Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 10, 1934, p. 4

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pae 4 the georgetown heraul wednesday evening january 10th 1934 thrifty housewives buy quality salada w fcow gartjw canadian rockies poineer passea vvlntt walk ay moo tli night was winter in hi rough ttk taurnin sharp and dear but ow at noon upon the southern eld of tl ebmi huu and where uu uood feoc oa the northern blast th uucn amlut resigning all tt rage ajui liiis the wartdlh of uay- the vault ls blu without a cloud and white without a speck tli lartlig splendour of the soso below again th harmony cotfc or th vale and through th ttv i vtaw th fad battled lowr wlienor all the music x again per orlv tow ulltflft tn dd- rvv finder traubuiar tbtthtcr trapp- peoapvigr ltd ian tra der wlw tdipnrr and dapmjdabl trtand oldeat and bwut celebrated a canadian wocl guld the last of tb ploor tom wilson kaa gee to tb happy i if a 8 1 1 it i oroyods aft j if lh7 it 60 i moot tales bo i deep bill 1 uui klldn i by curtate of 1 trwa no difrt- rulf panae to i tied and t7 i vl d bw i fa to con quer it vul acacely b paradu to bun- if la ton wa shall tux look ttoa tbla ilk tisto ilia ufa work auruj as til back aa ihhi sban b want oat with the anadlas pacific ainlor tng and eunrlng prtls through the llockl lo 1ss2 b eat lb foundation of bis later tarn with dib dlsctery of lake ijduis and ijnerald uk follow tngot wllh lb biasing of tb foot trail up tb yobo valley tn ltm in bla own prtoa he was hls- cury lb blitury of tba siitin mountain it u fitting that be ebould b prot at tba driving of tba lat spika on that fateful day of november 1iu that saw tba rtitdplfllon of tba canadian pacific transcootlnaetal main itn aero the dominion from tba atlantic to tho pacific nor st b tba least of tb sreat men bo tbra awmblfj in lbs ba made hit dlacovcry ef bk 1jchjim acoeaalbla by blailuft a trail to tbat baauty pot id 1193 ha took bti tlrat partyljj camp at ina ufrunt aafilajboiatt in jtii u cm cit tid cljlri 1ba ou icjjjd trail frutn bu tu liwrjd lku an4 buxd fuot trait to wapta in 1sw ba took a tartj to tbo yobo ouxlar and tba folloulok year waa guide to a party or h mimbri of tbo iblladxlpbu ibo- tojrraplilc twlfty to lb ytb kll in 100 ba blaind iba first trail lau uoralna ikc ill wk wu rfu8blid in pt4 bjr a qwtmmaftt fcrkuj totitra in tba yobo ptua llom at llood hud 40 mllf nortbej toronto auyuat 21 l19 tom vllaon waa ta bis nth ar wbaa daib cam to him at tba aga of la vu ptoaur aotrll aat bio to qumt of aditar and un4ad tain al htoux city la a taa wfcsurly poat of clvltiuilaa laur ka joloj tba kortbwaai uoaataj holloa ani was aaat to rvrt waub ut anal la bow tba tywtkwaa torar of haskatcba- wmn to blm tbara cama rumors of tb formation of tba canadian ptdflo arcdlcata and of tbat body lntantloa to construct a railway tbrouab tba unknovn nim rocku advantara k o ba got bis dlacbarga froa tba fore trssked acroas tba pralrua to port urolon in uoa- tana and tbsra mat and jotnad tba first aarvvy party o rouu to dow gap cntranra to tba ilocklaa that was lo nil and ao bsgan tba aarua of adanturcs that tra to link bl nama tnwparably wltb tba moentalna ilia was a full a happy and a aaafulllfa ii bad no scmlaa ilia disposition waa kladlr ha was wilbool any trac of alf- awaranaaa known and honored arywbara in tha west ba bad also a boat of friends all oiar tba nortfi amsrtcan lontlnant and tndsad all or tba cuulwd world a gnat canadian and a fine nuin tne toothing infliifnot of tha w4fud alraln and lfttu in toll muilngi as i trad tttf ak 4tui wixiant undr oojlj afid lau wliow ouujtfrad lailttw grijb tba ettd- tnr roof lhoujb buhabla thuaigb all 1u lmgtli aa uk wind wa u ha yn wu aumoid and inure ptlns ui tlieir alknt fall thr frequent rakrt has kpl paut for tor no nolu ts vw or ncn tliat hlndvn lliouaht tlm rwlbc4u ajbiea iuu but u coo tent wllh alt ndcr nous and wtj uijt half 4upfwttd paul with tiu loulud and nlttlnj hht prom hf to tpray irwr ha tvmlt hi- lhawj prom many a tela th nrndint diopa of ic that unk tn th urwrd waica be low utuinru accotripupim vtlh v ao toll charm mow than aufno ludita- tion her usy think down hours to oukdanta william cowpvr in tsill tsiarwa wad infrwrnwhoo fosr um buy rinsaf hukua lunwurrlm in buuiy iuiirifis u la tba prclkw to uuicn uriiry r wub ry saraw wnicb aa u u hajrv t ajiy is wry tr fiom una uus u a vry important laaouisi wneie a u uu cuilota 10 taaa luiura ilu uuii ina plantation u maniua is uad ra titouul oa marcud vfutr uu4 nana wul coma to cont wiui in cron of tba pt fcauicn aa soon as ina ground t fjroatn uaixl vnouaut to carry a wagon fox tnucn damjgii may u tiuaa by alurutac uiinj ana thawing ti iiiaw kuily pluiiu aa mucn as i hjuira looa wmur l a good tlnu to pian ina tumour ut tot crocu uioili tupiubumtd with auprpfuiphaia u a ipndul roxioa foe nuat crop iwn- ibo war of aipnmhaj swk at oomixiign fcjtpjrirywiual pareu bav anod tba iu may ba warniaind wlflrc do tub old ytfj got itar you rrr wouurad wbr tne old automobu tins cailnga and tnnar tube nor argrnttna la tmklng rub ber tcrsp from canada for tha iamjui- facturr of uor from tha rubbir foi cheap grao of canvas ahoaa and th irmalning portion of th fabric tlrra for th manufacturt of alaawa for blowout patents tataa tha indua- trial drpartmrat of th qn milan na tional hallways japan u also a urg import r of old tlra ckrbtttaa agraj the vicar appealing from tha pul pit on behalf of th christmas din ner fund what a want wy friend u not abstract sympathy but concrvlr plum puddings where the high country calls coawrclal trtiuo alo ti tnamira la acaja thatworti ctifiiawicul frtilira mas uia hind and amount naadad tbn ordr rarly u aa to ba u on band wruu growtb aiaxta tn tha bprlng yyu ff ueawbri af ulii lo not rvcuira ahpituna and arm ouiidinga- hy do bovr apprvoua a dry roomy uud vli pjotclsd qgg winds wll wntl- ild and iia from cuaugbt uo tot noad them in on pui twenty to iwntybva aiba ck bit toathr orthartruia a tbi mulma frctn tvlv u uun wiuaya k of boor 4pao and on foot of iaacuni cpaca uocn tbould ba of food wkltb to al io iim acoru to and trod ui pu- wuiir no fading rqulr dlfl tnl mmhods from tboia ordinarily ilund auccuul tn fummar tttunung and cnpnung ara rommnn during tba wuiirr and reault larffly froa an or- supply of hvy i as mu as from a lack of torn of uu vuaj awarnta lack of lunahtna and aurctaa uy aj u ba contributory causa control measure to forestall thaaa wlnur feeding dlbicuulaa are as follows ot a variuy of feeds in tba rauon in eluding milk or tankasa ptovlda alf alfa or clowr hay or roots in small quauutus do not fd too baartly allow oung imalj to aurda out doers in mud weather all stock should have comiortabla tlcung quart r which are dry and fr from draughla lp vmpiav far tmaliaj mft u twaww tli almplau and clwactat matbod of controulng contamlnauoo froa mi tnathnt rubbir parts e in using a vcak if aoluuoo to to 03 er ornt to kaap tba tubes aurtllud tvn mllklngs- this is particular ly cfaaignad for farms lacking an ad- quata supply of hot aatar aitar i cold watar aitrtton rtnta imaudlauly following muking tha tubas aia bung in a almnla weodan rack fuud with ua solution and toft uu tha rwtt wtfti adventure has found a abucuuj and tbrllllag outlat ta tba new order of tb outdoor tba flky una lllksra of tba canadian hocklas- organised at ttanff and tjika ixulsa tbla aaaaon tba nsv order provided such happy aaallb- ful opportunltlaa for hiking ovar tba blgb passe alpine ifaadova smd mountain trails of tb na tional parks of canada tbat de votees of tba outdoors throughout canada end tb united bute at now singing its praise tb in augural btk tbla year took large party of enthtulaate under the as part direction of swiss ouldes ernest hues and rudolf aammar through pared is valley over tba high trail past tab an nette and over sentinel pats to uoralna lake tb second days journey took the bikers across tb magnificent wenbebemne gla cier and through tb flower-deck- ad wanbchemna ueadowa and finally over tha snowbound pasa or that nama to eagles eyrie on tokura creek the third day asv lb conquest of opabrn pasa aom tricky work on tba glacier and finally the lake 0lra dun- galow gamp hikes is the cellars country and tb row wow occu pied tb fourth day and tb algbt- mll hlka to wapta ended this truly historic expedition nnr- man d ssaaan of danff la tha president of tba nav order which la now lo full swing with at nod dy increasing membership a fourdy blba tn the yobo valley will b on of the major activi ties nrst summer th put or layout wall illus trates tba bjppy momenta on tba trail carl runalua internation ally famous artist la aero extoll ing tha virtues of tba alpeuilock to miss georgia knaelhant crlo- breted mountain cllmlwr and new york socialite a aroitp or ilia hikers triumphant on flcntlncl pasa enjoying the snteinllil vlow down in tho mountain vallryu bt- tow tho first annual powwow and the qundnnco iuiko sky line hiking in the rockies bjrh swksnj organiisd trail biking la tha canadian itocklse will b in- uguralad for tha coming year by bike alatod to start at lake xouls on august 4th an lo- craning interest is balng taken la trail hiking la tha canadian rockies and a oomraitfoa conalap- ing chiefly or experienced mam bora of the trail illdere of the canadian nockles and the alpine club of canada has undertaken the organisation of a new order exiled the bky una troll illkera tba inaugural hike will start this summer on august 4tb from lake lioulsa and tramp over the saddleback through raradleo val- lay and over senthial pan to uoralne lake whore tha tlrat nlgbt a camp wtll ba made on saturday august btb the party will hike frou moraine lake over wenkehettina and opabln passes end will have the thrill of eross- ing two giaclere before arrlylmr sm s at lake offer on sunday the hikers will he able to take in tho magnificent scenery around lake macarthur lake oeaa and mount odaray and irembera of the party will be able to onjoy the eurel- lent fiahlng in lake ohara the pourwow will be held on mon day auguit eth after which tho members will bike to wept and catch the evening train back to lake louise the magnificent acenery of the canadian ilocklee and the pure w or achievement together with tht comforts u inured by the ar- ranuonionls niado by the cana dian pacific hallway mike this ono or tho finest and moat health- ful ofholliloy outings lauageb fa pwuy tne chief value of roots a a poul try feed ura in tha fact tbat they can ba stored during tb winter mon ths and fed over tha parted during which fresh grern feeds ax not avail- abl they should not ba eonaldarad tn any way as a comptou substitute for fresh green feeds chiefly baoauw they are quite ftflnt in vitamin content- the antlnauriuc and anti scorbutic ruamins are pragant in only tha slightest tree while the anti rachitic vitamin i entirely tacking in comparuon fraah clow one of tha moat common ry used frrn faads contains au three in abundanca tba chief function of manga is and roots in general u the supplying of aucculrnos to the ration it has been found that by using mangels and supplementing with a rrguiax doe of kveom salts laying bird will com through the winter in fairly good shape tha intaujsss af oaeaa grading is baaed on th principle tbat it is sound bullosas to caualfy liv stock live stock products and other canadian com module tn euch a way that tb consumer will be able to recognise and purcbas quality pro ducts and that the produoir will be enabled to obtain a higher print b- perleoc has proved th vaju of this theory the identification of top quality beer under red and blue rib bon bands tha grading of poultry the aeoregatian of egg had fruit into quality gradea which are known to practically every canadian consumer and other grading activities have been n tremendous incentive to quality pro duction with resultant benefit to pro ducers grading has not only served to create better prtoea for quality pro ducts but has also brought about substantial increase tn ccniumption at the same time through grading canadian products maintain their nigh level of excellence tn the markets of the world tn this way th new regulations which are soon to be put in force with reference to the grading of bacon for asport to the iirltuh market wtu solidify canada premier position as an empire source of food products ii cleaaag af small vegetable be thresh out the seed by pnng the plants in a strong closely woven cot ton sack light nailing with a stick will liberate the seed from pods or heads lettuce and carrot seeds should be rubbed out by hand using a pair of strong leather mitts a coarse slave will remove the straw and chaff place the seed and chaff on a fine sieve a quick downward rid movement repeated several time will remove tha chatf and light seed only the large plump seed should be kept hand picking will improve the sample keen grown grain far uu laying keek th fallowing ration for laying pul lets composed mostly of home grown grains is recommended by th poultry division of th dominion experimen tal panns liash j part of ground wheat 1 part or ground oate 1 part ground barley or corn i part of ground beef and fuh scrap a per cent bone meal 3 per cent cod liver oil and 1 per cent salt scratch grain 3 parti of wheat i part oat 1 pert corn or buckwheat 1 part barley this ration may be varied according to what grains the farmer has available ashamed of her figure huawc persuaded hw lo taltei igniafkert by following her husbands advlo this woman mad a trmundoua tm- nrownt in her epoarsno th ac tually took oh w iu- of liar fat tvuing of her ekpfrwne she writ yar ago x was troubud with rlwutaatlun nervouuieu and other cotxtplahu and i got to fat that i was ashamed of toy figure i w ursusded by tuy liuiband to u kruuhen bait iwfcr i uan z wutwl ltl ih after taking icru- chn for a short tlm the rheuma- turn was wi painful my nerves got atrongvr and my ip lljbur then i kmw that knucheo a dome m good to i prawh4 with it and go- my vrtht down to 1m ua a hfduc- i lid of m lb of unwanted 11- 1 ou not r4 ttn i ay oiat i fi cuni and wyir artu liav a tajjeh utter ftguw and am liealthur than i have bn for years lira t j- t kruschen t a blrnd of us mineral kalis which assuts the internal ortiaru to throw oh ach day thai al pro- durt tliat fcould otherwli actumu- lat in the form of fatly luu rtant wb yus bjuom aa klag bolwnon looked from id tttndpe t th imt i lluit sf showing ttnder glvn lu- ovxjuij lard trcm ulr buddljig uajvtu a long tt ona two lth riujlint heart did uiu uuly uug king tu hi vnicri tnk horn to writ th joyous psn oiat ha coma down through the ytn yor lo tli wtn- tr u past the rain i ovar and goo tli flor appear on th earth and the tue of the sinning of bird ba who of us on a spring morning ha not felt tn ilk cllir mood thr flrt lut of th song sparrow or th tetwtr tior of th bluibtm puu u en tipto wuh eager antlclpation kfti th radio prporier pauta from the tntcmallcnal tangle to announc in cemtng of th bird tnat by a tilt i inducement e can have elmot a conunuous war of bird tinging many of us are ul beginn ing to rralu dlrds ilk all other good mlghbor hav to b enoour aged titer are ao many gardens in these days to pick and choc from lhat they may pass us by unlets e tho signs of desiring their pretence evra in winter w mad not be with out bird song when i moved froea the city to the country i satched th falling of th lsv and tha frost- touched last flower in tha garden with uneasy foreboding unlu 1 re membered the arbor vltaa tree clou by tha window bomeone had plant ed birds refuge whether h knew it or net to cue of lis branches i tied isnjr pice of suet while i altered crumb and teed on tha ground and a i ceding board near by that was all that as ne to have happy companlo th birds canv in nock i recollect one parti cularly mowy day nhen i looked out and saa six big fluffy blue jays find ing both food and protection in that arbor vttar to be sure blue jay will never win a prise or their voice but they are handsome fellow and comical in their noisy perform encea 1 cam also to know the sharp not of the woodpecker hairy ana downy the nasal yank of the nuthatch the simple trul of the j unco and february the musical chirp of tha tree sparrow but the real winter trouba dour are the chickadees they sing all day in the wtnler sunshine and even chuckle tn tl storm i found too thst they liked to sing with or chestral acoropanlinent whenevtr i turned tha dial of the radio and the marine band sounded forth the chick ad would tune in with evident de light as a concert troupe few bird are their equal this first winter with the bird foe singing companions taught me th eucc of catering lo their tastes began to plan to keep a many as pos sible wllh m throughout th year oo thing i knew all bind must haw and that la water bo x used simple homemade aselra for birds unlike people do not crave luxurious sur roundings- ooe is just a pan built round with shells and tucked under a creeping juniper uy favorite birdbath as well that of the birds 1 made fren the cover of a crock which la set in wooden pall which i painted green around it x let th grass grow tall oct all aides are shrubs but the greatest attraction is th old tartarian honey suckle dose at hand in july when th berrte are ripe the robins and catbird fly from bush to bath in continuous mcirygoround another certain allurement is trees tree of every kind and especially evergreens these give protection and ideal neatliujplaoes while the cooes of the pines attract many seedeating bird it is tn our two white nines that x find each year about the ninth of slay a flock of the exquisite black throated green warblers warblers as a family however pre fer th apple tree it is here among the fragrant blossoms that they search for insect a blossoming apple tree on your lawn will also assure you of a visit from the oriole and if you are fortunate enough to have an elm tree too quite likely they will neat with you of course you will desire the hum mingbird that bit of jewellike bird life that hums into our gardens not with a song but with a vivacious seat for nectar gathering that is melody hi movement lied entice him it seems and consequently the aromatic red bergamot red geranium and car dinal flower will all help to bring him to your garden and in order to be assured of his gay presence through out the entire summer let your porch trellis be twined with wistaria honey suckle and trumpet vine for fall days when most of the birds are flocking south there is one irrepressible songster that will stay with us till after the trees are bare if only we will plant sunflower the garden like sunshine hlnuelf the goldfinch will lit from stalk stalk while he hunts his favorite leeds pausing now and again to favor us with his canarylike rrtopxiy never a season goes by but tlmt x have my long row of sunflower plant ed especially for these joyous friends these seeds gathered and put on the feedingboard in the winter are also an attraction for another bird of tho some family the lovely purple anch thus by a little planning aa wo plant our gardens and our lawns may we have a song for every month of the year in a christmas raffle a scotsman took a eunenny ticket for a pony and trap which he wag lucky to win all his friends thought that he would be overjoyed by this good fortune but when the pony and trap were taken to him all he did was to walk round surveying them with a gloomy face at last he turned to one of hie friends and said x told ye the whole thing wag a swindle why whats the matter well detoended the scotsman where the whlpp irate wither i can see right through that tins lntriaiie lovesick sou rt know dad but they til dreai that way ucradaym ilelb wsnled little betty aged nine knelt down by her bed and prepared to say her prayer please god make noma the capi tal of turkey she pleadingly asked her mother who was standing over her gasped darling the exclaimed whatever do you mean by thitf betty rose to her feet well mummy she aald that 1 what x put in my examination paper today 1 commercial printing all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario there is no profit from goods on the shelf goods on the shelf are as the nonworking stall fed horse every sale you have made has been to a person who knew that you had the article they wanted the more people who know what you have in stock the greater your sales will be let us tell every home in the georgetown district of the goods and services you offer our readers are your prospects the georgetown herald oliver wendell holmes once said to be seventy years young was sometimes more- hopeful and happier tluui to be forty year old

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