha punjtle axpadltton and h guaran taad to bla vaaaulahed fo that tby houtd ratala thr land tba hoau of aaaambly kowr thought tb gansral bad icjm hi authority and rwfutad to ratify hi agramenl it waa then arranged to deport torn 400 uaroon who had taken part la tha rabaiuoe tb sua of lilt 000 wu voted and nova oootla cboaao u thair daatlnatloa at that urn edward dak af kt waa eommandar of th fareaa at halifax and upon tba arrival of tha liarooa b peraonally lupacted them oa ihtp board on th proposal being made to tha uaroone to work at tha fortification thaa being erect d on citadel hill at nallfu they umtnlraoualy declared they would work for tba king freely and without pr tbo duke though phaaad at tblr raadtoeaa waa not prtparad 10 arapt tbelr aarvlcca on the term and ibay bnally agreed to tak pay for thalr urvlea tba nwcomera aoltered aavera hardship during th aaaulng winter and in tbo aprlng went on atrtk domandlng to be tent to a warmer ellmala blorra loona waa arlectad by the authorttlc and la octobar ib 00 they left haltfu far that place it la uld the uaroona bacama a terror lo that part of africa and that many of them becamu engaged with tbo arab in tba alava trade in 1111 a amall remnant of them returned to jamaica lo thulr ripe old age duujjim in danknihs traca of a race that could aoa in lha dark hava been found during the rourua of prospecting far the tost raef of waturborg which la bollovod to eilat ome where in an underground world in houtb africa while aoarch- ing for tbo spot from which thirty year ago two gorman proa poet or took gold oiploror discovered traooa of a ptvnplo who la lb past bad ii- 1 d oaten cooked food and hordid caltlo underground it is thought that aomiwhor at th end of an al moat llmltliwa labyrinth of chambora and paeudkua gold will be found ticking out of the walla of the cuvoa no one hu tvor esplorod tbe cava to tbolr ond biggfb amd better bargains gents furnishings men lmtdkuj glove 50 for 100 men a flannelette night gown 1 25 for 9se mena wool surf a 1 so for b8e mena wool sox 2 tar f or 26c mena heavy wool sox 18c men a 4 lb wool sox 2fc mena heavy polie brocee 2e men a lined kid mitt 80c mena lined fur back kia front mkta sc mena flece lined combinations 5c meni fleece lined simla and drawer bsc boy a heavy combination f9c boy flannelette pyiomaa 6s and 6rj men a white slurta collaia attaehed 1 2s tot ue mena linen handkerchief 10e arid lcte simplicity puttema 18e i mcbean co phonel g4 gkorgctown ft t r w awatawawiaaaimijtaaaawaaaawa iialton upo wants centbax bank plan at an enthusuutlo rally of the mat ton county ujo at ullton on uon- day aut local apcakura outlinad the eightpoint program of the llalton county upo plana were made to hold almllar meetlnu within tha coun ty tn conjunction with the ooja with tthom the ujo program are atuit ed the eight point of our program are eaaentially and fundamentally the tamo u the oop hated au10 laren oeorgetown dealing with thla phase of the work i hope other town are not hampered u we are in oeortfetown our club meeu tkre every sunday afternoon and it la 41 known that certain local lndustrtti frown on 111 we know for a faot that employ have bean told that they would ba dlacharged it aeen at gov meeting the credit of our bank ta baud 1 ft fictitious valuation charged quaatinl told tbo doctor und nuraoa cheater o plank acting secretary of pin ding tho woman tloadfait lu bur the llalton wo dealing with fln- refuaal tb liespltal autliorltlea cut anoe under pubuo control if you or about for foster paruiiia aud were x with to barrow ttvaney we muat fortunate in bud lug a couplo who show an exoellent aeeurity thai adopted tba inlauit aa utaia own bijla faowajvajv ukw dtv hji tuil radio piitpctionak htationu thoro ar now five radio dlroct ton al atatlona for alrpuhea oporatod by tho canadian aovvruuierit in wostarn canada wbllu primarily tntondod for tlia guidance of mall plants any piano oqulppod with either of the two typi of apparatus usod in picking up ttio beam from tho station may make uuo nf tho sorvlco itmllo dlroctloo b aldoa being osiecully usuful for oiiibt dying la also of vlul import- anco during foggy wmtlmr or uur- ibg snow rain or wind utortnh rbvchmi to oun hill ha11v a gtrl baby waa glvun away at quaanol d 0 whop ua mother re fused to own the child after it birth lo tba quoaael lloapltal it a tbe nth baby ive bad and i don t want tbe mother a woman whose hue band haa busb preemption near otuwnt sycahw uy wlurld eggkaloo ottasa jan 10th the mlortvtlon of ut ha tvta received wtlh mld filings the conservative board of stralargy did not welcome tha move at juai tiu um thry ar afraid oi lha rtttct ou uie country nor did aoma rnrmbrra of th cabinet tha thaxc ur of th appointment uumult hotwr wu arnr rally applaudad uuft ui particular la a jurtu acholar oiad alateaman all who know htm d- lgt t to honor out ther u soma aua pidon thai the move la th thin edge of the vdg and th rumor that inmlrr lunnett ta getting raady to accc t a acat in tha house of lord li bring revived th llbyrai look upon tin move u another gift from umt god to help win th neat tiec hon the ooclauau will of coutm condrmn tt aa an effort to perpetual u wxial cuate syiiem the king lllrthjay lut given out on the ird of june all he of mar than ordinary intcmt to canada this year depoly mautara g a bvliolaajjio houaa cleaning among tho head of to otlatva clvu wrvio 1 a brca in chcci now for torn tuna ih lim tvmg the rcllremrui of w j lgsn drpuly minlalcr of immlgrw hon thu u the third dcparteorntaj luad to retire in three week illno ine prctatnl government came into poacr no lea than 14 deputy mini tiers or bead of department hava been retired or have rralgocd and on or two more move are said to be pending there are now only uv dcputva lett who wer her ahen uexkraxl king left th prima mini- iter ofnor political appolblamau tuetc htada of department are of courw party nomlnaltona and ao do not no through the clvu grvloa eununualon jusl the same tha civil mrvlod la krxnly aflcued when a da i uty mini ter la replaced by soma out- tide man normally the mi de puty hopca to be promoted whan the deputy head retire this in turn wave a place for tho next in lum and to on as many u ten promo tion in one department may follow m such coca tluro are in both uubor and immigration auutant da- putiea ttho liaic bocn 30 or 25 years in their pre tent dultee and who undar other clrvunuladora would tnevliahly ep up the civil service hu bean uorklng for three years without the usual statutory tncrcoaea and with a salary cut and feci very keenly any additional duppolntment to be fair to the present ministry it should bo recalled that there have been a number of appointment re ccntly which show recognition of merit and a wullngncu to forget party ain- llatlona david film the new com missioner of excise wu a liberal wha came to ottawa aa hon w d kulert private secretary watson seller who is controller of expenditure wu hon june kobb secretory and wu known u a liberal hector mackin non secretary of the tariff board la another liberal who hu been ad vanced by premier bennett uar week and lower tax tho province come to ottawa look log for a generous publio work pro gram to be started tn the spring which will have the effect of luting many thousand off the bread line and relieving tho situation tn several way the federal government will be ex pected to foot the bill largely be cause the provinces have for the matt part spent and borroaod u much u their condition permit aa heralded by premier dennett in a radio ad urea it u supposed that the federal end of this building will be financed partly by the luue of new note baa ed on the present gold holding the four western provinces want some relief from their heavy interest bill the federal government is gett ing tired of acting like santa olau for various provlnoea but the pro vinces m turn have grievance of their own against ottawa they claim that tha fiscal policy immigra tion policy etc of the ottawa govern ment over which they have no direct control are capable of placing trem endous burden on the provincial gov cm menta a mild revolt of tha province particularly tn the llart- tlme and on the prairie against trade restriction 1 being conildered so i am told lu ctuulglauj ottllaaat flall a ureal how la hone and plana af unandent upon thalr ftnit lire outlook l alcknr ancura ar th hope uni i i a poor who dependant earning wllf att thonged when alcknaaa they iwar a double croaa dlh a- in addition in phyaloal suffering worn la ooniumptloir idr fiavaa fhum in tha fata una 0 1 moat tl read ad lo own mile clasa it inch fottarad by mur ufa iraa upon them np fund fraah air rent the on rura la beyond inelf mean ivnai lion la to be dniief thore la no uliornatlve thai muil lie helped itio loronto and uuauovallohp tula foi rojitn and uuakoh llohpr jr coiiauint itvua with thalr w bulldlnua can give loiter ear- vow than aver before their andlcap i ting lack of eytti f or tha many year fvu nds you iiuer new abvrtumhts aiaiuy caa wb vatw oordiood cut into io wood at ilia pr oofd ftfutat aharpiili don at tauonaha prtc atoy btba- herd oeorgihown luatad rooma with bath for one or two person will decorata lo suit apply herald odea rr bate ifeatty ekcutc waihar nw guarn- tea 13o par wnkuichardiona uard- ware oorgatown lip ajww f- kale about 30 barrel of toiman sparta and quantity of other pf lw fee sale at glao per bami dahmrad la oeorgetown allen itaad muln u it no a st naar f eiudua ad dfahu to d-g- xa fpaa pnola eiataib uunad oo abort iuua ala whii- waxaingt and any othar vru ekia j imaa vtniiuma bos ts oeoaawnwa 2500 rwrd the above reward will ba paid to any person for the return of rifle and evidence to convict tha parson who stole aame from my garage at lime- house art scott phone 107 r xx oeorgetown jtj tenders wantcd the trustee of a a no 18 e- queatng ask tor under on or before jan 15 th for 6 cord of good body hardwood 4 ft long delivered jl a ix uruyn chairman andrew ht tlecrelary it auction sale i at two otlock on th afurcooo of uonday january uth iftw tig bouu and lou owned by an estate tn tha town of oeorgetown r full par ticular apply to la roy oaia itani- eur oeorgetown or national ttoat company limited 3d kong strut east toronto elgin b141 auction sale choice dairy cows bog tfiyli and houaabold effect at tha farm of peur llilta lot 3 third un atrtba tao mliu north oi acton on tuesday january 16th no reaerre u pftickra tor must sell owing to shortage oa help thla u a ftratclasj herd of cowa tennaoash il j tocar urrlnrvaar p pbonau aetna wood for sale choice hardwood uapl and tjitnti ralud aoft wood uoat hatmbi prtoaa apply jack tost ftua aauw georgetown tf a k oouaun sawskal yftocatlno tatmvlcat otnaral trueltinf ai an tame garba wmovad wkw a rata wood no 1 hamauoe tmrji aad auala 13a0 bamaod taaha aa ulaa wood arm ball feue aav aaasaa a tn bieeka or hakaaaoatrar riiiaairt haaura aua vri6m are or aa dauvtiad thl went w ahna u it u ujm imaar aswr j i hus ii r u moccasin dance arena georgetown the jan 16th at vjtt the band will supply the mutlc admission 26c babb4v or 0efteaw uay ha the provincial polte were givhig eumlnatloiu for driver llcenae when ho triad hla driving tit a uld dieaged negro wu questioned about different highway law jthe quutjouer aaked and what la the white line la the middle of the highway tatr rlud panptlyi iv ikatayoawv

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