Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 17, 1934, p. 2

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page 2 tba georgetown herald wed neaday evening january 17th 1954 pure food store 10 lbs demerara crystal sugar 61c 16 ojr ijollu pure maple syrup 2 16 ox bottle martrt grape juice 25e 6 lb freali wheatleti 2se 5 lb ba flaked wheat bemei 28e 2 u no i tina aylmer choke quality bartult pear ibe 3 tina crow bucuwell pork and bran 2 2 tim helmet brand corrwd beel 2s king brand fancy tuna fiji per tin he gucit brand choice quality boneleu clncten tin 29e 2 i lb pkg pure laid 21e cliolce quality ureakfail bacon in piece per lb lflc choice fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices phone 78 a e farnell we deliver buu dcohlck- at feiyu4rutctxttrial hos pital oa saturday jtt 13th onsjr- ws ddrkk lotnttrly of owo wu- uaja 144 w jrjult ltttll in uuioo oa saooday jan 1li hua king beloved wife of joiin v little fair at georgetown october 54i and 61 her lawfiow at uk frriidiooi of slurr un d o ucoulre dundura blrt south on tuesday january loth 1m4 ber tha jaixun lawson widow of the law dr john lawum formerly of arton ont i 1 1 d a drug specials km 1 1 a a u yluay jab nut d war tu jia i ytufru fr pteu ul creotonr tonic wampoir cod uwr oil ilm ualt and cod uver ou tie he ida iutt cod liter ou at 4ie end he padrnl tooth ruu tie kleenor antiseptic tie lb i xa- cold inhalant poddj puis oln pul kleenex ui ida cold tablet iua crua tub far he tie se danns i d a drug store phone 327 huns cs woes ouw georgetown we djw k-uj- jobkth cuows juuph croe- ur a wfcliknovu and highly mpaxud ciun of uhlos dul bi lu home en tuesday jab 1 after u short uihu ddcuml who au in iiu mayfourth ar mi oumur of knox pitbytrrlsn church lok uuioo and wov part cred it- lire cut died ufi jtin a0 surviving ore one frou jb cfq jr itium utd our daiighuri lis llarry uxlcotk cvupuuhli ud clurt ucdoiu ilomby un- da- rrm- iuid11 uiltcil md urt jtlin oj isjivutr th fuiuraj wui uuu iur fioro ui kaikuncat of hi ion on llmiuluy at s psv intcrurot luakokm usaick ailw a alkuit luuw cusju u- druk uitiid vfttley oct ped y ut alu lukwfuil lliauij ua uiday juiuary su 1w4 dpo u urp ui uvtoii 4liiyfcu hau uu a l fef uu law ixxiui tnd tlai lkdlii- j i viii to ooii- vtjw kb a taiui wid illal in ttxit vuioiiy iiw ti4ur pan ol tiu lifr ugrvuina u tiu wi tonattty ajuiu lamb ux oreuwviljf ocu and ihi tiacra lira wolum uuuia okn wuiutni ure daw tui-ap- icn drtfrviur uuh ur- oailwi kutiy luunpton and on brouur wujum dxlruk of onulavu th lutwrrul a hld uooday january lit ibm from u brother rcaldibm al onuisollu- luv ii pogu oocduct- ina ihr lrrvtor th puuftr ww lour iwphr o r uuuln w c liullln c if ifulun w rlrtxy and w walarr and it olovar th r main uri lnurrwd in orwntood cttntltry ofangtulr vaqvumunq aowlctivtvuxl bo- tlkttv awhuax ktuetimo uaulmcc or uu bf ovrtctmx rot lim klxcrxd tiitv wtvs a lart th annual mwun of k art- cuuurai uoclely twid ta lh uunlclai uujdin hit uu u4tuxuy ajtanuka tike traujay hdort fchwpd a ualanc of u13 la oat unit aft all ouulkkm hd becj lmjd- it vaa twkud to bold uka i ali ynr at cuorgctown oa tnrtday and fuiurday octobr kb tfid uh the fouolng cbloria r clcud tri fcidnt ooraa l lftmiu m vlcpwikdnl w o axlkooy 2nd vlmpisuavnt jaou hiirr hfcrtary w a wluoo ticiuurr ivcy cww ihj follow tl dttmtoel m i tltlou wurj two t j lifowtirtdg cunlr oro cwav wild thr w o anotlto got uauui wand tol l uuillfl iujuh cua t ward ftvc uiflajt t il cook wald bla kijut twh t u latiu w j awkjidr iforgrtown u i kaij a- u uin u w ucluuofk h uowulr- ur dr r wul w o aalhoay w v oram l- w dann iutj ciw aimljtore j ii luuhaki j o 0a correspondence i gofgi qkurti vlry lic ajmuju taeeliug of tk otrgi cnuin a tkfld on uoodajr rvnln itwrr wail u good atuqilanoi tn ltrtor llrv woo tbomoin gavr 4jtort htuibkr of th kkivt uku had brn done ui lh pirub auo lb htch sr baotloj i diffrmu trilrai n a robinson live stock dealer and butcher norval uve stock trucking all loada fully insured phonet gorttowa 101 13 wo for s aay quantity of diolt mab wood ml j00 pm emjl auo dor raised wood ujoo cord good cotkr tdadtinf 175 ftkgu cord islbys wood yard phone 27 georgetown iialton coltv wjowuent amiiocayon thr annual mwilna of uvr lulton ccunly iioaowna aatoclallon ai htld in uke ontario darpanmcnt of auruuhut oflu at ifuton lau h stin uib offlavre for in comlnj var rrv utfd a folio rfiimt hanky hall lurvi villa tlru vlot- pirtidvnt ln chutvolm ultton ltcond vkorprraldrnt jamas ounnlnf- ham 0jnctown wkwlary a- o kiretlnf uilton trciuuhr j ii wllt- mott hilton auditor j irvlna uu ion dim tore etqu ourrto oorsrtowii and id win lurrop uil ton tvafaljiar jacnra wutoo ullutd and victor iull itornby haiaa- aeya entfil drtvljr cajnpbfuvuu and jtvlt canon uilton nrfuon ortal tunc lair rtwman and john ucnurn krrxman county gordon chuholm hornby end y uobtnto union it wa ocldvd to hold a county match tn 10j4 and for this purpou krtvj drnt arthur oaianbaa john luur w a ucourdy k a ott and norman ojbcrt rr clactad town hip dlrrctora it vu auo wldad to hold tonahlp junior drmonatrauon mautira tn any or all towruhlna from nhlch financial old waa troalvd ttje auoctatlon drcldad to ahlllate with the ontario plowman a auocla- tlon and to wnd dclfajaica to lh an nual nvrtlng of th ontario body in toronto thr team of junior plowmen from the county having von th tnler- county champjonahlp at th 1u3 in to mat tonal plowing match th ooun- v council ha plana under way fll- lingly to do honor to tha mambrre of lhl rum which will lake the form of a diniwr to be held later in janu ary a resolution waa paaiod to tipr the appreciation of the work of the agricultural ilenreaentattve a klritlnr in developtns the boya of thr ccuniv plow team during the year carrolls sale of baking goods lejaiia l tka 6m wodtaa ptiit aj um jay ef 9ey bajyl anjtlucuauieibuuiarahiuaur chooss the finest incredltfft in the first ptace y at aj wa fiun titam tu waab prln qualify bauag gooja at pkatkaluniyulluy witlfemtttuayl shortening 1lbapbg 10 bilflrtt uarsuuailow chocolatt biscuits 2 it 25 nbw tasty ginger snaps camatf fttfoar star pastry flours 49 pure cocoa 225 pure cocoanut 17 cmnt ojj isb ha w baking powder 19 shelled almonds 43 awawauaw vaamla raisins seeded 2 29 confirmed 1 marttai bufuil 0 the warden a report on the financial condition of the church a good and lhod recatpu frost all tourcet tsiim alu that the mcitgase on the haclory had bmo ndlicd by u0ooo whkli teasca the tcta habilitate of the church at lt7u0 00 the special donatlona 14 the church amounted to m41 and the thank of the warden wu trnded for thet aplrndld donatlona all the organ liatlona reported a anlen did yrar the sunday bchool with a nvntbcrahlp of 14a u uul dolnf good wotk the woman a auxiliary dooal 3 more money to th church thu ttr than they have done for the paat trn jeart the bona of ftt oor hive paid back to hc chukha fund the 1300 00 they borrod to buud thrlr club room ocnorra elected were htora war den ur l w dann pople war den ur k e young lay dalatfat to hynod ueura k o tnompaoo and wallace thorn pon auhatuut jw brandford the board of manaaw- ment waa clactad with th addition of rrd armilrong un b jiiatk- bum and b walker th e alto euctad to the editor of the cuotovn htnld uany famwre and fruit gror may not be aware of ihe atrong uovctium that la now bilng toade to orfc a ttjwadoua chanae in the uarfcting of famt produce a group of eaeu- tlve ofolrrt of varloua organlaitlofu and othera are uylng cairful plana to tnduoe ui r ommciii al 1u tikt ltttlon to pau a bill w whax they call ooapulory coopera tion of varovn laj and binding from coau to coau we undeiruand that ave of the un men who are to go to ottawa are from urllah colum bia and tike ur oe are cmclala of various oaganlratlona of ontario and tlie cutmi iiovlnc4- they will all good lalfcera in qruuh columbia xospuuory coope rat ton waa uud and laltd because the court tfvldd that the lfovlrciel parll4iel codld not fokl it upoti tlrf pciae uo vhr are dfurminm to tt t3ounuhi hllu ticn to luxk thd up th cktall of ihe utuaw are not rt very 411 known but roughly prakin it nuana uiat grading feta tion and marketing board will le vt up alj over the country no doubt mamud by ulnla and angel who wouwl not cjwat or dwelt a farwr fur tike vtcrid ajkd fantura atul fruit and viaxe growtca will be comi- irtlcd to take tlwr kutf to tljro iiibnit to an arbitrary gradikg and qv all matlllng 0prauam ip live hamlt tj ukfhe wlw awn ho wul no doubt dedurt hueral coauauiloni und give thr lilto wljt 1 itft u unythlrtg pke ttitnf wema to tuepoutru hat wuodrr atiyone could avrloukly ronder u and yet tha loud prak- i arv fuunung ttielr bantiera aiuj urging all to loin than in their triumphal march tluir alogan l ftlsl ttiry tl let a fair pruv oh v- lrkd44l a guod high price and uw lannrr will know juat what he u go ing to get and no trouble at all timing a price and getting it are two th gckruuhwr ami wctu the january mailing of lb wo men a chrlatlan twnparmno union iu held on ltlday laat al th boa of ura clareno buck oohph t in the abaeno of th pnaidaiit ur o d dayfoot oocupiad lb chair the devotional period ud by ulu coventry with ua not of teeourgfi- tnrnt and ad to be doers of the word and not haajvio omy made a helpful preparation for tn ducuaaion of th many problem con fronting all temperance worion tn live prraent day the meeting accepted with deep re gret the realgnatlon of th recording crttary ura a n rvtth and ap pointed ura a j cnalll to all th offloe ura w ahofftul kindly agree ing to act aa auutant a reading by ura a reeve auner- intendent of th ltj llkiatratlng the powerful lasting and tongftoftu value of right taflutnot upon th joung pre faced a very eamaat dl c union on th subject of wan and mean of bringing hota to us john cltlien th aerlouanasa cf th affect of beverage alcohol the rvbruary meeting of th aoelety will be held at th home of ura a j oneui chart bt patcrsons soda biscuits 2 27c wsaifwstljl fuvorlfli dctraos 3wj23c lemons per dot main street 23c lettuce phone 367 2 for irk georgetow n ouoeas padc cuu pyairiimlion fow premur oeorge 8 itenry in hi capiclty a uinuur of bduoatloo an nauncad to tha provlnc last evening a reduction in tha seal of 1m ka- lnatlon race concurrently th pre mier luuaa autistic showing a raduoe turn during the pau year of tlifiob in net coat to the provtno on account lt lamination the ulnlster of education announ ce that tha fee to be charged can- ddatee in the departmental examin ation of 1034 have been reduced from ijo per paper to si per paper in the county and from ii to t cent in the provisional districts say th ftfiyi announcement during the pat two year the coat pr examination has been greatly re- iluctd not only by the policy of ac cepting the reports of teachers or live standing or pupils but also by re duction mad in th amount paid to those chargad with the conduct the examination the net cost to the province on account of all examination after de ducting th ahar of fee received in 1011 wan gmom in 1mj lotm and in 1033 it waa 1100 6m th amount cf fee received in 1031 waa guijlsj 1033 illojng and iu3 llfttml the decrease in th amount of fees received tn 1033 a compared with those of 1033 wa due mainly to two circumstance th transfer of th l achool xamlnitlona to local high school entrance board and th broader underttandlng of the fact that upr achool certificate in all except three subject carry with thm middle school standing pupil can bo promoted throughout th court in the achool of this province without writing any departmental examina tion the local coat of examination are paid by local hoard of truileaa which receive th entire amount of fee paid by lower achool candidate and 40 par cent of th fees paid by thow of the middle and upper achool the amount received usually manhunt board for expenditures and tut coat of th larger school whew tb x amlnatlon hall contain a buxlmuu number of candidate but a comfort- abl balanoe u not unusual the be partnunt of education make a grant on account of th lower school amlnatlon in ay centre where celpta fall ehort of expenditure stewarttown a mission conducted by tha rector rev r 8 bovd will b held to st johns church wewarttown hwa sunday jan lath to sunday mb 4th serylim on the slb at i oclock and from uonday to emday each evenhj at b oclock ohlldren airvlo every afternoon at 418 lltaalott cjosea sun day wb fib h tjo l tike ne price nlua all the com muilcn broir the aimer can gt it and will her hoi lirly ivope u1 do without things before they will pay a price they consider unfair a girat deal of fsrra produce such as benle anl bwii vrgeublea will not last more lhn one day tn urlctiy frrah alatr and if the public refute to buy the mirfcrtlna board must throw them out and ho surfent the pro- ducvr of courw hut what mattert lie t now a mere slave how will the merchant and the buying public take thu new mover they will not be allowm to buy from their old cuitomera but will be com pelled to bl thrlr aupplle from thru- marketing board they also will be tlavr the whole thing is an outrage and a violation of the right of drtt- tth subject and we hepe there will be a united move against it before it ti too late b n snow norval jan 1mb 134 junior win from acton in ihuak game 2 to 1 hxulma and ftulkftow botd wlm rmost knrudkfkdianuf tlve local junior team journryvd to actoa on uonday night and dfmlrd the acton boya 3 to 1 in a hectic hoo- xcy atruggle it wu a gnat gatoe with the local having to come trou uhlnd to win acton cord to the flrat period and uke local tld u up in tike ucond and again ixord in the thud- w luchaixuon ga both the locjlt gcal humerou penaltu e tiandvd out on both sides a the team cairtd their stick high wbo rough tax tic crept into the game ttu u only uw uond gato that the junior have ujvfd and they have won both up in iunirn on ivlday night the intrrmrulite uaia vr takeu by a j u 3 accrr u ha i fast utn gao btn twoly maul j- j uajca ilorton of the loca- and ukwlkctkir of ilmli wie um cxw acvai getting to tazb- whl the odd counuf uu ttui bj htroh ourtng 0 carty part of the gune uke toculk had uu u 41 of 111 pay with aj kjkoia oo hbiow who waa guod rnough to kp uuta utf the fccoic tlux about djldiay through the period itoeuchrr got his flru goai utul oie paflud endfd lltulra wading 1 to 0 fluy continued to be fau tn the icon j pcfud willi oiryttowtt gu- itig tlkr on y penj ty uf llw ganve mor ten- rriel jtkf count thorn lialf way tbiough ike period cnly tn have stroti cinu juk ktuti a counurr to put thr huw lw uu ujq 2 1 again in tha thijd tktrlod fforton put hi tram uu cut looting and both uanu ttofkd tkard to gt thr winning coal the hunor fcjl u hwlwhrr who xaird fur tue home lrg in the last ha f minute of pv tike iraks ore rgr town ooal ltlcharocn de ft nnr kail and hug ill centre teat lrua itiuhle ktrg atemaua llor- irn morten fuundrre and ii ackbum ijmlra ooal hud low defence kau itomingrr centir iiull wtnga o lutllng llteuher ajternale btroh tic tun ut q kderwand a belling sub una i rchit b ipfirev- jack hemphill tlve intermediate dropped anothet tume on ucnday nlgtit when they ml to piruon snd tost 3 to 0 to the uaroona prrlon ucrrd al their goal tn the rrcond nrrlod when they dlvplayed a tries of aggretslve power pli rough rhoppy ire tended to detract tfitn the customary smooth play of the livuls new front line with the fut that the play frequently bunched the uaroona deserted their win on the nlgtit play although the local threatened in the first pwiod when the primtn goalkeeper did some al- ml impoulble play to sate hi goal iftn intaslcn icr5cody theatre friday january 19j take a chance awkfaaj i wlib jaaae dlm uulaa ktatk cuu kuiara aj kltiauy it comedy doras dtmlung doushnuta fox news cartoon snow tunc saourtuy jan 20tk the song you gave me t 4 rvfrklkig gakty oarring beke daskbli comedy million dollar melody cartoon soda squirt melody master in o castilliun garden usliw at 3 tucttuy uul wdrkady jan 23 nd 24 f f 1 fifiif wujk aw f uk hl aatauul wulagh lo nlat liltr- ft tug uaag u tke aluulk comedy 3 little swigg cartoon slinnty where santa liveg oinnerwur couimo ty he ajl wtlb ua wl ashgrove on tucdjy evening a spinmid tt of alld4 on trtnidad were thorn at ute buikday bchool by rev o kryre a cruunole at the home of ur and ut o a wluon on wktrwiday night wa much enjoyed by all prca- rni the blith line ladue wrwd a bounlaacru lufkfjl ur tom urownrldgr ur j c cunningham and ur karl wilson at tended i tie agricultural union and banquet at the oao ouelph last tueaday the young people society met on buikday night with the ercaldent ur eaton wilton in the chair the de- totlanal part of the program wa taken by ur linker wrd rading the icrtpurf and ur wfd nune the prayer ulu eule kjui then favored us with a ano solo after which the tuuc ueuefj for and against iu- i su ably glwn by ur jowph cjlvtn an outline of their well- i unned program unlll th end of uay ft a trad out by the arcrury-treaur- rr ur john uird the league ben diction rioted th ratatlng the next big game of th uuon la tc morrow night whrn the local in- termed lata meet acon at the arena here this should be a great game rralt isutaa a f jc a m b 1 twmi a full house h i i exkfed will you be thare the bo need everyone aupport to win tht of all game be on hand and watch the fun otcr intulfcd tike installation or officer of cradll lodge ar- it ajj tooa place on rtl- day evening last lit w lira v uarraciougu wbo wa in chaxg of the ceremony and very aby aailstad by a large number of credit lodge lal uasura installed and lmatiad tha fol lowing brethren wjj uro geo dobfion ijjaw uro 1l c dayfoot uw bro a o iloblnion jw bio d p crtchum chaplain vw dro llrv woo thompson treasurer w bro or d ooliop secretary vw uro oeo rtord d of oat w dro c v llarr- c lough organll bro a fraarr bd uro w ford jd uro sam uackrnxle uobro e e voung b dro a buck js uro o t ucacay tyler bro j banford despite tike fact that the night wa cnvcjopcd la heavy fog and the roads very iy a rrooia altcndance of local oreinren were present this wa fur ther augmented by large number of vulung brethren from waterloo ouelcut union urempton and more iiuiajit poinu whoe ouplay of loyal ty under men trying weatner condl- uona pay nigh tribute to the caiccen ut wntch credit lodge and it mom- oera aland in the district at the banquet table prculded over by lb nsaly inst a tad uaitcr the usual toast were honoured and a short and lnstrucuv addreaa waa de livered by lit w bro if llaxa d dol after which several of th brethren and ruling uasura spoke conveying gieetlngs and expression of appreclatlou rn junior warden toast brought to a close a very happy and enjoyable evening that added on more mile stone to the history of credit lodge anntal ullting op ut albanu lau ik a juild the annual meeting of st albans luullca oulld olen wulianu wa iicitl in uu iurlsh ilali on thursday altemoon a good number present th lresldeut ura lindey beau mont requested the iteclor to talu the chair after uke opening prayer the minute of last annual meeting were read snd adopted the sccreuiry air wagstalte gave a synopsis of a good ytars work the rrcasurer air joseph eson presented her re port ahowlng good receipt a com- lortable working balance and a gu- croua aum turned over to tha church- aardens ur thompson expressed gratifica tion with he good and faithful work done and called un the ladle to carry on a they wire doing in their ex cellent endeavour elections were oil by acclamation and those arc the officers for 1034 lion president ura woo thompson president mrs undley beaumont vicepresident urs p young secretary ura wagstaffe treasurer urs j kason visiting commit tee ura diudd and urs crawford shrove tuesday feb 13th was sji oa the date of the bazaar it was decided to hold a shower for the bauar and urs thompson in vited tiie oulld to the rectory for that occasion the meeting wu then adjournal and a pleasant social halfhour spent while refreshments wero served high school board the regular monthly meeting of tht georgetown utgh school board wu held on tuesday evening with all members present and ur w v oram in the chair the minutes of the previous most- uur were read and confirmed ft wu moved and passed that the following accounts be paid oeorootown herald iis3h provouul coating mills 4m it wu moved and passed that the board give grant of 110 00 for history book for the clu worn ubved and carried that uu board join the ontario school trust b and ratepayers association aiaeunf ivljotittiad aa u duncan war elected president and oeorge rlddsll tcrury of the oeorietown juvenile hotkey league at the annual oreanliauon meeting rf th alx team held last thundsy cvorgetown will have four team tn the loop and norval and olen wil liams will also enter a tram trail rangers there ware uurtycn puxent lut wednesday evening tor no uguiar trail hangers w orclutr and ulntarei show practice tcupind th tint part of the even ing hi devotional and business period thn folio ed in order w vicrc very pleased to receive a chal lenge from th acton trail hangars for a hockey gome in th pear future like acton boys will play bar and the georgetown boys will play th 1 1 turn game to acton the following week ihe question of paper gathering vi at llxroughiy gone into and baiur- daiy t heck- up showed that th boya ore working faithfully ruch wsk a ivport has to be handed in by th captain of each team uul thursday afternoot the junior ulur and whites stated a hard fought and interesting game of hockey after a strenuous hour of hockey the score stood at 4 4 th stars of th team were j kcrnshe ad louth and it ooldham it ha been decided to reserve the arena for the junior boys other week for an afternoon every next saturday the acnlo team will again play th tuxi boy and they promise revenge for their buck recent set- la it sunday evening thirty on the knox trail hangers attended prrbytcrliin church and 1 he add- milt led itecjulremrnte it today i youth delivered by dr howard wu imatly rnjoyod the following are the team and to- dividual standings it will be noted that the two team are lied at 633 points blurs 33 whites 33 o long w u j sargent w m o it nld ali w m it wilcox w 14 j louth b 4 c bloc word b 84 b kennedy b b4 d ucucnemy b m d jourdaln b 40 j wilcox w 40 a drill w 4j john emmeraon b u w latimer b u b ooldham w 4o it varey b 45 b uaclaren b 40 j emmeraon b 30 8 emmeraon w u y johnson w 34 e arnold b 31 e uccumber b 31 it droomhrad w 30 o collier w 34 y cleave w lg j dorm w 94 a stapleton w v wright b 30 13 if crawford w 10 w oxley b u sanderion b 0 j icomshead b k spcnce w 1 union at the annual meeting of presbyterian church held list union all the report showedlhstlh or ganizations had mad progress during the tea- the treasurers report show ed that the church had enhanced its budget with no accounts outmandlnc oftloera elected were treasurer e v barraclough board of manage ment p lyons j hoaie and b xes- lle auditor p u thompson y potch collcotor urs rutledt j uodonald o young and o ucdon- nld record steward j ooak choir leader ur p l thotnpson bundsy school superlntondent e townsend assistant superintendent peter dick british air travel is getting still rofcr lut year only one person wu killed for every 1qj0bm miles travel led on air un acton ur end urs john aid u cprtnge diukounc the enjagemsnt of their daughter elva uay to ur janus alriandrr drydon ton of ur i un prank llrydon oaprtnge the marriage to take place th latter part cf this month ur it u uodonald has gumcuntly nxoverad from his ungthy ulnes to tc able to be down tora lhl week i rltndj were also pleas to wtlcota htm again at a couple of th bu tng of orfnljatloiis of which he is an ortlclal and all hope hi health will con tin u to saprom the sale of f area stock of a j uurray on uonday was on of th largest sale of stock held tn th dis trict in torn time pair prloa were recured and th eotlr ofieiing dis posed of by auctions r j kftr ur john trvm saw a fun- grown wolf near his tana hare the other day th animal wu sighted on the third line just balow the fara of ur w ritchie and ut ucoonsjd wu within fifteen yard of the crea ture a wolf which 1 thought to have beeri th same animal wu also seen by sidney orasa rielgrkboee th district have been out hunting the animal th past week day tn the ropr of ridding the tvelghbornood of it pre press erin an esteemed cltlsen of th village in the person of ur j 8 leslie quietly celabratad hi tath birthday on december ttth although ur lesll wu in poor health in th lata fall he hu quit recovered and is about dally oa sunday december 31st 1033 ur and ura richard overland quiet ly celebrated okslr fiftieth wadding anniversary plfty years ago they war united tn marriage by th 1 rev auld at the bom of th brtdee parent the farm which 1 now the home of ur isaac tsaur both wit nesses are deceased a life long resident of caledon wast township passed away in his sleep on bundsy morning january tlh in the person of william itenry laughlln tn hi gjrd year deceased had been in his ususl health and his sudden demise came u a great shock to his fsmlty and friend on new years night neighbors assembled at his home and pre n ted ur and ura laughlln with an address and break- fast suite prior to their departure for their new home in orongevule to which place they had planned to re tire a motor ear driven by harold uor- rlson wa completely wrecked when it wu struck by a opjl southbound mbvst train travelling from elora to oningevllle al the seventh line cross ing in hlllsburg uonison eacaned with minor laceration and a severe shaking up thl is the first level crossing araldent on the elora branch of the opjl advocate milton ulss uargarel teller a wellknown and highly respected cltlscn of llliton passed away at her homo on ulil st on sunday afternoon after on illness of eight weeks although she had been a shutin from rhcumstlsm for nearly nine years uiss tvifer who wo in her 13rd yagr came to uilton thirty year ago from waterdown ur and urs oeorge williams cele brated their silver wedding at ukelr home on pino st uilton jan 2nd ur william who is an old soldier and also an old contemptible wu in the retreat of uan in 1014 and saw service throughout the war ho join ed the 33nd brigade iloyal pleld ar ullcry in 1000 ur and urs wil liams were the recipient of some very lovtly presents donations gratefully acknowledged oct and nov by the gordon homo arc plums urs wm scott npplos urs o lush rolls and sandwiches jr parmer club quilt ulu elsie wcatherall 8 8 no 8 esquasing apples oeo wilson grapes a e woodley ura t p ohlsholm under wear the uoson knitting co acton apples erindau w i fruit shower scotch block w i a large white goose owned by prank ohlsholm farmer of esqucalng town ship died lut woek at the ag of 40 years which is believed to be a record for longevity among its kind i year she laid twelve egg and raised ten goslms wa hear quite often of geese living long live but tn mast cue they aw killed when their use fulness u done tiu might be any where from 10 to 1ft yean a goose would ordinarily lay about sb eggs a year champion canada supplies iceland with rubber shoe wmuul vury rrjttuig of ol ch irch okn wuilasna wu rt iid by tto clnk ur and glen williams hy albtu y vi hftn ujytni tie auun veld in tlw puiuh lull un turiday rtnuig jn 16th uu iutor llrv woo tltoohujjii urfavlalaig tlkr micimj v ginl ulth the- citxxl uil prarra llw niliiuu vki ju pn lb humcnt sdopixj ur arthur iwuumoiit isope war den prrunted tlw ciiiurhsarden re- pon whuh u iiw tinancui report of the church showing an tmprwe- mrnt in tlw finance the church hav- ing mun thtin t rid iwr on the itrtor riin id lilt asure in nndlng an improvrmtnt in tlw church finances mid u ked llw wopw to co- opt rate to ttwlr brtt alulity good and satlclaitor l rt wcrr alto prrsrntrd b ur juph iliuon or the ladles ouud by ur jack crawford for st albans club by ur e llludd for ttw hunday school all acre adoptod appointment and elctlon werr llkrn proceeded with tlw flecior n appointed uontague urrothty us itetcor warden ur arthur ilcjumunt waa reelected ivople wutdrn by ucciamallon board of uanogcment j crawford it katon j ulutuon j ijuon a dewhurst e budd w ii beaumont un v d wagstarfe ulu uarlo ora- nam y o apulryard ur beaumont sldeunen j crawford j everson n eaon j emckcnson j cason allen dew hurst u beaumont w beau mont if dewhunt cyru clark oro- vrr norton oamet norton a comprehensive nou of thank wu passed with applause to the organist churchwarden choir and all otocers and members of organisation wtto had aorked for the good of the church and her lord during the year th hector expressed his cooum nuatlon al so and the meeting adjouiried- on the odjourument of the vestry the hector declared a meeting of the congregation duly opened for the elec tion of a lay delegate ur joseph beaumont t hire- j ear term having eiptrrd ur beaumont wu re-eiect- rd by acclamation for a further three- year period the meeting wu then dosed with the benediction on wednesday evening a number of our voung people gave a shower in honor of ur and urs stanley pacer at the home of ur and urs percy wogitanv when the bride and groom received many very useful present on friday evening a dance wu given the same young couple in the village hail when friends from a distant donated other beautiful present on tuesday evening the cojt held a sleighing party under th lead ership of ulsa wagataff lunch waa served and all enjoyed the outing the annual meeting of the united church wu held on thursday even ing it wo aeli attended and all reports were satisfactory there wai a good attendance at the service in the united church bunday night when lantern slide were shown of the work in tl i muin of trlna- dad ut albans voung mens club met on uonday night oenrral business was dixiiutd and u tuchrc uu plan ned for friday night thla is a new organlratlon and ur j crawford the president says that it u going over good after a lajuw of years the bagplpea can be heard again in our midst this l not a complaint wedding bells will soon be ringing olutt to see mrs j eaton around again of u r iwr recent accident balunafad tlu women s association hold thell llrm muting uf tlu jiar on tuesday jun irih ut tlw uuiuo wiui the presi dent ur wm ucencry presiding rm fciriiuurc- usson wo token by mrs y w shoruil and the president ud in pruir the tnasurcr mus j bhoitlll gave a very satisfactory re port fcr 10j3 all account paid and u balanc of gsjoo the president tlwn outlined u plan of work for the liar the nrit ucllvlty to take the form of a r ish pond u iclal to be held in the former methodist church on prldaj fib lcth all arrangement ixlng ronipkud for some the pro gramme commute appointed to ar- mge for i lie- regular monthly meet ing vvrrr culled upon to report and uwi prrsrnted tach member with a ropv of the programme for the year arrangement were also competed for the quilting of the autograph qulll alur tlu business wu disposed of ura u vunattcr played a very de lightful pin no solo and ulss pearl mc- lncry tiuig in ivcr udual pleasing man ner urs w ucerurye reading ttu viar u jour wu a mcut fitting mee- jige for thu new year the attcn- danco wa very satisfactory the mem bers responding to thu roll cull with a new years resolution th february meatus villi be held at the home of mls joanna bhortlll at the annual meeting of the young p oplc society which wu held in the church the following of ficers were elected for 1034 president pearl mcenery vicepresident pred bhortlll secretary treasurer j p kirk wood departmental secretaries ret a shortiii ethel swtndlehurst alberta beswick alma mcenery organist ur d vanatter mr p blnnle many friend are glad to see htm around again cold lews about forty per cent of his or iter efficiency according to some thero arc about 4w public library authorities in england and waiee they have an expenditure of t03 wbooai u30yj1 borrower f r

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